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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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a single case. provided within the. class and. it is. important between. sports and all kinds of exchanges. as i have. perspective. respond to that just for a moment and then i will answer the questions you presented to me. look we count a little bit differently for mr lavrov gave us the numbers we i don't want to get into the weeds on the numbers but we measure those numbers of who's got how many diplomats and pieces and a very different way but what's important is that we make sure we're delivering on
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behalf of each of our 2 countries in a way that keeps each of our 2 countries consistent with the vienna conventions and consistent with the important relationship between the united states and russia and we're determined to do that we talked about that today there have been conversations among my team and for mr lavrov team in the last handful of weeks on this very set of issues more working to make sure that any of the problems we work through we can resolve i'm very confident the united states concer service is every bit as efficient as the russian consular service and that we can we can deliver on behalf of the fisa program in a way that's consistent with the important relationship between our 2 countries you asked me 1st about the commercial relationship between our 2 nations i i mentioned a moment ago in response to a previous question we hope there's some significant progress that we can announce here in just the next short period of time about how we would move our economic relationship forward further foreign minister lavrov spoke about the increase in trade over 25 percent increasing trade between the united states and russia over
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the course of the trumpet ministration we hope we can continue to do that that's been done in the face of what are significant sanctions sanctions that we believe are appropriate given given the u.s. policy u.s. law and the rest that are presented and so we think we can deliver against each of the twin to objectives and that we will and we will continue to do so in a way that's consistent with our relationship thank you very much for questions. thank you or miss. ok we've just been listening to the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov on the u.s. . discussing much about their relationship in particular how they would like to build a better one between the 2 countries focusing on begin with denuclearization of the korean peninsula venezuela ukraine claims of election interference of course and
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also sanctions imposed between the 2 countries let's discuss that and we'll bring you more analysis of that as the evening rolls on a little early we discussed the what was expected to emerge from these conversations between. former u.s. congresswoman the former u.s. presidential candidate ron paul. i am a little bit skeptical i don't think magic going to happen but i think it's great that they're talking but unfortunately they seem to have some disagreements here and i struggle with it because i think they are should be avoided because i don't think we should be so much involved over there and then there would be this conflict whether in syria or ukraine but no but the fact that they're talking i think is very good but there will be some some differences and and they will have the meeting with trop and i think that's very good as well there's different factions in our country there's you know there's there's a president trump who has
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a position which we as libertarians encourage and when he wants to back away from some of the interventions that were stablish for many many years at the at the same time there are others if if he does move in that direction there are some people here on the neo conservatives get hysterical over it and they don't think we should give an inch. but in terms seems to be very much swimming against the tide this week today the house announced 2 specific articles of impeachment against the president. the 1st article is for abuse of power it is an impeachable offense for the president to exercise the powers of his public office to obtain improper personal benefits while ignoring or in injuring the national interest and when he was caught when has investigated and opened an impeachment inquiry president should be engaged in an unprecedented categorical
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and indiscriminate defiance of the impeachment inquiry. this gives rise to the 2nd article of impeachment for obstruction of congress well the articles of impeachment have been drawn up against donald trump accusing him of obstruction of justice as well as abuse of power these articles of impeachment are not expected to go very far with the senate under the control of republicans now it seems the democrats have moved full speed ahead on from their trumped russia collusion allegations which was the basis of a long investigation which seems to have disproved what was widely believed now they've moved on to these allegations about ukraine that are the basis of the impeachment and articles of impeachment that were recently drawn up the investigations that cetera however as folks look back on the long trump russia collusion investigation we now have a very important report that was just released the horowitz report from the
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department of justice inspector general looking into the investigation of donald trump for allegations that he colluded with russia now the report it has some contradictory information and findings it does not and not seem to show that the department of justice acted inappropriately in investigating the trump campaign they said that all that was simply required in order to carry out an investigation was what they called articulable facts what is being overlooked is that there seem to have been agreed just errors by the f.b.i. when they investigated donald trump they apparently made quite a few mistakes this is the president of the united states responding to the report the report actually and especially when you look into it in the details of the report are far worse than anything i would have even imagine. what they were doing and what they would have. invited make a certain a certain move that was a very important move because it would have been even worse if that's possible and
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they might have been able to succeed this was an overthrow of a government whose was an attempted overthrow now the report also reveals some information regarding john breaux. he was the cia director under obama and he was an outspoken critic of u.s. president donald trump remains an outspoken critic of him after leaving his role at the cia apparently he testified that that they did not rely on the steel report and the obama administration's intelligence community assessment that accused russia of meddling in the election did not rely on the steel report however the newly released report from the department of justice the inspector general report seems to indicate that that was not the case that what john brennan testified was not accurate this was what john brennan testified and you know if the bureau ever relied on a steel dossier is as part of any court filings occasions petitions pleadings have no awareness to the cia rely on it no one.
