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tv   Keiser Report  RT  October 12, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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it crowds out investment which is isn't doing that at our level of the doubt that at that at the doubt that a see that's the straw man the cowardly lion dorthy or a munchkin you know but talk krugman is making a couple of bold 'd statements there number one that we only know money through ourselves and number 2 it's not crowding out productive investment and this is one of the outrageous really moronically things this guy has said this is gotta take the cake well of course on twitter if people write in all caps usually that's a sign of they're not very well up here so i think he seems to be doubting himself even he leaves an exit at the end which many misspells you know if it only makes us poor in aggregate if it crowds out investment which is isn't doing right of course it's crowding out investment you know we've got a country we've covered many times it's
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a dysfunctional emergency room that takes up 1718 percent of g.d.p. disguised as a country we've got a crumbling infrastructure roads bridges tunnels are not working we've got students that are a massively in debt and probably will never add to the productivity of society all because of this the propaganda that debt doesn't matter we just know it to ourselves but of course he's failing to mention that as a baby boomer who came on line came into his career when interest rates were 16 percent on the 10 year note thanks to paul volcker he's ridden the wave of lower interest rates this entire time and pocketed that money handsomely and he has the temerity to say he's a victim also because this truth is so unpalatable to the unwashed that he would make more money if he actually told the benefits of what would be a non keynesian approach the economy but he sticks with his kenyan approach and he takes the cut in pay or that their new york times because i'm a victim oclock rodman all these flash your cars. there they're actually talking
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about the real economy or getting paid more than i am or absurd to avert their mobile or growing baby boomers so what age were they in 1991 when we went off the gold standard well they were like 161-718-1920 years old they were the 1st in on this pyramid scheme that became this global system so of course they're going to love the system you don't want it and they've had free money forever but debt is money we owe to ourselves and what he's saying he's not saying ourselves the baby boomers ourselves he's saying generations easy and some of the money els so millennial is are now putting every day items like shoes in sweaters on payment plans of course this is the layaway plan though we all know here in america if you grew up during the seventy's you went to sears and you put things on a layaway plan right usually to buy a washer or dryer a big item for your home your sofa refrigerator things like that well here
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millennial is are now doing that with sneakers or shoes or a sweater so they're putting it on the layaway plan $100.00 item and this is a result of this pyramid scheme where the mantra has been said for the last 40 something years is money putu or self. sells really really really really it is it is there not to mention 30 percent of it or more is foreign creditors so it's not even statistically or factually correct it's just like repeating the same boulder dash over and over again hoping nobody mentions or understands or notices that it's completely nonsensical and he's bankrupting the current generation yet he's a guy who got in early on the ponzi scheme and he's pushing this mean that debt is only something we owe to ourselves it has no consequences financially even though you see the financial problems developing with your eyes if you're opening your eyes people open definite kading in san francisco. los angeles as the
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infrastructure of society collapses because the investments been crowded out by the rise of the engineer rise in asset prices due to the manipulation of interest rates lower as we've been talking about for quite some time but he seems to think that oh i happened to have some assets that went up a lot in price therefore i must be right. and the fact that i have such really caused an enormous dislocation and enormous poverty remember infant mortality rate in america is up your life expectancy is down this is how pyramid schemes get sold and schemes are those most marketing ponzi schemes is because there are indeed genuine winners and if you're in 1st you are a winner and of course they believe it they believe no kids why are you being so negative it's so easy but i mean i am generation x. after paul krugman of gen he's the baby boomer generation i know for a fact my costs of going to university are you sail away were
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a lot cheaper than what they are now i was able to pay for my rent and lived on my own pay for all my books and i was an english lit major and that's a lot of books pay for a university all working part time at a stationary shop and brentwood so i could do that then can anybody do that now no but i did have to pay it like going like i couldn't put it on the layaway plan i didn't put i didn't take out any debt so in a way it seems easier to most young students now it's like oh i'll just take out $100000.00 loan to take out the next 4 years and then you merge into this burden of debt that never goes away in a deflationary environment right i mean just swap out paul krugman 2 words and put in you know how bernie made off with say this one percent return i get every month for 25 years is money i pay myself i want the one percent i make is money i pay myself the one percent i make is money i pay myself as bernie made. off so paul
