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tv   News  RT  December 4, 2019 6:00am-6:31am EST

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a new. committee report but everyone believes. there's nothing new included anyway also coming up on the program the u.k. government faces up. to 3 years ago to create a positive image of the controversial fracking industry among the general public. investigation. ok don't screen whether or not there are members who are registered sex offenders. who then should be responsible for people. we need to accomplish to take
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a moral stance or at least have some sort of responsibility to protect the women that utilize their app you can't trust these companies to tell you who's good and bad you need to take that into your own hands. to the world this is our international my name's you know no mail alone welcome to the program our top story. the trump impeachment saga has stepped up a gear in washington with the u.s. house intelligence committee delivering a damning report claiming that the american president allegedly abused his office for personal gain artie's keep up and examine the document in a little more detail. well the report from the house intelligence committee democrats essentially alleges 2 things about donald trump 1st it alleges that he conditioned military aid to ukraine on an announcement that would have been
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beneficial to his reelection campaign and secondly it alleges that he obstructed the house of representatives impeachment inquiry investigation now adam schiff representing democrats came forward and painted a pretty grim pricks here donald trump and his activities this is adam schiff this report chronicles a scheme by the president i'd states to coerce an ally ukraine that is at war with an adversary russia into doing the pleasure of the president's political dirty work and he was willing to sacrifice the national security of the united states by withholding military aid and diplomatic recognition in the form of that white house meeting in order to get what he wanted now before departing the country on monday donald trump dismissed the allegations that were expected to be leveled in this report this is what donald trump said prior to leaving the country before the
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report was released by the radical. democrat. what. set up a year ago when i'm going that was. one of the most important. thing. for them to be doing. to be able to. grow up in a recent interview the ukrainian leaders the lenski also dismissed these allegations about president. behavior and interactions with him look i never talked to the president from the position of a quid pro quo that's not my thing i don't want us to look like bagus now many witnesses testified during the impeachment inquiry hearings but observers wondered if they really made a strong case that donald trump had been inappropriate in his dealings with ukraine this is some of the testimony that was heard there was no mention of withholding aid on the call correct that is correct and there was no quid pro quo correct
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correct was there any reference to withholding aid you know there was not any reference to bribery no there was not any reference to quid pro quo no there was not you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the united states has been involved with total. now before this report was released on monday we had a report from the republicans that was released it was 123 pages long and it defended the actions of u.s. president donald trump saying that his dealings with ukraine had not been inappropriate and had not violated the law fact that donald trump is out of the country celebrating the 70th anniversary of nato the north atlantic treaty organization that many have pointed to the timing of the report as being somewhat suspicious however while some are looking at the report and saying it shows very very damning evidence against donald trump others are looking at the report and
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saying it's simply a rehash of long discredited allegations different views from different sides of the political spectrum here in the united states however there are many concerns about the papers for a city so we put the mother oprah the scotian florida democratic party chair mitch caesar he is convinced by the report while media listen little thinks it has little meaning. what we have here is unprecedented and no one knows what it means because it means nothing why do we call it an impeachment inquiry because if it was an impeachment hearing or an impeachment proceeding the president would have been allowed to invite and to subpoena witnesses but since they didn't do that and didn't want him to do that they call that an impeachment inquiry and they have not changed one i ota from what they said when they began the
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inquiry that and i will paraphrase it the president used to his position his authority under article 2 of the constitution for personal and or political benefits. and the last time i checked every president since george washington as done this this is not impeachable but i do believe that the democratic report was factual and obviously the republican response was perhaps a fairy tale that people do want to read perhaps to put some went to bed specifically you have very different responses be on the lookout for this what we have to look at is different articles that are going to come out that will be pretty straightforward there's going to be an abuse of power because as you say in the quote he took his interests above the national interest there's also going to be obstruction some is obstruction of congress not letting people cooperate. hey
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let's move to europe now where the u.k. government is facing must shutter release of a heavily redacted report on the franking industry british authorities never intended it to see the light of day but greenpeace while a lengthy legal battle with the government under the freedom of information act out of the $48.00 pages $37.00 were totally blocked out and what remains of they want secret documents shows a concerted plan to develop a positive image for the controversial gas extraction method amongst the general public. the conservatives have taken money from oil executives dress the rise of communities and enabled for i can companies to threaten their local environment the fact they have tried to counter the sob by rejecting pages of critical information for the illustrates this government's contempt for the public this is the conservatives idea of being open about the franken experiment forced to release their report they've heavily censored it. these heavily redacted government report
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shows reference to secret plans to run a professional complain used by the way to find if evidence and strength of public opinion against fracking i dread to think what we haven't been allowed to see. well with more on the fight against fracking in the u.k. here's artie's go. to a high tech god knows what sticking out of the grounds that earned some people cash and literally shakes other people's homes those other people for years have been teaming up with green activists to win a war against fracking in broad. areas some believe the voters you can believe.
