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tv   Documentary  RT  October 7, 2019 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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as there is now no police no one on earth that even begin to compete with designs in their capacity to encourage natural life to develop free and radically up to its own potential. from the mighty ocean hopefully to music. fight was born. today these islands face an uncertain future and the survival of this natural paradise is being threatened.
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waimea valley. was my school. this is the way i learned to hunt and fish. to enjoy. this whole valley. i used to go hunting from here right saddle up my mules at night right all the way into the valley. valley was a very. self-sustaining neighborhood. a lot of the people were. some were fishermen a lot of whom had small businesses of the own a lot of the people were farmers we weren't they gantz. agriculture
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because. all of the farmers up here were all. so we all had to work hard we all had to respect each other the values that. were given to us by our family he taught you all do scenes that you need in your life to survive. i was raised by immigrant. to appreciate what. has given me. but some of these go to. the establishment of a large sugar plantations was kind of the colonial force that really hold these islands into the chains of global capital agricultural production and left behind a legacy of consolidated land ownership control over water rights and really the disenfranchisement and marginalization of indigenous people in their homeland. my
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home is located. in a place known as kickoff on the west side of. 6 years ago i was awarded point homestead. was that i had annoyed what i would be surrounded by a few years after. the late 1980 s. with a lot of the sugarcane plantations shutting down and with economy overly dependent on tourism policymakers in both hawaii and washington started conversations about making hawaii a center of biotechnology research both to diversify the economy and to take over some of the agricultural economy that was being lost and we had the highest number of open air field test sites of anywhere in the nation we've had over 3300 permits issued for such testing sense it began in the early ninety's.
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longer fruit in these fields and big spare rooms with the scenes i'm just starting to why these climate means multiple formulations can be tested in the same fields will you it's all about the chemicals and the reason it's all about the chemicals is that the g.m. seed companies are also the chemical companies and they are breeding seeds that then depends totally on the chemicals that they also manufacture.
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in genetic engineering unlike what happens in nature where you have sacks and you have mating of organisms in genetic engineering you're doing it in a test tube where you're transferring genes from one organism into another organism or you're editing the genome of that organism using cut and paste techniques let's say you have a tomato and you want to make the tomato resilient or impervious to cold and much more durable you could take the genes of a flounder and transfer it into the genome of the tomato. they're not interested in feeding the world there is dead and feeding their bottom line and that bottom line is selling more and more chemicals disaster they make that's what the shareholders want feeding the world was always a greenwashing of a technology whose aim was to sell more chemicals chemical companies are experimenting in hawaii with these g.m. seeds using many many times allowable limits of pesticides using pesticides that are banned in europe. because of their potential danger to the
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environment and human health. restricted use pesticides are are those that have been banned for residential use by the federal government because of evidence that they are harmful to human health in 2000 the e.p.a. bancorp pyra fos in many household products like insecticides after research showed it cause nausea in dizziness especially in children who later studies found children exposed prenatal lead to the past decide how to increase odds of developmental and attention disorders. is however authorized for use for agricultural purposes and it's still used massively for that reason basically
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the federal government has granted syngenta and pioneer the right to test the sides here on this island outside of what the label mandates states including hawaii started to pass some of their own laws to regulate these open air field tests and as this kind of patchwork regulatory framework came into being they said oh we better go out to the feds and design something that works for us when you look at what's happening on the west side it's mainly made. and work in communities of color that are being most impacted and a lot of the lands that these chemical companies operate on are state lands which are lands that were stolen from the overthrown kingdom of hawaii and are contested still and are supposed to be held in trust for the betterment of native hawaiians whether it be doing a sugar. arrow we are in the biotech era. they're exercising this corporate profit over the welfare of the people right now coyle
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is ground 0 for 4 of the largest chemical corporations in the world for their experimental scene production. there and. they're doing their experiments and. we're live approximately 500 yards away from where the chemicals in the dust come from. the chemical in dust has a great effect on us it took away our lives. you can't see it in the yard and enjoy your yard that you worked hard for. drift is relevant in real so between these chemicals and transport through the environment there's no telling where these pesticides will end up some of the chemicals they last couple of months after life 10 months they don't want to. put
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a few so now you're moving particles put in a few fumes will travel straight as the wind my neighbors there experimented with corn did during gym or experiments they're testing different that's the side cocktails. nobody knows what these chemicals will do the elements they have never been tested no. nobody has ever proven them safe and this is a huge guinea pig experiment and it's clearly a violation of the nurnberg code that says any kind of human experimentation is illegal unless there is informed consent. and that there is a clear legal capacity for people to opt out if they choose not to be experimented on all those people know i are living daily under violations of the nuremberg code
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. our state agencies are violating the civil rights laws of our country by completely ignoring the fact that their actions are putting at risk predominantly native hawaiian populations they are leasing lands without requiring any kind of protections for the people that live near these operations and if you look at the populations of people that live closest to these fields what you find is that there is a larger predominance of native hawaiian resident near these particular areas.
