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tv   News  RT  October 3, 2019 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. as us democrats rallied to protect a whistleblower whose claims have triggered an impeachment inquiry we'll look at how they previously sought to prosecute those who revealed the uncomfortable truths . also this hour a christian doctor in the u.k. loses a case against his former employers for sacking him over his refusal to use female pronouns for a transgender woman tribunals says his objection that was incompatible with human dignity. and there's the old are meant as a british museum warns art lovers about strong imagery and an exhibition of 1900 drawings we speak to visitors. if we need to see the visions of people's minds not how we'd like the world to be oh you know we're not interested
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in going to gallery of everything's good in the town going to where you blow your streets you expect you to really get. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r t h q in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. democrats in the u.s. say it's a paramount concern that a whistleblower whose revelations triggered an impeachment inquiry against all trump be protected and anonymous cia officer alleges that the us president pressured his ukrainian counterpart to investigate a potential 2020 rival trump has dismissed claims of improper conduct and brought in the informant a spy. either got a totally wrong made it up or the person giving the information to the whistleblower was dishonest and this country has to find out who that person was because that person is a spot in my opinion so president traveling doesn't realize. how dangerous his
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statements are when he says he wants to expose he's the whistle blower is and those who may have given the whistleblower that information while democrats are keen to protect this particular whistleblower they've been less so on defending those who have revealed uncomfortable truths in the past him up and takes a closer look. we are now told that in this dark age of trumpington tyranny one heroic individual has spoken up like a voice crying out in the wilderness we don't know his name or his occupation but we know that he is good i think the whistleblower did the right thing i think he followed the law every step of the way the inspector general of the intelligence community found this whistleblower complaint both credible and urgent i want to say thank you also to the whistleblower for having the courage of the bravery to come forward on behalf of the nation now not only must this gallant hero be held in the
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highest level of reverence but he must also be protective any attack on him would be an attack on the american way of life from everything we know and we don't know much this is a experienced person who saw things that bothered him that's what the whole whistleblower blower statue is for and it is to protect their identity and i understand he's going to testify and we'll let the process unfold and the you remember how hillary clinton apparently wanted to kill julian assad with a drone well let's not get lost in the details but let's go over some recent whistleblowers in u.s. history.
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past some might argue that this case is different because this whistleblower didn't run to the press but simply followed standard procedure but the record seems to show that a lot of cases have whistleblowers who do follow this procedure so why jail time for some of them so it turns out the law does not actually protect them from retaliation they can be fired or prosecuted. so are all future whistleblowers doomed well not quite secure backers carefully protecting whistleblowers who see wrongdoing of any kind in our government is essential so if you're a whistleblower in america take a step back look over what you have an ask yourself get this information benefit anyone powerful in america if not your official complaint will probably be ignored and if you don't shut up after that the consequences could be severe the current whistleblowers case is very different from others. the others were blowing the whistle on the system so these were real real abuses what crimes and
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abuses of our 4th amendment now this new whistleblower we need to put in quotes what was he reporting of course there are double standards there are standards for those who want to put pursue their political aims using this particular whistleblower in quotes and there are other rules for people who really oppose the system and its abuses one of the whistleblowers just mentioned in caleb's report edward snowden has reacted on twitter to calls to protect those who spilled the beans noting the case of x. n.s.a. analyst daniel hale is being prosecuted for lifting the lid on u.s. drone warfare programs. meanwhile an article in the new york times suggests that the u.s. house intelligence committee chief might have colluded with the whistleblower according to the piece the anonymous cia agent spoke to adam schiff staff before filing his complaint is how donald trump reacted to that bryza report that came out
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just before you and president needed to walked out here that the whistleblower met with a staff member of adam schiff prior i love that question to be filed it shows that schiff is a fraud i think it's a scandal that he knew before i go a step further i think he probably helped write it this is not the only controversy the u.s. house intelligence committee chief has gotten himself in broiled in as are trying to explains. if there was an award for the star inches tator of president trump certainly this man would make it to the list of nominees no need to remind why all right just watch this for a bit president was essentially trying to coerce a foreign leader to help us presidential campaign there seems to be no floor below which this president can drop serious a level of misconduct about his fundamental betrayal a president has told the american people that yes i leaned on ukraine to manufacture dirt on my opponent and obviously with that in mind it's
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a piece of cake to guess what this guy's most cherished dream is impeachment for the maggot man it may be that we undertaken a peace nonetheless that compels us to travel down the road towards impeachment of those facts which are uncontested at this point compel us to move down the path of a formal impeachment inquiry well if you try and properly imagine yourself in mr shifts shoes you would probably say oh yeah what he's up to is totally legit because mr trump is on a mission to dig as much dirt as possible on as most dangerous democrat political opponent and for the president all means are good even if it's done through a phone conversation with ukraine's president who mr trump asked to once again hit the trail of joe biden saw him and so adam schiff was like it is illegal improper a violation of oath of violations of his duty to defend our elections our
