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tv   News  RT  October 12, 2019 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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a journalist accuses his former network n.b.c. of trying to impede his pulitzer prize winning exposé of harvey weinstein's alleged sexual abuse is hillary clinton the most standing in the way. dan suspected of murdering a 9 year old girl was taken into custody hundreds of rallied in the central russian city of surat of demanding the death penalty he spoke to the girls aren't. you lisa was an ordinary sweet guy she did dancing and gymnastics just as sweet child. as u.s. politicians celebrities and media express their sympathy for the kurds defending against the turkish offensive we look at whether the group is really values by this supposed that american support it's.
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very good even thanks for joining us here on r.t. . in a new book a former n.b.c. news employee details the difficulty you see face trying to get the network to run a sexual abuse expose and farrow accuses the channel of trying to kill is 2017 investigation into the now disgraced hollywood producer harvey weinstein claims too that even hillary clinton did her best to get in the way and reports. harvey weinstein the man who triggered the me too movement for more disturbing accusations emerged about hollywood executives are the one seen the most powerful man in the hollywood was a serial predator or up to 67 accusers ranging from inappropriate touching to rape they've been sexually assaulted by this monster is terrible terrible advantage disgusting even the former 1st lady couldn't stay away because women stick together
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i was shocked and appalled i was just sick i was shocked i was appalled the issue really is how terrible his behavior was and finally women have come forward to speak out about it this almost became a story that could have been because the investigation into weinstein in the rape allegations was almost killed by a channel that considers itself to be a bit of women's rights there has been no clear example this year of journalism's ability to change the world training films do almost nothing to stop the harassment when it comes to women and sexual harassment and a topic you know i care a lot about it appears need to movement has finally hit wall street ronan farrow a pulitzer winning journalist says that n.b.c. wanted to end his investigation they ordered a hard stop to reporting they told me and a producer working on this that we should not take
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a single call they told us to cancel interviews the question for years has been why why because the network got a call from a certain harvey yes the same harvey harvey weinstein who threatened to expose matt lauer's nefarious activities if the story saw the light of day well it did anyway and farrow went to the new yorker and even wrote a book catch and kill weinstein made it known to the network that he was a well behaved and capable of revealing it and it looks like hillary clinton didn't want pharaoh's investigation to be published either her of all people hillary clinton had scheduled an interview all of us at the head of the one. reporting and her folks got in touch and said we hear you're working out a big story sounded very concerned and tried to cancel that interview over the weinstein over the weinstein stuff there are claims that clinton's publicist approached him and pressured him to drop the story that what he says was weinstein's behest clinton's press people tried to distance themselves from the scandal i genuinely respect roman's work but have no idea what weinstein was saying
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to people to save himself what i do know is simple i've already rejected the weinstein code proposed dog about the election before talking to ronin if i misrepresented facts it wouldn't be the 1st time and b c denied any wrongdoing and b c news signed the harvey weinstein's story to ruin and we completely supported it over many months with resources both financial and editorial of to 7 months without one victim witness on the record they simply didn't have a story that my standard for broadcast no that's of any major news organization now for n.b.c. to say that ronan farrow didn't have a story has got to be embarrassing at this point not only did he expose the rich and powerful but he got a pulitzer prize for doing it makes you wonder if news outlets ditch their principles when the powerful start pressing i think his words can entirely be trusted i think what we're seeing right now is just the advancement of fake news in
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america you know it's like the president said just last week it's no longer fake news it's now corrupt news and n.b.c. has jumped right on that train you would think that these liberals would be all about this being that they preach social justice and feminism and women's rights but the reality is that these people have deep pockets i think that hillary clinton is only about women's rights when it's convenient for her so when you have somebody like weinstein who is able to contribute to the democratic party and able to you know have the media on his pockets because of the amount of money he has the agenda for these democrats goes out the window we've been shown this to. in time again that money talks over policy so they can pretend that the policy is something that they want it here too but the reality is when their friends have money and their friends can finance their campaigns and finance their agendas they play dirty and i think hillary clinton's about as dirty as they come she's right down there with harvey weinstein. the central russian city of surat self is in shock
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over the murder of a 9 year old girl the suspect has been taken into custody after confirming his guilt suspects the 35 year old local who claims that he killed the girl for the garage she used to belong to her parents and that she would tell the others have been protesting since bill's body was found demanding the death penalty for the month. it was such good. luck that the. locals all mourning the deceased go placing flowers where little lisa's body was
