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tv   News  RT  September 25, 2019 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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victory. call up the center. is released it shows he urged his ukrainian hunter part to investigate the business dealings of rival presidential candidate joe biden. in ukraine meeting earlier for. mr trump thanks. for calling him by for alleged troop. presence of his oath of office.
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and the trail of the integrity of. the. news the. purported to news network uncovers his plans to fight alongside an extremist. in ukraine. one minute past 10 am and pm in tokyo and 6 in the evening right here in moscow this wednesday september 25th hello and welcome to our 2 international. within the past hour the white house released the transcript of a call between. ukraine as leader vladimir. it's the center of an impeachment inquiry by the democrats moving. forward against the u.s.
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president amid claims he abused his powers to smear a lection rival let's go to our tease them up and kill what the transcript revealed how damaging or otherwise is it. well we have the transcript right here and now this is the transcript of the brief conversation that took place between us president donald trump and the ukrainian leader on july 25th now it was a 3 minute conversation and it's 5 pages of text here not very long and in it trump certainly does mention joe biden let's take a listen to some of what is in this transcript there's a lot of talk about biden son body didn't stop the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about what you can do with the attorney general would be great i will have mr giuliani give you
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a coup and i move so we're going to have attorney general who and we will get to the bottom of it i'm sure you figure. now while there is mention of joe biden and his son's connections and the prosecutor in ukraine there doesn't seem to be any mention of this $400.00 in military $400000000.00 in military aid that the democrats are mentioning the allegation was that trump somehow threatens to withdraw or not give military aid to ukraine and that doesn't appear in this transcript what comes next here i'm reading through it as well as you are caleb will the release of the transcript impact this impeachment inquiry launched by nancy pelosi as you mentioned joe biden of course going to be an aspect of this as well accountability. well we heard that announcement from nancy pelosi and this was before the transcript had been released
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she had already accused the us president of betraying the country this is some of what nancy pelosi said when announcing the formation of the impeachment inquiry. actions of the trump presidency reveal a dishonorable fact of the president's betrayal of his oath of office betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of our election. now there are currently 6 committees that are investigating us president donald trump now if the judiciary committee of the house were to draw up articles of impeachment then according to the u.s. constitution the u.s. house of representatives would have to then vote to proceed with the impeachment of donald trump at that point it would be then the u.s. senate that would hold an impeachment trial and vote whether or not to remove trump from office now so far we've had 2 u.s. presidents who have been impeached andrew johnson and bill clinton and neither of
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them were removed from office they survived the impeachment process and continued with their presidency now richard nixon was facing the threat of impeachment and he stepped down so so far no president in u.s. history has yet ever been removed through the impeachment process and at this point many suspect that if the house were to move ahead with impeachment proceedings against trump the senate which is controlled by republicans could vote not to even convene the impeachment trial now donald trump is saying that the potential for impeachment proceedings to begin would actually help him in the long term this is president donald trump book which is to continue where you know which of the words we're just going to lose because she does. we're also going to the positive. how could you do that if you haven't even to give them. now democrats are coming out in response to this transcript and saying that it does indeed show that trump behaved in inappropriate behavior essential trying to get information on joe biden from
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a foreign leader using the oval office for his own political ends however no mention of this 400 dollars 1000000 dollars in military aid that was part of the initial democratic allegations furthermore not all democrats seem to be united behind the process tulsi gabbert the congresswoman from hawaii she's been very strong in saying that this this process of impeaching trump would divide the country and not be good for the democratic party or the country overall so it's not clear what the next move is the democrats have their impeachment inquiry and we now have the transcript of the phone call in question. thanks very much for talking us through the transcript released within the past hour or so well let me or zelinsky he is currently in new york in fact for the u.n. general assembly is expected to meet donald trump on the sidelines at some stage to day when honest earlier a byte his phone call with the american president the ukrainian leader give us some
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let's replay. when the new film was a disappointed wish a president in his own listening crane no man impeachment emotional range but if you are not in the in on the men then he's going to meet seen the a woman she's talking. and i stealth further into today's developments i'm happy to say that dr robert gooch associate professor of u.s. politics britain's university joins us on the program good to see you robert. just 1st of all what did you make of the transcript doesn't indicate trump appears this presidential powers were you expecting more were you expecting this. well yeah i mean i think your correspondent is right that there isn't a mention of this military now certainly that transcript alone isn't going to be to move forward with this soon i think you know government position or the congress position would be looking at the other comments that donald trump has maybe here on twitter you know other public venues or behind closed doors that have been recorded
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visual records so that the transcript that we're looking at is just i glimpse but also the point isn't it but given that the transcript is not a verbatim record of the conversation is it likely in reality to have been more damning. well maybe i mean you know when we looked at nixon for instance we had we had to use of johnson we had to use the recordings of conversations from the oval office that have been used in other types of questioning of presidential conduct so this is just a glimpse at what we're looking at and certainly union group could open up lots of doors that we haven't even considered yet about presidential conduct or misconduct that may have been going on around this particular instance or others is this could this be seen as a calculated risk by the trump administration to to lift this transcript because it's going to put focus not only on donald trump himself but also of course on joe biden who's his closest rival for the 2020 run for the white house and his soul no
