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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  October 10, 2019 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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he probably didn't realize that as the global leader of geo commerce with the crisis for an app to worldwide put it if a company says something politically incorrect about another country it might not be such a big deal with china it's a big deal and a big deal it has been china accounts for over 10 percent of the n.b.a. is total revenue with over $490000000.00 fans within a few days every single n.b.a. partner in china has suspended their work with the league all in this tweet could all in this tweet could cost the n.b.a. close to a $1000000000.00 a 1000000000 with a b. this is the 1st time a tweet has cost a lot more than 140 characters though and 2013 the associated press twitter account was hacked and tweet that said breaking 2 explosions in the white house and barack obama is injured when this of course wasn't true but it ended up sinking the dow long enough that it wiped $136000000000.00 from the s. and p. $500.00 index in just about 2 minutes in 2018 kylie jenner tweeted her for tweeted
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to her followers asking so does anyone else not opens now and i mean more or is it just me ugh this is so sad than snapshot stock price dropped over 6 percent losing them a whopping $1300000000.00 in market value in august of 2018 tech billionaire in line musk went a little too green when he tweeted and considering taking tesla private ads for 20 funding secure even journalists have paid the price for tweets in 2010 c.n.n. senior editor for the middle east tavia naser tweeted that she had respect for a shiite cleric who'd been critical of israel the united states she was fired by c.n.n. for that tweet a tweet is not just a tweet anymore so let's find out what makes free speech so darn expensive start watching the hawks. knows. the. rules with this one. the bottom. line
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of the day like you are got. was that we. would. be a little. bit. and today we put dialogues over debate at tyrell banter and myself are you 2 distinct and therefore open to discussions featuring a variety of topics and guests with unique political viewpoints so let's step away from the tweets and into the gallery. joining me now in the gallery is the host of new to. our to correspondent sara modest r t america sports producer reggie and i have. who doesn't love to tweet but i just like to do my wrist and mr i miss everything i do better obviously
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you know tensions with china are unusually high sorry you you you report on this you've been there we've all you talked about the n.b.a. all of these issues. the people of china seem to be focused on the upper management for their sort of perceived side of disrespect. i want to show you guys for a 2nd here is a chinese fans' reaction to the controversially this week as they were at the mercedes-benz arena in shanghai china after seeing the lakers versus the nets there an exhibition game and what he had to say to get what i brought 900 chinese flirts with respect to the controversy these days we have to choose we will choose to support our country and we support specific sense of hopelessness and we are not the n.b.a. organization and with so i'm giving away chinese as i encourage people to put their national interests ahead of their and the following i will continue to support le bron james none of the chinese people would accept comments you took me by dear old
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morry and i'm so over. your sports your expert here on the panel what does this tell us about where these sports fans loyal to live our lives will still love le bron but we don't like your boss what is really interesting when you look at it like you said china is one of the biggest and the markets yell me one of those famous chinese basket players to come out of the n.b.a. he actually sits on the board of the chinese basketball association and he kind of was supposed to be the mediator between silver and they and we see that's not happening fandom is always been a monetary thing. organizations monetize their fans they want to be able to have that the message gross product for the n.b.a. and then it's a $7000000000.30 of that comes from china so while you have the people canceling their subscriptions and they're angry and they're not going to watch a 10 cent as a $500000000.00 deal stream n.b.a. games are not going to iraq it's games anymore you're going to see that loss of revenue but fans i think if they support their team sometimes they're willing to
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overlook it but in this case it seems like the government telling them no no no this is an offense to china even though you know we value freedom of speech here yeah. it's a little different scott you know china isn't it isn't like other countries their fears are fiercely loyal to their government when it comes to attacks from the outside there is a certain like you just don't do that because. remember what happened to all within the state that is cause us here is the deal here in america we have this thing called freedom of speech and sports has gotten political and whether you agree or disagree with things as fists in the air or nearly untempered here in america you still have the right to do that we have allowed that to happen this is where china it has backfired they thought you know what we're going to ban this we're going to you know we're going to put our money and americans with no we this is actually justifying the fight that america has had with trying to say that you don't respect freedom you don't respect human rights within your state your country so this is backfired because in america we might not get along but we still try to respect the
