tv News RT November 18, 2019 8:00am-8:31am EST
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iran accuses the u.s. of hypocrisy for supporting mass protests sparked by a hike in fuel prices. actually said to the people of iran which the year and a half ago the united states has which i will not. be taken advantage of outside economic pressure on nations. plus alleged russian interference is said to be unquantifiable and it still classified u.k. intelligence reports as russian media outlets including r.t. get a mention. and violence in hong kong enters a new phase with a vicious standoff at the university of hong kong protesters he is homemade weapons
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including bows and arrows injuring police. you're watching our to international coming to you live from the russian capital where it's just turned 4 pm welcome to the program. the president of iran has moved to quell mass anger over a 50 percent hike in fuel prices hasan rouhani said on sunday the government will compensate those worst hit however there has been trouble at least a dozen cities with buildings vandalized and pictures of iran's supreme leader burned.
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we're now joined live by our donna for more on this you know what's the international reaction to the spin. well we've heard something coming out of europe finally and germany was the 1st european country to react and essentially berlin has said has called on the reigning in government to recognize what it called a legitimate plight of the people. it is legitimate and deserving of our respect when people courageously air their economic and political grievances as it's currently happening in iran the iranian government should respond to the current protests was a willingness to negation dialogue. while this statement is bound to ruff quite some more feathers i should say into iran because from the beginning of the up here of all the reigning in government has been saying that this hike in fuel prices is a lesser evil that its economy has been backed into
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a corner and the other option is for the country's economy to crumble under the weight of the u.s. sanctions indeed the american penalties is something that iran has been citing as the key reason for all the economic trouble and hardship and these really unpopular measures the general public that iran has had to go for and but a bill in is not the only one siding with the protesters washington itself was in fact the 1st foreign nation to come out forward and side with the protesters which despite all the violence and rioting and looting and even deaths washington has called a peaceful protest. as i said to the people of iran almost a year and a half ago the united states is with you the united states supports the iranian people in the peaceful protests against the regime that is supposed to lead them we condemn the lethal force and severe communications restrictions used against
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demonstrators but we certainly stand by the people of iran what you're seeing today is them standing up. to their government saying that you know we we do. man accountability. such comments have been met with outrage and iran for instance the supreme leader of the country has said that he won't allow any outside force to hold his country hostage by sanctions. i don't know how people will not be taken advantage of by outside doing economic pressure on our nation. well it really is the country's economy runs economy of course has been in somewhat of a freefall of a nosedive since these sanctions were imposed against it its currency its national currency has lost some 60 percent of its value it's the the the inflation the inflation hiked over 41 percent by this. and it's not only the energy
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sector or the nuclear sector that has been targeted by sanctions no the country's health care system has been targeted and has suffered badly from all the penalties for instance iran has been suffering from a severe shortage of lifesaving medications and just to give you a reminder as to what the as to where these sanctions came from last year donald trump decided to unilaterally withdraw from the iran's nuclear deal that move was met with criticism by all other sides who signed the agreement back in 2015 those sides include the european union and russia and iran too but when it comes to the european union an american ally they while criticizing washington's decision they have failed to take any action they have failed to pressure to make washington come back to the negotiating board and to sign the deal again and so this is what really didn't stand well with the to iran and iran has. drawn accuse the european union of
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not being as committed to the nuclear deal as the claim they are and this recent reaction that has been that has started to come out of europe with this recent statement from berlin this is not going to give iran any more hope or any more trust in europe as its partner r.t. as it goes down of thank you for bringing us that report. political scientist. says u.s. sanctions have had a devastating impact on the people of iran we are hearing increasing reports not just from you know reliable sources but also u.n. and other international organizations about the devastating effects of the u.s. sanctions on order in the rain ians particularly with respect to import much needed medicine and you know you also have. overall economic
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that is contributing to and employment and and so on all of which mr conveniently ignores and claims to be you know in support of the people are shedding crocodile tears for them while imposing these harsh and savage economic sanctions on iran that violation of the u.n. security council resolution 2231 as well as the international agreement that the u.s. unilaterally walk out of. russian media outlets r.t. and sputnik are allegedly named in a still classified u.k. parliamentary report on moscow suspected interference in the $2016.00 referendum a claim is made in an article in the british newspaper the sunday times report apparently also states though that the impact of suppose that russian meddling is unquantifiable is alie has more revealed the russian report although this
