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tv   News  RT  November 5, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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it's unbelievable what we had clued in with everything. leaks video shows an a.b.c. news anchor revealing the network's not quiet on explosive interviews from 3 years ago detailing the predatory behavior of disgraced us believe jeffrey epstein and others involved in sex scandal. u.s. military convoy comes under fire in syria from turkish backed militants we look at how the grouping including factions wants beardsley promoted by america has now turned on washington.
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take talk comes under scrutiny as reports emerge that u.s. all parties are investigating the wildly popular chinese own video sharing out over national security concerns. very warm welcome to you you're watching r.t. international with me nicky aaron is great to have you with us this hour now our top story a u.s. military convoy has come under fire from turkish backed fighters near the town of tel timer in northeastern syria pentagon officials say their patrol was not hit and that no american soldiers were harmed but have given no further details their time comes as u.s. troops resume positions in areas of the region they had withdrawn from last month president trumps come on the head of a turf. fence if it's the 2nd time the militants fighting for the syrian national
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army have targeted american forces in recent weeks washington's envoy to syria also claims the as then a which has its roots in the free syrian army committed war crimes during ankara's operation against kurdish forces in northern syria. turkish supported. opposition opposition forces who are under general turkish command in at least one instance did carry out a war crime and we have reached out to turkey to demand an explanation which has promised to investigate the claims against its syrian allies it's worth noting that some of the groups under the s.n.a. umbrella force now accused of war crimes were previously supported and by washington can have more can explain. the free syrian army american media and politicians told the glorious freedom fighters picking up a gun for democracy and human rights and the usa wasn't afraid to show its support
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the united states has been one of the biggest supporters whether it's politically whether it's financially in a range of manners of the moderate opposition including the free stream our syrian army administration is staking its efforts in syria on the free syrian army aid and assistance that we're going to give to the free syrian army is used to advance the cause against guys will watch the transformation of the free syrian army as well early on have they gotten more quickly better or is it just me well guess what forces fighting under the f s a's latest incarnation are now attacking the united states as part of the de confliction exchange information has been received from the u.s. side to that on 3rd november a convoy of american servicemen was fired upon from the territory controlled by the pro turkish syrian national army so how did this happen i was a group go from being worthy of the u.s. support weapons and training to being terrorists to attack america as well let's
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review the process of the f s a's evolution as the syrian conflict escalated they were presented as a soft force to counter the quote brutal regime of bashar al assad western journalist even visited them they are former syrian soldier. they say they refused orders to fire on their own countrymen a few months and i decided to take up arms against the assad regime there are pretty gnarly bunch for a soft force but who pays attention to these details western media fell in love with them and their commander solemn interest even got a surprise visit from john mccain the u.s. senator slipped across syria's borders so he could meet with america's dream team fighting against the syrian government and sense then solemn even appeared on major t.v. networks in the united states i spoke with general salim idriss just moments ago he's head of the free syrian army i spoke earlier today to rebel leader general salim he connected with us via skype from inside syria egypt spoke to state
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department correspondent margaret brennan in turkey and 2014 the pentagon splurge $500000000.00 on syrian opposition groups to the now infamous train and equip program the goal was pretty glorious 5000 soldiers a year for the following 3 years however at the end of the day the mathematical calculations ended up with a pretty big margin of error it's a small number. ones that are in the fight. is we're talking 445 the overall goal is to make sure that we have enough men to be able to get work done on the ground a lot of the weapons and money spent and it up in the hands of terrorist groups like i still or the al nasra front fine use of u.s. taxpayers money and since then the u.s. trained fighting force seems to have almost disappeared but now they're back we've
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got the syrian national army this is a totally new organization with dozens of different factions $80000.00 total fighters approximately and guess who their minister of defense is well you guessed it it's major solomon idris but he's got a completely new script now he is no longer a big fan of the stars and stripes as the syrian conflict. twists and turns you have to ask yourself who is the united states going to end up supporting next and how long until they turn against the united states again this incident at the very least. destabilizing the presence of americans has been and also their support for these groups like the so-called syrian national army which consists really of people who point aggressive jihad and so it's been an alliance convenience and it's become inconvenient for that you how do those who have seen that yes the americans have abandoned the kurds who they disliked but of course they fear that they too will be controlled but they didn't really think about who their friends were who
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they were helping who they were arming and funding. the u.s. government is reportedly investigating social media platform tech talk one of the most downloaded video sharing out so far national security concerns the company which is chinese owned exploded in popularity in america especially with teens and is one of the few to challenge the monopoly of tech behemoths like facebook and google. but. these. days. are now moving. i'll be honest with you up until last week i had no idea this thing even existed take tock tick tock for me simply the sound i associate with the clock well if you feel the same i'll have to tell you either you're getting old like me or it's just
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that your online habits need an urgent update take talk a platform to share short videos is now the most downloaded app the king of all apps and twitter and co you've been dethroned just so you know ever heard the song. if it wasn't for his app store majesty the song wouldn't have become a hit you can hear on the radio anywhere in the world but here's something that may surprise old school folks like me even more the king belongs to an asian dynasty tick tock is that chinese app. so that's why the top democrat senator in his late sixty's is more up to speed than me 110000000 americans who have information with and the chinese government could be grabbing
