tv News RT November 13, 2019 1:00pm-1:31pm EST
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so much more to see. still so not to sing on. the leaders of the world's 5 major emerging economies are in brazil for the annual brics summit and the developing economic and political cooperation across nations party is there. another potential scandal emerges over data collection by a tech giant a federal investigation has been launched into google's efforts to share information on the health of millions of americans within medical care providers. and seeking to ease tensions but president meets donald trump in washington for the 1st time since 27 t.v. we'll look at some of the key disputes between the 2 nato allies.
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to. a very warm welcome to you you're watching international with minichiello and now we begin in brazil where day one of the annual brics summit is underway this wednesday russian president vladimir putin has arrived in brazil with all leaders ready to get down to business the international grouping represents over 3000000000 people worldwide and seeks to do to develop economic and political cooperation.
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the day has been marked by protests to offer support of the venezuelan opposition leader one storms that country's embassy in brasilia from one of them are different . die madhavan is well i'm busy here in the city of brazilian i don't have to say that the situation on the ground is a little bit dramatic just a while ago there was a fight between they put supporters off and as well as legitimate president nicolas maduro and those who own the side of the country's self-proclaimed leader of one and before that some of he's supporters managed to storm the building and get inside and right now we are receiving contradictory reports on who is in fact in charge of the embassy right now and the most interesting and important thing is that the local police although there are many officers here on the ground clued in military police special forces but basically they have no alternative theory because officially we're still recognizes mr quite door as minister well as legitimate leader and therefore supports he supporters here and this is by the way
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the biggest challenges for brics countries and the big division for us for them as their position is on what's going on in caracas differ so much. as a bit of a brazil has just issued a note recognizing one going to do is run as well in president. position leader mr goh i don't came to a square racey's eyes to heaven and appealing to god declared himself the president ok but god didn't tell. his response to that appeal therefore i think we need to come back to us and be guided by democratic procedures and rules to try to firmly oppose the principle of noninterference in the eternal affairs of other countries and maintains that the affairs of venezuela must be chosen and decided by its people. and just a while ago the brazilian president mr boll sonora police said on his facebook page that he does not support the storm of the embassy here and he hopes that the
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situation on the ground will get back to normal so we may expect that this weekend will be hilled soon but this news that been his role is not the only one believing their resignation hall of the newly elected president there is seen by some greeks member states has a fish shola due to most democratic given process while others including russia say this is simply a quick tongue so these topics hot topics are expected to be discussed by brink's later today we'll keep you updated of course but all in all i have to say that made me that despite all those disagreements between brazil russia china india and south africa all in all the influence of this international group is for the growth and it just becoming even more at a time when we witness a decline in whole if so many ah there are international groups of such kind take for example aipac its recent summit was canceled last minute due to situation in
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chile understandably but we did not hear any information about new day old location so that no one is talking about that right now. ozzie on leaders instead of go into the meetings prefer to send their foreign minister is an even g 7 last time was not able to agree on anything and issue at joint communiqué so in this situation some say they've riggs is rising and growing and probably weaning west. for a bigger role in global decision making than it is in full swing here in the city of brasilia of brazil's capital weidman putting is already here he was the last leader to join the group and we expect many interested meetings and comments later on wednesday. there's a big brother watching your every move where one is confined to works of fiction but now privacy concerns are being raised again with a federal inquiry opened into the u.s. in the u.s.
