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tv   Keiser Report  RT  September 21, 2019 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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no plans have ever actually materialized to fix it so here we have bill gates part of the intellectual property you know wielding sort of billionaire class and he has an idea the bill gates this bill gates funded chemical cloud could help stop global warming fires burning across the amazon rain forest every new the debate about solutions to climate change bill gates is backing the 1st high altitude experiment of one radical approach called solar geo engineering is meant to mimic the effects of a giant volcanic eruption thousands of planes would fly at high altitudes spraying millions of tons of particles around the planet to create a massive chemical cloud that would cool the surface you know. when i 1st heard the term chem trails. that's the one conspiracy theory too
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far alex jones is crazy well here's bill gates feeling cam trails of the deer here's a twice convicted predatory monopolist who also supports general lee modified organisms and genocidal side effects they may have asking the world to accept what would be the analogy let's see you're being surveyed upon 24 hours a day by his technology and you can see the sun. prison that's it bill gates is reinvented prison for profit thank you bill. it so this is geo engineering by the way could they warn eradicate blue skies forever it could alter regional weather patterns in a way we don't understand and according to steven gardner who is the author of the perfect mall storm the ethical tragedy of climate change he says these consequences might be horrific they might involve things like mass famine mass flooding drought
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of kinds that will affect every will affect a very large populations well you know bill gates is a guy that is lauded as a smart guy who reads a book every 2 days in billions of dollars but you know that would be like applauding cancer right i mean cancer is a runaway growth that studies are cellular structure attacks it kills us we're dead you know bill many like him are in the death as a service business and they're doing a very effective job you know once artificial intelligence begin to read our minds that's kind of the event horizon that's the singularity that's the end game. well it's also like nasim told well he was very against monsanto for example for those sort of principles that we don't know the unintended consequences and the risk just isn't worth it. you know bill gates will say we have to stop climate change at any cost right now because it's sort of we need help bob geldof's and the same thing
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about africa feeding africa we have to give them and santo products because no matter what they need to be eat today and who cares about the long term consequences of depriving them of ever being able to have their own agricultural products again in the future with these terminator seeds we need today like less just the problems today you know a lot of our mentality in bitcoin is low time preference in in the rest of the world in the world it's high time profits if we could just get through today you know maybe tomorrow will still be here well this is the equivalent of like me to. for billionaires so bill gates was the richest guy in the world jeff bezos became richest guy in the world so he feels like a lady so he's a you know i got to make another 20000000000 really quick how can i do it all. of the atmosphere and i'll kill like 3000000000 people but i'll make it over toward bill gates on the richest man in the world as he has the intellectual property on this geo engineering and whatever this chemical cloud mixture is and whether or not
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who gets it and control when you are allowed to see the blue sky and things like that but another idea was also presented this week and this is from sweden they often come up with wacky ideas but this is the certainly one scientist suggests eating human flesh to fight climate change stockholm school of economics professor of course and researcher magnus so durland reportedly said he believes eating human meat derive from dead bodies might be able to help save the human race if only a world society were to quote awaken to the idea so this is capitalism presented by an economist who believes they eating humans might solve the problem of the meat and emissions from and just roll farming of course this has already been tried in history in new guinea and those people went mad because of the prions that. gave them the equivalent of mad cow disease for humans will swish famously inhale
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flatulence. as a condiment to their smoke tearing i heard from a guy named steven pelley and oh yeah accountable as a minister for only the donner party as a service accountable those of us in service brought you by steve gates in this way to get a nobel prize for the i'm sure you know he believes that. conservative taboos against cannibalism can change over time that interesting senator here by the way is a cow actually fluctuating at the moment so the swings are in town and they're feasting gregarious gorgeously on some nice. ones so cannibalism leads to mad human disease that leads to madness in humans it also led to madness and cows because cows when they were fed cow products they ate all their cows and it spread to mad cow disease and it's 100 percent fatal disease caused by industrial farming here i want to talk about this mad cow disease
