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tv   News  RT  September 15, 2019 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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making headlines today the u.s. continues its strong anti iran rhetoric now accusing taran of attacking saudi oil facilities despite the rebels saying they did it there are accusations of a lie. while washington stance on iran didn't soften even off the hawkish u.s. national security advisor john bolton was fired this week by donald trump. also in the stories that shaped the week an american t.v. network sues the top presenter of another channel for describing them as paid russian propaganda we look at the track record of the m s n b c host and question when it comes to making claims about the continent.
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is that we can hear a lot international with me live from moscow this is our roundup of the top stories from the last 7 days in the latest up to date news welcome to the program. the u.s. secretary of state has accused iran of launching a quote unprecedented assault on the world's energy supply saying that iran is behind attacks on saudi arabia's old production truong denies any involvement in the attack calling the u.s. accusations ally has the exact wording from the u.s. . we call on all nations to publicly unequivocally condemn iran's attacks the united states without partners and allies to ensure that energy markets remain well supplied and the round is held accountable for its aggression. having failed at max pressure secretary of state compost turning to max to seat the us and its clients are stuck in yemen because i'm allusion that weapon superiority will lead to
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military victory blaming iran won't end disaster excepting our april 15th proposal to end the war and begin talks may or refining in saudi arabia has now been hard as a result of fires the 2 major state run facilities i witnesses shared a video on social media of a huge blaze where gunshots can apparently be heard in the background the u.s. claims it was a result of drone strikes with one of them being launched from iraqi territory while baghdad denies any possibility is territory was used. earlier yemen's had the rebels claim responsibility for deploying drones to attack that society oil producing facility and also a major hot oil field they say the strikes are in response to the saudi led war in yemen backed by the us washington has also previously charged iran with lending support to the with these how it was sufi professor of political science at the university of toronto leaves these latest accusations from the us a most likely basis. our mike has
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a very long history of making accusations without providing any actual evidence to who deserve already claimed responsibility for these attacks and although the scale of these attacks are on precedented we have to remember that the hutus have launched drone attacks deep inside saudi arabia for months now so i think there is no surprise there and the u.s. has accused iran of sending weaponry to the hutus but we also have to remember that yemen has been under a very cv year a military blockade by the saudis with the help actually of the americans for over 4 years now making it very difficult to even send food lead to loan weaponry so i think he's just trying to come up with excuses to charge you on of crimes that iran has actually not committed. so the vehement anti iran rhetoric from the u.s. continues even after one of terrans most outspoken critics national security advisor john bolton was fired by present trump on cheers day it was one of the big
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headlines of the week a strong claimed he disagreed with bolton on several key foreign policy issues there's no word yet on who will be the next national security advisor john bolton is renowned for his aggressive hawkish approach to foreign policy he supported the u.s. intervention in syria and was a staunch the against easing pressure on north korea he also adopted a tough stance on iran and backed scrapping the nuclear deal that in hawkins has been taking a closer look at his record. scandals resignations and dismissals are part and parcel of trump's presidency a few policy disagreements a swift tweet from the presidents and another administration official bites the dust it was clear from the outset that trump and his national security advisor would have their disagreements i'm the one that tempers him but that's ok i have different sides i mean i have john bolton and i have other people that are a little more dovish than him and ultimately i make that decision we can speculate
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on which exact what will lead to bolton's exit the failed talks on afghanistan the question of rush hour or perhaps a run but it seems the animosity lasted until his final day in office i offered to resign last night and president trump said let's talk about it tomorrow i informed john bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the white house i disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions as did others in the administration views himself as a skilled dealmaker who talked tough when needed for bolton but wasn't enough he needed to walk the walk and actively consistently show strength on all fronts the middle east russia north korea latin america you name it he held out on compromising stance on sanctions military action and regime change. bolton was one of the key advocates of toppling the madeira government using any
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means necessary all options on the table ready to go this troika of tyranny this triangle of chair stretching from havana to caracas to managua is the cause of immense human suffering this is a time for action. trump showed he was willing to meet to negotiate with even the greatest perceived u.s. adversities even if it meant just a symbolic photo op the right intentions seems to be their bet it will make it clear that they won't i don't like sanctions because. this country i think they want to make peace i think it's time for bolton though this was unacceptable so it could be a long and unproductive meeting or it could be a short non productive meeting we have very much in mind the libyan model from 20032004 while bolton boiled that north korea had violated u.n. sanctions offer a missile test and may trump downplay the incident saying he wasn't spooked north korea fired off some small weapons which disturbed some of my people and others but
