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tv   Documentary  RT  September 19, 2019 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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today the latest weapon coupled with the fighting skill of the american soldier stand ready on the alert all over the world to defend this country the american people against aggression this is the big picture now to show you part of the big picture here is sergeant stuart wait. the privilege of serving the united states and uniform is no longer limited to map. out your place by the women's on the koran taking this grooming and feminine means is one of the 1st lessons learned by the way through. their work demands that
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require a perfect physical health system. sure you've all heard the say there's a right way. and the army way. this isn't running for president carter and it is a. model but.
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50. 00 would go on your every word it doesn't matter with your own man or woman only your. own 530. second guess as to why i don't worry it's totally clear. there was a waiting list for the navy over a year and i knew i didn't wait that long so i had a friend to me about the coast guard and i went to the coast guard and they said that they could get me in within a month so said ok. i
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tried college and i had. a good job but as a married and and east texas i bought my own little house and the military was something i always wanted to do i come from military family i was always taught that it's every citizen's duty to join the military if you can you should so i want to go ahead and join and start a career. i'm sure of it of course i was 17 years old i had a boyfriend that encouraged me to go in so that's why they didn't give you permission to go. when i was in high school i was impressed with the marines but i had met. a colonel that used to run laps around the truck after soccer practice and he said he'd be perfect for the marine corps is a really smart with the marine corps needs the professionalism the camaraderie everything about it inspired me. after i graduated high school. i left
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for orlando florida which was the 1st time i was ever on an airplane and a life. initially it was just wanting to go see the world because i'm from a really small town i had a college scholarship to go play basketball but i instead opted to go into the military. you know what i chose to do. i come from a long line of military when we had somebody from every generation on both sides of the family all the way to mary ward had served in the armed forces and i chose the marine corps because no one in my family had ever done that. well of putting on a uniform every day and you know just getting out there and giving it my all and it's a very proud feeling. that i would have done for camp and it was create the camaraderie the discipline and everything it taught you who
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i wanted to be that's what they taught. obviously it was different taking a shower with different people all of a sudden. just a great experience i was a sailor every single report on me was excellent grades i knew what i needed to do in my job i was a great team leader. i really enjoyed the whole challenge of it i got several different awards and kudos it was mainly men love that i could blend and keep up with the guys and work as hard as. the new economy was challenging and education was talk notch my senior year i was selected to be one of the top 30 leadership positions by the company great officers there. after basic i went to the naval security group last. i remember getting there you know
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issued a parka got set up in my room and then he took me to a bar which was in her barracks and set down in a table were was me and about 10 other guys. and you know kind of felt like a piece of meat on a slab at that point and i never wanted to turn around and leave so much of my life that i couldn't. get it. right. i met kori december 17th of 2007 i was on watch when she got to the station and then this blew me away when she walked in. right. ok thank you. the command told us that she was coming then there were some
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issues but we didn't none of the crew knew exactly what had happened and i didn't find out for a long time. i was stationed in saginaw michigan. i was the only female in my section. i had a supervisor it got to the place for i get calls at 3 o'clock in the morning and he'd be drunk at a bar telling me to come get him and i'm like i can i'm bad and he would threaten me. i'd walk in from training and he'd be sleeping in my bed. when we went to one of the higher ups the chain of command they were all like his his drinking buddy and they told me just because i didn't like somebody they were going to switch me away from this guy. in the mean around taps and. he don't lock the door need come in and he had an erection. when he tried to get me
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to touch him i took my right hand and i pushed him in the chad and started to yell for the other guys to kind of hear me. he hit me across. the left side of my face i remember. holding the closet thinking what just happened. to my face hurt so. when we went down to me in this petty officer who saw my face. they just. because they didn't want any kind of problems going on. a couple weeks later i needed the key to do my cleanup so i knocked on his door and he said ok yeah come on in here and here and i said no no i'm going to wait out here. and he screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm. the.