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constitution for the president to merely ask for foreign interference in our election well it's time to remind you of a different phone conversation from 27 thing between now not donald trump this time adam schiff and supposedly the speaker of the ukrainian parliament the nature of the compromise well there were pictures of naked. ok so you you have recordings of both the sochi. where they're discussing the compromising material on mr trump absolutely on that meaning no quickening told flynn so all those compromising materials will never elise divert will cancel all russian saying so. well obviously we would. welcome a chance to get copies of those recordings. so we will try to work with the f.b.i. to figure out along with your staff how we can obtain copies of those opes i forgot
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to mention something really important that was a prank although it seems mr sheriff was so hungry for the trouble he totally fell for it schiff was pretty serious he wrote all of what we said on the paper remembered all the detail surely when you're looking for something to get trump out of there you're good to cross any lines nothing improper or probe or the by the way speaking of dealing with the russians in some shape or form as we know anyone who gets themselves involved in that could be compromise or a spider on for the rest of their lives mr schiff once spoke to us r t r t made in russia get it one of those members of congress a leading the effort is adam schiff from california he joined me earlier and i think i will have the cumulative impact of making the pfizer court much more transparent should someone put him under a federal probe for him that he or his assistants were probably talking to
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a few russians while the interview was being arranged oh that was long before donald trump showed up in the white house politics should be fine then she is certainly a very tribes also accused him of being shifty and shifty i think is a much more apt description i mean what was going on was shift that was frank's this meeting was i mean you say oh you know we've got some. native pictures of trump with some was some russian bookers do you want to see them so. she was ready to seize on that whereas i think trump was asking i think logically reasonable questions obviously he wants to bring down donald trump he tried to do it with russia gate i mean the ship was really one of the key figures in russia and so now here is suddenly you know from russia gate is moved on to ukraine get
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a chance to leave which i think is reasonably based there at the origin of truck russia has to be found in ukraine and he was asking is hell in investigating this and in this case ukraine gate is even flimsier russia get so i think that will do a lot more to damage ships. in the u.k. a christian doctor who was sacked after refusing to use female pronouns for a transgender woman has lost his legal fight against his former employers he says they discriminated against his religious beliefs but an employment tribunal has ruled that his objection was incompatible with human dignity mind those who cross live now to our correspondent seana edward stasi in london thought it break down this case for us. well you're probably familiar with pronouns such as he she and them and respecting them is especially important for the transgender community gender nonconforming and binary people however face it get it right could now cost
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you your job at least that's the case for one doctor he himself was sacked he faced dismissal because he failed to use these pronouns due to his own personal religious beliefs and in a controversial court statement it read to his christian values are in direct contradiction with the fundamental rights of others. and lack of belief in transgenderism and conscientious objection to transgenderism in our judgment incompatible with human dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others in so far as those beliefs form part of his wind of faith he's going to phrase also does not satisfy the requirement of being worthy of respect in a democratic society. so what's the case well dr david not correct he's a christian man and he's worked for the n.h.s. for 26 years and in his words a 6 foot tall bearded man came into his office and demanded to be called mrs and she well dr david margaret therefore then refused to do so and was subsequently
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sacked from his was dismissed from his contract job now in his opinion he was totally shocked by all of this because he believes that someone's personal chosen sex is actually just an abstract ideological play which. staff in the n.h.s. even those who don't share my christian convictions or also disturbed as they see their own freedom of thought and speech being undermined by the judge's ruling my 30 years as a doctor are now considered irrelevant compared to the risk that someone else might be offended. now the department for work and pensions argues that dr david mack great spirits are in direct breach of the equality act of 2010 on top of all of that the firm that hired them and is also being sued for religious beliefs but unsurprisingly the christian legal center is supporting dr david. shadi what other
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kind of reaction have we been seeing to this case. well in fact many people online have taken to twitter arguing that this is political correctness gone mad and especially given the lack of doctors up and down the country at the moment this is certainly a step too far. so the law requires on pain of being sacked a doctor to refer to a 6 foot bigoted man is madam if that's what he wants utterly bonkers the world is much even upside down and good is bad bad is good poor chap uki 2019 compelled speech is here dr loses tribunal case for refusing to use made up transgender pronounce even worse the ruling states that christian belief is not worth the of respect and incompatible with human dignity. but the fact remains that the tripe you know did rule of course that his beliefs could cause offense and in fact many people in the trans community and trans activists say that all of this
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has psychological damage ramifications is tantamount to a peace not to mention of course that medical health care professionals should be treating people and not judging people in their opinion well anyway dr david is now saying he will appeal the decision sorry edward stuff the reporting from london thank you. more news after this short break. lead.
