tv News RT October 9, 2019 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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it is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison home and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. i. protest in ecuador see parliament suspended in the government from the capital. and your u.s. intelligence from claims that russia was intending to meddle in the 2020 presidential election provide any supporting evidence and also to come to us roundly condemned for abandoning its kurdish allies in syria look at how the decision was somewhat difficult.
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for that good morning just gone 9 o'clock here in moscow you're watching r.t. international thousands are protesting against the sterett capital for a 6th consecutive day earlier the government in quito we located to the country 2nd city amid a rest and violent clashes. are are the are. was her. eye many of the demonstrators come from poor and indigenous communities from across across ecuador the protests were triggered by the decision to end fuel subsidies as part of a deal with the international monetary fund nicholas donovan reports now from. yet another day of violent clashes between protesters and police forces here in
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ecuador what we've seen today is the indigenous communities thousands and thousands of people that came from different parts of ecuador here to the capital to protest there was a moment of tension when they stormed the national assembly the 1st few moments after that they were dispersed and we saw massive clashes between rioters and police we spoke to some of the people here and this is what they had to say let's take a listen it will be the government is a traitor underline what we want is for the good not we do not have power and we will ask him with all we have without any shame in we want to get rid of the traitor we will fight till the end we could die we will do it we will fight till the end just at least one person has died and there's been dozens of injured among protesters and police officers president moreno who is in quiet kill said that the
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violence was instigated by his predecessor rafael career and venezuelan president nicolas maduro the tyrant madeira has activated along with korea the destabilization plan so they're the corrupt who have felled the food stamps of just disclose and then to make them they're the ones behind this attempted coup d'etat because that is the merino also said that he is willing to negotiate a solution to the crisis with the indigenous movement the government has also ordered a curfew in areas close to government buildings insta t.j. can still ations the order prevents public access to these areas between 8 pm and 5 am local time while the national state of emergency remains the indigenous people that are protesting here very clear they won't move until lenin merino suspends the economic measures that hurt him so. so much they say that will they will stay here
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they will protest and they won't so. we're talking to r.t. the former ecuadorian president said that the government is trying to shift the blame for the current unrest. it's a difficult time for my homeland this shows the politics of merino in his government he's already been in power for 2 and a half years and he still blames korea for everything economic crisis for security for his political faults and to say that these mass protests are my fault is just crazy. i mean there's a mini merino is not interested in democracy for him the most important thing is to control power control the ecuadorian public so he create projects that can damage the majority but be beneficial for his goals. nor inclusive of the i.m.f. we're juggling numbers and fooled people by distorting the amount of ecuador's debt belgium's debt where i live now amounts to 100 percent of g.d.p.
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eventually the i.m.f. had to publicize real debt numbers i left my presidential post at the beginning of 2017 after that the debt started growing but the problem doesn't even lie with the debt it's all a sham from the start merinos government betrayed the economic program and in general the political program to which people get their votes for. it is in your fridge you know that man cancelled the previous government program he thought they could create something new and better than before but they achieved only destruction we left ecuador's economy in a state of growth it was like that until 20172018 this year will see a decline unemployment's risen that lead to instability 500000 ecuadorians are facing poverty yet again and now these austerity measures they are justified by any external factors we also spoke about the situation in ecuador capital hetland he's
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an assistant professor of latin american studies at new york's university and albania and also believes too that marino is trying to divert attention from his failing policies. lenora you know it's a part of the career ministration of and through his campaign several years ago that he was going to continue the progressive leftist policies which were not a complete success but were successful in many ways of the quota administration but after money you know got into office he did a complete about face and he transitions slowly to the right and so he's trying to deflect blame from shall you of the policies that it's been implementing over the last several years particularly this year again it's very clear that the policies are not working for dorrans arising out there's no evidence of this is that true it's a popular protest people in the street being very unhappy with. prospect of soda hostility and making that happiness known. the u.s. senate intelligence committee claims that russia is planning to meddle in the 2020
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presidential election and is urging action from congress president donald trump and social media platforms claim that pays in a new report on alleged russian interference in the 2016 race one from zach as more . the senate intelligence committee they report that the agents of the russian internet research agency or ira quote sought to influence the 2016 us presidential election by harming hillary clinton's chances of success supporting donald trump at the direction of the kremlin now the senate panel cited the quote close ties of the ira's director to russian president vladimir putin as quote evidence of significant kremlin support authorization and direction of the ira's operations and goals now the senate intel committee writes that the dissent from ation put out on social media sites like facebook twitter instagram and you tube was part of a broader sophisticated and ongoing information warfare campaign designed to sow
