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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  November 6, 2019 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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i don't feel they've done anything worthy of apology or change as a cult wrote the wall street journal opinion piece this week cancel culture doesn't understand redemption there is no hope for the cancelled but to avoid further cancellation which requires capitulation to the cancelling fury's and the hopelessness of the cancelled is on full display this week as the story of carson king and the reporter who covered his story in september of this year in iowa man carson king went viral it was seen on e.s.p.n.'s college game day holding a sign asking for donations to a local children's hospital that's when local des moines register reporter erin collison went about writing a good feel good piece on king calvin at the behest of his editor did a background check of carson and found off color racist tweets from when king was 16 years old but before the story even came out carson king held a press conference about the tweets and to apologize the p.c. mob then went after the only person left to blame and his piece for the columbia journalism review titled twitter hates main the des moines register fired me here's
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what really happened aaron calvin stated i was made into a villain and a fool a man who tried to cancel carson king and in so doing got himself cancelled people resented what they perceived as a reporter making king a target of political correctness so why are we cancelling the cancellers when we know the cancel concert culture doesn't even work why must we have a person to blame for other people's failings. now let's try to cancel the nonsense and start watching the hawks. the older you get the. real that this was. a lie as to the plot of. the day like you are going to. the police. with. this little.
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welcome everybody to watch in the hot sun have a lawless and joining me today in the hawk's nest to cancel out the nonsense and get some truth is from new york legal and media analyst and why know of why no media i am here with me in the d.c. studio r.t. america correspondent karen fronsac thank you guys both for joining me today thanks for having us thank you thanks for not canceling. the. first 1st i want to start i want to read the reporter aaron calvin's actual reporting in the original story about this so what he wrote was quote a routine background check of king social media revealed to racist jokes one comparing black mothers to gorillas and another making light of black people killed in the holocaust the joe tweets date back to 2012 when king was a 16 year old high school student now let me ask you lionel i'll start with you 1st did the reporter in your mind as
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a media analyst do anything on apical and do you feel that he shouldn't have reported the treat tweets at all that it should about reported. well he did it from what i read pursuant to either a company rule or a paper rule or a journalistic rule he was very very clear in saying this is what i wanted to do it wasn't to the person or do him or impugn as integrity or indict him but just to make sure that before we talk about somebody who is doing something which is distance of billy wonderful and philanthropic to make sure that convicted murderer or has done this before so i think what he did was completely commensurate with just common sense if not journalistic happens fair and you're reporting you're a reporter you've done a lot of work in local where this sort of all happened which is very different than that you know sort of national news or cable news articles only very different animal is there an industry standard for tweets is that for bad tweets is that
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you know if the person is connected if they do that is there any standard for how to report on them and when there are newsworthy why i think back in the day before you had president donald trump where everything was via twitter even president obama was on twitter a lot of people really did look at twitter now everybody and you know there is a history in you can scroll back as far as you want and as far as having a standard you know it's tough to say because it's 16 years old we all did really stupid things things that were probably not proud of but i do say what's out there on the internet it's there forever kids so be really careful what you put out there because you never know when it can come back to haunt you it is funny that we you know those of us as me as a jan x. are having grown up like literally didn't have the internet then did the 1st thing we learned is it's like porn it's going to be there forever and whoever you don't
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want to see it is going to see it. you are saying why not. well what you just what happened was i'm sorry due to to ruin the cancel fest on their part but i have a big so why me so why he said something and i am a big fan of the philosophy of goosed of the bomb and mobs and collectives and crowd diversity starlings and memory issues i like to read about why fish travel in schools and like crowds well we have this thing today these feigned outrage mobs it's not clock received it's a it's a mob rule it has nothing to do with whatever the purported thing is whether they don't like the journalist for for unearthing this or they don't like the person who said it they were like it doesn't matter the fun is in the scrum and the fun is in
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this crazed potentiating cycle world created by some social media the greatest oxymorons of criminal justice i mean it's and they enjoy remember what are we talking about whether it's right or wrong tweet that was racist i repeat most emphatically. but without it we talking about why is this even a big deal i'm sorry but i come from the days of you know george carlin that and lenny bruce before me of the 7 dirty words were it was fun where we boldly we rightly say this is what he's saying now it's back yet. and that's what frightens me because is that the government limit our speech it's this it's this vigilante type of thought police thought vigilantes citizen groups that are going crazy over again what well i know as a journalist some would argue is that here you have
