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tv   News  RT  October 1, 2019 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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2020 hopeful joe biden's team demands news network stop giving air time to donald trump's lawyer accusing him of spreading lies about the former v.p. we asked new yorkers a pretty giuliani should be banned from their t.v.'s. giuliani should be able to speak and biden should be able to refute any any churches they try to shut out the other side if he thought he has the right to be their views. also this hour a huge and to beijing protest in hong kong turns ugly with riot police reportedly resorting to live rounds and demonstrators throwing acid officers. and
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italy sees a spike in migrant arrivals after rome overturns former interior minister a terror cell beanies decision to close ports to rescue but it's. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our teacher in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. u.s. democratic presidential candidate joe biden's campaign team has demanded that major t.v. networks to ban donald trump personal lawyer from appearing on their shows and alleges that rudy giuliani is spreading damaging falsehoods about biden on behalf of the u.s. president reports. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani is making his rounds on america's t.v. networks now rightly or wrongly donald trump is under a lot of heat facing an impeachment inquiry and rudy giuliani intends as the
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president's lawyer to tell the other side of the story but the president's talking about is however there is a. load of evidence that the ukrainians created false information people were ignoring that that biden played a role in getting these collusion allegations covered up i didn't ask him to look into joe bugner yes knew of the allegation of the related my client which tangentially involved joe biden in a massive bribery is really not on wired what he did in china one of the points that rudy giuliani has been making is that there seems to be evidence of potential corruption from joe biden and his son in both ukraine and china now the biden campaign seems to believe this talking point is off limits in an unprecedented move we've actually got the joe biden campaign asking t.v. networks not to interview rudy giuliani saying that what he says in these interviews is somehow out of bounds we royds you to demand the 1000 service to the
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facts you no longer book rudy giuliani a sort of good for donald trump who has demonstrated that he will knowingly and willingly lie in order to advance his own narrative it's now an open question will t.v. networks in the united states that claim to be fair balanced in showing both sides of the issue actively boycott one side the president of the united states aside to be precise let's not forget that the debunked conspiracy theory that somehow russia and trump colluded in order to win the white house was in the headlines all over the us media and at this point rudy giuliani says they are conspiring to silence him why because they're afraid of the facts and the reason they want me to be silenced is not because i'm funny and it's because i've got. facts and because she's guilty and these folks are repeat offenders one of the co-authors of the letter is a need to done now she was a former white house communications director under obama and it's reported that as white house communications director she declared war on fox news the white house
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had no dealings with a major t.v. network now some saw that as an affront to the 1st amendment. let's be realistic here howie you know they are they are widely feared as you know part of the republican party take their talking points put them on the air take their opposition research put money are not find is this move against rudy giuliani the 1st step in pushing pro trump voices off of mainstream american t.v. networks or is it just a presidential race where all means are good let's talk to new yorkers we're not idiots we all know what channels feel a certain way which shows all feel a certain way. that's what they do all the time they try to shut out the other side i don't think it's fair i think that giuliani should be able to speak and biden should be able to refute any any churches it's rudy giuliani i think he's earned the right to be a t.v. in fact he was the mayor of new york city through a very traumatic situation 911 i think everybody has the right to be interviewed.
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that's when you new. democracy even here in the democratic party stronghold of new york city seems like very few americans are sold on the idea that t.v. networks should be boycotting the president's lawyer kaleb mufon r.t. new york democrats launched an impeachment inquiry against her claims he offered ukraine military aid if it investigated biden for corruption tom alleges biden tried to quash a ukrainian probe into a gas company that his son worked for legal and media analyst lionel thinks democrats are simply running out of options. the constitution asks the question let's assume everything this president did was indiscreet wrong i'll even say for the sake of argument illegal the only question that we have to ask pursuant to this wonderful document is that what he has alleged to have done assuming it to be true is it so egregious so constitutionally problematic that it demands
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and requires his immediate removal from office here from the election the bottom line is the democrats have this as their only weapon if they don't come up with one article of impeachment with a majority if they don't do this they're going to have to explain to their constituency why they did i'm sorry this is a political matter they cannot make this president's meter move they're hoping maybe something will take hold this time that. we now bring you live pictures from hong kong where police have fired tear gas water cannon and rubber bullets during a huge anti beijing protests.
