tv News RT September 19, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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saudi arabia points the finger at iran over last week's drone a missile strike on its all refineries and fighting sophistication and direction it attack is evidence tehran's the black. with mobile security body interpol says at least a dozen suspected terrorist event of europe by crossing the mediterranean. should terrorists in ad lib and their associates be protected by the syrian cease fire or not the issue seems to un security council resolutions vetoed by the opposing sides . and a new report reveals thousands of children in nigeria are being held in diet conditions without trial over there are pledged association with terrorists we
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spoke to one of the authors of the ripples. peter stripes impurely overcrowded cells 250 or 300 detainees packed into my sound that was 10 meters i expect to hear. if you wonder why you are this is r t international stick with us you won't be disappointed. national security team is expected to meet later on thursday senior officials from across the government are set to consider a response to the drone attacks on saudi arabia all fields last week and the president they still unclear what option he's leaning towards. i mean you may have some very strong here and we'll see what happens a lot of things could happen if we can have a peaceful solution that's good it's possible that that won't happen now the u.s. says it's confident iran is responsible to impose new sanctions on tehran to remind
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you last saturday a dozen cruise missiles more than 20 drones hit a major wall fielden processing plant in the east of the kingdom and that attack which yemeni who think rebels claim that they carried out knocked out 5 percent of the globe or supply it saw the price of all rockets on gas the looks at what evidence though has been presented. it has been decided that iran did not start an opinion will a finding with the result of an investigation it's a decision guilty secretary to gather any new evidence that shows who was behind the attacks and do you think it is slam dunk case to bring to the u.n. next week. i think it's abundantly clear and there is an enormous consensus in the region that we know precisely who conducted these attacks was iran i didn't hear anybody in the region who doubted that for a single mom trub is doing what trump does best signing pieces of paper bringing
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to bear a slew of new sanctions against iran to come into effect within 48 hours and these undone and we'll see what happens we'll see what happens i think we have a lot of good capital that we have to do something we'll do it without hesitation the americans who weren't attacked of already decided what happened then who is guilty the saudis who were attacked and have all the day bre and bits and pieces of the missiles still working on technicalities like evidence and proof let that sink in. the attack did not originate from yemen the attack was launched from the move and was unquestioned be sponsored by iran it's not in the range of yemen's capabilities if it was them who conducted the attack this is one of the missiles we have recovered and we have information that leads us to the source but these kind
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of components were made in iran so what they found is the weapons were allegedly made with iranian components they were fired from the north the direction of iran and its neighbors so cutting to the chase it was iran that's what you're going to say right. the rain regime and the i.r.g.c. are trying to hide any evidence of the components and the technology i'm sure we will spoke to launch site we are working and whoever is responsible about it will take the accountability not once during the presentation that the saudis specifically say that iran did it and there's no love lost if they could they would say it but technicalities but saudi arabia won't do brave journalists will too happy to undeniable evidence of
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a reign in aggression and it almost has the fingerprints of the revolutionary guard in its influence over the hutu rebels tonight u.s. intelligence indicates the unprecedented attack on saudi oil fields originated from iran our top intelligence officials think iran did it and so does our top an intelligence official donald trump course 1 may ask what on earth saudi defenses were doing at the time they've got the 3rd biggest military budget on earth one of america's best clients the country's livid with patriot and other anti missile systems $80000000000.00 a year should protect you from a score of drones and missiles no. the news conference from the saudi arabian defense ministries press secretary is a catastrophe for saudi arabia they've shown they cannot prove or know exactly when the cruise missiles and drones were made from exactly with that attack was launched
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or why a defense systems could not prevent that attack the only thing that might be iranian related is that maybe some of the equipment some of the technology that the who these have might have been incorporated into the attack but why why or why is anyone complaining especially the saudis since the u.s. has been providing the bombs and the aircraft to the saudis to bomb yemen for 4 years so the who with these or just responded back then again to those saying it's iran because there are alleged iranian components in the day bri does that mean that the u.s. is responsible for horrific massacre in yemen i mean sure saudi arabia dropped the bombs but those say made in the united states more likely than not arabia has been clearing the shelves of american arms manufacturers recently by this logic there's no need to investigate or collect evidence it's american bombs
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it has got to be america for. an entire country reduced to misery and pain untold thousands dead more to die but you know what it's the oil refinery in saudi arabia the book wires vengeance. meanwhile arounds foreign minister mohammad javad zarif has war then he strike against iran by the u.s. all saudi arabia would lead to an all out war the u.s. sent a team of experts the saudi arabia to investigate the drone a missile attacks russia to underline the necessity for an unbiased probe. of abuse and it is important to make the investigation objective details are numb