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so-called report itself hasn't been released but this time's clones to have got access to it and seen what's within it and as far as they're concerned much of the focus is on sputnik the news agency and also all at sea and goes on to describe some of the numbers behind artie's online activity in the lead up to the 2016 breck's it referendum. social media analysis revealed that articles published by the russian sites had 4 times more social media impact before the breaks of vote than the official leave campaigns more than 260 articles posted by r.t. in sputnik in the 6 months prior to the referendum was shared so widely on twitter that they could have been seen up to 134000000 times now across party intelligence and security committee who have been looking into this alleged russian interference into u.k. politics it seems is coming to the conclusion that journalism equals
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ference now the the there are some background to this report there were calls for the prime minister boris johnson to release it that was before we hold in this current election period he negated to do so and negated to release that report and has been accused of suppressing it by members of the opposition by secretary tell me that it is unprecedented but we should have had no response of tall explaining why any further delay is required in this case this is nothing less than an attempt to suppress the truth from the public and from parliament and it is an affront to our democracy if the report is being called for and written and should be in the public domain then what is it got to hide people will be justified in drawing the conclusion that the reporter's findings are
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compromising or worse for the government and the tory party. now the opposition say that some of the information within the report could be damaging to the conservatives particularly the electoral chances however number 10 any wrongdoing or any negative reasons behind it saying that the only reason this report hasn't been released is that the party are following normal procedures for doing so now we have seen regular open political interference in u.k. politics by a number of us politicians going back to barack obama telling people to vote remain to donald trump just recently telling nadra frauds and boris johnson to form a leave alliance now yet another politician from across the atlantic has decided to weigh did i'm dumbfounded that this government won't release the report about russian influence because every person who votes in this country deserves to see that report before your election happens reporter like you and others should be
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absolutely relentless in trying to get to the bottom of it. now that report hasn't been released in full yet and it's likely that it will be and so off those that actions are held on the 12th of december. officials in denmark have temporarily imposed checks at border crossings into sweden the move was prompted by a spate of bombings and shootings around the capital copenhagen among them was the bombing of the tax agency in august the danish justice ministry claims the perpetrators had traveled from sweden about just to pass reports from the border. that mark has drawn a line in the bridge behind me they have put checks to stop and search anyone coming from sweden after copenhagen has seen more than a dozen explosions in the city this year alone the danes blame it on rival gangs mostly from sweden and hoping that these checks will put an end to it the explosion at the tax agency and the double killing in her leave are examples of the serious
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crimes that can flow across the border from sweden we will not accept that to counter the threat of serious crimes by the crime we are now strengthening proved section of the border with sweden by introducing temporary controls and strengthened police efforts in the area then mark and sweden are both. aerial members the or is on bridge used to be a free passport bridge for nearly 60 years but not anymore for at least 6 months it is this bridge that the danish authorities believe perpetrators crossed into denmark causing all the explosions. but as bombings become a worrying trend in the usually safe country here in sweden criminal gangs are on the rise according to official statistics there have been $38.00 more explosions
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this year then 2018 but it's only the explosions gun related crimes are fast becoming a concern to during the ninety's the average were 4 per year now nearly 40 and the public puts these incidents down to immigrants but a teligent chief says it is not correct to link newcomers to criminal organizations in sweden they do not. make a official counts of who says who is actually an immigrant so in sweden they do not notice it. but we make these counts in denmark and we can see that a lot of those who are. they are 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants the people who are arrested who are from the street and it just these attacks in copenhagen are also a 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants and of course it would be normal to show that they are there if there's
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a problem which is the 2nd one 1st generation immigrants and that it's also why we do this in denmark because we have to know. what the problem is before we can do anything about it from the famously soft approach that once worked well in sweden the government has gone on 180 degrees by announcing a plan allowing police to have greater stop and search powers but also making it easier for them to search suspects houses and access their devices and all of this with the backing of sweetness officials we welcome that denmark is taking action to fight crime in the orissa and region i have respect for the danish government strengthening border control you know to keep criminals on a short leash the country of little mermaid bicycles and label had its fair share of violence in the past in the ninety's this quiet country saw bombings and shootings by rival biker gangs but no checkpoints were introduced well whether you blame it on the migrant crisis or law and order's in general are becoming real
