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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  November 15, 2019 8:30am-9:01am EST

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and for our coverage of congressman lindsey graham and adam schiff mugging for the cameras on and bliss wash rinse repeat spin cycle of iran syria ukraine russia to iran syria ukraine russia game iran syria ukraine russia. to yet another new or really really old democrat joining the race for their presidential nomination well hawk watchers i think it's time that we have to ask ourselves the question that will stump and confound historians for years to come is this truly the best politics the united states government has to offer its people i mean really palosi schumer mcconnell trumpet this this is the cream of our crop i mean here in washington d.c. walking down k. street these days it's like wading through a wall full wall street party sequence thanks to this motley crew of democrats and republicans and while the party marches on on capitol hill it's the rest of us my friends it's the rest of us that have to deal with the aftermath like say a nuclear aftermath when one of our leaders drunk on russia date or cold war 2.0 who bruce accidentally bumped the button and up in smoke we all go all thanks to
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the nuclear weapons complex that many of our politicians are so eager to feed to get and it's not just washington feeding the most dangerous of beasts according to a new report by the international campaign to abolish nuclear nuclear weapons and titled schools of mass destruction new american universities and the u.s. nuclear weapons complex nearly 50 u.s. universities are involved in the research and design of u.s. nuclear weapons largely in secret and in contradiction of their school's mission statements my friends the tentacles of the beast run deep which is why we must always be watching us. like that.
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well tomorrow on watching the hawks i am tyrrel them for joining us very brave back to back panel discussions or investigative journalism r t america correspondent and the tag team of our team america sports coverage regina ham and steve. you all for joining us today later we'll be getting into a fascinating discussion of the status of collin capper nick but i want to start today with the impeachment circus taking place in the house you have democratic presidential primary heating up and going insane and social media playing such a vital and wonderful beautiful role in our national dialogue in washington washington d.c. i have to ask do you feel is this the best of times for us politics or is it the worst of times for us politics or somewhere in between what you feel well look it's a clown show at this point to me we all know how broken the political system in america is there's no question about that and we've known it's been broken for some time the problem of what we're seeing right now though is that it's gone to an
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entirely different level where no one's even vying anymore to get to persuade or to draw anyone else in these ridiculous moments on television where everyone talks about somber moments of the nation let's all pray and hold hands and and this idea that everyone's taking this so seriously and it's absolute lunacy and here's what i think is the most interesting thing there's a report out today that says of people who are watching what's going on with the impeachment that virtually 100 percent of the public watching says that they will not change their minds it does not matter what they see so if you're over here on the right cam you're say i'm going to believe the president no matter what and if you're on the left side you're saying i believe in the democrats no matter what and what we're ignoring is that about half of the electorate and are no longer affiliated republican or democrat anymore and those in the people who have been left out who are trying to turn this thing out and say i just want to be a part of it all because it's not the system totally destroyed at this point it was the worst it can be your what if it seems like political theater at this point. i
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mean a lot of people tend to talk about sports as being like a circus but to me i look at politics as i typically focus on sports but when i look at the politics aspect with impeachment it seems like from what i've heard if this even makes it to the senate they've said to be dead on arrival so what's the point at this point it seems like the trickle forms and i have to agree with you both it's become really a circus it's all you're hearing is really sound bites everywhere and there's just too much information and not involve enough information there is no one side that's saying again just like ben said you know if i'm a republican i'm against this whole entire circus show if i'm a democrat you know the president trying he's wrong he should be removed from power so it is just it's really just become crazy. into something that seems that actually so i would actually revise something i said i call it a circus but i actually say it's a sport that's actually what's taken place is that politics and you can actually think c.n.n. for this more than anyone else because jeff zucker when he took over at c.n.n. and explicitly said that he wanted to cover politics the way that sports are covered now if you look at where we are
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a few years after that that's literally what's happening right we're where when you watch a sporting event you don't care how you win you just care about winning and winning is what works right it's not about right and wrong it's about winning losing that's what we've devolved to with politics it's not about right and wrong at this point it's literally about winning and losing i'm really excited to see what fantasy leagues are rising because a lot of this isn't really exciting about showers as having their you know donald trump team verses who you know is nancy pelosi team and it's interesting because i think when it comes to sports as well you want people to watch you want to have that that moment so having it speaker pelosi go up and announce they're doing the impeachment in the house that was the moment that's how people got interested that's how people started watching so then you're going to tune in you're going to want to watch it like you have a saving game to win the capitals on the stanley cup everybody watch that even if you're not a hockey fan you're going to watch the rest of series you like i want another one i want to it's almost an adrenaline rush for people and that's a politics has become it's almost become like a drug. or we need the next breaking news the net need next headline we need to be