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apply to that as an analogy to our financial system because here they're suggesting on the one hand you know we need to feed the world so we're going to feed cows cows and that causes mad cow disease but then because of climate change and all this industrial farming we're going to feed humans to other humans like soylent green sort of response to climate change and we're going to send a big chemical cloud up like the ideas are crazier and crazier so part of this whole global ponzi scheme predatory capitalism is we need these negative interest rates they say and the negative interest rates. i'm going to show you is the equivalent of the mad cow disease because you're feeding capital to capitalism it's eating. itself capitalism has to eat itself to survive we're told so
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question being guard as gross interest income in germany heads towards 0 so this is a guest post on mr talk dot com and the door director of economics at the igi school of management and paris and he's looking at the results of the negative interest rate so far. left ahead of the e.c.b. with cutting rates further and promising q.e. for as long as it takes now christine legarde is coming in we don't know what her policies will be tore is this but we're assuming she would not have received the job has she not promised to feed capital to capitalism and this guy looked at the money lost and gained in across to euro zone because of quantitative easing because of negative interest rates and as we've pointed out report it's been a transfer of savings capital taken from savers and pensioners and
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transferred to debtors and these added up the numbers and what you found was that the monetary policy conducted after 2012 in europe has implied a cumulative loss of gross interest income of 158000000000 euro just for german households and up until 2019 on the other side of the balance sheet they found a german borrowing households saved a cumulative 99000000000 of interest expenses the net result is a loss of 58000000000 euros to german households humans are pretty stupid so you know the prehistory is the old civilizations used to throw children on the bonfires to try to appease the gods you know here we're going into negative interest rates to appease the. the central banks and they're sacrificing our children's our children's future the children will have no future because all to
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create the ponzi scheme today you need to feed capitalism with capital to keep the ponzi scheme going which means negative interest rates are 0 percent interest rates to force consumption into the present so that people have the free ponzi money to keep consuming in the present because their time preference is all messed up but the result will be in 20 years probably this generation is either just becoming adults now. they'll have they'll have nothing they'll be they'll be probably obese that's what our friend royce a pod over at gold money and a has been talking about the negative interest rates are telegraphing a drop in population if you look at force consumption in the present to feed the ponzi scheme that means you've got this generation will have to be sacrificed and so you know humans have not really psychologically evolved much from the days when the just used to outright butcher children for the gods of their butchering the generations eat for the ponzi gods and bill gates is there you know naked in
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a grass skirt shaking a skull rattle bone hoping that the sky turns green or whatever that he's doing and he's a total psychopath twice convicted predatory monopolist sophia itself is an experiment and it's a very new experiment we've had 5000 years of gold and proven is real and it's it's a store of value and because this is sort of value and operated for 5000 years as a global unit of account for global trade periods of globalization and d. globalization happened around it but since 1971 is spent in experiments all of these things that you've seen since all of the huge gap being of the wealth and income gap all of the all of the months santo's all of the intellectual properties all these bill gates sort of experiments are only possible of pulling forward all of this like the next 3040 years have been. pull forward we already consumed the next 30 or 40 years what we need to do is like go into cryogenic chambers and just
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like living for the next 3040 years especially austerity but here we have the these experiments the results like with monsanto we didn't know until 20 years later life so fates that they were going to destroy all the bees that they were going to kill all of the bees like the results of an appear then and then what do we do like now we need fake bees like these like artificial you know nanotechnology bees that go around allegedly this is what one of the ideas for resolving this problem of killing these through an experiment right well ok you know the ancient egyptians left behind pyramids and wall street slid behind pyramid schemes thanks bill gates stay tune going to take a little break come back with much more right after this. live
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. leg. leg. leg. live. live live. live . live. live.
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live. live. live. and very well continue watching on since last.