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again eventually stops us for r.t. . you might have just noticed a new feature were started today certain stories have a q.r. code alongside them at the bottom of your screen which you can use to get more information on the story so if you get the chance give it a go for now a short break. you know world of big. mob things and you can see yours it's. to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that made street video refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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the world is driven by dreamers shaped by the one percent of those great. thinks. we dared to ask. welcome back the violence in hong kong has entered a new phase there's been a fierce standoff at the university of hong kong with police trying to a jacked demonstrators from the campus but were met with fire bombs and there was an unusual change in the choice of weapons for the protestors
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a some of them have been equipped with homemade boats on police officers leg was pierced with an arrow during a confrontation around a barricaded university there are also reports of the riders hampering emergency services police have condemned the attack saying protesters turned campus and to a weapons factory. to the rep and no use to the party telling university preacher it's become a weapon to treat their wares they refer to you for extremely violent viruses. there are several potentially for you to attack targeting police. since june anti-government rallies against plans to allow extradition to mainland china have escalated the bill was withdrawn the 3 months later but the violence has continued with people demanding for democracy and an inquiry into all sorts of actions which they describe as police brutality since the protests started some 4 and a half 1000 people have been arrested for unlawful assembly taking part and i write
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and carrying a weapon the charges carry a sense of up to 10 years in jail now across live to former u.k. police officer peter kirk and for more on this now what do you make of the use of homemade bows and arrows by the protestors violence being used by the protestors is scaling know it's probably inevitable as the reasons for their protests don't being addressed they're not having any talks there's no indication that what they're what they're seeking to. seeking to obtain from the government is forthcoming the police of been meeting force with force and so yes it's being used more so it's inevitable that the protestors i think are going to use more and more force to pursue their side of the. protest for say we've now reached the point where the force being used the number of petrol bombs being
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thrown the use of the bows and arrows and whatever it's all fairly basic. but it's potentially thaw and i are suspect it's only a matter of time before people start being seriously injured or dying or one or both sides of the rioting rioting never ends well. so you predict an increase in violence and we also have reports of riders throwing heavy objects at ambulances is this really suitable behavior for pro-democracy activists as they tag themselves. well it. obviously isn't. nothing gets resolved finally by the use of force and violence. the police are caught in the middle of the place aren't in a position to give the protesters what it is that they want that's in the gift of the government and the government don't appear to be addressing those demands in any meaningful way and so what they're doing is they're saying to the place oh you've got to maintain order because of the failure to discuss the
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demands in any meaningful way the protests continue and they become more violent and they become more disruptive and in one way they're similar to the extinction rebellion protest protests we've seen in the u.k. where there is just the whites of numbers that are taking over public space. are so mentioned earlier on the surface a highway that had been open. was now swarming with protesters ago and to her why is now out of commission and that's having a huge impact on the day to day business of the ordinary people of hong kong who are trying to live and work and go to school and all the rest of it and so there's a huge disruptive element that the police can't just sort of stand by and allow to happen but they're meeting quite fierce resistance whenever they try to move her
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out so on and so we've got this this spiraling into ever more violence that we've seen no and i think we'll continue to see what kind of reaction do you think we'll see from beijing on this uptick in violence. our i don't know politically. they obviously have go it's a history of using significant violence against protesters in mainland china whether they decide to take that same view in hong kong i don't know they've obviously. held their held their nerve held their hand for some time i don't think you'd be seeing this happening in mainland china without a far more recourse to an forceful response to bring it to a stop i suspect part of the problem is that the mainland china authorities are simply not used to dealing with this sort of affair because they simply don't allow
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things to get to this situation by used. you know overwhelming force at an early stage and put a stop to things and so on are suspect that's part of the issue. we've we've got an impasse now. that the the protests demands of moved on from the initial bail about extradition to mainland china which i understand was withdrawn some time ago and is now a far wider democracy for hong kong sort of demand. which is probably not on mainland china his agenda on the chinese government's agenda and so on not sure where this is going to go i don't think it's going to go well earlier you said that the police were meeting force with force and there had been a lot of accusations of police brutality do you think that a fair statement. you'll always get those allegations when the police are dealing
