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tv   News  RT  December 4, 2019 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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germany expels russian embassy staffers at berlin saying there is quote insufficient evidence to link russia or chechnya to the murder of a draw denies any state involved. celebrations come to an end for its 70th birthday of a member states in the struggle to find common ground. committee report on his impeachment a joke as u.s. democrats hang their hopes on the document being enough to the president.
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thomas. germany has announced it is expelling 2 russian embassy employees in response to the murder of a georgian national back in august attorney general says there's evidence moscow may have been behind the killing a claim russia vehemently denies and the man was shot twice in the head and chest in a berlin park on august 23rd he was a 40 year old asylum seeker of chechen descent who fought alongside. militants in chechnya republic of russia with more on the details on the case here's our correspondent. 2 employees of the russian embassy are to be expelled and are declared a person non grata after this new general tourney of germany is taking over the investigation of the murder of the chechen in berlin a last august with seem to be an asylum seeker in the country germany has taken
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this action against the russian employees and or to russia because they believe that russia has not done enough to help the authorities in germany looking into this investigation and they also say that berlin is taking this stance because they say that there is some sort of russian state level and for women in this word or the federal foreign office today declared to employees of the russian embassy in berlin to be persona non-grata with this step with the federal government reacts to the fact that the russian authorities despite repeated high ranking and in fact it requests did not sufficiently participate in the investigation of the murder of tony k.k. in berlin zoo there are sufficient real indications that the killing is either on commission or done by state agencies of the russian federation or such of the autonomy's chechen republic as part of the russian federation germany's prosecutor say or they have enough evidence linking the murder to moscow in article recently
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posted by the investigative group at the pointing finger is that there is a link between the kremlin and the murder of the chechen ethnic last august here in berlin but let's talk about a little bit of what this group the what we know about them so far is that they are of course ties to western secret services and they have played a major role in major cases that involve the moscow case and the delany of h. 17 in ukraine russia has come out with their own statement about the reaction from berlin saying that this is groundless this is absolutely groundless speculation this topic is being somehow whipped up by german media but it does not mean it this is how things are. the us also been a reaction by e. german politician from the free democratic party alexandre graff alam store who spoke to the news agency a.f.p. he's asking for more information and it's
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a be clear shown to people why it is doing this we all i would like to point out here that next week in france the president of russia vladimir putin and the german chancellor angela merkel will be meeting in the normandy summit earlier from london today the chancellor angela merkel said that this would not affect in any way the talks between the countries since this has to do with ukraine but she did leave open that it's possible that the bailout of bilateral relations between the 2 countries and why it effected somehow. the gerund joined union o'neil my colleague earlier to discuss the victims background. 40 year on phil in congress village he was killed in what was described as an execution style killing he was shot twice in the head and this is a murder case that quickly became highly politicized in the media with headlines pointing the finger at russia drawing comparisons to describe things in the u.k. calling it the script pal 2.0 in fact the media were less interested however in
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delving into the history of the victim which makes quite an interesting read his c.v. is quite it shows a quite a checkered history let's say he's an ethnic chechen georgian citizen he was an islamist a former soldier he fought against russia in the 2nd chechen war he has connections to some very high profile terrorists many of the fighters he fought alongside went on to move to syria and join islamist groups there he sought asylum in germany in 2015 that was after a failed assassination attempt was that the 1st time someone tried to kill him. he was actually on a terror watch list a quite some time here he was described as a person who potentially posed a threat to the public safety he was taken off start terror list only last year in just this right in 28 he was removed from that list now needless to say is past however interesting have a check it may be does not justify his killing and the perpetrator must be brought
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to justice but perhaps to give a fuller picture it's worth highlighting that this guy was not joe bloggs you know he was not your average everyday guy he was a man with connections to some very questionable individuals with some very extreme ideological tendencies remarkably gone bruce spoke with german economist harmer who believes that while the case will cause political fodder does unlikely to affect economic cooperation between russia and germany. we cannot trust any of those explanations from german governments at all it was already with this creep out it was with iraq all these so-called big evidences turned out to be just nothing if you look at what is happening in the world you will see that everybody tries to get better relationships to russia at the minute because this is the biggest and most important market of the future on the or asian continent and there
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are some powers who might not want this russian government knows pretty well that german government and german industry are 2 totally different things and i think this might harm their relationships to the german government but not to the german industry because i think by now everybody knows that these are 2 totally different things. donald trump claims he got along well with fellow leaders on the 2nd day of nato's london summit in his latest tweet us president hit back at a viral video showing some world leaders having an exchange at trump's expense now the meeting was being held to mark the 70th anniversary of the world's most powerful military alliance is how he was at the gathering in london for us. this summit is going to be defined not by the unity shown on the surface at least by all the leaders but i will be a very very big cracks between many of those coming into this summit one thing
