tv Watching the Hawks RT November 26, 2019 2:30am-3:00am EST
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when i look at them i thought. you didn't have them delete to my target to be i get told chris on the often to get the he thought i felt. good children tell him the thought that she was here when next time don't come fall out of the marketing and. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see their.
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ratings and salutations. well implementing universal health care bringing clean water systems to flint michigan is apparently surprisingly hard for governments to do going to war to be quite easy especially if the public's motivations for going to war are based on a lie or what's known as a false flag operation. fire gulf of tonkin w m d's and iraq all blatant lies all used as justification to go to war well now another reason justification for dropping bombs on poor people half way around the world has suddenly come up and it's suddenly come under question thanks to a new leaked e-mails released on saturday by wiki leaks it appears that the final report by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons or o.p.c. w in the 2018 chemical attack in the syrian city of duma may not be all it's cracked up to be my friends while the league makes no attempts to describe what did
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happen in doom according to the guardian the protesting e-mail which was originally sent to senior officials at the o.p.c. w. by an investigator described as quotation marks alec's and quoted by wiki leaks expresses the grave concern saying the o.p.c. w. report misrepresents the facts contains unintended bias and simplifies conclusions let's not forget my friends that the accusations of a syrian government orchestrated chemical strike in duma and the accompanying video of the victims and their early conclusions by the opi c.w. all mitigated a joint strike on the syrian government by france britain and the united states that included the use of 70 tomahawk cruise missiles as the daily mail bluntly reports that the e-mail points out that in reality the investigations on the ground that duma have produced no hard evidence and that the alleged gas attack that the alleged gas attack took place and that the revelation appears to be the worst instance of sexing up in support of war since the invasion of iraq and. tony
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blair's doctor dossiers. lies barmes an official denial sounds like a very very good time to start watching the honks. getting. good looks like. this would. be the bottom if you. like you that i got. with that we. would. like. to welcome him on the watching the hawks i try to roll for joining us now to discuss this this latest leaked email the o.p.c. this whistleblower is our to america correspondent rachel blevins who's been on this story all day and all week and i assume. what could you tell us about the
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whistleblower who is this mysterious person that suddenly kind of throwing a wrench into the game of chemical strikes in syria or was this whistleblower is believed to be an investigator who was part of the 1st fact finding mission that the o.p.c. w. sent into syria after there were reports of a chemical attack back in april 28th seen now this is a guy who is speaking out in the documents that he released was an e-mail that he sent his superiors where he was really expressing his frustration and he was saying in it that they sent this group to syria they made a report on their findings and then all of a sudden the organization comes back around with their report that they're going to release and that's a little bit different and he's saying it that not only did they misinterpret the facts but they also cherry pick the parts of the report that they wanted to include in their own report and he claims that they had such a big bias in it that it completely undermined all of the credibility altogether from that official report that was published and what's interesting too is he's a whistleblower pointing one way or the other politically he was just saying the
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report itself was scientifically valid but what we actually found what what what contradictions did the did this whistleblower many are calling a whistleblower point out what was the major points he made that's a really good point that he's not really leaning either way politically and in this letter he really does look at the details of this report that they put out there and he points to the fact that in the final report that the organization put out they claim that there was proof that chemical attack was carried out through canisters that were dropped from above which is to say that the culprit would not have had an air force so it would not have been isis or another bravo group and he points to that and he says well actually the group that was on the ground what their findings came up with was that they could not find a certain source for what that attack was because they didn't have sufficient evidence so they're admitting that they weren't going to point either way when it came to their report of what they concluded and we also have to remember the reports of noted that the investigators who were on the scene in syria. they didn't
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get on the scene of that chemical attack until nearly 2 weeks after it happened so there was plenty of time to tamper with evidence and there was plenty of time for things to change on the ground so he's essentially alleging that what the organization did was they sent a team there but then they had their own conclusion that they wanted to come to you and they kind of just cherry picked facts along the way in order to make their final report and i also understand that there was also he made a big point about the amount of chlorine that was supposedly the use chlorine in this chemical attack and that the amount of chlorine was the. amount that you could find anywhere at any given time and it wasn't it wasn't and this was a war zone is that there wasn't actually the amount of chlorine that would you would normally find in a chlorine gas attack that's very interesting stuff how has the o.p.c. w. responded i mean have they addressed this whistleblower i mean i know this is now another whistleblower because we also have one previously was right exactly through this was specifically now the timing of this release is really notable because this
