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tv   News  RT  September 25, 2019 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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this wednesday morning 1st in the headlines in america house speaker nancy pelosi announces a formal impeachment inquiry into whether donald trump abused his presidential powers to a call to the president of ukraine. in the 2020 elections. president's betrayal of his oath of office of our national security and the trail of the integrity of our elections i mean if she does that they all say that the positive will be from the white. house for the rest of us soldier over alleged plans to bomb
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a major american news network. plans to fight alongside the far right but in ukraine. and tries to engender stereotypes getting toy makers on board to take a more balanced approach but is it just social engineering we put that to our guests. they want to give them the chance and to choose whatever they want to girls and boys are different men and women of difference is no problem should be fixed. with good morning welcome to the program kevin o. any of the 30 min it will do. again so 1st to washington where democratic house speaker nancy pelosi has announced a formal impeachment inquiry against president donald trump. the president has admitted to asking the president ukraine to take actions which would benefit him
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politically the action of the truck the actions of the trump presidency revealed dishonorable fact of the president's betrayal of his oath of office betrayal of our national security and the trail of the integrity of our elections therefore today i'm announcing the house of representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry at issue here is a phone call donald trump made in july the ukrainian president vladimir is a lens whistleblower allege that president trump pressured the a korean leader to investigate corruption allegations against former vice president joe biden and his son hunter shortly before the war did advisors to freeze millions in military aid for kiev drawing accusations that he used it as leverage to force ukraine to dig dirt on his likely election rival though trump promises to release the transcript today democrats continue their calls for impeachment our correspondent ego's done office in new york for us. this once again is underlining
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the growing political divide between the elites between the democrats and between the republicans i believe that impeachment at this juncture would be terribly divisive for the country at a time when we are already extremely divided the republicans at the same time we're just brushing everything aside and the brushing it away palming it off saying that this is nothing that this is nothing new and nothing's going to come out of it they have been investigating this president before he even got elected they have voted 3 times on impeachment on this floor twice they voted before one word the mall report came back what she said today made no difference of what's been going on the house democrats have got impeachment fever and the only cure is going to be reelected the president in the 2020 alexion this is embarrassing that speaker pelosi continues this witch hunt for impeachment well here's what this whole thing is about the way the democrats put it and the democrats are saying that there's no evidence that
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while there's no evidence that the joe biden did anything wrong they are saying that it is inherently wrong for donald trump to. reach out like that to foreign leaders seeking on his potential on his potential political opponent and they're using that such strong words as for instance extortion but in my opinion this is extortion and this was either implicit or explicit extortion in plain sight now he's admitted to using his office to curse you know the country to interfere in 2020 i fully support the impeachment inquiry now essentially what the democrats are getting at is they're saying that this could be seen as political interference as foreign interference into u.s. presidential elections on behalf of a foreign state and now as for donald trump he has promised for once quote unquote release and redacted scripts of his. versation with dimmers alinsky and in his well
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signature manner he has proclaimed he has stated that this whole stand this whole scandal will only give a boost to his political campaign they're going to lose the election if we get this is. we really election. they also really. well the word impeachment has been on the many many lips for so long it seems that the house democrats have waited have been waiting for the perfect moment to short to give a short to donald trump's political campaign and it does look that it could get into the spotlight it could become the key thing at least in the early stages of the presidential election here in the united states in 2020 so these new allegations will be added to what 6 committees already investigating about trump if it moves forward as an impeachable offense then the vote will be held in the
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democratic controlled house of representatives even if it's voted through then the something else is going to go through it'll have to pass through the republican controlled senate a 2 thirds majority is required which is highly unlikely meantime polls show public support for impeachment usually doesn't go higher than 40 percent even during the height of the investigation when the probe was launched into now debunked trump russia collusion hawkins discussed the new impeachment efforts with r.t. america's scottie nell hughes and investigative journalist dave lindorff but earlier. president trying to saying he's going to release the actual transcript or now release the audio track for whatever he has regarding this phone call in question if it turns out this call turned out to be everything above board completely legit and even showing what caused this phone call in the 1st possible and wrongdoing by the biden campaign this could turn out to be a very big problem the democrats are going to have seen yet here in america both that supporter trump are already declaring that that thank you most closely just
