tv Redacted Tonight RT September 28, 2019 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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the jobs we hate. drives us nuts. but these are the type of protests that matter the ones that interrupt the flow of business not to the colorful large is where we all show up for 2 hours while the politicians go golfing ok i'm not saying don't do this i'm just saying our rulers don't k. or that you did this it's like when you address of a baby you dress of your baby in a costume i'm not saying you have to stop but you're only doing it for yourself or baby ok. ok. ok. but since i aim to please here's a point for those of you who don't give a about the climate crisis the corporations that are screwing your life pillaging your land sucking your tax dollars drive through subsidies and meanwhile paying a warm can of farts in our those corporations are the same ones creating the
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climate crisis in fact it's just a 100 companies are responsible for 71 percent of global emissions when it gets even worse the report found that more than a half of global industrial emissions since 1988 more than half can be traced to just $25.00 corporate and state owned entities $25.00 corporations they're killing us there smothering us they're choking us and not in a good fun kind of job in the bedroom. this is the bad guy where you don't end up with an orgasm at the end you get drought and hurricanes and you get your baby ends up in a tree somewhere ok but there malubay don't care. this is a tiny number of sociopaths who are making these decisions and they don't even notice if we all march out. it's these marches are kind of like those those
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raids your experience things at airports and restaurants the flight needs aren't even connected to anything ok the powers that be just know that you feel better if you think you gave your opinion that is it although i will say it all the last time i used one of those i did get a response from the airport and i was only even halfway through taking a dump on the frowny face when the. guys with guns showed up so the. point is there's too much money for these corporations to stop doing what they're doing fossil fuel companies rist we're wasting more than $2.00 trillion dollars over the coming decade by pursuing coal oil and gas projects that could be worthless in the face of international action on climate change they have made 8 who trillion dollar gamble that we will all keep using fossil fuels even as
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society collapses so they don't they don't they don't just have a dog in the race they have a goddamn elephant riding on top of a t. rex riding on top of my palm patio. they are fully invested and i realize that your average american good for the van persie few years scraping by you trying to get your kids to eat the dogs to poop in the grandpa to shut them up right you think this isn't your top concern but your troubles are connected to the same corporations that are causing climate change they control our governments and therefore our lives as to merit pearson wrote the c.e.o.'s making these calculated decisions are hubris to parasites with a fallacy fetish who treat wealth as a game declaring themselves winners when they have more zeroes than a whole country's wall treading all over our magical habitat in their race for
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wealth spoonfed elitists who are so white and male and wealthy that they aren't touched by the problems they create. well way way 2nd calling the ruling elite goddamn parasites is it's offensive and it's rude and it's my line. that others. have to stick with dick elements i guess. although she's wrong about one thing they don't have to be white and male chris hedges pointed out this week that president obama said last year in a speech american energy production you wouldn't know always know it's but it went up every year i was president and you know that suddenly america's like the biggest oil producer that was me people. he's proud of the fact that he helped put the nail in our coffin when these people don't think you're paying attention they brag about this crap the same way you or i sit around privately and go who are believe our large wheat eyes mode last night or powers
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that be a sit around on you and believe how many regulations i got it last night. and that's why hedges titled his column saving the planet means overthrowing the ruling elites. called off our politicians the regulatory agencies and a criminal justice system it's one big. chest with pile ok and i you and i are not a part of it we are the cannon fodder the collateral damage the chum it killed these corporations are stopped or expiration date is set in stone coming to you for washington d.c. to belive they. were
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always taken news from behind him he. cement is seeming more possible for the top. and we have learned trump has been pressuring the ukrainian president to investigate joe biden in connection to a ukrainian energy company where hunter biden sat on the board does this mean trumps corrupt absolutely. the russians day one all right we have a law against enriching yourself with the presidency it's called the i'm all humans clause and the 1st thing trump said what he would it walked into the oval office was let's sell some x. ok. make millions of dollars we'll make a 2nd one that says the i'm all humans clause can suck it. whether trump is corrupt or not i don't know if the democrats want to tell it to joe biden and his spawn as beacons of virtue immediately after we have the us with joe biden
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as vice president helped create a coup in the ukraine with the assistance of the nazis because they're always down to party. hunter biden then got a $50000.00 a month job on the board of an energy company despite knowing nothing about energy or about companies. so i'm sure it was on the up it up you know what was hunter's resume again well the new york times tells us just months earlier he had been discharged from the navy reserve after testing positive for cocaine. i think your own drug use is your personal issue but do you have any idea how much blow you have to do to get kicked out of the navy was.
