tv News RT September 26, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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the complaint which sparked impeachment proceedings against president trump is released but the whistleblower admits not being a direct witness the most events described a rival democrats out for blood asked the king to their guns. we were presented with the most graphic evidence yet. that the present united states has betrayed his oath of office. to defend our national security and betrayed us to defend our constitution. donald trump reiterated his desire for kids to investigate corrupt activities of former u.s. vice president joe biden and his son claims it goes well beyond ukraine we look
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into those allegations. that lines of paris court finds the woman behind the french meeting movement for defaming a man she'd accuse the sexual harassment. and british businessman aaron banks and his believe campaign a cleared of receiving millions in funding from overseas including from russia a national from agency stating there was no evidence that any criminal offenses had been committed. from a mosque in use it's q what you are the international and daniel hawkins refuge cheating and from welcome to the program. a controversy is growing in washington over a july phone call between the president of the u.s. and ukraine softer whistleblowers complaint against donald trump was declassified on thursday it alleges that the white house attempted to keep the details of the 2 leaders conversation secret democrats say that during his discussions with madam is
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alinsky mr trump likely committed a crime by urging his counterpart to investigate democratic 2020 hopeful joe biden's activities in ukraine and has more. if you take a look at the complaint it's from an unnamed whistleblower and this whistleblower essentially argues that they are working in the interests of the united states they heard about trump's conversation with the ukrainian leader they were outraged about it and they had to speak up now what's interesting is the whistleblower admits they never actually heard the conversation i was not a direct witness to most of the events described however i found my colleague's accounts of these events to be credible because in almost all cases officials recounted fucked pots ins that were consistent with one another in addition a variety of information consistent with these private accounts has been reported publicly and therefore filling my g.-t. to report this information through pro police channels to the relevant authorities
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we were presented with the most graphic evidence yet at the present the united states has betrayed his oath of office betrayed his oath to defend our national security and betrayed his oath to defend our constitution sacrificed our national security and our constitution for his personal political benefit the director of national intelligence says he fully stands behind this whistleblower you don't believe the whistleblower is a political hack do you director i believe that as i said before mr chairman i believe the whistle blowers are operating in good faith well then that has money in the law they couldn't be in good faith if they were acting as a political hack could they. mr chairman my job is to support and leave the entire intelligence community that individual works for me therefore it is my job to make sure that i support and defend that person you don't have any reason to cuse them
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of disloyalty to our country or suggest that beholden to some other country i mean i'm sure absolutely not i believe that the whistleblower followed the steps every step of the way now the white house has released the full transcript of the phone call in question between president trump of the united states and the ukrainian leader and as that transcript shows trump did indeed bring up joe biden his son hunter biden the issue of the firing of the prosecutor however there was no mention of a threat to withdraw military aid from ukraine as was alleged by democrats initially and that transcript is available and when they were at the united nations speaking together trump and the ukrainian leader reiterated that there was never any pressure or threat placed on the ukrainian leader and. i think. he too was normal we spoke about many seeing that and. so i think when
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you read it is that nobody bhushan bush and me yes no 3 at this point the democrats have opened a formal impeachment inquiry into president trump now the way the u.s. constitution lays things out the house of representatives decides to begin impeachment proceedings that would be the house judiciary committee that would write up articles of impeachment but it's the u.s. senate that would then convene an impeachment trial and vote on whether or not to remove the president so at this point we have the democrats in the house of representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against us president donald trump in response to this phone call and the whistleblowers complained about it however at this point of the senate is controlled pretty solidly by republicans so they could very easily vote not to convene an. pietschmann trial so the next move will be quite interesting to see but regardless of what we now have with the transcript available that says that the whistleblower didn't actually hear the conversation