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because we did it wasn't part of the corpus of intelligence information that we had it was not in any way used as a basis for the until a screen assessment that was done. it was it was not now page $179.00 of the newly released report seems to indicate pretty clearly that the intelligence agencies did rely on that steel dossier. even though that steel dossier was compiled by fusion g.p.s. the firm and even they concluded it was not a finished document regardless the intel agencies did apparently rely on that report that is what the new doc document very clearly indicates so it appears that john brennan was giving false information when he was giving his testimony so as we have this new report it doesn't seem to fully confirm what many had expected but yet it does also show some impropriety on the part of john brennan and the f.b.i.
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at the same time we've got the proceeding impeachment hearings and inquiry against trump we've got these articles of impeachment not expected to really go anywhere. place because the senate is solidly republican the drama on capitol hill continues . so the more putin has expressed fears of a massacre of kiev takes back control over the restive don't bust territory in the east of ukraine without guaranteeing safety for the citizens living there. the amnesty law has been put in place yet we decided on that in 2015 some decisions have been made but it hasn't been put into force the ukrainian side is always saying let us close the border with our force i can imagine what happens then srebrenica nothing more or a strong word as well given it was all handsets and smiles yesterday at the summit press conference a lot of progress made the key sticking point there of course remain is that handover of full control of the ukrainian russian border to ukrainian forces why is
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this a problem while putin is concerned that president the lens he lacks the ability lacks the power to take control and accountability for right wing paramilitary forces stationed in the region he of course came to power on a platform of unity of healing these political and civil divides in ukraine and resolving the donbass conflict through negotiation with moscow and that point is something that nationalists really object to they see this as a capitulation or surrender to moscow they regularly express their disdain and anger over any sort of compromise or negotiation process regularly holding protests across the country in fact one rally was held there just a couple of days back on the eve of this paris one thousands took to the streets to protest against these negotiations with moscow so this according to putin remains a sticking point. we've seen zelinsky holding talks with nationalists it's unclear who is stronger and what happens there and who will be leading those nationalists
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when they enter that territory without any guarantees for people this is one of the problems which surely is of the political nature. that will put in use quite quite stark language for every sort of course being one of the darkest incidents of the yugoslav wars 9095 when thousands of men and teenage boys in the quarries were killed by. forces why the comparison then well for years now. right these paramilitary have gained a foothold in ukrainian politics they fought on the front lines long side ukrainian forces but they very much been under their own command structure had their own agenda lacked any sort of accountability you want to anyone and these groupings such as the hours off they have been accused times of human rights violations even of war crimes so letting these armed men with such beliefs unchecked into an area with millions of civilians after years of violent conflict is bound to raise some
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concern. now there was progress made yesterday of course in terms of the prisoner exchange the potential cease fire disengagement etc but this point of who is going to control the border that means the whole for control over entry exit into the zones does remain a bone of contention moscow wants this done as a final point in the minsk agreement says something that takes place when everything else has been put in place key of what's this done sooner and this is something that moscow cannot accept right now so the question of who is going to have control over these paramilitary groups is going to provide guarantees of
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safety and security and human rights for the civilians in those areas and will zelinsky have the power to contain and bring on his control these sort of nationalist undercurrents still prevalent in ukrainian politics that is something that's going to have to be discussed and compromised on if negotiations are to keep moving ahead. french people have again taken to the streets against president mattress plans to overhaul the pension system authorities say more than a dozen arrests have been made recent days the country's seen violent protests in a number of cities with more from paris. well as you can see we are in the thick of it the country is trying to deliver their message to the government just one day before it now says their final plans for pension reform in france although we did hear from the country's prime minister that for them for now there is no
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intention to change their plans if we don't make serious profound and progressive reforms today someone else will make a much more brutal reform tomorrow i hope that we can convince a majority of french people that our reform is fair it is universal it makes the special pension plans gradually disappear and is financially balanced not just for a moment let me give you a clearer picture of who these people are for instance i mean we've already been used to the yellow vests but as you can see these are orange and what it says on them is s.n.c.f. this is the french railway company which is by the way one of the main driving forces of the protests you can imagine what happens if the entire system. railroad workers what if they go on strike sun like that has already happened they say that at one point you know almost 85 percent of the railway staff members white
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rice and this really cause chaos in the country transport system. about iran world war i can tell you that the professions range from air traffic controllers to actually police officers and lawyers so this is just how vast it is. like i said before even police union support the strike and actually in fact different opinion polls say that from 50 to 70. percent of the french population are supporting what's going on in the street in the streets of france right now but i do have to mention though that last week protests in various cities of these countries did turn ugly and violent.