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a 16 year old and granted yes he did raise a ton of money for a great cause but is he a closet racist and that's where i think what this journalist was trying to do or what he was as we'll get to told to do because that is also it's makes great news i mean it's not sexy unless you have this closet racist that's making $2000000.00 that's raising $2000000.00 and that's where i think you do get a lot of these deep dives to find out what dirt can we find to make this story sex oh i understand why we're doing it and i would respectfully submit that in our day and age i would say that a racist is somebody who does races things not who said something when he was barely shaving i mean you know. in the pantheon of racism i begin of the edmund pettus bridge i begin to think of a civil rights i'm thinking of all these terrible things not some pimple faced sorry kid who said something stupid again so what it's the mob it's all about the
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mob is what we're talking about and i think as journalists here there is a certain amount of there's a certain amount that people don't understand like you take a lot of heat whether you're at r.t. or c.n.n. or wherever you go i mean take heat for whatever you say because they're going to say well you had a choice to do this or you you decided that that was your way and normally i would rarely and i'm sure you could check the tape i've rarely ever. said something nice about tucker carlson or said i agree with something he sad but in this instance i actually do want to because he had something really interesting to say about. the question he asked about the carson king saga and who's really responsible for what happened and who is responsible and take a listen you know still though at the des moines register carol hunter she's the editor who made the call to publish the piece and to crush carson she appears to be completely fine and to be clear we're not calling for a firing we think it's
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a little bit weird that the kid gets fired and the person who makes a decision gets to stay is that fair. fair and local news how much of an interest amongst power does a reporter on the ground writing these stories have against the against an editor and these things so i have worked in many different markets i have worked in el paso texas south bend indiana grand rapids michigan rockford illinois a vast. wide range of market sizes here and what a lot of people don't understand is when you're a new college grad which it seemed this kid was a couple of years fresh out of college and your news out of her comes to you and says i want you to go in there and dig out as far back as when this kid started twitter and i want you to find something and the minute you were to look at your news director and say i'm not doing that you're on a list of you're the next to go local news is already suffering which is one of the
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reasons why i crossed over and r t you know to also cover a lot of stuff that wasn't being covered in local news but as a young kid you're not going to go up against a news director when you're even just trying to break into the business and so unlike tucker carlson i would call for this news directors firing or this news editors firing because if she's the one that told this kid to do it i mean again he's a young kid i would have said sorry lady i had doing that i would have been like all right i guess this is what i got to do to break in and then again they fire him and not her that's not cool at all do any do any of you find it ironic especially today when we have 2 cases one we have a major. a.b.c. network that did know that on an international known pedophile sex trafficker predator the name. ignored every.
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now you know but i've got this story. and then we have one the other in st the most famous diddy is tilly is my. big review of a man who merely followed orders to vet under this new. rules and this. is going to word that he is targeted by others he is being pilloried and yet over here and is it are we in an insane asylum is this all the sign of the big but i'll ask you how much is carson king how powerful is he compared to let's say bill clinton not that powerful so no i don't know how to cover it and i would go one step further because it's like i was you know we look at what happened with the case and finding out more and more i think something we all knew that people weren't talking about things that were reporting on things the same time sandra bland was said to
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have killed herself in federal custody of the police and that story dropped like a brick and made money media and this is one of those things that i think all of us here are you know every day we ask ourselves like that as important as this important as a supporter and i think this is the thing that's driving out good reporters and good reporting and keeping us from knowing exactly what's really going on but i think the other thing too is you're you ask the question here is this important is this important important what local news is asking is this newsworthy is this newsworthy is this going to clicks is this going to get people looking at our station because again local news is suffering is it sexy enough this one it was pretty sexy not going to lie you know exactly what was also sexy this was the segment thank you so much. 'd i wish we had more time line i will definitely have you on again why no legal and media analyst lionel final media for me. thank you so much for joining me and i think there are 2 americans fair and fronsac and as we go
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to break don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics covered on our social media and be sure to check out watching the hof the podcast now available on spotify apple music and everywhere you listen to podcasts coming up we've got the latest on the recent acid attack that was on cement how hate crime numbers may not be what they seem but before we had the break on november 5th the 2080 of the voyager 2 space probes joined voyager one as one of only one of only 2 manmade spacefaring vessels vessels of the 1st solar system julio's and thanks to 5 studies and this artist's rendering we now see how the data voyager 2 collected can express the stronger bubble of gas and past my back heliosphere that envelops our system stay tuned to watching. is you'll be
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a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation little community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. already made in the shallowness. gunpowder was introduced to change global geopolitics forever and you can't run invent gunpowder big oil is changed now the whole notion of what money is. and you can love uninvented there's no turning back.
