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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  September 27, 2019 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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reading and zel you taishi well the impeachment horns are blaring all over your cable news feeds and pedantic punditry this week oct watchers it's important to remember there was more going on in this world than just us president donald trump versus nancy pelosi adam schiff joe biden and reality that there is more news out there than what's allowed on jake tapper's teleprompter every night news that is important thought provoking and even scary in other words news that affects you in the rest of us just as much as political impeachment games played by millionaires working for billionaires news like this new report out of bard college a center for study which found that 95 countries now own military drones and drone operations are becoming deeply embedded in the armed forces worldwide in ways that are changing global security how bad is it you ask well the report estimates that there are at least 21000 at least 21000 and probably more than 30000 unmanned
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aerial vehicles in military service worldwide today and while we're on the subject of technological terrors that we vastly underestimate and their negative impacts on our lives sovereignty and well being let's talk about the westmoreland family of milwaukee wisconsin who came home one quiet september afternoon to find their smart home was hacked fox 6 news reports that their thermostat had been turned all the way up to 90 degrees a voice speak again speaking to them from a camera in the kitchen and then started playing vulgar music. in the 21st century you don't need ghosts to haunt your house just these 2 folks from the ninety's now let's go to the show and start watching the hawks. to. get the. real deal with. the bottom. like you know that i got.
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this week. with. the one watching the hawks i am i wrong or right today we put dialogue over the fate of the walls myself bring you 2 distinct and informative discussions between a variety of topics and guests with unique political viewpoints starting my very own perception and perspective. and joining me today to bring a very unique mix of perspective to this to these stories is the founder of truth the media bias one legal and media analyst line a line all media on the host of the big picture the one and only alan cooke thank you all for coming on i want to start with military drones now being found being used in operated militaries in close to 95 close to 100 nations around the world
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ben i start with you you actually made headlines all way back in 2012 when you questioned president obama about his drone kill list is this proliferation of drone use something that you saw coming something that you know when you questioned obama you about this was the young game every country battling with unmanned aerial vehicle aerial vehicles. i think we all kind of knew it was going to head that way you know back in 20112012 you're right 2000 was when i questioned the president on the legality of it and especially on the killing of u.s. citizens using those drones you know drones at the time they were the new hot form of warfare everyone talked about how this was the future of warfare and they were right but i think back in 2011 if you look at the articles that were being written at that time the question was about what country should the united states sell drones to who should they give them to well now we're living in a time when the 3 top countries that produce drones are the united states israel and china and as you said 95 countries have these in their militaries are
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developing sophisticated drone programs and let's not forget i mean these are countries by the way like as your body shop and i geria that happens as well but not just that but not just nation states but even like drug cartels have their own drone fleets and drone programs through which they're training drone pilots so it is larger than just the nation state issue it is truly become the future of warfare and it's a pretty scary thing it is rather scary. why do you think you know us could learn all and why why do you think that we have suddenly moved into this idea of ok it's easier to use of drone it's and does that make getting into warfare easier when you don't have to worry about the pilot you don't have to worry about that it's just some guy you know in a winnebago in arizona in our case pushing buttons is it easier to go to war no are you going to mind control that's exactly what i'm going to say 3 things that concern me number one semantics we call it drones you e.v.a.'s just did you see this see this is a basically a plane that this is the now 1525 and this is not
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a drone number 2 it's not so much of drones that scare me it's the artificial intelligence aspect where somebody may read a link wish one day to these things to get to work operationally when you see fit but the 3rd part which is most important which you allude to city of edge of the longbow when people. scented themselves and remove themselves from mano a mano if you've got some kid wearing a weird suit and a quantity one in vegas playing a toggle game switch on something it may not have the same feel of war you may not see that the children in the body splayed in and vaporize you may just see you might use words like engage in story he's in and that so all of those things this is a prescription for on mitigated disaster and here it was sort of well you know and whenever he talks about artificial intelligence i get the willies because remember in battlestar galactica don't let the computers talk to each other through but what you said about the bow and arrow we're really on
