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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  October 10, 2019 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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on the rise of other main centers of power china and russia europe would also be willing to you know take a kind of independent role in the international arena so you don't try if we are to. talk about the initiatives very well you're on and also about the recent you know wave of. the recent phases of the reduction of iran's commitments under the nuclear deal reached kind of a gradual pattern in dealing with the europeans so at the 1st because you're wrong from the very beginning. its commitment to the nuclear deal you try to save it's with the remaining parties but after being disappointed from from the european sides it's try to you know actually change its approach in order to get them on board so i can see that's your own is still hopeful to save the deal based on the
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current actors remained which remains an juicy j c p way but i mean. what hope is there left especially after the europeans very suddenly change their position on. the recent saudi attacks and blame the iran for those attacks where i mean in diplomatic terms it was clear that it was not only about the saudi air attacks but it was also i think about that track their brain in track and their commitments to the don't you think so. actually i think the european assessment of course it was seen in iran as a kind of negative as a kind of negative move you know what's on the other hand it isn't. you know namely wrong as as being conducted the attacks said that they said it was responsible and that responsible. chancellor making try to somehow modify the position i'm not
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going into details of that i'm saying that's. at the current situation maybe iran's that's hope i was talking about is that maybe the europeans based on the for example the recent initiatives raised by among other micron of france maybe they can do something to you know americans to the negotiating table indeed mutually accept a terms i mean. i'm sure you're structured that as siding. position jast with their parents or. you know in terms of trying to lure in the americans to the negotiating table the mistrust between iran and the european sides. droving got the moments let's hope i was talking about is that i mean from the arena on side is that maybe the europeans can come po'd and can convince the united states to lift the
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sanctions to do something for diplomacy to gets back to the threat you know i think iran has been trying to achieve i mean it has defined a kind of 2 fold approach and destroyed our. why did reduction of the comments means either do europeans would be you know somehow feeling to do something against the united states and save the nuclear deal why some measures like in states or something like that or at the end of the day there will be new negotiations between all the sides again including the united states so iran would need some kind of leverage industry gart. is it fair to say that both of these tracks have failed. i mean from the european side it's been mostly restricted to do you know expressing political support and also from the. i'm sure that you have seen the reports
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of what's happened to you new u.n. general assembly recently. only condition was that the united states should remove the sanctions and then talks would be possible what the united states refused to do so and for iran you know it's not about just the governments it's about also the public opinion there is a deep and increasing mistrust toward the united states because of withdrawal from the juice if you are so there was a real concern that if iran goes through the negotiation new negotiations with the united states and then the united states again refuses to lift the sanctions large the same they did to north korea everything would be even worse than the disease so yes from one point of view we can see that those initiatives have failed by i can see the signs of new initiative in place i mean starting to diplomacy extract from inside the region talking about the recent signs of you know reeling this
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for target between for talks between iran and saudi arabia express forward to both sides president trump and his secretary of state mike can pay are awesome can you talk about toughness as the main feature of their foreign policy especially the 78 iran why do you think they left those attacks on that on the facilities that acts that they blame squarely on iran without any. response that would demonstrate that toughness and all about the sanctions against the central bank but that i think you would agree that compared to the magnitude of the charge that there are actually took out those facilities and this is minuscule why do you think they have not responded in a tough way. i think there are several reasons 1st of all because there hasn't been a concrete sign that it was iran behind the i think it's easy to say that. again.
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was experienced why do you look and it's easy to say that you don't was responsible because you don't support the. movements it's easy to say this and the united states has had you know experience of iraq war and i don't think that it's a situation that the united states wanted to do something militarily. we would have been able to gain some support from from its main allies this is this is one reason the other reason i can say is that the president president general on the willingness to gets into the sister of ours in the united states is especially in just one year remaining to the new us elections and finally i think more importantly is the transfer of the islamic republic during an officer as has publicly said that no kind of you know military move against iran would be remains
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unanswered and the answer would involve not only ring on borders both also the whole region so this makes the united states and not only the united states also the other actors that would that's maybe may want to you know raise of all religious reaction against iran saying to us now while the americans didn't respond militarily they can teenie of tightening the screws on the iranian economy and i know that you wrote recently that to meet you gave that pressure iran has been trying to cultivate trade with its neighbors particularly in the dollar denominated trade but i soon learned that even trading in local currency is require some tacit and eric and approval of small countries like i said by john like crimea really a 4th to bush that treated iraq without facing some sort of rebuke from washington of course there has been this fear from the side of the arena neighbors. actually
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the policy of the. misses that uses neighbors 1st started to be devised from before the u.s. withdrawal from the nuclear deal i can see that's the main parts of this policy is not i mean it's not restricted only to ukrainian neighbors it's aimed at the non western great power is like russia and china invasion iran sees a kind of reeling this to do something you dependency from the united states for example the reports about china you know still continuing to buy uranium oil and also. you know trying to define new ways of interacting example integrate the iran more closely into the eurasian if you know all the you know any exact do you think that are going to. have project for russia clearly but . you know there are many criticisms about how
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a fact of that they can all make has been do you think it's it has enough you protect iran from the american pressure at the core a situation it doesn't have that's that's kind of influence or that's kind of leverage but you know the more the united states uses sanctions as a political tool and the more countries are being sanctioned why do night to the states the very you know importance of sanctions as a tool. being you know decrees for example both iran and russia are in a kind of. you know toughening us sanctions at this situation i. can see that the political willingness to do something about this is in place and practical steps as a starter to be taken by the sides of course it's a gradual and maybe it's a matter of decades or so. and that's not so let's hope that iran has enough time
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and enough for our reserves to stand this time because it would help you along gaining more and more political support say that you know. it would be useful to compare the current situation for example the decision before designing of the nuclear deal when there was a general consensus among the europeans and americans in sanctioning iran on the one hand. there were you know un security council resolutions against iran and also at that time russia and china were totally. same page with the united states but. china is a kind of economic war with the united states russia is experiencing one of its worst periods of relations with the united states so everything is different that's political supports with at least currencies some kinds of. realty the for
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the current situation so that you don't can build up on debts and continue to. translate it into more countries measures in terms of economic benefits mr is that we have to take a short break now we'll be back in just a few moments stay tuned. to make this manufactured you send us an instant of public wealth. when the ruling classes project themselves. in the final. lives only the one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. i mean real in the.