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krugman is saying bernie made off was a genius bernie made up in his ponzi scheme are the example of how you should run the u.s. economy even though it's causing an encrypted like i said i mean how does this guy read the other parts of the newspaper that's the talk about infant mortality rising life expectancy declining open definition in major cities across the nation does even though i mean this is this is the sign of guilt as well i think because there are these things called affirmations that a lot of people too much time on their hand tell themselves they feel guilty so they tell themselves affirmations i had i knew a person who inherited a huge fortune and this person then spent all their time telling themselves that i deserve this wealth i am worthy of this wealth i am better than most people like that this person literally had to tell herself that all the time with no it's all over the house and stuff like that so here again like let's look at some of the consequences debt is money we owe to ourselves debt is money we owe to ourselves german banks start passing negative rates to retail clients now that germany's 2nd
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largest cooperate of lender has started charging retail customers to account for negative interest rates other german banks are worn warming to the idea bloomberg says berliner vox bond is applying a negative point 5 percent rate on deposits of more than $100000.00 euros deutsche bank and commerzbank indicate they're considering similar moves germany's banks have resisted passing on negative rates to resell clients but have run out of ways to offset the effects on earning so they're coming for this is this is customer a and customer b. they're both german they are ourselves this is debt we owe to ourselves that we owe to ourselves what they're the 2 people are ourselves person a and person b. and person a has a savings account with 110000 euros in it and we were going to take some of that to pay off all the bad debts of a customer a big that's that's what he. means when these are debts we owe to ourselves right
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and of course that's degrading they savings of the economy it's also causing massive. nonproductive. of the economy and i mean this is only getting deeper what these negative interest rates are only getting more pronounced are coming to the u.s. as many of our guests have predicted yes mark you sco said recently that 38 percent of the companies on the s. and p. $500.00 cannot meet their current debt obligations from current earnings so because they just rack up debt because that is money we owe to ourselves and they just keep on paying it to stay flat you know of course that is the that is the mantra of course of fracking as well like they have never made money in 10 years but they just keep on saying there is money we owe to ourselves and julie and julia and they're never going to wait when he will take you to doing it and that result and things like this have by and the repo market is one of the many side effects of the insane belief from central banks that they can create enormous distortions in
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markets and somehow prevent the collateral damage is create a tsunami expecting to manage the wave. yes indeed they are creating a tsunami of bad debt and expecting they can manage the results of this catastrophic natural disaster and this is a financial disaster due to the financial pollution of all this junk debt that's been pushed into the economy and causing massive dislocations and there's the i mean the most appalling thing that we're going to saying there is that the debt has been pushed up productive economy when we know for i mean when j.p. morgan is now being investigated for criminal racketeering and that's the biggest bank in the us you know that that's the result of interest rate manipulation and this montra we only debt that we owe to ourselves he's jamie dimon is not being investigated as a mafioso criminal racketeer and the new york times and paul krugman is giving him
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his blessing is disgusting so i mean let's continue on this topic of debt is money we owe to ourselves and the fact that the central banks and the likes of paul krugman these economists that work for the central banks they hire thousands of economists who spend the day sitting in a room at the federal reserve bank of new york of st louis of san francisco of atlanta they sit in these rooms and they say debt is money we owe to ourselves that is money we owe to ourselves and they write it on the chalkboard and this is what they do all day long and they must you know you see this reflection a fractal of everything around us our geopolitics is a reflection of our central bank policy we've created these monsters of debt and we have it has to we keep on telling ourselves it's just money we owe it to ourselves right it's going to be ok it's going to be ok and they keep on doing all sorts of q.e. for internet intervention in the repo markets you know asset purchases all sorts of stuff negative interest rates to try to control the disaster that the intervention
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they had before what we've intervened all over the world geopolitically to sustain also the global economy and there are corporate. levels and so every intervention leads to another consequence another nation we must invade another you know so we have these like monster is everywhere we look. holding together this this fragile economy with too much too many interventions and all one has to fit just one has to fail the whole thing comes out and there is paul krugman cheerleading on the sidelines yea. it is a fan favorite will be in the 2nd half to go i stay right there. paradise with some ground turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these
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chemicals have consequences they are major irritant there's no question otherwise why would the chemical company workers themselves be geared up and suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with it because the people have less political power. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness.
