tv News RT December 9, 2019 8:00pm-8:31pm EST
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god. it. was. the leaders of russia ukraine france and germany agreed to implement a full ceasefire for eastern ukraine by the end of the year after 6 hours of negotiations in paris. 4 years off the world stage the international anti doping agency shuts the door on team russia over what it said was most goes tampering with a key doping database. and russia cries foul saying it provided all the answers necessary in claims it's been ignored by their forty's plan to take the decision to sports highest court russian athletes claim the punishment is harsh and politicised.
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line from moscow studio is just a minute call for in the morning you're watching r t international welcome to the program we start with this the peace process for eastern ukraine is showing signs of progress with a cease fire and prisoner swap due to take place by the end of this year they does of russia ukraine france and germany held 6 hours of talks in paris and it resolving the long running conflict well for more on this we cannot cross live to our correspondent. who is in paris for us where the negotiations took place it there all some positive signals seeming to come from these talks nice new crane could you tell us more about what was agreed today. rosana hi again well of the question is has there been a breakthrough or not well i can tell you that for the 1st time in quite a while and also for the 1st time the. new president of ukraine and president putin
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of russia shook hands for the 1st time ever a glimmer selenski and well dimmer puton spoke to each other one on one and they spent i did tired day with europe's 2 key mediators the leaders of france and germany and the residence of the predator president here in paris and we do have to remember that it's thanks to paris and berlin that the original peace road map for ukraine was hammered out almost 5 years ago one is this if not a breakthrough in that sense definitely that this word is appropriate but there are several reasons why the talks in paris could be called a favor failure and we do have to remember the key stumbling blocks in the peace process in that area right now there are several issues russia has prioritized the following elements of the minsk agreements that is
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a political reform and ukraine which should grant special status for the breakaway pro russian republics of lugansk and the nets and also in the midst agreements that actually says that these political reforms somehow have to be worked were reflected in the country's constitution plus there's another element that is free democratic elections in the region now what ukraine has prioritized in its turn their the goal of their government that's what they're always talking about is granting the ukrainian army the control of the border between the breakaway republics and the russian federation and i do have to say though that in fact the elements that russia is thinking about in the 1st place do call 1st in the order when you look at what's written in the midst agreements and. that is
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something that a lot of our approach reminded about all monday. now according to the arrangements that ukraine will begin with down the road come through and. control of the territory. of the bullet on the next following the election why do we need to. cool it's very. follows the if we. won provision to. disrupt the situation disrupt the process. so again just to explain why this could be called favor in some form fail or story and some way none of these elements that i've mentioned before will be complete in the near future ukraine's not ready for compromises
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with russia and russia is not ready to give up the order of the cord to the order of the elements from that agreement like mr putin said right now but then i do want to come back to a very important document that came out as a result of the talks in paris it's called common conclusions being made by the normandy quartet and there we have 3 very important elements paragraph one there are all kinds of humanitarian and peace measures that are very important for the people that are suffering on the ground this includes a prisoner exchange as you mentioned which should hopefully happen by the end of the year and also a complete cease far along the front line in east ukraine and all that according to the agreements that were made on monday and power. this will have to happen
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before new year's eve before the end of 2019 the 2nd element is about all these political reforms. that ukraine is supposed to go forward with although the wording in there is quite peculiar you don't really read study anything ukraine's obliged to do anything in that sense from that particular document but it says something like the sides are all interested in progress in that matter but then this brings me to element 3 words says that the leaders of germany france russia and ukraine will get together again in 4 mugs to look at what's been done and possibly agree on new things and break the stalemate look at all these elements that are. that the they haven't been able to solve for now but they are hoping that maybe they can do it next. certainly
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a lot of ground covered in paris today artie's a line from paris for us thank you for that. well look at some of those points it is why did you political context we can now cross live to georgia he's senior research for the global policy institute that george thanks for joining us and then the nominee for countries as we just heard that agreed on the prisoner swap and a cease fire by the end of the year does that bring us closer to resolving this conflict in eastern ukraine. well it certainly brings us closer but it doesn't mean the resolution is any when they're in sight i mean these are good steps the ceasefire the creation of these 3 disengagement areas the increase in the humanitarian crossing points and as you mentioned the prisoner exchanges i think