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the complaint that is now available from the whistleblower to the transcript of the conversation that is now available it'll be quite interesting to see what happens next but the impeachment ball is rolling in washington d.c. of a while many democrats are praising the whistleblowers some republicans are raising concerns about a number of really takes coming from the white house is it normal for the president and the states to have their conversations leak out. this the 3rd time ranking member of the allegation in the whistleblower complaint was that there were about 12 people who listened in on the conversation so there were a number of people that from the white house briefed on the call this would not be something that i'm quite i'm quite sure this this white house probably didn't leak this out i wouldn't say the white house but there are individuals within the white house that may or may not i don't know but it would not be from an intelligence intercept i will say that what they were talking about at that point was that we
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had the conversation with the australian prime minister leaked we have the conversation with the presidents of mexico late and now a leak about the president of ukraine there is a significant problem with people working against trump and the question that we're all going to ask ourselves is look in the cold light of day these phone calls may sound incriminating but we don't know what barack obama said to world leaders and so we've got nothing necessarily to compare this to and i think that that is where it is only one of the things i would say as an important point and anybody watching this i think would have the intelligence to recognize that you cannot rule on a foreign affairs operation if the confidential conversations your having with both supportive and hostile regimes occult see being leaked so the washington post that is something that is deeply on helpful i think something that continually options and only to donald trump. donald trump has reiterated he still wants alleged
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corruption claims involving his potential election rival joe biden and the ukrainian company investigated the u.s. president's accusations now extend beyond just one country as that all quarter reports. trump's doing something there's a naysaying liberal media following close behind despite president trump at rudy giuliani's repeated allegations against the by the no evidence of wrongdoing tied to his son hunter biden's ukraine business has actually been found the allegations against him which which have indeed been been proven baseless at least to this point these are proven claims that the president is making about bud right well he's making up to the allegations against the vice president and i think that's really important to understand so does biden and his family have a squeaky clean track record let's look at the facts in 2014 biden was in charge of washington's policy stance for ukraine and for some reason his son was put on a ukrainian oil company's board of directors around that same time when
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a prosecutor launched an inquiry into that weird coincidence biden had this to say and i went over. the $1213.00 time key event and i was goose supposed to announce that there is another $1000000000.00 loan guarantee and i got a commitment from poroshenko and from. you know that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so that they're walking out. and i'm not going to we're not going to give you $1000000000.00 shortly after the prosecutor was fired and the inquiry dropped biden said neither had to do with one another just another coincidence but let's go back to biden's 2013 trip to china for talks with president xi paying 10 days after that a subsidiary of the bank of china cut a deal with joe son hunter to form a $1000000000.00 joint investment fund another $1000000000.00 coincidence then there was 2011 when he oversaw u.s.
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troop withdrawal from iraq that same year joe's younger brother sealed a $1500000000.00 deal to build homes in you guessed. iraq there's plenty of money for everyone if this project goes through and that mountain of benjamin's 2 was only a coincidence it seems when you're related to the former vice president things just had to work out and joe's got no problem with it mr vice president your take on that was a conflict of interest there was a clear conflict of interest what you heard and people move along nothing to see here i'm not seeing now questions about well it could also be distracting us from when joe biden is done and others have been involved maybe there really is something there that's a question that's not coming through really the questions that are being asked in the hope i think for those who are were answered from this how does leads into really great. leaked information or
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a juicy information not about joe biden but about donald trump. people who are upset with his politics and this could be a way to move us away from when joe biden might be involved in a family thing. caught in paris as a rule that the founder of the french me too movement defamed the man she accused of making lewd and sexist remarks in 2017 is a france correspondent shot at the win skit. well sundram has been told to pay some $20000.00 euros in fines and damages after being found to have defamed to t.v. executives who she said had sexually harassed her there she is known as being the leader or the start of the me too movement here in france which is called pole which means rattling your pig and back in 2017 she had tweeted about an incident for many years before in which she had said it the executive who she went on to name and shame had made inappropriate advances to her but the t.v.
