tv News RT September 30, 2019 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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it emerges that the u.s. intelligence community quietly dropped its rule that whistleblowers must possess 1st time knowledge partly paving the way for the trump ukraine revelations which of triggered an impeachment inquiry. america's anti-defamation league recognizes the otay common gesture as a hate symbol after its widespread adoption by white supremacists problems of the symbol has become an actual code to say hey we are part of this group you are a nod to the races have to eat you have to drink water. so what point do we label as racist. cinemas in canada council screenings of
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a documentary about the famous psychologists with views that challenge political correctness we speak to the filmmakers. you have all of these people are talking about and it's this kind of like it was a culture war leading the albright's or. you know it is motivating him so that he has a really dangerous ideas. a very warm welcome to you this monday morning you're watching r t international with me it's great to have him with us. now u.s. president donald trump is demanding to meet the anonymous official who blew the whistle on his phone calls with his ukrainian counterpart the scandal surrounding the conversations led to the launch of an impeachment inquiry last week of a possible collusion with a foreign power. claims the whistleblowers account of what was said was totally
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inaccurate meanwhile reports have emerged pointing out that the u.s. intelligence community quietly changed the official whistleblower complaint form at around the time the ukraine calls scandal broke and he version drops the requirements that whistleblowers have 1st hand knowledge of the events they're commenting on. the latest version of the document says it was revised in august 2009 t. not that's the same month in which the scandal triggering complaint was filed the apparent coincidence has led to questions being raised. it's not clear to me when the people who are behind all this realized. oh my goodness this is not going to play well this will not go through the inspector general crashed because it's all hearsay exception here information it's funny to me at least here on the u.s. side that the news outlets just immediately identified this person as
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a whistleblower but if you are a whistleblower blowing the whistle on waste fraud abuse and illegality if that's really where the transformation is. on his might have looked at the sudden change of standards and its possible ramifications. most of us we revere whistleblowers the men and women who put their careers their very lives on the line out of principle they don't look the other way they speak up when they see corruption abuse and then justice and you know why we revere them so we trust them they were witnesses people on the inside they saw with their own eyes a whistleblower any individual who provides the right information to the right people that's now changed you no longer need to be a witness to be a whistleblower no longer need to have documents saw evidence all you need is to
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have heard someone talk about wrongdoing that's all a matter if it was false or made up just far litton hey presto you're a whistle blower like the individual who spawned the trump ukraine scandal he was told the trump said something questionable by anonymous officials told them wrong it seems at least some of it was already proved false the president pressured mr selenski with a specific request that the ukrainian leader locate and turn over servers used by the democratic national committee and examined by the u.s. cyber security firm crowd strike. i would like you to do us a favor because our country has been through a lot and ukraine knows a lot about it and would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with ukraine they say crowd strike the service they say ukraine has it whatever you can do it's very important that you do it if that's possible the
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president also praised ukraine's prosecutor general. and suggested that mr selenski might want to keep him in his position. i. heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair a lot of people are talking about that the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved they these in gentleman we have front row seats as we watch the noble even all noble title of whistleblower sally my deed bipartisan politics in the accuracy bias over the intelligence community inspector general's preliminary review identified some indicia of an arguable political bias on the part of the complete in favor of a rival political candidate such evidence does not change my determination that the complaint relating to the urgent concern appears credible whistle blew is now essentially a 5050 anonymous source you get on c.n.n.
