tv Watching the Hawks RT October 31, 2019 10:30pm-11:31pm EDT
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990 s. but in recent weeks we've seen a sex scandal here on capitol hill that finally brought to light a very serious issue that has victimized many women around the world in the digital age but i'd light a very serious issue that is victimized many women around the world in the digital age but i've yet to raise its ugly head here in the nation's capital revenge porn heinous as yet to raise its ugly head here in the nation's capital revenge porn heinous act of publishing nude or sexually explicit photos of women the people were in previous relationship to publishing nude or sexually explicit photos of women the people were in a previous relationship with this week's 3rd serial democratic congresswoman from california katie hill announced her ship with this week's 3rd serial democratic congresswoman from california katie hill announced her resignation following accusations not not only was she and her now former husband kenny has left resignation following accusations not not only was she and her now former husband kenny has left having a sexual relationship with one of her campaign aides but also according to having
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a sexual relationship with one of her campaign aides but also according to mr house that she was having an affair with her legislative director as well mr house that she was having an affair with her legislative director as well as the new york times reports this scandal went into the ugly territory of revenge porn when read as the new york times reports this scandal went into the ugly territory of revenge porn when red state published text messages and nude photos of ms hale in intimate poses and state published text messages and nude photos of ms hale in intimate poses the photos she said in a statement were circulated by an abusive husband who seems determined photos she said in a statement were circulated by an abusive husband who seems determined to try to humiliate me this her supporters argue make smithville not happen to try to humiliate me this her supporters argue makes ms hill not a perpetrator but a victim of both an abusive relationship and revenge porn which is illegal.
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perpetrator but a victim of both an abusive relationship and revenge porn which is illegal under california law with revenge for now come for force in the world of us pop under california law with revenge for now come for force in the world of us politics the question is will our elected officials take this seriously or will it analytics the question is will our elected officials take this seriously or will it end up more nothing more than just another scandalous story in a town that trades on controversy not more nothing more than just another scandalous story in a town that trades on controversy let's find out as we start watching the hawks. let's find out as we start watching the hawks. were pretty. good looks like. a pretty. good look like a real good this would. you prefer to sit well with this would.
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you prefer to sit. like you know that i got. like you that i got. to do. with. this. because i. was a member on the watch list because i. was a member on the watch of the hawks i am very relevant since i'm top of the wall is joining us today on the panel discussion on to the hawks i am very well but sometimes top of the wall is joining us today on the panel discussion on 2 major stories affecting us politics and politics today is investigative journalist and.
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the major stories affecting us politics and politics today is investigative journalist ben swan r t america correspondent rachel blevins and michelle greenside and on our team america correspondents rachel blevins and michelle greenside and our team america producer friendship more thanks for joining us we're having our team america producer friendship more thanks for joining me thanks very much i want to start revenge porn has a majority of the time but an issue that's i want to start revenge porn has a majority of the time but an issue that's affected you know female celebrities female news anchors many non famous with affected you know female celebrities female news anchors many non famous women you know women around the world given the cutthroat scandal loving them you know women around the world given the cutthroat scandal loving nature of washington d.c. politics are really going to be seeing more of these types of scandals to nature of
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washington d.c. politics are really going to be seeing more of these types of scandals take place here on capitol hill but i'll start with you. well i think we all will take place here on capitol hill but i'll start with you. well i think we will certainly see more because of the simply the digital age that we're in you have certainly see more because of the simply the digital age that we're in you have photographs that are easy to come by and images that are easy to share but i also think that photographs that are easy to come by and images that are easy to share but i also think that some of the issues surrounding hills interesting because while you're right in your lead up you mentioned that are some of the issues surrounding hills interesting because while you're right in your lead up you mentioned that her supporters are saying she's a victim here the woman who feels that she was victimized by kater supporters are saying she's a victim here the woman who feels that she was victimized by katie hill does not think she's the victim in fact that that staffer repeatedly has said that. hill
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does not think she's the victim in fact that that staffer repeatedly has said that in text messages to hill that she felt taken advantage of and she felt like he had taken advantage in text messages to hill that she felt taken advantage of and she felt like he had taken advantage of her and abused her in different ways so you know i think it's important to keep in the context of her and abused her in different ways so you know i think it's important to keep in the context that while this this is kind of a new era in terms of the availability of some of these images that while this this is kind of a new era in terms of the availability of some of these images it's important to also in this me too moment to hold those who are in power it's important to also in this me to moment to hold those who are in power accountable for the way they treat people who are under them. and i think this is an interesting point that benj out of all for the way they treat people who are under them. and i think this is an interesting point that ben just made there which is there probably are ethical concerns to cahill's such made there which is there probably are ethical concerns
