tv Boom Bust RT November 8, 2019 8:30pm-9:01pm EST
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says that dr john dombrowski are both on here to measure health care cost around the world we have a jam packed show today so let's get right to it. singapore and the european union announced a free trade agreement between the 2 countries that will take effect later this month a trade deal has been in the works for almost a decade and it's scheduled to take effect on november 21st singapore will remove all tariffs on the products that are entering the country while the e.u. will remove tariffs on 84 percent of all singapore products that are entering the e.u. within the 1st year and how the the additional 16 percent will be removed over a 3 to 5 year period singapore is the e.u.'s largest trading partner in asia southeast region with a total of bilateral trade of over $58000000.00 in goods and just over $56000000.00 worth of trade in services and the agreement includes sections on renewable energy investments e-commerce and even intellectual property theft president of the european commission john carr juncker said this is the european union's 1st
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bilateral trade agreement with a south east asian country a building block towards a closer relationship between europe and one of the most dynamic regions in the world while european commissioner for trade cecilia mon strong said our trade agreement with singapore provides further evidence of our commitment to fair and rules based trade the agreement will benefit workers farmers and companies of all sizes both here and in singapore. the european union's competition commissioner margaret vest a juror wants to take a deeper look at apple pay the top regulator previously had sent out a questionnaire to merchants asking if they had been told to use apple pay instead of competing services on thursday best who spoke about the situation at the web summit tech conference in lisbon portugal saying we've been asking quite a number of questions because we get many many concerns when it comes to apple pay for peer competition reasons people see it it becomes increasingly do. bickel to
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compete in the market for easy payments last year best of her told reuters she would be open to investigating the tech giant's payment service if someone lodged a formal complaint now joining us now to discuss this and other regulatory concerns mispresent are brought up in lisbon is international regulatory attorney myles edwards thanks for being here for us thank you now miles what are the regulatory concerns that we're seeing specifically around apple pay with the e.u. she didn't mention the specific issues besides a little bit anti-competitive nature. sure so these are issues that were brought up originally by the danish consumer council and primarily their and i trust issues so pays platform in europe is you know only a platform that has the capability of what they call an f c which is the capability to do in-store payments and why that's extraordinarily important it means that we chat pay and samsung pay cannot work on i phones what's extraordinarily troubling
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as well is that the way that apple pay works on apple phones it's the default payment system which means that it blocks out all other payment systems and it makes it extraordinarily anti-competitive and those are the concerns of concern so you should be able to use whatever payment system you want on your i phone now another item that has come up also regarding apple pay is the e.u. is currently investigating apple pay regarding spotify spotify is claiming that 35 percent of its subscription revenues are going directly to apple and they feel that that's extraordinarily anti-competitive well and vested or has been exceptionally harsh on some of these american tech companies but in lisbon she's she has says that she sees no limits to how ai can support what we do as humans now doesn't the
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advent of ai just strengthen the position of these tech giants like google amazon apple and even facebook. well it does to a degree but i mean there's a really a myriad of european union regulations including for example the g.d.p. are which places extraordinarily rich high restrictions on a and so what she's saying is which is extraordinarily interesting is that she's not opposed to ai itself but she is opposed to anything that would. impinge upon privacy or security and she really wants to go out and regulate data and the use of data much more now she's also under sort of a regulatory mandate from the e.u. to impose ethical guidelines on social media platforms. based basically within a 100 days and so she wants to keep. she wants to keep the social media platforms
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running but she also has to find a reasonable regulatory framework in which this can all operate effectively well i just feel like and i feel like miles on the ai point that you know when we talk about this as a merging technology what we're looking at here though is that this is learning and it's grabbing all of our data and aggregating that into making them be able to sell more to us and things like that so i mean i understand what you're saying but does that still become a huge problem for them. it becomes an extraordinary lead large problem for them and if they want to expand in other areas it's all about data and so now we have a situation as i mentioned almost a year ago on this program regarding the g.d.p. are in the right to be forgotten and the european union and companies are still struggling with it currently we have the c c.p.a. which is a california privacy law which is what i call g.d.p.
