tv News RT October 11, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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i. hundreds of people in a central russian city demand the execution of a murder suspect off the 9 year old girl is found strangled to death. killed. intensifies following more than a week of unrest. turning up the heat on joe biden but he publishes documents he says reveal corruption. and the u.s. presidential hopeful. a true legend. who
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as shock spread across the city a local resident was arrested and confessed to the crime. discussed the case with out he goes down off. old 1st and foremost what happened a lot of anger and paying that's what happened but 1st i would like to go back to the video that we just showed you just because it really it is really representative of the scale that's true in what happened as to how angry the people were like look at this here the rocking a police vehicle why because they believe that the murder was inside and they're all just i mean they were so angry at this man and a lot of people still are very few areas with him that the police had to actually when they 1st were out in the open that they did so they put a mask on him so that nobody could identify his movements for the time being and they apparently had to cover him with riot shields and basically put their bodies
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between him and the mob ascension and now what happened what's what is all this about on wednesday 9 year old lisa went to school and well never came back and her relatives and all kinds all the concerned people they were kept out of the loop for a very very long time so would come when it comes to a family well they were growing desperate. and the girls aren't we really need help we've been searching everywhere if you can help in any way trace contact us we've been looking for her since wednesday lunchtime where we've realized that she's gone missing a lot of volunteers along with the with the police were looking for the girl but there was no news no not negative not positive for $24.00 some 24 hours so eventually on a night from thursday to friday they went to this garage area it's literally like
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a sector where nothing but like garages people store their vehicles there they went there because they believed because there was a rumor. that the murderer of the suspected murderer was there a long while with the body of the girl when they came there they saw the police and i mean the the rocking of the police vehicle happened on that site and a lot of people they vented their anger at the law enforcement for well keeping everybody in the dark was. going yes. actually i was thinking if you. don't see how much good you think. you know something like brush your teeth yeah well eventually there was an official statement put out that the that they managed to detain the suspected murderer and where is the end the station at this point at this point the investigators they have questioned the suspect in this is back to the murder he admitted he admitted his guilt in fact we have
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a moment of his confession on tape. maury. very. very very. so his version of events was again all of these are his words and all of those have to be verified and checked and investigated by the police but he's saying that he kind of squatted in one of the garages illegally and the little girl little lisa she was just passing by and she asked him a question as to whether or not he knew who the garage belonged to so he figured that it must have belonged to her parents so it strangled her and what's the situation in the city right now well this is the city's a shaken up i mean it's it's not it's not the smallest cities some 800000 people live there but i mean still it's not it's not it's not it's not too big but people are scared and they want justice only volunteers gathered in front
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of the garage he was in a police car everyone was charlatan. give him to us and then he changed his clothes and the police drove him away god will judge him what else can i say these people should never be allowed out of prison but our government lets them out but this is just my personal opinion and now we're very afraid of livin our children alone in the street but their concern and their dissatisfaction is rooted in the fact that many of them believe that the law simply is right now is not capable of delivering a punishment well severe enough punishment this man is deserving of so there are calls for instance to bring back the capital punishment for him but i mean there's still a long way from that and the investigation is still ongoing. violent unrest the next door's capital has claimed more lives and what's been more than
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a week of protests against austerity thousands of additional people are among those demonstrating their leaders have condemned president moros decision to cut fuel subsidies as part of his loan deal with the international monetary fund. thank god god god. god. god god 9 days the rest in riots. is another day of silence as hundreds and hundreds of indigenous can still and in the capital they chileans townsend's that camp in just a cough tomorrow way of where i'm from and they straight just went straight to the to the national assembly line starts again we meet at the and they still action with police officer of more than 750 arrests and indigenous people say in 6
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protestors at being killed in the in these riots what we have behind me is the cost of the public building the theater actually they've used they set their headquarters and they actually kidnapped they retained 8 police officers here yesterday they had them or take hours off the released in them and and they had subject a list in there to the rest of the protesters the indigenous people said that it wasn't them it was an isolated incident incident but i have to say that today i've noticed a lot of tension with media as well i don't really like us showing anything around there they blame us for lots of things here they're going on in the country that's why we took a step back and but over there there's thousands and thousands of people still clashing with police they were armed in what i can only describe as a small army because they came in march in and they were where in.
