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tv   News  RT  October 20, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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i. again is the force is. you asking for an extension of. a further. fight. without a little tough love you know what. a little tough. it would have never made this
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deal. takes credit for turkey pausing its offensive against the. points of the fine print. washington is claiming. other thanks for joining us this is international. with a 7th protests over the jailing of separatist leader they were sentenced by the supreme court in spain on monday since that large crowds have been venting their anger on the streets of the city.
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i. can tell you this president has condemned the violence and called for talks with madrid but spain's acting prime minister says that won't happen until torah issues a stronger message about the unrest auntie's between the coach and has been following events for us. well people of barcelona are protesting and taking it to the streets again there are taking part in this vast demonstration now for the 7th day in a row these crowds are descending into plastic at the lumia which is located right
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and the heart of the council capital now it's a quite a peculiar thing about these protests that they all started in a rather friendly matter but then and we've seen that in the last 2 days in a blink of an they turn very violent at the very end late in the evening now they have consul lonny and he's calling for people to come forward for dialogue and also telling that violence is not really the right path so we've seen before there are so many different radical allemands within these crowds so. rather a very calm protest this can turn into a very violent very up scene burning scene that in the blink of an hour i well we spoke to different people both for and against of the end dependence now some told us that they demand their democratic rights to be respected they demand and now
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their referendum to be housed in catalonia as soon as possible and demand the use referendum to be legal others believe that the ex-president of consul on your car list put him on come back and face the crisis in his homeland but whole are condemning the violence that we saw on the streets and i can tell you it was these were obscene scenes really that we saw now bristling up is protesting since monday after the supreme court in madrid geale separatist leaders for terms from 9 to 13 years for their role in the 27000 cattle on independence beat and tonight it seems that the protest will continue that the mood is still with. the crowds and as i've told you before they kept telling us that these are these movements these protests will only go on for quite some time here.
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and protests occurring elsewhere in the world thousands marched in hong kong in defiance of a police ban in your game there was violence protests to smash the shops and the inside of mattress stations and started fires and to beijing rallies of grip the city for months with unrest a frequent feature your authority has recently introduced an emergency law that banned facemasks china has denounced the protest of the separatists and accuses foreign countries of meddling in the situation. the president of the u. council has confirmed he's received a request from the u.k. for a briggs it extension prime minister boris johnson was forced to send a letter asking for more time after a vote didn't go his way in parliament but he refused to sign the document in total boris johnson sent 3 letters to brussels the one he didn't sign that asks for the brigs it extension a 2nd for the u.k.'s ambassador to the e.u. saying the 1st letter was from parliament non-government and a 3rd letter from johnson himself where he describes any potential extension is damaging and urges the e.u.
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to help him get the deal into force. and that he will now discuss the situation with e.u. leaders before deciding how to act it all comes out of british m.p.'s had voted on saturday for an amendment to delay their approval of boris johnson's e.u. divorce the elliptical that was heavily criticised by the opposition. you cannot trust a word that he sighs. i mean this is break up voting for a deal today won't end breaks it it once delivered certainty and the people should have the final say the prime minister has returned from brussels to present a deal so he knows that we all know who she is actually who are seeing. the means deal he knows that if given the option that people will reject his bad deal i don't choose to remain in the european yeah what i heard was
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a man who said this country who wouldn't know people don't trust and he keeps a trust who gave who would trust the british people if we want the british people to trust what he agree with me we should have a referendum so people can judge this deal for what it is and then we can have a general election after that. allows that vote was underway in westminster there was a huge protest outside parliament against brags that organizers of a rally calling for a 2nd referendum claimed hundreds of thousands have been marching in london we quizzed analysts about where briggs it may be heading next. the problem is not brussels the problem is our own people in westminster who have deliberately set out to undermine the british government who deliberately set out to make sure the deal is as bad as possible out of deliberately set out but democracy i say shave off the steel is a bad deal but it's not so catastrophic people
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a catastrophic deal is real but you can never escape from what you saw to resume a backstop you could never escape from but whereas with boris johnson's deal whilst it's bad you can't escape from it and it does give future british governments the ability to a bad and our relationship with europe i think what will happen over the next week or 2 is that we will have a clearer view not of the divorce because i think that's fairly separately but of the future relationship and i think that's going to be the real battle there are no doubt there will be attempts at. amending the legislation going through parliament to for example try and have a referendum to confirm the agreement so there'll be lots of shenanigans but i think that in the end this deal with slight amendments will be what the parliament will agree. the pentagon's claiming
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a cease fire between turkey and kurdish forces in syria is being broadly maintained by both sides accusing each other of violations anchor greed on thursday to suspend its military operation for 5 days to talk with the turkish leader and u.s. vice president mike pence although donald trump was quick to take credit. sometimes you have a lot of fight. like 2 kids in a lot you gotta learn to fight then your problem apart president there are no one was a gentleman he understood it but without a little tough love you know what tough love is really without a little tough love they would have never made this deal turkey's going to be happy the kurds are going to be having isis is going to be unhappy. the 5 day window is to allow for the withdrawal of kurdish forces from a designated area on saturday or one found to continue to crush the heads of terrorists if the kurds don't leave turkey's aim has been to clear fighters from