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to cahill's situation ok but the fact that lewd photos of her were released to a ship ok but the fact that lewd photos of her were released that were released without her permission that she did take with permission were released that's the prost that were released without her permission that she did take with permission were released that's the problem at hand here now when it comes to an ethics investigation that can all be addressed but this should have now i'm at hand here now when it comes to an ethics investigation that can all be addressed but this should have never came to light in this matter these situations this story could have been relieved or came to light in this matter these situations this story could have been released to the public released even on red state without publishing those photos so you think it's to the public release even on red state without publishing those photos so you think it's a situation where it's like 2 wrongs don't make a right correct absolutely right after the question. it's
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a situation where it's like 2 wrongs don't make a right current the absolute right answer the question of whether this is going to keep happening i think that is probably likely the case because this is a tell whether this is going to keep happening i think that is probably likely the case because this is a tell of it is all the time when you look at this kind of thing and i mean i think ben is right when you look at the computer age of it is all the time when you look at this kind of thing and i mean i think ben is right when you look at the computer age these photos are much more easy to share and to keep track of and of course this is one of these photos are much more easy to share and to keep track of and of course this is one of those stories that the media would much rather talk about this then they would talk about the national debt or war stories with the media would much rather talk about this then they would talk about the national debt or war or that kind of thing and i think also it's not just a situation with revenge porn it also alleges that kind of thing and i think also it's not just a situation with revenge porn it also allegedly is a situation of an abusive ex and that's never you know a good situation and i think to reality is
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a situation of an abusive ex and that's never you know a good situation and i think tyrrell you hit the nail on the head when you said that this is you know nothing gets the press more jazzed up and you hit the nail on the head when you said that this is you know nothing gets the press more jazzed up than a sex scandal you know there are a number of conflicts of interest with the press so there are number of reasons that may be a sex scandal you know there are a number of conflicts of interest with the press so there are number of reasons that may be but it's really this whole scandal has really been compounded by the fact that of course the media love scandal but it's really this whole scandal has really been compounded by the fact that of course the media love scandals like these it just gets people to pay attention let me know if that's true by the way whether it's like these it just gets people to pay attention let me know if that's true by the way whether it's men or women don't forget carlos danger and to be winner in all of his photographs or women don't forget carlos danger and to be winner in all of his photographs now they weren't leads by spalls but again the media was very excited because there is a. they were at least by
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a spouse but again the media was very excited because there is a digital record of this you know you mentioned back a long time ago gary hart a digital record of this you know you mentioned back a long time ago gary hart back in 1988 when he had it was jennifer flowers who was sitting on his lap and he had 1988 when he had it was jennifer flowers who was sitting on his lap and he dared the media to catch him cheating on his wife and they did but the problem is the media they catch him cheating on his wife and they did but the problem is that you know back then it was all in your mind it was all created in your mind and today is that you know back then it was all in your mind it was all created in your mind today not so much so let me ask i guess i'll start with you the lady is not so much. let me ask i guess i'll start with the ladies on the panel do you think that this will have an effect because one of the fears that on the panel do you think that this will have an effect because one of the fears
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that a lot of people have is that just like going into hollywood you know that people have is that just like going into hollywood you know that you have to be very careful if you're going to go into public life at all but especially in politics and public so you have to be very careful if you're going to go into public life at all but especially in politics and public service knowing in the digital age somewhere out there you know in the skies are this knowing in the digital age somewhere out there you know in the skies for the men on the panel to we all have axes we all have access to the men on the panel to we all have axes we all have x. husbands wives girlfriends boyfriends lover is that doesn't matter they could have husbands wives girlfriends boyfriends lover is it doesn't matter they could have that one picture they could have that one text message they could have you know that snap chat they. that one picture they could have that one text message they
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could have you know that snap chat. and is this going to have you know this idea that someone could. and is this going to have you know this idea that someone could use this or these things can come out you know is that going to keep women out of out of use this or these things can come out you know is that going to keep women out of out of public service because very kind of have this idea like oh well i smoked marijuana and call it a public service because very kind of have this idea like oh well i smoked marijuana in college i got a drunk driving tech and i can't ever run for president to think this is going to have a chance i got a drunk driving take and i can't ever run for president do you think this is going to have a chilling effect on women in politics i want to say that it would keep them out of politics but i do think that it's going to make them feeling effect on women in politics i wouldn't say that it would keep them out of politics but i do think that it's going to make them think twice about what they do i mean in the same way that before the digital age you may have thought twice about hurting twice about what