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they're all going to come about and they're all good things. but i think the the something block. the big ticket items down the road and as your correspondent mentioned namely the. special status for the less than the guns and the steinmeyer formula. another key sticking point is this border again our correspondent just mentioned that that is the border between the republics and the russian federation why is this such a sticking point for both ukraine and russia. well it's a sticking point because there's very little trust between the 2 sides because there's a fear that once. the ukraine. return of the coup control of the borders returns fluke year they are going to relaunch their offensive against the people looked at us no longer and the russians will then be in local station to provide
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any assistance so that's what they want to put in place before them in place there you've got the constitutional change it's there in the guise of use of the special status and you have the elections and so therefore then and only then will you marry you know bring in your borders under control otherwise basically we're going to go back to what happened in 2014 when the government launched a horrific offensive against these 2 provinces georgia let's focus for a moment on some of the key players that were involved in these negotiations i mean . merkel aside they were moderating but let's talk about putin and selenski because as our correspondent in there this is the 1st time we've seen the sort of shaking hands they had some serious bilateral talks alongside the negotiations what do you make of it all. well i think those that again are good at science. i did
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notice during the press conference that there was sort of tension between. the wasn't that the body language wasn't especially friendly and. a number of times the lens he was referring to with. the donetsk and lugansk occupied areas. i don't think we'll deal with much appreciated the reference of office by the areas because they're not occupied areas these are the people who live there are people who have lived in ukraine. you know a 100 years so you can't call them occupied areas so. i mean i think that that zillah's getting means well but you know he has a lot of political pressures approaches deal with it and the kinds of concessions that he would have to make in order to make peace a realistic possibility in dollars below goes a lot of show he's going to be allowed to make. certainly big meetings like this
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big forums always give the press lots of food for thought when analyzing body language and things like that so i'm sure we'll get lots more analysis next couple of days as want to bring up the united states which might seem a bit strange because they were there today but that's the key point really isn't it because ukraine is a big topic in the u.s. right now with regard to impeachment hearings also the u.s. has provided military aid to ukraine how do you think washington is viewing all this. well that's an excellent question and i think that is the head of the the big gorilla in the room because the united states was well doesn't want this to the result i mean it was the the conflict is going russia and ukraine to continue. wants to continue to isolate russia anything above all doesn't want europeans to the resulting european problems any problems in europe as the result by the united states so yes that is a very important issue and i unfortunately i think there are americans are going to
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act the spoilers like i just urged selenski to to basically not go down that you know just because they mistrust the russians has nothing to do with the russians and continues to fight this war because the american policy is always we will fight to the last ukrainians and i thought i think they will have a very negative influence on what's going on that side of interesting insights that you're somebody senior research fellow global policy institute thanks for your time thank you. well joining these talks in paris levitation commented on the wealth anti-doping agency's decision to ban russia from international sporting events for the next 4 years. punishment must not be collective affecting people who have nothing to do with certain violations of the law and executive committee confirmed on monday that rush will be banned for allegedly manipulating the data we'll bring
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welcome back and to our other headline news russia has been banned from all major sporting events for the next 4 years by the world anti-doping agency according to walter moscow is being punished for tampering with a database of test results from athletes. it was at the water press conference in love. what are officials announcing a unilateral decision over
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a 4 year ban on russia taking part in major sporting events during that period meaning that russian athletes won't be able to compete and the ban over russia nor will they be able to fly the russian flag at those major events those major events could include tokyo 2020 and also the world athletics championships there's also suggestion that this could impact the football world cup in 2022 russia won't be able to host nor be able to bid for any major sporting events during that 4 year period russian officials won't be able to go in an official capacity to those games nor will officials in russia be able to sit on the boards of major sporting committees all boards during that time when they were questioned about what that would mean for russian athletes who didn't have any cloud of suspicion over them when it came to doping allegations they said that each russian athlete would have to prove their innocence this is a ban against russia that protect the rights of russian each. entry for major
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is. able to demonstrate that they are not implicated in any we. are complying. to these decisions. are really sanctioning those responsible for this many pollutions and leave those open for those who had nothing to do with. in russia clean. plates well what it says in its investigation was the sale date was forensic and that investigation showed that the data entered received from a moscow lobbying question had it believed to be tampered with this was that data from a moscow lab relating to information from 2012 to 2015 while the said that that was dated didn't match the data it into. sieved from the whistleblower which started