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i can tell you that most of the slogans that we are hearing in these protests are aimed directly against the president emanuel macron one you can see right here it says macro don't touch my retirement i can tell you that the pension reform is pretty much his brainchild and that's why so many people are angry at him specifically over but this comes soon may be. ok but it does not come here to money 1st but the reforms we're looking for to everybody's the
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idea for the pension reform is to introduce a universal point system we're told make the pension sums universal for different layers of the society but some of them in france do fear that they will lose their privileges but they want to give us a time to talk to all the systems you have everywhere who will die you points but all much. you know with brings you a point never knows more now. this is just the warning for the government but it's not hard to predict what's going to hear a man or mcbride it is this side story was picked up while on. russian athletes have expressed both anger and frustration after the continued fall out from the doping scandal saw the country banned from all major world tournament
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for the next 4 years this is or was made by the world anti-doping agency order took the action after it ruled moscow had tampered with a key drug test database but the clean up police will still be able to compete they'll be forced to do so under a neutral flag russian officials however are prohibited from attending major events while the country won't be allowed to host any tournament now the list of doors now slammed shut in russia's face it's pretty extensive it includes the olympic and paralympic games in tokyo in 2020 and football's pfieffer world cup in qatar 2 years after russia of course was the last host of that event its players though will have to go as neutrals should they qualify the deputy chairman of the russian state duma committee on physical culture that said get given also believes that the athletes should not be punished collectively they use the swedish does it in from my point of view collective responsibility is a completely non democratic procedure i think it should be appealed individuals must be punished those athletes and officials who have committed violations
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collective responsibility in modern conditions is 73 at the same time some kind of error in the work that was made so now i think there will be an internal investigation because today there is something comprehensible inconsistency in the actions of restarting and the ministry it will take some time to figure this out and what it has given the russian antidoping is the $21.00 days to decide if it will appeal if it helps to do so the case will be taken to the court of arbitration for sport. breaks down the wada ruling. imagine a person who robs a bank steals let's say a 1000000 dollars gets caught gets prison time gets out like a near your early for good behavior but then the police tells them you know we're not sure you actually stole a 1000000 maybe your stole more so we're going to push imprison back again or that is basically the logic which the world anti-doping agency applied to the whole
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nation of russia in their decision on monday to ban the country from major sports competitions in the world saying that russian athletes can compete individually but they have to again prove that they have not used any kind of doping by. the position of the russian olympic committee stays the same the sanctions are inadequate not logical and too severe we would do our best for the russian olympic team to participate in the upcoming games in japan under the colors of the russian trickle or due to the terms of the olympic charter. whether someone committed a crime fair enough he or she should be punished for that but it is quite unclear how exactly stripping a nation of its flag in a major sports competitions across the planet can actually solve 'd the problem of fighting against doping you're not. proven guilty and i'm in and you don't do to you're guilty until you can prove you're innocent a complete reversal of justice system but it's always been that way you've got to
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think about what's on the world anti-doping agency has jurisdiction but it doesn't act yours dictionary to the russian authorities become sanction russian politicians rule it can do sanction resettling and take actions relative to schools so it's come up with this international standard to code compliance where signatories which is used to sanction russia this time around. on top of everything it seems that what his decision from monday was made in such a haste that they have no clue how to actually navigate in that decision the biggest exam. that is probably the situation with you wait for and feel for tournament where were you where you quite expect to. be sanctions will not affect in any way russian part of the upcoming your. first of all it's a continental tournament not of world qualification for or for compartmented to.
