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tv   News  RT  November 15, 2019 12:00am-12:31am EST

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police in the u.s. attempt to detain an antiwar activist for allegedly assaulting a member of congress to the meeting on venezuela. came to her home without a warrant. in the u.k. linked to beliefs including witchcraft is on the rise well critics say political correctness is becoming a barrier to protecting vulnerable children. a high school shooting in los angeles leaves 2 dead and 3 injured on the very morning the suspect turned 16. a low from a network center on. friday morning 8 am here in moscow here's what we're across
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for you this american antiwar activist medea benjamin has been threatened with arrest stuff that being accused of assaulting a member of congress the incident happened when she was forcibly removed from a news conference for opposing u.s. actions in venezuela she claims she's being treated like a terrorist. police cars rode up to my house and motorcycles as well so around the house as if i were some kind of terrorist and said there was a bulletin for my arrest and i refused to go with them i said where is the warrant they didn't have a warrant and killed them and we stayed outside my house and in the end they didn't arrest me no i don't know if that is the end of this or they will get a warrant in try to arrest me but the fact is that i am a peace activist i don't assault anyone it's a travesty that the came to my house in such numbers and so intimidating.
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but a bunch of men only to denounce the creation of a so-called venezuela democracy corps because it's a bipartisan group in the u.s. congress created to support the opposition in venezuela during that event benjamin shouted that the united states should and sanctions on the country and she held up a sign saying no coups in venezuela bolivia has video of what happened. on the slow down your other hand waving at. the stump you're. about to be in so she was shoved to the ground and threatened while democratic congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz claims that she was the one who was physically assaulted. to be physically assaulted by opponents of freedom is really mind blowing but that's why i emphasize that we need to come together on a bipartisan basis to make sure in congress that we're standing together republicans and democrats to push back and make sure we can bring freedom and
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democracy once again to the venezuelan people we were at the press conference there were about 6 of us and the rest of the group was people who support the venezuelan position and when we held up our signs every single one of them was grabbed from our hands by. even somebody had their phone grabbed his hand and i was just standing there and then all of a sudden i was being dragged down pushed out chill out and thrown to the ground. where incident comes less than a month since another activist was arrested my experiment was detained for allegedly assaulting a pro quo i don't protest during demonstrations at the venezuelan embassy in washington but there benjamin believes that this all sets a very dangerous precedent. there was another journalist max blumenthal who 5 months after the embassy incident they came up to his house just like they did mine and arrested him with a warrant 5 months later so they could come to my house at any time i think this is
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meant to leave us in a state of uncertainty worrying looking behind our back all the time and it hasn't just happened to glance like partner tighe barry was falsely arrested and accused of assaulting a police officer it took him 6 months to get the charges dropped this is selective prosecution and it's bogus they make up things against us again as a way to intimidate not only us but other people who want to join us. the number of children in the united kingdom known to have suffered abuse linked to witchcraft is rising according to local government figures since most of those who practice it come from abroad the british government's being accused of turning a blind eye over fears that it could be charged with racism reporting that shoddy edwards daschle. hidden under the guise of religion faith and belief witchcraft is an ever increasing threat in child abuse cases in britain the number of such incidents has risen by more than
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a 3rd in just 2 years as local councils say they are housing the equivalent of 38 cases every single week the shocking research released by the u.k.'s local government association also highlights s.g.m. all female genital mutilation it puts numbers at a record high with 1000 children having already been abused or at risk of it in the last year one it's more common incessant african communities the u.k. did have its 1st conviction for s.g.m. back in february. despite that life threatening and dangerous practices like f g m put as many as $60000.00 pounds at risk every year there's
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a misconception that the ancient custom of s.g.m. is a religious one even though it originated some 2500 years ago meaning it predates both islam and christianity and is not mentioned in any holy scriptures nor endorsed by religious leaders but the cultural often described as a barbaric tradition mainly a korean africa isn't being fought as it perhaps should be as i say there's a fear of being called racist. i'm so angered by these figures for so long the political power that black people have has been dismissed people are scared to tackle s.g.m. and witchcraft is this scared of being accused of racism but it's racist to ignore it it's more races to look away it really hurts that we still have to tell people the black kids need protecting following the 1st f g m conviction earlier this year more measures have been put in place to help put an end to the epidemic of abuse including extra guidance for prosecutors and police we have to remember it happens in the u.k. every 61 minutes so as 11 every 11 seconds across the world little girls have been
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butchered and it down to cultural practices it's down to only ologies and he's damned political correctness i want to know where the feminists are on this issue there is not enough we mean speak up about this and it's because when women like me speak up we are told we are racist and he has to stop that's where you have the political correctness is going to go at it when it is like a cancer and he stops people from breaking the silence we need more words we need strong words we need government and politicians and prime ministers to stand up and say this anybody anybody who is involved in this practice if there is even a remote suspicion children need to be looked at medically but much doesn't happen either. for so long abuses like f.p.m.