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world leaders have regularly here seems to be read on is that russia is always the bad guy however the nato generally general secretary himself saying that what was needed was a more confrontation but dialogue with the major eastern neighbor nato essentially rolled out a little shop because russia was our. closest neighbor our biggest neighbor we need to strive for a better relationship with russia. even if we are head not able to. get a better relationship with russia in the near term we need to manage a difficult relationship and elsewhere as well we've also been hearing from manuel macron who's been saying that russia too does need to be dialogue on that fronts now while they advocate more dialogue with russia the reality is of course that war games continue to take place on russia's borders with those eastern member states
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and of course that expansion of nato to the east continues to be a cause of national security concern for russia while any of the nato members such as take you for example who do wish to engage with russia even buy weapons from them will find themselves soon be out cos by other members russian air defense system s. 400 would never be anything good that into nato it will never be part of the nato integrated air missile defense system it was already tetchy in contentious going into this summit and it would appear that things got even worse last night one of the leaders were invited to buckingham palace for a reception with the queen and some of the courts on the microphone on the hot mike . oh please. please. please.
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listen. if you see the. this is more he's a great politician that was for the sciences that at. least at least 2 fish today i find him to be a very nice guy but you know the truth as. i told him out of the fact that he's not paying 2 percent. and i guess you don't really have to go to trial i'm not happy he had canceled scheduled a press conference it was due to be held at the end of this and will be leaving the summit early in fact he's been meeting with other leaders focal 8 plus one who he says 8 countries other than the u.s. who have met the 2 percent spending targets for the military targets and so mr trump making it very clear that sets in countries canada and particular are not
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welcome not impressed with what he had overall a very very divisive conference here in london a political commentator response says that the alliance is in russia and risking regional stability in the process. only problem released. version is not an enemy close i want to go there with a little bit of illusion we turn it over then we invent all games of problems like maybe this could go on the reason being in germany. were in fact. that because they're fighting that we have said weapons do. you know i mean it will be very easy to get into a b. . plus a is gaining because it uses the and love. and wars and which is what nato is doing. and they are spending enormous amount of money and call now to be
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a big savings plans closer spirit we sinned for the mystic bullies easily doesn't leave. these little brains believe in norman they're on the defense which is and this is. a leading british university is being branded shameful and appalling over its advisory guidelines for people based at its campus in dubai who are some of the advice that has come under fire from academics students and q community. do not do anything that may be perceived as a public display of affection by the same sex or opposite sex even if it's intended to be innocent try to avoid dressing in a way which is not traditionally associated with your perceived gender if you are in public do not wear any clothes or accessories which could be considered to be a form of the l g q advocacy. well the university of birmingham opened its campus in the united arab emirates last year offering a range of courses set to 2 u.k.
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standards it is currently expanding in dubai with plans to accommodate more than $4000.00 students however there are concerns over the u.a.e. human rights record and treatment of the l.g.b. t.q. community that has prompted a number of lecturers to refuse taking up any positions in the kingdom which forbids same sex relationships the university though says if the guidelines are to protect students and staff the u.a.e. denies violating human rights earlier on our team we discussed whether an educational institution should be offering such advice at all. there are thousands of. people who work in the united arab emirates and do saw for many many years i have friends there who work there so i don't think it is that much of an issue from the point of the. university it's about protecting students and it's about having the right guidance and support in place to protect students as they study in the country of the university of birmingham has a very clear and very good equal opportunities policy
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a very strong policy around human rights diversity and inclusion and by going to dubai it is violating its very own rules and principles may i think quite clearly this is simply a money making exercise the university of birmingham has put profit before human rights i can't is to be with anything peter said about the regime in the u.a.e. or saudi arabia or some of the other despot regimes in the middle east where there is no human rights and there is no freedom but i think it's important for individuals to know the expectation you know now that the universities there how they should behave in terms of protecting themselves sorry let me rephrase that how they should conduct themselves how they should protect themselves their own safety and the safety of their peoples and i think that's what the university was trying to do for to get a balance in terms of security and in terms of safety can't have one law for people in britain and then a different law for people in dubai that smacks of arrogance it's next of western
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privilege it smacks of disrespecting the human rights of the people of divide and i want to say that this is not just about the human rights of the lecturers and staff of university it's also about the human rights of the people in dubai itself who live under a very very oppressive regime reality is the university is there and they've got. a moral duty to make sure that the safeguard and protection of their stuff and their peoples is good and they've done it in that way which i think is most responsible giving advice to people. more news after a short break the internet. you
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know world of big movies. and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. up until recently politics were about policy preferences and ways to implement them that is not the case today your political views are now what define you as a person and there is a moral dimension bias against those who are not politically correct is the last acceptable form of discrimination this is the end of.
