tv Watching the Hawks RT October 8, 2019 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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greetings and sal you taishan us when it comes to u.s. born multinational corporate giants there are very few that can come close to general electric or g.e. on that truly iconic scale 1st incorporated back in 892 is the result of a massive merger between the thompson houston electric company and the edison general electric company is and yes thomas edison the inventor and businessman by 896 general electric was one of the founding 12 companies that made up the newly created dow jones industrial average g.e. is the only one of those 12 that is actually still in business today and what a business in its 127 year history g.e. has had its hand in everything from light bulbs x. rays refrigerators to televisions to commercial jet engines nuclear power plants military contracts even films and television production one of at one time it owned and b c universal which is why many are now how shall we say concern over the
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cracks that have developed in g.e.'s now evaporating profits in recent years cracks that have led general electric chief executive larry culp to start freezing its pension plan for about $20000.00 u.s. workers and offering pension buyouts 210-0000 former employees of the conglomerate joining the ranks of u.s. companies phasing out a guaranteed retirement. and while bad business decisions and corporate belt tightening are being take it out on retire on the retirement of g.-d's workers their c.e.o. was well a they're still doing quite well not only did g.e. shill out a 10 $1000000.00 golden parachute to its last c.e.o. the new c.e.o. mr cope's new 4 year deal signed just a year ago could not have as much as $21000000.00 a year. my friends i think it's safe to say that it's a good story watching the whole.
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the for. real that this would be. as good a part of. the day like you that i got. was that we. would. be. excited i. welcome the world watching the hawks i am a robot and i'm taffeta lawless oh gee golly gee. it's interesting as we were talking earlier about this the 1st time i really understood why i really got why corporate conglomerates were bad it was during a stint in the mid to late eighty's and was 'd when you had mentioned that g.e. bought n.b.c. yes and david letterman famously kind of rest on that and you know we showed up to you how to think about toaster ovens and part of what he was making
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a point of saying even told johnny carson i'm on another and be a see a show that was owned by g.e. this idea of this company that sells toaster ovens and all this at the time having control over and not just what david letterman says on a chat show but what the news says and how that is and that the news is playing and there's a commercial and he made those points and connected and so it's interesting there we are 2030 years later. it's much worse i know that there are those in g.e. i'm shocked especially as a military contractor they are on the brink apparently if you talk to certain people i mean look back in 2000 g.e. was one of the america's most prominent country come companies to its entire career i mean in the year 2000 they were valued at $600000000000.00 and the fact that now their belt tightening now they're worried just you know 19 years later about that scary time they employed over 300000 employees in 150 u.s. back to 176 manufacturing plants in 30 other countries their original pensions plan
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which was very good brought people to the middle class brought people retirement they worked there employed 485000 employees allowed them to retire on the original pension plan. well and this is where all of you know as we're going into the night and the next election and the next sort of season. here in america starting a new season soon. next fall one of the or things that keeps coming up is this idea that you can't afford insurance unless you have in last year employed you can't afford a retirement plan unless you're employed and your employer kicks in well part of the reasoning that you're pushing in seeing more of this to have universal health care and a universal pension of some kind is tax them then they're not paying for it out of pocket and then they can't use the workers as an excuse of why they can't pay them decently they would also keep costs down so when businesses change over the years as i said things have been shifting from a partridge pension that you see more at like state and local municipal jobs so you
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have these as they go from traditional pensions into these 4 a one k. is they effectively sort of shifted the volatility or risk volatility to their workers so we're not responsible if your pension ends up not having any money on it or you lose it all so but it made it less the for a one case for cheaper for them to put into and they weren't putting on them their . but only by 2017 yachts the only 16 companies in the fortune 500 offer a traditional defined benefit plans to new wires and that was 238 that was down. from that it's one of the bernie made off connection i want to make sure we got you know it's interesting too because the one person is kind of sounding the alarm and this person is basically saying that g.e. could go bankrupt in the next few years it's harry markopoulos and he was the guy who actually blew the whistle on the burns he made of problems the scheme he's basically saying they're engaged in accounting fraud in the g.e.