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or light which is going to become effective in the united states and in 2020 so there's a myriad of concerns about it and i think what she's saying is there has to be a way that i can work but it's going to have to work within you know certain regulatory guidelines and those guidelines can't kill it but still provide it to be you know extraordinarily entrepreneurial but on the other hand it can't be at i competitive or anything that would look like it's involved in antitrust law like you mentioned she's not completely against these technologies but she has now that out billions of dollars in fines to some of these tech companies like google and facebook and says it again she's not completely against them so what do you really making up of her position on this and how do you think these tech giants are going to move forward with that. well i think what they're going to have to do is they're going to have to find
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a way to really end run and what i mean by that is they should be looking right now at creating their own ethical guidelines which they can provide to the european union and i mentioned this before on this program that i think the best way for them to do it is to form some sort of self regulatory organization or an association that can be adopted in the european union where they can basically manage themselves promote their own ethical guidelines that would help her out you know extraordinarily well but when we go back and we look at the fines of fines in a lot of ways we're completely justified. as these social media giants were doing things that really impacted upon individual and personal freedom and privacy and even some of the right are already doing it i think all things so having somebody to see these that is another call guidelines what probably helped just a little bit all that was international regulatory attorney miles edwards thank you so much for your time thank you. the international monetary fund says it's ready to
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start conversations with argentina's president elect alberto fernandez regarding the future of a contentious $57000000000.00 loan from the organization i.m.f. spokesman jerry rice spoke about their readiness to engage in washington on thursday the managing director chris communicator good for congratulated. president elect for an end this on his election and reiterated the funds rate enos to engage with them mr fernandez and his administration to help argentina address the important challenges facing the economy there and to pave the way for inclusive and sustainable growth. mr fernandez who defeated president murray c.e.o. mark green in october made renegotiating the i.m.f. loan a key player in his campaign the president elect spoke about the situation in an interview with congress on korea on r.t.
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spanish this week. everyone knows that the international monetary fund is an accomplice to what happened everyone knows that european leaders who at that moment complained about loans granted by the i m f you know that everyone knows that i firmly believe that we will negotiate properly and we must tell the truth because our goal is to pay off the debt and not to a very do it at this time no meeting between fernandez and the i.m.f. has been scheduled. the molex in russia is up this week on the heels of a milestone for the end acts as the exchange cross the 3000 mark for the 1st time ever according to an analysts despite the sub par performance of stock markets in
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the country russia and i quote he's are among the best performing in the world now moving to asia we start in japan as the nikkei index actually is up on the week following optimism in the united states the end of a fresh when you're high at friday's open on the easing of trade tensions now moving over to china the shanghai index was hovering barely up on the week on friday afternoon despite slipping down words in the final hours of trading now this comes after the end ex-pro $3000.00 mark on tuesday on the hopes for a trade resolution and looking elsewhere in east asia the hong saying in hong kong finished up on the week as well so according to bloomberg stocks are rallying out their strongest level this wasn't the protest began several months ago earlier this summer but reports on the end x. also cited some trade optimism as a reason for the surge now moving over to india the sense that it's index was hovering slightly up on friday afternoon for the week this was despite a steep drop in trading on friday the cause for this drop seems to be from a moody's report that downgraded their outlook of the indian economy from stable to
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negative this was according to the times of india heading down under to australia the a.s.x. is up for the week this is been driven things in part to several stocks that are were rallying later in the week now one stock of no on the index is it payment service this is up a whole 17 percent following a partnership with amazon in the nation then heading over to south africa the all shares is also up on the week following a surge early in trading on monday now let's turn things over to brant for a look at europe and the americas. we kick things off in florence at the character index where things have been steadily climbing this week and finished. up on friday it finished the week on a bit of a down note despite charging following those trade talks that you'll see as a common theme overall during this market report then over in germany the dax is also up over $200.00 points since monday which according to analysts jumped close to a 2 year highs following tariff hopes and now let's hop across the channel to the united
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kingdom where the footsie actually finished up as well on the week and guess what the reason was u.s. china trade talks looking very positive mirroring several other indexes the footsie cooled in the final 2 days of the trading this week but still managed to finish in the green then we hop across the atlantic to brazil for the evo best but now it's been holding just above the threshold to stay in a positive territory for the week after a roller coaster cycle and the week was boosted by a positive trade hopes but it also took a bit of a beating following the bust of the nation's oil auctions now we're going to move north to north america where mexico where the b.m.v. bingo was up for the week it began on monday with a dip to start off however rallied on the hopes of a trade resolution then heading up north to the u.s. we actually have a bit of a mixed picture this week the new york stock exchange is up on the week barely green surging on thursday of course positive trade hopes but sloped late thursday
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and friday morning before maintaining slight gains this afternoon the s. and p. is also trading up this week slightly on friday afternoon barely squeaked past the monday opening after a cool down later in the week and finally we have approached our 1st red arrow of the way he'd see it right there it's in the tech heavy nasdaq exchange now as of friday afternoon it was just barely in the red and this comes after hitting a record close early this week finally we had the great white north where the ts exit stage finished the week up on guess what trade optimism overall it's been a solid week for global stocks so don't worry about that. that has been your weekly global stock market report. time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return health care continues to be one of the main concerns among citizens in both the u.s. and abroad but how does each nation stack up later today rick sanchez host of the news with rick sanchez and dr john dombrowski are both on hand to measure health