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for example fun to listen to but as practice shows it's taken with a dose of salt source tells n.b.c. news law enforcement and democratic sources telling c.n.n. that in a fired sources anonymous sources according to anonymous washington post source you're basing all these allegations off of one or maybe 2 sources which c.n.n. and this is not receiving any reports it's washington post new york times wall street journal c.n.n. a.b.c. elihu resources all because they're hiding behind this in anonymity because. you know you don't want me to you're just going to attack sources these whistleblower report was but now for the democrats finally a chance to bring down trump now that it's showing cracks liberals are sprinting the plus the movie this whistleblower they claim can should and will be trusted you know why because he's one of them. if we
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think of the whistleblower as a reporter the whistleblower talked to a lot of people who had firsthand knowledge or seen them post strange it to this reporters a free free to be as politically biased as they want twist news to their political agenda and then call it truth all of us who have been involved in national security and have reported are on waste fraud abuse and illegality have been whistleblowers but because this whistleblower in particular fits the mainstream media's narrative of donald trump committing crimes he was automatically called the whistleblower he was automatically assumed to have the national interest at heart and i'm not not really sure that that's the case the think it will but crucified snowden and manning for exposing global surveillance on all of us and war
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crimes that we'd never have known about but here you have a biased complaint riddled with a natural sees submitted by an individual who saw nothing but passed on what he was told the clear political spin to it. and these applauded cheered and praised they these and gentleman what is the noble name of whistleblower dies and is just as phony and i use the word phony it's just as contrived it is just as fabricated as the whole. charges against rome we know and we have proven there's nothing behind those no evidence no firsthand or if it's secondhand that it's simple and now we have ukraine gate really very early on shown for what it is a political ploy to get president trump. the last us president who faced the
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prospect of impeachment proceedings was bill clinton only he was a democrat and those who are now demanding that trump be impeached was thinking a very different to that. prostitution was never intended to be do you think. it's to up a bit at the intimate. with the never found a truth for you is the power given to dolls the representatives and the house alone to begin an official investigation. as dictated by the council we are here today because the republicans in the house are paralyzed with hatred i rise to want to oppose these unfair motions which call for the removal of the president of the united states from office. i'm announcing the house of representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry the president must be held accountable
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no one is a pawn for the american people don't think that they have made a mistake by electing bill clinton and we and congress had better be very careful before we upset their decision. a little we have a president who's violated his oath of office mr congress's job to pursue the facts and to hold donald trump accountable. you don't even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job and pay each month is about cleansing the office and peter pan is about restoring honor and integrity to the office. my point of view to impeach any president over a phone call like this would be insane crisis of confidence of credibility and of integrity of the president as
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a gauge of the persistent pattern of practice of the destruction of justice. the allegations are grave the investigation is legitimate. comp claim house democrats are going to go all doing. their impeachment sure. to go away for years. the ok hand gesture has been recognized as a hate symbol alongside the swastika america's anti-defamation league basis to sit decision on the signs adoption by white supremacists even as extremists continue to use symbols that may be years or decades old they regularly create new symbols memes and slogans to express their hateful sentiments we believe law enforcement and the public needs to be fully informed about the meaning of these images which can serve as a 1st warning sign to the presence of haters in the community or school the ok symbols white power meaning was initially part of an online prank exposé but
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apparently white supremacists liked what they saw and started using it that way in earnest among them the christ church terrorists during a court appearance the a.d.l. says cases like that warrant its inclusion on the list of hate symbols adding though the context is always important last year a former white house staffer was accused of making the white power sign but her defenders pointed out she's mexican american and a descendant of holocaust survivors our guests debated the issues raised. i think it's pretty ridiculous to label a thing like a bull or the ok symbol as a symbol of white supremacy i feel like races do do certain things but i mean at a certain point they do everything or people do mean races have to eat food they have to drink water they have to breathe air so at what point do we label eating food as racist drinking water as received in breathing air is received it's just
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really can of started his particular point sounds a little some of these things that have been in his ear things were a very long time with or a soused hateful subversive groups the problem is that the symbol has become an actual code to say hey we are part of this group you are not and you know the main point of it is like. for well it's a far it's far right movement supporting you know again far right ideologies that are very well known in this country to be you know florist and but my point is you know is vast again for instance and it was an indian sacred religious symbol 50500 years b.c. and you know. people in germany took it put it on a red flag and now it was a symbol it was an invert the swastika and that became the symbol of nazism and ok but the ok sign is nat day all right ok so you can find it right now on your phone via. device i phone you can find it ok so right now when you search for the new