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not me. taking on iran was perhaps bolton's priority number one within a month of his appointment in april 28th in the u.s. have pulled out of the iran nuclear deal and advocate of preemptive strikes he pushed for military action against iran after a u.s. drone was brought down and as ever his thinly veiled threats centered around regime change we hope that these new measures directed at the arabian dictatorship will compel the government to re-evaluate its pursuit of terror at the expense of its people well i think he is on the verge of making a mistake i think his advisors are pushing him in the wrong direction ironically just as bolton prepared to depart speculation has been rife on possible talks between trump and the rain in president through any it would have thought that possible after so much hostile rhetoric perhaps the final straw was trump's plans
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of wind down the longest war in u.s. history including hosting talks with taliban leaders at camp david it's speculated that bolton this was in comprehensible it seems that with or without bolton's presence u.s. foreign policy may have more surprises in store during trump's 1st. aspect of dan's piece is what we're focusing on later in the program even though the u.s. shut down the hard to peace talks the afghan taliban still wants donald trump to get back to the negotiating table as altie found out in the exclusive interview with the negotiating team it's a had this half hour. senior u.s. journalists are once again fighting over russia with one t.v. network announcing the host of another for describing them as paid russian propaganda trying to have the story. here comes a familiar voice which becomes even more familiar if we hear words like russia or
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russian the most obsequiously approach trump right wing news outlet in america really it literally is page correction propaganda for those who still didn't recognize that that was really literally rachel maddow speaking about the one american news network on her miss n.b.c. show i'll get to the point of reminding you how she keeps seeing russia everywhere in a moment but don't you think there must be someone out there who won't just swallow what the m s n b c star anchor says without having a bag with a decent jab well o.a.m. is filing a defamation lawsuit they want 10000000 bucks one america is wholly operated and financed by the herring family in san diego they are as american as apple pie they are not paid by russia and have nothing to do with the russian government this is a false and malicious libel and they're going to answer for it in a court of law to tell you about the reason for when rachel maddow said really
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literally which is supposed to mean definitely no doubt shares staff with the kremlin that's another thing she said it's just that a one america journalist did freelance work for a russian based news agency sport nick she got him busted. soledad but as i've said earlier the number of times rachel maddow turned her show into a grand russian paranoia episode is just difficult to. 1 are about to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what russia. is under attack from the president from the president republican supporters in congress from the president conservative media supporters and also from the ongoing russian influence operation that is still around. what happened if russia killed the power in fargo today
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and what would happen if all the natural gas lines that surface and falls just goofed on the coldest day in recent memory and it wasn't in our power whether or not to turn them back on no wonder that when some folks decided to put the m s n b c hosts russia gate obsession into a mathematical perspective they found she spent more time talking about russia than all other topics combined over a certain period. now you know what it takes to become the most watched hosts in all of cable news she got to that milestone last year but when step by step it gets revealed that a lot of what you were saying was just a flow of blah blah you make up to win views the consequences do start haunting you 1st the ratings gradually went down and then the actual conclusions of the molar pro blood to wet is on air this is what the viewers saw when rachel maddow 1st realized the probe wasn't going the russia gaiters way and so we know the logistics
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of how we got the notification that it did and obviously right now we have mostly just a ton of questions as to what miller's report says how complete it is who gets to see it who gets to decide who gets to see it and when. now here comes the lawsuit the one i mentioned nothing's. sided yet but probably even more people will think twice next year really literally in that familiar voice. to a mystery that has puzzled minds for the past 60 years and $959.00 a group of soviet hikers in the year on mountains disappeared 9 bodies were eventually found various theories surrounding past deaths and now a special project launched by. we chronicle the fateful incident.
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interactive project allows you to follow the hikers 10 day trek you can explore what the group did each day through photos and maps and also what they wrote you also discover more about the unexplained injuries on the bodies and the various theories as to what exactly happened added to that you can put yourself into the shoes of one of the team members as they walk along the route and then vote on your suspected version of what happened after weighing up the evidence you're presented with.