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care costs around the world as we go to break here are the numbers at the close. in my iphone or have a 1000 times the capability of the of the computers and we had on board the space for the top were mean it's ridiculous that in my back pocket i have much much more capability than we had in the hood and the entire apollo program. you mentioned again this is 35 he ever but a career and include involves using your arsenal in your computer and things like that in an office. perhaps you sort of getting from that circular to going to have
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to stop doing all this and this is tell you lou the minutes before. my world became smaller and smaller and smaller until i ended up living it in a box. or out of a very strong magnetic field on a cart held in my head. it's like a real hard pressure on my skin burns and that wireless access point out there just continues on with our students in the school it's. just continually our citizens in this microwave radiation it is certainly electoral small and skilling. chinese e-commerce is preparing to launch a hong kong share that's offering to raise as much as $15000000000.00 later this
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month now 2 sources familiar with the matter told reuters the company plans to seek approval from hong kong's listing committee just next week next thursday that is according to deal logic data if the transaction is approved this would be the world's largest cross border secondary listing the chinese e-commerce giant currently holds the record for the biggest initial public offering for its $25000000000.00 flow in new york this is back in 2014 ali baba which started singles day in 2009 sold $30800000000.00 worth of goods on that day of november 11th now let's compare that that's 3 times as large as cyber monday is deal that analysts are paying that will be approximately $10000000000.00 and last week ali baba posted stronger than expected 2nd quarter sales those rose 40 percent from last year to just over $16650000000.00 had been working on an august listing in hong kong but those plans were actually put on hold amid the anti-government
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protests that created this financial uncertainty in the region. german industrial titan thiessen corruptness take bids from buyers to purchase its lucrative elevator business in a deal worth upwards of $20000000000.00 group's made up of private equity firms as well as some of the company's competitors are looking to get in the bidding process these increases elevator business offers a constant stream of revenue from the servicing and maintenance of the equipment a group of activists investors are pushing for the sale of the elevator portion of the business due to the 2 track process the company has been on since september according to sources close to the company at the same crap c.e.o. martinez mare's is open to the full sale of the elevator portion of the business. there's a lot of talk these days about magic care for all or even whether the government should be involved in the business of health care here in the united states it's
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become a linchpin for some candidates in the democratic primaries there are some heated arguments being made on all sides so today we're bringing in one of our colleagues host of the news with rick sanchez who also happens to have a lot of experience in the health care industry now aside from his duties here rick is the founder of a managing care company in south florida that was actually recently listed as the fastest growing health care company in america by inc magazine now also joined by one of the most prestigious pain specialist here in the washington d.c. area and founder of the washington pain center dr john dombrowski gentlemen thank you think we're we're excited to dive right into this now explains explain what is medicare why is it so important does it actually save money is it too expensive we're hearing both sides i'm a proponent of it i believe that managed care which is essentially what that even is is a good way for essentially the government alongside the private sector to
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provide health care for people in such a way so that you keep them healthy and incentivize doctors to create preventative medicine which in the end is really important and i'll just give you one statistic and then i'll let the dog and this statistic is one that i we he and i were just talking about a little while ago which i think is probably the most important thing that i can share with people in terms of describing the malady which is health care in the united states right now and it's this 16 percent of americans today not that in your head 16 percent of americans today use the emergency room as their doctor do you know how expensive that is. so eliminating that alone would go a long way toward making our health condition better and let's get the counterpoint go ok. so here's the thought is that we do have medicare for a lot of patients and you see it only costs going up all the things my colleague is
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talking about preventative care all that medicare is not doing that we are paying people right now to still be on well sick they come a hostile we fix them up as physicians and we do a great job at it but we're not really incentivizing him so i'll give you that but the system that is set up is not doing that medicare for all is not doing that all's we are doing right now just paying for someone else would pay for you to be sick so i like the idea of incentivising i also like the idea of the individual being responsive for their own medical care when you individuals are response for their own medical care they're going to ask do i really need that test how much is that cost or anything like that right now medicare for all without some blank check let someone else pay for it and i think that's kind of what but here's the here's the problem let me just say the problem as you just explained it is that if you allow the onus to be on the patient our system right now is so confusing so she's trying
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a did so complex that the average patient living in america has no way how to figure out what the heck it is that they're supposed to do to make sure they're taking care of their own health because most of them don't have here's another keyword write this down primary care physicians we need to get back to that norman rockwell picture we all saw where there's a doctor who's in charge of your health not 5 different emergency rooms 2 hospitals in 1000 specialists and i will give you that we still need a primary care physician but i also would like to say that americans are as stupid as we think they are they know how to work on google they do. not want to amazon they can kind of take a look at that stuff and again the government or perhaps a private entity should incentivize those patients to stay well so if i say. hey well i'm actually might get a rebate right now there is no incentive to do any of this because i don't feel the sting of my bad behavior and there are some insurance companies though right now that do i hand out their employees that better things like that to track to make sure that their health is better and they do get these and then it's