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a so-called deep safe zone stretching 30 kilometers into syria the kurdish political leaders said they welcome the pause in hostilities but won't take steps to turkish occupation and additionally there's disagreement over the wording of the deal between washington and ankara. today the united states and turkey have agreed to a cease fire in syria. this is not a cease fire a cease fire was established between 2 digits of my policies we are posing the operation for the terrorist to lead the safe side we can end the operation only after the terrorist elements be the area vice president spoke after a high level delegation of u.s. officials met with the turkish president in turkey pen says that there will be a pause in military operations for 120 hours to allow the u.s. allied syrian kurds to withdraw and it was also agree that kurdish militias will lay down heavy weaponry if the terms of the deals are fulfilled turkey will finish its operation there in northern syria or that area will then be controlled by syria's army at the talks look as if it was
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a little tough just judging by the faces of the vice president and president airline before the meeting pretty somber and a little hostile but one week ago turkish forces crossed into syria leading to president trump earlier this week to take decisive action and call on turkish forces to stand down to end this violence and agree to negotiations the u.s. had been slapping turkey with sanctions and threats trump even writing to air to one telling him not to be a fool on this one will trump promise to lift sanctions as soon as the turkish operation is over the president even called area one now a friend the deal to me is reminiscent of the days of european colonialism before world war 2 when european powers would get together and they was conspired amongst themselves to divide out the sovereign territory of another country we have a similar situation here in syria where the usa is not an invited party in syria where turkey is not invited party into syria these these 2 countries are
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in syria illegally in violation of international law and the un charter will it work the answer is it might but my guess is that the. the s.t.'s will take this window of opportunity provided 120 hours to move out of the way of the advancing turkish army once the s.p.s. leave the area the turkish army may decide that their military objectives have been made and the government may in fact withdraw the turkish army back to the turkish rentier in which case the syrian government would start to reassert its sovereignty over that part of syria so keeping on its operationally at this month left us with troops forces from the area and managed to get access to one of the bases abounded by washington these are pictures from the we spoke to an advisor to president bashar al assad who told us the incursions an act of aggression against syria
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itself and i think enough time and courage and it isn't a good question it is horrible at the national i guess if. city and. city and people and what they speak about the safe zone just imagine if any country would like to have this if go on inside another country there and out international community again as this invasion and i've begun. lying about his objectives and about his fitness is and that about what he wants. a. 1000000000 dollar deal signed and gifts exchanged to us president putin visited saudi arabia who looked back at the high profile meeting of the shortbread.
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what you should. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. wanted. to go right to be close this is what the $43.00 of the more people. interested in the walk. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic developments only. exist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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with him of putin's been in the saudi capital riyadh this week on his 1st visit to the gulf state in over a decade the president held talks with king solomon the crown prince and they signed a long list of deals 20 agreements in fact with over $2000000000.00 signed in sectors such as a respects culture health and advanced technology there are also some gifts handed out with the russian leader presenting you with this bread birds. and receiving painting in return and to trying to break down the current state of relations between the countries.
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saudi arabia and russia is a remarkable example of how 2 countries could be great partners or friends and foes at the same time everything that riyadh gets itself involved in and the middle east be it about iran yemen or syria gets full support from washington and you do realize that and all these cases russia is on the different side of the barricade. but when the russian leader in the saudi crown prince get along so well in person by the way they are the authors of probably the most famous high profile high 5 in the world the chances that the dialogue could work will always be very high.
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by natural time as between saudi arabia and russia have. there is we consider russia to be friend. ties were established ivan years ago in 1926. was the 1st foreign country to recognize the young kingdom we value efforts to boost our ties surely we do have to bear in mind that the 2 countries are the world's largest oil producers are they competitors you know in this case opec plus partners so all kinds of oil and gas and issues related to the energy sector are on the agenda especially after the drone attack from last month on one of saudi arabia's most important oil refineries which could the country's output by almost a half and almost put the rage. on the brink of
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a real crisis. yemen's who the rebels said we did it washington and allies almost immediately blamed it all on to iran it was feared that a u.s. led strike on iran could have been imminent the incident even led to vladimir putin suggesting that saudi arabia whose army is almost totally dependent on arms imports from the u.s. should buy russian made air defense missile systems it's another chance for mr putin to sell those but even without them 2000000000 dollars worth of contracts are
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signed between moscow and riyadh. a lawyer representing donald trump's reelection campaign has sent a letter to c.n.n. warning of their intention to sue the network of allegations of bias against the president and c.n.n. spokes person called it a desperate stunt comes after an exposé by a former contract to for the t.v. network turned whistleblower his material was published by project veritas an american nonprofit watchdog and that includes secret recordings of editorial meetings which reportedly reveal a crusade against a bias within the outlets at the highest levels. when i came to work at c.n.n. i mean it was my dream job and that dream actually just turned into a nightmare i decided to wear hidden camera to secretly record the 9 am rundown call meetings and it's basically run by jeff zucker the president of c.n.n. c.n.n.