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and. so seems wrong why don't we all just don't hold. any you will get to see a pallet just going to come at a cost and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just in the for common ground. not long ago it was russia russia russia now it's ukraine ukraine ukraine what partisan hacks in biased media won't tell you is why ukraine has become part of america's political drama you only hear
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a cheer across. the swarms of them so morning. and good news who was before. much of those who heard the food you are. seeing with the north we were going to. move. move. move she didn't look beautiful i mean it's a good looker a good. muslim also these girls will give you films for good girls. going to go to shows so look i do the same you want me to show the story to the you should go. to starbucks to. get to meet until it was the middle of the mist they'd say look it is it's. your stash now understands just need
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a mash tow truck to stop the president from please introduce more to constituents. as we have petitions to go to school to snoop or come up with new it because that is the cousin with you sir your supporters to your machine station shouldn't feel you should cook door for the one who's doing. nothing ah ah ah.
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genetic engineering is a discipline and the product is a g.m.o. bt corn is a corn plant that is a g.m.o. now when they genetically engineered this bt corn they had an objective the objective was to create a corn plant that would be resistant to insects so there's 2 ways they could do that one is you take a piece of corn and you throw pesticide on it the other way with genetic engineering is you take corn you extract the genome of a bacterium and you insert it into the genome of that corn and what you've got now is a new corn in this case is called bt corn and every cell of that corn plant creates its own internal insecticide. in the early eighty's monsanto found a bacteria that was stans their herbicide roundup they were let's take d.n.a.
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from that bacteria put it into corn and eventually soy and cotton plants they said now we've got it you can ariel spray those crops with these toxic herbicides kill the waves and the crops survive we have not done adequate testing you're going to see the issue is the chronic effects the long term and that's important. because people are chronically exposed so much so that irrespective of whether or not either cumulate they carry a load we know it's in the mother's milk whether or not it crosses in neutral to the placenta barrier i don't know but the issue was raised with the e.p.a. . why didn't you look for the chronic effects of going to see constant exposure and . they said because it never accumulates 1st of all accumulate means you keep building it up like money in the bank but it doesn't matter if it accumulates or not if you're exposed to it every day or everywhere.
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to grow g m o's that they're doing is they're just dumping copious amounts of poisons and chemicals on thousands and thousands of acres of these experimental crops extorts schools sure aims waterways the right into the ocean animals are getting sick before getting sick federal government hardly regulates experimental genetically engineered crops in any meaningful way it essentially allows the companies to grow what they want to grow allowing open air field trials of these very biologically potent crops. the state of hawaii has a hands off attitude towards this industry. we live
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on it i don't we live on an island that has finite natural resources 10 and natural resources is our drinkable water 40 years ago the chemical companies that farm the molly use d.d.t. spring chemicals onto the pineapple feels these fields into the lead got into our water aquifer and tainted our drinkable water if you want to have an experimental plot to test a new chemical should be mended and this be done under controlled circumstances closed systems not. making the world your test tube the world your laboratory. the chemicals that they put under the ground are going to infiltrate through this oils into the water they're going to wash off the rivers and streams
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and they will accumulate the air and it will amplify and concentrate in the food chain up the food chain into human beings and. they'll cause illness and no and they'll diminish quality of life and diminish the potential of these children we would wake up and my daughters would sometimes have really bad headaches and prior to moving. into our home we had never experienced things like that so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental racism going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power yes it's racism it's clear to be that native hawaiians and others who are socio economically less advantaged or. taking the brunt of this industry when you look at the history of the chemical corporations that we're talking about we're
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talking about corporations that created the nucular by. dioxin. agent orange and many of the top 12 percent that are getting pollutants that destroy our world. rachel carson said it in a book silent spring but how it said it in his book agriculture testament that industry that had gotten used to making chemicals the wall say got so addicted to profits that they then retooled and redesign agriculture to make it dependent on these chemicals. a neo nicotine oid is a neuro toxin for an insect so when an insect ingest the neo nicotine oid it actually disrupts the nervous system of that insect so no it is an insecticide which is used to kill an insect in