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is going to go bankrupt now you put it together 169 page report now a lot of people are saying oh well he's just trying to let you know boost his own investment because apparently when he figured this out about g.e. he then sold that information or gave that information to a hedge fund and is now short selling g.e. in the idea that they're going to go bankrupt so everybody is making money off tragedy right now it just it breaks my heart it really does so as a little. short change them yes. china has rejected us president called to investigate joe and hunter biden regarding possible corruption and trump campaign and administration has alleged recently. china spokesperson for the foreign ministry told the south china morning post that quote china has a long pursued the principle of non interference in the international affairs of other internal affairs of other countries it is that person of principle causing so
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much friction between china and the u.s. this week r.t. america correspondent here in france act has just. it's not looking good at all over in china with hong kong's leader kerry lam she says the city is survival is at stake at a press conference tuesday alam not only said that the tourism industry has taken a hit which is an obvious one no one wants to travel to hong kong right now but it's also a tack. sign businesses by protesters we're talking retail banks shops or what's worse better a local investment manager francis lund says that investors there were in their money out of hong kong the only good sign however is that hong kong's share prices stay pretty stable tuesday morning when the markets open that's because investors see hong kong shares is totally cheap now but as far as tourism kerry land projects the 3rd quarter to be a really bad one no one is going to hong kong anymore and you have the golden week that is normally a huge week for hong kong tourism but retail and tourism is down by more than 50
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percent and then it's not sued. be. into new find insurers and their beef is menu he. signs him. from hong kong to defy major said. so you not only saying hotels and visitor arrivals down you're seeing some of hong kong's own citizens they're looking to leave the area there's reports of people who obviously aren't coming forward with their full names because of political sensitivities but they're looking to emigrate to the u.k. or to the u.s. it's really wherever they can get to sooner and it's mostly young millennial is looking to leave the area many of them wanting to have a stable job in a place that's not going to be in the middle of these riots happening many that want to start a family as well but it gets even worse all of this happening in hong kong is 28 chinese corporations have been blacklisted here in the united states now these ones
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here that you see on your screen there this move is just days before president donald trump plans to resume u.s. and china trade talks and to this what it seems like a never ending trade war now these companies are now banned from buying u.s. products or importing american technology so these are some big companies we're talking about and another big company the n.b.a. there's also this growing controversy of what's going on with the houston rockets again this all happening after the rockets general manager daryl morey tweeted then deleted the stand with hong kong tweet so the rockets obviously under fire now and it's personal because the head of the chinese basketball association meeting he played his entire hall of fame career with the team but today the chinese television network c.c.t.v. they're not going to air the n.b.a. preseason game set to be played in the country a schedule of c.c.t.v. programming on its web site shows that 2 n.b.a. preseason games between the brooklyn nets and the los angeles lakers are no longer slated for broadcast again this all happening and adding to
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a wave of censure from chinese companies including a major sports merchandise for a tailor and news site that have halted its partnerships with the rockets and even having rockets merchandise and gear not showing up on websites anymore and washington for watching the hawks i'm farren fronsac. massive massive massive story and i want to get this quick group we're going into the 13th time. a renegotiation with china the u.s. and china 13 times. but not so lucky david powdrill executive director of the hong kong apec trade policy study group he wrote an opinion piece for the south china morning post that this will be lucky number 13 he wrote but in reality it is likely to prove a painful and pointless destruction forcing dislocation and costly restructuring of many complex global supply chains and delivering few of the intended benefits to the us economy to its companies and its workforce harming us competitiveness and its reputation as a reliable and trustworthy trader and best partner partner this is blowing up in so
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many different directions i can't even keep track of all m.b.a. blackboards you mention china is now going to blacklist people i think even apps no one your phone are going to be affected by all of this well there and there is a certain amount of things that are already happening and i think that's the idea of this idea of you know as i said you know we don't interfere in other countries we don't interfere in with each other and that's sort of been the u.s. stance at the point as well we can't really get involved in what's going on and hong kong because we've also got to deal with what's going on in mainland china so one of the things that came out about a month ago the guard again got a leak from tick tock which is the app that everybody all the kids are playing i thought is something to do with making a bit of funny videos or something but here's the deal if you or anyone in any place around the world use this and that they put on your picture it will or you put on anything that. say i support hong kong it will probably be taken down so
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what the guardian revealed is that the popularity. network instructs its moderators to censor videos that mention tannen square tibetan independence or banned religious script shown. so that was a leak things and this is happening as i said to all users not just in china and then of course south park. got banned and had everything taken down. because they had done a story about how movie is like the recent red dawn remake that was changed from the china invading to north korea invading the recent top gun movie had to change things on it and so yeah so south park and now one of our available in china as well. walls or i remember back on in order to momo story because there's never been all the different layers of the coals but this is richard going to win the battles going on all right as we go to break court watchers don't forget what is the you figure the property recovered over social media be sure to check out watching the harvest the podcast which is now available on spotify of music everywhere it was