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in finally last month came the victory at least for the timing the controversial method of shale gas extraction was banned in the u.k. under the prime minister who once called it glorious news for humanity and now that it seems there is no more need to come out and protest the cabinet office has at the last released a secret report on the fracking industry despite these lines on the paper no parts of this report is appendices is to be released under the freedom of information act so you want to read something that the activists were trying to get a glance at for almost 2 years there's a little problem here's what it looks like from the 48 pages seen by the guardian 37 are entirely blacked out and only one the very front is left uncensored so if you're still keen to get to know about the skeletons in the industries closet good luck why would so much stuff remain hidden looking at this black wall of redacted
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pages people will be wondering why there's so little the government is willing to reveal about fracking and so much it wants to hide if ministers have really dropped their support for this blue. industry why not publish this report in full and come clean about what's been going on behind closed doors for years still though there's enough to scratch your heads over after reading the uncensored bits in there here's the gist of a few ideas there are issues with the fracking industry's progress the main one is public opposition to fracking it needs to be dealt with the government should develop a pro shale narrative and spread the word the department for energy and climate change is already undertaken crucial work on communications to increase public acceptability of shale for example creation of objective information material development of pro show national and regional narrative show champions and among
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other useful moves that whitehall needs to take is finding ways to speed up planning in response to operators concerns which is also sometimes an obstacle planning times need to be shortened and process needs to be predictable which all makes you wonder why would the guys in charge ban fracking at all in such a document there are always going to be sensitive parts that are embarrassing to the government that are sensitive that could harm you know the industry potentially in the future or that could show the government being too cooperative with industry might show motives. that are the public would not see in a good light it's to protect their their image and to protect their ability to move forward and continue to do what they think they need to do for the nation which is different from what they tell the public of course because they tell the public
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whatever narrative suits them in terms of getting elected and so on but typically it's for domestic political reasons that you would ban it there's no other reason that i can think of depending on how things develop. geopolitically there might be a big impetus to develop u.k. shale and in which case they'll want to do it as quickly as possible. popular free dating out such as tender and others owned by the company much group are not protecting their users from sex offenders on their platform is a new investigation and the probe took a look at more than 150 incidents of sexual assault over the past decade if not the majority of victims were women who met their attackers through much in 10 percent of cases they were paired with men who had already been accused or convicted of sex crimes. much group which owns over 40 of the most popular ups ses they do conduct background checks on their members but only for paid cuts furthermore the company
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claims that they do not agree with the investigations result. the implication that we nor bug such offenders on our side and don't fight to keep them off is as outrageous as it is falls as technology evolves we will continue to aggressively deploy new tools to eradicate bad actors including users of our free products where we are not able to obtain sufficient and reliable information to make meaningful bang ground checks possible. chadwick spectator magazine journalist everson women's rights advocate gave us their thoughts on dating platforms and their screening policies. the match group is a $1000000000.00 company there is no reason why they couldn't allocate just a small portion of their revenue to screen the people on their ab just so that there is just a smaller since of increased safety it's a precaution it's
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a measure but it's deserved if they appear if they're suddenly saying that we want in order to join the service we want to perform background checks on everyone who joins 1st of all that would kill the business and they know it there's a moral responsibility on these companies that are making billions of dollars 1700000000 dollars from women looking for love to say oh you know what it's too expensive for us to do a little bit to protect you nobody's going to want to join these apps with these kind of if they're doing that they're being this invasive background checks with that said people maybe shouldn't be on them especially women and not only are these dangerous for women but it's destroying women so just give up the dating apps if you don't perform your own background checks in your own time with your own money get off we're not going to restrict women from using the internet because there are predators we do desire for these companies to at least take the step into the right
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direction why do you want to put that kind of power on these monolithic tech companies and up saying that you know ban women from dating apps i'm simply saying you shouldn't rely on this and you can't trust these companies to tell you who's good and who's bad you need to take that into your own hands so if you meet someone do a background check before you get for you go out on a date if they work in tandem with the courts to get the names at least of the 1st and last names in the location of where these people are and perhaps create some type of monitor of their internet that's a step in the right direction it's going to be a mess i think no matter what and there's always going to be people who perhaps squeak through or don't get picked up who then commit assaults and crimes get a gun ladies. protect yourselves and if we don't win and by the way these incidences are obviously extremely rare and you know by and large the vast majority of men are not sexual predators one woman is enough we need the companies to take a moral stance or at least have some sort of responsibility to protect the women
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that utilize their ads and then what happens you know it's it's never going to be a perfect system we keep the news rolling here in order to international right after the short of the breaks.