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of a google's latest efforts to collect and share data the tech giant says it's been harvesting personal information on the health of millions of americans and sending it to medical care provider here's the world quarter. it wasn't too long ago that a person who thought he was being watched all the time might have been written off as a bit delusional but nowadays he'd be living in reality take google it's been secretly working with one of the world's largest health care non-profits to gather tens of millions of americans medical records the newly revealed initiative is called project nightingale and google claims there's no fell play to be clear under this arrangement ascensions data cannot be used for any other purpose than for providing the services refer in under the agreement and patient data cannot and will not be combined with any google consumer data google says the project is just helping health care organizations improve the experience they provide but the company's
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going about its business without any of these people's consent what's even more unsettling is that it's completely legal a lot of tribulations and laws would need refreshing if you like to call it refreshing because of amount of data collected in different ways we are surrounded by more and more devices every day so a lot for laws and regulations needs to be revisited when it comes to companies snooping around their users information google is far from the only one i phone users don't know their app activity is being sent to advertisers by default that doesn't exactly seem to correspond with apple's slogan. you can of course opt out but apple says you'll see the same amount of ads and they
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just won't be as interesting but what about cambridge analytic 50000000 facebook profiles had their information harvested by means of a seemingly harmless app with special permission from facebook they had. apps on facebook that were given special permission to harvest data not from just the person who uses the opera joins the army but also it would then go into their entire friend network and pull out all of the friends data as well and that's just the tip of the iceberg right now thousands of apps are accessing the data of millions of facebook profiles instagram is using people's personal information for basically anything it wants the list goes on and on maybe those crazy people were right after all. the turkish president is right now with donald trump at the white house this is 1st official visit to washington since 2017 while
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relations between the 2 countries are historically low prior to the talks which a typo the one expressed hope they'll be able to overcome some of their differences . despite the forget misfit you know relations we agree with trauma the problems will be resolved and our relations improved but there are a number of factors beyond the unprecedented strain on relations between the u.s. and turkey right now among them encores offensive against washington's kurdish allies in northeast in syria one american lawmakers have also called for sanctions against the nato ally over took his decision to purchase the s. 400 missile system from russia here's our correspondent. the presidents of turkey and the united states now to call this meeting highly anticipated would be an understatement especially as the 2 countries are going through a rocky patch syria the kurds relations with russia the arms trade you name it.
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when the united states began supporting the kurdish fighters against i still that was a turning point the usa has long maintained that it can be friends with both turkey and the kurdish forces that on current considers to be terrorists and turkey as you know is a nato ally or trigger clearly important nato ally turkey just give me your surance that you are not going to be bullied by turkey your present in order want to throw in the syrian kurds under the bus. and there's no administration tension to any objects whatsoever thank you now it's always been a tough choice and the latest blow came last month when trump unexpectedly polled u.s. forces out of northern syria at that point turkey launched a deadly offensive against the kurdish militias in the area the condemnation and threats from washington only adding fuel to the fire turkey put us all in a very terrible situation turkey with regard the alliance is heading in the wrong direction i've got sanctions against turkey that away introduced next tuesday these
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are sanctions from hill we need swift and bipartisan action to repair the damage caused by the decision to allow the turkey to attack our chief partner in the fight against isis terrorists it seems now the countries have agreed to a permanent cease fire in syria but let's be honest it's still a highly volatile situation. and there's a major side plot here turkey is in the process of buying the russian made s. $400.00 anti-aircraft missile system instead of the u.s. patriot system and no surprise that washington is up in arms turkey's purchase of the s $400.00 is inconsistent with its commitments to nato and will have a detrimental impact on turkish in iran privilege the with the alliance the united states has actually threatened to sanction turkey and remove them from the f. $35.00 fighter jet program of which and carr is
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a member. and the problem is don't end there u.s. senators have called out trump for his turkish policy and called on him to cancel the meeting with president era was president reagan's decision to invade northern syria has a disastrous consequences for u.s. national security has led to deep divisions in the nato alliance and caused a humanitarian crisis on the ground given the situation we believe now is a particularly inappropriate time for president to visit the united states and we urge you to rescind this invitation quite a lead up to a crucial meeting now with all these problems to solve the 2 countries are remaining optimistic and trump and there are one are playing up the idea and the fact that they are still friends but whether the meeting is a success or failure a vital follow up is already on the calendar a phone call has been scheduled between turkish president iran and russian president vladimir putin they will buy up and r.t.
