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tv   News  RT  October 4, 2019 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. north korea and the united states is set to resume stalled nuclear talks in sweden with both sides testing ballistic weapons in the days leading up to the meeting. christian doctor in the u.k. failed to get his sacking overturned at an employment tribunal coming off of his refusal to use a female pronoun for a transgender woman a hearing that was incompatible with human dignity we hear from a doctor involved. with the group i desire to be forced to do something that i cannot. read and. once called the world's most popular politician jailed former brazilian president lula da silva gives an exclusive interview to r.t.
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spanish from his present. world cannot be killed post us policy to troops craziness the craziness of a us president who believes. any country kill somebody. and brazil. they would headline news 247 this is r.t. international from welcome to the program 1st for you north korea negotiators have arrived in sweden to resume stalled nuclear talks with the united states it comes just a few days off the pyongyang the say they tested a new sea launched missile something that sparked concerns in the pentagon. the searcher he had to call was japanese minister defense kono where they discussed north korea they both agree that the north korea tests are unnecessarily provocative and do not set the stage for diplomacy in that north korea should cease these tests north korea says its missile is capable of being launched from
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a submarine indicating a major expansion of its weapons capabilities and some analysts are calling this the most significant test since the country 1st began dialogue with washington in 28 but just a few hours later the united states launched its own test firing an intercontinental ballistic missile over the pacific they say for national security purposes a corresponding. washington's justification for north korea and the united states are headed back to the negotiating table this weekend says president trump will see their water softeners will be talking to him who will say so we can all just relax and anticipate one step closer to world peace right well no a missile was launched on wednesday the u.s. state department burned with outrage we call on north korea to refrain from provocations abide by their obligations under un security council resolutions and remain in gauged in substantive and sustained negotiations to do their part to
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ensure peace and stability on the korean peninsula and as you do nuclear ization now to prove their point about peace and stability the united states launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from the coast of california on the exact same day but they say it is not a provocative move according to the pentagon brass it's all about peace and security this visible message of national security. interests when a potential aggressor so let's recap shall we this is the pug 3 it's endangering the stability and peace of the entire region and this is the minuteman 3 i.c.b.m. it's just making the world a safer and happier place in august the united states once again conducted military drills in south korea rehearsing. for an all out war against the north but they say it's nothing provocative about it simply a measure of security north korea didn't see it that way into korean contacts will be difficult unless they put an end to military exercise of
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a plausible explanation in a sincere manner that is worth mentioning these drills were scaled down a bit compared to the ones done in the past we are working very hard to make sure that it is not perceived as provocative to go as far as to modify even the name of the exercise and to modify the scenario to take out all the offensive characteristics it's all about perception if we do it it's understandable for security purposes think of the i.c.b.m. as a jolly little kite bringing joy but if they view it it's a provocation putting the entire region into danger yes it's one sided attitudes like that that are sure to bring peace on earth they fired off an i.c.b.m. missile. you know like 4200 miles to the marshall islands this wasn't a small underground or underwater test so the us is. wants to be able to behave one way as a military might with its military might around the world and the other countries
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do the opposite and so unfortunately we are left with these types of instances where very few people question the power of the military of the united states very few people question why the united states is testing the nuclear deterrent if you will. in the u.k. a christian doctor who was sacked after refusing to give his female pronouns when discussing a transgender woman has lost his legal fight against his former employers in an interview without a dr david matter if explained why he refused to back down in the dispute. is over christian. that is almost. all. christian. walk with god and secondly as a doctor it's quite simply unscientific and unproven and therefore i again in good conscience i can't do that that i have never refused to treat any patients of whatever background they are they come from the question here is whether i can be
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forced to do something and say something which goes against my conscience i didn't set out of offend anybody i didn't desire i don't desire for offend anybody but i desire not to be forced to do something that i cannot do. dr makary it worked for britain's national health service for 26 years despite that he was subsequently sacked after a conversation with his boss during which he refused to hypothetically to refer to a 6 foot tall bearded man as madam and while the doctor insists his employer's discriminated against his religious beliefs and improvement tribunals ruled that his objection was incompatible with human dignity. and lack of belief in transgenderism and conscientious objection to transgenderism in our judgment are incompatible with human dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others in so far as those police form part of his wider faith his want of faith also does not satisfy the requirements of being worthy of respect in