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a continuum of technology member in the presidential debates where mitt romney says we have fewer ships in the navy and obama quipped yeah we have fewer horses and bayonets too so we've seen warfare now go from boots on the ground eyes on the sky and to lionel's point we trivialize the kill you know that somebody's child out there it's a little too easy to remember too is that we're seeing the same amount of p.t.s.d. in the drone operators that you see in the regular soldiers at the end of a bay they know it's not a video game when i hit that button and that person disappears on the black and white or color screen in this in this in this trailer and i just took a life and plus they're working wanted to let you go but yeah because it is a lot easier to make mistakes using drones and we've seen that happen with drone pilots as well you know we know there are a lot of documented cases in fact there was a drone strike i believe it was just one week ago where 10 people were killed in afghanistan who were not fighters they were not taliban or al qaida these were
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actual people at a wedding who were killed by a drone by accident happens far too often so even though drones and we hear about them being promoted as well it's safer because there's fewer american or pilot deaths or soldier deaths that may be true but what's not true is that there are fewer deaths associated with them in fact the number of deaths because of. lateral damage is actually higher with drones than it is in conventional warfare again it goes back to semantics and benj right we talk about super smart bombs and smart this one now there are weapons us need to make concern and basically we will get hope that we hit on target and then when we make a mistake and to be called friendly fire or collateral damage this sounds almost like a carlin routine but we will literally absented ourselves from moral responsibility by giving it a different name to remove ourselves and then again just to say look this is the way it goes actually you're not going to see fewer vietnam memorial's fewer americans so those are the breaks if you want to make an omelet you gotta break if
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you are one of the dangerous look up collateral damage in the dictionary there's hiroshima you know at least this is a laser beam you know it's interesting you know i want to also move this other topic this was really intriguing and actually lionel you brought this to my attention this week so you have this couple like all good modern couples today they buy their nest camera on their doorbell when their thermostat in their living with the smart home and it's these computer will run and everything and the hackers command they hack their wife i leads into their nest and. suddenly you're living in a haunted house where your voice is coming over your speakers and you know people are turning up your thermostat summit it really shows of a very you know macro level this is really dangerous stuff we're playing with when when strangers could enter your home through these devices have we given up i mean we know that we've given up personal privacy you know for the kind of home gadgety gimmicks but are we giving up too much of our safety as well oh yes absolutely in fact let's take this next to insulin pumps to pacemakers to use different types of
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brain implants that can affect seizure disorders if i have one of these and i can override a person's house i can override your heartbeat you know your brain i can do a lot of things so this is this is almost like a very kind of funny but this is precisely what we're looking at right now because we have created a situation which by the way there's no return you don't come back you know say you know. hold it stop it let's go back to the key back to the carbon paper it's not going to happen it is you know and that to me that raises a question. you bet imho and how to how do we balance still kind of our need for the fun gimmicks and the leisure things that we like to experiment with that we like to have with the need for our own safety and security when it comes to this but i'm. sure well a couple things number one and levels absolutely right we're not going to ever go backwards the question is how do we go forward in a safe way or one of those ways is i would almost guarantee that this family you know bought a router for their wife i probably never even changed the password they probably
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kept every password was on it when they bought it at the store so they were probably easily hackable a lot of people do that right there very easily hacked well because they think i would anyone want to be on my wife i well because now your door locks are on your wife or your fridge raters on your wife and so everything is connected to that and so is the more connected you become through a wife i say you can be so basic steps of protecting that insecurity and you know those wife i log ins are very important and that's the most basic thing you can do protect yourself when you're when you buy a router when you set up your internet and change your password great great points now on the lighter side you know shunned me at thanksgiving dinner for telling this story but my brother in law did this really to get a place down in hilton head and they told my brothers go ahead use our place while we're about home meanwhile back in connecticut mark is turning the thermostat up of a 9 and my brother kept turning it down maybe a sort of a story i think it was in new hampshire guy comes home and sitting in the driveway crated up a water heater had been delivered and they ascertained that the parrot and alexa