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got president trumpery elected well you know this could go a lot of different ways and for one thing trump can fall into a trap because if he thinks that. nobody's going to get the transcript and he admits a incomplete transcript of the phone call that's where nixon got tripped you know if you if you have to bris and you think i've got this i can thank you dr this i can be you know limited the way i want and then somebody in the intelligence community has the whole thing then you know then each. he's committing fraud and he gets himself in real trouble. you can also have a situation where. you know it's good for the democrats too because a lot of people think biden is a loser like clinton and this might kill 2 birds for 11 stone for them you know you tarnish the president with hearings that embarrass him and you also get rid of
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a candidate who says this your appeal or any of this came again and libel to drag in christan to defeat and you get somebody who is in pretty good polls likely to be trumps a war in your centers or somebody that you know is a better candidate than biden. this cake russia's foreign minister has slammed the u.s. for not issuing visas to russian diplomats plotting to attend the u.n. general assembly calling it a shade will pick up that story in a few minutes. the rest of us soldier over his alleged plans to bomb a news networks exposed to why the plot he allegedly also plan to travel to ukraine to fight alongside the infamous far right as of fatah and with more of the story double quarter this morning. planning a terror attack preparing to murder and tea for members threatening to assassinate the president this isn't a movie plot it's the allegations that recently landed jarrett william smith in an
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f.b.i. cell and authorities say his plans were only confined to the us of a smith had spoken about his desire to travel to ukraine to fight with the ukraine based violent far right paramilitary group as of battalion why ukraine well it's a hotbed for the far right and white supremacy which have a big influence in the country's military the hours of the taliban for example its insignia features 2 nazi era symbols still widely used by neo nazi groups. smith was dead set on joining up with as of and it's not just him reports say some
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of his collaborators were already fighting with another neo nazi group called right sector it seems kiev has a poll for americans on the far right remember charlottesville. for members of a far right group involved in that riot were arrested and lo and behold they too had a fixation on the battalion they even traveled to europe and met one of the battalions leaders with so many neo nazis in the us you would think washington would unambiguously oppose their growth but that's just not the case at 1st in 2015 congress unanimously voted against military aid to the neo nazi as always but to. i am grateful that the house of representatives unanimously passed my amendments last night to ensure that our military does not train members of the repulsive neo nazi
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azoff battalion but just one year later washington changed its mind and all of the sudden pictures began surfacing on social media of as of and u.s. soldiers striking poses together and makes you wonder if the u.s. even thinks nazi ideology is a threat let alone something negative frankly you know our vetting screens for human rights violations not for ideology neo nazis you know can join the us army to looks like the us army will take anyone these days as long as they hate the people washington wants them to hate in this case given the race and the russian. dominated the united states floor at least a decade if not more it isn't surprising that there would be people who were eager to join the military who. are crazy with. russia as i look wrongly is that when you have a volunteer. military as as the us does it does attract.
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not necessarily very good people it also attracts people who subscribe to dangerous etiology there should be a bidding rose as to prevent people who have these dangerous echoes however. probably the us military simply doesn't have the baby process there so eager to get as many recruits as possible that they wave almost everyone in the. politicians and journalists around the world are still picking over the big speech a 16 year old clomid out to his credit at the un climate summit has been widely praised for her emotional speech opponents though say she's created a cult for the younger generation. looks at the thin line between activism and fanaticism. the thing with climate change is it's called deligated we don't fully understand it ourselves we know it's happening we know some of the reasons but it's
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all tenuous and the guys who have the best grasp of it scientists aren't always easy to understand but that's why mother nature gave us climate change activists no need for his meteorology degree there. are many activists it isn't about science or facts policy or debate it's faith but lief and something greater something they don't necessarily understand caught explain and wound comprehend like the judeo christian religion and the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change we face catastrophe and crisis on this planet climate change but though it's not something that we have
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to prepare for it is something that is here you know there's a word for that the in a feeling that the world is about to end that armageddon is around the corner schooled eschatology and it formed the basis of early christian dogma but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up we should be grateful to climate change activists trying to save our unworthy polluted souls save us from judgment day and as with any faith they have a prophet for that you need a college education jesus. didn't have a university degree now the lord of climate stability has said to his
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daughter we are not in school today. and this time we are not alone we have some adults one i work today eva. the it and why because this is an emergency our house is on the cyan faith is for everyone the rich and the poor all genders races and ages this is a hooley crusade and anyone old enough to hold a protest side or throw a rock concert of the holy spirit of the atmosphere.