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have been hidden doused in sticker or into but it seems like calling a tower for what it is maybe the only way to protect vulnerable children. has been a shooting at a high school in suburban los angeles which has left 2 dead and at least 3 injured the gunfire began at around 7 30 am local time the suspect who was arrested at the scene had just turned 16. it was one and then 4 quick runs simpang and then bang bang bang bang. it was almost as if it were to happen at like a brunch or lines but there was less people but like people were just waiting for the class to start.
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i just heard the lot of kids crying the words kiri we never really thought this would happen in our school. she burst out crying like crazy but i feel better because i knew the danger was gone i just wanted the whole time until i heard her him again. she was a. meanwhile a wide ranging report by u.s. intelligence says the many school shootings during the last decade could have been prevented recommendations in the document will be used in training sessions for schools across the country however u.s. democrats oppose the idea of drill saying they could traumatized children. my son's school is holding 4 active shooter drills this year the only clear impact of these drills is stress anxiety and confusion on the part of children and families i would
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end the drills on make them optional that our kids learn the right things active shooter drills are traumatizing a generation of american children you are not. expressing the urgency of ending trauma that our kids are exposed to every single day as they go through these drills in every single school in this country is the stirring to me. more than $4000000.00 students underwent a lockdown of their school in the 20172800 school year that included more than a 1000000 aged between $4.11 or thousands of even younger children also had the same experience the number of school shootings in the united states has been overwhelmingly high more than 250 since the infamous columbine high school massacre in 1990 which 13 people died recent research suggests that the majority of american
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teenagers are worried about the possibility of a shooting at their school we have people in new york they thought about this kind of training for children it does excites the little ones and then they can't focus and concentrate and they're just too nervous just living so you know it's something that we should share with them at home you know sort of make them aware but don't just drive them nuts. unfortunately it's necessary my girlfriend didn't seem to be traumatized by it i think they should. remember. we don't do those and it's the same thing i think it's the reality we're facing today and fortunately i grew up doing 2 little drills are my kids are growing up doing lots of sugar drills i think life could be traumatic for kids but without a doubt i think that's why parents and teachers and psychologists a psychologist to be involved in doing this we go reaction to this from psychology expert gina luden and iraq war veteran sergio. i don't think there's anything wrong
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with doing periodic drills i think the danger is when you have children who are away from their parents maybe for the 1st time in their lives young children who are impressionable some of whom have maybe been through some sort of traumatic experience in their life and you put them through an active shooter situation that's where the danger comes in especially to a particularly young child who is particularly vulnerable to such a traumatic suggestion when you get up into the high school age in the college age i think you have a less impressionable brain someone who is mentally perhaps a little more prepared to distinguish you know reality from something that we're rehearsing are preparing for but with younger children i think it's particularly dangerous it's totally insane actually see you do that kind of stuff and they might if it's got a it's kind of saying during the cold war they should of dropped bombs or they should've exploded and emissions next to schools to make sure that kids get
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underneath the tables to get ready for a nuclear. or time it's creating a culture of fear where you basically indoctrinating kids to be afraid of everything creates a normalization of these behaviors which is stressed which is nervousness which is the. fear over what the future might hold how to safeguard against any eventuality has seen the survivalist industry flourish in the united states sees a feature length report on the getting ready looks at the growing demand for so-called doomsday shelters in america the film as in full right here next hour. what you are supposed to do when you receive the flash. we are sitting in front of the blast proof bunker $574.00 bunkers we are now
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building that us to the world's largest survival community is a lore of lords on the news and media god never seen a country so divided as america is right now so divided the people are buying bunkers in record numbers to protect their families from the known because they don't know where their country's going. invited fellow brits member states to assume a larger role in the united nations the leaders of brazil russia india china and south africa have now brasilia with a focus on boosting the economic and political partnerships driven ocean that recaps what's been discussed. these have been 2 very busy days deliveries of bricks member states met here for 11 summit brought to bigger locations with them to have extensive talks speaking with the russian media holding all the meetings russia's president vladimir putin has stressed the group's influence and it will continue
