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tv   News  RT  October 1, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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it. was. about. 2020 hopeful joe biden's team demands news networks stop giving ad time to donald trump's lawyer accusing him of spreading lies * about the former v.p. will ask new yorkers if rudy giuliani should be balance for their t.v. ads giuliani should be able to speak and biden should be able to refute any any charges they try to shut out the other side everybody has the right to be there. it's nice he's a spike in migrant arrivals off the road overturned former interior minister mikhail salvias decision to close ports to rescue birds. and social media
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platform twitter is middle east editor turns out also to be an officer in the british army's psychological warfare unit raising concerns over the tech giant it turned. very warm welcome you're watching r t international with meaning. our top story u.s. democratic presidential hopeful candidate joe biden's campaign team has demanded that major t.v. networks abound donald trump's personal lawyer for appearing on the show use it alleges that rudy giuliani is spreading damaging false hopes about biden on behalf of the u.s. president kill of course. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani is making his rounds on america's t.v. networks now rightly or wrongly donald trump is under a lot of heat facing an impeachment inquiry and rudy giuliani intends as the president's lawyer to tell the other side of the story but the president's talking
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about is however there is a. lot of evidence that the ukrainians created false information people were ignoring that that biden played a role in getting these collusion allegations covered up i didn't ask him to look at the job i know us knew of the allegation of the related my client which tangentially involved joe biden in a massive bribery not unlike what he did in china one of the points that rudy giuliani has been making is that there seems to be evidence of potential corruption from joe biden and his son in both ukraine and china now the biden campaign seems to believe this talking point is off limits in an unprecedented move we've actually got the joe biden campaign asking t.v. networks not to interview rudy giuliani saying that what he says in these interviews is somehow out of bounds we run it suited him on the to the facts you no longer book rudy giuliani
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a surrogate for donald trump who has demonstrated that he will knowingly and willingly lie in order to advance his own narrative it's now an open question will t.v. networks in the united states that claim to be fair balanced in showing both sides of the issue actively boycott one side the president of the united states aside to be precise let's not forget that the debunked conspiracy theory that somehow russia and trump colluded in order to win the white house was in the headlines all over the us media and at this point rudy giuliani says they are conspiring to silence him why because they're afraid of the facts and the reason they want me to be silenced is not because i'm funny and it's because i've got. facts and because she's guilty and these folks are repeat offenders one of the co-authors of the letter is a need to done now she was a former white house communications director under obama and it's reported that as white house communications director she declared war on fox news the white house
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had no dealings with a major t.v. network now some saw that as an affront to the 1st amendment. let's be realistic here howie you know and they are they are widely viewed as you know a part of the republican party take their talking points put them on the air take their opposition research put money and that's fine is this move against rudy giuliani the 1st step in pushing pro trump voices off of mainstream american t.v. networks or is it just a presidential race where all means are good let's talk to new yorkers we're not idiots we all know what channels feel a certain way which shows officer. that's what they do all the time they try to shut out the other side. i think to giuliani should be able to speak and biden should be able to refute any any charges as rudy giuliani i think he's earned the right to be on t.v. be in fact he was the mayor of new york city through a very traumatic situation not 11 i think everybody has the right to be interviewed . that's when you knew there was
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a more christie even here in the democratic party stronghold of new york city seems like very few americans are sold on the idea that t.v. networks should be boycotting the president's lawyer kaleb up and r.t. new york democrats launched an impeachment inquiry against trump of the claims he offered ukraine military aid if it investigated biden for corruption trump alleges biden try to quash a ukrainian probe into a gas company that his phone was full legal and media analysts lionel thinks democrats are running out of options. the constitution asks the question let's assume everything this president did was indiscreet wrong i'll even say for the sake of argument illegal the only question that we have to ask pursuant to this wonderful document is that has what he has alleged to have done assuming it to be true is it so egregious so constitutionally problematic that it
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demands and requires his immediate removal from office by year from the election the bottom line is the democrats have this as their only weapon if they don't come up with one article of impeachment with a majority if they don't to do this they're going to have to explain to their constituency why the i'm sorry this is a political matter they cannot make this president's meter move they are hoping maybe something will take hold this time that. the number of migrants arriving in italy has risen sharply and the 150 reportedly landed on the shores of lampedusa over the weekend rome recently lifted former interior minister ahmed teo salvini controversial ban on rescue but docking an italian port. for the story. under the cup of darkness fresh arrivals set foot on the tully soil these migrants
