tv News RT October 6, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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between the 2 most of the conflicts i would say are over balls around morning. plus one on the children's each other is good business the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 20 alive where. you don't care. protection for the. hard impeachment inquiry departure from the way. coming up on the program. people in the world 150 years since the birth.
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'd stories from the past 7 days and right up to the minute developments this is the weekly on r.t. international a little. we begin in the u.s. where the impeachment inquiry into. a 2nd whistleblower is reportedly considering filing a complaint over the president's dealings with ukraine. official is said to have more direct information than the person who 1st raised the alarm meanwhile democrats spearheading the probe protections for the informants involved that's a far cry however from 2 other whistleblowers in recent years has been reports.
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we are now told that in this dark age of tyranny one heroic individual has spoken up like a voice crying out in the wilderness we don't know his name or his occupation but we know that he is good i think the whistleblower did the right thing i think he followed the law every step of the way the inspector general of the intelligence community found this whistleblower complaint both credible and urgent i want to say thank you also to the whistleblower for having the courage of the bravery to come forward on behalf of the nation now not only must this gallant hero be held in the highest level of reverence but he must also be protected from any attack on him would be an attack on the american way of life from everything we know and we don't know much this is a experienced person who saw things that bothered him that's what the whole whistle blower statue is for and it is to protect their identity and i understand he's
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going to testify and we'll let the process unfold and the you remember how hillary clinton apparently wanted to kill julian assad with a drone well let's not get lost in details but let's go over some recent whistleblowers in u.s. history. i never tortured anybody. but i'm heading to prison while the tortures of the lawyers and people who were and the people who deceived and the man who destroyed the proof of the tapes will never face justice i've never gained anything through what i've said publicly that i've lost everything.
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we've got special ops forces the dead man can't leaks that this guy is a traitor a treasonous illegally shoot the son of a. mr snowden was a patriot he is a law breaker he violated american law he violated his duties that he assumed when he took the job that he had let's look at snowden here you know some might try to shift say that oh he's a great human rights crusader he is not at all like the great human rights crusaders in the past might argue that this case is different because this whistleblower didn't run to the press but simply followed standard procedure but the record seems to show that a lot of cases have whistleblowers who do follow this procedure so why jail time
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for some of them it turns out the law does not actually protect them from retaliation they can be fired or prosecuted so are all future whistleblowers doomed well not quite secure backers carefully protecting whistleblowers who see wrongdoing of any kind in our government is essential so if you're a whistleblower in america take a step back look over what you have and ask yourself get this information benefit anyone powerful in america if not your official complaint will probably be ignored and if you don't shut up after that the consequences could be severe the current whistle blowers case is very different from others. the others were blowing the whistle on the system so these were real real abuses what crimes and abuses of our 4th amendment no this new whistleblower we need to put in quotes what was he reporting of course there are double standards there are standards for
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those who want to put pursue their political aims using this particular whistleblower in quotes and there are other rules for people who really oppose the system and its abuses. well one of the people just mentioned in caleb's report edward snowden has reacted on twitter he says it's unbelievable about the media isn't pressing politicians about the case of another whistleblower former n.s.a. analyst daniel hale who's being prosecuted for lifting the lid on u.s. drone warfare programs particularly of a time when democrats are making statements about supporting informants where further analysis i'm happy to say we can go to dave lindorff dave is the author of the book the case for impeachment the legal argument for removing president george w. bush so obviously if you've done extensive research into impeachment but we are talking
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about donald trump on involved in ukraine as of course this hour. there is a 2nd whistleblower reportedly with quote more direct information by the call do you think there's much more to reveal here. oh well i think there certainly is more to reveal what went on in this particular in this phone conversation and around it. and what's important about this particular was of lower is that apparently it's someone who claims to have had firsthand information about the call which would mean you know either having been on the call that would be a fairly high up person or. for it to somebody who was. privy to it right away from the people who heard it be actual people who heard it it's not clear what hand information the 1st whistleblower had to you know it could have been 3rd hand information. so it is serious it is it is important and