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proceedings in the u.s. are gaining steam after the house intelligence committee released what democrats are calling a damning report the document claims that president trump abused his office for personal gain by soliciting interference from ukraine in the 2020 election donald trump's branded the allegations a joke with details he's artie's down a quarter. president donald trump is on the impeachment block again hearings are under way again and another impeachment reports been released accusing him of more than just a few misty perhaps that's why trump thinks it's a joke. and it's a joke everybody is saying it for the democrats though this is no laughing matter. president trump and his senior officials may see nothing wrong with using the power
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of the office of the president to pressure a foreign country to help the president's reelection campaign however the founding fathers prescribed a remedy for a chief executive who places his postal interests above those of the country impeachment remember the flunk that was russia gate robert muller's investigation into trump's alleged ties to russia 2 years in the making and yet to deliver the grand revelations of promised but that's yesterday's headline the democrats have no time to lose with the 2020 presidential election looming closer they've put their hopes in the new ukraine gate report which this time took only 2 months to put together the dems say impeachment wasn't an easy conclusion to come to but come on guys we've been hearing this stuff since trump took office our rise today mr speaker to call for the impeachment of the president of the united states of america your son listen to you then home alone if you want
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bully don't wait and maybe days off because we're going to go in there we're going to be some other we shouldn't be impeached for a political reason and we should avoid punishment for political reasons it may be that we undertake an appeasement nonetheless the document is basically a summary of the impeachment hearing thus far it claims the testimonies were overwhelming evidence of trump's misconduct but some witnesses weren't as convincing as others there was no mention of withholding 8 on the call correct that's correct and there was no quid pro quo correct correct was there any reference to withholding aid you know there was not any reference to bribery there was not any reference to quid pro quo and there was not you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the united states has been involved with at all. now ukraine gate was handed to the dems by an anonymous whistleblower so. i want to put the final nail into the coffin of trump's political
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career someone protected from prosecution just what the anti trump brigade needed but you have to blow the right whistle to find protection under the law take julian assads he spent 7 years hiding from the law in london's ecuadorian embassy without any sympathy from washington i think a son should be assassinated actually. maybe use a draw or something this guy is a traitor a treasonous and he has broken every law the united states the guy ought to be and i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death penalty i want to do it illegally shoot the son of a i think the man is a terrorist act tough and say if we catch you we're going to hang you one has to wonder how the founding fathers would have treated someone claiming to stand up against tyranny if they were with us today. now to discuss the latest in the impeachment inquiry a bit further investor invest to give her an writer charles or tell thank you very much for being with us here on our to international. it's kind of an interesting
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and today specifically as now the judiciary takes over how important is this report and democrats drive to remove the president i mean does this now give the judiciary committee what it needs to recommend articles of impeachment. well i think this judiciary committee is out of control and clearly democrats are going to do whatever the democrats want to do without regard to the future press the press of this as for the future. clearly we have no evidence we have a presumption in the sumption and suggestion that maybe donald trump might have done something that nobody's witnessed and nobody can corroborate but when it comes down to evidence of solid evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors such as treason a capital offense or bribery i don't know what it was what kind of offense it was back in 7982 but today 9 but we don't have evidence of a peaceable offense is that i've seen yet and instead what we have is
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a kangaroo court abusing due process which if this precedent is allowed to stand is good it's sink this nation further and further closer to anarchy i do have to push back just a little bit stating that the president has refused to let some of the people who might have some of that evidence actually come and testify we're waiting on some court clarification on that but stepping away from ukraine stepping away from all that we've got some new evidence there's a report that a letter by a group of psychiatrists is to be sent to the judiciary committee warning that trumps mental state is dangerous it reportedly says quote and we are convinced that as the time of possible impeachment approaches donald trump has the real potential to become even ever more dangerous to the safety of our nation so how much weight could that document have in a committee like this. if you are
