tv News RT November 16, 2019 8:00am-8:31am EST
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before reasonable people. interested in the water. thanks should. go to. the yellow face movement marks its 1st. directed against the french government also ahead in the program. tensions in bolivia with supporters of president ma is reportedly killed in clashes with police. and a former u.s. ambassador to ukraine testifies as a witness in the. hearing we reports on how americans are now apparently losing interest in the entire saga.
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just after 4 in the afternoon here in moscow saturday november the 16th a warm welcome to our to international my names you know me. police have used tear gas to disperse protesters in parlous as france braces for a tense weekend saturday marks the one year anniversary of the yellow vest movement on rallies are expected right across the country 41 demonstrators we believe have been arrested so far in the french capital r t z go shoot down a face in the thick of the action in paris. this is how the yellow 1st movement in paris is marking their one year anniversary week and now this protest for them is quiet symbolic because they're here essentially making
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a stand to saying that their movement that the yellow vests movement one year on is not going anywhere it is supported by the public opinion as well because some 63 percent of the people are saying that they will they indeed believe that the movement is alive and kicking and sometimes quite literally in clashes with the police because right now over there there is the police of the riot gear so far they're standing by but during the paradis protests that have been flaring up all across the french capital. they have not been allowing they have essentially been dispersing any gatherings we've been in we've had to run along with the po the riot police now the city of paris has been doing all in its power to prevent mosque gatherings to prevent rioting and protesting for instance more than 20 metro stations have been closed for today some 50 bus routes have been either cancelled or redirected rerouted but the protest as well they have
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a few tricks up their sleeves as well for instance they have been wrecked in barricades out of whatever they have in their disposal again all across the city now the protesters they have been taking they've been saying that their power is in their disorganization they're it disorganized rally they don't have a they don't have. one leader or a body of leaders so it has been really easy for the protesters in the course of the past year to just appear in one part of the city flare up of protests start up a protest the police would react the police would respond they would show up they would disperse one protest but then move would flare up in different parts of the city and they have shown today how good they have become and this. is basically they had a whole year of training so they've become really good at this and we've been
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running and driving all round paris to catch these sporadic protests. but what is the general feeling about the ongoing protests in france well according to the latest poll more than half of those surveyed still support the yellow vests while this figure $63.00 that's the percentage you say they don't want the rallies to begin in earnest again shola toobin he looks back now to 12 months of protests. france once revolutionary now a catalyst for a few years populist movements a country where protest is in the blood and over the last year a nation defenseless against the yellow vests paris landmarks of troy and for left defaced and its iconic streets smashed and looted it even left the most jaded well shocked.
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makower it come to power with his own no idea of a french revolution it was one of reform him for i would not to fall on his sword as others before him by not giving in to protest movements but even he was forced into a treat the planned carbon tax hike was abandoned he opened a state purse to boost low income households mark or even he said he was their kindred spirit. it's been the yellow versus leans been in favor of higher salaries and the more effective parliament than i am yellow. but for many yellow vests those promises were empty a little in a at 1st mccrone didn't give away they were in the promises and that he backtracked
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there was a tax bonus but not to be company had the resources to offer it he also promised 100 years extra for people a minimum wage but in the end we realised it was only for those on social security . the anger continued to spill out onto the streets while some yellow vests were caught up in the violence for the most part to protest his argue their movement had been infiltrated by extremists. it's the radicals who go out for violence it's an adrenaline kick for them it makes them feel good i suppose but there are also people who become violent because they are being attacked by tear gas and police battens so discouraged they've tried to discredit the movement by showing images of burning trash cans and cars and also to make sure that the rest of the population don't join the movement the police don't understand anything the government tells them money but instead of marching with us they hear the protesters what the violence made a big impression on me the police against our guys i have been to every protest in
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paris and i saw things i should never have seen people were hit in the back for the forces of peace in order they have been left scarred by the pilots there was a police car we had been this huge protesters and that type of fire inside it there the french but his men were very very close to use their weapons to get out there was a lot of the tee off there was a charge of police officer so there are there were exhausted and there were there was a counter from the money is a protester. we almost lost one man. it was. and according to various police union the problems were compounded from the very top. it was a mess. it was a mess. we had but then. we had but did our ship there was an
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order that we fight for. but leadership implies a program feed meanwhile for latisha developed the struggle continues but she's also aware the weekly protests may have lost some of their initial impact so how will the yellow vests movement adapt in the future to change the system she says you need to be inside it that it was well i decided to join the local team because if we can find the problem from the outside we should do it from the inside i also invited the other yellow vest activist with similar views to do the same if they become a counsellor or a deputy they will be inside the system and will be able to change it. what ever your view on this on the yellow vests movement one thing is indisputable they've had a profound effect on fronts over the last year now could be a pivotal moment to see if they will continue to burn
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a torch under the current administration this weekend we may find out so let's even ski. paris. we leave those live pictures beside me here on screen in the bottom of your corner from us but move to a different continent but not totally dissimilar scenes 5 people have been killed dozens injured during a protest in bolivia according to local health services supporters of ousted president evo morales claim security forces opened fire on a demonstration with live rounds and. thousands of mostly indigenous people took to the streets in the central city of a previously 10 people being killed in clashes across the country since the political crisis erupted after a 2 percent election supporters of evil as are demanding the resignation of
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self-proclaimed interim president janine onions rollo's was forced to step down on monday after weeks of violence triggered by claims that last month's election victory wall street violence and vandalism soon followed and some of his supporters now say they fear for their lives. and while bolivia self-proclaimed leader has been accused herself of racism over a no deleted tweets she wrote some years back were onion is a partly disrespected on indigenous holy day. what a. new year saturn ists no one replaces god. we want the racist lady who is automatically proclaimed herself president to resign that is why we have said resign. that so-called president is usurping our country we want to respect the editor of the news website opera monday believes the new government is trying to exclude the country's indigenous people from politics. there is no