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there is no explicit. claims that he was involved in wrongdoing with this business in ukraine but if an investigation does happen and it's find out that something did occur it could damage his chances as well. well that's a great question and that's one that you're not seeing a lot of in mainstream u.s. press united not seeing now questions about will also be distracting us from what joe biden has done and others have been involved in maybe there really is something there that's a question that's not coming through really the questions that are being asked in the hope i think for those who are were answered from this that this leads into really great. leaked information or juicy information not about joe biden but. people who are upset with his politics and this could be a way to move us away from when joe biden might be involved in if it did appear in the build up to this that the 400000000 dollars just shy of out of military aid
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there had been talk by the democrats thought it was going to be suspended before this july phone call nothing about thought is mentioned and that is really it seems what nancy pelosi was hanging her house on impeachment process to get that. aspect really clamp down and make it the issue of the impact if that's not there how does this inquiry of all for naught. well again certainly this isn't the only communication that's being had between the president and his now the supporters of the president and people who work for him you know your green government or others so there may be other cables or maybe other communications e-mails testimony people who are conversations that have been had outside or just as one of 3 minute now in congress are you sure the transcripts. so i think that you know this investigation is really. going on are there other pieces you remember this was
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a whistleblower situation where somebody said i heard this thing through to the department of justice see if there's anything criminal here and then let's take it to the house and see if there are any other interests involved here beyond just you know this is 3 minute conversation which we read it is kind of just a little back and forth accolades going across the ocean. in so this will just be a part we'll be looking for other testimony her other her other documents that might exist yes thanks for fleshing that eye for us and coming on the program associate professor of u.s. politics dr robert gooch a from britain's lancaster university. ok let's move the program plenty of news today the f.b.i. has arrested an army soldier who allegedly planned to bomb a news network and assassinate a presidential candidate but the arrest is also uncovered a wider plot to join in the tories to create an ultra nationalist group fighting in
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eastern ukraine and dole quarter reports he's far from the only american joining the ranks of ukrainian neo nazis. planning a terror attack preparing to murder and tea for members this isn't a movie plot it's the allegations that recently landed jarrett william smith in an f.b.i. cell and authorities say his plans were only confined to the us of a smith had spoken about his desire to travel to ukraine to fight with the ukraine based violent far right paramilitary group as of battalion why ukraine well it's a hotbed for the far right and white supremacy which have a big. as i said it is a busy news day we have to interrupt our program because it is the 2nd day of the u.n. general assembly world leaders senior diplomats are in new york for the 74th session of the un he will speak just behind me has time rouhani iran's leader is speaking let's listen in killings continue to be practiced against the palestinians. the u.s. then zionist imposed plans such as the deal of the century recognizing
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they told us as the capital of the zionist regime and the excess sion of the syrian golan. to the occupied territories. are certainly doomed. as against the us destructive plans. the islamic republic of iran's of regional and international assistance and cooperation. on security and counterterrorism have been. so much decisive. to clear example of such an approach is our cooperation with russia and turkey within the astana format on the syrian
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crisis and our peace proposal for yemen. in view of our active cooperation with the special envoys of the secretary general of the united nations. as well as our efforts to. facilitate reconsideration talks among the yemen parties with the 4 european countries. which. resulted in the conclusion. of the stockholm peace accords it's on the hud data ports. that they got of the was not distinguished participants and i hail from a country that has resisted the most merciless economic terrorism. you know what it is the east and has defended its rights to
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independence and to science. and technology development out of the us do not tell the u.s. government while imposing extra territorial sanctions and threats against other nations. has made a lot of efforts to deprive iran from the advantages of participating in the global economy. and has a resorted to international piracy by misusing the international banking system. martin you know we're audience he have been the pioneers of freedom seeking movements in the region. while seeking peace. and progress for our nation as well as
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our neighbors and we have never surrendered to foreign aggression. and imposition. we cannot believe the invitation that's hard to negotiation of people who claim. to have applied the harshest sanctions of history. against dignity and prosperity let them on of our nation of them. how someone can believe you know that this silent killing of the great nation and pressure on the life of 83000000 iranians who die particularly women and children are well come by the american government officials. who pride themselves on such pressures and exploit sanctions in an egg victims manner
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against a spectrum of countries such as iran venezuela cuba china and russia in your door in the. middle of the iranian nation will never ever forget and forgive on these crimes now we want to end these criminals. ladies and gentlemen. the attitude. of the incumbent u.s. government towards the nuclear deal. or the j c peel way not only violates the provisions of the united nations security council resolution $2231.00 but also constitutes a breach of the sovereignty and political and economic independence of all of the world's countries. in spite of the american withdrawal from the j c p o
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a and for one year iran remained fully faithful to all of its nuclear commitments. in accordance with the j c.p.o. way. out of respect for the security council resolution we provided europe with the opportunity to fulfill its 11 commitments made to compensate for the us withdrawal however unfortunately. we only heard beautiful words. while witnessing no effect is measures now the. united has now become clear for all that the united states turns on its turns back to its commitments and europe is able incapable of fulfilling its commitments and we even adopted as step by step