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new york. and while the turkish president visits america continues to send formal i still find his back to their countries of origin and now one of them reportedly a u.s. national is stuck in moments land between greece and turkey in this video you can see him trying to get back into turkey off the greek border guards turned him away the president to one commented on the case saying that the fate of i'm still fighting to get stuck doesn't concern turkey ankara plans to send 1500 fighters home but some european countries are resisting the idea we discuss the policy with a political analyst for the t.r.t. world news channel. europe pledged to $6000000000.00 euros to turkey in 2016 as part of the migrant deal which it only paid $3000000000.00 of those euros while turkey spent $40000000000.00 out of its own pocket these people are not turkish they're european and they deserve to go home and they deserve to face justice in their home countries. commit crimes in turkey they're not turkish citizens they
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committed crimes this. syria they're european citizens so where in this equation is it turkey's job to try these people or hold these people turkey's not a hotel like the turkish interior ministry said that it's not a landfill to hold europe's garbage syria and iraq have capital punishment many of the countries where these isis fighters are held the e.u. the e.u. is against capital punishment by leaving these people stateless and stripping their nationality what is that supposed to do wash the hands of wash the hands and say ok that's it we have no responsibility these people lived in europe 2030 years they were radicalized here they went there but we stripped them of our we stripped them of their national wrist nationality so it's not our problem no these people are going to be put to death some of them in syria and iraq so what your needs to do is repatriate them 1st in the name of human rights. here tell me in city of venice has
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been hit by its worst flooding in a century of a half a century reports say 2 people have died. to see where disturbing images ahead after the break a grim scene we have from the family of a palestinian man shot dead by israeli soldiers in the west bank on monday and watching international. what holds if you should. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected.
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so when you want to be present injured. or some want to. have to do right to be 1st this is what before 3 of the 4 people get. interested in the water. there should be. what i suggest is a call to reverse hunger games then reverse order again or randomly pick $10.00 to $15.00 billionaires every year and strip them of everything get a bad to 0 and pour some out there and make it into the world of commerce and see if they can build it up to scratch again introduce risk back into the american capital system because once you have a certain amount of money there's no more risk you're just clipping coupons for vanity and you have no stake in the game whatsoever.
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i described it as on the brink of a breakdown in hong kong i've been trying to get a grip on increasing violence off the shopping malls university campuses on metro stations but once again targeted by protest this. so-called democracy demonstrators were heavily armed with molotov cocktails javelin and in one case using a cholo fool if they clashed with police one group of mosques riotous took control of a university of the pushing authorities off the campus a spokesperson for the police said that. they. night or tuesday night scored runs of an indiscriminate violence against innocent people over the city to the verge of total collapse protesters claim that they are responding to an excessive use of force by police. national king images have emerged of
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israeli soldiers fatally wounding a palestinian man in the west bank on monday 22 year old a mob of dar we was allegedly shot in the chest during protests at a refugee camp in the city of hebron a warning you may find the video you're about to see upsetting. the law. we spoke to the victim's mother who is adamant her son was not posing a threat to the idea. we hope. so. and then maybe secure measures should be dealt with. merv which is the only moment of. release you moment.
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well i'm only issue. the israeli defense forces said that soldiers had been attacked by rioters some of whom were carrying petrol bombs it's unclear though whether or bizarre we had been involved in the demonstrations which were marking 15 years since the death of the palestinian leader yasser arafat the i.d.f. says it's investigating but darwin's killing a local cameron shared with us what he says happened. he was clearly on mones he left his house wearing slippers a group of soldiers in front of them are fired directly out some and they could see he was unarmed and holding a towel he wasn't threat to them at all they opened fire and then didn't try to help the distance between them and no mark was very short but they just bleed to death and prevented other people from getting close and help him later on when his relatives and also journalists tried to help the soldiers fired live rounds and tear gas at us. life and work of a co-founder of the controversial white helmets rescue group in syria has come
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under scrutiny since his recent death in istanbul in fact jane slimmers syria's pedia profile has undergone something of a rewrite a missing anything detrimental the material was a former british army soldier he was recently accused by mosco of being a former agent of m i 6 the u.k.'s foreign intelligence service and the british media has been quick to point the finger at the kremlin over his death our senior correspondent line examines what lies behind the edited page. a tragic death for a man who made a living on tragedy james limits syria spent his life doing what he believed in which was remarkably similar to that what the british foreign office and nato believe it almost point for point so naturally before anyone even knows how many bones were broken in his body after he fell from his apartment balcony that they dogpile russia it's like an evolved limbic system fight flight or blame russia
