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tv   News  RT  November 6, 2019 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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but to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. invoking the russian menace says general election campaign gets underway in the u.k. boris johnson attempts to submit his main rival jeremy kohl been claiming the labor party sided with its it over the script power poisonings. a major us network acknowledges it didn't want an explosive allegations of state sexual abuse by the disgraced financier geoffrey abstained because the story didn't meet his that it's horrible stand the. desperation in iraq because protests and violence gripped the country on a scout unseen since the fear of a throw of saddam hussein.
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a very warm welcome to you you're watching r.t. international with minichiello top story this hour general election campaigning in the u.k. has got off to a bad tempered start this wednesday with boris johnson launching a series of scathing attacks on the opposition leader the prime minister appealed to the public to vote for his conservative policy rather than jeremy corbin's labor which he claimed has failed to take a tough enough line on russia. come with us a government that believes britain should stand in the world good with generally keeping in the labor party who sided with with russia who did kill easily the streets. the prime minister there in the crowd that you use referring to the script called poisoning case back in march 28th seed of course russia did get the blame for this consistently denied all the allegations ever since records the prime minister they're bringing up the sky. well to basically discredit jeremy corbyn as
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part of the campaign going forward and it wasn't the only anti russian the negative russian reference that's been used so far in the campaign the prime minister has also compared jeremy corbyn the stalin saying that he's attacking the wealth of the landowning classes while the response the labor m.p. emily song has self has raised questions over boris johnson's top advisor dominic cummings who spent 3 years in russia after he graduated in the 1990 s. and the prime minister is also being accused of a cover up as number 10 is failing refusing to publish a report by the security and intelligence services about russian insult in british politics and then i saw him break asked why so we are bound to ask what is downing street so worried about why would they not welcome an official report into attempted russian interference in the 2016 referendum whether successful otherwise and i fear it is because they realize that this report will lead to other questions
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about the links between russia and brics it and with the current leadership of the tory party which risks the raiding their election campaign however mr crispin share responded by saying there's nothing unusual in delaying the publication of the report ahead of the election as it needed to be examined and there was no proof of collusion role the reach for her suggest that somehow the conservative party and this government is linked to russia and this information given the way that her own party leadership isn't is the responsibility of her own party leadership. there is no evidence to suggest. the kremlin has successfully engaged in interference in our electoral processes so with 5 weeks to go until the election the mudslinging has already started with all the parties trying to compromise each other but perhaps the best way to compromise you is to mention perhaps indicate any allegations or any links whatever to do with russia just talk radio host and
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columnist john gaunt told us that cheap political point scoring is deflecting attention from crucial domestic challenges. when we vote you believe has to get that it was only just about the. playground of all of their houses for both of their houses this is exactly the kind you dropping people off saddled with is just complete. notice and i think the british a letter of fed up of this sort of garbage let's talk about policy is let's talk about what you're going to do to the country and less how our democratic right and how about this through a change when we do vote for whoever we vote for and whoever wins one a year in parliament actually implement the what we the people tell you to do. like you should have done over the e.u. referendum result 3 years ago we have your office the parliament 16 are not even
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sure after this election where there will be any less rottenness let's hear from people serious let's have them debated let's not have facebook spats and all he said she said and did you know these quotes and tweets in decision 2015 it's all stupid but let's get the politics. well arty's in case you missed it all has also been exploring the attempts by british politicians to discredit one another by highlighting that opponent's dubious ties to russia you can find the full version on youtube. britain's labor party has expressed concerns that this man dominic cummings the prime minister boris johnson's most senior aide has be. with britain gripped by election fever it's a bad time to have your name in the same sentence as russia and a good way to smear your opponent. coming very blog says that he spent 94 to 97 and been trained up to undermine the
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west and some indistinct point decades into the future just kidding actually the blog just says this i worked in russia 994 to 7 on various projects. and last but not least prime minister boris johnson how could he possibly be a russian agent i hear you are one he's called. buddies true then to be a fan of dirty russian rubles and the most incriminating prize of all 3 he won shook hands with yours truly at a party true story and that's all it takes. and it's video appears to call stars on the impartiality of america's a.b.c.
