tv News RT September 24, 2019 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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nor middle routes to. moscow accuses washington of violating its international commitments after the u.s. failed to grant visas to several members of the russian delegation to the un general assembly. north korea and china donald trump reels off the usual rivals and as you would address in a speech largely aimed at his home crowd. and of course the prime minister broke the law by suspending parliament the judge's unanimous decision
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means m.p.'s will convene again tomorrow on the looming deadline and the embattled premier. live from moscow watching our international daniel walk ins with you tonight welcome to the program. the u.n. general assembly is underway in new york but not everyone got their ringside seat russia's foreign ministry has said that 10 members of its delegation were not granted u.s. visas ahead of the session the kremlin called the move a provocation which warrants a tough response where if a national joined you know neal earlier in the studio with the details. well moscow is absolutely furious because if you think about it that's a huge thing. constant in russia's prominent politician and diploma a term and of the foreign affairs committee of the upper term for the russian parliament said he's not going to attend the un general assembly that is open these
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days in new york because of visa issues and he wasn't actually denied american visa but what basically happened as far as we understand is that his application didn't go through and he was not to fight about that very very last moment and he failed to protect american visa on time it doesn't sound like anything criminal he can still reapply but clearly there is no time enough. so he's going to miss the discussions he were planning to participate in and the thing is that he was not the only one to put in this unpleasant situation we know that at least 8 other members of the russian delegations i mean they arrived this morning in one of moscow airports with bags with tickets to new york with plans to participate in important debates and they expected their passports with american visas to be delivered to the airport from the u.s. embassy this is normal procedure but it never happened so this is an aspect of this health situation is that these people were not not to fight about what's going on
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and the only learned about that very last moment and the u.s. side says talks about some technical problems but constant calls it a provocation this is absolutely unprecedented situation the little states of america does not have to determine to decide who. to participate and who is not to participate. the united nations. will be responded to by the russians no doubt about it you can see is very angry it's not exactly clear what marriage is a constant was talking about what we heard from russian president. spokesperson also that there will be response from the crowd when there is a furious reaction from the russian foreign ministry as well we know that the us deputy ambassador has been summoned to the foreign ministry here in moscow over some pleasant situation maybe we can expect some clarification later on and we
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heard from the foreign ministry spokesperson. i mean she described it as an example of huge disrespect from the americans let's take a listen documents that we handed over for pro sassoon earlier a couple of months before departure were returned to us with the word they have been handed in early it's an outrageous example of disrespect by the u.s. to u.n. members as well as an example of failure to fulfill obligation as the host country of the world are. a good thing is that we hear that. russia's foreign minister who is leading the russian delegation that the u.n. general assembly is going to address this issue at his meeting with. his secretary of state maybe there will be some explanations. are there any other cases when when foreign delegations have problems entering the u.s. oh yeah of course you have those thoughts for the 1st time and even during the 74th
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session we heard from teheran that several members of the rat in delegation were north american so we know that the iranian leader mr heinie and the foreign minister mr is going to attend general assembly there delegation is dramatically cut and if you are going to yeah but i mean if you think about it that's a huge thing because the u.n. general assembly is an annual event it's a huge platform and if you do a geisha is cut by have i mean of course your work is a factor and your expectations a lawyer and that doesn't sound fair. patrick henningsen believes washington is attempting to head into the book event that ash and organizations such as the u.n. this is just beyond diplomatic games and chess is something else the broader theme people need to look at here is that this administration the trumpet ministration is
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actively trying to undermine and dismantle multilateral institutions wherever they can find them and so you have unofficial sanctions and official sanctions those people on the lists of course are using that to maybe impede their ability to travel that includes diplomats but on officially they can do this via bureaucratic red tape and games by using the state department as a kind of political instrument in this way to harass certain countries that the administration believes are perceived as being enemies of the united states and right at a very crucial time with between saudi arabia iran and we also have the kashmir crisis going on china and hong kong the i.n.f. treaty being abandoned we have syria right now an impasse and it live but tension is such an important time all diplomats need to be in new york need to be attending all of these important meetings and for the u.s. to do this it really draws into question what the real agenda of this
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administration is in terms of its relationship with the world on the phone they have a high level debate at the u.n. general assembly the u.s. president took the stage to make a wide ranging address speech that's the been issues including global trade the cross in the persian gulf nuclear proliferation and democracy promotion of the round up his kind of open. well this is the 3rd time that we've heard u.s. president donald trump address the u.n. general assembly at the headquarters in new york now this year he did really emphasize what has been a theme recurring in his u.n. addresses that being national sovereignty and favoring patriotism over globalism he also seemed to emphasize that the way to protect the country sovereignty was to have democracy if you want freedom take pride in your country. if you want democracy hold on to your sovereignty and if you want peace
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love your nation furthermore it's important to note that trump used the platform at the un general assembly to criticize a number of countries around the world now he did talk about north korea and his negotiations and the potential seeing north korea as being full of untapped potential and he was seemed optimistic about negotiations however he singled out the islamic republic of iran for criticism he criticized china and said that it's violating the intellectual property rights of american corporations and he singled out 3 countries in latin america cuba nicaragua and venezuela taking specific am at nicolas maduro the president of venezuela the dictator in the douro is a cuban puppet protected by cuban bodyguards hiding from his own people well cuba plunders venezuela's oil wealth to sustain its own corrupt
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communist rule when trump launched his tirade against madeira it's important to note that the venezuelan envoy in the room stopped listening to the speech and began reading a book and that wasn't just any book it was a biography of simone bowl of barnes the liberator of south america the anti colonial hero for which the bola varian socialist movement that founded the current government of venezuela was names many observers looked on trump speech and heard him boast about his quote pro growth economic policies in the united states which he says are having a very good impact they heard him boast about the u.s. military budget they heard him talk about how the usa will never be a socialist country and they wondered if this speech was really aimed at the international body or whether or not this was the kind of speech trump would give at a campaign rally around the country much of the rhetoric rejecting globalism paling his. crackdown on immigration criticizing what he called radical activist to eke uses of being involved in human smuggling and protecting human smugglers