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with any sort of. rest or protest and we see it here where people are pushed all carry and all you know buttons used or something like that so you know out of way way way lower level of force being used to get the people complaining it's police brutality the bottom line is that there is any use of force . can be complained about and he's complained about as police brutality. some force is lawful i'm not sure of the ins and outs of phone calling law but i suspect it's fairly similar to u.k. law in terms of a reason or amounts of force being used to kuala riots and disperse protesters who are causing damage or threatening injury and so the vast majority of force be used by the police would be lawful would be reasonable in most circumstances but of course you see occasional instances of higher use of force which maybe are
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excessive heat or we're going to have to leave it there that's peter kirk and former u.k. police officer link you for joining us on the program bunky. in bolivia supporters of former president evo morales are blocking and oil refinery near the country's capital police and military arm merde personnel carriers are heading to the scene earlier the interim government granted impunity to the security forces and the protesters are promising to block the state while enterprise until what they claim was a coup in the country is one burst the ongoing blockade has a poorly led to fuel shortages in the capital earlier this month evo morales announced his resignation after several weeks of tensions over the result of the election amid claims of fraud oppositions under janine and as declared herself interim president after where else fled to mexico. now moving to another latin american country ecuador has taken broadcast by our
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sister channel r.t. spanish off air a false complaints by the interior minister about its protest coverage former ecuadorian president rafael herrera says it smacks of double standards i am very sorry and i feel very uncomfortable because i think it was my folks that the spanish was cut off from ecuador's public television provider the national telecommunications corporation the company belongs to all of them could durians not to the government and it's not owned by lenin moreno but the shutdown shows that this government which speaks about freedom of speech has double standards and it also looks like censorship in this case simply because i provided me with the opportunity to have my program so this is another example of what we are experiencing and suffering as an ecuadorian i can only apologize because it is connected with the persecution to which i am subjected to news wrap up for now thanks for tuning in.
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i max kaiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is god it's a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these has flaws are simply not accountable and we're just adding more and more to them. to stabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for god's guys or for. good food descriptions sound up a tasing even for the owners so how to choose pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out put food may not be associate people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis and they have auto immune disorders that can't allergies we are actually creating these problems and it's
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a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets streets to larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. seems wrong but. just don't hold. any belief yet to shape out just they become educated and in gains from an equal trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart. she still look for common ground.
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time after time if you were going underground as pictures continue to emerge of alleged atrocities committed in gaza before the signing of a temporary cease fire agreement coming up on the show we go to ramallah to hear from the former palestinian prime minister nabil shaath now senior advisor to president abbas plus what is netflix is the crown season 3 not telling you about the british monarchy u.k. former home office minister and privy councillor to the queen norman baker reveals all that you want to hear from the mouths of a libya coleman and helena bonham carter all of them all coming up in today's going
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underground 1st this month marks 45 years since yasser arafat became the 1st so-called on state leader to address the united nations general assembly in his speech he claimed optimism based on the attitude to human rights of the un charter . this attitude heightens the hopes that all the world attached to the un contribution in defending the issues of peace and justice and independence to create a new world free from colonialism imperialism neo colonialism and racism in all its forms including zionism he went on to offer israel and all of branch but 15 years ago last monday he would be dead israel still continuing to violate un security council resolutions and in the past few days fighting has intensified between the so-called largest prison camp in the world gaza and illegally occupied israeli settlements israel's ambassador to london has not got back to going underground and successive representatives have never been available for interview on this program joining me now from ramallah is senior palestinian official and former chief
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negotiator and prime minister of palestine now bill sha'ath now bill thanks for coming on the program so the idea of says they attacked underground right. launchers elite launching stations underground terrorist infrastructure and military forces of the islamic jihad organization your reaction to the renewed violence in gaza and the occupied territories and israel this is a pure cold blooded murder this is an assassination i mean this is this is not this is not a warfare this is a deliberate assassination of of people in their homes that killed with them that wives the brothers their children. this is the specialty of this release so who were who. and his wife were they not terrorists as the israeli says and whether or not therefore justifiably killed by
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