tv News RT September 22, 2019 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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the week's top stories here on our t.v. do us a sense extra troops in the middle east and slaps new sanctions on iran they keys in the country of bombing saudi oil refineries and. home calling it's gripped by street brawls and founded as a man's arm rests continues for a 16th weekend. and the israeli prime minister's bid for a new term is dealt a major blow as ira parties back his rival to form a new government.
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you know watching the weekly here on r.t. international i'm rise on a low could thank you for joining us. the president of iran has a foreign forces to stay away from the persian gulf saying the only bring misery and disaster that's after the u.s. announced extra trip deployments to the region accusing iran of bombing saudi refineries a week ago a claim that tehran flatly denies. the president has approved the deployment of u.s. forces which will be defensive in nature and primarily focused on air and missile defense we will also work to accelerate the delivery of military equipment to the kingdom of saudi arabia and the u.a.e. to enhance their ability to defend themselves it is clear that even the saudis themselves don't believe the fiction of iranian involvement. well rao flared up on the 19th of september when drones set fire to saudi arabia's biggest oil site the raid was claimed by the sheer rebels in yemen which have been the target of
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a saudi bombing campaign for the past 4 and a half years however saudi arabia insists the who is these could not have carried out the drone strikes and that it must have been a wrong although in an apparent contradiction the saudis retaliated on friday by striking the 2 thieves near the many port city of her data saying the goal was to prevent future drone strikes auntie's more against the of takes a closer look at why washington and riyadh have become so quick to blame iran that is being decided that iran did it and that sort of opinion finding with the result of an investigation that's a decision guilty secretary could you gather any new evidence that shows who is behind the attacks and do you think you have a slam dunk case to bring to the u.n. next week. i think it's abundantly clear and there is an enormous consensus in the region that we know precisely who conducted these attacks was iran i didn't hear anybody in the region who doubted that for
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a single month. rob is doing what trump does best signing pieces of paper bringing to bear a slew of new sanctions against iran but these are the highest sanctions ever imposed on a country we've never done it to this level. and it's too bad what's happening with iran it's going to hell the americans who weren't attacked of already decided what happened then who is guilty the saudis who were attacked and have all the day bri and bits and pieces of the missiles are still working on technicalities like evidence and proof let that sink in. the attack did not originate from yemen the attack was launched from the north and was unquestioned be sponsored by iran it's not in the range of yemen's capabilities if it was them who conducted the attack this is one of the missiles we have recovered and we have information
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that leads us to the source that these kind of components were made in iran. so what they found is the weapons were allegedly made with iranian components they were fired from the north the direction of iran and its neighbors so cutting to the chase it was iran that's what you're going to say right not once during the presentation did the saudis specifically say that iran did it 1 may ask what on earth saudi defenses were doing at the time they've got the 3rd biggest military budgets on earth one of america's best clients the countries lifted with patriot and other anti missile systems $80000000000.00 a year should protect you from a score of drones and missiles no the only thing that might be iranian related is that maybe some of the equipment some of the technology that the who these have might have been incorporated into the attack but why why or why is anyone
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complaining especially the saudis since the u.s. has been providing the bombs and the aircraft to the saudis to bomb yemen for 4 years so the who with these are just responding back then again to those saying it's iran because there are alleged iranian components in the day bri does that mean that the u.s. is responsible for her refit massacres in yemen i mean sure saudi arabia dropped the bombs but those say made in the united states more likely than not has been clearing the shelves of american arms manufacturers recently by this logic is new need to investigate to collect evidence it's american bombs it has got to be america. and.
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and. an entire country reduced to misery and paid untold thousands dead more to die but you know what it's the oil refinery in saudi arabia the book was vengeance. thanks invests in hong kong have station other protest the chinese territory is in the grip of a 16th consecutive weekend of demonstrations and on rest the protesters have been waving american flags and destroying chinese ones on saturday police in the cities take ass and rubber bullets through molotov cocktails and started fires on the streets.
