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tv   Going Underground  RT  September 28, 2019 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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up to all investigations into coalition war crimes this year after donald trump's top diplomat mike pompei o effectively banned court members from traveling to the usa i'm announcing a policy of u.s. visa restrictions on those individuals directly responsible for any i.c.c. investigation of u.s. personnel so today's afghan elections take place it means deliberate u.s. attempts to curb international law as well as taliban claims washington is interested only in perpetual conflict mr barak is the problem is that he says he agreed to that if you're doesn't bother well so if you don't have the office why you cannot get one of the other so if this is going to different i would simply have a different people different groups of people up on the bridge over there. one was going to. different people it was not always like this in fact 911 only happened 2 days after the al qaeda it's as a nation of afghan leader ahmed shah masood who had warned the european parliament
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of upcoming al-qaeda attacks on the usa his killing prompted vladimir putin to warn george w. bush the day before $911.00 of his worries of an imminent terror attack but they do authorities appear to have ignored afghanistan's implications for global security will not ignore them ongoing underground presidential candidates and the younger brother of the so-called line of pants here ahmed wali mustard joins me now from kabul thanks so much for coming on the show you know even before we get to the elections can i just ask you about your reaction to u.s. drone strikes i understand there was a terrible drone strike on. 70 dead or injured civilians are these just continuing every other day thank you very much well i do believe that august time is becoming i'm sold off. unfortunate case because. we don't have a responsible government at the moment to really kind of. check what is happening in discount and who was fired and to where and who was only who was friend it's
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a very kind of fun fortune is casey had enough quantised son so that is why it's becoming som how field of different entrusts of foreign countries that's very very unfortunate and i'm. i don't know i mean the only thing i can say is that the government of afghanistan is very very weak it's not responsible it has to duty to give to account for what is happening in this country what about safety there are 16 candidates and a stand just in august 74 a day have been killed perhaps the most deadly campaign ever how safe do you feel being a presidential candidate in afghanistan after the most the longest american and there is a very well let me say that since i've become a candidate. for the past months of campaigning is still there government have not provided. security requirements which ought to be given to to cut
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a different kind it's by the tough fight of the people is concerned well let's see what happens because again all good they have given deshawn is that day off the election will be fully secured but of course it all really cut if it pays on to political understanding between the afghan government and opposition in order to position we don't know because afghan government decision is not clear that's not transparent so therefore the people it off was son do not nor does the last moment that they have really gotten t. security or not so who will that benefit i mean the government says 100000 troops have been drafted in to protect the people for this election to government house it doctrine that they will deploy to troops and do it take to secure. but that is you know that even when they're massaged not letting himself when his team was good to competent power want a few days ago in charge a car was a bomb blasts and quite a lot of sci fi this war killed so therefore we should not be short by what the
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government sees but why by what exactly do you are doing and as far as we know presidents have gunny i mean he was in the headlines in the summer over a sexual harassment scandal alleged sexual harassment scandal that made headlines around the world of sexual favors this amidst all this violence you have of. the c.e.o. these 2 favorite candidates he has the support of a doest i'm the infamous northern alliance warlord what do you make of these 2 and you characterize them as the reasons for the crisis in afghanistan today well it did to who ruled off what a son for the past 5 years and then name off the national unity government so flawed they have not delivered to the afghan people doubt fail even if they get together they have a lot of some sort of compromise decide to a state to get a unity government on one government because they're members of each team just so
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hostile towards each other that will be impossible to really bring them under one umbrella but if they go alone to read the established on ag governament again i don't think if they would be very able to deliver because the past 60 showed that they are not very able to govern afghanistan so they have a new fashion all of these teams of course one side is merely their old mujahideen that has a sense people and those who have got some roots and side the people the delete of off there if this itty or just politically on the other side there are some some young technocrats and. some does this not much root and this country saul i think took that idea really wants to challenge everyone everyone else to somehow accorded to us all saying that he wants to root out the old resistant