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i got most of what the navy reserves did was delivered to america. but that was their job. so i divined kicked out of the reserves falls ass backwards into a half $1000000.00 a year job on a ukrainian big oil board why do you think the executives wanted him on that board do you think it was for his great carry of personality. or perhaps the fact that his mother other brother joe biden. anyway i'm not saying trump isn't corrupt but the way the mainstream media is playing it the bidens are are our mother teresa and nelson mandela and they're skipping around the world handing out pussy rolls to blind orphans or something. so i still don't know the answer so if there was a prosecutor looking into this company that hunter biden with part of and there doesn't seem to be any evidence that they were looking at 100 biden but what does
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joe biden do all the joe biden telling you what joe biden did and i was going suppose to announce that there is another $1000000000.00 loan guarantee and i got a commitment from poroshenko and from yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so they sent their walkout to press kind of send us and i'm not going to we're not going to give you the $1000000000.00 he said you have no authority you're not the president the president and i said call on. this and i'm telling you not get a $1000000000.00 i said you know i get the 1000000000 i'm going to be leaving here i think it was about 6 hours i look guys and leave in 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired you're not getting the money well son of a bitch. got fired out of it. well maybe he was misquoted. i. yelled but i didn't claim he only has sought to get rid of the prosecutor because
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the guy was corrupt and i would believe that except. when was the last time washington gave a tip of a turd if another country's leader was corrupt are you kidding me. boris johnson jr ball sonora and brazil do terror in the philippines where the current rulers. right now were trying to force in the on elected go in venezuela and he's currently the center of a multi-billion dollar corruption scandal corrupt officials that are past time we ate him up like 20 pops so the idea that biden was just brand new go her backwards and corruption in the u.k. . like this. stuff. that i worked so. well because i think a poor example nazis on the straight and narrow but they just so
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last they continue want to skullduggery. we've got to get into any way of moving on . since our political leaders clearly aren't going to be spending any time you know helping those in need for the next year or 2 maybe science will we have big news about 3 d. printers they aren't just for printing guns and dildos anymore. although i do love that those were the 2 1st things we thought of. they had 3 d. printers on star trek but they made food with them and. we on the other hand the moment 3 d. printers exist where can you make a good airplane is when asked. because those are the 2 things i can't get on the walmart dot com. and someone had to sit us down and go here yeah this technology can help with survival you can't eat penis.