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growing steadily as a global stabilizing force speaking about one all russia's brics market as china plumber who expressed he's disagreement with america's demand to include china a new nuclear pack tough to throw in from the i.n.f. treaty china issue was a monkey reasons behind america's decision or so used to show you a loose russia in the us remain the biggest nuclear powers in the world but if we include china in the negotiations why just china let's include from some the u.k. then and other countries which are officially acknowledged as nucular states but which aren't keeping their real nuclear states a secret but just as frank some that takes place in bass part of the globe obviously there was a question about a series of violent protests that shook several countries here in south america and as well in chile and just recently believe it i believe it by the way is among the biggest challenges for brics countries and
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a big dividing force as their positions on what's going on there and resignation all the newly elected president there differ a dramatically with some saying it is a legitimate democratic process and not others including russia calling it a coup d'etat by reporting such that the biggest danger in such situations is chaos . can you imagine there's no real leadership in the country everyone has given up power it reminds me of the situation in libya even though there's been no direct foreign military intrusion but the country is on the verge of chaos it's a worrying sign it was a rare chance for russian journalists because they were allowed to ask any question and open. the conversation went far beyond breaks summit speaking about syria vladimir putin has praised the success on the ground thanking russia turkey tourists official damascus for that but also emphasizing the role of america in
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countering terrorism in syria. say the start of it talking about washington's contribution in fighting terrorists in syria we should admit they have contributed however the so-called international coalition didn't do much until russia moved into syria but in terms of the operation led by donald trump the u.s. has contributed to the joint effort aimed at defeating the terrorists even though every independent observer could see the role of russia or in that taking into account our operations and their results journalists also wanted to know when vladimir putin to meet donald trump the russian president said that the american leader is invited to take part in celebrations next year in moscow related to 70 steve's anniversary of the victory in world war 2 and the meeting taking chile can happen their. philosophy lecture in the united states has stirred anger after quoting americans who live in rural areas bad people who deserve uncomfortable
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lives his tweet sent been deleted. i on my run it clee embrace the bashing of rural americans they as a group are bad people who have made bad life decisions some i assume are good people but this nostalgia for some imagined pastoral way of life is stupid and we should shame people who are pro city hate jackson kernahan stereotyping is a weak way to make a point you know some sense about rural people elitism cruel you know everything people think is wrong with higher education but you do not speak full professor. try feeding yourself without a farmer body. the person at the center of all this is jackson kearney and who graduated from harvard university in 2012 he then tossed at least 11 philosophy courses at the university of california berkeley county and later apologized for the tone of what he wrote but not for the ideas his twitter accounts also have now
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been deleted. but he stressed that the university doesn't have an elitist approach towards any social group while rivera reaction times dot com says that the gap between coastal and whomp and america is widening. it's one of those things where you know you don't want to obstruct people's freedom of speech but at the same time you have to be careful who's saying what because these are actually the people who are in charge of shaping the minds of the elite sectors of academia and of politics you know the so-called ruling class these people think there's so much better than just regular old heartland american heartland americans are less intelligent academically inferior and just you know negative in a lot of different ways and i think it's really un-american there's a lot of social changes that are you know being enacted right now in america and they were progressivism but it's not really progressing the country is actually causing a really great action and
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a lot of people are having problems you're having all sorts of new mental health diagnosis and you know graduation rates are still horrible in the inner cities you know these places that continually elect these liberals are actually performing the worst. well over on the east coast us a former new york university professor has launched a campaign of his own he started an online crusade against what he calls collective hysteria surrounding russia related stories airing his thoughts he claims he's faced accusations of being a russian spy and a nazi michael rect involved initially created an anonymous twitter page which he used to criticise political correctness he lashed out against numerous liberal ideas and movements but after his identity was discovered. the professor claims his life on campus was made bearable that it forced him to quit we spoke to him earlier . the university has turned into this is broadly speaking an indoctrination center for so called social justice which is anything but just i got back to campus after
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being put on a paid leave of absence immediately being denounced by a committee calling themselves the diversity equity and inclusion group which i call the conformity inequity an exclusion group they basically tried to isolate me to exclude me to basically say that anybody had a view that differed with this dominant ideology which is social justice as they call it. must be silence that effectively marginalized basically treated like a pariah and utterly completely. shut out that's what they tried to do so we have a university system where you supposedly different views different perspectives alternative ways of thinking are supposedly engaged in instead of the universities becoming a single stream social justice indoctrination center. thousands of farmers have again descended on the german city of hamburg to vent their anger over