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brings a tear to my eyes it's exactly like the crusade of the year 1212 thousands of european children joined up to liberate the holy land of course none of them got that many died along the way but c'mon it's kids doing stuff spies everybody plus it makes the heretics look bad oh yeah like with any willage it there are heretics those who refuse to acknowledge god or whatever you believe in they have a name in this faith climate change deniers is no middle ground either if you're a skeptic you are a denial and climate change deniers a dirty trashy folk the sort who are going to roast in the hell hole where the. lights stay on even when nobody's home climate change deniers are a danger to our security the gloves are off predatory climate deniers are threat to
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our children the depravity of climate change denial it sure looks like climate change is the new 21st century dogma overthe called going through to you we in the media we want to save your soul and if you already take my hand we're going to church while online church just open your internet browser and go to n.b.c. dot com confess there confess my children confess your sins cleanse your polluted souls seriously they've got a climate confessions page now tell me this isn't a full blown religion. or a guest ever calling 917 and a half in the morning moscow time good morning ahead what's good for boys is good for girls and vice versa the battle over stereotypes now been taken to french toy
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shops but is this step to shake things up a bit go in a bit too far examined of the brain. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the dares thinks. we dare to ask. the democrats want to recapture the white house in
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a bad way their hatred of trump with the help of the liberal mainstream media as witness presidential candidates say some of the most extraordinary things but there is nothing extraordinary about their hatred of the president the question is do they have ideas to win. but for moscow's out international good morning to russia's foreign ministry says 10 members of its delegation failed to get u.s. faeces ahead of the u.n. general assembly debate which is set to enter the 2nd round later today that russia's foreign affairs committee who was one of those involved called it a provocation and the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov also slammed the move . i think comments are redundant here it is just
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a shame for this nation which is trying to portray itself as the ultimate truth it's just a real shame was. donald trump mean times lashed out at iran and venezuela and called on nations around the globe to embrace nationalism he was addressing the 1st day of the un general assembly in new york his delivery stood a wave of online mockery for it's not in the though. one of the greatest security threats facing peace loving nations today is the repressive regime in iran. the regimes record of death and destruction is well known to us all. the dictator maduro is a cuban top that protected by cuban bodyguards hiding from his own people well cuba plunders venezuela's oil wealth to sustain its own corrupt
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communist rule. wise leaders always put the good of their own people. and their own country 1st the future does not belong to global as their future belongs to patriots. spaces their money wondering what actually happened to his more usual adam a to deliver public describing is totally. boring. and. whose thirst for control. eludes them into thinking they are dead.
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and you have to venezuela. this is the book of us reading while dumbell chompers in the general assembly xenophobic and discourse. there is a growing recognition. and reciprocal. america's goal is harmony. your spirit. perhaps don chung could record his comments airing now as bad time reading i'm ready to crash trump is reading this speech like a sleep deprived hostage most boring and long stem in a speech i have ever heard in my life world leaders have now started reading books instead of listening to president trump speech at the u.n. general assembly.