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some. laws only call for $600.00 calls when he does acknowledge the false soldiers you can see each of them with bullets of them some of the most of the lots and lots to know something about him it's a good video of the future. so should i me she's on that sound a soft spot i'm not sleepy town at this time i don't tufts. need to promote. the wonderful committee 50 feet who could give the police if you felt you could pull the original post for the way. up to. the fisa.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time to speak with stefan le vera all the way from australia estefan welcome to cause report thank you for having me max that's great i made the big trip here to read a lot of year for the honey badger conference from a it when did a big coin wave hit australia. i mean there were made up groups and stuff going in like 20122013 so on. the space go very confused as well with all the kind of book chain of technology. as they were and now there's a bit of push back with cornell so there are way all starting to see some all bit cleaner groups sprouting up around the country as well right now your podcast is a must listen to pod cast it's quite quite popular and how long you've been doing the podcast that a year in 2 or 3 months at this point right and and so is it fair to say that
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you're an austrian economist it's kind of what you lean that way absolutely i mean i would say i'm not a professional economist but i'm a student of austrian economics and i've been studying it. my life at this point just been reading a lot of. articles and books and watching talks from the mazes institute essentially and i think that's where a lot of my education came from and guys like bob if you're into more it's as well as big influences on my own thought and how to fit that model oh absolutely for me i think understanding from an austrian economic framework you can understand more about why the fixed money supply is not necessarily a problem and also why what in the kind of normal mainstream economic woe way they think of all deflation and holding and so on whereas i think an austrian has the tools to rebut some of those ideas or at least to understand why they're not necessarily such a problem like they are in the quote unquote mainstream economics. you know it's
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a fine we seem to be in a period of history where insanities being normalized. economic insanity with the negative interest rates politics seems mad. and big coin is entering onto the stage during this time is it the answer to all of this insanity out there and is that was that purely accidental or are there a larger forces at work because fixes this next until you know. look ultimately it is a crazy speculation we are living through this world of negative interest rates i think the most. explanation that i've heard around this is essentially that it's great a full theory right and as bonds have that in price and interest rate yield dynamic as people continually pushes the bones of the thinking oss i can buy this bond and sell it on to somebody else that's just pushing the you into further and further
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negative territory but this is all in in an underlying environments where credit is much more cheap and much more available than it would be under a hard money such as a gold or a big quince tended where we would see much less credit available and we would see more of a true pricing for so bonds are in a bubble i think bonds are in a bubble absolutely money is in a bubble. stocks appear overvalued and they're in a bubble and one of the few things out there that's not a bubble would be bitcoin it's funny that the mainstream economists like nouriel roubini or paul krugman you know they refer to big coin 'd as a speculative instrument looking for a greater fools it's a bubble and it is an answer to the bubbles ok bonds in the u.s. and in great britain have not been in this level of overvaluation in 300 years high that bubble is in australia what's the mood there with the government toward bitcoin and crypt what's what are we hearing out of out of that and what's the
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general. perception of it because you know we don't talk to a lot of folks from australia so what's the mood there i would say there's still a fair amount of confusion around the block change acknowledge e. and so on there's not necessarily an understanding of because it is hard money because as a solution to some of the problems as a potential parallel financial system that could be built on top of a big call and as and to the problems that have been caused by governments failing you know the australia's been and they have amik expansion for 20 something years up until recently i think it may have just. for the 1st time in decades entered into a downtick on the g.d.p. housing it's been i think it's fair to say housing has been in a bubble so in australia there's no incentive to look at something new because just the systems work for decades absolutely right so there's a bit of a you know. on behalf of the population but i think that might be changing
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now and your podcast one of the demographics of it is it's global it goes out who's listening to your pocket mostly typically a lot melissa is there actually in the us funnily enough. i would say it's typically sort of mid twenty's up through maybe 50 so let's say it tends to be male tends to be financial sort of people technology technological tech savvy people and developers who are interested about bitcoin that's sort of a guess in a nutshell some of the demographics if you will of my god and i don't see what hamlyn typically you know what's your journey there preceding how did you get into this yes if i'm a i like most table. you know it was like slashdot article and maybe 2011 or 12 i disregarded it at that point and then it was only in late 2012 funnily enough i read an article by erik boy he's and that was my moment where i came to be quinn
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and it just to me it was like whoa this is amazing this is incredible and obviously having being interested in austrian economics and monetary theory for some time i was obviously already skeptical of central banking and of money and i was already very amenable to the idea because and then once i sold the potential i just went down that rabbit hole and i've just not been i was still thinking about because and since and have been learning and learning and learning and i mean as you know it's a very very deep rabbit hole and you can get stuck down different pathways but ultimately for me that caused me to then go and really go back and study some of that because. the austrian monetary theory a little bit further to try and tighten my understanding and obviously interacting with guys like. some of these are guys who are kind of explaining it from an austrian point of view that was essentially where i gained some of my own understanding that i'm known in some sense passing on to my own and listen its rights someone once said and it could have been me that you don't change because