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move over situation move grandchildren who are living children ask their great grandparents. is it true that all these cars used to drive the. great grand. welcome back international relations are the focus of russia's annual valdai conference which is wrapping up today in the black sea resort city of sochi the
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title for this year's event is the dawn of the east and the world political order when we go live to our correspondent maria who is there for us president putin is expected to speak today what's been on the at the about so far. well hi is a clean it has become indeed a tradition that on the last day of discussion club gathering russia's president vladimir putin joins the conversation it stop it is just sad is there is to this year including asia and the middle east 3 days of intensive discussions with high ranking politicians experts analysts from 37 countries are behind on how to maintain peace how to avoid conflicts and violence how to boost development in these strategic i large regions how to cultivate international efforts to achieve common goals and get better results apart from vladimir putin the leaders of as it is by john jordan kazakhstan and the philippines of also here exchange and they are
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used and through their shoes before sitting all together the old have tete a tetes we've ludmer putin to discuss bilateral as well as global issues and weeks back to the major event of today's. gathering of valdai discussion clock this is by the way most international think tank later on. find. plenary session with all of the key participants involved will keep you updated and of course we'll cover it for you back to reaffirm the thing across the latest for us in sochi thank you. u.s. president donald trump's got a green light to impose $7500000000.00 worth of tariffs on goods exported from the e.u. the ruling by the world trade organization is the largest and it's history and it's part of a 15 year battle over illegal subsidies made to european plane maker airbus the new tariffs could hit as soon as the 18th of october and will include
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a 10 percent levy on european aircraft and 25 percent on popular food items like scotch whiskey and french cheese brussels has warned that it's ready to retaliate. if the u.s. decides to impose w. countermeasures it will be pushing the e.u. into a situation where we will have no other option than to do this saying and italian journalist sees an opportunity to voice her position on the future by handing the us secretary of state a large wedge of parmesan cheese encounter happened during a photo op between mike pump aoe and italy's prime minister in rome on wednesday. the only. way. we. are more we're now joined live by
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a european affairs expert earl rest muson who is an executive vice president at the eurasia center now the ruling is being described as the largest award in the history of the world trade organization how serious is this for relations between the u.s. and europe. well jacqueline the relations have been kind of mixed so far to say that lightly and i do not think this is going to contribute to the relationship at all i mean we've seen the u.s. put pressure on europe but we've had our steel tariffs that were put in place same pressure put on them and far as work as far as with north korean to i do not think this is this is definitely not going to be helpful in the e.u. u.s. relations now brussels has already said that they're ready to retaliate what do you think that might look like. i think you could definitely could see every tell you a sham to be if you look at it e.u. from a composite perspective is is the u.s.