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a democratic society dr makary says the ruling against him sets a dangerous precedent. i was at the shop floor and i was i say to the judges do i. believe my manager or people with a recall of the shop floor of the national health service known very good about their beliefs this is really really the precedence of the case and that's that's why we're really quite shocked at the porpoises very quickly the 1st one is that you're not allowed not to leave the transgender movements maxim's the 2nd one is who. the president is believe me it's male and female and the 6 pronouns of this is not allowable 4 is the core christian believes all christianity is not compatible with. human dignity these are very big questions each one of those who. we asked him in rights campaigner peter tatchell and
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christian legal activist andrea williams for their views on the story. conflicted fundamentally with his faith and also with his belief as a doctor and how best to treat such a patient is a religion which actually helps people to understand who they are made in the image of god male and female there are some passages in the bible which are hard in conflict with basic human rights and in some paul in the new testament seem to endorse slavery in the old testament justifies the killing of gay and lesbian people so we have to grapple with this the reality for him is this that the way in which really to help someone who is confused about their gender is to help them to live in the biological gender in which they were born that would certainly be his way his belief of how to look after a person who is confused about their gender trans people are not confused they have
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a genuine sincere overwhelming belief that they are something other than they were signed a birth for forcing society forcing medics forcing teachers full seeing doctors forcing the people the general public at large forcing us all to say something is that is not true is not current it's not compassionate to someone that is confused about their gender i think it's very offensive for andrea to say that and i'm sure she would would not want to do the suffering and indeed perceived non-recognition or denial that trans people so often face it is not delusional is not being dishonest is not avoiding the truth it is the reality that gender is a spectrum we now live in a more open liberal tolerant society where people no longer have the fear they have to hide away and suppress their desires we live in a 1000000 of years and hering and very very size what are curious in her things and
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i. sarsgaard there at your age when i think that we are in a debate here please let me speak there are who they are and to call them confused is deeply and profoundly insulting the reality was he realized that he had the very statement of saying that you made male and female was a statement the cause offense the reality is that the saying that you get left out in the cold is the reality is that our children no longer are no longer being taught that they are boys and girls they are being taught extraordinary things the sexualized is here in our children in culture is absolutely huge and where that's all leading is to a great confusion and a great chaos. in so i mean it's good to promote multiculturalism and diversity the british army seems to have offended one of the racial groups it was trying to attract it tweeted the black history month is now being expanded to include asian people to ask you taylor takes up
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a story. there are some battles you can't when just ask the british army no i'm not talking about iraq or afghanistan even the faster war i'm talking about the fight to win over the hearts and minds of an every citizen of diverse old blighty black history month has kicked off in the u.k. this week in the british army to tell if you keep its finger on the pulse has dedicated the next 30 days not just to black people but to all the asians who have served its ranks still haven't got over that guilt that we missed a trick here we didn't explain that black history month has expanded to include the history of asian people and their contribution to hence our recognition of our historic partnership with the indian army but in the minefield of political hypersensitivity the initiative might just be a flop it's been slammed by the very communities it was supposed to ingratiate
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herself with and less these asians a black i don't want to see it to be honest there are 12 months in a year black history month took up one month of the 12 but they wanted to be black asian and minority ethnic moms w.t.f. pick another months and make that asian history month i'm sure a lot of asians will appreciate it come on don't be stupid it's bloody black history month why is that you can criticize the army for its lack of manners for the move a very thought point for the british so thank goodness for the good old delete button because the tweet in question was removed not before had fired up the haters of course and even in the odd lonely voice of support the contribution of sikh hindu and muslim communities can't be ignored if they consider themselves politically black than they are i can't even pretend to know what politically it is but i can tell you what black history month is initiated violence across the pond.
