tv News RT December 3, 2019 12:00am-12:31am EST
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nato leaders gather in the u.k. to celebrate the military alliance is 70th anniversary later today coming up we'll look at whether or not divisions though within the organization might spoil the party. there's a new gold rush is eastern europe joins the global trend of restoring national reserves in a bid to try to shake off the dollar dependency. 2 people have been killed in the democratic republic of congo after demonstrations against the u.n. mission there have been continuing protesters are demanding the peacekeepers withdraw after they failed to protect civilians from rebels.
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good morning welcome to the program live from the r.t. world news center here in moscow this choose day 26 of november just turned 80 have now it's kevin i mean a 30 minute update 1st on this morning it's a landmark day for nato we can report leaders of the member states are gathering in london to celebrate 70 years of the military alliance is existence president trumps already in the british capital where some are expecting a showdown because of course the u.s. leaders been critical of nato recently once calling it obsolete and a relic of the cold war he's also been outspoken about member states not paying their way with us not the only problem the alliance is facing as nicky aaron explains this morning. happy birthday nate say that 70 years of strategic economic and security stability especially if you ask them yourself nato is the most successful alliance in history that all those strive to join showing their historic suspects i'm really a problem they don't. and it does been the most successful alliance in the history
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but not everyone is in a party mood the thing is the alliance members just don't get along as well as they used to. the advent of donald trump s 13 least which stop the dynamics nato is obsolete it covers the soviet union which is no longer in existence this led to questions over whether the alliance can even survive donald trump perhaps in an effort to mollify him nato has announced a new spending projections and a new formula which will spread the costs of the alliance in central budget between its members a move that might prevent any more embarrassing trump tirades aimed at his nato partners the relationship with nato has been very good the relationship with the secretary general's been outstanding i said it was obsolete. it's no longer absolutely but the truth is he's not the only potential party pooper.
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in october this year president emanuel mccrone of france stole the spotlight when he dubbed nato strategically brain dead while questioning the validity of article 5 of its founding treaty that is the commitment to collective security little if you like any of this with a different school in nato as a collective defense alliance against who and what is organizing who is our common enemy what are our common issues these are questions that deserve clarification but this idea is quite similar to the one expressed by another dissatisfied nato member turkey. nato must understand and acknowledge the national security concerns of member states and devise solutions accordingly at both tactical and operational levels turkey has not received the kind of robust support it expected from nato in recent years meanwhile turkey's president appeared to demonstrate his true feelings towards the alliance when he chose to spend money on russian defense systems rather than american. pleasing model nato member but
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despite these similar complaints about nato tensions have escalated between turkey and france in recent weeks with mccracken warning turkey but it cannot expect solidarity with its nato allies if it continues to carry out military operations in syria was a response 7 only up the ante so. i'm talking to france's president in modern omicron and i will also say this that major 1st of all you have your own brain that checked as for the u.k.'s boris johnson well there's not a verse or a gathering could not have come at a worse time. or boris is clearly invested in maintaining the special relationship with the u.s. he knows that a loose lipped trouble giving a glowing endorsement could be. catastrophic donald trump is coming to town fairly shortly he offered his support for you and indeed michael ignatieff are wrong on this radio station is that welcome but it what we don't do traditionally as as not
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being allies and friends would be to do traditionally is he's get involved in each other's election election campaign he did when nato was forms the common goal was clear to stand against the u.s.s.r. but i think that once held the alliance together is now the missing piece nato needs a purpose and result russia as an enemy they have no he had purpose so it is propaganda to have russia as an aggressor and this is a good reason to buy a lot of in stock market basis and so on and so on they spent from 21622025 and additional sam of $400000000000.00 in weapons and this money could be used in a better way most probably today we continued through russia to be an aggressor so
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they have a reason of existing and they would continue to buy ounce baby and so bought us and this is not the very good contribution to peace in the. well straight to london what they consider to be nato is biggest achievement then it turns out many just simply unaware of the alliance and all. people what they think are the main 3 achievements of. the mogul and even though. susan a good idea in terms of achievements no i don't know what i have no idea any of on stage of me but you know i honestly don't know anything about it until the flag of the day and only my husband recognize what it was who it's a good question. let me think of another. so one is probably. to be honest i don't have i don't have even one. kid news rick
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sanchez debate of the current hopeless of ny to the un and. it really is obsolete i know. you're a diplomat you've had a lot of experience in this field what is it that nato either must do today to stay viable or does do we even need it anymore you know it's a bureaucracy in search of a mission was right in 2016 when he said it was obsolete and so afraid was the establishment that he meant what he said on the very day he was inaugurated and they tried to ram through the addition of a new country montenegro thankfully they got it through because it turned out they didn't have to worry about intentions once he filled his administration with a bunch of bushies and retreads of the heritage foundation they've simply adopted the policies we've had the last few decades and somehow turned it into nato is obsolete into let's make nato great again we'll just strong on these countries to pay more for their defense against nobody in particular you think you know has in fact outlived its usefulness i thought so in 1990 s.