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helmets and they were they were using homemade weapons sticks and then rocks and bottles they were headed straight forward to the national assembly but i've heard that their intention is to storm the presidential palace. one day so i'm pretty sure the intelligence community knows that and that's why they brace in and that's why they protected that presidential palace with the military force what we see in here if we can have a little town over there is plenty of police but not the military the military's not leavin the perimeter. presidential palace that they still question only with late if they try to storm the palace elfish will say the military won't stand that they won't step down so if that happens on monday that's going to be a bloody day there's been dozens and dozens of people injured among them dozens of policeman injured today we know that we've seen the footage from seeing the images
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they were very close to the national assembly and they've been badly hurt by molotov cocktails were thrown at them by protesting what they want i say they still want moreno out of the government if you can. that that austerity measures are scrapped subsidies for fuel basically diesel and gasoline if you can't do that they want him out and they want the minister of defense for sure regardless of what they say he he's not been handling the situation correctly and has been using excessive force actually lots of international agencies aborad he said that force being used here in quito has been excessive what we see now is violent clashes especially in the city center and tension tension after a non days of political unrest and riots here in ecuador. and ukrainian m p has published documents claiming to reveal corruption involving
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kiev and u.s. presidential hopeful joe biden 2014 biden was vice president and a go to man for ukraine while his son hunter was on the board of ukrainian gas company. got more details. with its big personalities and explosive revelations politics is like a good t.v. show take the biden's ukraine plot for example which is currently stealing time former vice president joe biden his son hunter trouble of course and the ukrainian president have recurring roles but a new character has appeared on the scene ukrainian m.p. andrey catch now captures and to center stage and accuse biden of making a pretty penny from his dealings in ukraine and with one company in particular mission it was conspiracy this was the transfer of the barisan to groups funds for lobbying activities as us to gauge his believe personally to judge i didn't through
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law being company funds the amount of 900 $1000.00 were transferred to the us based company rosemont seneca partners which according to open sources in particular the new york times as if. payment reference was payment for consultative services just a quick intro to the recent group as one of the cranes largest natural gas companies coincidentally or not hunted by tomorrow on its board of directors for almost 5 years ago he was entirely qualified for having no background in the energy sector many experience of ukraine but his father was the obama administration's point man for ukraine so why not any way to capture the published documents which show that over many years the brits macgruber almost $1000000.00 to a company called rosemount seneca partners before anyone cries foul and says photoshop spin up to its old tricks the money transfers can be seen black and white in a federal court fall from an unrelated new york lawsuit there's nothing concrete to
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suggest that biden sr has been sconce in a big leather chair rosemont seneca but let's just rewind a few years. the year is 2009. i know joe biden is riding high he's vice president but poor old hunt is not doing so well his cryptocurrency fund is going through a rough patch off to one of its key people and stanford is court right handed and charged with forward to the tune of a tidy sum the indictment alleges that stanford and his co-defendants engaged shouldnt scheme to defraud investors who purchased approximately 7000000000 dollars this year to future deposit c.d.'s administered by the stanford international bank ltd so hard to decide to see green a posture has and sets up a new company rosemont seneca partners he got such an christopher hines on board
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who conveniently happens to be the steps on a future secretary of state john kerry it's a small world of people who couldn't cash in on their family name whereas one seneca advertised itself as a consultancy that just wanted to help small and middle sized companies expand not just across the u.s. but into foreign markets too. the yen is now 2010 and raise months out of has partnered with a little called the stilton group and continuing his good company hum to chooses as his partner james bulger the nephew of new tourists us thanks to whitey bulger who modified a gruesome and in prison just last year so since ational was his life he even got a movie based on a. few other. become. criminals. when you see the movie. so here we have this
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happy trio the piece on the future secretary of state steps on and the nephew of a mob boss for lying around the wall trying to get money from investors. the year is now 20 thought teen and joe biden's on an official visit to china 2. and in photos from the trip hunters by his side just a regular focus on trip except 2 weeks later and his buddies signed off a $1000000000.00 investment contract from china is the wall just full of coincidences. the year is now 2018 and hunt is again in a bit of a pickle as co-founder of rosemont sanuk up owen fellow director of the barista group is charged with security fraud it's funny how many bad apples hunter has been
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surrounded by like i said every t.v. show has got big personalities and big revelations and it would seem very tangled web of characters. iran claims one of its oil tankers has been hit in a missile attack causing a fire the oil spill off the coast of saudi arabia more not story another says off of the but. we did get the. liberal team on social media to. the digits of 60.
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1 with traditional source from over. on the. poll. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or something want to. have to go right to be close this is what the full story in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the water using my. first sip.
