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tv   News  RT  November 23, 2019 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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dr dhar kala to discover bill for much of the please. give me a trial donald trump wants his day in the senate as the impeachment hearings reach the next critical stage while democrats say they won't rule out to get more public hearings. as concern over germany's new attempts to tackle paedophiles online as critics ballclub using police resources to create fake child porn videos on the dark web also had. lumpia imposed a curfew in the capital madrid new to large scale anti-government protests and a deadly car bombing in the south american nation.
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a very warm welcome you're watching r.t. international with me to. our top story donald trump says he wants a trial laughter the u.s. house of representatives move to formally take the impeachment inquiry to the next level the president laid into rival democrats after a week of testimonies which he describes as a hoax and says they looked like fools proceedings now head to the republican controlled senate and mr trump says the whole affair has actually united his party behind him. they had a tremendous week with the whole you know the great hoax the in the growth of the m p 3 hopes and that's really worked out. incredibly well and we have tremendous support i think roger's around whose numbers i don't think i've ever seen support in the republican party like we do right now we know that it's going to support the house judiciary committee chairman hit back at republican claims the testimonies have been hearsay and the democrats adam shift also didn't rule out holding more
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public hearings as this panel begins to draft its inquiry report but the around the clock news coverage is falling flat with a loss of audiences artie's saskia taylor has been sharing her emotions when it comes to impeachment fatigue talk to what a year it's been and hasn't felt like it's just been dragging on and everyone i speak to says the same thing that that confused and anxious for the democrats to stress because they've been struggling to find a single candidate who can take on trump and 2020 the best they've come up with is a man who's paid a was when he posed in a short sleeved button down more than 40 years ago then you've got the republicans that just riddled with anxiety they keep checking alerts on the phone just praying that lead to hasn't gone on a twitter wrong page or put economy in a choke hold and then of course that the fending off attacks from the democrats left right and center you always told me doc it's bad to keep things bottled up
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inside and reported to the just like os they need this stress relief to. so the people on the hell have signed up to a group therapy session and it's a classic safe space where everyone supports one another and to see going over old ground no other president has betrayed his office like this because the president got caught the president in fact tried to trade a political favor for official government resources now this anti corruption president who cares so much about rooting out corruption and ukraine putin's primary objectives within the united states is to so as to foment unrest for their nation would you agree with me that r.t.d. is putin's propaganda machine here in the united states i would agree with honestly it's been a huge and that down it's a bit like you and me really i mean i come every we hope he'll kill me even though i know it's hopeless but we're in so deep we just have to keep going but at least i
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have the decency to eat pretend i'm interested in what you have to say. even the democrats who have the most to gain from the session of suffering from what i've diagnosed as impeachment i just think we're going down this road keep spending more time hundreds of years of history no one has ever been convicted of impeachment and it's not just the people who've been sitting through the herrings that are bored it don't want to go to to mass or mr morris and i have some bad news for you t.v. ratings are way down way down i don't hold it personally i don't think it's you guys. whatever drug deal the democrats are cooking up here on the. american
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people are buying you might not remember how it'll start to dr joe biden was just being helpful father lending a hand in getting hunter set up in a good job been trumped he was just a concerned president worried that hunter biden sitting on a board of a need in ukraine and gas company while his father was the country's point man was a conflict of interest so best saying he nudged the ukrainian president to look into the matter may be used as a bargaining chip that $400000000.00 of aid the u.s. have promised which reminds me even ukraine's tired of this whole impeachment saga i think everybody really is the. reason we're all going along on the street we have all the independence we have all the problems and grace that's right i've got bad news it looks like we might be stuck in this therapy session for a while because to put it simply even if the house of representatives dominated by
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the democrats votes to endorse trump's impeachment it still has to pass the upper house the senate and there are rumors that the republicans won't just unanimously vote to quickly dismiss the charges but what actually get embroiled in the long trial a trial that could be 6 days a week every week until an agreement is reached the only person who's apparently not too down in the doldrums about that is trump who i want is the 1st witness because frankly i want to throw you know i didn't think i could have it you want to try out every one 0 i wouldn't. you know one issue never ever been breached by think about with this the more i realize just like our sessions it's it's a whole lot of money a whole lot of time and it leaves a whole lot of no one. meanwhile u.s. democratic presidential hopeful telsey galba has been the butts of some cutting
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remarks in the new york times for her choice of clothing the paper reports that her white soups are more cult leader than. it has been at asians have refrained from in the center. are of somewhat converts of righteousness also cult leaders. near liberalism. that is the most ridiculous pose debate article of. of the continent that you.