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were picked up off to being spotted by the coast guard in the mediterranean over the space of a few hours by the boats look people also landed on lampedusa the island for years has been the front line of italy's migration courses. in the. former interior minister mr hugh selby may not be everyone's cup of tea but his hardline anti immigration policies did seem to resonate with italians his most famous perhaps and most popular move was to close italy's ports to charity rescue
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ships before so be nice parties believe came to power as part of the coalition it only had been described as collapsing under the weight for my quince in 2017 almost 120000 are right by sea routes in 2018 the yourself we need close the ports that dropped to a little over 23000 many had hoped that the end forcing sites now that seems to be fading and i think there has already been a new immigration pick this is the new beginning of migration from producer. i'm very worried to boost i'm especially worried but all the small boats that are landy i would not want the situation as it was in 2011. i hope that sold me my feet turned to the government so that he might feel is too. let's say an equilibrium in the island and stop this trafficking now italy has
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a new government one that is more pro e.u. and has distanced itself from the politics of selby ne it's using much softer language over the issue of migration and it's where you open the ports for some this is the start of a slippery slope we probably have and you serve you. want to leave and we are not able. and it's going to lock you. for. a full week before. migration. in the 1st few weeks of september official figures show that around 1700 my quince landed in italy via c. that's double what it was in the same period last year now while 4 e.u. countries have agreed a relocation plan for migrants that are right in italy this is only
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a temporary emergency mechanism itself has to be presented to of the e.u. members later this month and it will remain voluntary that's raising some eyebrows in the lampedusa there is also skepticism over the offer of help from the e.u. well you and i say they do nothing at all everyone thinks about themselves you would if you thought it would like to trusts birdseye do not because everyone has their own interests in europe germany looks after its own interest from. cradle c. i believe you rip looks more to tell me interests than to those of a single country that has often left alone too many times. even if even members agree on a way forward to deal with migration it still doesn't resolve the issues italy continues to face as a result. migration that's already taken place 6 countries have already reimposed
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random border checks to stop migrants moving and stop and search operations are being ramped up on the german border and if the levels of immigration rise once more many italians fear that they will be runts again left struggling alone with the burden jollity been ski for. amid the tense standoff between iran and the u.s. it's emerged that the reuters news agency may have aggravated tensions with a floppy bit of reporting saskia taylor explains. timing is everything as mortise has apparently only just discovered the news agency has got itself into a bit of a pickle over this article in it a senior figure in the rayney a military is quoted shaking his belligerent fist at washington and saying it better watch its back u.s. forces in the region where threats but there are now an opportunity for iran they do not talk about war with iran because they know how susceptible there are the
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head of the gods aerospace division i mean already hajizada said on state television sounds hostile and sounds like a lighter fluid being added 20 already raging fire because a void claims that had just to set this in june this year a month which saw tensions between tehran and washington had unprecedented heights troop deployments tanks sieges drones being shot down and fingers on the retaliation trigger the world watched on as the 2 countries seemingly lot towards a military conflict president tropper proved military strikes against iran last night and then changed his mind u.s. surveillance drone flying above the straits of hormuz over international waters shot out of the sky by iranian missile present approved military strikes on a number of iranian targets of an american drone by the iranians last night this is a direct attack on a u.s. military asset and given the quote fit the favored narrative of iran iran the wool
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monger a iran the disobedient child the headline got picked up by news outlets from al-jazeera to the new york times but like i said timing is everything because hodge's are to set this not in june 29000 as reuters reported but almost 8 months earlier in november 28th seen during the podcast on a rainy and state t.v. . it was the worst threat for us before but now they are an opportunity why don't they speak with us about war and attack because they're french oh. u.s. forces in the region were a threat but they are now an opportunity for iran they do not talk about war with iran because they know how susceptible they are for sure even back in november the comment would have got washington's all up after all it doesn't take kindly to threats unless of course it's the one making them but at