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reportedly found we spoke to the girl's aunt in the family's 1st interview since the tragedy. which lisa was an ordinary sweet guy should adopt seeing and gymnastics just a sweet child i'm not sure she would talk to strangers on the street she was an open and trusting child but she was told not to approach strangers or to respond to unknown man she was a good and sweet child he says grandmother quote me when they discovered she was not at school she said lisa had disappeared. it's obvious that they needed a form such parties people started such a long that path but it was all in vain if we did not expect such a public reaction we simply began to post requests for help on social media and people responded and it resulted in such a big. part
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of this that i expressed my deepest scratch teach the people it is an incredible response many thanks really he says mother is holding on as best she can you. don't see this with it's all the children go to school that way when i saw paul for the past time i was shocked it was terror. well i understand the anger of some people they ask why let a child go along the path but a lot of children use it every day it was a mucky officials have promised to ensure the child to school is safe and i hope the measures will be taken but we will not sit he says mother will write to them again and again. the pentagon has called on turkey to stop its operation against kurdish forces in northern syria since as anchor is destabilizing security in the region and putting in danger u.s. allies the defense secretary marcus persist that they will not take action in the
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conflict we oppose and are greatly disappointed by turkey's decision to launch a unilateral military incursion into northern syria this operation puts our s.t.'s partners in harm's way to be clear we are not abandoning our courage partner forces but i will not place american service members in the middle of a long standing conflict between the turks and the kurds. peace bring began on wednesday with turkey launching airstrikes on kurdish positions prior to the operation the us had withdrawn its forces in the area something could see is a betrayal withdrawal sent shock waves across america with many condemning trump for turning his back on the allies for the seem to be double standards of the issue because the explains. the kurds a hero's shout that people who couldn't point out on the map where the kurds live brave say the people who never have never would fight alongside them how how could try betray them say the people who couldn't care
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less about. it's just fashionable these days playing the card using them to get attention or for pathetic little political games where is the honesty is the truth. well let's try c.n.n. in this case you're looking at not only betraying the kurds and betraying some of our other allies in the gulf region what the president has done to the kurds the betrayal of the kurds to be butchered by the turks. are the ground forces that destroyed the caliphate with american air power we've abandoned them there breaks my heart the message is clear c.n.n. stand by the kurds or well rather some cnn's other cnn's want those terrible kurdish terrorists stamped out as soon as possible
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this year not to go to c.n.n. time right now on the frontier of the border point you saw it was one of the 1st targets of the p.k. k. terrorist organization as you can see at that point there was a huge explosion that area is in the hands of the p.k. k. terrorist organization and we see an end price of the boundary approximately 70 meters away and the areas that you see around us all of them are in the hands of the p.k. k. terrorist organization absolutely remarkable c.n.n. turk license is the name on the condition that they adhere to cnn's strict journalism standards so how how did the same journalistic standards and with one c.n.n. almost worshipping kurds and the other c.n.n. all but cheering their deaths but come on picking an easy targets what sane person trust journalists these days scratch the journalists what about celebrities
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with their newfound admiration for. surely they're sincere i want you to ask can there is blood on anyone's hand starting with has a president trying to is letting this happen because these people are being slaughtered after standing with our troops in the middle east. for extremely long time fighting against terrorists powerful words from the daughter of the late john mccain like father like daughter but i've been so mad this morning and so upset about this news that we are abandoning our kurdish allies in the middle of august these are allies of ours that american soldiers are still continuing to fight alongside all we did was arm them and they fought for america and to everyone in the white house and every republican who was mad at president obama pulled out of iraq you unpatriotic cowards that feckless unpatriotic callid is also your daddy meghan all of you not see in this photo there is your
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father and next to him is syrian rebel commander general salim idriss who your daddy did his best and train who is now eradicating those same kurds we are ready for the operation to the east of the free t. s. these lands are currently under the control of the syrian democratic forces group which includes the kurdistan workers party ringleaders these terrorists occupying our homes but c'mon meghan mccain isn't john mccain she may have reason to fame entirely for being his daughter that doesn't mean she have different opinions again last example justify this contradicting yourself we destroyed i says with the help of the kurds we can't abandon the kurds now we can't turn it
