tv News RT October 23, 2019 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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there should. be. in. the headlines an article 6 hours of talks between the presidents of brushwood to the result a new plan for northern syria on the proceeds of the removal of kurdish whiteman forces from the region also to the u.s. moves the tree in syria across the border to ratchet the spikes objections from baghdad and kathmandu independents at this stage a stunt in barcelona putting a fancy make washing up liquid to symbolize cleansing the city of spanish.
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the good morning just going to clock here in moscow you watching r.t. international now over 6 hours of talks between the turkish and russian leaders have resulted in the breakthrough on the situation in northern syria the ceasefire was extended by 150 hours with kurdish forces expected to leave the area during this period or maria financially joins us now in the studio for more on this so maria a lot of a long talks there between the leaders yesterday just run through the main points that they agreed upon all year after more than 6 out of between russia and turkey a very important document or sign known as memorandum and has 10.7 to go through the most crucial of them number one both sides agreed to hold political unity and territorial integrity of syria that is very important as you remember there are areas in syria's north not exactly totally controlled by the syrian government or not at all controlled by the syrian government like in the case of the in the province and that is. not a good thing and you cannot talk about
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a successful ending of the crisis in syria unless full control is restored by damascus so this is one thing 2nd east of the euphrates river is one of science areas and if you look at the map that's a big part of syria and now off to the american decision to leave this area it is controlled by the kurdish forces different groups different names but equally viewed by and as terry's and we've been hearing for ages that turkey will not tolerate. along its southern border and turkey has been pushing the idea of so-called safe zone 440 kilometers along the turkish syrian border 30 kilometers deep into the syrian. territory to protect its national security and for a claimed end to ensure a safe return of millions of refugees to these areas but at the end of the day that would mean that turkey would have control over these territories and that contradicts the idea of territorial integrity and damascus in control over syrian
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territories so the memorandum signed on tuesday in. decides the fate of these areas so that damascus and more are all happy so what is this decision both sides agree that the area and for a wanted to be a same zone should be cleared of the kurdish forces and for that purpose russian military police and syrian border guards will enter the syrian side of the turkish syrian border to facilitate and in fact to mourn the kurdish forces withdrawal and after that they will have 150 hours for that as you said around 7 days after that starting next tuesday there will be joint russia turkish patrols east and west of the area of turkey a lead operation spring along the border with all 10 kilometers excluding a very important. biggest perjures c.t.
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historically kurdistan's in syria is north of commission and also excluding strategic for highway connects in the northeastern syria with the rest of the country so this is less of what turkey wanted but their national security is respected and a good thing is that the control over these territories after it is cleared of from the kurdish forces will be surely between turkey and russia and if you look at the history of the relations and actions of turkey it's not the country you can be told to leave trust so that's a good thing as well let's all listen to ward mr editor guy and mr putin had to say fall in their midst in sochi. we're putting new project into practice i hope it will work well for congress you know people as friends of the syrian people and the neighbors were ready to do. these and stability in the country syria should be free of any only presence long term stability of syria can
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only be achieved by. the unity of the country. and all the important moment that both sides agreed is that both russia and turkey and of course with the help of syria will continue fighting terrorism on the syrian territory and russia and turkey will work together that's a very good sign to prevent infiltration of terrorist and ensure safe return at the end of the day of millions of refugees so it's too early to say about peace brought to. that part of syria but i think definitely this is a step toward that direction and overall i mean do people generally think this is a good thing then looking ahead and potentially finding peace in syria as a whole oh yeah oh yeah and i think one of the most important achievements is that the military operation led by. the turkish syrian border against the kurdish forces known as operation peace spring is now over there is an extended cease fire that