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plastic one. anyway 3 d. printers are now being used for good groups in austin texas have started 3 d. printing tiny holes to help end the homelessness each $500.00 square foot building takes a total of 27 hours to print this is pretty bad as sucks when the house gets jammed in the feed and. i should point out that the bigger problem with homelessness though is not a lack of homes we have something like 6 empty homes for every homeless person in america or bigger problem is that our economic system is meant to keep a certain percentage of people miserable and destitute why else do you think millions of seniors across the country are going hungry nearly 8 percent of americans 60 and older were food secure in 2017 according to
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a recent study that's 5500000 seniors who don't have consistent access to enough food and again it's not that the country doesn't have food a single meal from the cheesecake factory could feed a dozen old ladies for a year i mean the caloric value of i hobbes trademark fried chicken waffle bacon cream pie oreo appetizers. is the same number of calories at full is supposed to have in a decade. no the reason 5 in a half 1000000 american old people are going hungry is because. what if they don't for us yeah yeah yeah you're stormed the beaches of normandy not recently you didn't go do it again do it again we'll talk we have a national mental disorder called. homeless
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people or that's unfettered capitalism plenty. money plenty of food plenty as is sitting empty unused and hoarded but. and while we're on. the topic of science saving us i have new info on whether it can save us from mosquitoes which are the world's deadliest animals killing $700000.00 people a year recently we created genetically modified mosquitoes to decrease the mosquito numbers and we unleashed them in the tests in a test city in brazil but instead of a big success the plan to crush the mosquito population failed and may have actually made them stronger. who could possibly have imagined. that frankenstein mosquitoes could have unintended consequences. while i did because i see
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a drastic part. told you idiots know by now the jeff goldblum is never wrong ok never not only did the g.m.o. mosquitoes end up breeding which they weren't supposed to be able to do but even more problematically these crossbreeds may be more resistant to other forms of control such as insecticide great so now they're invincible mutants like like like like like wolverine or keith richards. and more spraying insecticide into our air and water are our faces and these even working if the insect if the insecticides. aren't killing insects. but they're giving the humans cancer oh they're not really in fact a side toward. their side. now we've only got one. we have to 3 d. printer flyswatter the size of texas. will go quite brag but if your watch is on
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you tube you can now have a live chat i know you. guys t.v. completely free that you free phone that is why. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family my daughter's in florida the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police need is a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with
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a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens of course b b b b. shot after shot smart society we feel. we don't know still just for the. end of this trial unfortunately you. will still have no chill just. pain your insistence crossed i started 10 years i think it's time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the format and here's what i'm. thinking about next season breaks related episodes filmed on an island 10 experts cited out for a trophy what do you think ok a more affordable option $25.00 text for. one red rose another suggestion political jeopardy no political cookout we will literally roads
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believe. late night show it's a rare form out these days and it's cheap all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner. to leave you with i guess i can do this and laughter politics gone wild like music. ok crosstalk is not about hype about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. peter if you want to change something why don't we get rid of the. no that is too much. about the only half. the rate of homelessness and a vixens rise the national coalition of housing density advocates who call
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themselves the yes in my backyard or you may be movement is calling for a rapid increase in real estate development they claim to be progressive but anti displacement activists say it's just the developers and gentrifiers are getting a bad rap and needed to rebrand themselves for more we're joined by our keep it real estate correspondent a brand new redacted. everything enters like here what what are you doing with the. getting the sense of the community the community of my desk yeah it's a it's a nice that's very. mater i'm really getting kind of an urban ist vibe here i just have one suggestion only. builds 12 more of them well more desks what the hell what i mean that 4 of so we can create a built environment of desks there a lot of desperate people out there late. we increase the number of desks in this
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community a market for desks pops up eventually the cost per desk goes down and everybody gets to have a slick luxury desk to park their game changing outside the box thinking cutting edge but behind it's a way of land. is this a metaphor. indeed it is indeed it is because that's what the muni movement is all about imagination creativity we are engineering a 21st century smart growth technically viral housing disruption economy that treats us not as tenants not as homeowners but as consumers finding a place to live it should be like buying and intended oh well watch sure depending on the neighborhood of the day. ok enough what the tech startup jargon yeah sounds like a nightmare yuppie version of gumby. makes you gag upon saying it's i i don't need 12 more desks in here it's insane oh you don't need them do not need
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more immigrants in this country did my ancestors not need to come over on a viking ship and raid this continent. what does that have to do with the same thing it's the same thing whether it's immigrants moving here or a new development project the response from nativists like you is the same not in my backyard. i agree with sonia trouts she's the head of the bay area renters federation. our. yes. he's. shown he has compared lad next mission activist to xena phobic trump supporters and she stood by these comments refusal to build housing is if i migrate she said in these times you're really very gentle occasion to immigration they're not the same thing alice is not a person oh so if house can't be a person now you tell that to my new investment property down in austin.