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discord in american politics and society and this activity increased after election day back and 2016 the report found that dozen from asian put out by the ira targeted specifically african-americans more than any other age group or demographic to exploit some hot button issues and even convince some people to sign petitions well earlier this year former special counsel for the united states department of justice robert muller reported how the ira designed a social media campaign to amplify political and social discord here in the u.s. favoring president donald trump over hillary clinton now muller indicted 13 russians and 3 businesses for information warfare this report is coming at the same way it did after election 2016 but this time it's before election 2020 here in the states back in july however the federal judge who slammed robert mueller along with attorney general william barr for saying that was all russia when there is absolutely no evidence of that a u.s. district judge dabney frederick he went on to say that muller prejudiced
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a potential jury in this case of the russian firm concord management consulting l.l.c. which they're facing a legal battle with the department of justice right now the u.s. government says that concord funded the quote social media meddling campaign but judge friederich says that there. was a lack of evidence supporting that and concluded that russian president putin and president onil trump didn't conspire to win the 2016 election so the biggest point of judge friedrichs rebuke of muller was that muller tied the internet research agency to basically all of russia rather it was individuals that happened to be russian so the timing of this report it's also pretty interesting because this latest report comes as house democrats well they've started an impeachment inquiry into president donald trump it's another chance to talk about what is dubbed here and the states as the russian collusion campaign yet again despite there being no russian collusion now it's also a chance to take a stab at the growing views that we're seeing right here on r
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t the report says that youtube continues to be the propaganda vehicle for russia and that the number of views are much higher than the number of actual you tube subscribers on r r t channel so to give you an idea artie's you tube now has 3.7 millions of followers and in 2017 our channel was actually accumulated it's 5000000000 not 1000000000000003 of you and has 3300000 global subscribers on its you tube channel now r t it was the 1st self described news channel to break 1000000000 views on you tube so you could say that artie's you tube is getting a little too popular for the democratic party taste the kremlin has given his reaction to the report claiming it is just a rehash of old allegations you think it's right for the wrong point institute meanwhile john mcadams believes the findings preved nothing. well this is a house built on sand is what i would say the it's quite interesting because the report begins with the assumption that the internet research agency is an agency of
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the russian government the good judge friedrich back in july admonished mauler and his group to stop referring to concordance to ira as for the russian government because it can't be proven here's something interesting one of the 1st sentences in the report in the summary says quote the committee's ability to identify russian activity on social media platforms was limited so here they admit the basically they have no way of identifying which groups are russian or not even though the whole report is that the russians are behind it all and you know they're just simply hasn't been any proof yet they keep repeating the same old lies hoping that no one will know that. a russian national were dubbed by the west as the merchant of death and who story inspired a hollywood film to is told r.t. he believes he's a political prisoner of the us in exclusive interview convicted alms traffic of it
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to boot said he has nothing else to do but fight for his innocence until the very end well the u.s. claims he supplied weapons to the revolutionary armed forces of colombia recognized as a terrorist organization by washington denies all the accusations he was detained in thailand the request of the u.s. and extradited 2 years later in 2012 a court sentenced him to 25 years in jail and a $15000000.00 fine last month 7 years into the sentence his family was allowed to visit him for the very 1st time caleb moore pin spoke exclusively to the jailed russian national. award of war and the merchant of death that's how western media describes victor boot from moscow he's a political prisoner rejecting his case as unfounded and biased from the start of his trial. he pled not guilty and he called the accusations against him a bunch of the why the court decided otherwise and jailed him for 25 years he's now
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served a 3rd of that sentence and he's agreed to talk to me from prison because your case is highly political are you being treated differently well of course i've been treated differently because by somebody there and be able to deciding that a con man is crucial for each group or whatever term and general population both on the under very strict supervision and control victor boot describes himself as a political prisoner i asked him what that means this is a 100 percent always fly as a political prisoner far he'll oh my nation. and i 3 or thing i to cooperate criticize and i'm sorry and think i've got to you didn't do anything else and we'll fight for my innocence and the state department couple years ago make it can't it's going to keep him and example and remain till the beautiful we think a lot of the russians would be mad to want to cooperate with us when to go off to their car up through regime i asked him about deals that had been offered to him in
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the past and currently well they've been doing pretrial on during the trial where they've been through the public defender and their approach and we're going to get through it oh your family green car concerts will you there if you you know eternal some dirt about putin and how corrupt this regime taunts omar said you know you can't do the wrong person we don't for all the deal that's why i went to the trial victor boot offered up a pretty strong and consistent critique of the us legal system and how he says it is being used against russian citizens who point to what he calls conspiracy laws as a method of imprisoning people not for actually committing crimes but for offhand comments made to undercover officers boot says he's not the only political prisoner being held and that the efforts of the russian embassy have definitely improved to circumstances and will mop and r.t. new york. why.