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comes as o.p.c. w. is having their annual conference and in this letter the whistleblower specifically pointed to the office of the director general and he said that he believes that the changes were made there were port because of what the office of the director general wanted to have but now dr akhter general did address the overall report that was released at his opening speech for that meeting and he said that he completely stands by and don't see anything wrong with it we actually have a clip to close in what he had to say. keep these in the. inquiry for in the reduce. express subject to its use when some of these. secrets and certain subjects discussed. i would like to read. that are you still. on. goose is reached by the side. so it's interesting because very he's
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not addressing the letter but at the same time he also is not confirming or denying the claims that were made and he's not saying whether anything was changed from the original report to the final 4 and you just saying they stand by those conclusions at the end of the official version how is the united states i mean they've been so invested in everything syria in wanting to get rid of assad how are they responding to these well the western officials that have spoken out according to reports have actually placed the blame here on russia and syria once again and they have said that this is an attempt by the governments from both countries to sort of muddy the waters where this is concerned and they claim that that's because russia and syria have been asking questions about these claims reported chemical attack from the very beginning we also have to remember here that of course because the u.s. the u.k. and france were the ones to launch air strikes against syria just one week after reports of this attack they have a lot to lose here so they're not going to be nearly as quick to admit that they were wrong where all of this is concerned as of something to keep in mind
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especially because it puts them in a bad light if they come out and they suddenly say wait a 2nd there may be problems with this resource and you know how dare anyone ever ask any questions about what happens we just have to take their word for it apparently yes thank you very much rachel great job on this story always a pleasure having you think you. all right as i mentioned earlier it is easier to get the u.s. government to go to war than to bring clean water to flint michigan and apparently that is so true that the people of flint are not the only ones with water infrastructure issues according to a new report by the human rights nonprofit dig deep in the nonprofit u.s. border alliance more than 2000000 people living in the united states lack running water and basic indoor plumbing. basic in. or plumbing 2000000 people isn't america so great again i'm just warming up here is our to america correspondent for the problems are with the story. we live daily without reliable
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drinking water and with on treated sewage our conditions more frequently associated with impoverished nations but it's happening in our own backyards in fact today more than 2000000 americans lack access to running water indoor plumbing or wastewater services and while the majority of americans are taking high quality drinking water and sanitation access for granted millions of the most money will people in the country like low income people in rural areas people of color tribal communities and immigrants have fallen through the cracks now here are some of the numbers that will shock you of the 2000000 americans living without basic access to safe drinking water and sanitation the numbers include 1400000 people lacking access to indoor plumbing 250000 people in puerto rico still recovering from devastating hurricanes lacking equitable water and sanitation access and some
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553000 homeless people in the us don't currently have access to clean water and many more people face water related challenges native american households are 19 times more likely than white households to lack indoor plumbing more than 44000000 people served by water system recently had a health based safe drinking water act violations of those people 23 percent of private wells tested by the united states geological survey showed contaminants with health concerns which include get this arsenic you raney i'm nitrates and even eco lie 17. no people living in rural areas report having experienced issues with save drinking water and 12 percent of people living in rural areas report issues with their sewage system so while most people here in the us never give their water
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a 2nd thought people living in communities without safe water and reliable infrastructure have to think about water and sanitation all the time now for those people the ability to care for their family earn a living and go to school depends on being able to access water to have to dedicate significant time every single day to tasks like carrying water drugs driving to another town to use a relative shower or cleaning the house after waste water backup now these coping strategies are time consuming expensive and logistically challenging but that's not all globalise 785000000 people lack access to save water and 2000000000 people lack access to toilet and climate change is expected to drop water access even more as higher temperatures and more extreme weather conditions are expected to change the distribution of rainfall snow melt river flows and
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groundwater so unless something drastic is done very soon this is not looking good globally reporting in washington site having gerard to you. art is going to bring court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topic you cover the more social media and be sure that you're going to watch your marks the podcast now available on spotify apple music and everywhere you listen to your favorite pod cast coming up we bring you these circuits are fascinating your job as a crucial bible to your simple school police department better where will you stay to watch. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be
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an arms race. very dramatic to follow only. exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. you look at your dollar bill that says the federal reserve no no if you look that up in best a p.d.f. it'll tell you it's debt debt is a no right they're not creating this stock has nothing to do with money it's created is formaldehyde it's monetary formaldehyde and they're trying to and they're complaining that the corpses and grain and they just are failing to acknowledge that the global economy died in 2008 stop.