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basically means a permanent cease fire and russia has always been saying that and actually i think that's a common sense thing universal value that negotiation. is a better thing than war so now with the military operation over again it's too early to say about peace coming back to that area but that definitely is a step towards direction and another important thing is that if you look at the talks they were held in such a between russia and turkey and after that moscow called damascus damascus also where and happy about the outcome of the talks and the syrian the kurdish forces are also involved in the oceans and that's basically. eat and i think it's clear that it's easier to come to an agreement when there are less parties involved and now with americans out of the picture there are less parties to negotiate to come to the agreement between so it's now easier to restore peace in syria although we
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still hear for americans that this is barry chipman let's now listen to what the country's vice president mike pence had to say. thanks to the strong leadership of president donald trump we have an opportunity for a permanent cease fire we may well give the international community an opportunity to establish a safe zone between turkey and the kurdish population in syria that will ensure peace and security for all the peoples of this war torn region. yeah but as russia's foreign minister said a go of rauf said after that americans are americans and why should we care at all about what they say we have a situation here and we are resolving the crisis and this is all what matter is and the last thing i wanted to point out is that there is still a province in northern syria still not under the control of the syrian government
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and there are turkey backed forces control in that area including some jihadist an islamist so we make specter after these talks in sochi turkey is happy and maybe turkey will be more cooperative with damascus and moscow regarding helping in restoring control in the problems as well and that would be the last area like in syria to return to damascus a place still plenty of tough talks to come out. of there with the latest thinking . but we did talk to the political analyst about this use of i mean he thinks that it does in stone the conditions ankara how to greed with the u.s. . it's a very important deal and while both sides didn't get everything that they wanted they got enough where they can leave the table and say we're happy and these were important gains now when we look from a turkish perspective turkish was able to mend the diplomatic gains it made at the
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table with the united states by having them reflected onto the field by dealing with the russians because while in reality the u.s. presence is waiting in the last real power brokers in syria or turkey and russia so any deal with the americans to have a meaningful consequence on the field needs to be reaffirmed by the russian president and that's exactly what the turkish president did today he had this deal reaffirmed and we see that even though turkey's not dealing directly with the regime through russia we see that the regime is happy with this deal that the opposition is happy with this deal turkey is happy with this deal and the russians are happy with this deal so it's a win win for everybody from my point of view. well meanwhile the u.s. is moving active syria across the border to iraq that is despite baghdad saying american troops have no right to stay on iraqi territory the u.s.
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section of the fence says it's only a stop off on their why him. we're going to be position as they come out of northeast syria into iraq you know venture their destination is home but what we've got to do is pull them out deliberately out of northeast syria and make our preparations to go home from there and have that discussion tomorrow with the iraqi defense minister. president donald trump's decision earlier this month to pull u.s. forces active syria pave the way for to. a monday a convoy of around 100 u.s. vehicles was seen crossing into iraq meanwhile washington is a moving troops to saudi arabia these kind of often explains why that to pull him and could prove profitable. amid widespread criticism of his recent moves regarding syria donald trump sticks to repeating a pretty strong commitment when it comes to foreign policy it's time to bring our soldiers back home now one would think that back home means back in the united states but if you think that you would be wrong the current game plan is for those
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forces to reposition into western iraq now there's an old saying that your home is where your heart is and u.s. troops have been in iraq since 2003 so they've had plenty of time to get furthermore 2000 troops are being redeployed to the kingdom of saudi arabia we are sending troops and other things to the middle east to help saudi arabia but are you ready saudi arabia at my request has agreed to pay us for everything we're doing now the troops in saudi arabia i'm not coming for free the kingdom is coughing up the cash to cover the expense so perhaps donald trump meant back home unless someone pays us but is a rocket going to pay for its troops iraq is a lot poorer than saudi arabia but perhaps having your country invaded and having your infrastructure destroyed gives you a discount in 2019 the u.s. military budget amounts to roughly $693000000000.00 u.s.