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thank you because you know you probably won't be done. you know it's still trapped in this tiny little wired conch we don't need a crate with him he will just stir freaking out and she will want to spray him anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in the into lane conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. to get what you. can get through chaos across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold and at stores even joined a group businesses are involved like agoa mom center there has been
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a shocking amount of organized opposition to efforts to increase the sands of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding facilities most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dog. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser it's time now to go to fan favorite alister michael out of gold money that com as always for this cause or i am an investor in this company alister welcome back hello max already let's get into this so alistair nobel economist paul krugman says that debt is money we owe to ourselves and it keeps repeating this like a rhesus monkey over and over again debt is money we owe to ourselves some kind of nervous breakdown or what have you but he keeps repeating this over and over again
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what is he trying to say there your thoughts well i say i saw the tweet as well my response to it was he's got to believe because without believing that the whole of any argument he has just falls apart i mean what he ignores is the fact that you know debt is owed by different people. to different people and you know a debt is a debt simplist thus. you know the homes saved. you know this debt these debts are being pushed on to future generations and as we talked about the 1st half of the show the current generation and the future generations are having to inherit this debt so it's not debt that they owe ourselves i mean it's that that they have to be cleaned up by the future generation so he's just pushing the kicking the can down the road and a most kind of greedy way allister precisely that he obviously works on the basis that he thinks debts never need to be repaid and in
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a sense this is what people think you know they take and they don't think it needs to be ripped repaid and the people who are most of course are governments right and of course. i don't understand why i keep repeating this mantra some kind of self-hypnosis i gasp as you point out if they if they were to shatter the illusion here there are a whole paradigm what would cry. bull now let's move on to german banks for a 2nd they are now passing on negative interest rates to their retail customers you've been warning about this for a while isn't this what paul krugman is talking about customer a is made to pay the debts of costs or maybe be through as actually wealth confiscation the banks simply doing while confiscation for one guy giving it to another guy alister now you're absolutely right negative interest rates basically rob the saver and pay the borrower to borrow is this complete lunacy. right so let's talk about european banks because i guess the idea
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was these negative rates are going to help european banks but in fact they're hurting european banks and if the timing the banks why are they keep doing it even if the bank of international settlements just reported that the bond buying programs are distorting markets alster well with entirely i mean you know if you if it hurts when you bang your head against a wall stop banging your head against the wall i mean you know it's complete lunacy what they that and i mean we know that reducing interest rates doesn't work but it plays to this idea that interest rates are an unnecessary costs for borrowers progress however you want to define it i mean that's complete nonsense interest rates reflect the future possession of goods compared with current possession is his time preference but of course central banks don't understand that they merely
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think it is a cost of money they think it is usury they would rather do away with interest rates completely they have a right and whether of course they find that there are consequences i'm afraid we're all going to find out in the next year or 2 probably in the next month or 2 i mean this thing is speeding up quite rapidly i think. let's talk about. well your latest piece and your latest piece your research can be found on gold money dot com and these are must read pieces especially in these times where you've been talking about what we now see on folding you've been preparing folks for it now it's all happening you predict an inflationary depression how is that even possible aren't all depressions deflationary. well no it depends how you define deflation i mean deflation is should be contracting contracting quantity of money but of course it's used to define if you like a an implosion
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a slump in business activity which is actually a very different thing you can quite easily have a slump in business activity while a purchasing power of a currency goes down the toilet and that i'm afraid is what we're likely to see because the central bank's response to a slowing economy an economy that's threatening to move into all of the slump because of the credit cycle happening at the same time as the trade tariff war between america and china. the response from central banks will be to print print print and one of the things that they will do at the same time is they will reduce interest rates to the lowest level of possible in order to inflate asset prices in order to inflate the value it government debt and it worked for 3 faired of time but sooner or later people will wake up to what's happening to their money and they went by the government debts at 1.5 percent 10 years in the case of america
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or minus whatever percent it is in germany they'll stop doing that and they will realize that actually government debt is only as good as the promise from government and when they begin to doubt that promise from government then we're all going to be in deep trouble right sounds actually like stagflation as i understand stagflation you have a business slowdown with prices going up sounds that sounds like stagflation and i think i believe if i'm not mistaken this is what we saw on the 1970 s. and oil price was going up do the big oil embargo causing prices to go up but it caused the economic activity to. slowdown is that a fair comparison well i mean you may you may call it stagflation but if you look back to the weimar republic i mean these those are exactly the conditions they had at that time and we should worry about that to get our terms correct here i mean