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approach in implementing paragraphs $26.36 of the j c a p o a. and we remain committed to our promises in the deal on the. however our patience has a limit when the u.s. does not respect the united nations security council to me was our resolutions and when europe displays inability to. me goes on are. the only way shall be to rely on national dignity pride and strength or their motto. model but they call us to negotiations while they run away from treaties and deals we negotiated with the incumbent u.s. government on the 5 plus one negotiating table. however they
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failed to honor the commitment made by their predecessor. on behalf of my nation and state i would like to announce that our response to any negotiation under sanctions is negative. that the government and people of iran have remained steadfast against the harshest sanctions in the past one and a half years and will never negotiate with an enemy that seeks to make iran surrender with the weapon of poverty pressure on out and sanctions. if you will require their positive answer. and as declared by the leader of the islamic revolution out of that. the only way for talks to begin. is to return to commitments and compliance. yeah if you are
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sensitive to the name of j c p o a well then you can return to its framework and abide by the united nations security council resolution 2231. stop the sanctions. so as to open the way for the start of negotiations and i would like to make it crystal clear if you are satisfied with the minimums we will also convince ourselves with a minimum. either for you. or for us. about the j c p o a was a minimum for you and for us however if you wish more if you require more you should also give and pay more if you stand on your ward that you only have one
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demand for iran. and non production and non utilization of nuclear weapons then it should it could easily be attained in view of the i.a.e.a. supervision and more importantly with the fatwa of the iranian leader. instead of a show of negotiations. going above you shall return to the reality of negotiations men morrill photos are the last station of negotiations not the 1st want on all you ladies and gentlemen are we in iran despite. all of the obstructions created by the unity us government are keeping on the past of economic and social growth and prosperity. be the. iran's economy in 2017 registered the highest economic growth rate in the world
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john roll. call him was the middle of the net and today despite fluctuations emanating from foreign interference. in the past one and a half years we have returned to the track of growth. and stability. iran's gross domestic product you know on doing a minus or has become positive again in recent months. and the trade balance of the country remains positive. and more distinguished participants this security doctrine of the islamic republic of iran is based on the maintenance of peace and stability in the persian gulf and providing freedom of navigation and safety of movement in the strait of or most
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recent incidents have seriously endangered such security. security and peace in the persian gulf seal of amman and the strait of hormuz could be provided with the participation of the countries of the region and different flow of oil and other energy resources could be guaranteed provided that we consider security as an umbrella in all areas for all of the countries. in all on the historical responsibility of my country in maintaining security peace stability and progress in the persian gulf region and strait of hormones. i should like to invite all the countries directly affected by the developments in the persian gulf
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in the strait of hormuz. to you know that coalition of hope meaning formals peace endeavor or. use their vote. on the gold. of the coalition for hope is to promote peace stability progress and welfare for all of the residents of the strait of for most region. and enhanced mutual understanding and peaceful and friendly relations amongst them on on on. this initiative includes various venues for cooperation such as that collective supply of energy security freedom of navigation and free transfer of oil and other resources. and to from the strait of hormuz. and beyond that are gone
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wrong out of out of me. it's a lot of the coalition for hope is based on important principles such as compliance with the goals and principles of the united nations a mutual respect equal footing you are you know about all about dialogue and understanding and respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty inviolability of international borders peaceful settlement of all differences. and more importantly i want him to fundamental principles of non-aggression and in non interference in the domestic affairs of each other. the presence of the united nations seems necessary for the creation of an international imbra in support of the coalition of hope. that.
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the minister of foreign affairs of the islamic republic of iran shall provide more details of the coalition of hope it to the beneficiary states. ladies and gentleman the formation of a new security correlation and initiative under any title in the region with the central command of foreign forces is a clear example of interference in the affairs of the region the security zation of navigation is in contravention to the right to free navigation and the right to development and need and would escalate tensions and more complication of conditions an increase of mistrust in the region.
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while jeopardizing regional peace security and stability. of our region shall be provided when american troops pull out security shall not be supplied with american weapons and intervention the united states after 18 years has failed to reduce acts of terrorism. however these lawmakers republic of iran manage to terminate this scourge of dire with the assistance of neighboring nations and governments all to build way towards peace and security in the middle east passes through in war democracy and i'll toward diplomacy. security cannot be purchased or supplied by foreign governments. the peace security and independence of
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our neighbors is the peace security and independence of us america is not our neighbor. this is these lawmakers republic of iran which neighbors you know and we have been long caught. that neighbor comes 1st. then comes the house. dog. in the event of an incident and we shall remain alone. we are neighbors with each other and not with the united states. but the united states is located here not in the middle east the united states is not the advocate of any nation or let neither is the guardian of any state in fact states do not delegate power to attorney. to other states and do not give custodianship
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to others if the flames of the fire of yemen have spread today to his jaws the warmonger. should be sought and punished now rather than leveling allegations and grudge against the innocent yet the security of saudi arabia shall be guaranteed only determination of aggression to yemen now a rather than by inviting foreigners we are ready to spend our national strength and regional credibility and international authority maja of exotic. dissolution for peace in the arabian peninsula. security in the.


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