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news channel it is a network claims the station quashed her explosive interview with an accuser of disgraced tycoon jeffrey epstein in 2015 who allegedly detailed the convicted paedophiles predatory behavior the following is part of the video obtained by transparency group project for. with everything. i have i tried for 3 years to get on to no avail and now it's all coming out and i think these new well of revelations and i presume had i was so right now like every day i get more work because i missed like 5 week it was all what we had it was unreal now this came to us from an insider within the network an insider who currently works at a.b.c. news leaked us this tape and that person is still on the inside so that we expect more to come here it's quite telling that this insider leaked this tape to project their it's us and not the washington post the new york times c.b.s. or c.n.n.
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because they seem to want to protect the people that were working with jeffrey epstein again amy robach saying that f. epstein was blackmailing people there's a lot of powerful people on those airplanes that amy is 100 percent certain he did not commit suicide i don't know why she won't say that publicly but there she is in the leaked tape on the set of the program saying these things when nobody is looking. a reminder of how this story develops now 66 year old multi-millionaire jeffrey epstein was convicted of soliciting prostitution from a minor in 2008 and was then registered as a sex offender in july this year he was arrested again was about to face trial of the alleged creation of a sex trafficking network charges he repeatedly denied a month later that epstein was found dead in his cell in their parents' suicide artie's taylor brings us more. live t.v. one no one check your mike then check it again project veritas has published
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bombshell footage of an a.b.c. anchor recorded in late august shortly after the disgraced billionaire was found dead in his new york jail cell any robot over 3 years ago she had exclusive material relating to peter fathering material which had direct testimony from one of the victim's photos as well as other evidence of his to be dealings which implicated high profile figures like bill clinton prince andrew she told me everything she sure did everything she was fighting for 12 years to come out we convince her to talk to us it was unbelievable what we have cleared with everything robot claims the story was stopped from going to 2015 because according to the people no one knew who was funny because just a few years before they'd been happily sipping champagne at his manhattan townhouse you see back in 20 media heavyweights gathered out to dinner and on of the u.k.'s
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prince andrew a dinner which was arranged on hosted by you guessed it south and among those who wouldn't know who epstein was were both a.b.c. and c.b.s. phosphor 2015 managed to entice virginia roberts to free one of the victims out of hiding produces through her. and her family out to the a.b.c. h.q. in new york and hosted them and one of the big apple's most luxurious hotels what they got was the scoop of a lifetime to free through wind open the door on the marquee world of epstein and his entourage as they slew around the wallet on his private jet dubbed the lita express palace found out that we have her whole allegations are false and true and threatened us a 1000000 different ways i viewed the b.b.c. interview as a potential game changer appearing on a.b.c. with its wide viewership would have been the 1st time for me to speak out against
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the government for basically looking the other way and to describe the anger and betrayal victims felt i was defeated once again by the very people i spoke out against and once again my voice was silenced i could not believe that a formidable network like a.b.c. had backed down and given while this exposition was saucy more salacious than other reports on that side it wasn't the 1st time his morals had been called into question stories piecing together a tangled web involving bill clinton and prince andrew had sophos before images of the finance his little black book with hundreds of victims names and mugged alongside testimony from a 14 year old go claiming to have had sexual relations with the billionaire manhattanites gossipped about how new york city it was being ferried around on his private plane to his private island along with the coterie of very young women but all those revelations just like roebuck's were put back in the troll at the time
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not all are reporting there are standards to air but we have never stopped investigating this story ever since we've had a team on this investigation and substantial resources dedicated to it that work has led to a 2 hour documentary and 6 point podcast that will air in the new year you'd be forgiven if that rings a bell. because a.b.c.'s response is uncannily similar to n.b.c.'s comment about its coverage. of of media mogul harvey weinstein the end b.c. killed the story because they said you did not have enough facts it didn't reach their level of journalism yes we had multiple named women in every draft of the story we had audio of harvey weinstein admitting to a crime but more pertinently they ordered us to stop and it seems a.b.c. was not the only one to fall into the trap of enabling epstein to evade true media scrutiny but it's vanity fair and the new york times had several allegations of his
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inappropriate sexual behavior but chose to stick to safe stories on things like the origins of his wealth and was subtly careful to avoid reporting some of the more suspicious details surrounding his death are a lot of men in those planes a lot of men who visited that island the powerful man who came into our and so do i think he was killed 100 percent yes and maybe a.b.c. was right no one knew who epstein was or maybe it didn't want to get on the wrong side of some very powerful people people who with you believe the rumors might just now have blood on their hands of things lawyer contacted the a.b.c. network at the time saying the allegations being made by the accuser interviewed by the channel could not be trusted while the anchor has backtracked slightly since the video was leaked. and we were back explained that her comments were made in a private moment of frustration but found of project very tough again james o'keefe
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plays a.b.c. doesn't shy away from other high profile cases. you can see how frustrated amy robock when you listen when you watch this tape it directly contradicts what a.b.c. news is saying publicly now about not having enough corroboration there they're fine airing the allegations against maybe brett kavanaugh for or trump or anybody else but when it comes to bill clinton and some of these folks 'd that are mentioned by amy in this hot mike tape they say they just didn't have enough corroboration i'm not sure how a.b.c. news defines a corroboration when it comes to credible witnesses talking about sexual assault but the only conclusion i can draw is that a lot of these network executives are very close to the people that were hanging out with jeffrey epstein per amy amy roebucks at least 2 in the e.u. and russia in crisis greece's top diplomat 15 in moscow on a trust building mission we'll bring you up to speed on not after the break.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallowness.