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they do i mean in the same way that before the digital age you may have thought twice about how you had sex with because you didn't want to get an s.t.d. now maybe you'll think twice about who you send a picture you had sex with because you don't want to get an s.t.d. now maybe you'll think twice about who you send a picture to or who use an explicit text message to you because there's a chance it may share is a measure to or who use an explicit text message to because there's a chance it may share it so may make you think twice about just who you're talking to about that but at the same time it also kind of ushers and they make you think twice about just who you're talking to about that but at the same time it also kind of ushers in this age of accountability because if we're hearing more about these stories in congress and where policies of accountability because if we're hearing more about these stories in congress and where politicians are taking advantage of their staffers then that may make them think twice and that may make additions or taking advantage of their staffers then that may make them think twice and that may make other staffers then want to speak out because they're hearing these stories and because they realize that they may have. staffers then want to speak out
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because they're hearing these stories and because they realize that they may actually be listened to and believed and to your point about the new digital age let's look with any new actually be listened to and believed and to your point about the new digital age let's look with any new technology there is the potential for it to be used in a good way or in a bad way so their technology there's the potential for it to be used in a good way or in a bad way so there's a huge new potential for abuse here when it comes to the way that like nude photos can be legal minds and they should stuff you'd like but sensual medical course to trivialise you 6 here tragic or what's it a coalition so the for the way this individual that she knows now can be lethal not united a lot and stuff like that and of course it's a tragic tragic situation for this individual that she now you know lost her career nobody wants that to happen to them like i'm sure all of us have you know compromising things about her career nobody wants that to happen to them like i'm sure all of us have you know compromising things about ourselves somewhere on the internet so there's a huge potential for abuse here at the same time though out ourselves somewhere on
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the internet so there's a huge potential for abuse here at the same time though i think since we're you know sitting here on this great and diverse panel and we are members of the media we can also be glad i think since we're you know sitting here on this great and diverse panel and we are members of the media we can also be critical about how the media has talked about this way more than me critical about how the media has talked about this way more than maybe some would say they should of course this is a bad situation for her you know she's lose some would say they should of course this is a bad situation for her you know she's losing her career that's very terrible but what does that have to do with you know the average working her career that's very terrible but what does that have to do with you know the average working class citizen not a whole lot of course we can say hey revenge porn bad for sure but what are we not covering classes and not a whole lot of course we can say hey revenge porn bad for sure but what are we not covering when we are covering you know sex scandals and these figures which is a good 1st attempts point i think you. when we are covering you know sex scandal
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well i think it's interesting 1st to tabs point i think that there is a lot of you have to be concerned about these things and i think now when you go into play here is a lot of you have to be concerned about these things and i think now when you go into public life you have to look at every skeleton in your closet and whether that skeleton is actually a babbling life you have to look at every skeleton in your closet and whether that skeleton is actually a bad skeleton or just a i made a decision one time in my life to send a photo and skeleton or just a i made a decision one time in my life to send a photo that was inappropriate and to someone i loved you know i mean we've fallen out of love as though that was inappropriate and to someone i loved you know i mean we've fallen out of love of people for you know i mean that you know what it was and what i'm saying is obviously people are for you know i mean that you know that it was what i'm saying is obviously erotic is that the right where that i'm looking for but i'm here but you know when you do that you have to take a rhotic is that the right where that i'm looking for but you know when you do that
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you have to think if you're going to be anything in public office or anything in a public life that those things can come if you're going to be anything in public office or anything in a public life that those things can come out because somebody may be vindictive you may have done something wrong and frankly you may have been hacked as well now because somebody may be vindictive you may have done something wrong and frankly you may have been hacked as well and so there are a lot of issues with this that we do have to be concerned about and i'll and so there are a lot of issues with this that we do have to be concerned about and i mean i don't think we're taking away cahill's career by the way she's 32 years old i think she she lost i mean i don't think we're taking away katie his career by the way she's 32 years old i think she she lost her she she's going to have to step down on this particular situation or she's chosen to based on what was coming to her she she's going to have to step down on this particular situation or she's chosen to based on what was come out but she has a long a long life ahead of her and hopefully she can take this one. but she has a long
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a long life ahead of her and hopefully she can take this revenge porn situation and maybe make an advocacy that she can work on because she's been. situations and maybe make an advocacy that she could work on because she's been affected by she's in the public eye she's going to be going to get affected by she's in the public eye she's going to work on being an advocate against you know the actions of rip and you saw a lot of the democrats using this issue to position themselves you know and you know actions of rip and you saw a lot of the democrats using this issue to position themselves you know and he revenge porn and that's something you know you could say is a political win for them in that way because obviously you don't want to be on the side of pro revenge. and i don't know the revenge porn and that's something you know you could say is a political win for them in that way because obviously you don't want to be on the side of pro revenge. and i don't know on that one well. well apparently obviously. and ironically there's a good sorting the g.o.p. m.m.p.