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others through speech even if we don't agree with it syria you've been you've been to china i mean this is the thing it's like very expensive tweets like how much can take these things cost whether it's you know. clearly a little too much green. trying to write a good trade to you know reporters all of that is this one of those senses where i want to know have you if you noticed that if the trade dispute and these cultural issues in china and china and hong kong which is a very complicated issue even for people who are from there do you think that this kind of this tweet and this whole n.b.a. thing is kind of talking about that is part of that i think it's part of showing people who feel a certain way about china especially in hong kong for example i mean something so political we've seen this i report on this really of this week that it's not just the n.b.a. there are other companies who kind of side with things are careful about what they
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say and i think it's all about the respectful way china obviously feels very attacked by this and i understand you know the chinese feel. they need to be loyal to their country and they're cutting these ties but at the end of the day these companies what they do is for profit these the citizens of china whether it's china or hong kong and their different beliefs i call kong while it is under china it is its own democracy so i think they are parallel but they are also different in the sense that the hong kong hers are are not exactly under chinese rule there are demands that some that have been met some that haven't and this is still ongoing the whole trade war these talks are going on this week i mean all of these other this other noise that's just contributing to the already high tensions that's not only economic it's now become so political intellectual property theft and now this it's just tensions are not going away but you do see a bipartisan republicans and democrats alike came out in support of the original tweet and said no no no we have freedom of speech here we're going to back them up and that was the only thing lately we've been able to get republicans and democrats
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to agree on is they said they were going to back them up for the freedom of speech and that brought a lot of the spotlight of what has been going on in china besides just their trade practices alternately though it's going to come down to whether or not this is going to help most people think this is going to have nothing to do or no impact they're saying that it might be a completely separate issue which it very well could be and might be and yes and that is into this sort of cultural issue that i think sometimes we forget that not everyone in america we forgot you know that there are certain things that we take very fiercely loyal like in china you don't create people from outside don't get to criticize we don't get to make comments and we can't control that as americans but what's interesting is that on another side of this idea very expensive tweets demi lovato a couple of months ago got paid to put out positive tweets about tweets and other about. the she went to ok she went to she went.
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try to make sure i say this very carefully because we don't want to end up in one of these. so she had reportedly been paid $150000.00 to be baptized in jordan and then to post content from her trip to israel and she was saying it was this very spiritual experience. but as a lot of people felt like it was a very political statement on her part given all of the israeli and palestinian tension. i mean it's not about the money that was involved in that is that we see here's the thing that you know what makes twitter different is because it's real it is it is very human as opposed to all of these other social media forms and the media that has filters on it twitter is real it is human which means humans make mistakes they can tweet something we've all tweet something like oh i wish i could do that that's why there's the delete button even though it's still there so when now if they're going to shake our confidence that twitter is not rog take a lover or not that the president tweets we know that is him out there tweeting it
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sometimes that's scary but at least we feel that's authentic in a world of so much greatness i fear now if that's where we're the road twitter is going down there people are paid to put out tweets even if they are positive that opens up a whole new can of worms of where you really do not believe what is reality anymore they want to villainize which i feel like with when it comes to celebrities play kylie jenner or you know demi lovato's trip to israel we want to be like oh they spent money on that and while that is wrong maybe she goes if she wanted to go for israel for. do that you don't need to be like hey i asked that money but i also think to a degree were looking for that way to ows she spent so much money on her she lived . there and we're trying to almost vilify that maybe it was actually a spiritual experience 850000. dollars where it wasn't world we live in the society we live in these days where you have a lot of younger generations as well becoming a part of this and looking at these social media platforms for getting attention or