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indigenous group that the it's in her cabinet i think this is clothing decision to place a lot about him in the aeneas and reach values and interests sheesh poor indigenous bebo most important. to evelyn morality and to his party movement to socialism i think the new goldman to sell through claim that goldman is trying to boot the indigenous people of the political game because it is necessary to boot ever more out of these of the game and the indigenous people back to bite this new government including by the full because indigenous people of 40 percent of the county and this is a conservative which have organized the who did know that in order to give step billeted to decide new government they have to put the indigenous
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people protest out of the streets they need to control indigenous people they need to violate their rights in order to give i repeat. to the new government. to another of today's headline stories a former us ambassador to ukraine has a key witness in the trump and preachment inquiry has said she has no evidence that the president engaged in criminal activity in ukraine. was questioned during the 2nd open impeachment hearing. do you have any information regarding the president tonight is states accepting any gripes. now do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the united states has been involved with at all. now. and scale it up in the reports there could be some
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pietschmann fatigue audience numbers flooding comparison to earlier trump scandals . as impeachment inquiry hearings against donald trump continue on capitol hill the new star witness is marine given of it and she is a former u.s. ambassador to ukraine who was removed from her post 6 months ago now donald trump definitely does not hold her in high esteem that's what he actually tweeted during her testimony everywhere marie over no bitch when turned bad she started off in somalia how did that go then fast forward to ukraine with a new ukrainian president spoke on favorably about her in my 2nd phone call with him it is a u.s. president's absolute right to appoint ambassador has now she testified that she was not part of the biden family scandal regarding natural gas in ukraine and furthermore she was not part of any effort to leak information from ukraine during the 2016 alexion furthermore she testifies that donald trump is intimidating her
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and that he's responsible for all the wrongdoing and so is vladimir putin well i mean president putin must have been aware that there were concerns in the u.s. about russian meddling in the 2016 elections and what the potential was for russian meddling in the future. you know classic for an intelligence officer to try to throw off the scent and you know create an alternative narrative that maybe might get picked up and get some credence yes fitting in the name of the russian president is what you do if you want to catch a headline and. media is keeping up the hype the calm before the impeachment storm washington is bracing for a blockbuster day washington on edge all day for this 2nd day of impeachment hearings it was a storied day on capitol hill with the 1st public impeachment hearing of president tonight history on the hill as house democrats make their case against president and then attempts to remove the president of the united states from office now you
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would think that that would be front had line news but is the u.s. public really interested not too much 13000000 americans watched the 1st round of testimony according to the nielson ratings now that's one in 20 certainly sounds like a lot but compare that to when former f.b.i. director james coleman got up to testify about how he was fired by donald trump 20000000 americans watch that that's roughly the same number as tuned in when brett kavanaugh was being confirmed as a supreme court justice amid sexual assault allegations you would expect americans to be glued to their t.v. screens now there is an actual impeachment inquiry open after all articles of impeachment could be drawn up the senate could be faced with the choice of whether or not to convene an impeachment trial and the stakes are significantly higher but the american public seems far less interested i wonder how many americans know or even care about the key witnesses you never heard of the master you've been
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a bitch you know have you ever heard of george can't. are you watching the trumpet pietschmann inquiry hearings on t.v. . does it interest you at all. why do you think fewer americans are turning in to watch the speech here is that so it's a fluke easy yeah sure it's fake you know i mean like 23 years since he's come into power if you like this one are you really going on the thing you have that this is a big colossal waste of time. period in which the bread here it was more so like you know sensitive to the public and this was just everybody's either this or their . yes it seems that the donald trump is a bad guy a show has been airing from capitol hill for a few seasons already but americans are now yawning and saying haven't we seen this episode before. are to see new york. legal and media unless jennifer demand that the drop in interest actually comes in handy for us democrats. the american
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public i think the public in general is getting bored with some of the narratives that have been pushed against donald trump have been shown to either be completely false or unfounded in facts but there are some important things that have come out one of those i think is that is the fact that well what for one thing she didn't have any firsthand knowledge of what this is about and she wasn't even in her post for several months and so the fact that she was there was just to showcase her as somebody who could say things that would maybe paint on a trumpet a light i think a lot of this has really been planned i mean after the you know these hearings started out with 45 minutes of the democrats of adam schiff and the democratic attorney being able to question her and again when we hear these questions what is this is just praising her and talking about her heroic life story and her parents after that they're supposed to be there is theoretically generally a 5 minute recess or a break which turned into 3040 minutes and even if you were as it were turned in at the outset would have just tuned our become bored with that and but what the democrats in the house have done is completely turn it on and turn it on its head
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they think they the public is dumb they think the american people are dumb and so they just keep saying these things they're making up their own elements of legal facts that are absolutely already solidified within the american justice system still ahead this summer they all are to you know as the clock ticks for a free speech dominance on social media it's bourse lushes of the competition.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is hearing dramatic development only. exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. and facebook chief mark zuckerberg has taken a math chinese social media video sharing platform to talk its rapid growth could
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soon overshadow his brainchild zuckerberg to trade the rival as nothing less than a threat to democracy rocky of has been taking a look at what might be behind most of the. social media it's a market like anything else with its own competition the difference is coca-cola doesn't come out and say that pepsi is for nazis and b.m.w. doesn't come out and say these satan worshippers they're a little more what's the word grown up facebook however says its competition is a threat to democracy went to the back to get knuckleheads out.