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forces so therefore they're kind of fashion that we can see it's something. i'm compromising other hostages of washington i don't know what you thought when donald trump was meeting imran khan in washington and said he could wipe your country off the face of the map and ashraf ghani only said he wanted clarification when i think he's very far away and he may not do much of the history of our potus sadat's not been so easy so far for centuries of hottest sun as a state as a country and has been a sacrifice but has defended their own country and i think that maybe later on he must suffer realised by his advisors that no off potus saan is an end up and a sovereign country and its people as very proud and they will defend their own homeland so therefore it's not that easy to wipe out what he did of course drop the most powerful conventional bomb in history on your country but do you think your
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candidacy off is something about the context of afghanistan of a global security the entire global war on terror what do you bring to the table if you were to lead the country from next week well i brother of masood and as you know of us would was the leader often has a sense against russian invasion as well as against the anti mesha terrorism so far masood was successful in his campaign against terrorism and against extremism so therefore although he's not any more with us plus his taught his ideas and the road map is with us so we know awful lot of people and we know our society we know of course how to combat terrorism so therefore what we really. kind of delivered to the people off of august saw and we said let's get the root of terrorism want to extremism which is their extreme theology let's talk at that one as far as their
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property city and politics cross on but at the same time let's get ready to defend our country to resist against terrorism and this country so therefore it's not an easy and to us we have got years of experience of car batting terrorism and extremism so therefore we can deliver to us well much better than what they have delivered for the past 18 years we can deliver our people can deliver hopefully if we do have the moral support often to initiate community we can deliver that because the formerly u.s. u.k. backed al qaida protected by the taliban killed your brother how frightened do you that even running for the presidency they learned being president of the taliban a resurgent taliban who a new fans of your presidency i assume will try to try to kill you this afghanistan of course not only in my brother we have lost toxins 100 soft targets and millions of people decide our kunti we at the end of today we really have to stand for our
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country i one of these millions of people here so therefore that is our responsibility it was time for our country i know that's dangerous i know a stretch i think i know that it's very volatile country but it to same time we do have a responsibility very historical responsibility to deliver for this country so therefore today we stand tomorrow if we are not here our new generation will assign this up on a son who is defined it well defending your country is supposed to be helped by british soldiers as well as obviously the american soldiers were the british soldiers hundreds of them doing in your country you were ambassador of course to london with your understandings of what they're doing that when they came to disk. it came as an international force to combat and tanishaa terrorism here so far for the passage in 1000 years much of this far improves have a state in the country to combat terrorism but the ironic side of the whole process
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is that so far the terrorism have not finished that has not been rooted out now on the contrary doubt has been increased so their level of divide us have increased i do not know how to explain that paradox but what i'm trying to say now this is the time that we should be must sort of horror on county and off our own distance because at the end of the day terrorism is not a sort of mystique and a father son it's a global threat so therefore i global efforts is needed to combat you know i do believe that if we go back to the old resistance time we should really kind of offer that we do people of afghanistan we are able we do have our security forces as well radie almost 350000 people we do have our people we are determined to defend our country so therefore if we do have the help and support of the international community we do appreciate it but so is president you'd welcome the thousands of soldiers from all around the world to tramp up and down afghan
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mountains and build massive military bases run by nations. around the world i mean as you say this war is longer than the war in vietnam yes a stronger and stronger but i do believe that if we debt half for the past 1000 years if we don't have a sound political leadership in afghanistan national leadership a good government i do think that our i go need and the problem would have been over years before the problem is that in this country so far we still do not find do not have to leadership so the people of afghanistan can put their faith and trust on them so that is why we do have to sprog in prolonging and i do believe we could have. we quit office top to kick off terrorism yes the 1st year or so off that i should commit we could have done that but we did have the wrote but we didn't have the wealth to do that but unfortunately to put it together leadership
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propped up the soft core of the nation with some thought a set of goals the kind of postponed award in this country and that's a program that would rally was a thank you i'll stop you there more from obama after this break and 2020 u.s. congressional candidates. not to be.