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this big scandal but what i went further and said during that time in moscow in 2808 experts say that they had also seen that all the data had been tampered with and that's why they've taken this decision from the date it received 145 they were able to pinpoint that had had a question mark over them we're not sure if they were in russia a lot but it said only around a 3rd of those athletes were currently active now of russian officials have a very different story to this they say that the data that was handed over. hadn't been tampered with that they had applied to all of the conditions and stipulations set out by wada and as a result of fans who saw that which is the russia being agency would be appealing this decision i asked to present what a poor response on that russia says it's rejected all of the allegations of data
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manipulation it says it's provided you evidence to counter to show that it didn't modify the data what do you have to say to that and was that taken account in your decision well i wasn't part of the c.r.c. discussion what i do know is that it was close cooperation between the. under russian i'm not sure what conversations they had with floyd example the russian olympic committee. but those people who are interested are entitle to under the standard to appeal and if they wish to appeal they have 21 days to accept this secession or not and if they do not know that they wish to appeal then we will be in cash i write disease and clearly it is technical you need to be a fire engine. and we passed it on immediately sure say thank you very much it does not change the opinion that the well received. they will appeal that decision meaning that this is like you know to end up in the court of arbitration for that
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court to decide who is right and who is wrong on this particular topic for the meantime though one perhaps ray of light water officials did say today that they was a possibility over changing this decision and that possibility rested on the fall tempered data being provided by that law in moscow something that the russians say they have already done. for all to see in this whole switzerland where meanwhile russian sports federations have been quick to question walters decision. there's decisions a biased inexplicably there to politicize them prejudged that punishing russia is the state which was connected to this story without showing any credible evidence is an absolutely normal transparent organization punishing the states and clean sportsmen and women why should that be considered for. them absolutely sure it's
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wrong to punish and impose severe sanctions against those 100 percent meeting every one committee requirement. what is decision is unfair it's wrong to treat sports men and women on the basis of their nationality i believe all sports participants have the right to represent their country on the international arena. and there has also been reaction from the sports world to the verdict the u.k. is anti doping agency has welcomed wilders decision saying it's the only possible outcome the head of the united states anti-doping agency has said the measures taken by water aren't enough he branded russia's escape from a complete ban as a devastating blow to clean athletes and the rule of law the same reaction was shared in fact by waters vice president. wanted that complete and that we had 2 choices and i supported and still not see kids today and i'm
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afraid that if we supported. or didn't support the c.r.c. that i would want to it. was his decision has left a lot of unanswered questions is. explains. imagine a person that robs a bank steals lets say a $1000000.00 gets caught gets prison time gets out like a near your early for good behavior but then the police tells him you know we're not sure you actually stole millions maybe your stole more so we're going to push imprison back again well that is basically the logic which the world anti-doping agency applied to the whole nation of russia in their decision on monday to ban the country from major sports competitions in the world saying that russian athletes can compete individually but they have to again prove that they have not used any kind of doping. of the news me i'm the position of the russian olympic committee
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stays the same the sanctions are inadequate not logical and too severe we would do our best for the russian olympic team to participate in the upcoming games in japan under the colors of the russian trick due to the terms of the olympic charter. well if someone committed a crime fair enough he or she should be punished for that but it is quite unclear how exactly stripping and they send off its flag in a major sports competitions across the planet can actually solve the problem of fighting against doping you're not innocent until proven guilty in anti doping at school you're guilty and city can prove you're innocent it's a complete reversal of the normal justice system but it's always been that way you gotta think about what's on the world anti-doping agency has jurisdiction but it doesn't have jurisdiction over the russian authorities they come sanction russian politicians russian. you know the consequent politicians can it all it can do
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essentially resell it and take actions relative to sports so it's come up with this international standard to code compliance by signatories which is used to sanction russia this time around and it's come up with these sanctions as a way of putting pressure on the earth or it's used to come clean which they still haven't done. to. on top of everything it seems that waters decision from monday was made in such a haste that they have no clue how to actually navigate in that decision the biggest example of that is probably the situation with your way for and fee for tournament where were you where you quite expect to. these sanctions will not affect in any way russian part of the upcoming your. first of all it's a continental tournament not of world qualification for or for compartmented 2.
