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tv   News  RT  November 30, 2019 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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it. was an. islamic state claims responsibility for friday's stabbing attack in london which left 2 people dead. u.s. democrat strategists who work for barack obama urged to creating fake local news in a bid to sway the 2020 election. and the biggest shopping day isn't just a bargain extravaganza we look at black fridays less attractive aspects from causing brawl stop bombing the environment. life from moscow studio where it's just a minute past 4 o'clock in the morning you're watching international welcome to the
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program. the terrorist group islamic state has claimed responsibility for a stabbing in central london 2 people were killed on friday and 3 of the severely injured and it's since been revealed that the suspect had served time for a terrorist plot the british prime minister has criticized the practice of automatic early release. clear to me that. this guy was i thought he'd served half of the sentence he was out on automatic early release and i have long said that this system simply isn't working it does not make sense for us as a society to put it in putting terrorist people who have convicted of terrorist offenses a serious violent offenses out on early release i'm quite clear that it's just the joint terrorism analysis that sister at levels. for the for all ties be serving which means that psyches highly likely a couple weeks ago it was taken to reduce that to substantial which these are takis
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likely but in the police officer he said this or anybody else was let's make sure that all the posture of the police wrote this was less so but the police are still doing their job all the resources are stretched to the code to keep us safe all 28 year old as one can was released from prison last december and he was jailed for planning a bomb attack on the london stock exchange and 2010 his other targets back then reportedly included the u.s. embassy and boris johnson who was the mayor of london at the time he was still wearing his electronic tag when he carried out the attack videos showing the aftermath of the stopping have been posted on social media and as you can see some civilians wrestled with the suspect pinning him to the ground one man managed to seize the knife from the terrorist who was then shot dead by police eyewitnesses described what they saw. people.
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keep it the way. that they keep the bar yes it's a big slug of people rushing probably. has a lot of movie going on the comic. what. kind of counsel is it like a why do you have something going on. and then suddenly everybody said go down into the basement it was extremely frightening but if you don't want to do it you know you can't just i don't want to think twice gunshots going off. again well the british prime minister has paid tribute to members of the public who helped bring down the perpetrator it's the 1st terrorist attack on british soil since boris johnson took office though not in recent history.
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we discussed the incident with former british intelligence officer and the former head of the u.k.'s national counter-terrorism security office chris phillips. interesting that the threat level was reduced very shortly before this attack happened but we're seeing more and more previously convicted islamist terrorists being released back into u.k. streets the high level of threat would be because there were specific intelligence indicating that some sort of attack was being planned and it would be reduced if there was no such specific intelligence to substantial as a general threat level in this case because he was acting apparently as
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a lone wolf there would be no indication that he was planning anything they were being potentially no chatter out there to be intercepted so they would have seen any of the a preemptive intelligence that our spy agencies are actually mandated to try and gather all that they seem to be able to at the moment is gather intelligence which they can then use after an attack in the manner of our police forces to gather evidence to try and piece together what happened in the run up to such an attack that is not the work of intelligence agencies that is the work of the police and it's an intelligence failure you know it's there it's a real problem for a criminal justice system which is not doing what it should do remote sleep in the public so this man was really i mean the investigation was brilliant it gave the evidence of the he got him convicted in court but for some reason our criminal justice system judges and the way our system works allows people out halfway through the sentence which means bible 6 years after
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e committed this apparent he was back on the streets and he was still radicalized so very difficult for the police to to monitor people at this and of course a bit just want to pick up a knife it's pretty much impossible to stop as well so so the criminal justice system here is at fault. u.s. democrat strategist sue previously worked for barack obama being accused of creating fake news in a bid to sway next year's presidential election they've launched a media company called career news room with the aim of countering donald trump's dominance online in key swing states more against the of has the story. it's certainly daring to take the one thing people still trust in this skeptical and cynical world you local news run by your neighbors people you know and trust and to pervert it into a tool of propaganda macchiavelli himself would be proud while the article she
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publishes are based on facts nothing alerts readers that career publications aren't actually traditional i'm time newspapers but political instruments designed to get them to vote for democrats the movie titanic was based on facts the movie 300 about those spartans was also based on true events the end result was fiction i'm just giving you a heads up for the next time you hear the phrase based on facts it means fiction all of this is brought to you by a woman of questionable more ality. gallon who go to yes we can campaign slogan tattooed on her arm because obama signed it this is the kind of journalism a company acronym puts out warning it's a scream or. cry . what tara is going to do is stalk you on lud
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of facebook buy up information about your browsing habits the stories you click if you are susceptible to fake news and then she's going to pay to serve you carefully tailored pro-democrat stories that have based on fact and after she's done with you she'll target your friends and your family with fake news everybody who clicks on my eggs or shares an article we get that data back to create a look like audience to find other people with similar attributes in the same area so we continually grow our ability. define people one could argue that this is the kind of insane shortsighted and selfish behavior that is destroying trust in journalism in the media but tara isn't going to listen to her journalism is dead she's just making a quick buck kicking the corpse yeah it's for profit