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you know world big partisan group. and conspiracy it's time. to dig deeper to get the stories that midstream refuses to tell more than we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. talk about one of the worst cases of predatory baxter's defrauding and abusing the poor insect that i've seen in
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a couple years you know we've introduced you to many instances of bankers preying on folks but this is this is really nothing. welcome back turkey is preparing to launch a military operation in northern syria and chris says the aim is to establish a safe so it follows washington's decision to pull its troops out of the region a move he condemned is a betrayal of the kurdish forces there well these with u.s. backing made significant sacrifices in the fight against terror group islamic state but while much of the world was taken aback the kurds themselves had been braced for an american withdrawal you can shoot down of takes
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a look now the strain ties between the supposed. it seemed impossible sounded like crazy talk and yet it happened a moment of unity between republicans and democrats as they both condemned america's disloyalty to its kurdish allies the person who united states is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven this is that crazy. which allies in syria or elsewhere in the middle east will fully trust the word of president trump in the future the thing all of these politicians pundits and channels seem to forget though is that the kurds i used to waking up to a groundhog day of american betrayal the only difference is that it's been going on for more than half a century and hasn't been funny at all. in the fifty's and early sixty's the cia pushed the kurds to revolt against baghdad as
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part of their efforts to overthrow their leader a bill karim kassim eventually he was toppled by a coupe but the new ruler wasn't a big fan of ideal of kurdish independence so he bombed them into submission bombed with napalm kindly provided by the united states. the kurds seem to either have a short memory or a forgiving heart because in the 70s the us was back on their good side iraq and iran were involved in a border dispute and washington was correctly supplying the minority with weapons once again pitching them against baghdad but then you iraq and iran kissed and made up and all of a sudden the kurds were on their own being blown to pieces as they are supposed transatlantic guardian angel was watching idly even the americans at the time
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admitted that keeping their involvement under wraps. was simply no excuse this policy was not imparted to our clients who were encouraged to continue fighting even in the context of covert action was a cynical enterprise hoovered action should not be confused with missionary work. fast forward to the eighty's and for the us it was the golden decade of big metallic umma dawn and m.t.v. for the kurds it was well just another decade of more u.s. betrayal in the late eighty's saddam hussein unleashed his chemical arsenal against them an atrocity looking bound to drop the wrath of the world's policeman but it was still a long time before saddam was to turn from friend to full so american wrath didn't go further than statements like these we want to maintain good political and
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economic relations with iraq but the issue of chemical weapons gets in the way of that. in 2003 it looked like the u.s. was finally ready to make amends for its decades of forsaking the kurds helping them was among the pretexts for the invasion of iraq but then even in washington many took such goals with a pinch of salt the kurds have every reason to believe or think that they will be betrayed again by the united states as so often in the person in fact the spectacle of our inviting turks in to this war earlier trying to bribe them into it could not have been reassuring to the kurds even under the turks before trial against betraying the kurds and is your point yeah surely your point isn't that because it betrayed them in the past we should betray them this time not that we should just we will not will not yes they did in 2007 the us let turkey have its way with the kurdish rebels in iraq as ankara launched
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a lethal bombing raid against them this is of course nowhere near. a full list by 2019 america had left the kurds for dead a few more times both in iraq and syria. american traditions go beyond partisan lines america loves having turkey on thanksgiving going to the pumpkin patch for halloween and launching fireworks on the 4th of july screwing the kurds over is nothing but a decades long political tradition for america and they will abide by it be the democrat or republican there's a great deal of a small can mirror on the part of trump administration of what i consider to be year syria and shared game mr transpired because we had very identical the statement last december and now you know a couple of observation polls have been vacated by the us but the us still has some
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18 military bases and operation points including 2 air bases in northern syria which he has absolutely no intention of drawing so the list be very careful distinguishing between you know. the announcement by the white house and actual policies that are in fact contradicted by depend on that. that when it comes to environmental threats climate change currently dominates the debate but a new report does predict another potential catastrophe on the horizon a shortage of phosphorous the continued supply of 4 straight 1st lies is that underpin global food production is an imminent crisis the rock phosphate deposits on which the world depends not only finite but some are contaminated and many located in geo politically unstable areas. well force or it is essential for all