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tulsi she challenges the democratic establishment she is not supportive of regime change and less war all the money the military is spending often needlessly so she's somebody that really calls that out and i think the democratic establishment you know really is like how dare she do that and they come after her so and they come after her in ways as frivolous as this you know. to say that like her white pantsuit makes her sort of like you know a cult leader and she's on the fringe and a complete radical and that's really unfair to her it's an unfair characterization . to anyone's to double down on touching pay to files online but a new tactic to infiltrate the so-called dog web will see it and to some ethically
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suspect territory by creating fake child pornography investigators will be able to use computer generated images in the future if crimes cannot be detected another way we are now laying the legal foundations and we must never forget the behind child pornography images are terrible acts of abuse against children with or to say investigators will be given all means available to track down sex offenders but is proving divisive supporters of the strategy insist it will help kill off the so-called dark net of illegal websites while opponents argue that crimes cannot be solved by creating new crimes. from the u.k.'s crissy and legal center told us that evidence gathered in such a way could potentially prove inadequate in course. and you look at the crime shows on t.v. and they have solicitation of prostitution or or pull undercover policeman doing. selling drugs those are incidences where they're not committing crimes now
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generating child pornography certainly is so whether they're creating a crime or not is one question to me the bigger question is the issue of whether you can convict someone based on evidence that was gathered through criminal activity and i think that this might backfire on them by catching people not having to release them because of tarnished evidence. internet watch foundation report on child sexual abuse imagery found that europe is the world's worst when it comes to online child pornography the continent hosts around 2 thirds of all confirmed cases with the netherlands having the most offenders critical commentator andrew walker and former british police officer peter kirk m said their views with us. it would obviously have to be used very carefully and will be used sparingly. there are various things that could be done to minimize the risk of it being spread further but if the aim is to close down and arrest all those using the particular platform or in that you're gaining access to them in a way it's sort of self destructs to
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a certain extent anyway in the united kingdom these sorts of images and videos would be illegal and the reason that they're illegal is not because there's a victim of them because clearly there isn't it in a simulated image but what there it what it has the potential to do is to excite offenders and what we don't want to do is have a government in your up producing material that can potentially excite people into offending in real life or outside the virtual world can understand the view but the amounts of child sexual imagery that. is absolutely enormous anything added by the german police would be an absolute drop in the ocean i also think there's another more general concern about the issue of entrapment we have as a society have to protect our society from police going too far and i think that this potentially is a bridge too far this wouldn't be entrapment and entrapment is unlawful it would be
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a means of getting into a closed close space for a very long time in the u.k. the police have used informants who have participated in the commission of crimes in a minor role classically the getaway driver. in a bank robbery. would be. able to be off arised as a participating informant in the crime scene the significant concern is that people who start on child pornography will begin offending against children in real life it's hard to imagine anybody saying i've only willing to consume fake child pornography i should be genuine stuff i just don't see that everybody would would delineates in that way if they were a sex offender and i think putting more material onto a dark web seems instinctively to me to be making the problem potentially far worse policing in these sorts of areas is a dirty business and sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to
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a certain extent to take out the really bad players. you believe in senate voided october's election the country which was won by now alstad president even murali is now off the interim government also accused him of terrorism his claim morale is masterminded a blockade they prevented food from entering the latin american nation government representatives say they have recordings of the former leader taken from the protesters confiscated phone the voice alleged to be that of morale is heard advise in ways to shut down roads and also mentions returning to bolivia the bolivian foreign ministers theys the lawsuit goes against his status of political asylum when morales himself has called the recording fabricated. i denounce believe he is de facto government for making this up with the intention of forming an international lawsuit against me this is judicial manipulation to imprison and to imperialist leftwing and liberal leaders this comes as the interim government has
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announced plans to shut down left leaning media outlets the move would include international channel telesur that reportedly received a notification that will be taken off the airwaves as part of a so-called reorganization the channel was founded back in 2005 in venezuela and is mostly funded by left wing governments around south america including bolivia it was promoted at the time as a latin socialist dancer to see and then reminded of how things are so quickly in bolivia even murali is resigned after mass protests and accusations he had raked his election victory last month his place was taken by vice president of the senate should mean yes you had the support of the country's military and the protests against her she granted immunity to law enforcement officers responding to the demonstrations we heard from a former un officer who believes that as foreign pressure behind the accusations against morales. first of all the circulation of being a terrible and it's a script coming right from where you probably think it burma or prince charles i
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mean they're doing i mean they're trying to convert figure of you know more of that kind of like you know american. hussein i'm excited to reagan but more lives toward that direction than somebody who could be carnation that should be punished i should be persecuted by international law this is a very much an american disarm sort of vision should be very clear agenda for the security council i mean the u.s. cannot do that basically because they can do it with anyone who poses north american or u.s. so you don't want to i mean these are the problem you know it's an international. so there's a good to constantly why you should take part in this. complex situation that has been invented for problem from the usa with the.