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a recent set of publications which are nearly over $800.00 papers they've shown that nicotine oids are actually showing up in the pollen of wild flowers which are then being consumed by b. so the sun. is a lot of the design of the use of only says. what's different about noids is that they're present all the time the seeds were coated with the near nicotine noids and then the seed was planted the new nicotine oid is water soluble so it goes into the soil the seed sprouts and those seed root tips then take up the neo negative noid into the plant so. the entire plant all the cells all the tissues all the fluids contain. and that's how
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they repel insects and they're in the food because they're systemic pesticides same is true for glyphosate they're not on the surface of the apple or the peach or the whatever it is they're inside the fruit you can't wash them off. on the island of kuwait where we have the most information out of all of what you do to activists struggle lawsuits freedom of information requests we know that in 2012 at least 800 tons of restricted use pesticides were bought and probably sprayed on the island we know that pesticides like clip sheriff has application rates probably 10 times the national average. the intensity and frequency of pesticide usage on quite is so high that it led one award winning journalist to call it one of the most toxic agricultural environments and all of american agriculture we know from
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a lawsuit that pesticides are sprayed by at least one company 250 to 300 days a year 10 to 16 times a day the pesticides there are really. we should be very careful about introducing chemicals that affect the nature of life itself because the unintended consequences. are already affecting human health in a long term way. and the number one thing is for me as a mom. my daughter's health change prior to observing those changes i had no idea what g.m. agriculture. was so i just started to do research on my own and what i found was very disturbing the studies are very clear the american company pediatrics the american cancer institute they all say that people who live and work around
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agricultural areas where there's heavy pesticide use have higher incidence of cancer of. disease. after 17 years of the doctor here in hawaii. i'm completely convinced that we have long standing chronic effects of the sides i have no doubt in my mind any longer. my daughter is as mad and. she's been to. emergency many times. my grandchildren one of them has. a respiratory problems too like she is developing asthma. yeah i mean asthma respiratory infections they're almost the norm on our side of the island and the more i spoke to people the more i discover that it's just kind of
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a way of life. in the environment and can and is aerosolized it does get into the air that we breathe and when it's taken into the lungs and the smallest air exchange units it can move from the into the bloodstream especially a pregnant mother's blood stream and we know corporate reforms can cross the placenta and from there it gets into the baby circulation and then crosses into the brain we have looked at the relationship specifically organophosphates and respiratory problems in children and what we found is that it wasn't just prenatal exposure but it was postnatal exposure of the child that was related to their lung function i started work at home all the. which is the community health clinic the pattern that i saw was mostly respiratory illness rashes fatigue
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severe headaches dizziness also times that you would see what's pesticide exposure almost all the patients from the fields would come in with their work clothes on their dirty soiled shirts work boots their dirty pants. the front line of all the impacts of these pesticides are the farm workers so they're the front line and their children are in the front and they often live very near the fields so whether it be the cancers whether be the birth defects whether it be children getting asthma having cognitive problems these are can be thought most intensely by those workers we have met the effects of organophosphates on the brain particularly the organophosphate pesticide called core pyros the findings in the sample were very striking we found areas of brain in the large ones across regions of the brain that are involved in higher order cognitive processing those regions of abnormalities seem to relate very very tightly to cognitive problems especially in measures of
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i.q. or intelligence of these children so that the bigger the abnormality the lower their i.q. so it suggests a fairly tight causal link between the exposures in fetal life with abnormalities in brain structure and those abnormalities in structure we think produce after maladies in intellectual functioning in these children you can't treat a developmental disability that's structural you can't change that brain function of that brain structure that didn't get to develop from utero age one age to age 3 . i'm often asked where i'm seeing the clusters of disease and developmental problems and to be frank i'm seeing them on co i. very places where the chemical companies are doing their year round studies.
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in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids. and as a parent. i can come up with arguments and there's a lot of conflict within the game between the 2 teams most of the conflict i would say. is good because the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of prison complex just to get some point where. you don't care. anything. live.
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leg. leg. length. leg. live. live live. live . live. live. oh. please. live.
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live live claim. and very well continue watching on since last. just look.
7:00 pm
at this confessional moment last chance and ask for the last 70 and seeing and on the rest day for the dutch program who should be on the commission she. writes in she just shoot on disk in the. asian community no mommy. teaches mom. no new car so sit on the open much fame mama is just back. breaking news on r.j. international turkey care.


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