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executive in question says as a result of this he was labeled as a sex offender he received a huge parish of criticism on social media and he was unhappy he said even more so when she rejected his advances which he admits actually happened he then went on to apologize effectively i did make misplaced comments to stand during a drunken cocktail party very late one night but only ones i later i told her was so heavy handedly and only once i must point out i don't want to exonerate myself from my boorishness of the time i read to read my apologies well sundram isn't happy with this verdict in the court neither is her lawyer and both say that they will now look to appeal. i didn't win the other woman and won i lost here today but in any case we win it all genders have started talking this decision doesn't take away from the fact that women's voices have been
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liberated that he must continue to speak out that he must continue to do now is reprehensible acts of any kind fear must not win here must not change sides well this isn't perhaps the 1st embarrassment for the me too movement to think about the italian actress an activist asieh our center who is one of the fore. bearers of the me too movement across the globe and also new york professor vito ranelagh who talked about being victims of sexually inappropriate behavior in the past but both women were later accused by young men of making them the victims of sexually inappropriate behavior and many people have long questioned this idea of naming and shaming people who are being accused of being sexual offenders or sexual predators given that in a public space such as social media there is often little to no evidence to back up
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that those allegations those claims have got a real grain of truth to them and many people saying why didn't you take them to the courts in the 1st place and some saying as a result of that their careers have also been growing their personal lives have also being ruined so some people question now whether this defamation case marks a real reversal in the fortunes of me to movement not perhaps just here in france but across the globe with many other people perhaps looking at this case and wondering if they too now could bring their own defamation case or your lawyer legal or 3 of the spike magazine a good source here lou thanks for joining us out of the woods saying everyone you know back in the me too movement to somehow above reproach for their behavior but surely these sorts of cases are quite undermining for the movement as a whole lot more. well i think they reveal the complexity the meeting movement is trying to grapple with this is an attempt to extend the law in many cases
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extend the justice system into the deepest darkest recesses of our private lives and what we've seen in the aftermath of the me too movement is more and more cases coming forward which really deal with the manu shy of human interaction if you look at the case of netflix star as is owns ari what was brought. him was really an allegation the had misbehaved in the course of a date been too hands on been overstepped personal boundaries on a number of occasions and the problem with these allegations is that they're very hard to prove by the way aspects of them almost certainly are true other aspects of the might be exaggerated or false but by projecting them into the public realm and opening them up to this kind of scrutiny the kind of unfortunate cases that you've seen in france of a woman being sued for defamation over bringing what is possibly a legitimate complaint will continue to happen and i think that the lesson from
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france really should be that one this behavior is not acceptable it's not ok for men to drunkenly crack onto women in an aggressive way especially when they have absolutely no interest in reciprocating that interest but often those situations are best resolved in a private context and i think we've lost as a society the ability to sort of look at this is something that can be resolved privately between the parties i'm afraid you know you've missed out possibly one of the greatest injustices arising out of me too which was kevin spacey you know one of the great actors of our generation who had very recently the case against him completely dropped and he now faces no criminal charges whatsoever he had his life taken apart in response to those allegations he had his career wiped off the cultural map you know he lost film roles he had programs that he had been removed from being broadcast films that he were in was canceled completely you know they
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came in this reaction came in and picked apart his life and that is not justice no matter what you think of it it is not justice and i think what we are starting to see is how me the wall arguably it drew attention to issues that have been out of the public realm for a while it has some very dark consequences when it comes to considering and just resolution of these claims and it is about. find that balance isn't it between bringing justice to victims and as you say. people being wrongly accused of things that later come out in the public eye sundram one of the plaintiffs or the difficult find in this case she says this ruling risks other victims of harassment being silenced because of what happens do you think that's a valid concern. well that's probably true and one aspect of me too phenomenon was to encourage the idea and propagate the idea that if if genuine victims of sexual violence come forward then they will be ignored and disregarded by the system and