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there's a job we operated with 100 of hundreds of state and. again makes you question what kind of person is just kind of. just chunk of anything outstanding. but i guess and sending it off but i think one of the things is that we're i think one of the things that will have a lot of we shared a. lot of you know shame normal human interaction that we all have and that goes from like remember it was oh my gosh i'm an interaction that we all have and that goes from like remember it was oh my gosh obama smokes. oh my gosh she's bisexual you know. oh my gosh she's bisexual you know and her man or deny her fender defending. or.
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as of today i am took full responsibility phillip a for the end of an affair for appropriate action and i'll be in the people's and shall be glad to piaf it down. but i think we have to remember this is an abusive situation and there's there's that line we got i think we have to remember this is an abusive situation and there's there's that line we go to that says how much how much do we know and how much we don't know to that says how much how much do we know and how much we don't know it's like of course she could but i think that or anyone could then go ahead with it's like of course she could but i think that at or anyone could then go ahead with the moon the moon i don't know me but i do get them and i'll cut you off but i think it's important in that somebody also court. of the of the fact that they. don't know because because of those of revenge revenge porn because if if
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if these were these were nude photos of her and there was no abuse to her staff or staff or she if she had not taken advantage of and taken advantage of the job this staffer or they were simply there was just as of her be. yours of her being bisexual she would not be stepping down right now she did take advantage of someone who was under her and we're living the middle she would not be stepping down right now she did take advantage of someone who was under her and we're living in a culture right now that says regardless of whether you're a man or you're a woman you do not have the right to take advantage culture right now that says regardless of whether you're a man or you're a woman you do not have the right to take advantage of people who are under you in this way and that's what's important here too is that of people who are under you in this way and that's what's important here too is that. you know you know again you get. look at the republican or democrat on
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the right or left but i absolutely believe that there has to be accountability for people who are in positions of power to not abuse the people underneath them if you can't democrats on the right or left but i absolutely believe that there has to be accountability for people who are in positions of power to not abuse the people underneath them if you can't not abuse the staffers under you what are you going to be afraid of constituents what bad i think not abuse the staffers under you what are you going to be for your constituents back i think i have a question for you then so you think if red state had published an article that refound have a question for you then so you think if red state had published an article that referenced this staffer as this step back for a. step effort. this staffer says that she was abused without posting any pictures or anything explain kind of the whole situation you think he would have still been forced to use without posting any pictures or anything explain kind of the whole situation you think katie he would have still been forced
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to step down or did the or do the pictures give her the give the attention to the story which caused her to be out in order to or do the pictures give her the give the attention to the story which caused her to be. kind of i think. yeah i think you're exactly right i think it kind of i think. yeah i think you're exactly right i think you're exactly right when you say that this was the fuel that went into that fire but i think that's the if you're exactly right when you say that this was the fuel that went into that fire but i think that's the wrong reason for her to have stepped down one thing is the wrong fuel that went on the fire so i wrong reason for her to have stepped on my thing is the wrong fuel that went on the fire so i agree with you i'm not i'm not arguing that it was ok or even it's even acceptable but from a from and agree with you i'm not i'm not arguing that it was ok or even it's even acceptable but from a from a and i believe that we probably would all agree on this from a journalism standpoint the issue should have been focus i believe that we probably would all agree on this from a journalism. the issue should have been focused on on the taking advantage of the
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staffer not on the the issue was done on the taking advantage of the staffer not on the the issue of the photographs themselves but not to lose sight of it because i feel that in her case the photographs themselves but not to lose sight of it because i feel that in her case some of what her supporters are saying now is they're trying to paint her as only of that she's not only a victim of one of her supporters are saying now is they're trying to paint her as only of that she's not only a victim she has a big muscles remember to turn around to the wild yes she broke the rules of congress and she has a big muscles remember to turn around to the wild yes she broke the rules of congress having a relationship with that staffer but at the same time it was a mutual real levenson related question to what happened with that the star stuff or but at the same time it was a mutual relationship it wasn't but the staffer was being about arbiter we wanted to be. noticed that was a secret and it got to actually come they will know it was actually going to get
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a couple but we have to move on right now but thank you so much everybody and we'll see you back here shortly as we have to move on right now but thank you so much everybody and we'll see you back here shortly as we go to break as we go break our coworkers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on our social break as we go break our coworkers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on our social media be sure to check a lot of this will be sure to check out what it is hard for the spot. because everywhere it is now available on spotify apple music everywhere you listen but there's a fun coming up we can something up here we can inspire a new capital for the big old into the bigger is going to be but thursday's vote by the by the u.s. house of representatives through the beginning of the impeachment because we're in the for the from the top of the from since actually. be afraid of it because they took from the streets they bother to most of us in the.