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entertained you know speaking of adrenaline rushes of fear i want to jump over to what i talked about earlier with the universities now you know with this new list coming out of showing watch which u.s. universities are truly complicit in the nuclear weapons complex in this country the united states and this is an amazing number the united states is currently engaging in this kind of renewed nuclear arms race that we've seen kind of a little bit started under obama really ratcheted up we're spending nearly $100000.00 a minute of taxpayer money the reinvigoration in the upgrade of our nuclear weapons arsenal according to this i can report you have 50 universities have signed formal agreements with millions even billions of dollars with this industry to manage your partner with nuclear weapons development and production sites oftentimes going directly against their mission statements john hopkins mission statement says and they're one of the biggest perpetrators of this you can see the map right there those are all the universities tied into all of this john hopkins mission statement
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says it includes to bring the benefits of discovery to the world how can you bring benefits of discovery to the world when you're spending all of your time helping coordinate the building of nuclear weapons is that even possible for these universities to try to do plays both sides of this. well i jump into it and i think that that this is kind of systemic of what we're seeing across the big education complex that we have built in this country right now which is essentially selling themselves for any kind of research grants they can possibly get what's interesting is that if you dig into that report a little bit from i can you find that not only do we have a massive number of universities that are taking money to do this research but that students who are involved in this are immediately getting high paying jobs when they come out and so it's become a system where well there's a lot of criticism right now of kind of the college system in general where you say well these people pay for big degrees they spend years. they get this money they
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have all this debt and then there's no job for them this is a particular area where there is a high paying job waiting for you on the other side so it feels like in many ways it's bribery at its worst you talk about the things we want to talk about you research how we want you to research and you give us the kind of p.r. that we want and in exchange we give you big development and your students make money when they get out. and i want to add to this that you know a partnership between universities and the u.s. government and developing any kind of research and development in nuclear weapons is actually nothing new when this started back during world war 2 when during what they call the manhattan project which really started started the building of nuclear bombs and that's because it was through los alamos laboratories in new mexico with direct partnership with the university of california that they develop nuclear weapons so this is actually nothing new now the only difference is is that now much of the universities are keeping this as classified information from students and faculty members so the students and faculty members aren't actually
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aware that these university are getting such a big grand such a big support from the u.s. government in terms of to get any kind of research or development to work with this industry but surprising and interesting enough a new report came out by the n.r.c. a couple of months ago the nuclear regulatory commission and about 30 percent of their workforce is going to be retiring now these are society we're talking about scientists here so who's going to be taking their place it's going to be exact programs and grants that they're providing to these universities in these exact industry that they're hoping they will play and was dangerous too is that you know when you look back at the sixty's that's where a lot of protest against nuclear weapons really came out of was the campuses of universities and things like that but now if your university is tied into this and i mean when you look at the list of universities that are involved we're talking michigan we're talking for do we're talking notre dame were targeted. wisconsin but
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i mean it's across the country. and it will to i was going to say to go off both your points to keep up with the nuclear arms race of these major research into institutions will do anything to you know keep to basically keep up a relationship with the state right so these kids coming in there need to be more transparency as you said because they are 1819 year olds can be easily taken advantage of and manipulated not necessarily knowing that they're building and designing some of the most deadly weapons on earth so you know they were mad at us for a look it almost as a bigger picture the act the education system as a whole that were being put in debt were meeting these high paying jobs to pay off said that so we're not living in cardboard boxes or our parents' basements for the next 1015 years and it's almost like we're overlooking the ethics of it we don't care because at the end of the day this system is so flawed we need to have that breach of ethics we need to have that lack of transparency and able to the star and you kill our arms everybody enjoys having a gassed and to go home and so you know quit being able to put up the map again
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just going 2nd because i think what's what's significant about this too is the number of universities that are involved in that we're going to go when you have that many universities as you that much grant money going to me that looks like more than just an issue of saying we need the best of the brightest it looks to me like you are spreading out across and some of these universities like university of new mexico or texas tech and these are big universities. where you are almost as i see it creating a p.r. machine if you tire of this many universities major universities doing research for you what universities are doing the research right now that is anti nuclear weapons where those programs being developed and that may be in some very small small ones but when you're funding that to this height a lot of times when journalists or even politicians draw conclusions based on information they go back to a university study university study shows this or proves this and i think that's part of what they're doing here that is really interesting the p.r. game. in the because you know what what campus lets see if your campus is making
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a bit of a $1000000000.00 or multiple hundreds of millions of dollars off this what campus is going to then allow nuclear power program. you don't protest to rage at that at that moment in time was like well we're making money off this will just keep you guys quiet and we already have a problem with free speech being silenced on universities right now so it's going to be interesting to see how this story develops all right as we go to break caulk watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we cover the social media be sure to check out the hawks the podcast with able and spotify albums you can everywhere do this in the podcast coming up the n.f.l. is invited collin kaplan it back on the field but is there more than meets the eye our panel discussing this next to you watching.