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biased and as the allegations against iran that are not backed up by facts do not help the situation only intensify tensions in the region where the risk of confrontation is already high zorn american surface to air missiles known as patriots have missed our detection areas and kill zones as the russian defense ministry puts it the drone attacks are actually carried out in the middle of those areas at least expert alley risk believes that the case demonstrates the failure of u.s. and saudi anti-missile systems. well i think these attacks expose the limits of the capabilities of both the united states and saudi arabia and i think that the conclusion which has to be reached by the trumpet ministration is that it can no longer continue to support this war on yemen but rather it has to go into talks or enter some kind of a diplomatic process in order to put an end to this situation there's been numerous attempts they've been u.n. mediations they've been other diplomatic initiatives all of it has failed the other
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states the trumpet ministration has in fact doubled down on its support for the war on the amman so i think that the many who thieves were given no choice but to escalate attacks with the aim of forcing the enemy to bell down and to put a stop to this war and to find some kind of mother another supplement a peaceful settlement for the conflict that we have in fact seen in the trunk administration and on sanctions that there's talk now about cyber attacks which could target their own but as for all out war i think that is very unlikely. after the most large scale binary time operation the global security body interpol says it's detected at least a dozen suspected foreign terrorists fight is event in the continent by crossing the mediterranean to explain all is on the show they do to ski. this is operation she ran to the idea is it to look for threats posed by foreign terrorist fighters
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who may be using maritime routes are forcing them at training in attempts to get into the showing you the area into the european union interpol of said that during the oprah show in the summer they were so one point she would 1000000 checks that took place this is checks that just looking at people's legal documents making sure that they all do they say they are and they say as a result of all of those checks they intercepted 12 individuals who they believe all potential terrorists interpol says it's always only god when information is shared between regions via into pools networks of the global level and every check border control or random search is a potential break in the terror investigation while no further details have been released about those individuals such as where they're from or indeed which works they use are trying to get into the european union but many will be concerned that
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this is yet another element to this the only issue of immigration the e.u. leaders are yet to agree a way forward on we know ministers will meet next week to discuss that but countries such as italy greece and rome said that they are shown during the heavy burden and they've asked for other european countries to do more to help out and there is this concern that although the numbers in the last 3 years have been declining in the last few days there has been a shopping crease in areas such as greece leading to see is that they could be another spike yet again the migration present michael was in italy on wednesday evening to meet the prime in the suggests that people say and he said that it is time to listen to those countries on the up should the new european union is not shown enough solidarity with the countries of 1st arrival particularly italy but france is ready to. move forward on this point i hope that together we can work
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towards a new stronger a more united solution i believe that here too we can defend the common position with the new european commission so that all countries can participate in some form of european solidarity in this area or be penalized financially and it's not just how to deal with the sheer number of migrants that europe has seen coming into the continent over the last 2 years it's also about what they do when they hear and we know that the commissioner designate for the european union will delay and is going to have to deal with this she's already been criticized the some of the things that she's put in place just in the last week or so she announced that the commission of that would be looking off to the brief of immigration i would be called the commissioner for the european way of life some accusing her of the using fractious rhetorical with that title including the president. who said he just didn't agree
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with the idea of this title so an issue of immigration many elements to it and it looks like it's far from over and it's something that european union leaders and also their ministers will be discussing for many months to come. the u.n. security council has rejected to draft resolutions on the humanitarian crisis in the syrian province of idlib failing to find consensus on key points of disagreement between russia and the united states on the scale of more than explains why the u.n. is again running headfirst into a brick walls when it comes to syria. the 15 member body that leads the united nations convened a meeting and at that meeting 2 resolutions were put forward now one resolution was backed by germany kuwait and belgium and that resolution was vetoed by russia and china then a joint resolution from russia and china regarding it was put forward and that resolution was also rejected vetoed by members of the security council so what was
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the difference between these 2 resolutions regarding the situation lip well both sides and both different resolutions called for a cease fire there is universal agreement that there needs to be a ceasefire in live now the russian representative explained the point of disagreement between the united states and russia regarding the draft resolution while the united states seems to advocate an entire total cease fire russia argued there should not be protection for terrorist organizations and that anti terror operations should continue here's some of the disagreement we heard between the united states and russia at the security council look. unfortunately the content of the draft on the course of the work on it is a clear indication of the real objective of our colleagues which is to save the international terrorists in from their final defeat and put the blame of what's happened them on russia and syria russian's veto of today's france aleutian 13th
