tv News RT November 19, 2019 1:00am-1:31am EST
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u.s. secretary of state mike pompei i reiterate his support for the mass protests in iran and also imposes sanctions on a nuclear facility in the country with iran slamming the whole stance is hypocritical. united states will terminate the sanctions were related to the nuclear facility at fordo we don't expect anything else from mr compared to disgracefully defense the maximum pressure regime and the position of sanctions on iran has been a major policy overhaul the us causes outrage by declaring that it no longer views israeli settlements in the occupied west bank as illegal and activists in the u.k. race concerns about domestic abuse survivors taking part in the country's upcoming general election saying that registering to vote could put their lives in danger by
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making that personal data public. hello there is just gone 9 in the morning here in moscow you're watching r.t. international now the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei o has announced that washington will impose sanctions on iran's for nuclear facility that after taran said it would use it to enrich uranium the site had previously been subject to u.s. sanctions waiver pompei was to reiterated his support for the ongoing protests in iran a stance around though has slammed his hypocritical united states will terminate the sanctions were related to the nuclear facility at fordo people enjoy a better future when their government begins to respect. basic human rights abandon its revolutionary. posture and its destabilizing foreign policy in the region to be simply like. if you strange the united states and its officials who have committed
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the greatest of crimes by imposing much pressure on the toughest sanctions on iran communicating to the iranian people that they support these protests we don't expect anything else from mr disgracefully defense the maximum pressure regime and imposition of sanctions on iran. for a surprise 50 percent hike in fuel prices which was announced on friday the iranian government said the revenues would be used to help the less well off. at least a dozen cities with buildings vandalized and pictures of iran's supreme leader burned he described the rioting as sabotage and branded the protests. as more on the story. the trumpet ministration seems jubilant about the recent protests in iran said the people of iran almost a year and a half ago the united states is with you now the protests are being driven by the economic situation g.d.p. growth projections are down by 9.5 percent inflation is it 40 percent and
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unemployment is at 16 percent and rising but it was a 15 percent increase in the price of fuel that sparked the recent turmoil. now an economic squeeze like that is bound to get people upset but why is iran in such poor shape well donald trump has a lot to do with it in 2015 the international community agreed to lift a decades old sanctions in response to an agreement that was reached about iran's peaceful nuclear. energy program but then along came donald trump he decided to pull out of the nuclear agreement he says that iran broke the spirit of the deal
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however international observers say that iran fully complied as of today i can state that iran is implementing its. commitments after pulling out of the deal the trump administration began imposing sanctions on iran intended to wreck their economy accusing iran of quote destabilizing activities around the region the usa even threatened to impose sanctions on other countries that dared to buy iranian oil anyone doing business with iran will not be doing business with the united states i'm asking for world peace nothing less. weare ready to impose sanctions on any activity subject to restrictions after the iran nuclear deal in 2015 iran was exporting roughly $2500000.00 barrels of oil per day now that number is down to roughly 200000 in a country where the economy is centered around state run oil exports that's a pretty big financial loss and it has been detrimental cuts in fuel subsidies and
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other benefits for the population had to be made so i don't know top arena fish us have sat down and made a decision for the country based on expert assessments this decision must be executed. but according to donald trump working to economically ruin iran makes him the best friend of the iranian people nothing says i love you like bleeding someone dry as cool nations to support iran's people as they struggle to reclaim. their religious and rights is just today i want to deliver a message to the long suffering people of iran. the people of america stand with you will be arrayed in people return to the nations proud roots as a center of civilization culture and wealth where their people can be happy and prosperous once again the united states throughout the reigning in history has
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always been against democracy i mean the united states was the country together with britain that instigated the 1953 cool against democratically elected mohamed they right now it's no different i mean the united states has imposed a very severe sanctions on iran which is hurt a lot of ordinary people so coming out and saying that they support these people is hypocritical in the sense that if you do support these people then you wouldn't sanction them so hard that you know they are having difficulty even getting on with their daily normal lives but as tensions to rise in iran a new documentary by the red fish media group looks at the impact of decades of u.s. sanctions on the economy. but on the grass which will be there at. the right time or nice if it toughest sanctions ever imposed on a country. during the 1st quarter about. the
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sanctions are intended to cause pain. so i don't think those close to the war in iran is too powerful from have tried and allies across the region. being the shoulder them out of those. and you can watch that documentary in full at the red fish chapter. i might also provoked outrage by announcing a reversal of a decades old stance on israeli settlements in the west bank he said they do not necessarily violate international law the settlements are on territory occupied by israel since 1967 middle east war and one of the most contentious issues in the conflict between israel and palestine. the u.s.