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are gay. you know all of these payments for a warder let me out and pretend like this is the life i live and this is great and whether it's fake or real or what you know a lot of it mind you it's probably fake when it comes to twitter and posting really your opinions and things i think that's a little bit different but i i do see the way the celebrities uses twitter and how twitter itself is just and we have to go to the consequences do we say literally in this case when you were talking about it on mosque he lost a c.e.o. position over a tweet and i have a company that he created even though he was quite to you know quite challenging about freedom of speech or do we have the luxury of you know that's a question i guess is that we're looking at it now and obviously we'll need about 20 more of these panels to get there but i think the thing is twitter is forcing us to really think about what we say think about where it lives afterward and how much it will cost either socially or fiscally and we'll talk about that in the old i mean that in real life i know you have already reality to thank you guys so i've got e-mail heres. my hand thank you so much thank you for joining me here in the
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gallery this way and as we go to break don't forget to tell us what you think of the topics we've covered on our social media. watching not to broadcast now available on spotify apple music and everywhere you listen to podcasts coming up lycos style mentor every his guests into a little perception and perspective to the never ending afghanistan war and the l. and george w. bush controversy stay tuned to. the brain does nor should you hear the word soon. renewed with a return to the. car liberating you damaged. the word that comes up and certainly
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the brain is incredibly sent delegates. can damage some of the brain you can kill the patient does by damaging one of 2 millimeters of brains was. about one of the worst cases of predatory baxter's defrauding and abusing the poor and sick that i've seen in a couple years you know we have energy issues are many instances of bankers preying on folks and this is this is a this is really after. thinking of getting a new book on the loans we got in our shoes from the model as he didn't know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired coach you don't need a crate with him he will just stir reaching out into the wall when it's pretty much anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in in 2 main conditions on
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puppy farm i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. to get you. to get through kid. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a group businesses are involved like agoa mom son to there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dogs on o.t. .
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thank. you. and this connects to the last chance to ask for the last 70 and seeing and on the rest of the facts from. the commission so you know where to shift. disc in the. ocean in the long. lease you. know nuclear so said i'm not going much to the mama it's just that.
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the controversy is still swirling here in washington d.c. over u.s. president donald trump's decision to pull u.s. troops from the border between turkey and syria and all the condemnation and finger pointing over that decision which allowed turkey to launch a major offensive on the kurdish held areas in northern syria is coming fast and furious from both the left and the right side war hawks united states of america's war machine marked a truly tragic 1st in our nation's history a.b.c. news reports that this week black hawk helicopter mechanic private hunter 9 is about to be deployed in the afghanistan war a war that is nearly as old as he is yes. but nine's is 18 years old and was just
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7 months old when the war began back on october 7th 2001 when asked what he thought about serving in a u.s. war that is as old as he is he told a.b.c. news honestly i don't think a lot about it all i know is that i've got a job to do and that we're still over there right now and it's not done yet given our current political climate the end my friends is nowhere in sight of it and speaking of the afghanistan war the man who started it all the very reason that private nine's is now putting his life on the line to fight in a war that doesn't end george w. bush was making headlines this week with his new best the daytime talk show host ellen de generous after video of the 2 sitting together an n.f.l. football game went viral it seems that many were not exactly happy seeing the comedienne sitting with the man responsible for the iraq and afghanistan wars the surveillance state cia torture guantanamo bay aboud grob hurricane katrina aftermath lack of clean up i could go on and on and on. she took her show to quell
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the controversy stating that she is friends with a lot of people who don't share the same beliefs that i have just because i don't agree with someone on someone and everything doesn't mean that i'm not going to be friends with them because everyone yes we should be kind to everyone including the memories of the more than 1000000 people who have died as a result of your best these military industrial adventures at least that's my perception and perspective. joining me today is conservative commentator steve malzberg legal with media analyst live no line no media and r t america sports correspondent chris stock goes all right everybody so it is official 18 year olds in the military today are now being deployed into a war that has lasted their entire lives to this point is the war in afghanistan now should we now consider it one of the biggest military and foreign policy