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think so today it's been obvious a list of from the standpoint of being a naturalized american and having read the founding fathers warning you can't seem to angling alliances i mean what is this but in entangling alliances are all foreign policy the reason nato is being kept around by the foreign policy hawks in washington is not because it's ness. sorry for the actual military operations nato itself doesn't really contribute a whole hell of a lot there are very few countries with the notable exception i want to say france and turkey but it put it in as it's not a good idea for the united states and it's very close allies to have an association a military but i would classify as that's what i was trying to say france and turkey could theoretically mountie independent military operations everybody else is just a hanger on and they're just window dressing for us military operations but the are literally like roman exactly erisa want to do what i've been hearing go bad what word the word of the dysfunction or what that is what it seems to be a dismissive alliance in 1991 when the soviet union and the warsaw pact would out of business nato should have as well as why didn't they let russia in i mean that
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literally that time i've read on many occasions boot himself and said why don't you get is that what you are you're going to tell you who it was but one of the european european nato has said if we did that the nato would be like the un just to talk shop it couldn't take action by which they meant military action all the way to listen to what you just said if you're saying it doesn't work if we don't have enemies exactly what if we had agreed to had be about as the ability to inflict military force and i dare to say aggression in places like serbia and libya whatever we want to using nato as a platform but enemies can change by the way russia could be s.o.b.'s at one time like of the 1950 s. but not so much now. but better why don't you have a system that allows that ability i guess because because whose interest does that serve and all these all these are there that these military companies and these bureaucrats who have the nice will rice balls at the expense of their taxpayers because there is a threat out there is a bear in the woods for. immoral headlines this morning 5 people including
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a woman who just given birth of reportedly been killed in a u.s. drone strike in afghanistan missiles targeted a car carrying 3 tell about militants who were killed along with 2 civilian passages the u.s. military confirmed destroy. we are aware of the allegations of civilian casualties and working with local authorities to determine the veracity of these claims the bigger picture the number of afghan civilians killed as a result of aerial strikes this year has been the highest in a decade according to un data from january to september almost 900 civilians were either killed or injured and nato led coalition airstrikes account for 3 quarters of the civilian casualties chris 9 am from the stop war coalition told us all such operations must be held to the says so that peace negotiations can start. well i mean the strategy that has been pursued in afghanistan really since the very beginning in 2001 has been a complete disaster is an 18 year war that is actually appears to be getting
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worse now we've reached the highest level of civilian casualties for probably a decade this year in afghanistan these kind of attacks need to stop to win for there to be a negotiated solution which he so desperately needed for the people in afghanistan who suffered so many years of war not just from the west but the previous war was a 3035 years of permanent warfare has absolutely devastated the country and it needs to end really for there to be any kind of progress any kind of a possible solution for the people of afghanistan. or should the clothes shoes of all go to 12 past the. next welcome to new gold rush countries across the globe are trying to shake off the dependency of the dollar by buying up the yellow metal one example no slovakia the latest it's now thinking about restoring its gold reserves and u.k. banks so in poland just a week ago he's done quarter explains it's
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a 21st century gold rush countries around the world are looking to the precious metal to cure their dollar dependence the main switchers are china and russia but eastern europe is now joining in like many slovakia has its gold reserves in the u.k. and now former prime minister robert fico is trying to get it back because let's be honest last time the country trusted its fate with great britain it didn't end so well maybe it was me you can hardly trust even the closest allies after the munich agreement i guarantee that if something happens we won't see a single gram of this gold let's do it as quickly as possible fico is at the helm of slovakia's biggest political party and he says it's safer to keep the 31 tons of gold in his own country and away. from the uncertainty of brags that the move isn't his original idea though days earlier poland recalled 100 tons of its gold reserves from the bank of england and the polish national bank was certainly happy about it
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we managed to increase the strategic reserves of gold and take steps to repatriate a large part of polish gold bundle mensing our constitutional statutory and simply patriotic commitment we not only build the economic strength of the polish state but also creates reserves that will save got its financial security this is the google trend but also the expectation of polish society other eastern european countries like hungry in serbia began recalling their gold as early as last year now the mainstream media has covered this new gold rush but what they'd probably like to avoid is admitting that it's getting pretty close to home take germany it just increased its own gold reserves for the 1st time in 21 years even us economists are admitting the role of this precious metal is quite literally as good as gold the question is what else does the environment i think will be in and there's a saying that gold is the only asked you can have this not somebody else's liability