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nicely 3 major threats until recently the internet almost every country outside of china has been defined by american platforms with strong free expression values but there is no guarantee that these values will went out. a decade ago almost all of the major internet platforms were american today 6 of the top 10 are chinese and we're beginning to see this in social media 2 1st things 1st you know dad's wondering how exactly a lip sinking app threatens the more crecy but just think about it a little longer. another is changed it still doesn't make any sense so why would he say this.
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now it does make sense facebook is eating dust in 2016 zuckerberg tried to buy musical daughter l.-y. the predecessor of take stock talks collapsed facebook walked away then the chinese borders and take stock exploded leaving facebook envious of the numbers that were being pulled in so as would any businessman zuckerberg simmias it why are services like what's up are used by protesters and activists everywhere due to strong encryption privacy protections on tick tock the chinese are growing quickly around the world mentions of these same protests are censored even here in the u.s. . is that the internet that we want. first off mr zuckerberg putas there's in hong kong a using telegram to coordinate which is
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a russian app. before you say something stupid again but serious accusations could it be could take talk really be censoring lip sinking in hong kong the chinese government does not request the tick-tock tons of content and would not have jurisdiction regardless and stick stock does not operate there to be clear we do not remove videos based on the presence of hong kong process content in try to but you try to smear it so now the bugs trying to copy it and yes facebook has launched a virtual kloden of take stock. now that we've established what's what we can ask ourselves if there's any cause left that zuckerberg won't use to get his hands on more money i don't know if he knows i
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mean do you think he knows what it looks like to everyone outs the c.e.o. of facebook complaining about censorship mr zuckerberg i will say there are a great many americans who i think are deeply concerned that facebook and other tech companies are engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship in may of 2016 gizmodo reported that facebook and purposely and routinely suppressed conservative stories from trending news facebook that is purged itself of conservative voices banned the naming of a trump and peach went whistleblower that sold out its community to the highest bidder information that was used by dictators to clamp down on opposite. and he tells us the chinese lip sinking up is a threat to democracy. well despite the delays and
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false starts britain is plowing ahead preparing for life after a break that the home office even released an up to help you citizen stay in the country but researchers are warning that it is vulnerable to hackers the tools we used to typically very easily accessible and require very little technical skill to use it means any type of bad act to could perform this attack without sophisticated technical knowledge very personal and sensitive information is being handled and millions of people using it so you would expect stringent protection measures similar to banking apps the op is meant to replace a lengthy bureaucratic application form for u.k. residency as of note it's been downloaded by more than a 1000000 people it allows applicants to submit passport photos and check the validity of bio metric information it also requires they submit more personal data like names phone numbers and addresses where research is fun and however they are
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locks protection from malware attacks which could allow cyber criminals to steal personal information there's also a high risk that hookers could alter data in the op however worrying it's the carry out all the device will already have to be vulnerable privacy activists and technology expert told us more about the. the company in question didn't actually find any vulnerabilities and we do not know whether there are particular vulnerabilities within this application what they did find however was that the correct procedures and safeguards hadn't necessarily been implemented this means that if the phone was already vulnerable in some way the application wouldn't be able to detect this and wouldn't be able to protect users who may be vulnerable there's an element of scare mongering here but potentially the scare mongering isn't such a bad thing because it can point towards the importance of having certain tests and
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certain breaka within the development of certain applications that have really sensitive data you don't get much more sensitive than passport numbers and photo id these are the kinds of pieces of information and data that is if it falls into the wrong hands it can be used very effectively in order to fight your identity and steal your identity if auntie digging a little deeper into any of those stories it's just a click away on r.t. dot com always worth some of your scrolling time in 30. you know world's big partners who mock and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than
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ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. the tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been only implemented from the inside venezuela things look different we're going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associated. famously have a supplement goes. down the same. battle so on the cutting the mass of the moment the focus of the who story isn't new nixon called in henry
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