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your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know what's going to happen and when it's going to. but they haven't told you and they haven't told me they haven't announced. imagine something as big as the earth . is going to cost. earthquakes volcanoes. and it's going to tell. so we're right. my great grandfather's. nobody would care about the law or prison so you'd have lawlessness should have. a
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terrible life between now and the. it's seemed wrong. to me. just to shape our disdain you can't get educated and engagement because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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welcome back all right hauke watchers it appears that after just over a 1000 shopping days the national football league looks to be opening its doors to crack to potentially let back in the free speech wielding n.f.l. ostracized quarterback collin capper nick the ringer is now reporting that despite the circumstances still being a bit of a mystery the n.f.l. asked him to work out in front of the league's power brokers and that according to league sources all 32 teams were sent the memo on tuesday stating that a private workout would be held for cap and rick in atlanta this saturday on wednesday afternoon capper nick tweeted out he was delighted coming back into a league that essentially forced him out for taking a knee in solidarity with the black lives matter movement during the playing of the national anthem at a games with katherine tweeting i'm just getting word from my representatives that the n.f.l. league office reached out to them about a workout in atlanta on saturday i've been in shape and i'm ready for this for 3 years can't wait to see the had coaches and g.m.'s on sunday so my panel what does
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the future hold for the civil rights and free speech icon and is the n.f.l. actually serious about wanting cabernet to come back in a uniform what i think i'll start with you see well i got to say when i 1st heard about this as a football fan and a fan of fairness i was excited to see him get a shot and then the more i thought about it and read into it you know it does seem like somewhat of a sham possibly and a little bit fishy because there's a lot of murky details 1st of all the short notice it's on saturday which is only what 4 or 5 days before typically free agents get the workouts on tuesday when teams want to look at them and right now they're not really seen it 1st it's going to close the media that's another aspect of it that's kind of odd 2nd of all they're not releasing an official list of the teams attending however there are teams who have said they are. and confirmed it but the n.f.l. won't release that list and there's no defined throwing script typically quarterbacks on a pro day which this is basically his own individual combine or pro 'd day they get to define their own script they know who their receivers and running backs will be he doesn't know any of this so it's a little it's a dog and pony show is exactly what it is and you set it out the n.f.l.