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a lot of those seem to be u.s. directed rhetoric directed at voters in the key states i would trump needs to win if he's going to get reelected in 2020 however this was trump's 3rd u.n. speech many have also noticed that it was a little bit less bombastic and dramatic than his previous speeches despite the fact he directed a lot of criticism at a lot of different countries it seemed a little bit tamer calmer and less spontaneous so mixed reactions coming into trump's 3rd address to the united nations general assembly among the range of topics that will trump touched upon during his speech in new york he didn't let the it's going to didn't choose between washington and tehran. u.s. president condemned iranian leaders for a blood loss which he says is isolated in the country. all nations have a duty to act. no responsible government should subsidize iran's bloodlust. as long as iran's menacing behavior continues sanctions
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will not be lifted they will be tightened. iran's leaders will have turned a proud nation into just another cautionary tale. of what happens when a ruling class abandons his people and embarks on a crusade for personal power. and riches the iranians don't really take anything that trump says about its evilness very seriously but with when it comes to negotiations iranians are saying that look we have negotiated with the united states the iranians have said repeatedly that if trump goes back to the nuclear deal if he abides by us commitment then negotiations can start again. trump was at the negotiating table rex tillerson was at the negotiating table they left the negotiating table so it's for them to come back and those are the conditions they have to accept their own commitments it's
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a very hard for the americans support any more sanctions on iran because there's nothing really left to sanction there's a joke going around in iran that where people say i have a cousin somewhere in some village that hasn't been sanctioned yet so all these sanctions are rip repetition of older sanctions the central bank has been sanctions recently but it was already sanctioned before so nothing really new is happening. when is highest court is they'll vote on president illegal defeat to the prime minister judges unanimously ruled that boris johnson is the citizen to suspend parliament earlier this month was all for. the prime minister's advice to her majesty was unlawful void and of no effect. this means that the order in council to which lead was also a little full void and of no effect and should be quashed the probation was also void and of no effect parliament has not been wrote again to limit
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howls of discontent from m.p.'s on the public the prime minister suspended parliament at the beginning of september for 5 weeks it was widely seen as a move to prevent m.p.'s from scrutinizing his plan to exit the european union on october 31st with or without a deal a scottish court ruled the move unlawful now the highest court in the land also agrees it means parliament can now sit again the common speaker says it will convene on wednesday morning boris johnson is now returning early from the un saying he intends to carry on with bricks that regardless. this is a bird it did we will respect and we respect the judicial process i have to say i strongly disagree with what the justices who and i don't think that. it's right but the most bullies we get on and live a brick sit on october 31st former british m.p. george galloway believes that while m.p.'s will celebrate the court's decision voters may think differently. our service dead in the water it's in the water i'm
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not sure of it's waving or drowning but it certainly father complicates the british position in the run up to halloween when we're supposed to be leaving the european union and that of course was what the whole thing was about this is a coup a judicial coup where our committee of 11 lawyers have forced their way in to the british political system by judgment would be that the public will see all of this today as for the evidence of the establishments the very richest the very most powerful being determined to do anything that they can including dragging the queen into such an imbroglio in order to stop breaks it and the danger for the opposition is that people will think well at least boris johnson is trying to implement a decision made by 17 and
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a half 1000000 british people the biggest number ever to vote for anyone or anything in our entire history and that's the danger that when the election comes they'll be a backlash against the establishment and boris johnson will be the beneficiary of it. the teenage environmental activist gretta through delivered an impassioned address to the un climate action summit on monday the swedish campaign rebuked world leaders for failing to tackle the destruction of the biosphere. you have still in my dreams my childhood with your empty words and yet i'm one of the jocks once. people are suffering people are dying entire school systems are collapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and what you can talk about is money and fame or tales of eternal economic growth how did you. give them
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a goal so scowl that donald trump when they almost crossed paths with the u.s. president paid 0 attention to the headline grabbing climate activist she then left the room accompanied by security guards as the president arrived at the u.n. headquarters for a separate meeting on religious freedom. the young activists emotional speech at the u.n. was praised by many with people describing her words as inspirational and sympathizing with her anger against environmental destruction over the widespread support have been somewhat soured by a wave of walker in the french education minister for one responded to thune work speech saying she risks creating a generation of people depressed about climate change member of the germans walling party cd you also claim the team is attempting to appeal to emotion without offering rational arguments and there's been a flurry of criticism on social media as well a good hour beck a german m.e.p. gave us his thoughts on the speech and the fanfare around the activist. message may
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be delivered in heartfelt terms but to call it compelling it's not objectionable or what is perhaps objectionable is the hysteria that is being created by the media in relation to every one of her. appearances we have a very complex scientific problem before us here there is scientists are more divided on the issue. of climate change and the reasons for it and we pay very little attention to a serious evaluation of the scientific evidence but instead listening to a 16 year old as if she were the new order called of delfi. richard thornburgh is not the only one making headlines on the climate change problem for french
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president has annoyed french climate activists by telling them to move their rallies from paris to poland to minsk you delve deeper into the story. president matt corner fronts has a once again called the banners to help in the fight against climate change speaking at the u.n. climate change emergency summit he said he understood the frustrations of the millions of schoolchildren who had been striking on fridays xom and if you did. it for months and months now we've heard the young people speaking and i think they've identified an absolute urgency that we have to respond to here but while much corn understands their frustrations his government didn't seem too keen on those climate activists who protested in paris over the weekend with some alleging brute force was used by the police as the violence spiraled out of control.