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were having a conversation which was misinterpreted as ordering the water heater and of course the guy's credit card was on file so it happens you know it does and that's a great point and on the lighter side of it and i think that what i agree with what everyone is saying here is that we you have these technology. understand what you're buying understand what you're allowing into your home and take the necessary precautions if you want to buy it we need a manhattan project we need a kind of a russell committee we need citizen input we said back like slaves and say look there's nothing we can do whether it's gene splicing whether it's any kind of d.n.a. g.m.o. it doesn't matter we sit back and we feel like well look if and if industry is going to come up with that there's nothing we can do wait a minute yes we can there has to be either i want to bring government into it but a subcommittee a russell here or something from a tradition here a little while we can say explain this and not feel like we just have to sit back and watch as passive victims of bulls that is definitely something none of the 4 of
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us on at this table do is sit back and watch things possibly i want to thank you all for coming out today ben swan lionel holland coco's of the big picture always a pleasure having the 3 of you on thank you so much all right everybody as we go to break our watchers don't forget to let us know what you think about top cover we'll be sure to check out watching the hawks the podcast available on spotify apple music and everywhere you look at the podcast coming up co-host with the most the opens the gallery on the man in your state and a new children's ball line whose lack of sexualization is causing controversy among adults you definitely don't want to miss this conversation stay tuned for more.
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but survival guide looked a single malt to start. putting all these are. there are you going to get a. public no. repatriations look at the rest of 70 or. so of the several large fries or for. the tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been a wholly implement inside venezuela things look different we're going to announce sanctions against the truest of venezuela so as you. famously have a supplemental you. get out of some political battle to leave to keep.
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the whole story is a new nixon called henry kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america. an old turn of the economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. the chilean economy scream so wants to make the economy of venezuela. ronald reagan once said government exists to protect us from each other where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves more and more these days we are inundated with government backed legislation to curtail the things we do from vaporing to straw's we're seeing the solution to
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public health and environmental crises. is to ban and it's why crazy widespread bans on small itty bitty sections of our allies and while parents in new york are faced with a school banned for not having their children vaccinated one chicago area couple nearly lost custody of their newborn baby for refusing a vitamin k. shot often given to newborns to help with blood clotting in the event of an emergency that's right a few short moments before after giving birth angela bauer told a nurse about to give her newborn a vitamin k. shot that she had already spoken to the doctor and in chosen to sign a waiver legally refusing the shot on religious grounds power alleges that the nurse refused to give her the form and instead reported the couple to the illinois department of children and family services it was over 12 hours before bauer was able to hold her newborn for the 1st time after this law was rescinded requiring this about a year later it was revealed that of the $138.00 families that were investigated
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regarding the vitamin k. shot refusal only 7 showed any signs of neglect most often having nothing to do with medication or lack thereof but it isn't just the government that feels the need to poke their nose in other family's affairs mattel is being accused of trying to pander to the woak agenda with a new line of dolls called create a ball world the dolls come with short hair and a long haired wig 2 sets of clothing including pants and a skirt giving them 1000 different options for outfits and looks what has some concern is that the gender of the doll is not obvious it could almost be called gender neutral a dirty word in today's climate so let's look into the flip side of p.c. culture run amok and step into the gallery. thanks. thanks. thanks for joining me today our correspondent
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regina sports producer regina hamm. and artie corresponded ferran thank you so much for joining me ladies thanks for having us so i want to be. first when i talk about i want to give a vote of the idea of the baby thing because that's where gets me because i think a lot of the conversations normally about these kinds of things are about vaccines things that are facts you know public health that you can kind of say there is a reason why you would say you either have to do this or you can't participate in certain at certain areas but in the case of the vitamin k. shot it's not medically necessary and there are so many more things with parents do you think there is something wrong with the idea of the government jumping to conclusions requiring certain things because it's supposed to be good for the child taking the parent's decision out of that so it's hard for me to understand this issue because i come from a medical family and i was the smart one that didn't go into medicine but you're seeing cases like the measles pop up and we have cured the measles and now it's