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and some highlights from later on today the leaders of ukraine iran are expected to be among the speakers on day 2 of the 74th general assembly debate so we'll let you know what they've got to say probably go to it live at some point through the day later. books of france no extol france has got a new target in its battle against sexism it's children's toys and ministers are making moves to mix things up a bit so that manufacturers retailers don't simply push dolls for girls and cars for boys so now a new agreement signed between the french government and toy makers hopes to attract more girls toward science and math it also suggests that manufacturers advertisers and stores remove sexist color schemes and labeling is the aim they say is to broaden children's imaginations so that they're not influenced by stereotypes as they grow up we're looking to work on the creation of new toys and also how they are represented in advertisement and the way their assault fighting discrimination later on requires action right from the very 1st days from is seen as
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a welcome move to broaden young minds to claims of gender engineering maybe here's how the guidelines went when we discussed it here. it's really good because they want to put an end to gender toys they want to give the freedom to children to choose whatever they want to so we're not forcing boys to play with dolls if they don't want to of course and girs again they can play with adult all and then they can play with other stuff for related to too in a computer science maybe in math or other things that actually will be an incentive to women to truths are the subjects in the university a psychology professor in cambridge university simon baron cohen has shown that as early as several days after birth female babies show an interest in faces whereas male babies typically show an interest in mechanical items so there's some hard wiring there the idea that somehow you can charge society by part by by
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forcing boys to play with dolls and girls play with trucks is a is an absolute it's ludicrous even there are scientists that they know that the brain of humans i mean even though they're different they can be definitely. forced to think something when they're youngest so we can become the manipulator doing their work especially early years so that's why it's very important to put an end to gender toys the way only one way you put to the products in the supermarket so will influence the clients to buy certain products or not so there are many many studies and it's very very important the way they put to know their products in the supermarkets and to manufacturers they know exactly about that they know how much you can manipulate and try to push in a person to buy something or something else and that's why there are surely very
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happy about this charter of commitments you know because it's completed voluntary we have to say that to so in france they are doing this a voluntary charter. commitments and time in a factory so far they they said yes it's fine we are completely willing to do that it doesn't need guidelines or whatever else. you know then of the girls will gravitate towards certain toys and boys will gravitate to certain toys and that is not a problem you know i mean you know women are not declining to go into engineering courses because some some or full you know parents stop them playing with trucks or or lego or something is as a youngster you know girls and boys are different men and women are difference and there is no problem to be fixed. if just waking up this wednesday joining us to stay across the latest on the impeachment inquiry story is donald trump over in the usa today and then later in the u.k. the latest on. to face the music of the supreme court drama say yesterday solon our
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web site r t v dot com in the coming hours for a lot more on it if another month because wednesday you have a great day i would love it if you stay with us to the next watch in the hopes is just. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president and she. want to be that's. actually going to be close that's what the 43 of them all can't be good. i'm interested always in the water how. things should be. in 2040 you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is
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always spontaneous or is it you know lawyer here i mean you know liz put video through me in the new bill is that i'm you spoiling me to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 24. of those who took part in this today over 5000000000 dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. make this manufacturer can be sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the fine. larry you read this to be the one percent. of the room saying.
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greetings and sally. in today's geo political atmosphere it appears that the term give peace a chance has never been met with more callous disdain for no better example look to the ongoing war in yemen which has now been going strong for roughly 4 and a half years and is widely considered one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes on the planet if not the biggest following their claim of responsibility for the recent attack in saudi arabia's oil field despite despite the united states still insisting that it was around their wing and just days into the 2001000 united nations general assembly in new york the who the rebels and yemen announced a call for
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a truce and peace last friday night body armor shot to head the supreme political council one donaghue to run t.v. in yemen and told viewers we declare ceasing to target their saudi arabian territory with military drones ballistic missiles and all other forms of weapons and we wait for a reciprocal move from them he added that while they do reserve the right to respond if attacked the continuation of the yemen war will not benefit any side the sentiment was then acco the next day on saturday at the un general assembly through the special envoy for human martin grip of who welcomed the initiative and sudden a statement if this initiative. is implemented in good faith it can send a powerful message of the will to end the war now how did saudi arabia and its allies respond to this call for a truce and a possible pathway to peace in yemen how did.


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