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tv   Keiser Report  RT  October 3, 2019 10:30am-11:01am EDT

10:30 am
hardly a concern don't be surprised if years from now the squeeze on short term borrowers that cause this flurry of excitement is recall as an early warning sign of the banking systems coming collapse on tuesday there simply weren't enough dollars to keep short term loans rolling this implies that the dollar short squeeze that i 1st wrote about barron's and the san francisco examiner more than 2 decades ago may have begun right the dollar short squeeze the fascinating topic. this would be deflation according to the deflation of out there and the collapse of the bond market the credit markets. continued despite all the money printing despite all the attempts to reliquefy banking system doesn't matter the internal machinations of the bond market as it's traded internally by banks
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is continuing to collapse and on the surface this is not reported because it's too hard to speak of the fact they credit markets reach such a state of disrepair disrepair that it's. causing a run on the dollar and a short squeeze on the dollar in this way but you know rick is probably correct and you know the it's just a corpse basically and they they can't keep it animated we've had so much money printing we have negative rates we have all these things to keep the system alive and most people feel like really great about the economy jobs are booming wages are rising house prices are booming everything is ok we also felt like that in 20062007 when we were reporting in the financial news at that time we did you know i remember you going on france 24 when enjoy. a new wave of 2007 there was
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a flash crash in the chinese stock market so went down something like 1520 percent in one day and everybody around the world including wall street they were all like what is going on so there were like crazy movements leading up to the financial crash of 2008 and. this is before they begin to paper over really violence will he and aggressively but so here we're looking at. similar movements this could be something or it could be nothing but here rick ackerman says regarding the run on repose it is curious that a dollar shortage developed in one specific market at a time when dollars remain only lost in the exhaustedly available in so many others mortgage money is not tight nor are percent teaser loans for any credit card holder who is not in prison big companies have no trouble borrowing billions of dollars to buy back their shares of borrowers in the repo market they're potentially like
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short sellers of a stock that has suddenly become unavailable which is to say they will be dead ducks on that inevitable day when even a slight whiff of panic wash through the battery of people in the repo market the repurchase agreement business who are putting up collateral for short term ones you know they don't while there's a penny i mean it's ok to lose a bunch of people in the mortgage market it's ok to disenfranchise the entire black community for example as we did in 2008 for for a laugh it's ok to crash the stock market periodic low for stockholders who are unhedged and they get wiped out i mean or it's ok to wipe out a country like breaks it is doing because of the interests of hedge fund managers who are looking for the next greece that's off for fun and games but in the repo market it's the guys with a lot of money that i want to lose any money so they don't trust each other so the
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interest rates go higher so they're there they're unwilling to lose even a penny that's why they're there they're charging each other exorbitant rates because they're cheap i mean they're only lending for overnight and yet they're not trusting each other the people in the mortgage market credit card. there is those are the dumb money that those people don't have any idea they believe you know all things are great whether they tune into fox news or m s n b c they think life is forever eternally perfect and the fed will always bail them out so they're happy to spend and spend and spend but these banks have asymmetric information they know a little bit more about the true state of the debt and the derivatives and the deflation that might be coming down the road they also many people are suing that this was perhaps one bank like deutsche bank that was that is insolvent and so we won't know that until later it could be a hedge fund some people are suggesting as well so we won't know the fact that we want now until it's too late is part of the problem this time the fed handled the
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problem without breaking a sweat the next time however the cost might run into the trillions of dollars which is to say more funny money than the central bank can gin up on short notice when this day of reckoning comes the banks won't open the next day nor will credit card transactions clear although there is no way that even a prudent person can completely protect him or herself from the fall out it seems likely that those who hold treasury paper and gold bullion as insurance will fare better than those who don't and just does go on to say like. that gold is looking good at these prices and in this situation that is better to get it now while these just little tiny signals the smoke signals are sent out occasionally that you're seeing the early you know the tremors ahead of perhaps a bigger earthquake now it's also interesting to know if it's in the scheme or idea of interest rate apartheid. more you know if you're not part of the in crowd you
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you have to pay exorbitant fees on your credit cards are living in a bantustan of bad credit by design and it's a way to keep the society in check from uprising right because if you are keeping them all isn't debt and on the short term credit crowd those are high quality credits and they wouldn't dare take any risk at all and you know i see the same thing in the way food is regulated right because for a lot of a large part of the population they have a certain standard in the food regulatory regime about certain number of rat hair they allow in your food for example and that's that they're acceptable or but for people who are dining on the short term credit market it was you know on champagne on the highest possible standard you know it's food it's apartheid in the food business all it's of everywhere is apartheid now that's the model whether it's food