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tens of thousands are taking part in the rally of protestors have built barricades paralyzing traffic and some are chanting proud to be british there are now reports coming in that riot officers fired live rounds injuring one activist in the. hong kong police say and. the protesters actually threw acid at several officers and reporters they also posted photos showing burns and injuries sustained by their staff officials have strongly condemned the violence and are calling on the public to stay safe this all comes on the day china celebrates the 70th anniversary of the people's republic event was marked with a low. military parade rows of soldiers marched through the capitol and the parades showcase the country's military might including new weapons and vehicles. we now cross live to independent china specialist andrew longs for more on this now china's president has promised to maintain the one country 2 systems policy given
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what's going on in hong kong will he actually manage to keep that promise. can you hear me. you know. i didn't know you all skinny so i think yes yes sorry yeah so. one country 2 systems is very very important for 'd china because even though hong kong now accounts for only 3 percent of china's g.d.p. but then maintaining whole call under the current system serves the national objectives of china well. hong kong being 'd finally got it all the tradition pendants is that they put this last little recognized who will. help trying to do. is initiatives like. this for its international
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isolation over a little bit so who is to question china to give up on one of the 2 systems however all the points of the actions all but one of them this is the coming to the fore and you can see the anger in the street. but at the ration we saw in. the provoking the police into taking action. this way all while the lawlessness and compare with the west at the foot police have been the restraint. they see that see that the old is also illegal for baldness solving the change will call him or even should happen in the west you can see him or the police with a gun but then on the other hand. i think the police is on their loss. and hence this sort of people are in the light of day to day so this is
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a ready tragic situation for the bill this is all simple it's no less than strapping the basic law is the basic goal is a ready reconciliation of the constrictions. there are safeguards for the 2 systems but they're also of. the security of the one country one of the saved all of is to ensure that in any universal suffrage the election of the chief executive by one man one of their awful vision when short a chief executive that it can all be a separatist and all bush will fall to was so the divination of this but the city hall it looked at it and that's what the this is austin do. 'd and that's why beijing with all of this there is a lack of trust between beijing and the book and though this is are the result in
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the wanted and as a means to over. 'd into some issues and implicitly. with was the this is this is a kind of 2 they have with us. now things appear to be getting more vicious as you mentioned there's reports of place using live rounds and protesters throwing acid how far could things escalate. well i mean today even before today the police was on high alert and as i had before the set abrasions out of body this morning with the the p. heads at because the the there was a so 'd the leading social media of course the youth and. instigating the assault the want those to kill some police and the set up. those of in the various areas and today all supposed to be a black day formal poll so it's the blue book beijing something. and
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something else that because the idea is that the it was the bridge will be is that the boy that solved the one country this is the one with the destroyed. and then sort of would be that the subject of incest or the centuries it was absurd it would be it was that it of course we were both all this extra. independent china specialist and along thank you for your time and your comments. the number of migrants arriving in italy has risen sharply over 150 reportedly landed on the shores of lampedusa over the weekend rome recently lifted former interior minister controversal ban on rescue boats docking in a thai imports r.t. charlotte devinsky picks up the story. under the cup of darkness fresh arrivals set foot on the tully soil these migrants were picked up off to being spotted by the
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coast guard in the mediterranean over the space of a few hours by the boats full of people also landed on lampedusa the island for years has been at the front line of italy's migration courses. from. former interior minister mr hugh selby may not be everyone's cup of tea but his hardline anti immigration policies did seem to resonate with italians his most famous perhaps and most popular move was to close italy's ports to charity rescue ships before so be nice parties believe came to power as part of the coalition it
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only had been described as collapsing under the weight for my quince in 2017 almost 120000 or right by sea routes in 2018 the yourself we need close the ports that dropped to a little over 23000 many had hoped that the end was in sites now that seems to be fading and i think there has already been a new immigration pick this is the new beginning of migration from producer. i'm very worried to boost i'm especially worried but all the small boats that are lambie i would not want the situation as it was in 2011. i hope that's held me my feet turned to the government so that he might feel as time . let's say an equilibrium in the island and stop this trafficking now italy has a new government one that is more pro e.u.