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many things going to be in both we needed to be things that we like that it was like that i mean there's not. a but. i mean it's it's a feature think the economy's equipped we have never been taught a software of our of the car before i mean me to try to get traction at writing that isn't clean but i think just as indicating survivors are just in case there's a real connection. i'm. i'm. in this us. and this us.
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and i 232-2196 the u.s. house of representatives voted i'm guided by an eye 232-2196 vote the u.s. house of representatives voted on guidelines for the next phase of the impeachment inquiry into president donald j. trump the votes almost vote for the next phase of the impeachment inquiry into president donald j. trump the votes almost completely along party lines will most likely make the divide amongst members of congress worse rather than better along party lines will most likely make the divide amongst members of congress worse rather than better and at the core of the inquiry is a partisan political divide house rules committee. at the core of the inquiry is a partisan political divide house rules committee ranking member and republican
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representative tom cole had this to say on the housing member and republican representative tom cole had this to say on how his party feels about the proceedings. which you were meeting here today how his party feels about the proceedings. which you were meeting here today to set for ford board a feel for for sort of for progress that to. you just you know for him presby jumping out of the united systems that the united states it's in my view it's not a few it's not their process of fairport it's not an awesome process it's not an open process as this it's certainly not been a transparent process that in limited and political pushed us. unlimited enclosed and frank frank might be i think the group are moving toward a bit of preorder ordained end result all. over the last month several house committees have been engaged in what's been called
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a formal impeachment inquiry quote committees have been engaged in what's been called a formal impeachment inquiry quote unquote of course there's an informal about it and the speaker thinks of course there's nothing formal about it other than the speaker saying so alice has never voted to conduct such an inquiry and the committees have operated in the dark house has never voted to conduct such an inquiry and the committees have operated in the dark without formal authorization what it out for them or nothing more often than truth and then expanding big fish on what amounts to nothing more than an expanded fishing expedition. on the other side of the other side of the democrats. make sure that they were painted one of them up and up to her that he's eating that means let her see that ratings like it relates to him and about how persons tell him and about the house and can tell if he hadn't been reading adam schiff. reckon with naive
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as he. read a 2nd nies. this era of this is a standard of the taking this $100.00 taking. we were recognize is that. we recognize that. we have been compelled we had by this have been circumspect and old insisted by the move as a start for them sword stance since it is to move forward. when a president. when a president. abuses his or her office a few one has a presence and sacrifice or who is that more office when a president sacrifices the national interest when actionable in refusing to address to defend the constitution should when a professor then refuses to defend the constitution. and does so for the purpose of advancing a person or political it agenda and does so for the purpose of advancing
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a personal or political agenda. i'll do is provide i did the right the 5th i'll just provide i did the right i meant make no hope i make no pre-judgment as to whether. that remedy will be prejudgment as to whether. that remedy will be warranted went and we went phantom wish if these are she's hearing things the side will fade into the facts i will wait until all the facts are put forward. we will take put this whole do or goody with this here if this we will undertake this duty with the seriousness it deserves and to the best of our ability thank you it deserves and to the best of our ability thank you. so will the 2 party system find a way to unite on the basis of facts rules will that. find
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a way to get on the basis of facts or even the rules and. will turn the whole thing into another even all of the rules circuit of the us for the american pietschmann turn the whole thing into another political circus for the american people to deal to deal with it. so all of us. most of us have a ok like half of us at this table or remember and were old enough to have a clinton ok like half of us at this table or remember and were old enough to have a clinton. burn it was going to be. legal it was a well i might be very good mood today i'm so way back and i just didn't go back to good days so way back and you know this didn't go the good name pietschmann and i'm still a little traumatized from it because it went on forever and i'm still