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the u.s. decided to give off a month every year you know to repent for all those centuries of slavery and segregation and it's part of a growing trend of affirmative action that might just be backfiring take world famous harvard university for example turns out it's got racial quotas to ensure a dive us community something that didn't go down too well with a group of asian americans who filed a lawsuit saying they were being penalized in favor of their fellow black applicants despite having far better entrance schools and indeed multiple studies have shown that if the university based its admissions process just on academic factors what a bizarre notion asians make up over 40 percent of harvard's classes that's more than twice its current figures. the coolest conclusion the harvard has shown that its admissions program serves its compelling interest in diversity but assume racial categorizations are necessary to serve the interest and well the poor might
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have backed hall but this time it's opened a can of worms an increasingly divisive issue a fund to action lifeline that its heyday is over so there's a huge amount of marketing executives and all the sort of social media advisors you know in places like the british are if you're completely detached from reality and society and that sort of started to use all these social awareness campaigns things that were just for marketing this entire social awareness kind of you know progressive stuff should probably let the people who are actually experiencing racism probably less to look older people who are actually there on the streets variance in these things rather than you know. who are sort of defining and sort of deciding their. i think that by providing a lower standard for a certain race of people and a higher standard for a different race of people certainly 1st of all creates a lot of conflict between different races of people that would not have existed otherwise but i think it also demotivates. certain people you know who
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probably would have been more motivated to go out and do so based off of their hard work an absolute which now they're not being rewarded for and i think that it provides unfair advantages soon we're going to run out of months and seeing any action one takes to place one minority waggle faith and not that you've got twit met it's tough out there on the front line of political correctness. this is say the iraqi prime minister is calling for talks with protestors after 3 days of violent unrest that we have an update on that and more fridays headline news in just a couple of minutes. you know world big. lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to
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dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. senator chuck schumer famously said shortly after trump was elected to take on the intelligence community they have 6 ways from sunday at getting back in line to the failed russia gate hoax and this nonsense with ukraine this characterization appears to be spot on should be all fear the deep state.
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welcome back russia is helping china build a warning system for missile attacks it was revealed by president putin at the annual international affairs conference the valdai discussion club that's coming under way in russia right now. from a game that we are now hoping no chinese partners to develop a missile attack warning system is a very serious thing that will rather clear in the hands china's defense capabilities because at the moment only the united states and russia have such a system. ok so what to tell us about the state of things let's go live to hong kong and talk to a political scientist just have chain welcome back to our what are you reading into this and what are you taking from it about relations between russia and china with this cooperation. well both sides understand there is a lot of company mentality between the 2 countries in weapons development china
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probably has more research money you can support research and development programs and russia certainly enjoys considerable control not a goal of one digits and in view of the fact that ignited space is just developing is next generation of circuit weapons more cooperation it's in china and russia is the is the natural option for both sides naturally these 2 countries have to overcome their real told distrust in weapons development for example russia is certainly very concerned ed china may be interested only in buying a small sample of the footman and then tried to rules steal the technology through the inverse engineering and time them even explore its bought the weaponry to foothill countries and be tom
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a competitor to look to russia so these areas of distrust has to be removed you know are there to further probable cause or top ration between the 2 countries in the bottom and especially in development of certainty weapons so what do you think washington's next. moves going to be because currently only the united states and russia have this type of system how is the u.s. going to respond to the news that china is getting one as well. the united states will certainly be very unhappy about this but there is a limit to what it can do after all the united states is self has been engaging in joint weapons development with countries like japan and india and so on its natural response probably will be tightening konsole. of cannot of the exports to china as well. as.
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mergers and acquisitions activities on the part of china trying to. cool a technology through of buying american companies so the united states certainly will be closely monitoring the situation and try to control and wanted to. potential turn on with each transfer including the usual stand on with the transfer from the united states to china and what about reaction from other countries how will having 3 major players with systems like this impact the international order of things in europe and elsewhere . gary will be some impact on the major powers in the asia pacific region in light tan. india.