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life it takes part in many fundamental biochemical processes for example creating d.n.a. but it also has commercial applications to it is widely used as a fertilizer or phosphate compounds are used in steel production also where demand for the element has been soaring among the concerns raised in the report is a lack of mines to cope with this demand existing mines with it will that be depleted in 8 years or so our guest andrew revkin gave us his ideas on how to avoid shortages. phosphorus is not a central essential nutrients for plants for us to grow enough food to feed even today's world we need millions of tons of the phosphate rock where i think is important in cases like this is to understand that the way we've used this mineral in the past is incredibly inefficient and crosses pollution when it leaves of fields in agricultural fields so it's sort of
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a no brainer to me to focus ever more on more precise use of the fertilizer if there's a way to just precisely target for each plant the amount it gets that's very different than having it so abundant that it's and up running into the ocean it's pretty well known uncharted where the phosphate rock exists on the surface if the supplies going to tell us that we were worried about global agriculture people get pretty inventive pretty quickly about finding you know either more efficient ways to use it or new ways to extract it that would make the shortage look silly in the long run. police in hong kong say they arrested 77 protest as i with a weekend of violating the tariff mask law and he beijing rallies on saturday and sunday by violence meanwhile china has accused the glorifying riots is not off to brussels it's the authorities in hong kong to show restraint china also the case france have a poker scene saying pointing out that beijing was supportive of paris during the
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yellow vests riots and during which activists all sides or 6. it's the most prominent symbol of the protests demonstrators have been wearing face masks since the beginning of the pro-democracy movement in hong kong many hong kong didn't see a deterrent in the ruling they saw the danger they saw the sort of encroachments on their liberties that they've been demonstrating against and then they saw strength in numbers. you know if you worried about being arrested.
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i tell you very clearly we need this bill for political and practical reasons it will give us the means to fight effectively against who do not against demonstrates his brigade's who do. the provisions of my bill are effective immediately which means police officers across canada now have access to these tools to protect the public from asked frank yes. it's a complete double standard and hypocrisy but you know there's also a very delightful irony out killed 50 years back when we had the worst protests prior to these protests in hong kong the at that time the british colonial government use these laws and on the end in the process went about and killed as
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many as 50 protesters in hong kong this is in the early 1960 s. these were the tools many of the developed countries used to keep many of these off its colonies and all the poorer countries in control the hong kong government is using those british colonial era laws and i think the hong kong government should have brought all of these emergency laws much already especially when at the time when the protesters will be having the british colonial flag as well as the u.s. flag just to symbolize that those were the tools with which they were kept in check at that point of time. that's how the news is looking so far don't forget that you can also keep yourself updated on all social media pages.
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in the age of trump what has happened to journalistic standards and competence in the media not long ago it was generally agreed that politics was the art of the possible now one news narrative must prevail and all others must be vanquished does the state of affairs serve the public interest. a paradise with some around turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the
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battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. readings and sell you take. what to. comes to us born multinational corporate giants there are very few that can come close to general electric or g.e. on that truly iconic scale 1st incorporated back in $892.00 is the result of a massive merger between the thompson houston electric company and the edison general electric company is and yes thomas edison the inventor and businessman by
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896 general electric was one of the founding 12 companies that made up the newly created dow jones industrial average g.e. is the only one of those 12 that is actually still in business today and what a business in its 127 year history g.e. has had its hand in everything from light bulbs x. rays refrigerators to televisions to commercial jet engines nuclear power plants military contracts even films and television production one of at one time it owned and b c universal which is why many are now how shall we say concern over the cracks that have developed in g.e.'s now evaporating profits in recent years cracks that have led general electric chief executive larry culp to start freezing its pension plan for about $20000.00 u.s. workers and offering pension buyouts 210-0000 former employees of the conglomerate joining the ranks of u.s. companies phasing.
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