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a little traumatized from it because it went on forever and. i'm like. i don't know if we want to do is do you. was there any i wasn't there. other. thing that the. president the democrats could take could again take hold again. for work purposes. perfect song i'm going to say and i don't i don't mean to jump in here but i'm going to say you know what i'm going to say and i don't i don't mean to jump in here 1st but i'm going to say you know what always works a senate or congressional censure and everybody knows that changes always works a senate or congressional censure and everybody knows that changes the world if you basically say hey you're a bad guy nothing gets to the world you basically say hey you're
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a bad guy nothing gets done about this so that's what they should have done i mean look the into the soft inquiry about this so that's what they should have done i mean look the into the soft inquiry before before we were that official formally took off for a day that a fish but this was a thing in progress this again it was was an investigation it was the start of an investigation they were checking to see if there was any there there as they say and the start of an investigation they were checking to see if there was any bear there as they say and then now they voted to open the formal inquiry which is also again going to be open and now they voted to open the formal inquiry which is also again going to be open and now we're going to see if there's any there there and then we'll see how it goes it's just the process of art and now we're going to see if there's any there there and then we'll see how it goes it's just the process of our government i'm not sure what the big deal is here right strange things like government i'm not sure what the big deal is here right strange things like
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watching the news and watching people who you know a simple google search will tell you when to watching the news and watching people who you know a simple google search will tell you when to ivy league schools. they should understand how these basic processes i don't know if ivy league schools. they should understand how these basic processes i don't know if they know that google exists and they could look at out but there is a set of you know you have to you know this i know that google exists and they could look at out but there is a set of you know you have to. you know decide what these things are why do you think so it's been so easy for just sort of our side what these things are why do you think so it's been so easy for just sort of our basic processes to not be clear to the american people like it just seems that we don't know what's going to basic processes to not be clear to the american people like it just seems that we don't know what's going on because we've had a congress congress as it's. changing rules making
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making taking now we're literally next and we're living here with release the public and but it's all there was a republican but it's other republicans so it does does it. does does it seem weird that our basic. civics is. that our basic civics has become so who who who who would have if that's what it is or that you're less and significance to. the state of media coverage of the media coverage of the word impeachment and. it's because it comes big sort of those words big but it had. to get in when you thought you would also have been a skater sting when you look at this case specifically because they say this is that if it lead legionnaire to carry phones don't call this all with ukraine legendary their balls on caught all the ukraine there in the 2nd are all talking about they're saying that it was a risk to national security yet when you look at the media coverage of other thing that it was a risk to national security yet when you look at the media coverage of other things
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president does does that mean that you give me a lift to be a legitimate which. even though i don't talk about your evolving of it all that i'm going to talk about it all of our talk about israel's relationship with so saudi arabia they don't talk about these ongoing wars in the middle middle east that if it can continue to trump trump and it has gotten gotten worse and worse in some ways and ways and you look and look at those you look at those wars and those are some kind of countries. being is that and being told to respond then honor roll and fold under in the. morning will be a may go on don't want to be revenged on to they want to. study if it is not in the national security we're talking united states is that not a national security risk or is it is so in a vision it's kind of you're not injured and went away and it is part of it is it is not part of. a curious theory so it's going so we're not going to hear about it
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as much as it did much just to give us to. say and i mean i mean who when when it is was when we when we talk about about a peach but not that we shouldn't be talking about you know what you said and also the abuse of power that probably yes that was a peach but not that we shouldn't be talking about you know what you said and also the abuse of power that probably yes that was an abuse of power i mean like you know open and shut case but the same time we're not talking about the legalized for abuse of power i mean like you know open and shut case but the same time we're not talking about the legalized forms of corruption and so on with which the opposition is on one trip he was in. fact. even more than it is obama did i mean even more than obama did. but as i think there's a current and i mean. basically. running inside the exit conwy the economy that in fact the theory should be should be tissue scandal i think it's really telling them. exactly. the right.