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on november 18th 1978 religious cult leader jim jones orchestrated the killing of 900 of his people's temple followers in the south american country of what became known as the jonestown massacre a longtime veteran of the center's san francisco police department along the williams was a member of the people's temple after a father join the cult when she was just 11 years old 10 years later after traveling to guyana to join her fellow followers who want to quickly realized that all was not as it was promised by jim jones and jonestown and she was able to escape just a year before the mass murders and suicides took place on last week's 4441st anniversary of the jonestown man. ms williams joined us here on watching the hawks to discuss the dangers of cults and group think and today we present the 2nd half of that interview we discussed the importance of focusing on the survivors and not just the perpetrators take
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a listen. you want to was so much focus on jim jones the leader of the people's temple it seems that the actual lives of the survivors and victims usually get overlooked how do you deal with that overshadowing that happens whenever people talk about what happens at jonestown or what happened at jonestown. you know for i'd say at least a good 10 to 15 years i was extremely angry and bitter about the fact that we were forgotten about and as a black female survivor i felt like the black voices were totally overlooked and overshadowed by everyone else so it made me have the sense that even in people's temple the hierarchy it was primarily the caucasian members of the church and then to come back to the united states is some
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fiber and not have anyone trying to reach out any of the major news syndicated stories never reached out to many of the black members to get our story and to find out how what how we were impacted by the results of people's temple it's tragic how often voices like yours do get lost in moments of history because of the you know because of how society is structured and things like that man that is a thank you for pointing that out it's really important for people to know in 2017 you actually wrote a letter stating quote one definition of a victim is as someone's prayer which require. as the pity of others or as someone who has low self esteem neither of these describes me and stating that you do not want to be referred to as a victim why do you think it's so important to let survivors define themselves on
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their own terms survivors of tragedy. because it's been gives us the ability to find out own destination it gives us an opportunity to remove the labels that have been unfortunately placed on this today i consider myself as a survivor and a victorious lie in this so i've taken victim and switched it to victorious i couldn't agree with you more you are definitely a victorian victoria's lyonnesse every day when you look at all the things that you've done i can only agree to that and it's truly it's truly remarkable and it's truly powerful that people can learn from your experiences and learn from what you've done you recently actually spoke on leah rimini of scientology in the aftermath about how law enforcement handles cults and cult situations and that's a kid you really curious things i don't think people are quite aware of in what
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ways and you yourself were san francisco police officer for many years and what ways do you think law enforcement could improve in this area of how they deal with people either coming out of cults or people who've been brainwashed you mentioned domestic abuse situations things like that people who have that conditioning you know how how can how better can law enforcement deal with situations like this. well recently i spoke with my chief about this very topic and 1st and foremost i think it's very important that law enforcement realize that we need training and the best way to get that training is to get it from someone such as myself who has been a part of that type of organize a ship and. and at that point in time officers need to know exactly what to be looking for what things that might be said that should alert you that something is not correct utilizing their instincts far
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more and their listening skills far more and you know oftentimes cult leaders will find law enforcement officers and then before and them and then try to do the same with the law enforcement agencies that was the exact technique that jim jones used with the san francisco police department back in the seventy's you know it's interesting because when i look at the way law enforcement has has you know all the scandals that have plagued them over the years especially recently you know with the you know black lives matter movement and things like that it seems that law enforcement is not practicing what you just were talking about you know they're kind of moving to this action 1st mentality upon the gun for stride do this rather than actually you know talking things out rather than actually and understand there's a danger law enforcement course but why in your view you've been you know with us
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as a p.t. for quite a while why has law enforcement moved to this idea of the i hate to say it but shoot 1st ask questions later or at least that's what it looks like from the outside looking in. well you know i have to save bad has been the way training was. was was built on that type of mentality how ever we are under reform here in san francisco like many other agencies across the united states and we're learning about more about deescalation we're learning more about where we're lies in that many people are dealing with post-traumatic stress issues mental health issues except for and i think that many law enforcement like agencies like san francisco really need to start focusing on that aspect