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is again within the competence of us but should it make it to the 2022 world cup in qatar it may be stripped of its flag of its anthem and it may be participating as a neutral country and if you're not yet confused enough they already said directly that should russia appeal to cas the court for arbitration of sports and this process takes longer than the official preparation for next summer's olympics russia will go to next summer's olympics in tokyo as a full fledged nation but then if the ban is implemented late it might miss out on the 2024 summer elim big games in paris so this is all surrounded by a lot of confusion and at the same time russia says that it's not planning to give up the sports minister of the country bible club cough insists that all the information for the reinstatement of that has been provided to the world anti-doping agency. experts who provided convincing on says unfortunately they
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haven't heard us resign or has time to appeal initially when we handed over the database we said let's investigate the database together so that we can make a full decision we wanted to have a kind of mechanism if we don't want to objective decision let's do it like this was saddam has all the necessary opportunities he could have taken a different approach from whichever side you look at it monday's decision by water looks like a vocal and very harsh indictment of russian sports it might send shock waves and reverberations in the country sport for many years to come but it might actually be the beginning of a new struggle of a new battle the legal one. when russia takes its case to cast the court of arbitration for sports in laws and switzerland and we are expecting this to be made quite quickly before the end of this year where the decision was balanced on the basis of the proofs i have my doubts here because what is not clear to me is how they did find out that there should be many people
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asian on the russians who is guaranteeing that data is from the restall blower were not money police that it causes a reputational damage to russians board because everybody is now thinking that the russian at least or all daughters which is of course not true and . put only on russia we all know a lot of doping cases are coming also from all the nationality clits and that means. now actually easily to be one sided. and finally this hour russian forces have entered the syrian city of rock are better known as islamic states former capital the troops delivered food aid to locals they also brought in medical personnel to help those still living in the
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area comes 2 months after the sudden withdrawal of u.s. armed forces from that region contributed to the al monitor a new side alley risk believes a lack of strategy is one of the reasons that led to the u.s. withdrawal. i think that now the situation in the uk is going to improve because you do have players are entering who have a clear. clear strategy they have a you know they have a clear strategy put in place the problem with the other states was it never had a clear strategy or you know if there's confusion between it's it speaks about fighting our sources speaks about 5. i think iran and iran and i say enemies so i would describe the u.s. policy in syria and for that matter in the why the region as being confused when you have a confused policy that tends to. make the situation not very stable on the ground or russia on the other hand has a clear sort of goals a clear sort of policy and so that's why i think that all russia comes into the
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picture in places like cook and elsewhere the more that will contribute to stabilizing the situation. appreciate staying with auntie this evening don't forget to check out more stories on our website about dot com. that's geysers financial survival guide liquid assets not those that you can convert music that's quite easily. to keep in mind now as a tremendous place of. record. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe.
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tyson nation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. what is true what is. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows. greetings and sell you've tasted. in what's being called this generation's pentagon papers the washington post released on monday the outlet is calling the afghanistan papers a secret history of the war in their article the post craig whitlock writes that a trove of confidential government documents obtained by the newspaper through the
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freedom of information act after a 3 year long legal battle reveal that senior u.s. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in afghanistan throughout the 18 year campaign making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding a mistake of all evidence the war had become unwinnable in other words exactly what many whistleblowers activists analysts and all of us independent journalists have been saying and writing about the war since the long of writing about the longest war in u.s. history since a little after it actually began back in 2001 but that doesn't mean that this latest release of documents by the post is important because it is incredibly damning to the credibility of the u.s. government and the pentagon the post reports that the documents were in fact generated as part of a federal project examining the failures of the longest armed conflict in u.s. history and that they include more than 2000 pages of previously unpublished notes
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from interviews of the were 400 afghanistan war insiders everyone from generals to diplomats to aide workers even afghan officials and what do all these interviews and transcripts ultimately reveal well as john sop told the special inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction told the post the american people have constantly been lied to lies my friends that have cost us more than a trillion dollars caused more than 2000 u.s. soldiers to be killed and snuffed out of existence over $100000.00 afghanistan souls. and that is at the very core of why it's time to start watching the hawks. want to. get the. real thing it's like. at the bottom. of the day like you that i got. with
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that we. would. be. such a. good example i. love the one watching the hawks i am tyrrel but for a growing up to discuss the latest on the washington post afghanistan papers is about turns out a good political consultant consultant rory reilly topping roy thank you for joining me. thank you as an advocate for u.s. military router and what has been the impact of the washington post release of these documents for you and a lot of about terms you care for from that war. sure so a lot of veterans do not support the war in afghanistan i think one of the most recent polls done showed that over 60 percent a veterans feel that we should no longer be in the country and that perhaps we shouldn't have been there at all so veterans not supporting this war.


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