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big changes you what do you think of that comment 100 percent agree with that and i think what we have seen over the last few years in big korean is particularly sudden companies who think the bay could control it and think that they could be the ones to dictate where the protocol goes and also dictate how we will interact with it but in reality what we're saying is because it is like this and safety in would say it's sort of like an economic reality that is asserting itself onto the world and we have to kind of adapt also as to how corn is and one way to think of that is to some extent seeing a lowering all of our time preference so where in the past we may have been more impatience we may have made more impulsive decisions now. learning to save more they are learning to be more cognisant of the future and really take into account the decisions that you make now one of the impacts that will have on you into your
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years into the future and even on your you know children and grandchildren and your descendants as well you know for me it's like round trip through culture because when i was you know grew up in the sixty's timothy leary. is talking about instant gratification drop out soon in and it was a complete repudiation of the ethos of that time and now this generation z. this new generation is going going away from instant gratification and saying we need actually hard money we need a low time preference we need to build a future for ourselves you know using economics it seems like a complete. paradigm shift or different. is that you know because it seems like good rates and all these other catastrophes in the environment and politics that this generation z. and the millennial they are in trouble they are in trouble is that
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a fair characterization. even in australia there's been a long problem in recent years about housing affordability many people cannot afford to buy a place close enough to where they work and so they are having to go to the bank of mum and dad or they are basically having to lever up to their eyeballs in debt and we're seeing these crazy stories of these 28 year olds who like 35 different properties but really they're just leveraged out to the maximum absolute maximum and these people are not well placed if interest rates were to rise but then again you sort of play that game back and forward because you don't know what will the government do with the government try to juice that thing again and just keep the rates low and bail outs and so on ultimately whatever happens we sort of understand the midst of this has been the root cause was money to begin with the easy money is what has caused all of these kind of shenanigans if you will and now we're all just
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trying to struggle to adapt and find a way to deal with the problems that have been introduced by government monetary intervention with the podcast stuff and what are you going with this what we're going to be in a year or 2 from now what are the plans to big plans it's highly successful i mean people also mention the stuff oliver podcast the minutes like one of the top ones out there so we're where you go with this we're going to be easier to well thank you i really just try to i'm trying to just reach more people and help them see. from the way that what i call a big clint austrian perspective and i'm having to just reach more people. having some more technical. discussion from both from an economics and technology point of view on because some have been to just keep increasing and improving the quality of the discussions and hopefully obviously it's nice to you know lend lend big guests on the show as well that's a big part of it but also just to make sure that you know i'm also improving my
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knowledge and i'm helping clarify and helping simplify things so that people who are busy people have families and jobs and so on and hopefully my podcast can become a good resource for them that they can try to understand things from a way that kind of helps deprogrammed them from. being fed in the normal schools and normal university the normal kind of mainstream media financial press and that sort of thing. you know talking about the technology or so what for the most of the average person and what you discover to be the most difficult piece of the tech stack for people to kind of get their mind around because there are a lot of different considerations there what do you find is the one thing for someone just watching this movie the 1st time to they want to get into the technology what's the one article you would refer them to yes. there's a great article by nick cotter recently that is called the most. peaceful
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revolution and that was a fantastic article but i think a key point that i think a lot of people who are not experienced in big coin don't quite understand what they do is they tend to buy because and leave it on an exchange i think that's a big no no and really the point as big as we want to encourage people to do is take ownership of their own case and that means typically buying a hardware wallet such as the cold and pulling it out of the exchange and sending and holding it on your own. in your own wallet on the your own insecurity and obviously there's a journey to that and once you learn how to do that process of holding your own kaizen then the next step is learning how to run your own. topic. because. you know what in your mind in your view it's going to take supply it's hard to confiscates and it's easy to use oh ok well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser at par with me max kaiser stacy herbert i guess the follow vera podcast fantastic look it up going to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report report dot com
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it's a lifestyle. they all see themselves as dying swans in their dreams. but only one in a 1000 will ever make it to the told. they're ready to give their lives for the chance to die on stage if only once. know what even broken wings could deter them. for generations at the madrid ski theater ballet sweat and tears oh no it's. the
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world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. who dares thinks. we are here to ask. leave leave leave leave.
6:00 am
alone the. trade isn't america's longest. legislation targeting the. price manipulation. away with it. eric holder who was the attorney general under obama when this 1st came to light. were important for the american economy and that is the attorney general to prosecute. the u.s. will send more troops to saudi arabia and the. response to an alleged iranian strike on an oil facility. claims even riyadh knows that it's not to blame.


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