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your favorite podcast coming up civil rights during the team from pulls back the curtain on some of the major issues affecting the united states educational system i don't want to miss this trust me stay tuned to watching the whole. next geysers financial survival bill they say money that the delegates are. going to be using this is a central plank support dying of illness or the problem when those they stopped. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok to suffer actual food on the table it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with arguments there's
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a lot of conflict in the game between the teams most of the conflict i would say. is made. us want to know each other. each other is good because the state of california makes 6000000000 dollars a year of prison complexes you get some when you live where. you don't care and one of my hair is a monster so you don't care mind anything. it's seemed wrong. but old rules just don't hold. any old belief yet to shake out just because the educated and engaged with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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take a listen to almost any major politician's campaign stump speech and it sandwich somewhere between america's great and jobs jobs you'll always hear promises to spend more on education and while proper funding and accountable bookkeeping are indeed important issues to be resolved are also a host of other needs and issues in the us educational system that are woefully ignored but equally important especially for children parents and guardians living in low income neighborhoods one of the most important is a better understanding of a parents or guardians rights within the education system from having a child improperly labeled as having an emotional behavior disorder by the school or being unfairly or harshly disciplined to having a child denied access to gifted or talented educational programs based on the color of their skin or family income level many parents have no idea or
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a properly trained in how to use and protect their rights in these kinds of situations here to do that today to discuss her work in education justice and helping parents and children better understand those rights is civil rights attorney mickey levy armstrong thank you for joining us. thanks for having me the cream of you know from what i understand is you're actually running right now with your knowledge and your background in law and activism in everything that you've been working on your whole life you're running a clinic and educational justice in minneapolis this october what are the what are the main points that you're teaching parents guardians of children who show up to this clinic about their rights their legal rights within the school systems in the u.s. . well particularly in the state of minnesota we have some of the worst racial disparities between white children black children and other children of color in terms of educate. no attainment high school graduation rates high
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disciplinary rates for children of color and specifically high rates of children who are designated as needing special education services we see far too many children of color being labeled as having emotional behavior disorder for example and being pushed out of classrooms so a big focus of the education justice clinic is to ensure that parents know their rights they know how to advocate within the public school system on behalf of their children and to have legal support when needed and so part of my role as a civil rights attorney is to assess a child's. which is an individualized education plan if that child is a part of a special education program within a school and to make sure that the eye is narrowly tailored to meet the needs of the child so that that child will be able to succeed academically too often are not
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nearly tailored to meet the children's needs and a lot of times the teams who help to facilitate the ip process are not culturally competent i have said and many rooms with all white educators and. seeing them talk about what's happening with children of color with a lack of cultural competency and so as an african-american attorney being in the room it makes a huge difference in terms of being able to advocate and ensure that parents know their rights in those situations another issue that we encounter here in the state of minnesota are high disciplinary rates facing children of color particularly black boys are many applets public schools has been the subject of a federal investigation in terms of the high rate of school suspensions that have impacted children of color and african-american boys who. more likely to be
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suspended for nonviolent offenses and these are problems that we're seeing all across the country to yes i mean it's injury you said that because one of things we came up with one of things that came across obviously going through this is is that me major racial disparity and discipline and so one of the examples i was i was just this page middle school in minnesota african-american students there were 338 percent more likely to be suspended than their white peers you're doing this work to help you know there's there's some guidance there on what black parents and students can do with dealing with that and i think your program does that but i wonder what should all of those i mean we talk about white educators and white parents what do we need to do better in those situations when we see this happening or become aware of it. so a part of my work also includes hosting workshops along with my husband in the twin cities we have
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a series right now called anti-racism for educators and many of the folks who attend our workshops are white educators within the public school system who are learning about these underlying racial disparities that exist here in minnesota as well as nationwide and connecting them to what has happened historically and terms of the levels of anti blackness and white supremacy that have been present within our public education system from the beginning so we're finding that knowledge is power in terms of helping people understand that these issues are not happening in a vacuum that they are a manifestation of our unresolved racial issues that exist in this country that have seeped into our public education system and we're asking teachers to be conscious of things like implicit bias and how it plays out in the classroom in terms of which students are being unfairly disciplined designated for special education services or placed in alternative school. and even circumstances in which
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a school decides or an educator decides to call a school resource officer which is essentially a police officer to handle what should be a basic disciplinary matter so we're seeing a lot of our children of color brought into the juvenile justice system through the school system by virtue of the use of police officers within those settings. school to prison pipeline you hear a lot of people talking about these days and how that sets it up to you know basically put these kids right into the system and grow them right and throw them in jail the moment they turn 18 we see that over and over another issue that you're tackling which is interesting is the you know the educational justice is to aggregate individualized education plans for children with special needs what are the problems found in those plans and how can you know how can parents you know look to solve them have a sister was special needs and have to go through that education and there's