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overthrow couldn't produce more a. car bombs going off outside a police station in southwest colombia killing 3 officers and injuring a further 10 it happened in the town of santander to kill a child located about 500 kilometers from the capital it's a known hot spot for violence local newspapers reported that the explosion caused a major blackout at least not yet spoken on who was responsible for the attack. colombia's already been enduring widespread anti-government protests the mayor of the capital bogo time as opposed to citywide curfew to try and keep the renewed wave of demonstrations a better way that to lead to clashes with police was. protests
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erupted on thursday as thousands turned out against president involved in k. police used tear gas and water cannons demonstrators drew rocks demanding better living conditions tax and pension reforms and move to tackle government corruption but leaders say there are no plans to change course artie's nicholas sanchez o'donovan reports now from the colombian capital. with the day after the historic national antigovernment strike has shown us the consequences both politically and on the streets here we can see some of the damage as many others this. was completely vandalized destroyed by protest as we can see what they used not only to destroy this bus stop but right here they were throwing these rocks at police that were. with tear gas with water cannons and rubber bullets.
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i. i. i. i. was but mainly it was a peaceful protest and it was a massive protest as well over $200000.00 colombians marched nation wide protest in and it demanded more infrastructure and more money for education where the students but then you have the indigenous leaders they they have fights in social justice in rural areas so that's a different front and then you have the unions they fight in so that the government doesn't implement the tax reforms that they trying to implement and more importantly they don't touch so that the government doesn't touch the pension
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system so they see different fronts and now it's going to be very interesting to see how the government addresses all of those different fronts it's going to be very difficult for the government to try and address all of those once. testing times that tough as the electric vehicle make is unbreakable new for the truck out and about to a frame from what we've. lined out this truck today the bike. would. be put themselves on the line. to get except the reject. so when you want to be president. i want to be rich. to going to be cross which is what before 3 of them or can't be good. i'm going to sue all those
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in the water using the. force. to get us a p. 500 to a new high transparency has been obliterated all sound accounting has been obliterated all economic policy that is tied to any economic school that makes any economic sense has been ignored and obliterated the rule of law has been obliterated everything having to do with the sound society is being ignored to get a number to a higher level and it's getting so higher level but at what cost. welcome back well russia's been outlining the security concerns over japan's military and
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political alliance with the united states foreign minister sergey lavrov spoke at a news conference following the latest g 20 for a minister's me saying if the trunk of a pools. we're at the gathering of the g. 20 foreign ministers in japan but actually we are inside a hotel every once in a while down the corridor that you can see right behind me foreign ministers of the most influential countries around the world walked past us and the bilateral meetings happened in rooms just like the one that i'm in right now and some of them have been scheduled long before like the talks between the new japanese foreign minister and mr lavrov here's what the russian top diplomat said after he met his japanese colleague look at the show. and its relations with japan washington doesn't shy away from saying that russia and china oppose the main threat. and that's all their military alliances will be based on countering those
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threats of course we've discussed the matter with the japanese foreign minister because that goes against what you assess that is that their military and political alliance with washington is not directed against russia on the other hand another meeting that came out as a real surprise was between the russian top diplomat and also the incoming u.s. ambassador to russia who is currently at the deputy secretary of state and here's what we heard from sergey lavrov about that meeting go didn't we go we talked about how we should resolve numerous problems in our relations taking the john sullivan head of the american delegations during negotiations on strategic cooperation with russia that was a useful conversation despite the fact that of course washington's behavior in the asia pacific region is not officially on the g 20 agenda here in japan sergey lavrov told journalists that russia did bring this issue up a few times during his meetings with the other foreign ministers here in the.