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join me every thursday on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to us in the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. we want a catalan republic because we think it would be geared to our people and we want to contribute to the welfare of europe into the european values of democracy of equality of dialogue of peace and we think that we are ready to contribute. to this new europe but in this part of the euro me the european community and constituency would see the big deal what's the problem why can't we
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accept that possibility in the 21st century. i'll come back in an exclusive interview with the taliban has to return to the negotiating table over the war in afghanistan there were talks with russian officials this week after the us president shut down a year long peace process with the militant group despite hopes that the negotiations might and almost 2 decades of conflict the taliban commander was supposed to go to the united states before signing an agreement the deal was to include washington withdrawing troops in exchange for a commitment from the minute not to shelter terrorists justified ending the
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negotiations citing an islamist attack in the afghan capital that resulted in the death of an american soldier that suicide car bombing killed 10 people in total and injured dozens more. it was one of 3 assaults crime by the taliban in 2 week period in addition to attacks which have taken place over the 12 months at the peace talks on killing al cycling how they expect trying to negotiate with them while that killing history. the next day when mr parker canceled this. negotiation he mr buckle his father is that he says he admitted that he had a good 1000 other well so if big kill thousands of us why we cannot kill one of them or 2 other than what is imposed on us. american soldiers don't want to it's not our immediate soldiers are going to be in washington they are out there there was
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a lot of us but still we. proposed and we are very keen to bring peace and i want some to the question but unfortunately i need to which we've reached some sort of fidelity even if it was cancelled by the american side cites if the if the american side is not really negotiation and did not want based on the doable so all that we would be compared to defend ourselves i would never do this 500 years. i don't know that the reason behind it may be you can ask them what happened but we are still committed to the negotiations we see that i would stand our policy from this time the commitment of this time is that there's no solution for of one conflict except because she shouldn't and accept the peace on the table so we don't want to revitalize we hope that to step down. his. notes made him he come back to where i want to be would be just the sign of the doubt after that and
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back to give it to america. and i can democratic politicians are increasingly speaking out on the issue of fracking but many. calling for the process to be completely banned fracking involves and drilling deep into the ground to a couple of the natural gas critics claim it's dangerous and bad for the environment and top u.s. time across shadows. reports the usa is now the world's top the oil exporting country check out these words from the international energy agency booming shale production has allowed the u.s. to close in on and briefly overtake saudi arabia as the world's top oil exporter president trump says that this is a huge achievement he's ready to celebrate success becoming more and more energy dominant i don't want to be energy 3 we want to be an engine dominant in terms of
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the world but not everyone shares donald trump's energy market enthusiasm in fact most of the people who want to run against him in the 2020 alexion want to outlaw the practice of hydraulic fracking that's the reason the usa has so much oil and gas any proposal to avert the climate crisis must include a full fracking ban on public and private lands. on my 1st day as president i will sign an executive order that puts a total moreau tarm on own you fossil fuel leases for drilling offshore and on public lands and i will ban fracking everywhere it's not just the left progressives you've got the centrist kemal the harris there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking so at this point roughly 59 percent of america's oil is extracted from the shale so if you outlawed the practice of hydraulic fracking you would knock down the oil sector of the u.s. economy pretty hard the same for natural gas now check out this headline. kremlin
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kemal or harris and other democrats are embracing vladimir putin's preferred us energy policy the new conspiracy theory even went viral on twitter many in fracking and use of natural gas would do more damage to america and make lead to more prudent heavier than anything donald trump has ever said or done so good job democrats you are being pro russia pro putin and program wind by wanting to ban natural gas of course the senator isn't the only 2020 democrat calling for this from russia with love ban on fracking the most reliable of k.g.b. useful idiots bernie sanders is even clearer that this notion that opposition to hydraulic fracking is all a big plot from moscow is nothing new in fact we've even heard it from the halls of the u.s. congress we have seen evidence of campaigns targeting. an energy as 2 to. industries of interest to foreign powers on energy we've seen anti fracking narratives so it
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seems like nowadays the only way to really play it safe in american politics is to find out what the why we're putting once and do the exact opposite so let's hope that the russian president doesn't talk about say fixing up america's crumbling roads and bridges or addressing the opioid epidemic. r.t. new york. before it's even been released harley with latest a comic book movie is facing a backlash is being accused of glorifying violence. the joker starring joaquin phoenix documents the early years of the villain from the pat lang franchise and shows him as a loner who descends into mount this is not yet on public release but at a screening at the venice film festival this has got people arguing online with many saying it encourages viewers to sympathize with problematic. i don't want to