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a potentially explosive crossroads in a rein in u.s. relations it seems reasonable to suggest that reuters should have stepped just that much more cautiously checked its facts just that much more farley but hey june it's all the same to reuters rootless not the quote from iranian state television here in which we always mourn it's a lie on june the 21st the quote reflects iran's usual stance so it's no surprise that this is being issued on numerous occasions before reuters journalists are here strictly to our trust principles maintaining independence integrity and freedom from bias in our news gathering we stand by our reporting of this story now everyone can forgive an honest mistake but they're just a couple of sticking points here 11 rocky the bridge agency which uncovered the false report started to probe a bit deeper it got posted that is what has just stopped replying to what should be cautious of fooling victim to the crime one accuses others of want as is probably
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feeling but quit now given its earlier report on how iran has become a monster of dissent from ation voters has unearthed more than 70 websites which look like news outlets but are actually channels for a renewed propaganda and fake news often people ask of influence operations but you have any real world impact and in the case of the iranian campaign we can say yes it has and 31 case of honest miss reporting is a mistake but anything more begins to look like a pattern and that is more back in 2018 reuters published this article and with this post quoting those belligerent iranian generals gaev. this citation iran apparently had its eye on expanding its weapons program putting u.s. bases and ak craft carriers under threat of those naughty beloved us to rein but wait let's just rewind one sentence today we are working on increasing the range of
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missiles therefore one of our most important plans is increasing the range of missiles no munition we're working on beyond visual range be viewer missiles and ammunition and consider no limitations in this regard for ourselves because the air force should heighten the country's deterrent power along with our armed forces and to missiles all those u.s. bases and aircraft carriers which are suspended in the sky but a watch out for you can i say shin which markets itself as a fisted us fact checking if it's short been unapologetically loose lipped one of today's most politically volatile topics. we are showing you live pictures from hong kong where huge anti beijing protest is currently underway with tens of thousands of people taking part in the rally.
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the protesters have filled barricades power lines in traffic chunks of proud to be british have also been heard there are now reports coming in that police have fired live rounds against demonstrators again these are live pictures we're showing you right now from hong kong this all comes of course on a day china celebrates the 70th anniversary of the people's republic the event was marked with a large military parade of soldiers marched through the capital great showcase the country's military might including new weapons and vehicles. now a twitter executive has been exposed as a british army information warrior we have story coming up on this very short break .
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join me every thursday on the elec simon short and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics. i'm sure i'll see you then. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy one from day shouldn't let it be an arms race in. spearing dramatic development only mostly exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. seoul reposed gamble is ongoing the whole negative interest rates are the same is that we work better in the bond market these things are happening or experiencing a breakdown in markets all over the world so what we have we dodge one bullet call
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the we work i.p.o. but we're getting. from financial guys shooting at us with impunity. welcome back must be revealed the twitters middle east editor is also an officer in the british army's fica logical warfare unit he looks at how compatible those 2 roles are. they have for years been questions as to who shapes the editorial policies of twitter well when it comes to the social media giants operations in the middle east it turns out the british army has quite the hand in it middle east has discovered that twitter's head of editorial specializing on the middle eastern region also moonlights for the u.k. army former journalist gordon mcmillan has openly shared this information when his linked in page and the 77th progress made macmillan serves in is no ordinary unit
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created back in 2015 it conducts non-lethal warfare with a proud slogan influence an outreach these warriors fight their battles on the front lines of social media seeking to change and influence behavior our aim is to challenge the difficulties of modern warfare use alone lethal engagement and legitimate nonmilitary lever's as a means to death behaviors of the opposing forces and adversaries it's no wonder the middle east has become a priority for the british army with its forces having played quite a role destabilizing the region in the past decade. or.
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so great 77 certainly got plenty to get its teeth into general nick carter the head of the u.k. army was full of high hopes for his social soldiers in a speech he delivered last year 77 pre-k. the show should come back to we've got some remarkable talents when it comes to social media production design and indeed arabic poetry and at least one of them seems to have lived up to the potential since gordon mcmillan joined twitter in 2013 the social media. jayanta suspended iranian press agencies and banned thousands of middle eastern accounts although mcmillan was proven to be working on 2 different fronts simultaneously put it doesn't seem all that bothered we actively encourage all our employees to pursue external interests in line with our commitment to healthy corporate social responsibility and we will continue to do so so our twitter wants to maintain how independent and unbiased it is its policy of encouraging staff to pursue outside interests coming back to want it being the u.k.