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therefore it's necessary to take your complaints to social media because at least in social media you'll receive some degree of validation and acceptance i think that was a dangerous aspect of the me too phenomenon as well we know that in england and wales you know we're relatively good at dealing with these allegations now that's certainly not true across the world frankly i don't know what it's like in france but i think in general the approach should always be where possible if you have been the victim of genuine sexual violence then the 1st step should always be to try and resolve that in well firstly if it is genuine sexual violence you should go to the police and attempt to revolve it resolve it in a formal setting. and if that is you know if you genuine victims of sexual violence should be told that if they do come forward and if there is a system there to cope with their complaint then they should be told that they will be treated fairly because at least in many countries in western europe they will be in the evidence suggests that you know we're pretty good at dealing with these
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allegations so i don't always think the convincing genuine victims that they simply won't believe is either true or not in the british context and a lot in a lot of countries in western europe or is it very helpful because it puts people off resolving their complaints in a productive way you mentioned social media which is quite a salient point is that because his claim was also made on social me on twitter and on the one hand social media can be used as a forum for victims to come forward to talk about their experiences to receive support but also it's a chance for others to explore it and you know potentially damaging isn't people's reputations you know sort of trial bought by mob justice effectively who do you think stand to suffer most in this era of social media. well i don't think we should become involved in a kind of suffering competition and you know pete there is suffering on all sides but i think there is something deeply wrong with trying to resolve these issues through social media i remember when i was researching my book i found online a number of very very young women who were making complaints of very serious
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sexual violence against prominent for example you tube stars fashion photographers high profile individuals and because they didn't think they could come forward they were projecting these allegations onto you chew on to facebook live forum to twitter and i think no matter what you think of the progress that has been achieved by the me too movement i think when you see a very very young girl broadcasting an allegation of serious sexual violence on to eugene rather than resolving it either through going to the police or resolving it through the people around i think that's a real problem and i think it's extremely dangerous and i often think that the young women and men who get drawn into this cycle of dealing with these issues via social media often they can do irrepairable damage to their lives by broadcasting it in this way so i think the lesson has to be that we have to be very careful with
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how we deal with these allegations they must be taken seriously that's the starting point and taking them seriously requires that actually they don't become open to public scrutiny in the way that need to is encouraged where we're running out of time but i just ask one more question which is you know to do with the legal system and the current climate because obviously the world has moved on from our it was 235 decades ago things that were acceptable then are no longer acceptable you know when that line is crossed from floatation innocent sort of flirting to harassment or making somebody feel very uncomfortable and you know psychologically damaged just how difficult is it for the legal system in this age of me to. victims coming forward whereas before that they wouldn't be able to to find you know who's right and wrong here. well i think it's extremely difficult because as i say there has been a shift encouraged by me to resolve what might have been resolved in the private
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sphere in the public sphere so often these cases involve it's very difficult to gather evidence and to prove that someone said something at any particular time or even someone touch someone at any one particular time the law does you know we do see trials of these allegations coming through the english courts you know we do see sexual assault allegations harassment allegations being prosecuted and successfully prosecuted but obviously it creates real difficulties because there needs to be sufficient evidence in order to be able to bring a charge and often the only evidence that's likely to be available is the evidence of the complainant in the case and that will be met by an account given by the defendant and the question is how can the courts be expected to choose between these 2 sides and often it's extremely difficult to do you know the best way to resolve serious cases is in front of a jury in a court of law that's always the most objective and impartial way of resolving these issues but i think when you're dealing with the kinds of complaints that we've seen arise as
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a result of me to which really deal with very often very low level sexual misconduct i think there must be an argument there to resolve this informally in a private way rather than attempting to involve the blunt instrument of the law. certainly raise a lot of questions doesn't it get us a lawyer and legal editor of spiked online magazine thanks for your take on that story today you're not internationally. the u.k.'s national crime agency has found no proof of wrongdoing by the brooks campaign group believe dot edu and one of its fundraisers are and banks cleared him of receiving donations for the breaks it can buy in from a foreign source namely russia with more on the story here's kate partridge. britain's national crime agency says it's dropping an investigation into aren't banks one of the biggest donors behind the referendum campaign the n.c.a.a. looked into potential offenses concerning 8000000 pounds worth of funding it was claimed banks wasn't the true source but the inquiry found banks illegally took out