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a tough time there's a very hard time trying to figure out how to help these kids. absolutely well most of the time what we see is that parents often take the schools word for it and terms of determining what the needs are for individual children and when parents blindly trust the system unfortunately at times that means that their children are not always getting the support that they need so there might be children for example who have issues as far as literacy are concerned and those children might need additional time with the one on one instructor or being pulled out of class for reading time so that they have the additional support that they need but a school might cut back on those services if they feel that they don't have the financial resources to make that possible so as an advocate after speaking with the parent and learning about the child's needs from the parent's perspective showing up in an ip meeting as an attorney might mean advocating and in some. cases
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demanding more reading time or reading resources and also ensuring that some of the specialists are people of color to the extent possible in order to build that connection with students parents often feel that they're not alone when they have a legal attorney or law student in the room with them helping to decipher a lot of the jargon that's being used and written into the documents that again the average person does not understand so we try to decipher those things we try to ensure that parents voices are being heard and that they are receiving the treatment that their children deserve at the end of the day most overheard probably aren't even aware that they can even bring their own legal counsel to me even though i think it's one thing that i have seen through my whole life and i've noted it was one of the things that i was always taught my family and my mother was very she went to every parent teacher read and she knew her riots she also worked for
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attorneys as a legal secretary so she came in you know ready for any kind of fights and i think i wish more parents knew what rights you have for your children and what you're allowed to request from even public schools and all of that what do you think we came in looking forward on this of you know your group doing these amazing work and people starting to learn more about it what do you think is the most important fix that needs to be done you know on a political level here in washington to solve 7 some of the problems that you're seeing in this u.s. education system. well i think that the federal government needs to step up more to protect the rights of children again especially those children who are being unfairly disciplined and targeted within the schools we cannot just trust schools to govern themselves when it comes to pushing certain children out of school and not designating those children who should be. allowed to participate in gifted and
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talented programs with those opportunities because of the color of their skin pushing children into alternative schools and also the use of school resource officers. i'm sorry the use of school resource officer officers within public school settings some of that money come a come from the federal government other times it comes from local jurisdictions and we know as tyro said that it's leading to the school to prison pipeline our federal government has not done enough to put forward bills that would protect the rights of children in these situations our children deserve protection we need our government leaders to pay attention and for them to take action on behalf of some of our most vulnerable children we most definitely do i want to thank you again for coming on civil rights attorney mckubre levy armstrong keep up the great work out there thank you so much. thank you. the car sized curiosity rover was designed and sent to mars in 2011 with the express purpose of
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exploring the 100 metre wide gale crater now nearly a decade into its 2 year mission curiosity has found evidence of an ancient away says on the surface of the red planet the rover found rocks containing mineral salts and deposits that work like water marks showing the possibility that shallow salty ponds and streams once sat within the gale crater overflowing and drying up as a mars environment went from a wet planet with live to the desert one we see now the salt water ponds are estimated to have been on mars about mir 3 and i have 1000000000 years ago and these new findings could help scientists estimate just how long it took mars to transition from a life supporting planet to be dry air and one we see today. while there we go what about 150 years before we look like that or i rarely think our earliest. worries humans are trying hard go for her about observed so prove it very remember everyone
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in this world that we are about told we are loved up so it's really all right. and out of what people are watching all those hawks out there that were great. at paradise with some. turned into a round the experimentation feel that cultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major here to there's no question otherwise why would the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that. often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while
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the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental racism going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see that. the swarms of them so moving. to good use who was before. much of those who heard it's a preview are you who see him we will. we will. move
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. move. move show you this look beautiful i mean it's those who looked or who were. more muslim also who is those who did you have gone for good good good. to go to shows look but do you do some you belong here to show the story to the issue go. to start ups to. get to meet until it was the littlest dates you look at is if. you're stashed in understands to just meet them mashed on the trail to stop the president and he's been trying to spark them to. as we've produced recordings from 2 snippets on what the new of those the girls with 0 in this will produce to whom she. could call from the one who's doing.
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which. was. last. while and the last 30 voters sin ecuador forced the suspension of parliament on the government to quit the capital. a new u.s. intelligence report accuses a russian social media operatives of attempting to sway the 2016 presidential election in donald trump's favor. and demands to sack the french interior minister over his handling of the.
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