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government propaganda operation which has attempted to create clusters to draw journalists and academics in order to essentially promote particular agendas in relation to clearly international affairs and this kind of people asian commissioner environment is profoundly unfair across and old some of the profoundly dangerous if you allow governments to start to shape what people think and understand about what's going on in the world in a way that is going on through the gate 77 an. operations we've seen it you carry when you do look you maintain any trying to check or balance or control over governments is severely limited we asked the british army spokesperson for comment he told r.t. there was no relationship or agreement between the 77th brigade and twitter other
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than using it as a social media platform. new york is could now face a quarter of a $1000000.00 fine for using the term illegal alien with the intention of humiliating or harass things then one the same goes for threatening to report a person to ice that's the u.s. immigration and customs enforcement agency. threatening to call ice when motivated by discrimination derogatory use of the term illegal alien and discrimination based on limited in proficiency are lawful discriminatory treatment under the new york city human rights law under the new law telling someone they should speak english or go back to their own country also carries the potential fine as do any acts of willful discrimination whatever a person's legal status those term illegal alien refers to people who enter the door who work in the united states illegally including those whose visas have expired opponents of the term suggested it dehumanised as migrants in the country
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our guest debated the issue. with what's going on i think that you know the people in new york may have it right we need to start using the laws to make it too expensive to be racist too expensive to do the fear mongering in the hate mongering that we're seeing become so commonplace and people become so comfortable feeling in our country it's just not what america was founded upon and it's not something with that we should be allowing no country comes close to being as tolerant as united states is and and diverse so this notion that somehow new york has to protect us from from protect illegal aliens from ugly words it's funny we've throughout our history we've managed just fine without these speech codes and somehow new york's bring in a minute it's just it's absurd these and verbal assaults are a form of domestic terrorism because their hate based their discriminatory against people based on national origin or their citizenship whether real or perceived yeah
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this is stunning you verb yelling at people is domestic terrorism when you start redefining terms like that and then you can say will terrorism is on the rise because people are are virtually jerks we used to say sticks and stones may break my words can't hurt me words can't hurt you when a thing caught several times on camera federal people you think that the fear of being called or having having i think called on them as an intimidation tactic for people and that's not american if you're offended by being called an illegal alien then don't be an illegal alien. i'm not especially sympathetic with that what i'm stunned by is to hear somebody who is an attorney defend the idea of criminalizing speech that is so un-american those terminology even the. the
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word choice itself. allows you to dehumanizing these people so much that they're not even deserving of basic human rights and they can you can treat them however you need to because they're not even human they're twisting language in an orwellian fashion if some green men get out on your planet they are aliens they are not undocumented space travelers alien is not a pejorative it's what you are in and this site has decided to turn alien who is here illegally turn it into some kind of pejorative and it's not if you don't like people being called illegal aliens and send them back or help them home if you have something you'd like to say about this story or anything else then do get in touch by following us on social media we're back at the top of the hour with the latest headlines. you know world is
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a big part of the law and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. who are going to follow and then comes out of the cold war to get out of the set of one among one of them. a product or maybe they did not say hi i'm my.
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son at this month. until. so sean. total total total. look a lot of the. this is broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of our global economy in
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the 21st century. and i'm kristie i am washington has a lockout was on deck today. 2 legs are extreme pressure and even attempt to force the decoupling of china u.s. relations will definitely damage the interest of the u.s. and chinese enterprises in people because financial market turmoil and danger international trade and world economic growth we are the u.s. will meet us halfway through work out a resolution in a constructive manner another day another twist in the u.s. kind of trade war as reports claim that the company ministration had the listing tiny's companies from american exchanges a move that the administration now denies. trading is on hand today to analyze market reactions and what the move being going forward with the trans pacific negotiation. was a judge has ruled against has won a labor dispute with. the already company molly barrows contributor to america boyer will be on hand to sort through the ruling and what the suspect. and the tech
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firm. time to go let's go. what started off as a global trade war turned into a currency war which then ultimately matched the cold tech war being fought right underneath the surface this global chess match between the superpowers china and the us now shifted into the next phase of the global struggle for economic supremacy capital wars while still in discussions on the actual mechanics of how to implement and enforce the trump and ministration greenlighted this review this would affect billions of dollars and china bound investments as well as the u.s. equity indexes an e.t.s. of which contain a hefty weighting of chinese stocks one mechanism being considered is to force chinese firms to delist from u.s. stock exchanges under the guise of security concerns for still listing on this scale would be unprecedented as more than $150.00 chinese firms currently listed on the u.s. exchange and other ways of curbing capital include limiting u.s.
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portfolio inflows into china and limits on exposure.


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