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and has distanced itself from the politics of selvi me it's using much softer language over the issue of migration and it's where you open the ports for some this is the start of a slippery slope we probably have. to leave and we are not able. to lock it with. a full week before. migration. in the 1st few weeks of september official figures show that around 1700 my quince landed in italy via c. that's double what it was in the same period last year now while for a new countries have agreed a relocation plan for migrants that are right in italy this is only
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a temporary emergency mechanism itself has to be presented to the e.u. members later this month and it will remain voluntary that's raising some eyebrows in the lampedusa there is also skepticism over the offer of help from the e.u. i say they do nothing at all everyone thinks about themselves what if you got it i would like to trusts birdseye do not because everyone has their own interests in europe germany looks after its own interest from. i believe you rip looks more to tell me interests than to those of a single country that has often left alone too many times. even if even members agree on a way forward to deal with migration it still doesn't resolve the issues italy continues to face as a result. migration that's already taken place 6 countries have already we imposed random border checks to stop migrants moving and stop and search operations being
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ramped up on the german border and if the levels of immigration rise once more many italians fear that they will be wrong again left struggling alone with the book and show that deep in ski. still to come a twitter executive has been exposed as a british army and information warrior story and more after the break. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person or those with.
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thinks. we are here to ask. oh great post campbell is ongoing the whole negative interest rates are the same it's that we work in the better in the bond market these things are happening or experiencing a breakdown of markets all over the world so what we have we dodged one bullet call the we work i.p.o. but we're getting gunned down in a hail of financial polish from financial bad guys shooting at us with impunity.
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oh welcome back it's been revealed that twitter's middle east editor is also an officer in the british army's psychological warfare unit artie's alley looks at how compatible those 2 roles are. they have for years been questions as to who shapes the editorial policies of twitter well when it comes to the social media giants operations in the middle east it turns out the british army has quite the hand in it middle east has discovered that twitter's head of editorial specializing on the middle eastern region also moonlights for the u.k. army former journalist gordon mcmillan has openly shared this information when his linked in page and the 77th progress made macmillan serves in is no ordinary unit created back in 2015 it conducts non-lethal warfare with a proud slogan influence an outreach these warriors fight their battles on the front lines of social media seeking to change and influence behavior our aim is to challenge the difficulties of modern warfare use alone lethal engagement and
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legitimate nonmilitary lever's as a means to adapt behaviors of the opposing forces and adversaries it's no wonder the middle east has become a priority for the british army with its forces having played quite a role destabilizing the region in the past decade. or. so again 77 certainly got plenty to get its teeth into general nick carter the head of the u.k. army was full of high hopes for his social soldiers in a speech he delivered last year 77 pre-k. the show should come back to we've got some remarkable talent when it comes to
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social media production design and indeed arabic poetry and at least one of them seems to have lived up to the potential since gordon mcmillan joined twitter in 2013 the social media. jayanta suspended iranian press agencies and banned thousands of middle eastern accounts although mcmillan was proven to be working on 2 different fronts simultaneously puts a doesn't seem all that bothered we actively encourage all our employees to pursue external interests in line with our commitment to healthy corporate social responsibility and we will continue to do so so while twitter wants to maintain how independent and unbiased it is its policy of encouraging staff to pursue outside interests coming back to haunt it those being the u.k. government propaganda operation which has attempted to create clusters to draw journalists and academics in order to essentially promote particular agendas in relation to clearly international affairs and this kind of manipulation in
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commemoration of our own is profoundly unfair and ultimately profoundly dangerous if you allow governments to start to shape what people think and understand about what's going on in the world in a way that is going on through brigade 77 an. operation you carry then the ability to maintain any trying to check or balance or control over governments is severely limited we asked the british army spokesperson for comment he told r.t. there was no relationship or agreement between the 77th brigade and twitter other than using it as a social media platform. they have been fighting for justice for decades but are not giving up banana plantation workers in nicaragua one competition for the damage done to their health by american made pesticides.