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like richard marles worst nightmare is. something dead planet everything on planet earth is dead because been securitized and we can say well there's a teenager in the us who are heartbroken crying her eyes out because she's going to grow up on a dead planet because it's all been securitized and sold and resold and repack it's really. time spent time we're left with nothing except a dream of what it was what it was and it is no more. it's a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented. but that socialism has been phased only implemented for inside venezuela things are different we're going to announce sanctions against a troll to venezuela so if you. have a son of
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a moment please. get out of that. data to stay on the path and. the moment. the whose story isn't new makes him cold in henry kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america. terms of economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make the economy scream so wants now making the economy of venezuela screed. welcome back i'm still here on the day of the afghan presidential elections as one of the candidates for president but while he mustered washington also hosts the
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i.m.f. they've given tens of millions of dollars to afghanistan with where is all that money gone wow that's another question that is what we said at our team. a position we are saying that we really have to be reached a government we really have to ask this question whether this money gone whether that the mission. had been assistant gone what happened why did policy went wrong odetta hunder soft cushion to be asked so nobody knows because we do have a government which is very kind of have that had an edge on us personally i joined us which is not in confirming what daff got and pressed but surely the country needs a president with the answers and isn't it time arguably then to turn to china and the rival to the i am after the a i b and change tack well of course a kind it is a president should have the absolute the program is that there are questions which
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are not been revealed to set of facts which are not not being revealed by the government at the end of today off a lot of sun is becoming the center of so many dissent of interest of so many powers it's kind of very kind of i'm bigger situation which one cannot really kind of explain every day we can hear something very if different stories for example look at the piece what happened to the piece and i've got a son ducked off as a for 9 months he went he said that he'll bring peace stuff a lot of sun but they doff today what twit from president truck change a whole course of the peace in this county well if people don't know afghanistan through. violence from derived from training in afghanistan they know it because of drugs do you think british soldiers stop the drug flow all around the world from your country because on the streets of this country the united kingdom as you'll know when in the days when you were ambassador here that's where afghanistan is
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drugs well let me say that probably 20 years ago there was not that the story when that is this is was set up protestant doc was not that big a sort of drax in afghanistan i fortunately i mean for the past 20 a distorted has become so big that is why we don't know exactly who are playing these games who are doing that who are doing this we don't know because we do have a government we can all feel belongs to discover them and our political dissident would not belong to discover them because i discovered it would up the went to have election would not have election what happened to the peace other security. field do not belong to this column and all economic field would not be noticed so therefore did rox problem also do not belong decided not to have today government of hamas and so therefore it's becoming very complex because don't forget that tough a lot of sun is been threatened from 4 sides saul therefore there are counties there are saka there are interest groups there are some intelligence services death proxy wars you know there are so many things here but it distant off all this chaotic
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situation we have got that government which is weak which is kind of it neatly. a kind of ethno center regime which is want to have all power by itself we have got dr heiney who cannot really control the situation who does not give a good leadership to this country so we will have problems and this country i'm going to sit thank you well after decades of us to factor destabilization of any of afghanistan but countries right around the world a small number of democrats are attempting to mount a challenge to the. mongering stay just quote in washington joining me now from north carolina is one such progressive democrat wanting to shake things up in congress dandridge carter thanks so much for coming on the show you know before we even get to impeachment didn't go all the other issues that are currently making waves right around the world would you do you make of trump's speech in north carolina campaigning for the 9th congressional district republicans one with dan
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bishop he said the problem with your body is you want to dismantle demolish destroy everything you've gained he said to north carolinians and that you had a problem with believing in god. or science your. home rather than. trying to. do just. you know look around are. just mark oh i'm. sure you need more undersheriff here we. at least. we people to actually for her issues live meijers isn't one of them but the democrats gave no outcry and i know it's actual progress. right now. leaving the door stuck just saw hopefully the next