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a person i'll tell you why it's accepted practice in america psychiatry only psychologists are only supposed to diagnose patients they have interviewed personally so this letter is another meaningless piece of bunk and as to the question of donald trump not allowing witnesses to testify that turns the process in america on its head it is the government this is a criminal matter akin to a criminal matters the government's responsibility to prove evidence of a crime to the appropriate standard other beyond a reasonable doubt or by a preponderance of evidence and i'm not a lawyer but i could tell you that they haven't done that as far as i could tell in the known judiciary committee record and as for this 350 psychiatry's or psychologists or whatever they are there are quite a few people in america who have that title many of whom lean to the left that will sign with whatever you want to decide so you bring up a good point the america is politically divided what does it stay it say about the
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state of american politics in such accusations about the mental state of the sitting president are being made by a group of a psychiatrist and also that the politics are so divided in the country. well you know going over a long period of time at critical junctures in the evolution of our relatively young country there have been great divisions that one body did not want to go into world war another bodies did the civil war is of course a dread example of one divisions get really beyond the pale and get very dangerous but this president was fairly and constitutionally elected in 2016 by a body across our great country that wants to see the deep state and crony capitalism disrupted so the people who participate in the deep state in crony capitalism are deadly afraid of what a true investigation and set of prosecutions will reveal and what the consequences will be for that group so it's that group that shouting the loudest. as to the
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impeach is to be a big step back on the pitch for the process the founders clearly understood that leaders should be selected and presidents should be selected in elections in national elections and we have a national election about less than 12 months away let that run its course let the best candidate win but so far these are petty political games which if the president is allowed to stand will only serve in some future moment to harm democrats perhaps progressive democrats grievously he calls or tell it's always interesting to talk to you sir hopefully as this process plays out we'll be able to come back to you and get more insight. all right switching gears now russia's envoy to the world chemical weapons watchdog says a new investigation is needed into last year's alleged chemical attack in the syrian city of duma this comes after a number of employees raise concerns about the official findings and the
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organization's report was come by old following the april 2018 attack which was blamed on the syrian government the alleged atrocities prompted the airstrikes by britain france and the united states on a number of targets in damascus and holmes now a year later whistleblowers began to cast doubt over the findings claiming that the report was heavily redacted and scientifically flawed to suit its own conclusions. most the do see reports on the instant the interim reports in the final report was scientifically impoverished procedurally irregular and possibly fraudulent in addition to the o.p.c. impartiality having been called into question a number of academics have claimed that the media has failed to provide balanced coverage of the syrian conflict one of them max abrams explained what he sees as some of the shortcomings. the mainstream narrative going to picture the conflict in a very simplistic way aside by making it seem like i said assad was even
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more extreme and you actually did captured firstly this pro regime change crowd made it seem as if the rebels fighting assad were more moderate than they actually what are the more time goes on the more evidence are emerging the more it becomes difficult to claim that you know assad is all evil and the rebels who are all going to at least try to reach different onside tests on foreign policy unless the who are officially part of this real. data in dhaka rebuild the work which has been broadcast in the video accurately reflects the song the ship here for all those scientists exactly what the scientists was all about. czar to international.
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law. i. join me every 1st day on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics for this list i'm show business i'll see you then. all the yes the euro and the dollar they all refer to each other and they're all going deeper and deeper into debt so there's no basic there or there there's no so
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there's no way to measure the dead against something that is could be considered money or never j.p. morgan said only gold is money everything else is credit or debt ok so without that there is no way to measure the debt and there's no at the moment you know my my view is that this is leading to a neo feudalism poor you have just a few private equity firms owing 98 percent of all the assets and everyone else is a living as serfs on that we're getting back to the dark ages. and this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of our global economy in the 21st century i'm been one and i'm french born washington
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here's a look at what we have on deck today after a major slide in stocks on trade worries slightly jumped on reassurances from the u.s. president richard wolfe a professor at the university of massachusetts amherst and joins us to sift through the shaky market and the latest telecom threats plus rules undergone a major shake up amid antitrust threats from some of the nation's top political figures watkins of simpler trading joins the show to break down the details of how the move or how interest concerns have ramped up and later. and major companies are continuing to ramp up their investment in space exploration r.t. correspondents brings us the latest from the ground in los angeles on how major companies are launching their own space programs we have so much to get to today so let's go .


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