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and he raped me. every thing came to a complete and the day that i was raped i got there in february. by april i was drugged and raped for the 1st time i had like a cold or pneumonia like sometimes and so they sent me to get shot. and while i was waiting to be examined. and came in and he helped himself he said he was going to the bathroom and he came into my room and and that's when he raped me the entire time i was screaming and yelling for help and for him to stop nobody came to the door and nobody. came to help me and maurice cure anything they made it very very clear. if i said anything they were going to kill me. you know and then of course i didn't have anyone to go talk to because the people
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that were perpetrating me were the police. it was my 1st time ever and. i had a tough time convincing myself that i'm still. if this is happening to me you know i can only imagine surely i'm not the only one in which i found out later go in through the claims process that i wasn't. it's just after 3 am i see a shadow of a human head over my body next thing you know like i'm awake and like he's on top of me pushed my legs apart and put himself on top of me and start pulling at my shirt and i wake up in that he's on top of me. he's already penetrated i was drugged i remember the sounds the smell.
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it is locked and loaded $45.00 at the base of my skull. engage the ball so that i knew there was around chamber all i could do was continue to concentrate on breathing slam my head against the concrete wall and very forcefully had sex with me just so went to my tent pulled a sleeping bag over my head and cried myself to sleep so within the 2 week period. he raped me 5 times we got tested. i had a trick. and i was pregnant ready. he did. he rape me. 991 in congressional testimony it was estimated that 200000 women had been sexually assaulted so far in the u.s. military if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme
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retaliation and that was you know more than a decade ago i would say you could easily double that number and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the. u.s. military. the process of constructing this was to train as a bio degradable scaffold which is porous and this is inserted beneath the skin when the skin the suction over the scaffold over a period of about 6 months you have to shoot in growth and invest in occurring in other words the cells the mule in your body grow into the scaffold it grows its own blood supply so now this is fully integrated as part of its own living.
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he. is. going to do the falls so. you can see each of them with bullets of them. to go to the dish. song sit on me she's on a soft spot the mouthpiece down this time i don't. need to promote. these to compete with the real truth of people who were.
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more in the cat. the so was prescribed in last 3 to 4 months this is cracks a tea. towel a pram this is the annex. i'm tired of taking. where they should be.
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for 5 years now. i can eat the foods that i everything is potato chalo. times.
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that there was. my dad my brother prior navy in the army national guard and. in the family in. was excited and completely just going and all my family was proud of me. as my biggest hero. told us of your own being taken care of and i guess that's one of the hard things that i have to accept because i told her that she would be. who's in february we got a call. once who is dying and he. rubbed his hand all over my entire body and told me
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he said i own all of this. and i was absolutely scared didn't know what to do i call my dad. when the 1st thing she said was bad. and. i said. what happened he said i was right. and you're a virgin. because. tribute. don't ever think you're. my main nerve in my spine was 3 places and my hips are rotated. my title is
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director of military plans and personnel policy for the navy. we have specifically trained judge advocates our navy lawyers in our naval criminal investigative service those investigators are all specifically trained in sexual assault any report of a sexual assault is fully investigated in the united states navy they didn't take care of it for a year and a half they were tracking down witnesses they had all these students that are. and they can walk them down and say hey you're only hold talking to statement and i didn't and i went through 3 investigators it was like ok i'm giving this case that's what it's sort of felt like oh right i'm giving this case i'm going to take care of it oh well this is really want to really want to deal with it females would come up to their commanders or their and ceo's and say that they were either sexually assaulted or abused and i don't think it was taken seriously i think a lot of times a cursory investigation was done and they were basically told to just suck it up
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a member bring in a young service member been brutally raped and bring him to see or command and try to make sure that this girl was take care properly and this idiot. the city in order to stop crime of course built milk out of time and the credibility of the witness was called into account had the potential victim had she made claims like this in the past there was a lot of witch hunting going on i was ordered to advise a victim of her rights for false statement when i knew that she wasn't lying i was asked to bring her in advise her of her rights like a criminal and interrogate her for false statement quote unquote until i got the truth out of her. what we hear again and again from soldiers who have been raped is that as bad as it was being raped what was as bad if not worse was to receive professional fratelli ation
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in their chosen career merely because they were raped when you report something. you better be prepared for the repercussions if a man gets accused of rape it's a setup the woman's life i could choose to report it but if i wasn't if you know if they found that what i was saying wasn't to be truthful than i would be reduced in rank you could lose your rate you could lose rank you could lose your school if you file a false report 'd so do you want to file a report. with the. everything in the 1st my friend numerate me they sound believe me i reported it to different times to my squad leader and he told me that there is nothing he can do about it because they didn't have any proof they actually did charge me with adultery. i wasn't married he was they took me before make my hand the tank commander and he says you think this is funny and i said what do you mean his like the solid jokes you make
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what do you make the 3rd girl report rape this week even like all in cahoots you think it is a game. ok and how hard is i usually take a. really. hard . i mean. like 14 months when.