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and much corn has made it clear he really wants the protesters to go away well from false at least as what you really really wants is for them to take their anger out on another you country poland's. mulching every friday to say that the planet is burning that's nice but that is not the problem people should go protest in poland help me move those i cannot push forward who was upset that poland is refusing to commit to an e.u. target to be carbon neutral by 2050 pence walking the floor from adopting this is official policy that's not going down well in poland where the country's deputy foreign minister is accused of the lecturing and it is perhaps difficult to swallow such a lecture when france itself has been accused of holding behind on tackling the climate
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emergency france's mission emissions targets in 3 or 4 big sectors a wise person once said people who live in cost houses show. 3 brix advice some may counsel one to take charge even ski r.t. us eastern pakistan was shaken by a 5.8 magnitude earthquake on tuesday local media citing officials are reporting that at least 26 people are known to have died hundreds more have been injured the quake has damaged property and roads people are reportedly fleeing high rise buildings in case of further tremors effects were felt in the capital islamabad and other major cities including lahore the pakistani army chief says aviation and medical rescue teams have been dispatched. web sites spreading disinformation generate millions of dollars in online advertising revenue from well known brands that's according to a new study by british organization the global this information index domains signs
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that include those peddling conspiracy theories pseudo science but also a conservative website and r t our senior correspondent what i guess the of takes a closer look at who's behind the study. in simple terms everything's become automated even the ads you place online they are placed by algorithms you never know what sites will end up on and the algorithms can tell about the good websites with real and honest news and the bad websites with fake news and stuff the good guys don't agree with the problem is the real journalists are incensed that they aren't getting enough of your money global dissin from ation index the g.d. i estimates that a quarter $1000000000.00 is paid annually to our database of $20000.00 dissin from ation sites by ad tech companies placing adverts for many well known brands these
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brands include household names that many of us know already and honda american airlines and office max among others well loud sounds like a catastrophe imagine buoying being advertised on a flat earth or website or a construction company being advertised on a 911 truth his blog the kind of crazy websites the report means right the sites in our sample include addicting info dot com r t v dot com twitchy dot com and 0 hedge dot com. of all of all. this information websites twitchy fairly conservative gig with up many more mistakes or fake news than c.n.n. or the new york times 0 hedge much the same and of course us where would any list be without r t but enough about us that see the judges global this information index
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coalition governments business and civil society based on neutrality independence and transparency. independence or so who funds them a few non-profits and well there it is the ukase foreign office the one that organized journalists to attack british politicians advocated invading iraq on a false premise constantly say to people there are decisions that to be made in relation to iraq at all but the reason no doubt that iraq poses a threat in respect of weapons of mass destruction and there is no doubt that this issue is an issue that should be dealt with but state funding this side the advisory panel is a wonder to an apple bomb married to a former polish foreign minister noted for his anti russian stunts she herself prominent peddler of the trump russian collusion story which was all fake in
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seeking russian support not only to become president but also to make money even as he launched his presidential campaign he hoped to receive a major influx of money from a proposed trump tower in moscow so an independent organization who funded by a foreign ministry the noted peddler of conspiracy theories helping to run it and to think it's these people who are angry that they don't get enough of your money make no mistake once they nail down an algorithm to do the censorship for them you'll never be misinformed again or well hear a different opinion. programs for documentary channel coming up next we're back in 30 minutes thawing with the latest the global news headlines.
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rising. in 2015 a government claiming to be left wing promise to. go over its agreed measures that tie the country up until 2060. privatization. on the lift became depressed because it had succeeded with the right hadn't. the right was depressed because they knew they'd lost. in this country of mass depression however there was one word that awakens the political fervor of the. venezuela.
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