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a main wall on tuesday and leading name in the hong kong protest movement appeals to u.s. lawmakers in congress just one wants them to pass a bill that would see great to u.s. support for hong kong. hong kong special status under american law depends on the city being treated as a separate customs area or beijing should not have it both ways reading all the economy benefit of hong kong standing in the world while erosion of our freedom that is the most important reason why the hong kong human rights and democracy act and just the bought some throws of hong kong civil society along is a prominent student activist who organizes protests against the chinese government in support of hong kong's independence the 22 year old is also a native of the pro democracy party demo sister he's already served several jail
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terms for his activities down off explains why one's planned for years supervision of hong kong may backfire. they are many they've won the fight with the authorities by early submission but they are anything but done the american flag waving taskforce among the hong kong protesters are sending their poster boy to convince us legislators to do something big on autonomy. well for those of you having difficulty making out the absence of this boilerplate script it's the human rights and democracy act and it's meant to show beijing that the u.s. is serious about fighting for hong kong's rights the united states must make clear to china that its interference in hong kong affairs will have consequences this month we must possibly cameron bipartisan on consumer rights and democracy act the
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bill was devised in response to what the u.s. has been calling a chinese infringement on the region's autonomy and requires for america to review own homes special status annually and if that status is ever revoked the region's autonomy would not so much be infringed but rather new to dust since the early ninety's hong kong has been enjoying huge advantages for wearing washington's special status badge. and some believe that a small yet vocal group of protesters is laying an explosive tripwire for the whole region which will not enjoy the konami chain reaction if it's ever triggered in
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a way this is the villages. signal of the biggest economy in the world. there will always just ordered. but was is going to hold a great deal but it's not just the whole poorly there are thousands of united states 'd don't believe in all of it would likewise be affected of course it's a political war because. it calls only or c. percent of policy part of the. goal of the deal years ago in the apparel to all moral as far as equality is also. all but low is also sent on the other hand of course we law i would wish the one country to see so as to help trial or with the internationalization that really with. all american legislators say the bill is designed to punish mainland china specifically as
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protesters would not but while the end goal may very well be punishing beijing in pursuit of a geo political supremacy washington my just overlooked the collateral damage. israeli arab lawmakers have turned their support behind for more on the chief benny gantz to become prime minister after an inconclusive election in israel it's the 1st time arab parties have back to jewish contender in 27 years and they say the only goal is to force benjamin netanyahu from power. we usually did not indorse israeli p.m.'s so without doubt there is an historical side to what we're doing now we want to put an end to the era of binyamin netanyahu therefore will indorse benny gantz to form the next government we want to live in a peaceful place based on ending the occupation the establishment of a palestinian state alongside the state of israel true equality to civil and national level social justice and democracy for all. this is
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the citizens of israel this happened just as we warned the arab joint list recommended bernie guns for prime minister there are 2 possibilities now either a minority government will be formed that relies on those who reject the israel as a jewish and democratic state glorified terrorists that murder all soldiers and citizens or a broad national government will before i know what the answer is and so do you and therefore i'll do whatever i can do for more broad national unity government there is no other solution the block of arab parties known as joint list came 3rd this week gaining 5 more seats than in the previous election and it's thought that was spurred in part by netanyahu to fly metry remarks about arab districts and their potential for voter fraud that led to a spike in arab voter turnout which hit around 59 percent the leader of the arab to at best alliance said the outcome of the election was the price of incitement
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israel faces the prospect of a 3rd round of elections in less than a year if an agreement between the blocks is not reached then against his center left the white alliance won 33 seats while netanyahu center right party was just behind her israel's destiny could now be determined by the leader of the year's rail new party who came 5th political commentator neil lazarus explains why. very important because what he is saying is it will probably mean that the president will turn to benny gantz to try and form a government having said that we know that the president of israel is very keen to form a national joint national government of likud and blue and white the fact that the israeli arab vote came out much more if it was about 10 percent higher than it did last time and the voices we've heard today is actually showing that israeli democracy is much stronger than the cause of hatred against certain members or
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parts of the population today the israeli arab voted in strength to try and bring down the government of netanyahu and work as a democratic country for a better hope both parties both in that in yahoo and. gantz don't have enough to make a majority even even when as the backing of the arab list the person who is the king banker is lieberman and he holds the balance of power and i believe in this been saying that he wasn't going to recommend anyone to the president to be the preferred to form the coalition what we do know he has a personal dislike for netanyahu and actually was responsible for bringing down the government and cause and 2nd elections or the momentum that led to it at least so we really are in a stalemate i think we should be looking less at how these israeli arab vote is but which way lieberman is going to actually be voting. facebook
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is making i keep change the way it operates will have that story and more after this short break. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race based on off and spearing dramatic development the only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. the world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. who
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dares thinks. we dare to ask. welcome back you're watching the weekly facebook has changed the way it describes itself from a platform to a publisher and that could have a major impact on the way the social media john works in a recent legal case facebook claimed it was a publisher insisting it has the right to ban who it wants but i would also make it
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law before it goes out on its platform and that's a responsibility it's previously tried to divulge any a patrol has more so what have we got here. that's better. plaintive ultra right web activist laura loom or who was taken off pretty much all major online platforms defended facebook one of the giants which kicked her out we carefully flicked through these court papers which the defendant filed to klein barry the lawsuit and here's what really caught the eye. to the extent miss lewis claimed targets facebook's decision to deactivate her accounts it is also deficient on the well established law need to facebook know any of the publisher can be liable for failing to publish someone else's message 1st amendment provides absolute protection for such decisions what was it again neither facebook nor any other publisher protection by the 1st amendment so in this particular case