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is hosting the league itself is hosting for this event they're putting it on they are having the controlled explosion troll experiment really is what it is where setting the conditions where telling you what teams are coming giving it such short notice it is 11 weeks into the season and now all of a sudden like you know what now is a really good time to have him come in normally if you're having a pro day for any player you're kicker is really terrible need find you when you do it like steve said tuesday wednesday when you you're done for the week your games are over for the week you don't just spring this on teams 24 hours before games start with a no idea of what's going on no idea even who's going to how how it's going to be run it is completely a sham and i think they're setting him up to fail and it's kind of interesting too because according to cavernous representatives only had 2 hours right to to let the league know whether or not they wanted to do this after they were asked about it but you know look. teams don't want calling kaepernick and then that's part of the problem here of why the n.f.l. would be asking teams to show up and the like these guys are saying you know on
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a saturday when there's games on sunday so a lot of the high reps are not going to be there anyways most of the teams that were contacted by the ringer said we didn't even know about it so why they would even do this makes no sense it feels like the n.f.l. spent 5 minutes without a scandal 5 minutes without putting their foot in their mouth and then said you know what we've got to do something quick call call and haven't because that way we can make everyone angry again because other people don't like calling tabernacle you mad at us and all the people who love that we mad at this too i mean they can't get out of their own way it's interesting when i saw this and i have no evidence to back this up but it almost felt like after their p.r. thing with jay z. about joining up in partnership with him it almost felt like you know it was a small of those things were secretly. buried in that contract with jay z. would give capper make a try out you know they didn't mount said publicly at the time and then now they're kind of like what we got to make good on that's what stacked the deck as much as we can against them so you have actually an interesting you did some research and digging into this story too and found some pretty interesting is that i actually spoke to 2 n.f.l. players today and my question was for them and they both asked not to be named
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number one because if they give any kind of opinion or anything i'm on kaepernick there they're going some i will get blacklisted drive because nobody wants to talk about this publicly but my question to them was is the statement correct that where they notified about this on tuesday or did the teams or did the players actually know about this prior to prior to the tuesday date that we were told and no they were not told about this prior to say they were told exactly the same number of teams were and they really are seeing this as a p.r. stunt number one the players have also been asked if they want to attend these 2 players will also as they can't obviously was able 5 games on sunday so they are seeing this as just a huge p.r. stunt by the by the n.f.l. just to kind of say that we're giving him a try but then again closed off to media so nobody could actually cover this to see what's going to be happening and is that something that the n.f.l. looks at it for them is a win let's say you know let's say they set it up and captured it fails and they
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can point and say look at all of your hall of the lou over this guy and all that guy he was never really ready to go from the 1st place and all that kind of thing and then they can kind of say like look you know we were right in the long run it wasn't a conspiracy to keep him off the playing field because of his political beliefs we just felt he couldn't play i mean you think that's what kind of trying to set up with us to go off that point while it is closed the media there will it will still be filmed of course that will be video that and he will be interviewed to see if he's mentally ready so that will eventually probably i'm assuming will be released at some point but to the n.f.l.'s discretion they could doctor that video or the transcript of the interview in any way to skew it one way or the other even if he does go out there and kill it maybe they will make it seem like he was just mediocre no team wants to sign him so it seems like kind of a. to be hard for him he has to have the most amazing day not that it's been the talk about sports but given what a polarizing figure he is and given the what i think is the conic stance that he took and the bravery he took as being one of those outer leaves like a mohammad ali to stand up and say i'm going to talk politics as part of my job as being you know being on the cover of magazines and being
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a figure it's interesting but the n.f.l. doesn't win with any of this and even with this it would seem saying the even if your doctor video when are you crazy would you doctor video of your the n.f.l. because then it's eventually the video gets out and then people say you doctored the video putting that on a saturday even the way they've set it up it's it feels as if somebody was bored and said we need a scandal and so we're going to do this but the other the other important thing is that's why not just put him on like everyone else and give him a shot and if he doesn't play well then he doesn't play well i mean i think there is something to be said and like hear from you guys on it but there is something to be said for the argument that some people claim that cabernet is not what he once was he certainly wasn't by the time that he was out of the league what he was when he went to the super bowl but there are a lot of quarterbacks who aren't right and there's space right now with specially when you have a lot of people going out with injuries there is space right now for him so why not just give him a legitimate shot because at this point the n.f.l. only wins by him being back on the that's true they do and the you know about 2 hours ago there was a the n.f.l.