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a private insurers doing that but if you do medicare for all that's going to go away you have 180000000 people right now there have private insurance and we certainly have 9 our warts with private insurance but they're getting good care and now you put them in the basket with medicare and a lot of physicians don't take medicare so you have more people and physicians may not take those patients because well there's just not enough money in me for you know to cover my cost of care for that pay well let's split this down the nose i know i think you're right and i'm not going to argue that everything that medicare is not a panacea managed care is not a panacea and there are places in the united states where medicare doesn't work and it's too expensive but if you allow for medicare to be run by doctors if you make it doctor centric if you make the onus of medicare be controlled by providers and not insurance companies but working in conjunction with insurance companies in a medicare advantage plan all the statistics and research seem to indicate that that's what's best for patients so i have the big the 1000000000 dollar question
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here for you dr john ok what is the solution you work in this field what is the solution that ok if you had the perfect world you could do it i think what we have to do is have small laboratories just like we do with states and things like that let the market find the right solution you know so we're going to pick winners or the market will never fail. i'm one of them and i don't think i don't think i will but i assure you that what. i mean you look at you look at the national health care system in great britain they go bankrupt in canada after they run out of money we stop seeing we stop doing surgeries over 70000 patients from canada had become the united states to get medical care so those situations although it sounds great someone else is. paying for how can they pay for because they limit access to care merican is i don't think would be safe i don't not going to be ready for that but if you go if you want to throw out numbers here let me give you one ready to have we were now in the united states of america and even the top 10 when it comes to
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quality and health care and we are the system is 3 times more expensive than any since i was or you weren't paying more for crap and here's a fact i mean we're seeing it today is that we're in the 30 or 38 ish area of life expectancy here in the united states in the most developed country in the world i mean that's a problem when we look at the health care situation that we're in right rick sanchez dr john dombrowski thank you so much for joining us it is going to hurt but i don't know if that was. us again luxury department store nordstrom just opened a $320000.00 square foot store in manhattan with a tough retail market though the founders grandson and co-founder eric nordstrom told bloomberg that their strategy remains to be customer service lord and taylor's flagship store in new york closed at stores while henry bundles 5th avenue historic store shut down earlier this year this was after 123 years and business but eric nordstrom said building a new physical store gives us advantages we have technology built into the store
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why 5 self-service connectivity so customers can be on their phones a lot of product discovery for what we sell fashion begins online and what we know of that over half of our store sales involve a visit to our website usually on somebody's phone now adding that it's all about engagement and the experience new york 5 ships or even allows for customers to order food get this order food while shopping and is then delivered on a nice plate how do you feel about shopping while eating an ice plate i mean if i'm buying a nice way sure maybe i don't want to have a plate or ribs or chicken wings or maybe spaghetti and meatballs that might be ridiculous but i do find it funny that they're like well you could get good so service at our store so you could be on your phone no need to get rid of the i wonder how that would how that would work. hardly a cocktail tables where you can actually eat there because we already know cafe that's in the store but we'll see if it works or if it actually engages customers just to me about it for this time you can catch a boom bust on directv channel 321 dish network channel 280 or streaming 247 on
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pluto t.v. the free t.v. at channel 279 or has always had its up at you tube dot com slash boom bust r.t. see you next time. what holds us to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to present. something wanted. to write a book 1st this is what the 43 of the 4 people. interested always in the water. there should be. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in their country's military decision lives every team
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to complete the deal i was raised to be instructed you know told to shut up what they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birth you know if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing. but i've never seen trauma like i've seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim. punished than the offender and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave up to report a sex offender who was not even going to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of
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target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's men or women. nobody wants to look at the wildfires and say the obvious number one the taxes are being misused they're not being adequately distributed to where they are needed on the infrastructure side because there's a government failure number 2 climate change regardless of whether you believe it's happening or not the damage that is going to be applied to your pocketbook that you will pay for climate change whether you believe it or not you know it's still the price is still there. today and there are good tennis and bad at it it's the bad news in yemen the united states deems to be a threat the looked at it is those war in syria the cia and the us military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. where they were
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assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right with military funding an army just was there's no posts anymore because there's always a small people for really good this. profit. time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important to excel or a transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay number man the more equitable and sustainable. they claim their production is completely hama's. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is just going to.
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underscore that it's going in. the 1st funerals were held for an american family brutally slaughtered in mexico by a drug cartel as it's revealed they were killed with weapons that originates in the u.s. we look at how the illegal all this trade is fueling that it's. slow it squeezes its u.s. rival after a while to their to the chinese market with a surge in global profit stuff despite washington's bid to discredit the tech giants and. brazil's president and leftist i called little to silva is released from prison as he appeals his corruption case he was greeted by cheering supporters who believe the charges against politically motivated.
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