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administration has lost its credibility to play any future role in the peace process with statements of secretary prompt constitute a total jip departure of the us administration interests of a trauma administration or from international law the rule of law so regardless by peaceful means they are replacing international law or the law of the jungle settlements in occupied palestine are a blatant violation of international law and un security council resolutions they're an illegal action that will kill 2 state solution jordan's position in condemning them is unwavering we warn against dangerous consequences of the us changing position on settlements on middle east peace plan all settlement activity is illegal under international law and it erodes the viability of the 2 state solution and the prospects for a lasting peace while for decades the us regarded the settlements as inconsistent
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with international law but still the view of much of the international community is to be seen which cites the 4th geneva convention washington's change of stance contradicting numerous un resolutions and international human rights conventions the new position is the latest move by the trumpet ministration that sparked control of the sea earlier it recognized israeli sovereignty over the golan heights territory received from syria in 1967 and formally annexed in 1981 and washington is also broke with international consensus to buy formally recognized in jerusalem as israel's capital both decisions were widely condemned including by the un 600000 illegal settlers already live in the west bank which is home to 3000000 palestinians we asked political commentator mayodan what the implications of the latest decision will be. it's is of course a very. discriminating way of conducting diplomacy and the united states
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has chosen to act unilaterally disregarding the united nations security council even its allies and the western allies do not see eye to eye with washington on this topic so obviously it will not be a precedent and the united states will probably be isolated obviously this is going to please the right wing in israel it is not going to change anything if the toll it is going to give more strength to do extremists in the palestinian community who say that diplomacy is not durable for statehood and that they must act violently and therefore israelis should be against the policy announcement and not for it. when the activists are worried about survivors of domestic peace taking part in the country's upcoming
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general election pointing at that if they do register to vote their full repeats this will be able to find that their press from the electoral roll with all his surroundings. the u.k. is heading to the budget boxes as they try to sort through the breaks it does look but there are fears that some of the most vulnerable citizens could be effectively forced out of the process entirely victims of domestic abuse say that the u.k.'s electoral system puts a risk ventral partners the u.k. has a publicly available electoral register which means that if someone registers to vote their full name address can be discovered and they could be tracked down for their safety if survivors have to ask a piece is something that can be at risk for a really long period after they've left their abuser even if they escape to refuge and leave the perpetrator and move to
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a different place they can remain at risk in their their lives that their children can remain at risk for a really long time because of these doesn't stop when the relationship stops many survivors or face consistent threats of peace and harm from perpetrator for a really long period of time so it can be really really important that their identity is kept anonymous and they can stay safe. by keeping their name and their addresses and other personal details anonymous for. a long time after they felt their piece so it's really important that survivors can access this system whereby they can register to vote anonymously and at the moment when we continue to be concerned that the system just doesn't let them do that easily now changes did come into force last year and made it simpler for victims of abuse to register to vote anonymously but that other limits the only last a year the government expanded the list of evidence for abuse but victims are
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forced to keep reapplying every 12 months to protect the data and the problem has become more print out with the current level of domestic abuse in the u.k. the number. deaths caused by domestic violence has reached its highest level over the past 5 years nearly 2000000 adults say they have experienced some kind of domestic abuse and activists say the government isn't doing enough to protect those who are at risk this is really important that the government and all public sector agencies put in place the measures that this via this need to say safe and of course one of thing is being able to keep your i didn't see another mess in faith and if we can grant survives that connecticut peace that that automatic right to vote in anonymity and in faith to we need to ask whether you know we're enabling more all of. our citizens to how to exercise their democratic democratic rights and freedoms it's a month till the u.k.
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election for those who have been subjected to domestic abuse it's not just about political preferences but also about the chance to vote safely. london. the humanitarian group doctors without borders is criticized conditions that a migrant camp in bosnia herzegovina calling the place dangerous and inhumane hundreds of refugees currently trapped in the improvised camp put the croatian border trying to reach western europe. her. live in conditions in which a car in adequate and we cannot take responsibility for the health of people committing to who cannot work can such conditions.
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i know some of the words man is saying if you want border close you are going to be . giving me money 303000 euros for the new yorker or the new gun over it me lord are you my poor man nor do money there for money to buy you on board to a loan with very. good reality of bts of course but a shocking. sight is clearly not
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a side that can provide any basic. accommodation and a service used to that my get on c.n.n. and we certainly can get way through even more show now that the site has to be closed and mountain of the 1st accommodation us to be found. we talked about this since oct 28th we talked about non-existing coordination with state oath or aziz about no. crude nation with police agencies that will want to listen to us us residents of this region so we came to only one conclusion has to be closed and people will have to be resettled elsewhere. you're watching international back with more news just after the break.
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when else seemed wrong. just don't call. me. yet to shape out this day because that's a good and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. they put themselves on the line big get except the reject. so when you want to be president. or something want to. get it right to the press this is what before 3 of them or you could get. interested in the waters about how.