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brain does know it's. in the way muscle in the skin that you see when you when you win every time you. come liberate you damage it in a way becomes a concession to the brain is incredibly sent delegates. you can damage some of the brain you can kill the patient does by damaging it one of 2 millimeters the brain. why a paradise with some around turned into a round experimentation field the agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have
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many of these people where one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental races going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. to. look at.
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welcome back to worlds apart i mean that is as easy as assistant professor for original studies that say he had to be hash to university but there is a day before the break you you mentioned that there are countries that are still willing to defy that pressure and i think china would be one of them and there have been reports that chinese oil tankers for example are switching all of their transponders and changing the names to avoid being detected but the americans out also stepping up. efforts to squeeze iran's ability to export its oil. the latest news is that there are already 5 countries that have joined the american initiative for the patrols of the persian gulf do you
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think it may actually result in iran being physically blocked in fact located it from being able to access the maritime route for exporting its noise i don't think so because. except for the united states who so through other countries do not have that kind of you know physical leverage and real liberals to do something in this regard. except for saudi arabia and its regional laws which are also joined the coalition and. not so you know. there are. 2 concern here on the others. explicitly said this. is not to insurgents in front of confrontation with iran and it's just about securing the maritime routes they're talking about like $555.00. patrols
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in november and you can say all you want and all it takes but. iran has already had issues with one of its vassals being detained are you absolutely confident of. iran's ability to operate on the sea and particularly in the persian gulf war of will not be compromised by this initiative iran from the very beginning has shown a negative response to this this is a fact why because iran has been. opposing the persons of foreign powers for sure do us some progress in the persian gulf this is one issue the other issue is that the iranian officials especially the military ones have made it very clear that increase of any kind of you know provocative move from the united states or the others there could be a war in the region and iran has shown that it has the ability to do something by downing do you
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a strong so i'm not saying that's go to war and stay safe i'm not saying that's what i'm saying that's. the other part is no that's there's a cost and there's a huge cost for entering off confrontation be drawn so i think that's the main nature actually diverting nature of the recent u.s. initiative for the persian gulf is mostly political now for decades the fret to blow the strait of hormuz has been iran in finger to if a response to any american pressure i'm not trying to take any sides here but don't you think that the iranians themselves are responsible for giving the child administration this idea how to hurt the most. of your rights and place that's kind of warning or do other countries about its. potential closer of the straits what's the. trustingly we haven't hear of this.