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just so you think this will benefit you who will benefit from more new real estate it won't be emigrants it will be poor people but it will be those are exactly the people who will benefit the most at least unlike the. big picture. of the big picture so in the short term you want to build a bunch of luxury condos and then eventually you claim the benefits will trickle down to everyone else yes it's like the expression you know if you want to make an omelet you got evicted few eggs this is not the solution housing shouldn't be treated as just another commodity we need universal rent control we need more a victim moratoriums we need public housing to look that stuff is sounds great in theory but trust me you don't want the government getting involved here why the hell not because then home start getting this weird taxpayer funded smell would stop or it. may. very well be
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i continue on the rampage to collect info on anyone and everyone occasionally the courts fight back but it is rare for more on this radio goddard's will go to redact correspondent only girl vonnie. for over a decade the f.b.i.'s counterterrorism unit had been investigating the news website called antiwar dot com. with that name you shouldn't be surprised that the american government is spying on you or is kind of their thing and i am tired why such an aggressive stance against poor old war. get to know more to tell women just be prepared to lose that. recently in an unlikely turn of events of federal court ruled in favor of an
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independent fringe news sites lawsuit against the f.b.i. investigation and the f.b.i. memos which describe the author's protected 1st amendment speech must be destroyed horror a victory for journalism still no money in it though judge said as with political spying throughout our nation's history police scrutiny of 1st amendment activity on the internet chills and deters expression in this critical democratic forum. this critical democratic forum if anything the internet could use a little more chill i mean once i tried bringing up one tiny issue i had to this symposium of people who cared so much about my opinion. facebook friends. and contrarian trolls me our
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eyes that have been glazed over with blue light that you've been staring at. is it too much to ask but one we hold to our death threats not the difference between y o u r. o r. who message. cries. the. entire war dot com was labeled a threat to national security when garrus one of the websites alters passed along the threat to the f.b.i. which he received on september 12th 2001 the subject line read your site is going down and said be warned. i'll be posting your site address to all the how
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boards tonight your site is history 911 was a highly emotional time for our group one it was perfectly normal to threaten to kill someone. i mean hacking with a computer you just sounds well adjusted. concerned keris forwarded the email to the f.b.i. field office in san francisco garrus heard nothing but by january 2002 it turned up again completely twisted around in a secret f.b.i. memo intitled of threat by garrus to hack f.b.i. website. so the f.b.i. misinterpreted garris and thought that he was trying to hack of them. i guess i won't be telling the f.b.i. about those guys who threatened to kidnap and marry me. i marry the f.b.i. and i'm done with men who go through my phone without permission no one can know
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how many selfies i take. as the sweeping powers granted to the f.b.i. and n.s.a. under the patriot act are set to expire in december those agencies are arguing for congress to authorize them thanks to leaks we know the f.b.i. are investigating black lives matter and fire mental activists under the guise of domestic terror threats but those groups need not worry now all they needed is a easy 7 year lawsuit and a mere $300000.00 in legal fees to challenge those investigations and then they could have their 1st amendment back reporting from f.b.i. headquarters this is and we care bonnie. thank you our show graphic before we live in toronto canada out of course here in washington d.c. i was thank you thank you thank you thank you it
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was. it. is a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faced only implement from the inside venezuela things are different we're going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela so sudan famously have a supplement goes. down person that political battle song oh yeah the technique the mass of the moment the focus of the whose story isn't new nixon told in henry
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kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated that in latin america an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make the chilean economy scream so once in the making the economy of venezuela scream. you know world a big part of the movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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us democrat. misleading summary of the president's. phone call with the leader of ukraine. reveals kind of has been illegally transporting its plastic waste to malaysia we get reaction from climate change. but. if you wish to cure. dishes i'm sorry to hear. what. claims of complicity victims of oppression and complaints against the major. regime.
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