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a loan from a company he opened and so he could give the money to the brits that campaign the n.c.a.a. investigation has concluded that mr banks was legally entitled in his capacity as an individual to release these funds to the better for the country limited by instructing another of his company's rock services ltd to make the transactions on his behalf but it's worth noting the n.c.a.a. felt the need to highlight the hype surrounding the case the investigation has been subject to press and social media commentary the n.c.a.a. has not received any evidence to suggest that mr banks and his companies received funding from any 3rd party to fund the loans or that he acted as an agent on behalf of a 3rd party why is this important because our in banks with the russian ambassador to the u.k. a few times as well as russian businessmen as is often assumed by associating with russians you must be
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a russian agent something banks. that crimea you know what the police are going to investigate lunch with the russian ambassador butler university case but the media seemed eager to find a russian connection or exit is now being pinned on russian interference baron banks has been dogged by repeated accusations of close links with russia the parallels between the russian intervention and bridget and the russian intervention in the trump campaign appear to be extraordinary so we go they travel to south africa to find one they also filmed russian opposition figures with no knowledge of the case as they brought up his russian wife mr banks is a perfectly good reason to visit russia whenever he wants his family. he has 3 children by his russian wife in 2015 aaron banks tried to raise money in russia to invest in his mines here in south africa and surprisingly they try to connect banks with donald trump and felt it was news worthy to discuss banks some time visit to
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transplant and publish pictures of it to controversial backers of the brakes a movement would guess last year at donald trump's mar a lago club iron banks and the week more known as the bad boys of bricks visited the palm beach club in april according to a review by the palm beach post of instagram post tagged at the spot mainstream politicians also pushed him on the issue so much so banks walked out of a select committee meeting as m.p.'s questions on the exit and russia ran late. like you're told this isn't just one. story it is that it was it is it is which is the n.c.a.a. found no evidence banks had committed any criminal offenses he says the allegations against him were part of a political witch hunt as with claims of trump russia collusion reports of banks and russia collusion were apparently founded perpetuated on fear rather than proof the decision to leave the european union was something so monumental that it impacted the elites in britain both in the politics in civil service and in
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business and media that they needed to find the enemies they needed to find a way of discrediting the whole campaign and so the 1st thing they did was start to attack the donors to the campaign to leave and of course mr sharon banks and the leave means to leave movement came into the firing line of their anger without a doubt this was a witch hunt it was a witch hunt against those who campaigned for bricks at like myself and the leaders of the movement it was a campaign to discredit those who donated it and they also tried to discredit it by saying that there was collusion from. a nation such as russia that there was russian money behind mr r. and banks and all of this was to discredit the movement discredit the referendum it was a disgrace and should be something that's looked into by a royal commission in my view in the way that we look after our elections in the
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future. because reports coming our way in just a few about it's time we're back at 11 pm moscow time with the latest global news headlines they tune and i think the national. you should. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express. some want to. this is likely. to get people. interested.
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but. this is the kaiser report it's like yoga for your mind they say. that's right indeed you know what we've been covering for the last 10 years basically their response to the global financial crisis which was caused by of course the global crime wave from the bankers and what we did is we've lowered rates for printed money printed money printed money printed money we're printing money is going on the fed is going to be printing. tens of billions every day for the net up and talked to over 10th so they've announced that. the other sort of thing that they did is they intervened in the property market in order to prop it up through all sorts of schemes under obama. the likes of say blackstone
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a massive private equity firm was allowed to take over much of the property market here in the united states also in germany and ireland in the united kingdom in 2013 if you recall they announced a program called help to buy you and i here in kaiser report we said that day we said well this is like a ponzi scheme essentially because those in it the property market already need to be paid out by incoming people people in the rest of the economy who did not own a property did not have the resources to enter this scheme this pyramid scheme of property so the taxpayer provided a huge portion close to 20 percent of the deposit for a certain sector of the population anyway we call that a ponzi scheme and except for george osborne's mother thought it was a great program of course she thought it was a good idea. this is from the financial times.
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