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parents that are wanting to vaccinate their kids so in those cases i completely understand however when researching this a little bit more and looking at the baxters versus the vaccine i will say when you do see newborns where they're getting 1215 shots at a time that's a little much and i don't know if a newborn baby is going to be able to tolerate that because their newborn baby but when it comes to the vitamin k. and this whole situation i think calling d.c. fs was a little bit much yeah you don't need to have that's known as an overreaction the mother clearly stated i already talked to the doctor i don't want this done in the nurses a lot of care what you think i think you're neglecting your child and you do see you know when people cite religious grounds the people who say you see in the world cancer cases there they don't want their kids to go through treatment because you know god you know that's fine country stand on really religious freedom you have a right to do that but to overstep someone's explicit wishes is then turning into the territory where like someone could just walk on the street they yell at their
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child is the one who called ifas org. another you know jessie division of child protection go she's abusing them and then you're making a giant molehill and some issues and issues that are going to end up being the state maybe going well maybe we're just best to carry a child in 1st place but when you have all this they can do a much better job i mean they do settle it was all the kids a little bit but you also said that situation in california happening though where you're having doctors that are just handing out waiver after waiver because the parents just they're either. or i mean maybe their child does have something but now california is looking at a bill where only doctors doctors can only hand out 5 of those waivers i believe it's a year because they were handing him out like skittles and so again that is where you start seeing more of these cases like the measles coming back when we this was a disease that was gone in the 1910s or whatever it was so i do see both sides didn't let me ask do you think our parents would survive in this world as parents
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when we were kids because i feel like my my parents would still be locked i'd be visiting them in prison and i think that i'm going to definitely be in prison i you know jumped off a swing set with a rope tied around one leg thinking i was going to bungee jump had some neighbor seen that report in my mother you know 27 years old you're probably watching my wedding one day from a jail cell i mean these are things i think we've almost gotten to question in that helicopter parent you know mentality that our kids have to be safe and protected in you know. you know never just parents you go in there and that's something that the next subject is about this doll as i feel like they're connected in this way is that i think we get so worried worried about his whereabouts going to happen worried about all this stuff but we didn't grow up with that and now i want to talk about these scandalous dolls. so i'm going to do something really quick because my parents are actually literally just walk into my apartment right now and they're watching mother you would be in jail because there were times when there was an
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instance where i was walking. at the mall not a prophet she's an italian mother so nothing. kept walking ahead of her and all of a sudden i feel or shoe and it was like no you're not walking in front of me i have never walked in front of you ever since then and i do understand you know there are . these are you know some kids are coddled. it was learned the hard way because you know immigrant families i think from when we were raised that's kind of how they were raised as well. and save you certain things the right south things were done to the dolls for you know that sounds sort of it was one of the this idea of the dolls is that i don't remember being this uptight about gender when i was a kid but i was also born in the loop so maybe it was a little cooler back then were a little more so mattel has this michel is a very extensive line 1st of all i think if anybody was going to talk about pandering to the sort of trying to make money using capitalism to be like look
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we're being woke were being representative they have a very long line of expensive alternative dolls meant to sort of represent anyone who isn't 9 feet tall skinny and blond so you've got the fashionistas wheelchair barbie for kids of limited over bilinear of loved ones there's the curvy barbie to show that curvy doesn't mean unhealthy and you can do yoga i guess and then there is even a white afro are being all * there were. no i have no idea who's buying but i respect its diversity not its clothing choices on a fashion but i will get the diversity is on point so they had what was what now is called the the create a bold world dolls so it seems pretty benign it's really just a doll with short hair a wig and the idea is you can make it into characters and it's like playing dress up with the doll but of course it begs this question like. do dolls have to be gender specific or do they have to be like is there something wrong with the idea