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little slips in the new arms race isn't on the g 20 agenda although the country organizing it could offer to at any issue during the talks. talking about the meetings between foreign ministers these questions are important for our dialogue with the united states europe and countries in the asia pacific region especially after washington killed off the intermediate range nuclear forces and gone back to the building of surrogate lab robs a new friendship with the new japanese foreign minister mr. he's expected to come to moscow before the end of this year i mean we have a train go in japan. electric vehicle make a tesla may be renowned for pushing the boundaries in eco transport but the showcase launch of its new futuristic slab a truck proved to be well not exactly the smash hit the firm had hopes.
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sure yeah. well. maybe that was a little too hard. to go through also taking a big case off the books launch tesla see musk's personal net worth it plunged by $768000000.00 the share price also dived 6 percent in one day the internet's already revved up the mean machine comparing this magical cyber truck to the time traveling de lorean from the back to the future movie and also to a physical metaphor for musk the barrister meant to unsporting is on the county was the emblems to old school video games musk admitted on twitter that they've got some improvements to make this will go into production and post a video to prove that the still bold startup going well it will house so.
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it's not only the windows that make the cut a tesla car in europe the hard way that the very heart of the vehicles the batteries could prove lethal. you've covered this for i enjoyed every minute of driving this car from the 1st to the last it's amazing to drive an electric car when it catches fire 10 seconds after a collision and just 60 kilometers an hour and you're happy that a passer by saved you from death i'm disappointed. in. the emmys used in the battery cells of electric cars the same that are used for mobile phones and cordless drills if it ignites the fire cannot be extinguished with water it continues to burn it simply provides itself with oxygen from the water burns until it burns out completely.
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the towing company said it was in a vicious circle as nobody would agree to take the car tesla had a company that was supposed to dispose of broken cars or rather their batteries but this company told me that they've still not received permission from the ministry because apparently my terrorist the 1st fully electric car in austria which needed to be disposed of. are now very negative towards electric cars as long as there are other cars on the market i would never buy one again. thanks for joining us we're back at the top of the hour . cup and the pull of the ice cream account way or both to substance because ballack
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itself mukti it i. was in this way got to doubt so hard not to think i'm going to dissipate this moment the look of a power and i don't miss the mark and if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights in his way. through our you can feel the fee on this bill frist woody allen called the ability to put the helmet on the. what i think is this is the fans that is a constant. him go. through. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll
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see you then. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the street. what happens to her family daughters in florida law the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery meaning messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court b b b b. shot after shot smar officer we feel. we don't know she'll share this frugal. end of this trial unfortunately you. will still not know.
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i'm after times are we going underground as a british armed israel bombs besieged gaza and the syrian capital of damascus while facing the prospect of a 3rd election in a year or timid struggle trumps decision to defy global consensus on the theft of palestinian land coming on the show are israel and the us a rogue states when it comes to international law we'll that's israel's form of in washington. and the new film the gaza fights for freedom documents israeli maskil. by bullets and poison gas we talked to the film's director files abby martin all of them are going to have a days going on the rubber 1st which countries have privileged trading
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relationships with the european union cited as a key issue in britain's general election campaign well here's one country famous for repeated violations of international law and one that has been bombing damascus and reportedly killing civilians in syria this week israel has a privileged trading relationship with the european union based on the e.u. israel association agreement establishing that products originating in israel within its internationally recognized borders benefit from pressure and show tariff treatment upon their n.t. into the european union yes special treatment for violators of international law so israel's detractors might have it but there was more this month from the european court of justice that you has a longstanding and well known position that it will not recognize any changes to pre 967 he said.


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