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blunders in u.s. history the fact that we have 18 year olds who are going to live the same length as the war will go to you 1st steve. well with all due respect you know i love you george w. bush is not the reason that that brave 18 year old private is going to afghanistan he volunteered he's the reason he's going to afghanistan he shows as so many other thousands and tens of thousands of brave young american young men and women do they feel the need to serve this country they don't look at the way that you look at it they don't look at the way that others look at it they like he said i don't care that i'm going to afghanistan i have a job to do a job that he has chosen to do that's what americans do and the army and the navy of the air that the forces that we have now are volunteer so these are brave men and women who keep signing up to go to these places there must be something to it. puts you guys here at the table i mean it is this is
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a blunder and i go understand what steve saying they're volunteering but we've allowed a war that's gone on now 88 years their entire lives at this point there's something inherently wrong with that is it not lionel's that historically we used to look back at the korean war and say what the heck is this all about then came vietnam and we said i got this makes korea look even clearer nothing could be more vague in the vietnam war then came iraq but at least we left afghanistan you could stand in the corner of times square with a $1000.00 a day of anybody can tell me why we're here the money is yours most would say why we're aware now let's separate that from somebody who is voluntary we're not making fun of him obviously we're not i mean he signed up for the military not necessarily for this theater of war but my god is it ok for us to ask what the hell are we doing there what is this a buyout i'm tired of having more gold star families more walls and it's not wrong for us to ask why people are there congratulate him for his service thank
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you sir for your for your courage and your temerity but that notwithstanding what are we doing that's the question that's the course or are we betraying our military you know soldiers and these people that are volunteering to go do this by not ending this war by you have 3 presidents now and multiple members of congress over the years that have still not and did this war are we but training these soldiers and if this is true and you know like steve said 'd and i don't mention that while they are volunteer and we commend them for that some of our you would you could argue they're forced to join because they have no other way out of maybe either they come from a lower socio economic status or level and they need to provide for the family or they need to pay for school some way and this is the only way so the lower in that age keep it at 18 years old when you can't do other things in america such as joining the n.b.a. or congress for that matter which the age is $25.00 the minimum age which. means that they would want people in there who can make sound decisions because that
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scientifically is when the brain fully mature is according to science so if people in congress which isn't doing that well obviously have to be 25 in order to make those decisions what do you think an 18 year old going to be able to make a good decision in a foreign country with the with the with the killing machine on his shoulder i mean that's an interesting point is that age and that an idea of what we find to be adulthood that we are willing to send you know young soldiers off to go and fight in these wars for us but yet at the same time we don't allow them to have a beer they can't play in the n.b.a. they can run for congress and things like that i mean it is an interesting dilemma that we haven't figured out what adulthood is at this point i want to move on to something i think that we all could have a have a piece to say about in response to the ellen de generous and george bush you know this week actor mark ruffle tweeted out the following he said sorry until george w. bush is brought to justice for the crimes of the iraq war including america led torture iraqi deaths and displacement and the deep scars emotional and otherwise inflicted on our military that serve his folly we can't even begin to talk about
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kindness i'll start. with steve i'll go to you in new york is the criticism of allen justified should we be holding celebrities and members of the be accountable for who they associate with or is this just further splintering the nation's along partisan lines. it's only radical left wing nut jobs who would talk like this george w. bush last year a c.n.n. poll showed he had over a 60 percent approval rating so it's not the sentiment of the country that's speaking here it's the susan sarandon so of the world it's the same people like like a car resellers probably although i didn't see him when i would say some people need to be punched when the kid at the covington high school was in that standoff or the woman the writer from saturday night live sarah who said i'll perform a sex act on somebody who punches that kid it's the hate filled left who's made this into an issue in a story but iraq obama didn't approve gay marriage until 2012 bill clinton never
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did as as far as the war criminal that's a bunch of nonsense again that's the radical left who views george w. bush that way and probably every american president who ever got us involved in a war because they basically despise the country home because he's a big if there is ever an award given for somebody who go into statistics for a question that has nothing to do with it it's that man my friend. number 2 wary of my camera to mark ruffled iraq where on my mark sad shot list say to quote the great dr rodney king can't we all just get along she said the next time look i wasn't a fan of his and he was the president. it's now watching the game she's not running as his as his running mate i mean every seriously this has been as a player while nonsense stop it and mark ruffalo i think it was lyndon johnson who