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every time we talk about that and if apply for all conversation about inflation and deflation and stagflation and how do you define the is it the quantity of money entering the system is it prices of stuff at the cash register you know this idea of inflation i'll throw in another idea hair inflation versus hyper inflation hyper inflation is one trust in the currency evaporates y. mar republic comes to mind so people just don't trust the system anymore and that would be hyperinflation so they correct and and that's when you see currency collapse and so the primary currency that seems to be under the gun right now the one that's in the crosshairs more than any other current say i would have to be the dollar right. yes well i mean all the major currencies are in the crosshairs i mean if you look at the race of growth of money in china for example has been running at
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a compound rates i estimate of about 12 percent in the u.s. it's been running about 9 a half percent i mean excluding incidentally the money not in circulation which is basically the bounce sheets of the central bank the race of increase in japan is somewhat less i think from about 4 or 5 percent in the same sort of rate in in the euro i mean the fact of the matter is that. here is so and japan to be pushing on a bit of string they've reduced interest rates to negative figures you would think if keynesian economics had any relevance in the real world that the race of expansion of money supply in japan. and europe would be considerably greater than it is say in china which is have has the highest interest rates of the 4 and america which isn't next highest of the 4 but this is this is not what's happening i mean the fact of the matter is they will print they don't understand that
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printing does not work all it will do is it will bite time for business says which are on the verge of bankruptcy an important point to realize about this inflationary depression if you like is that we are moving into a slump borrowers who are marginal if you like and in terms of productivity sorry profitability are finding that life is getting more and more difficult the banks are loaded up with junk debt and put all this together what happens people start backing off and when the banks start backing off from the marginal borrowers that junk you know the rated junk then i'm afraid that the whole thing's knoebels and i really do think that we are potentially on the edge of that chasm. right now i imagine why my republic your thoughts let's talk about ray ballio i'm sure you read his stuff either. runs the biggest had fun in the world in connecticut is very
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prolific puts out a lot of research he said we are entering a similar period and the result will be similar to fascism communism period up to 30 so he's making a big an analogy between the 1930 s. and current situation your thoughts well i think it's right to compare the economics of the 19th says with one big exception in the early one $930.00 s. we have sound money in the form of gold the dollars that you used where exchangeable into goes before $933.00 so it was sound money and that is why prices collapsed this time it is different every time there's just the stress of what the central bank has called deflation you will find they just print print print the result at the end of days more likely to be a weimar type situation where they had no backing for the currency and they used to them as a means of funding the government deficit just like in america today just like in
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a in the other nations as well but using it for that purpose basically means that you do degenerate into a hyper inflationary situation and the other thing to bear in mind is that government law ellipses are rapidly escalating you may recall back in 2012 laurence kotlikoff well the net present value of america's future welfare bill it says we're talking about health insurance and so on so forth was $220.00 trillion dollars now that was the highest estimate of a lot but if you were if you just pause for a moment and think how that is coming to late it is calculated on the basis of current interest rates now if we're going to see interest rates go to 0 and effectively those long term liabilities become infinite. someone should surely wake up among the stunned the arithmetic of this it's actually quite a crazy situation well of the insulting things that krugman tries to tell us
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one of the most egregiously outrageously unbelievably on hands from reality as he claims that good businesses are not being crowded out by all this cheap money funding all these banks instead of allowing it to flow into the real economy and that's just so horrendous to make that comment when clearly. i'm sure from where you are over in the u.k. and from where i am in the us all i see are zombie corporations and zombie banks being fed by this cheap money and all the productive capacity the economy is definitely being squeezed out alister yes i mean that the political consequences of hyperinflation or you know real loss of our currency is going to be extremely unsettling and just just bear in mind what happened in europe in the 1930 s. i mean the comparison we've got to look at how small is what happened in germany.
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you know if you like what happened in america all right let's pick it up there on that point in another segment thanks for being on the kaiser report ouster that's my pleasure max that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max keiser and stacy herbert my guest as michael out of gold money dot com if you want to catch us on twitter sky's report until next time by you know. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok to sell fracking food on my table it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids. asked and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments there's a lot of conflict in the game between the 2 teams most of the conflict i would say
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throw balls around money and most of them money is made. close one on each other because he knows each other is good business the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of prison complex just to get some point in your life where. you don't care and one of my cares about your so you'll care about anything. you read it the. social media needs to search it's just. the digits of. pi it's. just a. letter.
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written with you should learn morse just watch me over. the phone on the kind of. call. joining me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. i know. that a lot. of
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. people don't. talk i think a lot. more. journalistic is this is full of that work n.b.c. of trying to impede his pulitzer prize winning expose i have harvey weinstein's alleged sexual abuse is also names hillary clinton among the standing in the way. the man suspected of murdering a 9 year old girl was taken into custody hundreds rallied in the central russian city of surat of demanding the death penalty we spoke with the girls are. using rampage media lisa was an ordinary sweet girl dancing and gymnastics just this child. and as u.s. politicians celebrities and media express their sympathy for the kurds currently defending against the turkish offensive we'll look at whether the group's really
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valued by this suppose that americans.


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