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the v.a. . mine is new. but we were there 1st and then. this goes everywhere with me. and this goes everywhere with me. you always have protection with jesus but sometimes you need just a little bit more. time to go. it was they c of course they. they ordered they ordered up back at 3 instead of 3 but here's the make up. we should have they should know you should know what's wrong with me like read my stuff and you'll see that's my face it's not my back it's not my legs my arms it's my main need to prove i don't even know what your case is even like i don't even know why waste the gas money the trip
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anything it was completely a waste of time what a good veteran's day right. it's a perfect way to spend. it. because it was an isolated duty station they were in charge and we were just like cattle. it was the 1st time i was drugged and raped i was this room where some of my friends and i only had like one or 2 drinks and when laid down it was like instantly i was not feeling well and came to having a pillow over my head in my friend. raping me. and that went on repeatedly. most sex offenders
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are hunters just like any hunter they study their prey they study their movements to study the behaviors they study the environment. you have rapists that prey on other human beings they base talk that they they wait until the victim is that the most vulnerable point in time to perpetrate their crimes a lot of times the victim is somebody that the suspect is very familiar with and they're very aware of what's going on most sex offenders have this hidden persona that nobody ever sees except for the victim therefore when they're caught or if somebody reports people don't tend to believe that because they don't see the typical sex offender if it's an officer it's an officer that has had a bit chilly in the past preyed on and enlisted they would do it once they get away with it and then they think wow this was pretty easy i'm going to try to get in particularly for a savvy perpetrator to work with in
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a relatively closed system like the military it becomes a prime. a target rich environment for a predator. what a was discharged they moved to seattle or things got really bad. i started to lose everything. is homeless. the addiction to selling drugs crack a guy. 40 percent of homeless female veterans have been raped while they were surfing they spit into such depression and it appears that they can't
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hold jobs they can hold their lives together and they end up on the streets when i 1st saw training as a gemini and i look over and it was like the universe was like a gal. in my head i was like you are i know there are some special of our. wow for sure when we 1st started dating it was hard. the biggest hurdle was not taking p.t.s.d. personally it does get really stressful and sort of said to have never known before and you know it shows sort of in her in her prime now she is anxious and sad a lot of.
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going to go going to go perfect even. if they come. to terms if i can for out doing something you know michel be like check in like oh it's ok trina it's are you ever appreciative of it you know they may see me really sad that here's this little 11 year old boy that's watching out for my well being. it hurts you know i wanted to go away. you know and it doesn't go away. when the lawmakers manufacture consensus and stick to the public will. when the writing closest to protect them so. when the final
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merry go round lifts and we don't well most of the. time we can all middle of the room sit. in the more you leave room.
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the us you could use cool things and ginger my street. is a traditional indian ice cream it's spicy with the stabber polsky has been manufacturing kosher ice cream for 15 years and chief rabbinate of russia supervises every batch of kosher products their experts check the greens are kosher as they arrive at the plant and monitor the manufacturing process. there is no joy milk and ice cream we only use natural woman and then seeds through trees the percentage of dry substance.
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thanks saudi arabia points the finger i'd say we're all over last week's drone missile strike when it's all refineries and such in the sophistication and directional the attack as evidence that iran is. the global security body interpol says at least a dozen suspected. wrists have been to europe by crossing the mediterranean and. the us keep silent over allegations venezuela's self-proclaimed interim president. has links to a drug gang that's despite washington making the same claims against the country's previous leader the late term hugo chavez. and a new report reveals that thousands of children in nigeria are being held in conditions without trial over their alleged association with terrorists but one of
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the authors of the report.


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