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i think this is a story that is going to grow a lot more the cold did happen in july why do you think people are coming forward not by perhaps showing solidarity with the 1st whistleblower are something else. well i think contrary to what some people have said here. before me on this on this particular program coming forward as a whistleblower in an agency that's riven by. i think different political positions meaning the cia. coming forward in a public way when it posed the leadership of the cia which is appointed by donald trump. is at least a risk to any whistle blowers career which is a big deal i mean i think the fact that they can go through the channels and go and be protected by the inspector general who says that they are they're following all
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the rules and doing what they're supposed to do is fine but that doesn't protect them from the loss of a career and you know loss of promotions and so on the cia doesn't normally like people who go outside to the public with information from the cia who are the what's your thoughts they have just on how are we seeing at the scrap and see in terms of how with the words are treated in the u.s. to think oh absolutely i mean there's a there's whistle blowing and there's whistle blowing if you if you do something like snowden did were you are really trying to take the whole system down of domestic spying taking an agency that is completely going outside of what it charters said it could do. then you know you don't have any official defenders which is what happened with snowden if you are
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a whistleblower who is challenging so what you consider to be run doing by an individual whether it's the president or the director of the cia or the head of the state department or something you're you're taking on very powerful people but you also have people within your. within your government in your agency. jack you are so different. it's not in the advantage to be a whistle blower in the ok thanks very much for your time this 'd are we in speaking to dave lindorff author of the book the case for impeachment by george w. bush thanks very much dave. this week the world celebrated the 150th birthday of its spiritual leader the symbol of the nation mahatma gandhi on wednesday major political parties paid tribute to gandhi he even ordered officials to undertake pilgrimages walking up to 15 kilometers a day in their constituencies and sleeping in villages gandhi's legacy is
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recognised on his birthday a 2nd of october is celebrated worldwide does the international day of another violence the indian prime minister sign his praises the un. gone. mahatma gandhi was an indian but he not only belong to india he stay far away from the government but reign sedate in the hearts of billions of people his influence the lives of people who never met him from martin luther king jr to know so mandela . well spearheading the indian independence movement mahatma gandhi is often referred to as the father of the nation throughout his life he promoted the ideology of non violent resistance on tolerance towards other religions in the india finally shook off british colonial rule in 1947 but a year later gandhi was assassinated by a hindu nationalist and today not everyone seems to be enamored of the peace tolerance i called gandhi's poster in one northeastern city was there faced with
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graffiti which read the traitor of the nation there is also claims that an earth with some of his is was still the editor of news magazine india today blames the act on the descendants of the same hindu extremists who killed. due to a member that not. and some of his associates shot. gun the gun the in the you are 948 the members of this not poor sick group who also claim to be hindus they have a very narrow notion of the wisdom they want to impose some very sort of you not ignore sions of hindu ism do you believe that. the gandhi was responsible for the partition of india they think that he was appeasing the muslim the muslim league which demanded the creation of pakistan i think such groups have
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been called the only marginalised and because they are marginalised therefore they carry on extremist activities so i don't see this group of this kind of activity coming into the me. scream i see them carrying on these kind of activities once in a while in order to spin a flawed they make all kinds of extremist arguments sometimes they have even bill that held responsible for some amount of violence so but i don't think it's a very large group but only had this very tolerant and you know very sort of broaden and progress a notion of nationalism which i think majority indians understand and that's why such extremist groups can never become the mainstream group in the country. letting you know we trace the life of mahatma gandhi in a set of feature length reports on this channel today you can also watch it online at r.t. dot com. he did make
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a good night but it didn't go on cruel but he did make doc good late but he didn't. make it through the night he did love. he fought against the british people to get independent but did inflate mileage me. no you can't cure debt imagination. to love. the media. that makes the money could be avoided but he could be a man that could be a 12 year old child it could be any of these people but we need the big this is very important because the wire because of the.