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they should. slow down you with r.t. now the american news channel a.b.c.'s under increasing pressure to explain why it shelved a story on convicted paedophile geoffrey epstein that after elite video showed it sank ranting about the channel axing a bombshell interview with one of the alleged victims of the disgraced billionaire republicans in congress say they want answers what appears to have been presented to mr obama is 1st hand evidence of human trafficking i am deeply concerned that this victim in search of justice went to a.b.c. news provided information and an interview and then a.b.c. news chose to burry the truth it is imperative that the public be assured newsroom
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decisions regarding exposing human trafficking are not tempered by financial interests or outside forces they're all makers also want to know what else a.b.c. executives may have learned about epstein following the interview and whether they notified authorities at any point the network has defended their its decision not to run the story claiming that their journalists could not corroborate the details the rule makers are also working news anchor amy wrote back to expand on who may have prevented the story from running. that story for 3 years i've had to sit here with jenny roberts the palace found out that we have her whole allegations are false andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways she told me everything she had it sure everything she was training for 12 years we convinced her to come out we convinced her to talk to us it was unbelievable what we had claimed we had everything. i tried for 3 years to get on to no avail and now it's all coming out and i think these new well of
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revelations and i'm preaching have. so pissed would have perhaps to use a disgraced financier and convicted sex offender he pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor for prostitution in 2008 believe the sheer epstein was again arrested and was facing a spate of sex trafficking charges before being found dead in his cell authorities ruled that his death was suicide journalist says that a.b.c. might have been scared by a powerful connections. case of a.b.c. in the road back said it was actually pressure from the british royal family that caused a.b.c. to back off from the story but there are other things as well i mean jeffrey epstein had a very powerful friends in very high places bill clinton for one. prince andrew for not for another. and so so therefore the a.b.c. was may very well have been afraid of tangling with forces like those so so
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the media's reputation is hurting really badly and this latest episode involving a.b.c. and jeffrey epstein doesn't help at all so republicans are very happy to pounce on this latest transgression. some world news in brief now and the u.n. says a war crime being committed in libya where an airstrike on a factory in the capital tripoli has killed 730 others were injured tripoli has been under attack since april with libyan commander alif after are trying to wrest power in the country's interim government supporters of wiki leaks founder julian assange stood outside london court on monday while a brief hearing was taking place the sanjay appeared 5 video link from prison he is currently backing it into the u.s. where he is wanted for allegedly conspiring to hack government computers and 2 people were killed when a road bridge collapsed in southwestern france the victims were 15 year old girl
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that is your news wrap for this hour don't forget there you can also keep yourself updated too on our social media pages and you should. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is all off and this very dramatic development the only posts really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. good food descriptions sound up a tasing even for the owners so how to choose his pet food industry is telling us
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what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than what's necessarily good for the pet turns out and put food may not be as healthy as people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders they've cut allergies we are actually creating these problems and it's a huge epidemic of problems in all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets last treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. the world is driven by shaped by one percent of those.
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and a very warm welcome to you what an awesome sauce. this is a boom box broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of our global economy in the 21st century i've been swan and i'm christiane washington here's what's coming up today saudi aramco is in the running to become the world's biggest i.p.o. as the u.s. stock market continues to break into record territory we are breaking down the biggest stories you'll be talking about this week with our get your shit. what do you want the theme for is looking at a case involving google and oracles that could have enormous implications for copyright laws and whether existing software can be used to build new computer programs we'll break it down a little is known as banking for the young things but where do crypto bloom's go
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when their business is needed the u.k. for bromance is to be just that will tell you how it works and why that company sees a bright future in the sector i want to get to today so let's get to it. saudi aramco said to price range its range $1.00 trillion dollars putting it in the running to become the world's largest i.p.o. the oil giant plans to sell 1.5 percent of the company in a 20 $5600000000.00 i.p.o. beating ali baba's current record of $25000000000.00 in 2014 however this valuation is still more than what foreign institutions have been willing to pay in an effort to list the company at a valuation that is acceptable to the crown prince mohammed bin solomon who is making this i.p.o. the centerpiece of plan economic reform saudi is officially combining the i.p.o. to the kingdom and gulf states around the world most profitable company but this is a bet on oil at a time when global demand is expected to slow in 2025 due to measures to cut
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greenhouse gas emissions and the. i think the use of evey's there's also the overhang political risk as saudi government will continue to control the company given these risks for an institutional have been unwilling to sustain the $1.00 trillion dollar valuation and aramco now has instead that has to rely on local demand this is a huge blow as the i.p.o. was meant to bring in a large pool of quality investors who are also shareholders and around goes competitors such as royal dutch shell and exxon mobil aramco will not be able to sell shares directly to investors in the u.s. and other markets as i.p.o. will be restricted to saudis and a select group of 1500 qualified foreign investors permitted by market regulators. and for more on this and other market movers we are now joined by peter schiff the all of europe of a capital and todd bubba horowitz chief strategist about the trading so let's start off with you it seems like the only way that saudi aramco can sustain its nearly 2
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trillion dollar valuation is by artificially buffering it from the global markets and offering a sweetener to investors in the form of local banks making loans available for the sole purpose of investing in this i.p.o. so what is the purpose of this anyways they don't need to raise any more money it's already the world's most profitable company and its previous goal of getting a rambo circulated and diversified outside of this region seems to be a moot point if now they're limiting it to the only domestic investors so why go i.p.o. now. do we do we know they don't or don't want to i mean do we know there's a role for a little gumby in the world i mean i think a lot of questions and what the real details are now i'm not saying they're not i'm saying they're coming you're bringing this idea to market because maybe they want to have the the billions of dollars to play with. the 4.4 percent dividend which is higher than the other better than their competitors and what they're going to i mean again there's a lot of room to go public but again i think you're going we're looking at is the overall.
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