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is again within the competence so you have and if you represent u.f.o. and it presents a continental part but should it make it to the 2022 world cup in qatar it may be stripped of its flag of its anthem and it may be participating as a neutral country all asked for that surround the world should feel very much concerned with what has happened because we're talking about collective punishment where don't involve the athletes who will be humiliated because of certain discrepancies. in the work of their. limping. association if there is a good wheel there are many ways to decide should dramatic decision which will being a. very determined man till the whole world vand the want to sue
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will be damage these are the athletes athletes those athletes are absolutely clean those circum parried is among the best in the world and this what is in just in series about and if you're not yet confused enough they already said directly that should russia appeal to cas the court for arbitration of sport. and this process takes longer than the official preparation for next summer's olympics russia will go to next summer's olympics in tokyo as a full fledged nation but then if the ban is implemented late it might miss out on the 2024 summer olympic games in paris so this is all surrounded by a lot of confusion and at the same time russia says that it's not planning to give up the sports minister of the country insists that all the information for the reinstatement of that has been provided to the world anti-doping agency. experts who provided convincing on says unfortunately they haven't heard us resign or has
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time to appeal initially when we handed over the database we said let's investigate the database together so that we can make a full decision we wanted to have a kind of mechanism if we don't want to be objective decision let's do it like this was saddam has all the necessary opportunities he could have taken a different approach. from whichever side you look at it monday's decision by water looks like a vocal and very harsh indictment of russian sports it might send shock waves and reverberations in the country sport for many years to come but it might actually be the beginning of a new struggle of a new battle the legal one when russia takes its case to the court of arbitration for sports in switzerland and we are expecting this to be made quite quickly before the end of this year. r.t. reporting from moscow. well anti doping litigation expert from sheffield hallam university dr gregory believes want want to is conducting
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a crusade against russian sport. this is a punitive action against the law including the innocent ones i'm not convinced the reason may go more in just a few cases from violent things arise if it's not in this particular with there's no evidence of malpractise against them this may be raising a human rights issue whether. they're going to graze this before the court of protection for sport but i'm not entirely certain we have to accept that there is a when we think of them and they're involved. in their actions applying a very ambiguous more and more to crusade here they once was own terms of collateral damage that are there are. lots personal take it with a blanket against all let's it's like saying but 3 single one of them has been seething and this isn't authorized it's truly shameful the creation of new regulations was nessun such as the forcing of them out there on behalf of the audio c.d.'s so i personally will be. extremely surprised or i would say i would expect
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with great anticipation to see if the i.o.c. to respond which will point in the essence of what it is doing it's like saying i'm going to come into your house take the case away from you and i'll decide who comes and goes out. what is your update for now i'm right we'll be back here at the top of the hour with more news from around the world see if. the world is driven by.
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no dairy thinks. we dared to ask. facebook and google started with a great idea and great ideals unfortunately there was also a very dark side. they are constructing a profile of you and that profile is real it's detailed and it never goes away turns out that google is manipulating your opinions from the very 1st character that you type into the search bar it will always favor one dog food over another one comparative shopping service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results on what they think you should be seen if they have this kind of power then democracy is an illusion the free and fair election besan exist the more rope we give them the sooner we're all.
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legislature 68. this is speed. 5 of the $28.00 precincts which is which critical from 975772 which is no doubt it includes yes with a gun so did not go to the way you want to go to late she is wearing a go write it down guess what else i told a description we go see play but to recant he didn't say probably but but he didn't say. on this now 11. 25.
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