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dollars. perhaps having countries pay for the presence of u.s. troops is a way to balance the books right now the u.s. military currently has a presence in over $160.00 different countries if all these countries started paying perhaps the american taxpayers could start making money rather than losing money on the u.s. military budget perhaps the deal maker in the white house has an exciting new business model that is already in the works well is not fair to the troops who were told that they were going to be coming home it's not fair to the american public who is told by a president that he's pulling the troops out of syria to bring them oh presumably ole miss the united states but what trump is doing he is redeploying given the current structure of the united states government given the current
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alliance system that it's given it's imperial interests i don't think it's possible for u.s. troops to be pulled out internally from either syria or the middle east you know now while we're drawing from syria the u.s. is also promised to give 4 and a half $1000000.00 to the controversial syrian a green and white helmets. over the course of the conflict in syria the s.c.d. has rescued more than $150000.00 people including many ethnic and religious minorities the u.s. encourages our allies and partners to join us in our support for the s.c.d. and in our efforts to protect civilians religious and ethnic minorities and other innocent victims of the syrian conflict the white helmet have been how you were to their rescue beth a steering the civil war however they have a war site being filmed at his flags helping active executions and o.c.i. faking rescues on top of that. area is not controlled by the government patrick
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henderson a geo political analyst says that in his opinion they lack credible. their brand is damaged there's too many facts out you know all you have to do is look at the white helmets membership there exclusively opposition rebel stroke terrorist exclusively male sunni ok they claim to be have rescued religious and ethnic minorities which there's no proof of that nor is there any proof that they have rescued 112000 civilians there's no paperwork there's no names there's no testimonials there's no accident reports they do early warning of early warnings for air strikes they claim they do try and search and rescue for terrorist fighters they do they're not that much civilian work i believe they do and they make videos they make propaganda videos but the political agenda is twofold they're a crisis point right now is the last area in syria i put the white elements can
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operate on because politically they are aligned strictly and exclusively with the islamist extremist rebel militant terrorist groups and what they are essentially the white helmets are a mop up a mop up team for al nasra for al qaida for h. 2 yes earlier this. what helmets sickies kurdish forces of targeting civilians while the kurds have repeatedly said that the white helmets are not welcomed in territories controlled by them both groups are opposed to presence as sad with the kurds until recently also having u.s. backing but we spoke to investigative journalist david lindorff says that it is embarrassing that the u.s. supports the white helmets. the at least 2 respected western journalist robert fisk of the independent in britain and robert scheer in the u.s. have exposed them pretty credibly as having been behind faked chemical attacks
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as having achieved their actually caring for people during those attacks been shown you know people have agenda 5 of these and wait on that actually journalist organizations like al nusra on the scene with those groups so i think it's of this organization and so it's kind of embarrassing assures us to be supporting such an organization well part of it you know part of it is just the incredible p.r. that goes on around them i mean we had a film about them that we were going to say nominated documentary in 2018. but you know it had the sympathy of hollywood left and you know people like this even though reports so corrupted an organization actually is.
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back after an independence activists in barcelona have found another way of getting their voices heard this time they poured washing up liquid into one of the city's fountains it was meant to symbolize their desire to cleanse the region of the spanish government but the latest now from the catalan capital which has been gripped by pride tests is within a quarter enema. people are taking it to the streets again in the city of barcelona and this time they're pouring washing up liquid right in one of the main fun chains of the 30 and it's old literally belonging and cool like a bubble well that's the impression from the past week of have the unrest in bars so long now let's just remember the scenes we saw in these streets of the city just a few days ago rubbish bins burned shop windows smashed people shouting we will not get off the streets protesters demanded as the international community pay attention to the situation in catalonia but at the beginning of this week the
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european parliamentary jacketed to debate on the escalation in the spanish region basically leaving the catalans on their own the spanish prime minister visited the region on monday but to support local police forces and not to start with the region's eyesore it is so it seems pro independence catalans are again on their own now it's old reminiscent of the situation back in $2617.00 during catalonia has failed attempt to gain independence back then south and also took it to the streets while the situation now looks pretty much the same people's anger spiraled out of control after my dream supreme court jailed and 9 separatist leaders with sentences ranging from 9 to 13 years and what exactly do we have now well a week of protest and seemingly back to where we were just