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i don't i remember that once i was cutting cane and i had a headache and bone pain but the fever was so terrible that i fainted in mccain i was brought to a hospital where doctors said my korea team had changed by 2 points. was supposedly the boys and they sprayed them again from the planes while we were cutting the cane the poison answered our bodies so we were being affected all the time. yeah you know the old one husband was working with the cane but he died sometimes okies were waiting for him with good plantation so they were affected too and got sick my brothers mario and francisco died working on the king they didn't get any
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help because they didn't have insurance. they never told us what we know now and i don't think it is right for them to spray the poison because now we are affected the worst thing here is they don't want to meet our demands the company's owner is deaf to us. might not receive compensation but at least my family can so i can help them just a good old going to what i do believe that they should buy hands and recognize our rights our lives and our organization which were made sick but we were put in these conditions so they are the ones respond. before i just don't get that obama may you know the nicaraguan court awarded over $800000000.00 in compensation to more than
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a 1000 plantation workers and their families but the u.s. based pesticide makers have refused to pay up however the case is now being heard in france where those firms have significant assets their workers lawyer stuart smith explains why they hope to find justice in europe there were originally cases filed in california the courts the united states basically said it's better to follow your case in your home country the defendants remove go there from those countries so those no assets to seize in those countries so you would then have to take that judgment and try to seize their assets to satisfy the judgment and that's the process we're going through now in europe france. is believes in the rule of law. they certainly are aware that you know the proof is in the record of the case these men were tested. to reality was documented.
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and so it is time that they because. the companies being sued are dow shell and dental but they say the nicaraguan courts lack jurisdiction efforts to obtain compensation in the u.s. have also failed dow said in a statement that the french courts would not find the judgments and forcible either where stewart smith again says it's time for the companies to pay up. the chemical ringback causes to realty in men you know the words they're on able to have children it affects the sperm atos it in men to where they cannot fertilize a female and it also increases cancer rates among women and men felt that these victims had not been compensated and they were really significantly hurt by this and we took up the case and are we going to collect these judgments or or settle these cases one way or the other the company's going to have to pay its people. that's our global news update for this hour but don't forget you can always had to
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our website r.t. dot com for the details on all the stories and many more. her . her her. her. i. guess manufacture consent to stick it to the public well. when the ruling classes and protect themselves. with the famous merry go
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round be the one percent. with no middle of the room sick. the real new. drug going to follow and then comes out of a war. of the sort of one among what i would. a far left from 80. not the high i myself and i mean. at the salon months in front of the sensor on. some sort of one of them with an image of just the lock of the.
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theater some window into the board. max geyser this is the kaiser report maximalist maximalist for max kaiser that's been obvious for years hey there might be some sounds hearing on the sidewalk that's just the clickety clack of laundry baskets here krypto springs in palm springs california the hottest crypto conference in the world. it is indeed the hottest conference in bake line i want you to look at the marquee by the way i helped design this one we're also toshi except for dot dot dot well we all know who
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that is but you know i want to turn to twitter because there was a viral little video clip that josh brown downtown josh brown posted to his twitter handle and he was so excited because he actually went viral had over $75000.00 views this is the part i never want you to forget wall street was this close to selling you we work at $50000000000.00 stop quacking like a duck and they'll stop throwing bread comes at you and here's the video clip this is the key thing to understand and to never forget wall street was this close to selling you. we work at $50000000000.00 they were ready to go they were locked and loaded the road shows and everything fell apart at the last minute and now there are a blind man might step down as c.e.o. they'll be called chairmen.


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