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to madge and again this is 35 and you have a career and a career involves using your i phone in your computer and things like that in an office and perhaps you sort of killings and it circulates you could have to stop doing all this and this is tell you lou the minutes before. my world became smaller and smaller and smaller until i ended up running it in a box. or out at a very strong magnetic field. in my head. it's like a real heart pressure on my skin burned and that wireless access point there just continues all day with our students in the schools. we are just continually bathing our citizens in this microwave radiation it is certainly electro small and it's
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getting worse. welcome back a school board in canada has been brought before a tribunal by a family that claims their child is being discriminated against based on gender i mean now before you jump to any conclusions watch this r.t. america alex brings us this story. canada's capital city has become a front line for gender discrimination a human rights complaint was filed by a couple an order against the school board on behalf of their young daughter. the. states that their 6 year old was discriminated against based on gender and gender
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identity which contravenes the province of ontario human rights code the issue pamela and jason before ms daughter identifies as a girl and in fact biologically she is a girl however the assertion was challenged by one of her teachers 1st the child in her grade one classmates were shown this video welcome to queer kids i learned this is my best friend teddy and today we're going to talk about the video teaches that some people are boys or girls and in order to determine who is a girl or a boy or neither all you have to do is ask someone what their pronoun is according to the justice center for constitutional freedoms which is working with the parents on another occasion the teacher taught the kids that gender is fluid and not attached to biology the teacher went on to say that girls are not real and boys are not real the 6 year old child in question who strongly identifies as
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a girl was confused by this and she found the lesson upsetting now the child attends another school were gender theories are not taught but the application against the school board continues lisa building is a lawyer who is representing the family on behalf of the justice center for constitutional freedoms referring to ontario's human rights code she says. if everyone has a gender identity and gender identities are protected under the code then the girl's gender identity as a girl should be protected if the school board can accommodate the inclusion of transit other gender identities into the classroom setting then surely they can accommodate the inclusion of children who experience no discord between their biology and their sense of self it is obvious that some children are confused by these teachings and some argue that these ideas have the potential to reach much further than just kids if we are denying biological sex the concept of women's rights is in danger in turn the issues that today's 6 year old girl struggles with
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could easily breed new problems as she becomes a woman in toronto i would smile of h. for watching the hawks the f.b.i. has to find a hate crime as a criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race religion disability sexual and haitian ethnicity gender or gender identity itself is not a crime and the f.b.i. is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties but what happens when someone commits a crime under that exact definition but the local district attorney's office says it was actually at actually was not a hate crime that's the question and my home state of wisconsin has been dealing with where the number of hate crimes are on the rise yet little to none of them are actually being reported and try to court as a hate crime but it doesn't and there are a number of hate crimes across the country are also being under reported because according to the f.b.i. a juror stiction can choose whether or not they want to turn over the number of
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hate crimes they've seen to the f.b.i. for example in 2017 you had more than $16000.00 law enforcement agencies but only 12 percent reported that their jurisdictions had a hate crime that in turn showed that in 2017 there were only about $7100.00 hate crimes which seems off right. that's because the other 87 percent of this jurisdiction. yes more than 14000 departments didn't even turn in their numbers showing the number of hate crimes they saw were a 0 which brings us to today corresponding manimal walky is literally at the wrong parking place at the wrong time ending up with battery acid being thrown in is face with more on this we bring in our watching the hawks correspondent there in front of us so we had a hood of the lease he was an immigrant from peru it's also important to note that he is a u.s. citizen he was parking his car to go and eat at a mexican restaurant when he was confronted by a 161 year old white man who says that he was parked there illegally so he went
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back to his car parked a block away and when he came back that same route he was met by that man again says that he asked him why did you come here and invade my country and then he threw battery acid on his face when someone calls me to be going to be with you he was. going to do this to me that was at a press conference monday morning after the attack happened friday night he suffered 2nd degree burns on his face and i want to bring up the surveillance video so you can see this again you can see it's 61 year old it's it will be clipped in blackwell there on the right he is not formally charged right now but you can see where he throws the battery acid in him the villa family they have created a go fund me page to cover his medical expenses and as of tuesday night 41000 dollars was raised and they had it just a 15000 dollars goal so. what more do we know about this guy
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clifton blackwell so it's kind of interesting so again he is 61 years old he served 4 years as a u.s. marine now his mother says that he has suffered from p.t.s.d. he was arrested back in 2006 of false imprisonment and pointing a gun at someone when he was confronted when he confronted men they were actually tracking and. deer on his property up in wisconsin a neighbor says that he's always been rude aggressive and actually once broke down our door blackwell's brother says that he was not confrontational and again served 4 years in the marines but his roommate which is interesting mohammed ish t. week he told a couple of the local news outlets that blackwell was retired and kept to himself but was on his computer a lot. as of late started becoming he says he started becoming very aggressive and confrontational and very prejudiced interesting though that his roommate though is not a white man you know the story in that you could live with someone but then you're