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major fire and major worries for locals about what was in the smoke that went up into the or during it when the last authorities in the french city of ruined help to clear the area safe after a major blaze out a nearby chemical factory late last month. there is no risk regarding aspects stores 5 in the air the results of 3 a specialist tests are available. for the best here we are in the area closest to the place of the disaster and we can see that the white swans have stayed there in their habitat and there is no trash of pollution in the water so we have physical proof that the environment and wildlife are not currently affected by the pollution that occurred to that all further away. in an attempt to kill him fears the french government even set up an emergency helpline but locals are still deeply concerned for their health on this few planes by the authorities the theory is safe to breathe charlotte dubin ski when they're. the chemical plant just across the water
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that was a blaze afic plume of black smoke bellowed into the sky as firefighters battled almost 24 hours against the flames. and it's good is with i'm not saying that the smell isn't pleasant i'm just telling you what the results of the tests are namely that the it is not harmful since then there has been growing anger over what some say is a lack of information over what was put into not fire and the impact that could have on people's health. you can talk to any forum and when you have any type of contact with the smoke it's dangerous it can be lethal because of the carbon
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monoxide and in this case when the smoke went into the sky we didn't know what was in it we don't know exactly what is in the year and we worry a lot that in the future it might bring cancer or something else. i have 4 kids and they were impacted by the smell and my grades. i thought about having tests done before was with absolutely no information about what we should be looking for so i could take blood samples but what are you going to tell them to look for i know they could be cans of problems but the problem is that we hear lots of rumors nothing concrete. i think there is a risk for health and i can feel it because i have a need to throw it and i'm continuously coffee we worry about the how to murder children in the future will they have cancer or something we just don't know around rule some people are taking proportions some loopholes have also experienced. vomiting whilst others have complained that the tap water is black and then their
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ways the stench you can smell that the air is foul it's a bit like rotting eggs but with a chemical tinge and despite the initial denials that there was no health risk the french health minister has admitted that it's clearly polluted. it is a factory that produces hydrocarbons even if not in large volumes it is never good for the population to come across these kinds of products i cannot say that there is no danger the city is clearly polluted several schools were closed off to the fire and though some have attempted to reopen many teachers are refusing to return to work. colleagues from schools near lubrizol who have refused to work until they receive information about what was burnt and the risk because they are just a few 100 metres away from the site they did so to protect their health and that of the children who are under their responsibility and that's why there has been a demand that the original school 30 acknowledged their right not to have children
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attend school under this condition. while health concerns are immediate what's perhaps most telling about the danger people here are facing is the fact that food sales from 100 districts around ruin have been banned any protein. that may have been exposed to contamination has to be destroyed that even includes milk. hybrid cans and worked closely with milk producers dioxins are measured in memory grams and they're a problem for us because they become highly concentrated in milk and are toxic so they render it unfit for consumption it is vital for us to know as soon as possible whether there are any dioxins in those burning materials what's going on he would term us what to do with our produce was so much from the fire has even reached as far as belgium and the netherlands raising concerns that the impact could be even the lying to reaching flags have also been raised for the health of the police and
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the firefighters who were on duty during the fire protests like this have now formed to pressure the authorities to outline any risks they make face they demanding answers but are afraid that even if they receive and that the danger is as a result of that place may not a marriage for months or even years from now charlotte even ski altie will. a theme park worker has been fired for doing the ok gesture in a photo will tell you why just after the break. when lawmakers manufacture consent to public wealth. when the
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ruling classes protect themselves. in the final merry go round be the one percent. we can all middle of the room. you know world of big partisan. and conspiracies it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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hello again a seemingly innocent husk of a theme park employee the suck in florida than i fired employee dressed as the character grew from despicable me me it and upside down ok symbol when posing with a 6 year old girl who's biracial the ok hand gesture has recently been recognized as a symbol of america's anti-defamation league sais that the once innocent sign has been hijacked by white supremacists. even as extremists continue to use symbols that may be years or decades old they regularly create new symbols means and slogan headful sentiments we believe law enforcement and the public needs to be fully informed of the meaning of these images which can serve as a 1st a warning sign to the presence of hate in the community or school the ok symbols of