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a few weeks ago are all these talks and dreams of independence just bubbles bursting. forth and over then i believe anything is approved boris johnson's breaks it planned to refuse to write through all the necessary legislation as he will have the details on that to soften. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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stop playing with you going to make the plays dirty like your skin. why did you say those mean words to a classmate do you love your toys. criseyde toys may look very different from each other but that doesn't stop them from being that's friends well the number of hate crimes in the u.k. has doubled in 5 years but according to former u.k. police officer peter kirk and the real figure is even higher the police for nearly 20 years now have been encouraging the public to report related crimes and incidents and the numbers are still really really small hate crimes quite difficult to define in any event it's something that people have difficulty understanding exactly what it is the words bring to mind a picture of something quite serious
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a serious assault or something like that for being black or being whatever it might be but of course the vast majority of hate crimes are actually right down at the lower end of the scale in terms of the seriousness so their abuse pushing and shoving those sorts of things. so sometimes the that is merely using the words can put people off understanding what it is we spend a lot of time here. trying to get people to understand that it covers everything from from bullying upwards really. i must say with because grief and pains there once again dealt a blow to boris johnson's breaks it hopes despite approving his deal with the they've now rejected his demand that they do raise 3 or the necessary legislation in just 3 days. if probable ceases to allow it to happen and instead gets its way and decides to delay everything until january or possibly
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longer in new circumstances i must say that the book the bill will have to be pulled and we will have to go forward much as a writer may not like it will have to go forward to a general election. the government should call a general election to be held on the 8th of july they have a simple challenge to the opposition parties who have criticized the government's vision for brics it you have challenge our objectives you have threatened to block the legislation we put before parliament. this is your moment to show you mean it well a lot depends now whether you will grant a deadline extension the outgoing president of the european commission has said you had done everything in his power to make an orderly exit as possible and to smile for his part says he will recommend the other 27 member states approve a delay to britain's party dress or if you should be ready for everything.
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but. as a search to prime minister. so they. will never be. the former london mayor meanwhile ken livingstone does think it could be a long time before the government reaches any final agreement over breaks it with politics. forest has lost more votes in just 3 months as a prime minister than any other prime minister now history was going to be many amendments to this legislation which is a very large bill $110.00 pages covering the environment workers' rights trade deals and so on and most probably even a amendment to say that once this act of parliament is passed only becomes law if a referendum means the british people support it so we're not going to be out at the end of this month as this is going to go on for several weeks perhaps even towards the end of the year and no one can foretell where we're going to end up the
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government and the opposition need to agree how long this act of parliament should be sheep 88 how many amendments should be put down but if party stuff and it really is just could be like trench warfare going on we come for 2 weeks well on tuesday johnson did threaten to scrap the brakes it bill and seek a general election if he gave him and extension move them innocent at this point assess. if possible ceases to allow critics to happen and instead gets its way and decides to delay everything until january or possibly longer in new circumstances i must say that the book the bill will have to be pulled and we will have to go forward much as the right order may not like it will have to go forward to a general election. the government should call a general election to be held on the 8th of july they have
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a simple challenge to the opposition parties who have criticised the government's vision for brics it you have challenge our objectives you have threatened to block the legislation we put before parliament. this is your moment to show you mean it. washing i say that is the nice financial i found this morning we're back again that about how. it seems to break that psagot will never end the electorate voted to leave the european union but the political class and media are resisting does the people's voice mean anything anymore what is the legacy of breaks it on institutions confidence and leads and the democratic process.
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who the local was i. left without a halfpenny to set up now that you actually had one of the students who like you. yeah yeah yeah but i still have fun filled with you know i don't see that i see i feel that i feel like we have to be honest to the full since if any yet i the very fact that these children are impoverished and they come from baghdad on which is. from a while back and on they do not like to come before them before the police with their problems and fact remains that if you have managed to rescue 45 goes from the
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clutches of this budget as they have many more numbers that are still. are being exploited and we draw more boredom was. it. was a. little you. would take it was that i need you to believe that the data from the well be so kind i. think there are no official statistics in india concerning children who have been lost on separated from their parents some records estimates that everything minutes in the country the child goes missing. went. up with. me.
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