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every one of them guess what the u.s. government is already up to reports say they've launched a national security probe into tick talk and the worries are the chinese government could spy through take talk influence through take talk and censor what's on tape talk good god how come the rest of the world hasn't given up american born facebook speaking of the man who introduced the blue f. to us all it's only natural he is keen to have a go at his competitors or services like what's up are used by protesters and activists everywhere due to strong encryption privacy protections to talk the chinese up quickly around the world mentions of these same protests. censored now just let me show you what the people behind tick-tock have to say about all that our data centers are located entirely outside of china and none of our data is subject to chinese law we're not influenced by any foreign government including the
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chinese government to talk does not operate in china nor do we have any intention of doing so in the future someone here is either being really does honest or outright paranoid or a bit of both it's time to stick in. u.s. china trade wars i'll tell you what this year has shown these are still it could easily spill over into modern tech slash online territory remember how america once went after i phone killer one of the wall way. want to be still the right word washington even saw jail time for one of while these top executives and held google to the wall over android updates anyway for now. quite a few older ones even in america will be picking the chinese take talk way mr schumer do you have the guts to keep up with the times and join the royal after
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party. so the us now and another twist in the saga of deceased find and see a jeffrey epstein leaked video shows a.b.c. news presenter amy rocha claiming the network had explosive interviews on the convicted paedophiles predatory behavior more than 3 years ago but chose not to run the content it also implicated implicated high profile think is including britain's prince andrew and bill clinton here's a look at that footage obtained by transparency group projects. unbelievable what we have cleared with everything. i tried for 3 years to get it on to no avail and now it's all coming out and it's like these new well of revelations i freaking have i am so pissed right now every day i get more and more pissed because
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i'm just like. we it was all what we had it was unreal other women back you know ok yeah. obscene served a 13 month sentence in 2008 for prostitution relation related charges involving a minor later he faced dozens of other cases involving sexual assault and trafficking before his arrest in july 29 teen on august the term for epstein was found dead in his cell and weeks later the cases against him were closed their thirties ruled his death a suicide a.b.c. news has defended his decision not to broadcast the story stating it didn't meet editorial standards at the time what we were about to agree to expanding her comments were made in her private moments of frustration our joining me now live is the founder of project journalist james o'keefe and welcome to the program is great to have you with us now how concerning is it for you that a.b.c.
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seemingly quashed these interviews with the alleged victims. well i think it's a huge concern in that the statement that you just read there was seemingly written by corporate lawyers for a.b.c. it directly contradicts what amy roebuck says on the set and this leaked hot mike tape i think comes across quite well and if i were her i'd be upset at these executives for squashing the story as well but the tape is if you watch the full 3 minute tape you'll see that she's she's very upset that these interviews with the accusers were not aired she says she's 100 percent confident that epstein was was killed and this is a pretty prominent american a.b.c. news journalist making these statements and i have to wonder why did they not air these stories why why were the why was the sheld now this came to us from an insider within the network an insider who currently works at a.b.c. news leaked us this tape and that person is still on the inside so that we expect
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more to come here also speaking out is that one of the key witnesses involved in this story that to me or robert c. says the story would have been a game changer i do you think others would have come forward only if a.b.c. hadn't have to put it on it 3 years ago. i think so i mean i think that a lot of these people are can are not trusting the media anymore in this country because the media does not cover the news i mean this is a big story this is a huge story and you can see the anger you can see how frustrated amy robock when you listen when you watch this tape it directly contradicts what a.b.c. news is saying publicly now about not having enough corroboration there they're fine airing the allegations against maybe brett kavanaugh for or trump or anybody else but when it comes to bill clinton and some of these folks 'd that are mentioned by amy in this hot mike tape they say they just didn't have enough corroboration i'm not sure how a.b.c. news defines a corroboration when it comes to credible witnesses talking about sexual assault
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why the big network said that it's already felt to me the networks had its own standards we come to take a listen to what the anchor i mean robot claims she was told by the network at the time let's just have a listen to this now. we know that on the air 1st i was told was jeffrey epstein no one knows who that is this is a stupid story. the palace found out that we have her allegations are false andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways. and i'm b.c. and also claim that it's her real standards for us if there's a not to run the story on harvey weinstein was stunned as would they be abiding to hair do you see it as i'm not there that's exactly the rhetorical question that we have for a.b.c. news i'm not sure when it comes to every other accused person whether it be a cabin off or the most recent allegations may make made against trump a.b.c. news tonight there's not a problem airing those allegations i'm not clear about what is in the tapes here
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that we're not seeing and i think again i think that the tapes speak for themselves this insider has come to project you're a toss dot com slash brave many. the insiders are reaching out to us another insider within a.b.c. news many people inside the network are frustrated by these these cover ups that these these media networks are doing and it's and it's a terrible disservice to american journalism to not air these allegations and given the daylight so what we'll see what happens here in the next few days i went by can also claims that annoy effect stain alan dershowitz pressured a.b.c. rule to release the story he's that they simply provided the network with evidence that a key witness was not reliable how susceptible do you think these major news outlets ought to outside pressure. oh i think it's i think it's been my experience in my career over the last 10 years very versus outgoing i mean c.n.n.