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tweeted out a list of 11 teams that would actually be attending this press semi-pro day i guess their photo foday if you want to call it that some of them are the new york giants the new york jets the washington redskins teams that are not doing well they are look they are relying on backup quarterbacks are trying to play quarterback like daniel jones who have never played before they are looking for people to fill this spot and cabinet could fill that void he's not going to run a warning over yet was there even if he's up and goes out the money will be a sold out day for the n.f.l. as i read and i write yes we don't know but i want to i want to move on to one thing quickly here too capper that also came up in the credible statement by u.s. soccer star megan repeat no. during an acceptance speech for 2010 glamour woman of the year i want you to take a listen to what but i'm so it's pretty incredible. i refuse to do that there's going to be ladders on every side all over the place and i'm not going to act like it wasn't calling capper nick to randburg in the me to movement concolor is garzon
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to many black lives matter the women of time harvey milk gloria steinem audrey laura trayvon martin sandra bland. and. and the injustices that so many others face that put me in this very position and i'm not going to act like my whiteness has nothing to do with me standing before you now. you know those are strong words and also the fact that should we all be kind of taking lessons from you know meghan self-awareness and even humility would you look at it and saying that like look you know about a lot of breaks because of the color of my skin and things like that should we be taking lessons from her self-awareness and how we can be better allies to those trying to get equal rights whether it's in sports or in society and all across the board she sets a really good example of how to use your position as an athlete to use your global platform for good and some fortunate college happening probably because he is
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a man of color he is not given almost the same respect that megan is and that's a shame and that's what she's trying to push for and that's a groundbreaking stating the fact she's calling for all of these minorities people of color to be recognized for their fight to recognize for their sacrifices in some cases and that is something i don't think i've seen any other you know white athlete kind of do to a degree not like her and she doesn't just talk with all she walks it's because back in september 26th she was the 1st non african-american active athlete to kneel and be a part of that anthem protests and she took a lot of backlash from that in the soccer world so she's she's a woman of action as well and i think it is important for those people with that platform to use it for others that don't have such a strong voice you guys work in sports all day long and i want to ask you know it's been saya to his people outside of sports but still journalists like do we need more athletes like them should we have more our affiliates or we're in the fray because of speak politically you have this absolutely because there's still a role model is i mean these are kids look up to this is it's not just about the
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sport is this is who people want to be this is who they tune in to so if they have beliefs and if and if they feel like what they think is the right thing they should be speaking up i think the ones that actually are not speaking are going are thinking more about just their job those are the ones that are doing the team a favor and those are the ones that are really hurting in the league now without be n.f.l. well baseball or woman soccer doesn't make a difference when you win. you know when you have that power and you're in that position and you're not speaking you are not doing you're not doing the whole world of sports and favor yeah and i take the unpopular opinion here and i think that sports itself has had a long history of activism and whether it's you know someone like jesse owens who are behaving oddly but i also believe that sports is a great equalizer where for a long time. i wouldn't say always but certainly in the last few decades. color has been much less important in the sports arenas and fields than it is in other places in society because it really is a place where merit is measured that doesn't mean that it's always fair and doesn't
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mean it's always been fair but i think we're certainly in a better place now than we've ever been in terms of being able to save you have ability and you have talent then you're given a shot having said all of that take a full circle back to college happening i don't see it happening to someone who is necessarily sacrificed a lot because look he's got a huge deal with nike he's getting millions of dollars there a lot of people who have have taken stands and they wind up without anything so good on him that he had least has that but it comes on the merit right let him play let him try let him work out and if he does well he does well and good point put him on the dolphins. were exactly exactly you know it's an interesting discussion when you look at it and i think and i agree with you but in a sense but i also think that sports especially us sports does need to revolutionize who's in control of teams and ownership of things another issue i think it is an equal playing field on the field and i think when you get into the business of sports it's still a very in the front office to where i view from the attic for college sports to college sports and i think i believe we should pay college for dollars in some
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capacity are i want to thank you all for coming on one side. chris tacos and. a lot of people on it all right everybody thank you so much for coming on always a pleasure and that everybody is our show for you today remember i'm going to. tell you all i love. to keep watching the hawks never agree. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to go in for and do you shouldn't let it be an arms race on all fronts spearing dramatic development the only relief i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful in a very critical time to sit. and talk. to
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my hardest to our dashboards to combat it. dollars. that are laden or ricky. the same country because he must tell i officially i mean i can tell. son come one day my mother 100 neighbors who. should. listen. to. him on the hook include the whole thing
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as opposed to finish look at what is in the things you guys just said come see. it all just so you don't the last young man who's young they have. deiced so much smoke the soup he chews still so not to sing on. oh. i i i i. i i.
9:00 am
i. a mob of hong kong government. justice minister in london. to the ground in her. head. following a high school shooting in los angeles it occurred on the very morning the suspect. child abuse in the u.k. . is on the rise but many saying correctness is becoming to protecting vulnerable foreign children.


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