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over to turkey to think that will work is really oh really mr graham seems like there's 2 possibilities either the senator really supports the kurds with his heart or he's just another spineless hypocrite using that to score cheap political points. case you're on the fence enjoy this it's the recording of a righteous senator speaking to pranksters who pretended to be the turkish minister of defense you're why p.g. kurdish problem is a real problem i told president trump a bomber made a huge mistake and relying on the lie p.g. kurds everything i worried about has come true and now we've got to make sure that turkey is protected from the spirit in syria sympathetic to the white p.g. problem and those depressed quite frankly it honestly seems like principles and integrity going extinct i feel sorry for you abandoned by your
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allies facing invasion death and on top of all of that every 2 faced hypocrite has crawled out from under the rocks to use your hurt your pain your suffering for their own pathetic advantage. meanwhile kurdish officials say that there was an escape attempt by isis family members from the al hold refugee camp in the region of northern syria attacked by turkey escape attempts caught on video cam security stopped them fleeing officials had dozens of residents attacked the exit gate of the camp where tens of thousands of isis relatives are stationed a spokesperson for the kurdish forces said the security situation in the area was critical since turkey began its offensive on northern syria on wednesday similar warnings have been raised not only by kurds but internationally as well. the version does not only threaten the reactivation or revival of islamic states but
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has revived and activated it stills income italy and other areas where they're fighting on 2 fronts one against the turkish invasion and another against the organization the. statement told with a friend. well they're going to be escaping to europe where they want to go military action will undermine the security of their local partners namely the kurdish forces and risk protect it is stability in northeast syria providing 1st time a ground for did a sergeant. 100 thousands of i saw militants where will they go this is a real threat to all of us the pentagon is denying any responsibility for isis prisoners in the area insisting that is turkey's job. as i understand it the united states has no legal responsibility for those detainees the turkish military has responsibility not only for the prisoners for collateral damage military since all
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the rest of it in the areas in which they're conducting a large scale military operation there is big doubt that he would be able to do with that 1st of all will rise to that particular camp and find them safely guarded or will be most of them gun or even if. i mean many students that how they will deal with them their main road has to be on the europeans taking consideration members most of them to europe begins they brought up there and you would hope. that if they did not feel much to stop them coming to see me it is simply they know their way to go back or 2 loads of it to another country is they managed to go through. that they managed to do this he believes that they have realized. so they could be as well they could leave that blaze and go somewhere we don't know to europe to other countries we don't know for sure that
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are at risk. for the deadly attack on a mosque in west africa stay tuned for that story and do this after the break. we've got a crumbling infrastructure roads bridges tunnels are not working we've got students that are in massively in debt and probably will never add to the productivity of society all because of this. propaganda that debt doesn't matter we just know it to ourselves. in a world of big partisan route. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each
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other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. at least 16 people are being killed in an attack on a mosque in the west african nation of the gunmen opened fire inside the building during friday press. discussed the issue. reports have just come in as you said 16 people have been killed and 2 others seriously injured in a mosque attack in the kenya fast so this actually happened late on friday though only now beginning to piece together the story because there's very little information
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even now what we do know is that a number of unidentified gunman opened fire in a mosque in a village in the rules of the west african country and this is not the only country suffering from attacks well no again we don't know anything about the motives of the group involved in this particular attack but we can say that the incident is a rat in the region i mean became fast and has been battling in as the most insurgency and we're seeing the terra spill into for example mali which is in the conflict with the hardest. and in fact to the very start of october we saw one of the deadliest attacks in the region in recent times and that was off to mali and on the bases on the border with with you know with targeted or not result in the death 8 soldiers and several dozens are still missing as is often an affiliate of al qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack this of course led to
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heightened pressure on the 1000000 government from its people who say that not enough is being done to tackle the issue of the is a missed insurgency and this frustration was really bolstered by cries of several other west african countries who are worried obviously about the spillover into within their own borders why a particular. so while islamist this is a hot spot is something they want to get their hands on because it's part of a vast space called so how and this is a land that stretches from africa to coast all the weight or trade and for them they believe that if they can establish their presence in that region and gain access to certain major ports they'll be able to establish a clear. trafficking route for both drugs and weapons from a wider perception of what's the international reaction to what's going on in the region while the international community would argue that it's doing its best to try and calm the conflict the e.u.