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. the d. dollar ization of eurasia would support mr della his real view so would the shift to a non dollar reserve assets such as gold such a change would force the u.s. to sell dollars in order to settle its balance of payments in the new neutral reserve asset. the greenback has been very powerful for a very long time but if countries continue to look for other reserve standards it could mean the end for the dollar's golden age as part of the attempt to break away from the dollar as a you know the trading currency in the reserve currency which gives the united states immense economic and political power that along with sanctions plus the swift international system of payments which allows the u.s. to see who is who is violating the sanctions are not a gives the u.s. the incredible economic financial imperial power over other countries and it uses it whenever it can to get its way you know you can see all of the elements being
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used at once in the case of trying to destabilize the venezuelan economy for example we see all kinds of moves in that direction we see attempt to use other currencies to use gold turn of payment system these are all trends just beginning the dollar is still dominant but they portend a list of the u.s. global economic agenda any over the next decade. 2 people have been killed and several injured as anti un demonstrations continue in the democratic republic of congo. ah. testers march towards a u.n. h.q. their release to the country demanding they withdraw from the city they accuse the peacekeepers of failing to protect civilians from rebel attacks kohli's army launched operations against the militant group the allied democratic forces back in october and in response the rebels carried out massacres in an apparent bid to
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discourage civilians from helping the military. as the un's largest peacekeeping mission there are over 16000 military personnel in the region the organizations operated that the democratic republic of congo for the past 20 years and its stated top priority there is to protect civilians from armed groups but locals are deeply skeptical about the presence of the peacekeepers. we want different military units in our country we no longer want all those soldiers
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who have been here for a long time. their mission is to restore peace and to accompany the government forces with the population and the territory of benny has been mourning for at least 5 years there has not been a satisfactory reaction from monusco morris county for the friends the congo believes that the problem is much bigger than a failed un mission though. the context in which the instability is taking place in the congo is one of 20 years invasions wars of aggression sponsoring of militia groups in the east of the congo plundering of. minerals by congo's neighbors over one. particular. time during that aggression unfortunately has been backed by the members of the international community the united states you know the kingdom i'm so there's a whole chain. starting from local to international where there's been
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a lack of accountability where there's been a lack of justice where there's been. a comprehensive approach is is needed. a question of assuring that the u.n. troops are doing their mission. and their mission properly but there is an international system in place. of which the congolese people are. just got online dot com so many stories if you want to check it out including the soyuz capsule that was crucial in saving a space station crew mission last year we can tell it's been turned into a monument read more on. also there a for me is it comes face to face with islamic state kept demanding answers the moments being caught on video for you to see it's gone viral again r.t.
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dot com. british athletes have allegedly been encouraged by team doctors to have their thyroid checked it's led to speculation about the use of medication to boost athletic performance drugs to treat. them such as. not banned by the world. agency but they've been shown to bring on aid weight loss also to help recovery between training sessions boosting to basically an enabling athletes to train harder now the suggestion to use thyroid treatments was made by current england football team dr robert chuck reverting he was the u.k. athletics chief medical officer indeed between 20132016 the initiative at the time supported by his replacement polo we asked you k. athletics to comment on the recent allegations will let you know if they do get
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back to us about it throughout the day meantime professor of sociology at aston university has cashmore spoke to spare that he thinks the world anti-doping agency's code is now full of loopholes. it's an expanding grows because up to say 3 years ago people believed that the drugs issue in sport was black and white there was a banned list of substances that you could not use if you did use the courts then you would a punishment and then there were other drugs which were perfectly ok to use no we're not so sure i think the doubts were introduce when people say that under certain therapeutic conditions you can only use drugs that are on the banned list with the world's attention as we go over the past 3 or 4 years has been on russia. just go on and you where else it's deflected everyone's interests away from being it's been going on practically every country where it's thought is
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pursued. another day another story about donald trump and his latest on trump now has announced he's going to restore tariffs on brazilian and argentinean steel and elemental claims the country's currency devaluations of harmed american agriculture and so therefore he sitting back. as. really you know. what. you. might. like the. big break going. to get very. very. very very. very kind to me is not comparable with ours it's many times bigger i don't see this as retaliation i'm going to call him so that he doesn't penalize us our economy basically comes from commodities it's what we've got there was no sign given to our government to the brazilian government or to the public sector but there would be