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passover along so. what's on the other hand you don't has shown as i said as i mentioned you don't have more serious and why you will more immediate options to respond to do you know for example how can the iran op of the and if there is indeed a more serious i think the americans have been largely successful in substantially decreasing the iranian oil trade i mean if you look at the latest figures i think in july the export of oil was around $100000.00 barrels per day this is very very small compared to like 2 and a 1000000000 barrels per day back in 2018 so the damage is already done you know of course of course but 1st of all. that's not the official was that these are just speculations of course it's decrease to a great extent what's on the other hand let's go back to the previous points of
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boats you're on trying to expand relations with the other countries with visits neighbors you know and i'm talking especially well there have been some discussions of. hoping you're on to sell its orders on the other you know issues like that so iran is west country we have. the north we have the other options so it's not about of course any kind of you know kind of block you go something like that in the persian gulf would you seriously don't even more than before but it wouldn't mean that iran would be you know in a situation of going to kind of other options you mentioned before that iran has intensified its. outreach after its ministers that if keeps talking about. pacts with its neighbors including saudi arabia do you take that as. as. an act of diplomacy and effort to preside itself as that responsible
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international player or is it indeed a viable security solution which is why will because it's been in place for several years it's not the 1st time that iran is trying to reach out to saudi arabia and the other countries 1st year andre's the initiative of you know regional regional dialogue and. it's. raised the idea of non-aggression pact based on observations but studies on the foreign policy based on living inside the country i can say that the idea of collective security in depression growth is something real for iran but it is the regional situation that you know leads iran to do balancing acts i mean mr is it his story history knows me or not many but the number of non-aggression pact that resulted in the actually in the war or world war i mean even if. iran and saudi arabia signed this document
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candy to really trust one and not there or it would be more like and then the aggression that joe many in the soviet union signed 18 years ago that the current situation of total lack of trust between the 2 countries and the situation that's broke out at any moments. you know loose from signing of such and such a document if at least it helps them to. lose faith face and they will lose their ability to. the saudis have friends i think have already lost face by you know being targeted. by the human body not being able to you know raise your kind of successful operation against against them so yes that this was help them it would help them you know because iran has many times
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iran has many times they're clear that it doesn't support human is militarily because it's simply impossible but it supports them politically if such a kind of the aggression parents signed between the 2 sides iran can help. you know the help so i would use and human use to negotiate a kind of compromise or peace deal or something like that so it would be results in preserving for years for do so does not using food now the current u.s. policy at least according to the your special representative for iran is not to make a distinction between the iranian government and the actors that it supports with legal assistance training funding even diplomatic support and i think it's pretty much the same for saudi arabia do you think iran's allies whether it is in yemen of whether it is in lebanon in syria and we are talking about non-state actors here do
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you think they. have to be covered by this non-aggression pact. iran had started to encourage the human years to come to a compromise and you saw the results in this so-called peace deal between the 2 sides it was the saudis who have produced you know ceasefire and it was a good sign i mean you don't try to show a good sign to do to the other side and these talks about the necessity of regional negotiations between iran and the west it's not something new it's been in place regional dialect recently iran and the european parties those more leverage on the human issue was in place before the recent wave that was collusions in the region so iran does have the leverage and it can do something on this and it's to my understanding is would be part of the deal because without that's of course it would be meaningless and of course for iran there are some conditions from saudi
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arabia because mom had been so so drawn prince said explicitly 2 years ago that it's wants to you know bring foreign so dear sir through so it would at least help alleviate those kinds of concerns and mutual interests mitchell sense of tourists from all sorts well my impression is that they're saudis are not impressed by this offer because in his latest interview the saudi foreign minister mr baer once again reiterated this all saudi and i think now is israeli trope of iran having to decide whether it is a revolution or a country and as i said they like this phrase a lot they're repeated a lot but it raises an important issue where sovereignty begins in athens and. you know some call mine rules about noninterference into other countries affairs even the of those countries happen to be your close neighbors thing iran would be.
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willing to make lasting commitments. firas commitments in this regard that it will not only put on paper but will actually comply with if you talk about interference if it wasn't your own this interference in human. you made it human which is. so the problem is that everything in this regard is somehow mutual if we talk about if we do if the saudis interpret this as a kind of interference they have to you know give the same commitments i mean i'm not talking about an offshore position because i'm not an officer i'm simply saying about the facts based on this. it's simply on realistic to ask you wrong to you know just be restricted to its internal affairs because it's easy
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in the region you know there are 2 different viewpoints to our security and there isn't among iran and. i would you let block and see for you don it's the regional countries against regional countries that see or trance regional countries for the saudis and news and the emir it is it's about iran versus arabs or versus sunni is iran does not believe in this it's a pretty asian iran believes in the possibility of a kind of the you know. collective security to be formed in the region but these kinds of different interpretations are going to read. through the current situation that's the problem is the we have to leave it there thank you very much for sharing your perspective thank you. our viewers to keep this conversation going in our social media pages and hope to see you again same place same time on the world's apart. her.
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son. says. because.
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of this connection to last him should ask for the last company and seeing and on monday today for the match. commission she would. gradually shift. to time describing the. command among. teachers mom. and i new car so sit on the open much to the mama just back. and. talk about one of the worst cases of predatory baxter's defrauding and abusing the poor and sick that i've seen in a couple years you know we've introduced you to many instances of bankers preying on folks but this is this is
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a this is really happening. sometimes i wish my kids. he. said they did so. with the switch from over. the top of my mind that you. are. told. that.
10:00 am
germany's federal prosecutor says they haul a shooter planned a massacre at a synagogue and hope to inspire others to do the same. also this hour turkey's military operation against kurds in the north east syria is into its 2nd day as the pressure on ankara over its offensive in the country mounts we speak to the president's spokesperson. you have to take it up on board if you cannot imagine a situation that americans with for example the branch of al qaida or doris along american mexican border just because prior to the air strikes again said drug cartels. and in ecuador after a week or.


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