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moji there is the equivalent to ok ok it is being used ok for a very loans and it wasn't a couple years ago where it was some kind of troll thing happening on the internet that it became so on those because the mainstream media picked it up and i think the whole purpose of trolling campaign was to trick the mainstream media into doing it and of course now we hear that the a.d.l. is looking for here is not to label every single thing that we do say or. or you know we communicate what they are to specifically doing is trying to inform you know people that there are certain symbols that seem innocuous but that are currently being used. as actually inside violence and crime and you know fundamentalists political ideas that put this democracy in jeopardy but we're talking about a symbol that started it as something that was not necessarily what it is today the
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problem is that somewhere along the line that symbol that's cited as it trolling can ban as a bait became an actual you know sino with a longing for no it. it's not it's really not what somebody told me how do you know hasn't this still is not some kind of hate symbol like i see it the blood game uses day i'm sure to have been plenty of actual killings they happen every single day and have been going on for a very loans ounces in 1970 s. when they came out but for some reason that's not been seen as a symbol you can have it right now in your phone as an emoji for the ok symbol in smartphones and all of it have come around long after the street gangs have originated so i've usually we did think about this thing that existed in a certain context in new form of a symbol in general which is labeled as a symbol but now a lot was saying because you need to let me hold because of the trolley campaign
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now we want to say is a symbol is ridiculous it is not a symbol it is the n.s.a. thing if people want to use it for whatever you want to use it for ok but to compare it to nazi flag is absurd ok millions do. you like. versus the ok so i think i was not a hate symbol until it was. an indian use a day early the whole can ensure that no it's not. a controversial canadian. psychologist with anti political correctness views is in the spotlight again after screenings of a documentary about him were pulled from several cinemas there. and you said your peers in your piece that mr peterson the canadian psychology professor is somebody people love them or love to hate so you're. still are you about. i watched the professor as political correctness video and i was just so
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disappointed and. jordan peterson is a clinical psychologist and university professor he's a resident of fame over recent years via public interest and debate over his ideas peterson challenges political correctness with anti mainstream views on masculinity and feminism as well as gender ethnicity and identity politics could be a man born in a woman's body and that's biological but if you're a woman born in a woman's body that socially constructed like really not supposed to be an argument do you think a trans woman is a woman. no you overwhelming proportion of people who are in prisons are male now do you want to equalize about just out of curiosity what about bricklayers there are 99 percent male and and men work langar hours they work more dangerous jobs they're more likely to move or peterson has lots of fans he also attracts plenty of criticism earlier this year cambridge university recalled an invitation that sent
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him to speak their concerns his views violated their quote inclusive environment and in new zealand is a book was pulled from the shelves after a shooting at a mosque in christchurch artie's memory of the nationals been speaking to the filmmakers behind this latest documentary. movie as far as i understand is about jordan and the journey to where he's now and through his ideas what is about it that it's a wrong to see it scrapping earlier great plans to show it. well they had agreed to a week long run of the film but there were some staff complaints and that put them in a difficult position so they decided to cancel those plans and of course you know there are some things that people really disagree with in terms of ledger in peterson has said so people disagree with the idea of giving him a platform although making a film about him i don't think is the same thing and they were all sorts of reasons we were getting in the instance of the cancellation of the staff complaints as far
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as we know they hadn't seen the film the people that had agreed to show the film initially they had seen it it really is a shame that that happens our film is and isn't like a complete celebration of everything about jordan i mean there are parts of parts of it that are critical it's not a fluff piece and there are the voices of the people that have disagreed with him in public that are in the film so we also hold space for those voices in the film so you have all of the people that are talking about him and it's this kind of like a left and right culture or you know you have people on the right that kind of see him as on the side but also see him as kind of like a political tool to kind of prop up their their agenda when you have people on the left like anti for and activists of that nature and they they think he's the devil and they want to bring him down and they want to destroy its reputation where people usually do is that they listen to journalists that they're used to and those
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journalists usually only read other journals that think just like them so it is weird little in this specific context is that it's a liberal bubble where they kept they tell each other the same stories and it gets they gets compounded in compounded when it gets pretty different from reality as far as i understand jordan peterson himself was not too much into ferreting to your words very open and he respected the process he you know was never really you know trying to. to interfere with that you know anyway what was that story that these journalists that you mentioned kept saying like presenting jordan present as someone dangerous to something will you know their ideas that he's. leading the all right or you know motivating him cells or that he is really dangerous ideas that he's the custodian of the patriarchy is the new york times
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article that stated so it closes people's minds to a nuanced film about him which is what our film is and it's a film that is as was mentioned is for friends but also for people who aren't really something in it for everyone to really paint a complex picture of what we witnessed throughout these 3 and a half years of approached one of the theaters the cult in cinema in toronto about that decision to cancel the screening of the film we have yet to receive a response. but it is attend the funeral of france's former president jacques chirac will be reporting from paris off of this quick break stay with us. you know world big partners. and conspiracy it's time to wake up
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to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is not for watching closely for watching the hawks. the world is driven by a dream shaped by one person or those. who dares thinks. we dare to ask.