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has not yet covered these these tapes i mean this is a big story i mean this is this is made the associated press in the united states today and a.b.c. news and defense the president of a.b.c. news talk to project veritas none of these networks there seems to be some type of and any amy says it's her own words she says there seems to be some type of network of people that you know that that is covering up for this and she says she has a she thought all of it so. you know like i said that i encourage people to watch the full tape i think that people do not trust the media anymore and in the united states they're not they know they're not getting their news from from these sorts of organizations so they they it's quite telling that this insider leaked this tape to project their it's us and not the washington post the new york times c.b.s. or c.n.n. because they seem to want to protect the people that were working with jeffrey epstein again amy robach saying that steam was blackmailing people there's
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a lot of powerful people on those airplanes that amy is 100 percent certain he did not commit suicide i don't know why she won't say that publicly but there she is in the leaked tape on the set of the program saying these things when nobody is looking yeah that what there are some incredibly powerful figures he's names that being widely mentioned by abstains alleged victims do you think there's a reluctance to go ahead with the story when it involves such high profile very powerful figures. i think so and i think that jeffrey goldstein the president of a.b.c. news has a lot to has a lot to answer for here i mean this is a. pretty self-evident but the problem is a lot of the people in the media seem to be implicated in this these executives at these stations are implicated that's what amy robach is saying in her words here jim virgin you're roberts you free she told me everything she had pictures she had everything we had bill clinton we had everything that's a direct quote from amy robock so i'm not i mean the only conclusion i can draw is
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that a lot of these network executives are very close to the people that were hanging out with jeffrey epstein per amy amy roebuck so she says quote i am so pissed right now amy robach speaking on the hot mike again the tape speaks for itself i encourage other insiders to come to project com slash brave if you have evidence of this we will have your back and we will tell your stories. the fund reporting very tough times on estates like a thank you for your time thank you. spain has issued fresh arrest warrants for 3 exiled heartlands separatist leaders follows a visit by the country's king to the autonomous regions capital on monday which caused widespread outrage protesters lit bonfires along barcelona's main streets burning photos of the monarch as well as spanish flags the growing unrest comes ahead of spain's general election this weekend the 2nd to be held this year had
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a lonely is bid for independence in 2017 has thrown the country into its deepest constitutional crisis in decades and has overshadowed election season protests gain momentum and became increasingly violent since the jailing of 9 catalan surfaces leaders last month and a role in the referendum. the king has positioned himself against the catalans comes here a few days after the sentencing he has no business being here it's a provocation. this is a grad student in a cello voice speech you spoke of the spanish but i must say to the king of spain. and you do you have a chance. the french defense minister has stressed her administration's commitment to fighting the spread of islamist extremism in the african startle region florence pollies comments comes just days after insurgents killed 49 mali and soldiers stationed at a remote outpost in the country's east it was the most devastating attack on the
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fragile fragile market governments forces in recent years with more his solid defense. 70 years of bloodshed and violence isn't just continuing in mali some say it's a worsening in recent weeks attacks have been increasing with islamic state claiming responsibility. another casualty of the mounting violence is france french troops have been
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stationed in mali a former colony for years. i have from now on will account for 50 percent of our budget for international security and cooperation because this is where the security of the african continent and more generally security of a good part of our planet europe included is being threatened the royalties has been leading the charge of the mali was split in 2 in 2012 by islamists who declared surely a law in the north of the country they deployed troops to the region in 2013 but despite initial promise to hold this have regrouped and they've spread violence has spilled over into neighboring countries but kenya faster and nisha now despite repeated commitments from president mccone to shore up the fragile region he's just not been able to stabilize the mali and government and the number of attacks has a doubled since 2016 despite that france is intent on staying in this
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so while our commitment to the head is and remains a priority for fronts. well take time to defeat those groups who thrive on the social and economic difficulties of this ahead region as the violence spreads across mali the failure of the french and u.n. troops to keep a lid on it is touring other tensions mali and military families have complained that the army is not being given sufficient resources to fight the insurgency said to protest not just to denounce terrorism but also the presence of foreign troops patients for military progress is wearing thin some groups are calling for a change of tack advocating opening up dialogue with the chartists that's something fronts as previously ruled out so to have mollies top officials but with the current impasse a new solution is needed or the death toll is likely to only. r.t.