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the lawyers of sucking co are happy to legally refer to their social network as up publisher digging a bit deeper will reveal facebook has done that in the past as well when last year an app startup was crossing swords with facebook in court this is what came from the network spent the publisher discretion is it 3 speechwriter respect to what technological means is used so is it just me or something's wrong with how the platform we use every day identifies itself because when facebook bosses take questions in other places it seems they always try to distance themselves from the notion publisher which are you are you a tech company or are you the world's largest publisher because i think that goes to a really important question on what form of regulation or government action if any we would take senator this is. a really big question i view us as
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a tech company because the primary thing that we do is build technology and products are you responsible for your content which make exactly on of a publisher. well i agree that we're responsible for the content but we don't produce the content and that's been the message for quite a while. we are a tech company not a media company i do think we have to be the publisher and we definitely don't want to be the arbiter of the truth now just imagine what kind of legal trouble the tech giant may put itself in if it becomes universally recognized the company mr zuckerberg is running is a publisher not just a tech platform are they really ready to be responsible for anything disturbing or outright criminal that gets posted under the blue logo the examples have been out there in abundance. in
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the us or what have simply someone decides to law and bully me with all kinds of offensive stuff right on facebook should i then also follow defamation suit against the network because they as a publisher a lot of it's well known you can't have a cake and eat it at the same time will probably unless your last name is sucker berg or else face but you respond to this story and so far they have not commented . millions around the world took part in a climate strike this week calling for urgent action to reduce greenhouse gases more than 5000 events were held globally from sydney to new delhi new york has been hosting the un climate action summit over this weekend and demonstrators urged world leaders to take immediate action to prevent
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a global catastrophe one of the topics being discussed is the fires in the amazon something politicians have weighed in on as artie's challenged explains. it's an environmentalist worst nightmare wildfires raging in the amazon destroying the world's most biodiverse tropical rain forest. our house is burning literally the amazon rainforest the lungs which produce 20 percent of our planet's oxygen is on fire is an international crisis i couldn't agree more manual macro we need to act for the amazon and for our planet talk kids and grandkids accounting on the lines of the entire earth are factored and that's why we need to find common solutions here leaders of the globe's most advanced countries pledged to do more at the g 7 the heat may have died down but the blame game certainly hasn't with some looking closely at where the amazon wu's may. europe's financial
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institutions the companies and the financier is housed in those countries are contributing to the forestation many of these companies are known to have unsuitable practices in their supply chain to be clearing areas for the expansion of agriculture especially pursuing cattle so yeah and cattle ranching account for 80 percent of deforestation major companies such as a.t.m. call gail j.b.s. are being financed by some of us biggest banks including b m p power of us don't spank and block walk they not only bankroll the debt they're also major shareholders with a voice in how these companies are run so areas of the amazon are sometimes. to provide all earned for cows to graze all to grow crops to feed life stock these
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european banks are directly funding the forestation do it your bank and he black rock in vanguard collectively more than a 1000000000 dollars in debt in just the 3 largest away in the 3 largest cattle companies operating in brazil are these even banks often vocal about their sustainability policies. are also being accused of hypocrisy environmental campaign group amazon watch contacted them about their role in the amazon was fine as well deutsche bank and black rock didn't respond the m.p.e. paragraphs had to say then people rebar has been strengthening insecta policies related to deforestation for several years and is prompting its clients to protect natural ecosystems and preserve biodiversity to the best of their ability that experts say is just simply not good enough while we have applied
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the efforts of things like b p to strengthen the seed gardens in their portfolios our research demonstrates that another another process is playing out on the ground they are claiming to protect forests and poorest peoples in their official policies wow fuelling the destruction of the amazon their investments. there is a consistency here that needs to be socially right home to these companies so that they better understand their role and also they can themselves be part of the solution rather than part of the problem without the traceability the accountability of all actors involved including here in europe the fear is that our house will continue to burn. off paris and we have asked which a bank to comment on its links to the deforestation of the amazon and we will of course you bring you any response they give us. last the week we will be back with
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more of the biggest stories from the past 7 days in about 30 minutes time see them . join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to get a feel of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then . the tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented for inside venezuela things no different we're going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associate the famous would have a son of a moment goes. down person that political battle to stay on the path to come to
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the moment the focus of the whose story is a new nixon called in henry kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. the chilean economy scream so warm snowmaking the economy of venezuela screed. the brazilian but if she wore new post the i did the dishes at the balls more than those jeans nudist beach and it's see me you blew true she. doesn't know about that when you die zeke yes overwhelming in the news i mean those are the infants involved. a lot of you will see sawing as if parts about 2 kids are the most hardened most cold. as in the adams to me as if archer.
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a masculine person and you're victimized then you're weak the problem is that anybody can be a victim of sexual assault. and join the service in 1972 the military is a great way to life. and to see the world. i got educated i love the military. was 19 and i want to challenge all alone and the next thing i know i was laying on the ground i was struck from behind. and you guys will hold me down to one guy who was pulling my pants down. and. you know. he was taking care of his business and you know i struggled and i was being struck and hit and told you know told to shut up or they'd kill me. and i see how it destroyed my life. i mean that i'm i've been married 3 times this luckily i
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have a wife right now who i've been married to for 25 years. you start wondering you start sort of you know you're coming up with reasons why things are the way they are and for a long time i kept thinking i don't know if this something something else. i had never told anybody over 30 years i decided to tell my wife. it was the scariest moment in my life i was going tell my wife she was going to leave me and i would be lost without her i mean i was to god i couldn't i couldn't get up every morning without my wife. you know. and i told i felt horrified and i felt sad and i felt angry and you know along the course of the evening you know feelings just started to surface that were probably just simmering for a very very long time and she put her arms round me and.
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