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a lot of people i respect will see this media company as an affront to turn the mystic integrity because they want in their eyes be balanced what i say to them is balance does not exist anymore unfortunately says 33 year old with yes we can tattooed on but it's ok she's a democrat if a democrat sets up a fake news network buys out people's personal information serves them with political dissent from asian that's 5 but only democrats kremmling bartz continue to stoke political divisions in the us the misinformation on social media are so detailed one about the social media interference weaponization of information by the russians and their proxies their bots and their trolls and everybody else we've been paying the price from russia russian buyouts to fake news
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americans heading to the polls have had to grapple with the question of what is real and what is feet yes they will have to question what is real and what is fake democrats literally setting up fake news websites and serving americans with fake news to sway elections i mean the mosques came off last year when democrats were caught creating fake russian bots to set up and smear a republican candidate an explosive allegation by a government whistleblower that the white house in gauged in a cover up by stashing records of the president's phone call. with a foreign leader in a top secret computer desperate tires call for desperate measures and these are desperate times for democrats no messiah or no hero candidate has come forward to be trouble so they're getting their hands dirty doing everything they accused russia of the question is on election day why would people vote for
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a side whose hands a new cleaner than trumps. despite pledges to go green a u.k. supermarkets appear to have been misleading their customers a report by environmental group greenpeace claims they've been using ever more plastic having promised to use less it's shocking to see that despite unprecedented awareness of the pollution crisis the amount of single use plastic used by the u.k.'s biggest supermarkets has actually increased in the past year our survey shows the grocery retailers need to tighten up targets to drive real reductions in single use packaging and items where the greenpeace reports 7 out of 10 supermarkets in the u.k. used more plastic packaging this year than in 2018 and the amount of plastic has risen to almost 1000000 tonnes a year the report also indicates the main ways in which supermarkets can improve their green track records 1st they should increase the share of recyclable
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packaging currently the u.k.'s leading players aim to recycle between 30 and 40 percent they should also reduce the share of plastics with the main supermarkets falling significantly short of their own targets in this respect despite that they've made quite a song and dance promoting their green policies. morrisons has announced it is removing black plastic from all of its own brand food and drink packaging to make it more easily recyclable in an attempt to reduce plastic waste items including pastor. wine and washing up liquid will be available at waitrose without any packaging or sharon george is a lecturer in environmental studies at the case kill university and she says supermarkets promise a lot but do little to grow plastic free on the lot of these things require is
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a quite big behavior change cost methods so you should just flip and try something and that it doesn't work what we've seen what we see in some supermarkets trialing trialing different alternative projects and because there's not an immediate chop turning down the switching back and giving up i think a little bit too moving at the moment this source saying that the greener and this is his big action been taken with the easy things so plastic bags check out the spend massive shifts none of the big supermarkets are doing things like he did often paper bags which is a great move but that's an easy fix we now need to move on to the heart of things and i think that it's going to take more than just taking a box and say well we've done our bit and they've time to really think about this and that needs to be more investment in real solutions that really have
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a bigger impact. well staying on the subject to shopping millions of shoppers across the world for hours to get the best deals of black friday but despite being billed as a ball getting stronger gowns of the event does have some dirty secrets as caleb maupin in new york explains after the traditional thanksgiving feast many americans might feel a need to go exercise and burn off that extra weight well another annual tradition that was adopted more recently called black friday might be useful for that the day after thanksgiving has been coronated by retailers as a day for massive discounts and low prices on items that might normally be expensive while supplies last of course and in some shopping districts it's almost like a war zone. the stampede over short for jackets people see shopping each other one sales rep whining on the t.v.
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to ski. advertising pumps up energy and anticipation of the big day the black friday sale is now all the facts. let's make black friday bright so. the deal that called out to you from a bunch of authors like most war zones there's usually some collateral damage before the sun goes down 48000000 americans still have debt from black friday 2018 and minor and even more serious injuries are not unheard of mother earth also takes a beating with all the electricity used a mere e-mail sent on black friday at a carbon footprint roughly the size of 4000 flights from london to new york not to mention all the other black friday activities anna wintour the editor in chief of
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vogue that's a magazine. it certainly cashes in on the black friday antics urged her readers to slow down and be more into logically conscious a carbon footprint equal to europe's a gobby stroke of clothesline food or incinerated every 2nd nearly 30000000000 pounds of unsold stock burnt to protect the breeze brand image the fashion industry is no stranger to environmental abuses. climate protests have also been scheduled this year to coincide with the annual shopping stampede so which were small without climate concerns or consumerism in the past it's always been the market that takes the cake people are there protesting because they think it's bad for the environment i mean they're kind of right bill like. you know if. you don't depends how you see it. for the environment you know the pens were a place. canonically the states because well. that's
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how it is you don't want to buy something you really got to buy is a nobody in flossy you know buying. that's how i see it and if you want to spend the money. approaches been lost in france in 3 legged misuse of d.n.a. to human bodies as a research center we'll have that story and more after this short break. leg. length.