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for example is committed to building security in the region and it's keen to prevent any spillover of crime terrorism and crucially migration it is of course in the europeans interest in order to get to the root of the issue so that they do not have any mass migration to the continent which is obviously as we well know a controversial and divisive political issue in europe since 2015 the french for example of got boots on the ground on the ground and various nations including the u.k. germany and spain sent in surveillance aircraft they've been a bit more hesitant to send in troops but there's been little success from these efforts because the contributions are widely considered small poorly coordinated too often just come too late and that's possible was the sort of final point here that cynics would say that international efforts to help including providing aid as well as troops are part of a wider geopolitical game the u.s.
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and china for example are both keen to gain influence all across africa since it provides an amazing opportunity for infrastructure including the building of ports of railways of roads china is actually slightly ahead in the race for sort of trade and influence in the region so a lot of political issues in play here africa is important strategically and unfortunately all these major powers of jostling for influence in the region we are seeing an increasing number of attacks just like this. going syrian crisis russia's middle east policy and economic ties with arab countries just some of the topics to step on in a far ranging interview given by putin to r.t. r a big. sky news will be showing the interview in full on sunday on r.t. international here and also watch it on the web site on dot com for now here's a preview. they stepped out of the woods 1st if anyone thinks that seizing tank is an attacking oil infrastructure can in any way affect cooperation between russia
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and iran friends saudi arabia and the u.a.e. that they can undermine or break down our cooperation with opec plus then they are profoundly wrong. you're a big country like iran which has existed on its territory for thousands of years it has its own interests persians and iranians have lived here for centuries and we should respect those interests those that as our butts of which if you are so you need to have dialogue to understand each other to puzzle out all the nuances intricacies and issues without dialogue you cannot solve any problem that is why i think i can share the concerns of the u.a.e. and saudi arabia but in the case of bilateral issues it is up to them to resolve them which is to you. to all the forces deployed illegitimately inside any sovereign state in this case syria must leave this is true for everyone if syria's new legitimate government chooses to say that they have no more need for russia's military presence this way just as true for russia right now we are discussing this
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openly with all our partners including iran and turkey and we spoke about it with our american partners many times and i will be open with you as i have been with my counterparts in syria must be free from other states military presence and the territorial integrity of the syrian arab republic must be completely restored. you work for russia today don't you while it is because of people like you that russia wake used of meddling in the election. if it isn't becomes a had to fees if it's to saudi arabia the united arab emirates which will be the 1st since 2007 early a russian journalist visited the saudi oil refineries attacked last month as was said this is all working again but some of the destruction is still visible oil and straight along with regional security are on president putin's agenda during his visit to saudi arabia. stay with i'll tell you about it states with more.
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of this connection to moment allowed him should ask for the last 70 and seeing and
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on monday for the rights. commission. richard just shoot on disk in the. green. zone leachate mom. you know you care so so i don't know pretty much the same mama it's just our yanno. thinking of getting a cue from the ones we got in her shoes from groundwater as he didn't know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired coach we don't need a crate with him the wall just. freaking out into the wall when it's pretty much anywhere near it fells and so greeting dogs are caged in in human conditions on
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puppy farm i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection. for you. it's 2 kids. across the us cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a good businesses are involved like cargill and mom santa there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dog on o.t. .
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i'm after a time here we're going on the ground as donald trump's campaign to end endless wars is raised at syria discussions in the un security council while turkey bombs could positions previously subsidized by the usa coming up on the show as major nation politicians could leave in london for the annual they too. parliamentary assembly how will they cope with trump's defacto peace policy we talked turkey with a former m i 6 by who is one of a sama bin laden's top al qaeda operatives and will trump keeping his promises on stopping u.s. wars within the white house again in 2020 we ask a pair of 2020 congressional candidates from both sides of the aisle all the more
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coming up in today's going underground but 1st as the nature of parliamentary assembly meets today here in london is the organization in crisis as donald trump arguably gives the green light for nato member turkey to invade syria and wipe out u.s. backed kurdish militias joining me now is a former ally of asama bin laden turned m i 6 by ayman. thanks for coming on so dominic grab u.k. foreign secretary is hosting this whatever it is need to parliamentary assembly where loads of politicians gather what shape do you think nato is in today of to troops decision to withdraw u.s. troops role in syria i think trump was trying to save nato. as it is because he realized that the number of american troops there in northern syria read a small and he knows that are gone is incredibly difficult person to deal with look at what happened with that 400 then and i should have to fight you know a deal where he preferred that 400.


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