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by your heart is in 4 months of construction that he's i think about it doesn't really form of telling them that i think they see it may be really telling that the so-called resistance has republic resistance has really cohered around the narrative here doesn't focus on it in trump's islam of around a narrative that doesn't focus on trump's islamophobia his corruption his enriching his people in his. people and about his cabinet for their own personal benefit is that on metal and will accept. there's a lot of me who rely on scott and all that section of the others out the lot of real scandals that should be out there but instead we focus on this you know alleged collusion with russia and now the issues of i'm 21 stepping aside and i want to you know alleged collusion with russia and now the issues of and i want to ask you i want to ask you but to bring you into this is you and i have railed against the 2 party system as cuban bring you into this is you and i have railed against the 2 party system quite a bit of. time and i'm especially on this show is this incident entirely
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or kind of sort of a scare circus around this. and that in the process of us of us of their going about their get going the point is we've given them the this is we've just brought up is this. even an impeachment. optically really a nuclear. way to. send those to them that we're currently kind of sitting under no i really can't but i mean if you go back even we're currently kind of sitting under. no it really can't but i mean if you go back even and have a mention for us old people here in the ninety's they couldn't have a mention for us oh people here in the ninety's to the clinton administration it didn't work then either but you know what's really interesting about that is the bill clinton administration it didn't work then either but you know what's really interesting about that is bill clinton was impeached of course he was not removed
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from office we all know that he actually was impeached of course he was not removed from office we all know that he actually left office more popular afterwards but what's interesting is during george w. bush's era left office more popular afterward but what's interesting is during george w. bush's era this is the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction and lied us into the iraq war and it won't this is the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction and lied us into the iraq war and at one point nancy pelosi at that time was asked about impeachment for him and she said that it would do the country point nancy pelosi at that time was asked about impeachment for him and she said that it would do the country no good it no with whom would it go in and would you know when and. where the really the guy who led to the us in iraq the iraq war cannot be impeached because it does no one any good to michel's point there are bipartisan issues that you'll be impeached because it does no one any good to michel's point there are bipartisan issues that you'll never be impeached over and that's why i think the public as a whole looks at this and they just never be impeached over and that's why i think
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the public as a whole looks at this and they just don't understand anderson it dan that people people basically full focus on the because this on this you based on where they stand i stand either for trump or against him if you're against other if you're for for impeachment pump or not and because you get one if and you're in this to against trump and you're for impeachment not because you understand the story or the the weight of the story but simply because it fits your narrative and that's what the media has pushed us into and that's what the 2 are the part of the. the way which he does a stand that were elected because you simply because it fits your narrative and that's what the media has pushed us into and that's what the 2 party system pushes us into and the fact is you guys all know there's no point in this anyways because if it goes to the senate if the if the hell guys all know there's no point in this anyways because if it goes to the senate if the if the house votes to impeach it goes the senate it won't even go to a trial mitch mcconnell would just kill it on day one that's the votes to impeach
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it goes the senate it won't even go to a trial mitch mcconnell would just kill it on day one that's the end of it we move on to the election and to ben's point here it's interesting about what nancy pelosi and of it we move on to the election here and to ben's point here it's interesting about what nancy pelosi said because even 6 months ago she said there's no appetite for that it's not a very popular he said because even 6 months ago she said there's no appetite for that it's not a very popular thing to impeach what she found was oh we can get a little bit of a political expediency off there's nothing to impeach what she found was oh we can get a little bit of a political expediency off this we're headed into the election season we can get just a little bit about this and to michelle's point this we're headed into the election season we can get just a little bit about this and to michelle's point i thought this i thought this is very very interesting because i was i was thinking about about this while we were playing that in that sound done by. a coal hole or what when he said it is like you do in this alex you do there's been there's been you know there's both
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been with you know but oh no there's no no no anything you know you know what like like when you when you're just dropping bombs on people there are no bob it's a peaceful we say no to both a lot of us as we said did not get a lot of that bird had flown into denver that. predator and i remember driving nonfinancial i don't know grant i'm not going to iran and i think. that's forgotten and i'm right maybe i just forgot cousin rolled all. of that apparently had a primary out and i mean that you know i mean i think if you think i just think or says we're going to sit here and think matter how bad. you know. we don't know of the a person as i was in life the reason we used on the 5 the system. is the reason that the way to say it is says right now and the reason we're the way it is in this place with the and the reason we're in this in this place with the basement closed door you know dungeon of the basement closed door you know