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so there's a lot of play here so back to the court room now this is being looked at as a hate crime but again not being charged yet as a hate crime why is that so it's actually interesting because police they have every right to charge it as a hate crime but ultimately it's been handed over to the district attorney where after looking at everything that said here now it's going to be interesting to see if they do because he says why did you invade my country even though he's a u.s. citizen he does he doesn't use a racial slur he does it you know imply anything as far as him being you know of peruvian descent but invading my country that's going to be interesting to see what the district attorney's comes with this i mean there's a lot of play here and we do have one during about you know we talk a lot about p.t.s.d. and soldiers and we're seeing an uptick in crime by i mean a lot of mass shootings recently have been by people that served in the military we
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just talked a couple of there yesterday about veteran suicides and soldier suicide somehow danger it is to them and i think we forget how dangerous it is to everyone else that they not get treatment that they need or that someone be there to help but there is a thing so one question are are hate crimes number are really going up are they under reported what are the numbers and why. can't we get a solid bead on this why is it that you can have this be very politicized and partisan because one person says these numbers one person says that so what are they and why is it such an issue so looking at a bunch of local news reports in the state of wisconsin hate crime numbers the people calling in hate crimes they're up actually and you and i were both looking at a number of reports today where there were they were clearly hate crimes but the district attorney again they decide whether or not it's they're going to charge it as a hate crime and a number of the hate crimes that we saw that were clearly hate crimes were not
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charged is that and you know jurisdictions they have the right to tell or not tell the f.b.i. if they had hate crimes and their districts now the f.b.i. says that they do work closely with local u.s. attorney offices and they decide again whether a prosecution is warranted but again the district attorney is they have the final word in this unless unless the f.b.i. wants to take all ready the minimal resources that they have and try to go forward and prosecute hate crimes let's say you know if the local authorities are unwilling or there are unable or they don't have the resources now as a national 9 on a national scale hate crimes across the country as of 2018 when it comes to hispanic bias it went up 24 percent however interesting lee enough in 10 major cities including chicago new york l.a. detroit the numbers actually went down so it's interesting to see you know if maybe if it's a larger city and you're seeing more immigrants go there or if people are just you
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know used to being more you know in the city setting and you're seeing more cultures it would be interesting to see well thank you so much for helping us walk through this story and more and thanks for helping me out today correspondent karen from that. a new breakthrough in battery science could be the missing link to making renewable energy. a reality for everyone up until now the case against solar wind is that there isn't an efficient fission cost effective way to store very much electricity the researchers at university of technology in gothenburg sweden have been working for over a decade on different battery and power related projects and one is getting heaps of praise it's a storage system that starts with a liquid molecule made up of carbon hydrogen and nitrogen made into a laminate coating put on windows or anything on the glass surface and put that draws in the sun's heat energy and releases heat the big news though is that they
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developed a battery that can store the energy created by this for decades here's to the scientists and researchers versity heating up the careys for renewable energy and that everyone is our show for you today remember everyone asked my co-host who will be back soon tire of entropy always does not love an obsolete oh you all i love you i'm top of the lalas keep on watching the hocks and have a great day and night everyone. join me every so sleep on me all excited when sure when i'll be speaking to get us to the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see that.
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today there are good terrorists and bad debt and the bad terrorists and those in yemen who the united states deems to be a threat to the good of those who work in syria the cia and the u.s. military were engaged in covert actions to really drop the world. where they were assassinating populist leaders. they were backing up right away military windows funding an army of death squads there's no. more because there's always a small. really good this is a profit. the good news if you like and use the term deep state you are no longer deemed a conspiracy theorist the bad news the deep sea is very real and powerful and a danger to the democratic process the deep state as the 4th branch of government as it counts.
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thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision. every song came to a complete. the day that i was right to be instructed you know told to shut up what they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birth year if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished in the offender and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even going to justice or put on the registry this is
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simply an issue of our and violent male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's men or women. invoking the russian metis says general election campaign gets under way in the u.k. boris johnson attempts to sue. is main rival jeremy corbin claiming the labor party started with over the script power poisonings. a major u.s. network acknowledges it didn't want an explosive allegations of state sexual abuse by the disgraced financier geoffrey epstein because the story didn't meet his that it's horrible stunt the. desperation in a raucous protests and violence gripped the country on a scale unseen since the overthrow of saddam hussein.


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