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welcome back to the program donald trump is claiming saudi arabia has agreed to pay for the deployment of additional u.s. troops to the region this follows last month's attack on the country's all facilities. we are sending troops and other things to the middle east. but are you ready so already arabia at my request has agreed to pay out everything we're doing at the white house will send $1800.00 more troops to the region which will bring the total the plunder of u.s. forces of the kingdom to $3000.00 since mid september the u.s. will also increase the number of patriot missile systems and provide riyad with the defense system washington says it's all to counter the threat for more on after last month's attack on saudi oil refineries. and meanwhile an iranian oil tanker
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has reportedly been hit twice in attacks off the coast of saudi arabia a fire erupted following the incident along with an oil spill the blaze has since been extinguished and the leak contained to iran has condemned the attack suggestions conducted by the national iranian tanker company indicate the iranian tanker has sustained damage after being targeted twice and how far lee intervals from a police near its shipping route in the east of the red sea over responsibility for the act including the extensive environmental pollution in the region follow on those behind this dangerous adventurism and we go to expert analysis on the latest development from attorney at law. or pentagon official michael maloof who both think the u.s. is acting entirely for its own advantage. from my point of view we're not sure who did it but i think it's an action it's the americans that are probably really behind these 8 of these really are the english we're not sure but we can we can
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almost be sure that it's not something you know a lot of this is and then you can response to it and to destroy it that has been set down from the ninety's will decide. and so it just it just goes on and this is just very it's he's on electoral college to say now i see a lot of people but i'm try to take the peace i question the use of fads and patriots against stuff drones you need a low they're very difficult to pick up stuff drones which was the basis for the attacks that occurred. a month ago or so into saudi arabia and you need a lone low frequency radar system so i question the type of equipment that's going in and certainly they need. i was surprised that the saudis hadn't put. defense systems around their oil installations in the 1st place but be that as
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a may it's meant to show u.s. support for the saudis that equipment went in at the saudi request and of course are paying for it so that means more coins in the u.s. coffers so i think that it's meant to be very defensive in nature. the 1st ever man to walk in space has died legendary soviet cosmonaut alexei on off was 85 it was back in 165 feet marking a major milestone in the history of space exploration a lot of had an illustrious career he commanded the soviet half of the historic apollo so use mission and $975.00 that was the 1st joint space mission between 2 superpowers that's one of soyuz capsule docked with an american apollo capsule for 2 days in space with astronauts and cosmonauts switching between each other's units . that.
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this with the. shoulder and say . i. am. alone or falls also a writer and artist producing more than 200 paintings the big thing is adventures in space his name was given to moon traitors as well as streets and schools in russia and there are monuments to the cosmonaut in moscow r.t. sophie shevardnadze interviewed alexei one of several years ago he described what it felt like stepping into outer space for the 1st time what does the earth look like from the outside. go what we've got
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a blur. when i got out of the spaceship and stood on the shuttle edge i said suddenly indeed the earth is round we left the spaceship at a height of almost 500 kilometers from the nidia point to the horizon i could see a circle with a radius of almost 2750 kilometers i could see 5500 kilometers which is half of the year. it looked like a globe or a very good map of some parts were covered with clouds and it was so quiet it was so quiet i could hear my heartbeat i could hear my breathing it was all because of the earth all of a sudden i heard attention attention someone has gone into space and is floating weightless lee. at the back of the back of the. cab. and it was even more surprising to hear the legs
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a please come back soon that we're waiting for you on earth it was in a britain of speaking. it was a mixture of joy grief and sadness something absolutely extraordinary journey get all this took some 10 to 12 minutes that's dimming all this by how long did the flight take with what's this just sort of 26 hours. its length was not the main objective it was impossible to surprise anyone at that time the question was whether it was possible to live and working in outer space. i was to solve this problem. you can watch artie's documentary taking a space walk on our website on a special project on a space exploration that's r t $360.00 on our you tube channel producted tonight is coming up next i'm up half past 4 in the morning here in moscow where of course back in half an hour's time with all the latest global news headlines see about that.
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on this edition of crossfire we demystify serious kurds almost all of the criticism launched against syria policy is not rooted in facts actually back criticism is driven by false narratives and the inability to admit that international proxy war to overthrow the damascus government has failed the sooner all american troops leave syria the better for syria and the region. the son of ron paul. says good good good. let's not. just look.
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at this contest among them to laugh and ask for the past 70 and seeing and on the day to day for that. commission. brats who just shoot on disk in the. ocean coming up the long. beach it was. no new car so set on the open my eyes to the mama that are. you know world a big part of the movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we
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need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the. shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. thank you. thank you thank you. thank you this is a comedy show we're americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents. this week kevin leman the current secretary of homeland security and a former commissioner of customs and border protection went to give a speech at georgetown law school here in d.c. so he's a peace is in charge of overseeing our borders as importers are just something
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we're told to believe in like the tooth fairy or santa claus or trickle down economics or the american dream you know what we're told to care i have a lot about the borders so that we hate other human beings i don't know about you but i have more in common with a dirt poor mexican farmer than i have it common with mega rich douche bag like jeff bezos or george soros or jay z. . at least the farmer knows what it's like to have to use porta potty like. because none of those other guys have used one in 3 decades ok but but let's be honest the moment that you decide yeah i'm going in there. that's the moment we're most human. anyway let's get back to the secretary of homeland security kevin
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mclean and i'd like to play some of his speech that he gave this week because i think it's very important that we as as citizens of this fine nation give him a chance to tell us about all the wonderful things he does you know maybe he'll tell us how he can fit a child in a small tupperware container. maybe maybe whole let us know how to best teach border patrol agents to be so very racist right here like i could i was trying to figure out do you show them swatches of skin colors and whenever it's darker than say and uncooked marshmallow you might come on the nose and go bad bad. please mr secretary tell us your secrets.
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