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white power meaningless initially a part of an online prank but apparently white supremacist like what they saw and started using it that way in earnest among them the suspected gunman in the christ church mosque shootings in new zealand during a court appearance last year a former white house employee who was accused of making the white power selling but her defenders point diet was unlikely because she's mexican american descendant of holocaust survivors so a storm in a teacup or that dangerous appropriation of her every day symbols and gestures and we are for discussion. i think it's pretty ridiculous to label a thing like oh bull or the ok symbol as a symbol of white supremacy i feel like races do do certain things but i mean at a certain point they do everything or people do mean races have to eat food they have to drink water they have to breathe air so at what point do we label eating food as racist drinking water as received in breathing air is received it's just
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really can of started his particular point sounds a little some of these things that have been in his ear things were very lonesome with or a soused hateful subversive groups the problem is that the symbol has become an actual code to say hey we are part of this group you are not and you know the main part of it is like. well it's a far it's far right movement supporting you know again far right ideologies that are very well known in this country to be you know forest and but my point is you know is vastly out for instance and it was an indian sacred religious symbol 50500 years b.c. and you know. people in germany it's ok to put it on a on a red flag and now it was there a symbol it was an inverted this mass ago and that became the symbol of nazism nazism ok but the ok sign is nat day all right ok so you can find it right now on your phone via. device i phone you can find it ok so right now when you search
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for the new moji there is the equivalent to ok ok it is being used ok for a very lonesome it wasn't a couple years ago where it was some kind of troll thing happening on the internet there it became so on those because the mainstream media picked it up and i think the whole purpose of trolling campaign was to trick the mainstream media into doing it and of course now we hear the a.d.l. is looking for here is not to label every single thing that we do say or or. you know we communicate what they are specifically doing is trying to inform you know people that there are certain symbols that seem innocuous but that are currently being used to. actually incite violence and crime and you know fundamentalist political ideas that put this democracy in jeopardy it is not. it is the n.a.c. it being if people want to use it for whatever you want to use it for ok but you
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can see is absurd ok millions. like. verses do ok so i think i was not a hate symbol until it was. really looking old creature or that stocky. so more headline developments to bring you this sunday starting in ukraine thousands of protesters are rallying in the capital kiev to cry and plan to hold elections country's war torn east the demonstrators say the plan a much to a quote capitulation to russian president selenski had previously said there would be no elections in ukraine's breakaway regions until they were back under government control under the new roadmap lugansk will receive self-governing status once they hold a free and for. us police say that 2 people may have been involved in a shooting in
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a park in kansas city earlier on sunday morning 4 people were killed in the attack another 5 injured no one has been detained in connection with the instance the motive is not yet known. the rocks and bottles administration has signed off on a raft of new social reforms that attempts to quell a popular i burst of fury over desperate living conditions since tuesday the country has been rocked by violent corruption protests in which at least 100 people have been killed and more than 6000 injured security forces have repeat. italy use life fire against demonstrators on the internet as being. is gandhi's philosophy and teachings still relevant today in the world's biggest democracy his followers in india i believe it's just as significant no as it ever was we.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this very dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical of time time to sit down and talk. and 2040 you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know lawyer i mean your list with video of the. split needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. of those who took part in this did over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure
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a secure and prosperous and democratic. paradise with some around turned into a round the experimentation field for agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of the. people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with votes because the people have less political power.
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and that he. and i on the. beach amid that idea head that ahd a key the halley's a but audit not good enough to be. the good that it denied it good. you know how didn't know you don't know what it i didn't know because people. was a commissionaire to look after the low class people. people without legs i get it and show you on that i'm not going to minnesota.
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