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is the largest trading partner and and so you know with the top ones obviously being u.k. a german a. metal in the is then there france italy ireland this is going to you could see them go the other way and it could be across multiple things could be automotive could be agricultural products. maybe we'll see them impact on the service side as well so it's. definitely they could get hurt and we could get into another trade war similar to what we're doing on dealing with china right now meanwhile trump has just described this ruling as a big win for the united states do you agree with him seeing it that way well it is a big win in a way i guess although you've got something working through the w t o right now as far as the. preferential treatment that boeing has received so you
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could see this go the other way within the next year as well so i really don't see this is a stand alone type of when that may be good for publicity perspective but definitely be much better if we could come to a negotiation between the entities rather than the result and tariffs just before we came to you we showed pictures of an italian journalist giving the u.s. secretary of state some parmesan and asking him to pass it on to trump do you see that as a act of protest. it's kind of humorous way to. you know to kind of impose that i mean obviously there's certain states in the us that produce g.e. maybe not quite as good as the italian parmesan but. yeah that's kind of a kind of a humorous poke i think it towards towards the state department in and from the
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initiative if these trade tariffs are put into action by the u.s. on october the 18th what could the next few months look like from an economic and diplomatic perspective i think. you know we've got it's a very complicated world out there right now i mean this this could this we won't necessarily see immediate impact in especially when you look at aircraft aircraft or long. you know long lead time air items so i ming many of our airline buy from both boeing and from from airbus and this could this could have ramifications down the line on their bottom line as well so i could see not necessarily in the near term but a long term you could see prices increase on aircraft well you could see prices increase from other fall of being terrorists it's not the companies it's not the kind of trees that pay for that it's the average person that pays tariffs that's the bottom line and i think you're this could disrupt the supply chains that in the just addition to what's going on in asia and definitely put additional threats on.
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on global trade and the global economy within the next year. early rasmussen executive vice president of the eurasia center and thank you very much for joining us on the program thank you. silence sadness fantasy these are just some of the themes you might expect to see when you visit an art gallery at the u.k.'s renowned tate britain britain museum has seemed a warning necessary for a new exhibition of 1000 century drawings by william blake. never ever ever we need to see the visions of people's minds not how we'd like the
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world to be who do they think they feel offended in this very very easily if in the world we live in you know we're not interested in going to gallery of everything's black i'm going to come going to william but here expects music. i think you've got to actions of religious grand scale that something. i suppose i would have issues if there is another sexual violence against women or anything like that that being the impact i don't think it will be. the bad press some politics painted by our artists are considered by you to be inappropriate we have noticed a facebook consistently rejects works of all of it peter paul rubens.
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that's our world news wrap up for now but i'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest thanks for tuning in. in 2040 you know bloody revolution 2 to the demonstration going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no war here i mean you are liz put me in the neighborly as i do school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. those who took. invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure
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a secure and prosperous and democratic. national mall i'm glad i am should ask for the last 70 and seeing and on the day today for the dutch promotion commission so you. brits who just
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shoot on disk in the. legion mom. and i know you care so said i'm not going to march to the mama. is there. and. this is robust broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of our global economy in the 21st century. and i'm christiane and washington has
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a lockout today the power of the u.s. dollar has been the dominant player in the financial world for decades could get by could back down numbers are changing their wallets joined at the show today to break down what the future how the store for the greenback around the globe was the move on that's come under heat for controversy surrounding facial recognition technology and knowledge e-commerce giant is to create recognition regulations literally buying them themselves author intent the exact software joins the program to give us his view on what's in store for the sector plenty of things on our plate this time the get go and let's go. with the latest ugly i as a miss as the u.s. equity markets have sold all part into going to 4th quarter and they're now testing levels where more technical for selling will exaggerate the market's volatility the dow plunged more than $500.00 points to break both the 50 day and the $100.00 day moving averages with big tech leading the decline global market slump after the u.s. manufacturing i assume tumbled to more than a decade low sparking fears that
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a recession may now be unavoidable as a fallout from the china u.s. trade war has now spread historically equity returns are the worst when the eye is on manufacturing drops from levels below the 50 threshold what's even more concerning now though are the details about print new orders employment. and production they were all either soft or have to tear it even further only 3 of the 18 industries in the survey reported growth the lowest figure since 2009 adding to the bad news european companies are set for their worst quarterly earnings in 3 years the latest data lifted the fed funds rate futures sharply with the november contract now pricing in an 80 percent chance that the fed will cut interest on the 30th in monetary terms it looks like we are at a race to the bottom of the e.c.b. have reintroduced q e at $20000000000.00 euros per month the r.b.a. cut $25.00 bits again the p.v. 0 c. is now pledging to get.


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