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join me every thursday on the alex i'm i'm sure and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you. hello again personal attorney of donald trump is in the hague this weapon stay to contest a war crimes investigation targeting u.s. forces overseas at the international criminal court he argues the body has no
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jurisdiction while the chief prosecutor is pushing for a full probe. is covering the story for us today hi there charlotte what kind of picture is developing there. well this hearing started this morning it's due to last for the next 3 days what we know is that one of trump's personal lawyer is going specifically she the hague to the i.c.c. to troy and to walk to open the war crimes investigation into the alleged actions that u.s. troops based in afghanistan against taliban detainees back in 20032004 now trumps personal lawyer has said that he is that to defend the interests all of the u.s. military personnel who he says sacrificed everything for their country but human rights groups who won't this court case this criminal will investigation to be put
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into go ahead say that if the cool rejects this it will mean that the impunity will never end. with the international criminal court justice in afghanistan. it's an empty slogan a never ending impunity in afghanistan shows why the i.c.c. as a court of last resort is so desperately needed there have been no serious efforts to prosecute perpetrators responsible for work crimes or crimes against humanity in afghanistan an i.c.c. investigation could be the 1st step in writing this wrong and hopefully bring the people of afghanistan some much needed justice and accountability. well donald trump has previously made well known his views about the i.c.c. he's denounced it saying that it's broad it's unaccountable and it has prosecutorial powers that he's even going as for in his term as president of the united states of pardoning military personnel who already be found guilty of
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committing war crimes. well this is an appeals hearing because the i.c.c. had previously rejected the idea of opening up a case into looking into criminal war crimes enough getting this done this hearing is due to last 3 days and of course we'll be bringing you up to date on all the
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twists and turns here on r.t. . our europe correspondent charles dubinsky with the latest like charlotte. may. continues to markets 70th anniversary with the heads of its member states convening in london for a 2nd day of the military alliances summit with many big names there the cameras were naturally rolling we gathered some highlights from day one of the high profile event with things at times getting a little tense. you've . got. to go to. does your breakfast with president trump. it also has a was a good breakfast. we have. souls are.
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always paid by going out to states so. listen let's just. give you the. this is where he's worth politician because i was worried because she was. still doing what he's been doing for the past 30 years desperately trying to find a role for itself and it's clear that europe security interests cannot be sought by a military alliance that just keeps expanding and expanding and thereby threatening
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the security of the very member states that make those of those defending it was my crown sounding rather trombley and i mean he was saying. look i mean we all have our own countries we have to see what's in our interest it's clearly in the europeans interest to think of a european security i didn't mean and you would have thought trump is not a you know the made america great. the american guy he sees on this is a you know you're right you know we should look up through our own interests but he . sounded like kind of a stick in the modern age of the you know how dare you call any to get the question america is going to be committed to later when we leave you. all sorts of terrible things. all right for more of the midweek stories affecting your world today to check out our team dot com always worth some of your scrolling time more great program 'd start here the moment.
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when i was still seemed wrong. but i will say just don't call. me. yet to see pal it was just the. ticket and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves well it's a party we choose to look for common ground. you know world of big new law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past
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each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments and there's a lot of conflicts within the games and between the teams most of the conflicts i would say are over balls around money and most of them money is made. close one on each of those he knows each other is good business the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of prison complexes you get some 20 alive where. you don't care anymore no
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cares about your so you don't care mind anything. there are a lot of lawmakers in the state of missouri that we know huge financial contributions from agricultural industry groups. that oppose proposition and there is no doubt in our minds that those same groups pressured lawmakers to overturn proposition and before the session even started there were bills that were pretty filed just that you feel bad because it was repealed but you know. as. for this i mean just the fact that almost half the business. proved with many of the worst operations you still have. who are. still have. some folks believe they can do whatever they want there are
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so many issues out here. everybody is struggling in their own way that we don't necessarily want to pick up. eventually i have to go back. and face this neighbor and face the other neighbors and i will meet them at church at the grocery store at the restaurant at the sale barn and i'm responsible. and i think this is where the buck ends we individually have to take responsibility as producers and as consumers but i mean i think for the public very clearly you know you have a choice in the product that you get the store. backyard
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it year by year going. trying to fix it i felt more like a hypocrite where you can't defend the rights of all dogs if you're going to ignore the problem down the street. have 1st there was i wanted to educate people who had no idea like i did and so i knew that if somehow i was educated by one story that other people would be. the protests started black friday of 2011 and the reason we do about it is because that's when people start buying christmas copies start placing orders for christmas copies and we wanted that to stop so when they 1st started we were there to close every single saturday that was a very very long and cold winter. we always protest peacefully we always hold our signs are we always have our back up i keep a folder with all the information i have handouts for people that are very factual
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and we don't tell anyone against that's the biggest thing. my few friends when i started going around to the mills in iowa experiencing it firsthand so our local store is diabetics pet shop and we went in there and we saw the puppies and asked them and our 1st they were like from a breeder and they were very open about it and so we asked if we could contact them and so they gave us their card and we made an appointment and we went and we visited the mill and there was it was also all. in general we have the negative temperatures and the very very high temperature is that the dogs are forced to live in the 21st and so our protests are every single week and no matter what the weather today we are very sick to be near positive temperatures
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when i left my house this morning with the wind chill it was negative forty's. this is cold it's on our coldest it is average winds here high over there usually air protests are between 2 people in 10 people every lead just depends on the weather and what we all have going on it is a priority and everybody we have several people that travel from out of town to get here 2 years is a long time to think that we've been in front of here this is where we hang out and young people hang out in front of 5 stars on saturdays and we only have to be out here for 2 hours and the dogs are have to be out here all the time. dogs in the shelters leave here. but it's going to be drastically different. and i think it's going to continue to train people become more aware of what what a puppy mill mean someone starts in the summer actually i'm sure i like to say that it's a ripple.


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