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credit security in from drugs pharmaceutical opiates heroin is just we live in a new apartheid state of course that we have we live in a command and control financial system this is possible under fiat's currency however the problem is that there is always an underlying real economy and real banks and real debt that has to be paid so these are the fact that we have a command and control around a real economy this never works because eventually the real economy rises up and they. they overwhelm the control that you have over it so whether or not we're at that moment it could go on another year another 3 years another 10 years but at the end of the day we're at the end of a system of this fiat's control command and control and you know i mentioned so here you had the repo market big banks primary dealers let lending to each other overnight and using supposedly great collateral as the basis and yet they couldn't
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even borrow for 10 percent overnight here on the other side here's a story from this talk dot com house flipper lending his 13 year high what can possibly go wrong the dollar volume of financed flip purchases in the 2nd quarter of this year jumped 31 percent annually from $6400000000.00 to $8400000000.00 according to adam data solutions that is the highest level since the 3rd quarter of 2006 so home flipping is back and lending to home flippers is soaring it's up 31 percent in the 2nd quarter of this year he talked about the real economy and how these things impact the real economy well in the real economy companies are earning that are going down yes s. and p. 500 earnings have been going down for 151617 years now it's masked due to stop
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buybacks but the actual company is losing money retailers are shutting down by the thousands across america you go to the malls now and it's half empty and the wages of course are going down adjusted for inflation they're going down even more the real economy is dying. it's close to completely dead. the financial eyes economy the fake economy the home flipping economy the repo market should jive economy because i've got to make a payment on my yacht in greenwich because i'm an ex long term capital management fraudster living in a saloon and i need to quit. they that market is doing great but that's the real economy that's a market driven by. potentates and charlatans and neo feudal meisters sitting on their throne easy credit spigots that's not real but the repo market signaled
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something is going on at the very very top those guys own yachts the people not lending to each other weren't even able to borrow for 10 percent overnight they've been motwani however an investor with iron gate development a washington d.c. area expects to flip about 15 homes this year he says it's always smarter to use a mortgage because you get leverage you can do many more deals wright said might want also the banks have become a little bit more easy and lending on this flip business they used to be a lot tougher so the dumb money is pouring in the money is there for the dumb money it's easy for them to borrow 1 it's easy for them to flip this also happened in 2006 right before they had world economy the real world economy went over the cliff 1st us in 2006 which for 10 the 20072008 crash i mean created the crisis really quickly crisis q peter schiff we're back all right we're
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going to take a little break or i come back much more coming your way. 24 do you know bloody revolution of. the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know we're here to put it put him in your list put a video producer in the new bill is that i do believe it or the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2040. 8 invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these another insurer a secure and prosperous and democratic. you know world's big partners move
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a lot of things and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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in this connection to moment a last chance to ask for the past 70 and seeing endemol today today for the rights promotion commission soon. bridge to shift things to disk in the. asian community the hmong. leachate mom was a. no new car so said i'm not going to much to me mama it's just our yanno.
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welcome back of the cars report imax keyser time to turn to enlarge use go is the c.e.o. of morgan creek capital management right here in north carolina we're going to get started on bitcoin in the 2nd segment but 1st we're going to discuss all things the current legacy if. we interrupt that episode of the kaiser report to take you straight to search where president weiner putin is addressing a major conference there let's listen in to what he has to say. and the protesters from the. middle east eurasia southeast asia. so we decided to focus on these subjects not only because russia is increasingly active in the world it is clear to everyone i think the reports which we are
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prepared to put forward to the hypothesis what we've grown accustomed to called world order is now. more clear cut systems norms new rules no longer be around the world is answering another euro global. anyone and everyone acts. as a personal desire and the responsibility is increasing in this world as well the balance may be found only if we also respect each other's interests believes his principles comes to the whole of the international community and of course the interests and the principles of these should be respected too because now releases this stage in the human history the e.c. is acquiring the role has always used to have a sit back and just a. good friend of the good friend. live all day clark.