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did russia kill white how much founder james the mysterious co-founder of white helmets found dead days after russia claimed he was a spy limits crowding achievement was undoubtedly the creation of the white helmets politically charged rescuers who went to battle alongside islamist terrorists even al qaeda is winning in syria called them brothers you know the phrase you want to know how man lived his life look at who his friends were and they were relentless pro-government propagandists bent on censoring everything they don't agree with 133612 edits to wikipedia have been made in the name of philip cross over 14 years that's over 30 edits per day 7 days a week and i do not use that figuratively wiki pedia edits the times and if you plot them the time card for fill it crosses wikipedia activity is astonishing if it
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is one individual before a day has passed since limits series death his friends began scrubbing his wiki pedia page the history of his life of all controversy white washing his biography philip cross the busy bee that he is really went to town making james as we keep pedia page all nice and pretty you read it now it was a saint the times reported the dilemma syria was the subject of an intense black propaganda campaign for you. years my promise that activists and russian diplomats the new york times reported that the group and there would be syria were the target of unfounded conspiracy theories of course a much more probable explanation is that philip cross is a group of individuals paid to further the interests of the british government then malign anyone that criticizes it or its policies they have no problem smearing and degrading others yet philip or phillips ashar i see they're fine with doing
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it to others but talking about them is a no no back in 2018 someone wrote an article about philip cross and for his troubles the article was deleted and the author was banned for life for this philip cross did because considerable effort to editing wiki pedia entries for world known british anti establishment journalists bloggers authors and academics philip cross may be a pseudonym for a group of like minded individuals acting in concert there are reasons teachers tell students never to use wikipedia as a source philip cross is one of those reasons the fact is that wiki pedia is not an independence organization it's basically been set up by those who are very close links to western intelligence services there are attempts to manipulate
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it and to make it appear that certain things are true then they're not and other things are not true when they are phillip krause who is a very very strange person in the sense that he's a constantly changing wiki pedia articles about controversial figures and he seems to be working around the clock so it's looks to me as if he's working some kind of intelligence a service and in any case he might not even be a real individual so one of the problems we've got with dealing with any information like this is that people are out there manipulating information. and real toll in. the b.b.c. has been criticized for showing an old clip of prime minister barak stance and while reporting on this year's remembrance sunday ceremony the corporation has apologized but many people suspect the swap was deliberate.
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stood at the news. and then the prime minister on behalf of a man says government. was. this was a production mistake and we apologize for the error. this on facebook b.b.c. accidentally. when forest visits. this morning on b.b.c. breakfast we showed footage of winston churchill it implied it was actually boris johnson this was a production mistake and we apologize for the error. is more insulting b.b.c.
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saying it was a production error or expecting the public to believe that it was not a manipulation of the truth to protect the prime minister which is poppy reeve get . made mistaken off piece last night to recall been responding to this she is spring by chance *. thanks for joining if they were naughty international we're back in 30 minutes with the latest. the tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in
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venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been frayed only temperament from the inside venezuela things were different we're going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela so as you. have a son of the moment. that person that political battle to stay on the cutting the map of the moment the focus of the who story is a new nixon called in henry kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated that in latin america. an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. the chilean economy scream so wants now making the economy of venezuela screed.
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to cite health care as a major concern of their daily lives tech giants have now set their sights on the sector dr john dombrowski of the washington pain center london is a hand in studio to break down google's 4 way into health care and the privacy concerns that surround the move as the search engine now has access to the physical data of 1000000 plus there is a whole life we are playing me and our whole life. lead work still hard to get it. wildfires continue to blanket california devastated and millions for many the fight for their home insurance has just begun r t correspondent and sweet takes us on the ground in los angeles to bring us up to speed on how major electric utilities is facing heat and what recent moves mean for the victims of the raging blazes and later the new york federal reserve has just accepted a major repeal bid yet again but does that bode well for the. on the overall steve keen author of can we avoid another financial crisis joins us today from amsterdam
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to delve into the details of the injections and what waves it could have for global markets so many stories to get to in so little time so let's go. where we begin with major news on the health care front google has reportedly partnered up with one of the largest health care providers in the nation to access health information belonging to possibly as many as 15000000 americans across 21 states the wall street journal reports that google has one access to health related information through its partnership with ascension which that is the largest 2nd largest in the 2nd largest health care system in the u.s. through a collaboration code named project nightingale so what kind of information will google have access to how about lab results dr diagnoses and hospitalization records just to name a few in short google now has access to a complete health history including patient names and dates of birth from the journal quote google began project nightingale in secret last year with the st louis.
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