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paris. less an hour plus live to iowa johnson a journalist and africa expert to discuss this further welcome to the program how the effective would you say france's anti terror mission has been in mali. well started off pretty well they were quite energized in the early parts they were making gains of pushing the jihad his back but most recently as we've seen time and time again they've significantly received a lot of losses they've been hit hard they've been pushed back again the french and the mali and forces combined with west african forces themselves which are active in the area have faced pretty setbacks so demoralizing disappointing that the jihadist can make gains at this range at the start but more so for them is the fact that they've been able to take away still a lot of i mean issues and of course take some of the vehicles with them in their aid so i would say that the french have been
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a slight me face to bad times most recently but in time passed very successful at the rates that they've been able to achieve against the jihadists and the extent to which you say it's rent it's the government to rely on and i'll say i'll cite support. well there comes a time when people say that they are those that have come from the outside and that people should only europeans and the french specifically so the times when people say they overstayed their welcome there's a time when they've crossed a line and feel that the local support that they once were receiving might be declining i think we're coming close to that point because at some point in time we're coming close to 7 years that they've been and will be so close to 10 years if not more and that's what some point the money government has got to realize that they're not making the relevant gains that they once were and more so. if things become counterproductive over time that because we've seen protests last month in
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which people are calling for the flags troops to leave how do you mali is in general feel about the french military presence that. well the the onset when they arrived many years ago the french were welcome they were seen as a saviors successes to support the very weak government and to an extent today still weak in its stead but but again over time many people have said that the french are there for minerals many have said therefore to motives and the imperialistic mindset sets in many are saying they want their land to be controlled by millions and millions around but we know already that millions have not been able to control their land because jihadists have made that a point of engaging directly with europeans specifically the french so it's on lucky for them for the millions but more so for the neighboring countries and many of them a fragile state on their fragility becomes that much more parents when they're confronted with refugees displaced people and the fighting itself goes on to them
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as well locally so i'm afraid millions are not the only ones affected the neighbors as well and also they raise the terrorist threats emanating from the south pole both to the countries in the region i hope rotates the international community to think. well yes hello it's always been a difficult one again we are seeing for the 1st time we have not in many most recent times where i.s.i. and al qaeda seem to be working together and we've seen them accept your prating on the same territory mallees clearly one of those trees so it can be very difficult to dislodge them and it's going to be very difficult for the cells become free of terrorism and 3 of jihadists simply because the west of there the french and the millions need the french and it so happens that jihad is on like you to leave because they see that the the opportunity for them to engage with the enemy as they see it europeans i.e. johnson journalist and africa expect thank you for your time thank you. thanks for
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joining us here on out the international way back at the top of the hour with the latest headlines we'll see you. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic to follow the only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful ready. to sit down and talk.
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wrong. just don't hold. me. to shape out. active. and engaged equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. there max kaiser this is the kaiser a party of all or that expression of you find yourself in a hole stop digging sounds logical right not for one particular industry. thing indeed in fact there are 2 industries and we've talked about them often
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that's the tech industry we have the tech bubble $2.00 with we were left peloton all of those sort of companies and we have the fracking one and that's important for this 1st headline for wall street dot com because he looks at all these bubbles going on what he says is here's what i'm worried about with the everything bubble how cash burn machines power the real economy and what happens to the economy when investors refuse to have more of their cash burned so he calls it the cash burn machines these are investors willing to just keep throwing money into ever losing operations we work in of course they were losing money for 10 years or less in the case of we work but they keep on throwing money and they're willing because there's always somebody to flip to they all share 2 things in common one they're fabulously efficient finely tuned and endlessly perfected cash burn machines and to investors and these companies can.


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