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what's the harm in having something that doesn't you decide what it is it's a doll there's no harm i think there is an issue of the easy bake of it another gendered toy that was yankin you made terrible cookie that your mother you know a little. but they made like a male version i think what are they're considered to have a tribe or ours how dare you know what is wrong with your son learning how to cook and i can tell you very many ladies who date that's a good skill but they want that type of idea that reinforces those toxic ideas of femininity and masculinity that i think a lot of parents like millennial parents are like i don't want my kid to learn that and that's not a bad thing that's a really good thing that they want to teach your kids to you know it's your life at the end is probably not murdering anybody be happy be open and that is not bad but see i look at it for example in the case of my little dog who's a border terrier chihuahua and when confronted with a pit bull he thinks that he is the pit bull and it's like a line do let's do this and it's like i can't look at him and say yeah buddy you're
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a pit bull he would get mauled however i do understand he was neutered at the age one month you know so he's he he loves his lambchop and he loves his masculine you know tug of war toys so i mean i understand from his perspective too however while i applaud mattel trying new things and trying to bring new ideas and toys at the forefront i mean i remember doing my little brother's hair in the banana clips and stuff if you remember from the late eighty's or those that are like what it was it was a still stuff sure a little boy you know and you're like baseball and you like that so i mean but it was never pushed on him it was never pushed but that's the one thing where i feel like there is a disconnect between people who are concerned that certain gender choices are being forced on somebody that certain things or that their kids aren't having a chance to fit. or out who they are before it's sort of decided for them but is that really about i mean we're talking about 6 year olds and a doll or
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a 10 year olds or 12 year olds and as much as you know i understand the idea of you know should we put it getting kids on hormones at 8 years old should we be doing these things about gender at 8 years old should we even be putting any of that that this is what girls do this is what boys do because my barbie drove a tonka truck and she was really good and she was a fabulous washee that i think when you start where it's forced for example like my middle sister hannah wanted nothing to do with barbies and i would have to literally pay my youngest brother to play with me however he always picked the army candles and it wasn't you know a big thing my parents were like oh god is playing with barbie dolls it was he picked the army guy like cool he's playing with the sister they're having sibling time good for them you know so i think when we start forcing it i think that's when kids there are smarter than we think they see and why i think it really to learn is that our anxieties as adults are proper where more than anything and we put that on
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kids and i'm like maybe just let it happen doll and figure it out i would have learned time i wish we had more time to talk about scandalous dolls but we will come back next week and you hear that thinking about how much i'm fair in front and regina hamm thank you so much for joining me here in the gallery this week and that everyone is our show for you today remember everyone as my co-host tyrell intro he says in this world we're not told or allowed to not so we tell you i love you and topical it keep on watching those talks and have a great day and night everyone. thanks. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters in florida the mother daughter is buried in
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a cemetery it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court the . shock shock as far. as i really feel that we don't know she'll just brutal. end of this trial unfortunately you. will still not know childress. and the big pain years since crossed i started 10 years i think it's time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the format here is what i've been thinking about next season related episodes filmed on an island 10 experts fight it
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out for a trophy what do you think ok a more affordable option $25.00 text birds. and one red rose another suggestion geo political jeopardy parody no political cookout where we will literally wrote the elites. late night show it's a rare format these days and it's cheap all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner if i actually meet with them i guess i can do this campbell after politics 'd gone wild like music. ok crosstalk is not about hype it's about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. peter if you want to change something why don't we get rid of the. you know that.
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in 2040 you know bloody revolution to. the demonstrations going to be relatively peaceful protests to be creasing the. revolution is always spontaneous or is it. the. president recalls the 24. those who took. it invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i. i i i.
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i i. i. i i. miss hour's headlines stories us democrats intensify their efforts to try. arguing the u.s. president abused his powers by soliciting health a foreign states for the upcoming 20 twentieth's. sure the pentagon say it's exploring ways of altering soldiers genetic makeup to protect them from chemical and biological attacks people on the streets. they think . i think i think how god created them is enough good enough for me that's sad.


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