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a change in the deal with the united states while the tears come a surprise according to the government in argentina they were exempt from the 25 percent steel and 10 percent element last year both countries affected say they want to get to the real reason though for the tax hike the u.s. is one of the biggest customers for brazilian steel in the tariffs could hit both badly meantime the economic and political situation in brazil in argentina is unstable even without u.s. tariffs last year both repeatedly gripped by anti-government protests argentinians the world's biggest i.m.f. loan for the country's economic crisis well over brazil people have been protesting against the president's financial firms and cuts to education we asked our guests from his motivation for the. trump believes that when a currency its value goes down relative to the relative to the dollar he thinks that this is something that's been done by the regime deliberately to gain some
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kind of trade advantage this is completely untrue nobody really likes tariffs my expectation is that the president doesn't like them either and he's hoping that they will be very short in duration that that he'll get brazil and argentina to protect their currencies and that he can now. reverse course and remove the tariffs trampas ideologically in philosophic committed to terrorists who thinks they're good for the country and can rebuild american manufacturing and america culture there is 0 evidence that this is true the president of the day is going to say friends don't let it delay currencies against other friends and he feels like the currency is unreasonably devalued and that brazil and argentina can take steps to prop them up then they need to take those steps the steel tariffs in the us and
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aluminum tariffs and not helped the steel or aluminum industry in the u.s. at all in fact it's hurt many many other industries that really rely on steel and aluminum in the u.s. so this will make it worse for americans to these tariffs are going to harm them. even more there are fragile economies in south america for sure and we certainly don't want to see them them harmed in the long term but if there is a short term pressure put on them that causes them to respond in a way that's fair that equates things or levels the playing field for american consumers and american farmers then everything's great they're mine to washington there's no only targeting latin america the u.s. is proposing to slap 2 point $4000000000.00 worth of tariffs on french imports and retaliate for paris taxi american tech giants like google and facebook the french
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move imposes a 3 percent annual levy on their revenue in the country in order to prevent them from dodging taxes or pulled by u.k. tax transparency group claims that the silicon six's tax problems go beyond just france's kellam open ripples. now the hollywood movie ocean's 11 for trey's coming wheelers and dealers which is supposed to walk out of it with a $150000000000.00 in cash. yeah. but the silver screen seems to have been out done by real life in the silicon valley 6 amazon netflix apple google microsoft and facebook have a combined market capitalization value of roughly $4.00 trillion dollars they are worth more than the $1000.00 companies listed on the london stock exchange these companies have a special knack for not paying taxes according to the fair tax mark community group they seem to have avoided paying roughly 100 $1000000000.00 worth of taxes around
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the world now how exactly did they pull this off let's look at the details now the report says that amazon paid only $3400000000.00 in taxes this last decade while they made a revenue of roughly $960500000000.00 and made profits of roughly $26800000000.00 fair tax mark said this means amazon's effective tax rate was 12.7 percent while the standard tax rate for american businesses was 35 percent for most of that period amazon has gotten a lot of heat from u.s. politicians over tax issues both trump and the democrats seem to disapprove i have nothing against amazon but no company pulling in billions of dollars of profits should pay a little tykes right than this and teaches we need to reward work not just wealth you know which i was on paid in taxes last year owned by the wealthiest guy in the
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world paid 0 in federal income taxes that's insane i have stated my concerns with amazon long before the election unlike others they paid little or no taxes to state and local governments using our postal system as their delivery boy causing tremendous. lost to the u.s. and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business so out of the big 6 dodge the tax man well for steps step one they create tax systems that are so complex even the watchdogs can't understand the stepstool they shift their revenue and profits to different countries and tax havens step 3 they take advantage of existing legislation and step before they sit back and enjoy themselves how the taxes they aren't paying could cover the expenses of quite a few things for example trump and war wall with mexico could be built 4 times over one could and malnutrition around the world and send roughly $750000.00 students to college small businesses pay something like 25 percent tax rate on their on
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their profits you know when they're making barely anything compared to these multi-billion dollar companies that are paying sometimes you know 10 percent of their profits towards taxes so highly it definitely became clear you know there's a different system for these very large companies it could be a whole lot more progressive but sadly i think a situation like this could even be used to increase the taxes on small business owners so i think it's typical but. sadly that's kind of how the tax codes operate and why i think is a bigger question like why is that work this way. think about the us the way things are looking for moscow around the world so far this chews day always so much more as mentioned just now at r.t. dot com talk about a couple stories a bit so much more check it out if you get a minute also follow us on social media coming up to 29 minutes past 8 o'clock in
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led. to direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallowness. ok in the spirit it's something we can vanquish says reasonable to millions of. yeah look to. the else where. you thought the whole doping can russia think was over forget it. party of the poor wake up water comes up through the tories are sure some of the models like it is. russian outlets eligibility for the international competition says its stake.
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