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still regularly it may even sell and example for russia in the sense that what russia can do with china russia can also offer to countries like india for example and to a lesser extent japan so you need your logical superiority and abundance is on the part of russia it is in a position to make office 2 countries are good and china and cooperation with china made yet. may be used as a kind of model that. ok well thanks for your insight on this for now again political scientist joseph chen in hong kong thanks a lot and. thanks former brazilian president lula da silva has refused to be put in a semi open prison with better conditions claiming he won't accept bargaining with his rights and freedom lula da silva was the president of brazil from 2003 to 2010 he then served as the head of presidential staff in the administration of his
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successor and 2017 lou was convicted of money laundering and corruption and sentenced to 12 years in prison that are to exclusively a spanish channel spoke to the former president in his prison. fear no one has to accept that foreign interference in the affairs of a sovereign state i do not support american brazilian colombian or any other interference their attempts to control another country by promoting their own candidates by creating a fake figurehead like one guy joe i'm totally against this there are situations that a democratic country has to deal with on its own. you brazil is a very big country it can be fully sovereign it could become one of the main actors
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on international policy i admire the role that president putin plays in the modern world it shows that the world cannot be held hostage to u.s. policy to trump's craziness the craziness of a u.s. president who believes that he can invade any country kill any president somebody has to stop him and brazil concluded that. protest against corruption and unemployment are expected to continue in iraq today despite calls from the prime minister for a cease fire talks here's a quick recap of the demonstrations over the past few days. clashes erupted on tuesday when the army stepped in to defend the heavily fortified
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green zone in baghdad where government offices and consulates and i hated at least 27 people have been killed and the rest so far police deployed tear gas rubber bullets and live fire against the protesters and internet access has been cut to most of the country iraqi peace campaigner sami ramadani thinks the country's problems are deeply ingrained and mia in some mountable. sadly i don't think the country is going to overcome these enormous problems caused by the invasion and occupation of iraq the us led invasion occupation of 2003. because the problems have become so deep the destruction was so well massive and the political elites that the u.s. installed in iraq where almost all very corrupt and this has added to the problem of trying to recover from that destructive occupation that is the
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problem with the with iraq that the problems are so deep and there are so many corrupt senior politicians it's very difficult to implement a lot of the demands of the people things like eliminating corruption getting rid of massive unemployment among young people housing problems poverty problems ok that's the way looks from moscow the south thanks for checking in with r.t. your next update for us follows watching the hopes. the situation. grandchildren were little children ask their free grandparents. is it true that. these cars used to people grow big. break room. that's what we used to. think of
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rates the entire proposition our financial zation newts because without a base scientific value risk and devalued time you have no basis to value this financial eyes post industrial economy whatsoever it's all basically a guessing game. in 2040 you know bloody revolution to tikrit the demonstrations going to be relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just always here i mean your list put in the new bill is that i mean you split needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2040. of those who took part in it invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. iraq
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contraflow and then comes out of a war you are the sort of one among them. a far left from 88 to high is not the high i might. do. i don't sense so on. the other side of the night and. a lot of that. that it is someone who did the board.
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readings and salutation yes there are many things threatening the united states freedom of the press these days hawk watchers from government agency infiltration be a retired intelligence and security agents like john brennan james clapper running around cable news rooms influencing news stories as pundits and experts to major government contractors like multi billionaire jeff bezos buying a major news outlet like the washington post but those are the show you're more center stage examples there's actually another more insidious major threat to our press these days and its name was wall street and it's crushing local newspapers across the country olivia snow smith writes and take on wall street that all over the country private equity and hedge funds have been scooping up these cash strapped papers and looting them into irrelevance or bankruptcy in fact between 20042018 the united states lost more than
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a 5th of the local newspapers and news rooms at these local newspapers they lost half of their employer's employees between 20082018 while the local news is being beaten to a pulp by wall street it's the fictional antics of a comic book character that has the nation on edge and speaking of course about the joker yes the controversial film has been making headlines over fears that the film's plot line featuring a disaffected and bullied white man turning to mass violence could inspire real life disaffected bullied white men into committing acts of violence. even the united states military is now afraid of the film because moto reports that the us military is warning service members about the potential for a mass shooter at screenings of the warner brothers film joker service members were instructed to remain aware of their surroundings and identify to escape routes when entering theaters in the event of a shooting they were instructed to run hide fight somewhere somewhere or warner
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brothers p.r. department is smiling with glee so all our media is being taken over by wall street and our theaters are being taken over by the in-cell clown posse i think it's time to start watching the hawks. that's what. it's like. to sit. like you know that i got. this is. the one watching the hawks i am tyrrel been turned away we put dialogue over debate as to how to waltz myself bring you 2 distinct and informative discussions between a variety of topics and guests with unique political viewpoints starting with my very own perception and perspective.
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joining me to.


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