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said when you've lost mark well follow you've lost middle america oh come on well you know it's interesting about where the outrage comes because when i look at this i look no one can make her own decisions at the same time i think people are allowed to quit. sizer decisions and i think when you when she sits up there next to george bush was a divisive figure who i believe is a war criminal i believe that the acts that him and dick cheney pulled off and lying to get us into the iraq war and the 1000000 people that died as a result of it do constitute severe criticism if not charges but we won't do that because well you know he's an ex-president we only do that on popular presidents but there's also the element of where she's sitting she's watching a football game no one's brought up the fact that and i'll go to you steve the n.f.l. doesn't exactly have a great history in terms of like you know the things that she stood up for like l g b t q rights and things like that you know violence against women and things of that nature that's true i mean the n.f.l. is known for trying to sweep like domestic abuse allegations under the rug they
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only when it when it comes to public outrage in the video releases when they say oh yeah ok let's let's suspend them now like ray rice for example go to that initially was 2 games when only the n.f.l. commissioner had allegedly seen the video once it became public that's when he was basically been banned for life so they've been kind of soft on disciplining their players when it comes to domestic abuse allegations and there's been cases of homophobia in the locker rooms of that and things of that nature so it's not exactly the most you know. friendly or it will female friend i got the solution guys waikato and hanger harasser and restaurants well i don't have a moment of peace and she's evil it well and here's my here's my thing at the end of the day the thing that really got me about this is the one the criticism came she just kind of came to this well we all just need to be kind we all just need to be this and things like that but she really didn't understand i don't think what the criticism was it wasn't because he was on the right it's because of the actions and the things that he oversaw and that to me says there's a strange cognitive dissonance and i'll end it on this i really do feel that when
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you reach a certain pay grade in this country and who you hang out with jerry jones is a millionaire george bush made quite a lot of money afterwards he hangs out with other millionaires and generous 1000000 or but there is a class difference of what they can see. or to be bad and what the rest of us who are in the lower classes think is bad but we're here with you when you were no you dear and i don't know you were seen a 1000000 dollars in my life why not do that you're still not over here. i was going to say just because you forgive somebody doesn't mean you totally relinquish them of the responsibility so you have maybe that each other side the arrows 'd in shasta and i would hope that she would take the time at least and other people take the time to save all my associate with wine for the study. come with she's not there it's a go but remember we are all i got to say i got to say thank you all 3 for coming on today always a pleasure steve malzberg lynell by the media and steve. thank you always a pleasure having you guys on in your viewpoints all right everybody that is our show but today remember when this world but we loved about tell you all i love you
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i am a robot keep on watching old fox another great day and. you long on the condition of the united states should remove the sanctions and then talks with a possible what's the united states refused to do so there is an increasingly strong us to argue the rights of states because of it all the funds used to do it so there wasn't a real concern that if you don't goes through the negotiation you negotiations with the united states and then the united states again refuses to move to sanctions like the same they did to north korea everything would be.
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the. next guys are saying that. they save money there. well i think it's going to be easy this is a central plank support diagram is kind of a problem right now so you stop the. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments there's a lot of conflict within the game between the teams most of the conflict i would say revolves around money and most of them money is made. close one on each of
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those he knows each other is good because the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of prison complexes you get some point in your life where. you don't care anymore nobody cares about you so you don't care might anything. german interior minister pledged to boost security for all synagogues in the wake of wednesday's attacks adding it's the country's duty to never again allow the rise of the seventy's an. environmental action group extinction rebellion rallies around the world for a 4th day but their efforts at the broken foot structure a backlash from locals visibly good morning to like in that whole dimension of the feeling of live even in the feeding he. needs to thinking that what the run of bad blood letting is of for all it's pretty environment. turkey use military operation against the northeast still.


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