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veto in syria represents yet another attempt to absolve itself in the assad regime of their culpability in the deaths of thousands of syrian men women and children as the debate ensued it became pretty clear there was pretty solid disagreement about what was designated as a terrorist and what was designated as just syrian opposition now the russian representative said that the the proposal and the draft resolution put forward by kuwait germany and belgium was going. going to be vetoed it was very clear that russia would veto that resolution before it was put forward but it seems that rather than trying to reach a solution that is agreeable to all parties the desire as as according to the russian representative other desire is simply to blame russia for the continued situation in the breaching of the cease fire rather than reaching an agreement that could actually stick so different views of the situation is presented by different
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. i. come back a u.s. drone strike has killed 30 civilians in eastern afghanistan according to local officials the victims are believed to be farmers who are working on another plantation according to a spokesman for the u.s. forces the raid was intended to hit an islamic state high that u.s.
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forces conducted a drone strike against terrorists. we are fighting in a complex environment against those who intentionally killed and hide behind civilians as well as use dishonest claims of noncombatant casualties as propaganda weapons were aware of the allegations of the death of noncombatants are working with local authorities to determine the facts to ensure this is not a ploy to deflect attention from the civilians murdered by the taliban at a hospital in zabol the bombing mentioned happened in southern afghanistan earlier on thursday a car bomb was set of outside a hospital killing at least 20 taliban is carried out almost daily attacks since peace talks with the us cups there earlier this month and amnesty international voiced alarm over the devastating impact on civilians. on yet another deadly day in afghanistan once again it is civilians who bear the brunt of the violence involving armed groups the afghan government and their backers in the u.s.
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military that a u.s. drone strike proposal he targeted i saw militants could instead result in the death of cause a from us is unacceptable and suggests a shocking disregard for civilian life we heard from hekmatyar a researcher at the center for conflict and peace that is who says that the afghan government needs to step in to prevent further bloodshed. the afghan government is often silent when that comes to civilian casualties particularly. by the international forces so i think this is this is a serious problem in and if it continues it will widen the gap between the. population in the government and at the same time create more enemies for the alphonse in the american forces it's the responsibility of all parties the afghan government the americans and the taliban to resume negotiations i think everybody
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here has a stake and are responsible for what's happening in up on the sun and in the last then the and for the killing of guns that are losing their lives. and antiterrorist crackdown in nigeria has led to thousands of children being detained according to a new report from human rights watch we spoke to them about their findings since 2013 nigeria has to change about 3600 children and in june human rights watch went to the northeast of nigeria where boko haram is most active and we interviewed more than 30 children who had been detained the vast majority of these children were never charged with a crime in fact they were never taken to court they never had the opportunity to see a judge the children were denied contact with their families and held in orrible conditions they described so little money that they couldn't turn over at night they were
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piled one next to the other you described it like the razor blade in a pack many of them something began losing hope that they would ever be released some felt they would die in detention. children as young as 5 were reportedly held in overcrowded military detention facilities on little or no evidence they spent months even years there without charge reports of sexual physical and mental abuse it was also overcrowding the children have been accused of involvement with the armed terrorist group boko haram. or the radical islamist organizations based in northeastern nigeria carries out suicide bombings as well as armed assault throughout west africa 2015 block around loads allegiance to islamic state and imprisoned children were rounded up by nigerian authorities during military operations against the group they asked me if i was a member of booker her and beat me up when i said no they tied my hands and legs
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and hung me to a tree and continued to flow camy they flogged me and left me tied to the tree from morning till evening one person from my village was killed during the interrogation if you make a noise if you drink water without asking them if you go toward the door to get fresh air they beat you. the soldiers had girlfriends one of the girls from our village was a girl friend of a soldier she would usually take her out of the compound some leaders got pregnant in the cell and delivered while i was there. and i do not or it is released over 2000 children from detention since 2013 if you all of whom have been held without charge it's not known at this point though just how many of them remain in custody here's joe becker again who says that the government should make more of an effort to release them. nobody knows the current number of children who may still be in military custody nigerian authorities do not allow the united nations or
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independent organizations like human rights watch to access the military detention centers but what human rights watch is calling for is that nigerian authorities release any remaining children in military detention and transfer them to civilian child protection authorities so that they can receive rehabilitation and help or unifying with their families and reintegrating into their communities ok you are watching out international been a pleasure to have your company this evening i do stick around if you can update on our top stories coming for you just over half an hour.