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dungeon of the senate holding these secret inquiries is because the republicans put certain rules in place that allowed holding these secret inquiries is because the republicans put certain rules in place that allowed for it is this another one of those things that this sort of bipartisan bickering of for it is this is another one of those things that this sort of bipartisan bickering of we're going to set rules and we're here and then you can't do this and then we'll do this this way isn't this just kind of showing how it we're going to set rules when we're here and then you can't do this and then we'll do this this way isn't this just kind of showing how it all just kind of comes back to bite them in the end when you don't actually work together when you don't i'll just kind of comes back to bite them in the end when you don't actually work together when you don't actually respect the rules of the office that you're in the you know actually respect the rules of the office that you're in the you know procedures of a well i mean think about who wins when there is like you said bipartisan bickering it procedures of
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a well i mean think about who wins when there is like you said bipartisan bickering it's those those those court corporations that are from that and they are from both of those in both parties those right parties it's like what happened it's an act of congress people who want to be a people spending want to be expanding nato and i really don't like ben's point of about and i really know people who are positioning themselves as being 24 against him but you know people positioning themselves as being for or against impeachment pietschmann based on whether or not they like trump because i totally understand the desire pietschmann based on whether or not they like trump because i totally understand the desire here. put faith if and hope when it open pietschmann in point of course people will want that people still want the chance to change change change change so i'm not i'm not like you know i can die indicting you know. you citizen us in citizens who like like have their minds hands wrapped around their own and peach each minute and it totally makes sense but we have to think about what kind of change is that actually going affect so really what we do totally makes sense but we have to think about what kind of change is that actually going
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affect so really what we do have to be cautious about ultimately the country becoming ungovernable that's where we're headed right now you have to be cautious about ultimately the country becoming ungovernable that's where we're headed right now and we're becoming ungovernable because now you're setting up a system where anyone can be impeached for any reason and we're becoming ungovernable because now you're setting up a system where anyone can be impeached for any reason at all just because some group doesn't like it and lastly by parties in the hall oh that's just because some group doesn't like it and lastly bipartisan that's the problem we're not set up to be a bipartisan country we're 2 parties run everything's the problem we're not set up to be a bipartisan country we're 2 parties run everything which in fact of course just one part is very good point very good point we're going to say thank you and in fact of course just one part is very good point very good point i got to say thank you all for coming on before today but. always
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a pleasure to blizzard great i've been greenstein branch of always a pleasure great discussion since day. out of me as i'm sure others are over show you to go there you may want to remember a remember you want to be in one of those rooms where there's always were nobody or not in the world where love love the not enough to tell you. i love you. i robot and the robot. keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day. to keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day. perhaps. i. hope i live. live. plant.
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play for him. we have the almost complete was to talk of the things the problem arises when we was talking surprises which was a surprise for me i was on the console all along but i had for well surprise for me i was on the console all along but that thought well because these are media people become different their own kind so no need to trouble because these are media people become different their own kind so no need to trouble myself about it so i wasn't ready for that magnitude thing myself about it so i wasn't ready for the magnitude of things happening that when they began to happen it was the sign that
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the society is crap and that when they began to happen it was the sign that the society as it is was ready to react to what it sees as it is was ready to react to what it sees a 1000 times we're done jobs. 1000 pounds we're done jobs. just a. little conditional a moon or some. blood usual condition moon.
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simple yes sure in my future you know somebody. will appear that for the show. you look at with a showing of where it's going to go in the church don't you think it should go into where it's going to go in the church on. you think it should be. you're pushing 30 . volts of shipping. you're pushing 30. volts of shipping. yep and you lost it does the book hit the roof of the bus in your book. yet when you lost it does the book hit the wall were the books in your book still missing you know or such that you have. or don't know whether or. not. it was the latest news in the for us. boys and believe that the failure. was the latest news in
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my grandmother. on my own mother. with a snap election on the way see the shape of the remaining u.k. prime minister. of the opposition clash over everything from russia to u.s. designs on me and they position collection of everything from russia to u.s. designs on the n.h.s. . the democrat controlled u.s.
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house of representatives. the democrat controlled u.s. house of representatives moved to do some research to be thanks to me on the 5th infantry trump impeachment and change inquiry to the next next to the day they open the reckoning. illusion. because it has been so everybody at risk because it's as soviet style. and facebook suspends accounts and it believes face was provoked suspends accounts it believes were russian iraq and different bolton i don't descend to both of them inhibitions come . off. just a week off to moscow signs $1000000000.00 deals with the continent. well those are the headlines $1000000000.00 deals with the continent. well those are the headlines all be back here next hour with another round up and stay with us for so. i'll be
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