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was introduced in a changed global geopolitics forever and you can't and invent gunpowder coyness changed now the whole notion of what money is and you cannot uninvented there's no turning back. come back greece could prove an olive branch for a u. russia relations to athens and moscow have agreed on a for most of co-operation over international issues including the european union and nato that was announced after greece's top diplomats held talks in the russian capital. the you love up as you know greece is one of the oldest members of both the e.u. and nato but we're trying to ramp up our role in the international scenes as we're occupying a key strategic position in the region given the undeniable fact that russia is an
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integral part of europe security architecture greece is ready to assist in settling various disputable issues to cooperate in terms of safety and security in the region and to develop a positive dialogue we hope that both my visit to russia as well as mr lavrov the upcoming visit to greece and other bilateral communications will contribute to the issues presented together. let's go live now to the greek ambassador leonid as christiane thoughtless to discuss this further welcome to the program it's great to have you on at do you think greece is in a position to influence european policies in regards to russia. i think i think yes. yes. mentioned that russia is an intel corp our european security our architecture that is something very positive of course. i have discussed with the e.u. is the lifting essentially of the sanctions and perceptions can be lifted
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if one in whatever state just refuses to extend this is something that greece will do what the course says in that case it will break. because it is in a position to do that the issue is that it has to convince the other countries you have ever states that there is no need to continue having these sanctions that are actually. the people. that's also the people. some so in that respect i think that if greece has the political will to do so it can do something and i think that it will do something because. our agriculture is suffering from these
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sanctions and not only creates a record here but other countries like italy for example. yet the question is i mean well there's no cooperation with athens change anything i mean in 2015 the greek prime minister as you said opposed sanctions against russia and said he would try to mend the time between russia and europe yes 4 years all than functions are still in place so is this it is this going to be that the change that we need to get out is it going to happen now. personally i hope that it will happen. this is a period that we need to balance the situation that europe there are problems between they're going to be in union. and. then there's the right moment to lift the sanctions against russia which personally i find them totally totally unreasonable. but
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not so if if the political will to lift the sanctions by blocking the continuation of it but i think that it will prefer to try to convince the other member states also to go wrong in lifting the sanctions so we can have a normalization of relations between the european. as far as nato is concerned that is another issue there it's a more difficult to because you have the united states that a member state. it's i think more can be done with you agree to do more need to you. with a nato also it is very very important in that by let's you feel
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this is a signature of a common consultation program. that provides a specific date for consultations between greece and russia from next year up to 20 pretty too and that's also a significant move as basically. minister there. job russia was to repair the bilateral relations that had been so harmed by last year's events. where greece expelled. russian diplomats for the 1st time in their history. so this is something positive happening and i hope that i that i hope that logic will prevail that the poker can pass that we now need to ask is on top of us thank you very much for your time. iraq your stories are holding talks on constitutional amendments amid ongoing violence in the country around $260.00 people are believed
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to have been killed basons anti-government demonstrations started a month ago protesters are demanding a major overhaul of the political system which was established after the u.s. led invasion back in 2003 parties daniel holkins has been delving deeper. iraq is no stranger to turmoil the country's seen little piece and even less the billet since the us led invasion of 2003 mass protests and violence of regulating gulf the state of these though are the worst since the overthrow of saddam hussein 16 years ago 'd. hundreds
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killed dozens in just one week by live ammunition many thousands injured amid a heavy crackdown by security forces or the government's deployed special forces imposed curfews and an internet blackout across the whole country but that's just angered crowds even more roads and bridges have been blocked by demonstrators who have also tried to take over buildings both in the capital baghdad and across other cities why is this happening with these protests address years of grievances corruption unemployment poor public service is there a source of anger across many countries but in iraq things should be different the rock should be thriving the country's oil revenue has exceeded 850000000000 in the post saddam years with production nearly doubling despite the internal strife with iraq estimated to hold almost 10 percent of the globe's proven reserves its prospects should be growing a report by the international energy agency predicts revenue to hit nearly 5