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leg. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. welcome back an investigation has been launched in france into the work of humanitarian human body donation center at a prestigious university he goes down and reports from paris here in the university
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quarter of paris student life is bustling everyone's thoughts are clearly on the weekend and already on the upcoming christmas and there's absolutely no way of telling that what's been going on behind these walls could inspire a whole unfollowed of our applause according to a recent reports for more than a decade thousands of dead human bodies donated to science have been stored here in atrocious conditions heaped one on top of another decaying and rotting away in a hot room room infested with rats flies and maggots the absolutely noisy picture painted by the report makes this place look like a back room over torture chamber of straight out a medieval times the upper limb of one is placed on the belly of the other rubbish bags overflew with pieces of flesh the proliferation of mice flies and infestations
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many of the bodies and body parts have maggots in them. the head lies on the ground you have the feeling of being in the 19th century or in the renee sounds with the putrefied bodies on which the doctors work all of this is bad enough where it gets worse though is that sometimes the body's allegedly weren't used for medical science but rather were sold out to private companies at a price tag of about $400.00 euros per limb. and tonight when we read the article we got chills because we couldn't imagine that such things could happen in the faculty and that the corpses could have been treated like this with no respect to the wishes of those who donated their bodies things that break our ethical code so this chapter is deeply and this made us address the medical union to see if they want to react meanwhile the university has a shot the center down for an inspection and released this statement paris
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descartes university wishes to apologize to families about this situation the university reaffirms its full commitment to the dignity of donors and their families after several decades of activities some of the centers facilities have become obsolete practices have changed and societal demands for respect for dignity and transparency have reinforced our ethical duties. about who we are we hope it will be reopened soon because it's the biggest anatomy center in europe surgeons in paris and nearby towns need to practice surgery and so they need access to corpses so do students a certain amount of europe's has been put on the table to make things better the proceedings will continue till 2023 what we hope for in any case is if the center is reopened it will have a surveillance system which is very important for preventing such things from happening again the scandal has already had this place known as the blood just massive graveyard in the center of paris i guess we'll have to see if the nickname sticks and we're going to done of reporting from paris r.t.
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. an american author who often appears as a commentator on news programs is making headlines of his own that's after he likened trump's supporters to members of islamic state. the behaviors that i'm seeing here and this is anecdotal are very similar to the way that isis members are they are true believers and this is their reality and they will not surrender it you know they're dead enders. commands is a former intelligence officer for the u.s. navy and a regular commentator on them s m b c he's known for his empty trump style some has come in for criticism for spreading conspiracy theories but these people feel that they are the foot soldiers and executors of what the disenfranchisement of the white race is feeling and donald trump is giving them subliminal orders in their head there are no different than the mobilized you know self starting radical self radicalized terrorists
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donald trump had been on the russian intelligence surveillance for a very long time as early as 977 with his 1st wife ivana and ivana was from the czech republic which at that time was checklist of apia then they brought him to moscow for what he wanted which was trump tower but from that moment on an enormous dossier of information was collected on him and more importantly how to exploit him. there is the editorial director at the new site reactionary times and he believes it's wrong to give people at month's a platform. it was a stream lete inflammatory and hateful rhetoric is just trying to stir up controversy at this point the left has no shame in the rhetoric that they're willing to use the most inflammatory disgusting slanderous commentary against anyone that you want to they are detachment from reality the trump derangement
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syndrome so to speak go ahead and say anything about anyone that type of rhetoric is not only disgusting and slanderous and libelous against conservatives and supporters of president trump it's downright un patriotic well that's your update for now we'll be back here in around 30 minutes time with more news from around the world see them. ty's haven t. let's move. on to recall the records are crooked and inscrutable you. could want to think about getting out of your commitment to each of them as all.
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the eat too much haha good to be a good tall and could fall under your thumb to get the. good children till one with all you can say when next time you don't come fall. a little.
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kid. oh. please. it's.
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a very warm welcome to you you're watching us inside. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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wolf. will leave. 'd you. when we have a new baby we will often hang a hang a blanket and the baby will go into there thinking it's the shape of the mother
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and put his hand up to suckle and i think it's the texture on the face and the fact that it's soft and we're trying to replicate it to a point. so that he'll put his head on that instinct with his head out so we can get the bottle to get him to. lose the world. was being with us all 2 weeks to the day actually it was 2 weeks ago today that we rescued and so we crossed the 10 day mark i mean he arrived he had very young very vulnerable and we didn't know it was going to be touch and go. and. deprived of their mothers' baby elephants can't survive in the wild without help
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unlike some other animals elephants won't really young that isn't. founded a center for wolf and animals to help them get back on their feet and prepare them to return to the wild. that's it. is so they elephants they start off the day when the sun rises in the morning the handlers come they clean out the stables they feed they elephants and then they let them out and they walk with them from the nursery. to the bush which is a $300.00 take to piece a virgin bush that they've got to themselves just then.


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