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prominent area until scientists member of the russian academy of science since this . head of the valdai academy a small academy about her very capable one just love no one can please. give you the floor now thank you so much. and let me start our session and give the floor to the president of the russian federation of lattimer put in. and i just see. on 4 presidents. here's to. brazil and then we go
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france ladies and gentlemen and it's a pleasure to me to welcome you here in sochi at this session of devolved a discussion full of. people should i so they should hear we. all the current issues and problems which we just haven't implemented discussions are put aside in order to focus on the discussions spare a say discuss the a series discuss the future and cultural cause soft. terms or not to understand what kind of future. we will see here old analysis. proposed a subject we. know and cannot be exhausted asia's the most populated area of the world. is a subject of our discussion in russia in the asian countries we've always had
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special relations and we always had a very special. place in our hearts. all asian nations not only about today it's about history india and china asia appt and iran turkey and japan and central and south eastern asian countries. the countries. born out of the great his patients are lies ations gave the world. many technologies and breakthroughs in science and health care education asia. has always inspired very special. feelings in our hearts has always been a source of spiritual power and wisdom. sometimes we may not understand it but this
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always them has always attracted a lot of interest in russia. the bride. the colors of asia inspired our artists. very rare rick. russian people not only russian people i think people in general do know who these people are asia. thousands of kilometers now asia is returning is reacquiring its natural place in international affairs. which is. grown quite suitable because asia is growing its potential. is that the asian countries are reinforcing their positions that can be seen in any kind of area in the economy 1st of foremost one 3rd of the global g.d.p. generated in asia. and the. living
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standards are becoming better in asia at a pace higher than anywhere in the world new technologies immersion asia integration processes of unprecedented scope and magnitude are attracting. more players from the outside of the region to asia even with the traction to so we're. a sub. blocks. asia. cherishes its traditions people here remember about their roots china moves forward but it remembers that the principles of state sovereignty never contradict being open and welcoming globalization sustainable development came be achieved on the foundation of being independent doesn't mean that you need to have to refuse them. to talk them down. well you just now the growing but don't show on asia acquire
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and require a certain political capability and platform to. asia . using all the. news through sources such as technological resources and other resources to play a major role in global politics a greater all that used to play asia has its own opinion and it stands for up for asia cherishes its independence and i think that the object really growing influence of asia will be respected i hope so all that is a very fair thing to do it meets the realities of today and realities of the future the. revival of asia cultural and political played a huge role in democratizing international relations that's already a fact and the global problems today cannot be solved without asia it is just
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impossible to do that. yes of cause. it. will inertia can. still be seeing but there is no use. in. continuing the old chorus. unlikely to produce any results asia thanks to the world is truly multi-polar today and the world is more complicated today as well as multi-polar world order them as i said before is not a silver bullet. and it does not mean that multipolar world order will help to solve every problem international relations at once. the office of the annual. report as we now know said that we are now entering the year. when there will be no world order as we know words. and
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while this is practically a quote from the report yes this scenario is possible. however there is a danger in that i hope that regardless of how complicated the relations will be between the countries and how dangerous the. new. holes in. matters will be this stability will be there and we will all work together to protect our world. there is another scenario that scenario can bring into a global catastrophe so the whole of humanity the global system is de versus multifaceted and it's unprecedented intertwined we all have our interests and sometimes interests collide that's natural but we all
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bears one in the same responsibility and i hope i don't delve that everyone seeks security at the end of the day that's the most important thing that is why we should have this system in place we also should be flexible we should always be ready to take any rude we need it. should not divert from that system are. thinking we need to approach every issue from the best angle possible we need to take into account the various systems of values we need to respect the values of others we need to work together and it and we should all work on a serial types and templates in. thinking this way we can solve global regional or national problems. and we have a lot of success stories already of those of you who. were here in 2015
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probably remember. back that decision was made to start military operation in syria and many people including the experts in the whole. did not believe that that could and positively quite on the contrary a lot of people were very very skeptical and many people ask why when you do we need that. when you money especially if they ask us do we have a vision you can do we understand how dangerous that can be and some our partners i don't mean the experts here but our well generally speaking. global partners. even particularly to be told to try to impede that where we started that and. let's focus on there is also on the positive outcomes for our country to use.
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here represent my country we defeated. international terrorism international terrorism and syria and it always won that battle but we prevented that we prevented. our country in a neighboring country was whom we have almost 0 borders from seeing the infiltration of thousands of armed. fighters most of the territory has been liberated. violence has subsided in syria together with our former partners as per the asked and foremost and with the u.n. support we. succeeded in putting into gear the political process we have very close working car tax with iran turkey israel saudi arabia jordan and other countries of the middle east. the united states colleagues
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i think you would agree. that kind of landscape a very complicated landscape of many countries with many emotions in attitudes towards each other. which you couldn't imagine that was possible but now it's a fact we made it through and we we think that the settlement of this crisis can be a model. but i still house all regional problems of different regime and use its. diplomacy we work. in syria because we were confronted with attempts to create. terrorists. because a state. that was an army of terrorists and this is not an exaggeration it was a real army of terrorists. there are many chronic problems and
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crisis in the world some say they are entangled and there is. no single approach to some of them but it's time to be creative and it comes to syria russia and its partners we couldn't made all of it alone we work together hand in hand. comply with international law. respecting the sovereignty and guided by the care about the people we did a lot and we'll do more but i'm sure that the basis of search. principles we can solve other problems in asia including. example the korean peninsula the situation he. has long been stalling a deadlock when the years decided to have a direct conversation with north korea without any preliminary requirements and formalities when the u.s. . finally put aside its ratter rick.
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we suddenly saw a light of hope yes there are many problems and there is a long road to cover but we already have progress and of course. for that we should thank donald trump for having enough courage to do that for dk so us presidents used to ignore north korea seeing it. as a country. without a place in the world. as a rogue state but now that 1st step was made a meeting with. other things so we should respect the interests of each other we should refuse any. solution you can live with kind of but hugo approaches that until you have grounds preconditions or else
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have garnered program by this time in these role because iran has its nuclear program these are other issues which are also a banding solution in july this year russia presented a collective security council framework for the region of the gulf giving the hardly predictable situations this is a very topical suggestion i think that we believe this proposal should see. attention we see that it's possible to go to square one and create on the eyes a should on security and cooperation in the region which wouldn't collude the gulf countries and also as observers are russia china the u.s. india the e.u. another stakeholders. ladies and gentleman with the foundation for. future ari entered political machine relations.


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