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of their training and i do believe as we start to evolve we will start to see police officers dealing with situations far differently than what we have seen on various you tube videos media stories etc so i think there is some measure of hope. and i think that it's it's important that ours that members of the united states citizens residents and visitors constantly impress upon law enforcement the importance of deescalation and the importance of communicating and paying close attention sometimes to things that are not seeing it i think you can no one could say a better and i really think that that's a great point you bring up and i want to ask you one last question is that you know you've had
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a lot of experiences in your life involving you know not only would but them a call to them once you got out and even even in our own law enforcement system of dealing with discrimination racism things of that nature in a time of so much political tension surrounding law enforcement do you believe that your unique experiences background in perspective can help in what you were just talking about and bringing about those much needed changes and much needed reforms we need to our police and to our city governments and things of that nature. what i have to say clearly you have googled my name and checked out a lot of history on my career in law enforcement i must say that alternately what i see myself doing once i retire from the san francisco police department is engaging the department of justice in allowing me to go around various states across the united states speaking to law enforcement agencies
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about the importance of having a far greater understanding about the diverse communities that we serve and also a far greater understanding about how to effectively deal with someone who's involved in a cult or gang and is trying to get out of that situation so that is truly what is going to make the difference. in the delivery of police services thank you we see you know i mean you're right i did i did a lot of research me and my team did because i just want to say again i think you're one of those really truly great citizens that i've had the honor of interviewing on this show over the years that i really do believe as made a great difference in a lot of people's lives and it's taken a tragedy and turned it into as you said someone who's victorious and is a lioness and i want to thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your story with us and your viewpoint means a lot to me and my and my viewers thank you so much. thank you so much jim peace be
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unto you. and finally today hawk watchers i want to i want to bring to you an image i bet you'd never ever thought you'd ever see ever not in 13800000000 years you probably never thought you would see this. yes of that my friends is the universe beginning to now front to back the big bang. to the big bang theory yes what you're looking at is a simulator of our universe called t.n.g. 50 it's a virtual universe there is roughly $230000000.00 light it is roughly 230000000 light years wide that image contains tens of thousands of the balding galaxies yes if you zoom in you hope bind tens of thousands of galaxies that's what's making up that purple and red and yellow that you're seeing there the computer simulation
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track more than $20000000000.00 individual particles that represent everything from gases stars the mysterious dark matter and even super massive black holes over a 13800000000 year period this is part of a massive ever created by the illustrious t.n.g. project whose mission is to one day build a complete picture of our universe and how it evolved from the big bang to today without sacrificing the fine details of every little galaxy involved. but my friends creating the history of the universe down to the galaxy is no no no easy task especially when it comes to computing power to make that was a magnificent images to create the simulation your viewing researchers used the $16000.00 processing core herds of the hazel hen supercomputer in stuttgart germany and ran it continuously for a straight year just to get these images made
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a single processing system would have taken a team 1000 years to create that simulation wow now if you're watching this simulation on your smartphone i just want to have you realize that that puts a whole new meaning my friends to having the whole world in your hands in this case it's an entire galaxy fascinating stuff fascinating stuff love it all right maybe everybody everybody that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told we love the. wall i love i am tired old winter i keep on watching all those hawks out there another great night. financial survival today was all about money laundering 1st to visit the us and that's a different. this is
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a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up something in your something in america something overseas in the cayman islands and it will hold these banks are complicit in their tough talker says we just have to call and say to do some serious military ok let's see how we did well we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacey beautiful jewelry. again from that you know what money laundering is highly illegal. much as it were. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters in florida the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery in healing messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with
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this is. hong kong's opposition wins big in local elections and. we look at how the united states reaction is authoritarian. when it comes to. translation. of america's biggest newspaper says it's time to president trump his republican. billionaire michael bloomberg enters the us presidential race but bosses at the news network.
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