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the government's new agricultural policy they brought traffic to a halt as the city played host to a conference of the country's federal and regional environment ministers they were discussing among other things imposing restrictions on the use of pesticides and many farmers say that the new stricter regulations would stifle the sector among the measures that are proposed outcry or a ban on some pesticides and regulations to protect the groundwater from nitrates correspondent evangelos subsystems with the farmers convoys and. it is early and the morning 'd they should be working on their lands but instead these german farmers have hopped on their tractors and will be rolling into amber to make it big. point. as the country's regional and environmental ministers are meeting here in hamburg
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the farmers want to make it clear that the shifting balance between ecology and arkie culture is putting them out of business as the ever tightening e.u. and national regulations on the use of chemicals from wheat killers and fertilizers to roots now we've become from the german government is so hard for us that we cannot drag on our farms we cannot have make good cops cannot have courts follow to force it for the for the dairies at the root of the rigorous restrictions is the protection of wildlife and habitat the farmers agree that looking after nature is the core to the job but what infuriates them more is how they were shut out of the conversation of how to go about implementing fundamental changes in their life would offer on this today we are staying here and spending a shoulder chose a minister for environment here in germany and we invited here to come here she
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is staying in bali and she don't speak to us and we needs a communication let's go support lemus the biggest problem is that the politicians don't talk to us we'd like to have a dialogue with them and participate in the decision making processes that's that's what we're here who would hurt. the government and says that germany's farmers are not a bad taste in general spec something from pharmacy yes i do and that is changing but i don't do so without supporting them financially what is important is that we together with our european partners have direct payments as an instrument to support small and medium sized funds and this is a very important signal for many pharmacists that they have certain into. surance against that. but the german government is under pressure itself by the european commission over its sluggish and for your mental protection record there is even the prospect of huge fines and legal actions if they do not do more having tried
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time and again to quietly highlight their problems germany's farmers are now having to be more tough with ever public protests while they might be outflanked by the increasingly influential green lobby and the e.u. pushing the government for more reforms they're determined not to lead generations of farming families raud in the process eventually success for artsy. disney's brand new streaming service is already running into trouble from some viewers after the channel penned warnings the classic cartoon such as dumbo the jungle book and fantasia for having racial elements. please her. motherhood. but. let me translate. all of.
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that out of. legal. political correctness is on top stupidity disney plus subsequent to warning for cultural defections and classic animated movie sleep. how did we get by all these decades without warnings. disney is making disclaimers about all of the depictions in them but do people really get heard that easy. please. please please please. why are we explaining the jim crow laws to a child the child sees or
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a card true he doesn't understand that but when you tell somebody you see what this is this is racism what racism this is racism why are they racist because people hate people because of color why you actually can do more harm so is this a good idea you know it's the wrong masses of as a what have you done have you made me smarter or have you shown me the diversity and the i have seen the splendor of of racial symbolism sometimes we just see explained too much sometimes it's best just to shut up play the movie and let kids watch it after all just a movie schist a cartoon that simple. that's how we look from moscow so far this friday morning where if you choose again thanks for watching your next update follows well it's a pot.
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you know world of big partisan lot and conspiracies it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. in the last. job become my. point it's not going to be good at them you see i want to get up and see the west. the so-called individual is opposing this not really. a strong. democratic society and the freedom of the individual.
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geysers by the national survival. when customers go by yourself. in elf well reducing lower. that's undercutting not what's good for markets it's not good for the global economy. welcome to the kurdish try for self-determination has long been a bargaining chip in the ferias geopolitical arrangements including the syrian war
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they've been promised march and even more with the americans pulling out from the territories east of the euphrates river what does the future hold for the currents across the region to discuss that i'm now joined by hoshyar zebari a prominent iraqi kurdish politician and former foreign affairs minister of iraq mr zebari so good to talk to you thank you very much for your time good talking. now you called the troll from syria quote painful and shameful why is that was in the american presence in that country that fitted that description better well the u.s. . side of the. force. with .


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