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welcome back dozens of world leaders are in paris for the funeral of jacques chirac the former french president died last week at the age of 86 the un's memorial events have been held throughout the country for more details let's cross live to our correspondents on the defensive who's in the capital or is it a shot at what's been the mood best since the news broke. a somber mood in fact thousands of people paid tribute to jacques chirac on sunday there was this public ceremony that was held here in paris he's been lying in state his body lead which is around 2 and a half miles away from where we are at the moment that they will be moved later on today to here to seoul so piece where of course those heads of states will be attending to pay their own almost to jacques chirac
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a man who many considered to be a great statesman a powerful honest strong politician somebody who spent some food he years in politics he was 1st elected to the national assembly back in 1967 and he quickly became a minister in the government and then served in several other governments often that she served twice as prime minister of the country and then of course back in 1905 he was elected for his 1st term. as president of france he then secured a 2nd term and was in office until 2007 now there are many notable achievements during these political career but perhaps internationally he's best known for the fact that he decided that france would not join the u.s. and the u.k. in the invasion of iraq back in 2003 if i t famously went to the un security council and argued why that invasion shouldn't take place here in france he's remembered as being the 1st french president who acknowledged france's role in the holocaust on the rounding up of some 313000 jews
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in 1942 a man that many people loved a man that many people despite the political scandals and the fact that he was found guilty in 2011 of financial mismanagement and misconduct still remembered him fondly let's have a take a look now at his life in office. the military operations have just started in iraq friends regresses action taken without the approval of the united nations. houses burning down and we blind to it nature mutilated and overexploited can no longer regenerate and we refuse to rethink what i want to rebuild octo-mom i never. let them go. dark hours for of a solo history and they're an insult to our past now traditions.
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was also known as being a great friend over russia and also over its president putin he actually spent his 74th birthday with president putin at a private dinner this is on the sidelines of the nato summit in latvia some people saying he snubbed the u.s. and the british prime minister is at the time to spend time with his personal friend he also awarded president putin the grand to cross. of the lesions on there this is the highest honor that can be bestowed on a foreigner here in france and he talks about russia saying as far as he knew russia was a friendly country and he described many times president putin as being his personal friend not president putin as well as many other world leaders will be here today to pay almost 2 juncture iraq over the last few days we've had many or most years to the frenchman himself including from president putin who talked about him being a wise and far sighted statesman and said that russia will remember fondly the
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personal contribution that he made to the development of relations between the 2 countries also coming in from angela merkel the chancellor of germany who described him as being a great frenchman and a great personal friend to germany as well we also heard from. who said that his legacy for france and his legacy for the european union will never be forgotten and perhaps the words that sum it up for most people is the almost rendered by president who said he was a great frenchman he embodied france and we love him and he loved us as much as we loved him those world leaders coming here today to pay homage to shut chirac who died at the age of $86.00 solid to penske reporting from power as far as that thank you. violent protests on the streets of hong kong have become a somewhat familiar sight as pro-democracy demonstrations continue for 17th
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straight week the on sunday was no exception 2. meanwhile protesters have also gathered outside the chinese embassy in washington d.c. to show support for the hong kong and some of those behind the rally all part of a pro-democracy group with previous ties to a foundation directly funded by congress but they state this demonstration is not sponsored by any u.s. government money correspondent rachel blevins has details this protest has been branded with the slogan stop china nazi and images that were shared online per moaning it showed the stars on the chinese block being rearranged to create
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a swastika now one of the groups behind protests is a citizen power initiatives for china group a d.c. based non-government organization that brand the self * as a pro-democracy grassroots movement that strives to influence policies in beijing the group has had ties in the past to the national endowment for democracy foundation here in the united states that is sponsored by the u.s. government and aims at promoting democracy abroad now that foundation has been around since the 1980 s. and its own president said that the goal is to influence democratic movements without direct funding from the cia however the citizen power initiatives for china group has denied that rally is sponsored with money that came from the us government now this demonstration comes ahead of the 70th anniversary of the people's republic of china and the activists who are. gathered here say that they want to show support for the people in hong kong for striving to gain independence from the chinese government the united states can do some things we can pass the
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hong kong human rights and democracy act which would cause the u.s. government to review hong kong's autonomy annually united states already has been doing a lot to support i think congress international community supports the hong kong says because they have been you know protesting peacefully against the regime against the chinese government that the congress should start. to initiate a bill to support hong kong like just like you're going to you know this they support taiwan i saw in my reporting in washington rachael glove and are seeing. activists at the washington rally claim they back a nonviolent struggle but some of the recent demonstrations in hong kong have been quite the opposite with pro.
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