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have sympathy for a man best known for his robbery murder and arguably rape shoved down my throat for 2 hours it was not that long ago when a socially isolated described chilled white man who felt wronged by society quite literally dressed up as a joker and shot up a movie theater in colorado joke of a film where you're supposed to sympathize with a mediocre white man radicalising to do range violence will no doubt be appealing to the wrong audience for the worst reasons millions of children will see the upcoming film joker to laugh at a clown millions of children will be taught that crime violence and mayhem this stuff of jokes when will howl with take responsibility for promoting you culture of crime. the filmmaker who believes that censorship should be a last resort. the problem with criticizing
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a film before it comes out for what it's supposed to say is that we're starting to . a lot of people like to do in this country self censor art and creative expressions of art and i have a big issue with pure and simply because it's really difficult to comment on something that you've not seen and if you're already saying that something is going to be the way you think it's going to be and you don't want to see it then we have a problem we have the problem that we have in this country with the polarization at a political level at a cultural level we don't want to see what we think is going to be different from what we think about what we support i don't think that video games or movies will encourage people to commit acts of violence i think the issue is at the source of education of many things that are going on in this country when it comes to mass shootings and role violence i think intertainment if something is an expression of
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something that is happening in this society that we need to deal with and it's a reminder that there is a lot of issues that are not dealt with and i feel that a lot of people like to put those issues under the carpet instead of dealing with them head on. the weekly taylor will take at the top of the hour with more updates stay with us. pain years and across america started 10 years i think it's time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the format here is what i've been thinking about next season related episodes filmed on an island 10 experts fight it out for a trophy what do you think ok a more affordable option $25.00 text birds. and one red rose another suggestion geopolitical jeopardy parity no political cookout where we will
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literally wrote the elites. late night show it's a rare form that these days and it's cheap all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner. to leave me with one of my goals i can do this campbell after politics ready gone wild like music. ok crosstalk is not about hype it's about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. peter if you want to change something why don't we get rid of the bow tie no that is too much. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military. every thing came to a complete. the day that i was raped. you know to show what they
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kill me and i see i would destroy. any screamed at me and he made me come in the gram my own arm and he write me with his birthing if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing to have happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished don't be offended and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our violent male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's men or women.
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who are the wild come to worlds apart today we're coming to you from barcelona where thousands of people took to the streets to celebrate the national day without having and nation state to hear us after they washed the independence referendum on their remains both a foreign and bargaining chip in spanish politics and that's the acting government in my face that just average closer to their. worth elections in 4 years what is it leave the secessionist off i'll be putting this question chomping boss minister for foreign action institutional relations and transparency tell on am. all for bush it's good to talk to thank you very much for your time thanks for inviting me. i
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introduced you as a minister but the spanish authorities you're more like a counselor with an outsized mandate because the spanish authorities don't believe that colony is supposed to have any foreign the action of foreign policy and then dado independent state why this could tell on a need to have for an action that you are responsible for or we're not going to argue about words we simply translated like that in english so that you understand that i'm part of a government the catalan government is not an independent government belonging to recognise state but still we do have a minister like lenders and germany or other governments also have. yes we been seeing how the spanish government especially the ministry of foreign affairs led brady has been trying to stop us from making any foreign action we think we're entitled to that because. in the 21st century you go to be
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competitive and have a place in the world otherwise you will prosper i'm sure would agree that the lonnie's know it's like any other city in spain this dispute has been plaguing this country for 3 centuries and if you look at the recent polls it's not evident that the majority of couple one support independence i wonder how do you frame this issue right there is it still about full of independents or do you stop way outsell determination and the right to vote the regardless of which way the vote goes from a pro independence party and our ideas that we can have a better country and better welfare for all people. with a cut to long republic so that's what we're pursuing and regarding how many people support that you have all kinds of polls some of them were majority and some of those perhaps not but that's exactly why we want to vote we want to know the real
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numbers we want to know who's supporting in the pens and who would smoke and there's no way the kingdom of spain can agree on such a referendum like the u.k. did it for scotland or the so we don't think we're better than any other nation but we're not less than any other nation but the e.u. know that the problem with referenda and i think the bracks and station shows that the independents moment it's called support is that as well is that people may change their mind the circumstances may change. are you sure that if you have internationally a recognised referendum and if the majority of catalan say no to independence is that going to put the issue to rest once and for all. not for me or people like me but we will have a result and we will accept it obviously. the same thing.


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