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trillion dollars in just over 15 years time and optimistic estimates set back by years of conflict but you get the picture just months ago any joy in sex on a b.p. we're fighting for the right to build a pipeline in the country with tens of billions. dollars at stake and yet reality for most of the rockies is bleak last year iraq was ranked 168th out of under an 80 by corruption index but for people surviving on a day to day basis that's one of the smallest concerns the world food program reveals more than half of iraqis are at risk of food insecurity with unicef figures last year showing one in 4 children living in poverty so what happened former u.s. defense secretary robert gates stated on a visit to baghdad that a new era was just around the corner more than ever i believe the goal of a secure and stable and democratic iraq is within reach almost 12 years on things
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couldn't be further from the truth to make sense of post intervention iraq and where exactly is grievances lawyer let's speak to nicholas j. davis author of blood on our hands the american invasion and destruction of iraq mr davis thanks so much for joining us today good to have you with us now these protests they've been going on since mid october they show no sign of slowing down indeed there's been a government crackdown condemned by many organizations where do these grievances of law i that are spinning out with such violence all over the country the people of iraq you know i still you know have really been ignored and all this there is still suffering from the absolute destruction and economic devastation of iraq by the u.s. invasion and occupation by statistics iraq having 10 percent nearly 10 percent of the world's oil reserves this should be a wealthy state yet we're seeing something quite different here how much of this is
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about that inequality about that the wealth which is not trickling down which is being lost going down the drain to a corrupt system there were large state owned companies that that was the very basis of the iraqi. to me and they supported this you know mixed mixed economy beyond that that was all completely destroyed unemployment under the u.s. occupation at one point breached at least 60 percent essential leave the sort of. you know pyramid of of power in you know occupied in post occupation iraq where you know this tiny group of u.s. and iranian backed exiles has you know with u.s. and iranian support created a monopoly on power that the vast majority of the disenfranchised alienated
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people of iraq have never supported the u.s. who really has completely discredited itself from start to finish it has done nothing that has helped the people of iraq at all you know either before or after the invasion. about what the late the top of the alethea that. what politicians do anything. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to. have to try to cross as a white woman for 3 of them or can't be good that. i'm interested always in the waters in the hollow. there should.
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be good news if you like and use the term deep state here we're no longer deemed a conspiracy theorist the bad news is the deep state is very real and powerful and a danger to the democratic process the deep state as the 4th branch of government is it counts. time after time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability very important. transitions to sustainable prize board sustainability explain her manner the more equitable and sustainable. they claim their production is completely harmless. it. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something this must be done to anyone and i mean look. this is the moves of news that we didn't even an einstein seemed to be
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understood with superman in. i. this is blue books broadcasted around the world and covering all aspects of our global economy in the 21st century ombre job or. filling in and washington here's a look at what we have on just for you today soft bank stock has slumped on its recent troubles with its we work investment and now the c.e.o. has reportedly slammed the thinking project arche correspondent pasha's week brings us the latest on the situation in los angeles and where the japanese may get investors most of here with a flailing firm plus
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a virtual existence is expanding and becoming intertwined to our daily lives we ask just how reliable are these robotic author and tech executive alex never lend us a hand from san francisco today to break down the latest security threats the latest developments in artificial intelligence and what it means for consumers and later big oil has been slowing steadily since its meteoric rise to 20000 but recent reports show manipulation may have played a role in this spike cryptocurrency analyst ben swan is back on the program today to guide us through the crypto paper and what it means for the future of the internet we have a jam packed show today so let's jump right into the headlines. as the world's 2 largest economies they get no hope for a phase one trade deal the u.s. and china are looking at rolling back some tariffs people familiar with the talks say if there's a deal removing tariffs will be part of it the phase one deal would include the increase of china's purchase of american farm goods rules to deter.


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