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what. they put themselves on a lot. to get except little reject. so when you want to be president. or some want to. have to do like to be 1st this is what before 3 of them or 10 people get. interested in the waters of. their ship. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision. every song came to a complete. the day that i was raped and. you know told to shut up what they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he raped me with his birthing curia if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation it's probably
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somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen women who are veterans who suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished don't be offended and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. thank you. thank you. thank
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god. welcome to the alex salmond show where we finalize our cities on the economic conditions against which the brics it puts could drama is being played out last week alex interviewed 2 leading u.k. commentators about how brits it was influencing the economy and about how these economic conditions have influence brics it. from england professor richard murphy detail get overlooked practical implications on companies of a no deal halloween breaks it cash flow is actually the biggest potential implication of bricks it and i can see no one including the government in its yellow have a document to talk about who is going to pay the cost of lorries sitting for 2 and a half days waiting to get through dover from scotland former m.p. george caravan identifies how falling living standards had driven the politics of bricks that business manufacturing down worst in 7 years we've got a we've actually saw the 2nd quarter g.d.p. is actually stalled it's down we're well into the 3rd quarter i suspect we may
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already be in recession in the u.k. this week we turn to the international economy where too late in commentators like the world conditions which are favored the lurch to the populist right professor carter's bhatia princeton university i guess that small countries have been able to maintain social cohesion in the face of global trends in a fashion which is eluded their larger neighbors in the past meaning the past the sixty's and the seventy's or the eighty's it was all about free market but. intervention or you know socialism versus conservatism and this has progressively changed to protection is. some kind of our social democratic globe but globalization package and in some countries i think that the 2nd one works pretty well especially the small countries are in big countries for some reason it doesn't seem to have the appeal or the or the state the capacity to
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do that and we interviewed the former chief investment officer of credit suisse michael o'sullivan about his new book the leveling which charts the way forward pushed globalization don't be lazy in assuming that globalization will continue we will go through a fallow period of 5 or 10. years internationally while the next world order begins to evolve and there's lots of hurdles there but 1st your tweets emails and messages in response to last week's show more access such an interesting episode of alex salmond show on what operation yellow hammer left out and says shocker he's all says richard murphy thanks for the create expectations on today's alex salmond shoe terry says what an eloquent guest are really interesting interview with richard murphy thanks for another great show bartholomew says thanks ricky for recommend to me this episode of the alex salmon sure i should watch it more we hope you do ed i
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preferred the 1st interview he asked for the seconded to be dramatic political changes are always going to bring about economic disruptions so i ask him if likely economic disruptions would also be a good reason not to go ahead with scottish independence and see and as both interview suggested the world is headed towards recession anyways i ever think that this is to break that advantage other than disadvantage and finally from sheila who says the main goal is to make a few people very rich see their transition. the level and what's next after globalization is a book written by former princeton academic michael sullivan and told us an analysis of the transition and world economics finance and power as either globalization ends i guess we need to new partners centers and institutions the author tells alex why we all need to be ready for this change. michael sullivan this new book the leveling you say that the end of the globalization evil
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inevitable how can that be when we've got the great global companies bestriding the planet the biggest manifestation of globalization what's happening to these everyday in their work we are reminded of the fracturing of the globalized world we have a trade war going on there is a democratic dispute going on in hong kong those big tech and commercial titans are being regulated in europe they're being closed out of the chinese market and they're also vulnerable i think in the states too to the slowing economic cycle so everywhere we look globalization is beginning to petero trade as a percentage of g.d.p. is falling the flow of ideas the flow of people is slowing and what i think is happening is maybe not a rerun of the 1000 twenty's thirty's as some scaremongers say but we're entering into a multi-polar world where instead of having you know everything bundled and tied together.
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