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true for me we can nationally through a back seat a getting the full support of the d.n.c. because the d.n.c. appears to be my added in the something of a scandal over fossil fuel money going to joe biden tamala harris famously on the presidential candidacy level never supported body cameras for police is the d.n.c. out of touch with the street level in the united states. do not make understand the people on the street. of course are not supporting the. i'm running against. who also in hospital me so. my. roles and me want to chamish to prepare their craft counter. we don't want. you
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know policy to make sure that they really accomplish as possible on sleeves or there. is an maybe more we're just not going to discuss. oh no as far as the rest of. the presidential of rights. was going to be and see nobody. really. we more on you know through congress really want to be there actually change our. lives and unfortunately the n.c.a.a. pushed me back. you know more force the carrots on the congressional level ran our presidential oh. rather. you hope and change
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instead of actual policies that were people's last while around the world what the d.n.c. is famous for is of course the strategy to impeach donald trump i don't think the strategy is to save joe biden more than the issues you just mentioned. ahead of the 2020 alexion pashley true. it was a very it was a job aren't home if it wasn't it was somewhere there's a bird sanders. do not believe mexico's it will say ok let's let's impeach the president try and crawl more illegal stuff they just now reading to now are sick birds of a rare. and special yeah after hearing them national were strewn around the issue of those who really aren't but those aren't in the narrow
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scope of unification to just force agony through us to cry on which our leaving would be. hauling to do we need to investigate everything. to let the american people who were troubles of our and also to. the senate. if they want rich to continue to have trouble as a growth of that and not on our out of office out to where it was and they are ok if they're to branch. breaking the law. honestly trying to this sure of. the constitution but you don't think i mean last time around we know from wiki leaks what hillary clinton did when he signed his campaign you think they're going to try that again even though of course clinton lost. and. only
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push. that we should be no. a census and 1.2 whole people in our office count it would be due to something on the n.c.a.a. does it again if you don't see it. what do you think about the alleged racist gaffes of joe biden i mean he said appeared to say the legacy of slavery could be solved by therapy for people of color whereas you seem to be arguing for reparations. and it. is honestly just a way to brand a victim. of everything that happened in the united states. we care is not. singled out.
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every day our city. is there to kill americans are our friends. wow. i mean you 2 actually more people then just. we. where is the oath to us that the reason why our side to not just agree with democrats actually some counsel research for a case of reparations pots so if the policy is passed in congress back in america where i actually started to to see rush to tell me a little bit about how the democratic establishment tries to attack progressive candidates like you is there much to difference between their talking points and say g.o.p.
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republican talking points against people like you or. guys or cortez and the many other congressional new generation of candidates there's now most of the difference . we are to our economy for there is there a mix of about kentucky or our own really are all socialist mirrors so some of those not very were i am a democrat socialist. re. me people i mean the media outlets it was used to. pour on the. chariots or there was enormous on 1000000 of them the only reason rar been able to get into our show in the media is because campaigns other were phenomenal to the point every thing you know hundreds of thousands of dollars they cannot. vote for the other
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candidates who are still not growl. still. raising money or focusing more on rational communities doing. the were. those. who were. there. because he. wants to have given the people. how. congress. got it thank you. that's it for the show will be back on monday in the 70th anniversary of the people's republic of china which divides the end of history to become an even 21st century communist powerhouse 5850000000 out of poverty we'll talk to the hong kong government on monday at the link you just rise which will be going to forget to subscribe to why you should.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family daughters in florida the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery meaning messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court b b b b. shot after shot smar office i feel.
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we don't know still justice for. the end of this trial unfortunately you. will still not know what childress. in 2040 you know bloody revolution to tikrit the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it still or here i mean you know liz put video through me in the new bill is that i live is full of needles the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. of those who took part in this today over 5000000000 dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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leading us democrat provokes the ire of donald trump by offering a highly subjective interpretation of the president's now controversial phone call with the leader of ukraine. militants in afghanistan launch a slew of attacks against polling stations across the country as war weary voters turn out to elect their next president. as an investigation reveals canada's been illegally transporting plastic waste to malaysia we get reaction from a mass climate change rally in montreal. but you'll soon really feel ashamed if you wish to cure the whole new dishes i'm sorry to hear that my feeling has not. kept up with what's now some of the stuff and.


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