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was just pumping out propaganda it's basically me wanting. the news to be what they used to be news and not a infotainment or a game show or chasing the ratings i like c.n.n. purports it to be facts 1st and that's clearly not the case. as they have taken a close look at the clips. hate is a hell of a thing it brings out the absolute worst in one of us none of us is immune to it from little timmy the kindergarden who's livid the ball be played with his favorite toy the jeff zucker the president of c.n.n.
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. against. number one is on every day just hammering trump in some way shape or form or republicans in general the only thing that varies is how much power you have little timmy for example might coolbaugh be rude mr zucker on the other hand might sub the global news corp betray all impartiality the ideals of journalism and misinform really. it's all because of a petty grudge that's how powerful hate ease.
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these revelations board was courtesy of project veritas a conservative activist group and this is just part one that's after a c.n.n. employee a technician at their washington d.c. bureau spent months wearing a hidden camera at work spilling the beans so to speak and providing recordings of called the say sions at the news that work kerry added dream to work in journalism at c.n.n. the spread news and then you found out how naive he was how things really work at c.n.n. it is one and 2 on whether i'm like hey if we if we have to cool let's just say we left if we lean right let it be known but again it just tells back nothing i just want people to have the information of make up their own minds now which of you didn't see the hints about what was going on i mean is there any surprise that these revelations have you watched c.n.n.
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rode it to impeachment the impeachment of president trump a formal vote to open impeachment revelations i should say in the impeachment inquiry the beginning of a new phase in this entire impeachment course it takes 2 to tango and 2 to feud just like little timmy and little bobby there is and trump can you give us a question. you know if you get what i mean i've got to give you a question you speak out and you are shaking attacking our network i just want to ask you sir i'm changing from fake news though doesn't that under very fake i know but aren't you. know this doesn't mean everyone at c.n.n. is a propagandist there are plenty says kerry who want to stick to journalism not opinion why. shaft about being dragged into zack because you also want to. hear. things like do you think it's like that's true let's take.
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all the boxes of. everything. all the time know every one of my every one of them never complained but he got them some for kerry's 1st stream didn't pan out but he hasn't given up hope he's optimistic that what he did will help set things right to resurrect journalism like say without international my colleague daniel hawkins will have all the latest for you at the top of the hour. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race in this spearing dramatic development the only relief i'm going to
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resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or something i want to be. you 2 going to be close it's like that before 3 of them all can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of. the city. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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there are no official statistics in india concerning children who have been lost or separated from their parents some are to estimate that every minutes in the country the child goes missing. a lot of. money in the last. minute finally got. the national team and rights commission stated that $44000.00 minors go missing every year while the police quoted. the united nations children's fund has described the situation as genocide and various sources suggested in india there are several 1000000 missing women and children.
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are. there. alone and welcome to all the part we thought what we wanted that's how the turkish foreign minister characterized the surprise deal. with the americans. to syria in return for the promise of the kurdish and the suspension of the sanctions . but ministration deliver any of that to discuss that i'm now joined by marwan
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a syrian writer and the director of policy analysis at the arab center for research and policy mistake kaplan it's good to talk to you thank you very much for being here thank you very much thank you for having me now everybody is now talking about the agreement it's been the turks and the americans as the deal president himself referred to it as something having civilizational significance isn't that a bit of an oversell for what at least for now is essentially a pledge to hold fire for 5 days of course i think i think both the turks and americans must be billie's now that they are having this deal in my opinion because on the one hand it gives what it really wanted from the very beginning and that is to the bush white b.g. all of the senior democratic forces. away from the border along the 140
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kilometers borders between the euphrates. borders but i mean this deal was actually reached mainly because the american delegation came with a stick on one hand and the card on the other hand you know that the u.s. congress actually has introduced 3 different bills of sanctions against the senate . the house of representative and it's very very tough sanctions in fact not only against the turkish economy but also against the fish that are me on the other hand they came actually with this with this car out which is actually to put pressure on the senior democratic forces in order to pull out from that the limit is. that it is a deep inside syria. but mr campbell i'm sure you would agree with me that it's one thing to make a promise and and the other thing is to deliver on it and throughout the syrian conflict the turks and i am specifically talking about are the one made at least 3
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deals with the americans which require substantial commitments from ankara only to see the americans change their minds later on do you think there is any trust last between these 2 nominal nato allies well i think the president of the gun is in a very difficult position and awkward position in fact why because he's dealing with 2 different americas america. which in fact we all know that he gave him somehow a green light in order to go inside syria and then he has he has had to change his mind many many times actually because he's coming under pressure from both inside his. administration and also from his allies in the region and we have another america which is that stablish with the foreign policy establishment including the state department have been going and also you have the congress who are very much against. from syria and against the british and against.


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