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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2019 12:00am-12:31am EST

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exit polls predicts a conservative party landslide victory in the u.k. general election as labor suffered badly in the polls and a highly disappointing night for them live coverage from westminster kicks off in less than a minute from now. plus in other news later this hour from our see you choose steps up in sandy hausman crusade but in radio cues the video sharing platform of censorship. and 71 soldiers were killed in a militant attack on
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a military base to. a meeting between president of france and 5 west african leaders on the deteriorating security situation in the region has been postponed. hello and good morning from moscow mining's colum bray it just turned 8 am friday the 13th of december it's 5 am in the u.k. which is waking up to the results of a dramatic and general election exit polls released within minutes of polls closing at 10 pm last night so yes that boris johnson's conservative party will have a majority in parliament after a strong showing in britain's historic general election that means he could keep his campaign pledge and bring home which is what he's been trying to promise all along as for labor a very difficult night for them having suffered. series of humiliating defeat and
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its leader jeremy coleman says he will not lead labor into the next election let's go straight to the u.k. for special coverage of the results live from westminster they are the moments yes and to break it all down for us we're joined by former s. m.p. m.p. pull monahan and very shortly former ukip party m.e.p. stephen will well let's get a quick reaction from you paul i mean what do you make of the results so far in quite an extraordinary night up saw extraordinary i think the simpy are doing better than expected the scott one clearly and i think that is all the new england are surprised i personally don't expect labor to as badly done or indeed for the conservatives do as well as they've done so yeah lots to talk about i suspect about what about the s. and p. though their aim was to get rid of postulates and also stop bricks it they've done well with the seat numbers but they failed on both of those issues i don't think
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they've filled bellarmine i think they didn't form an alliance with anybody to get rid of boris johnson doing nothing we need to form a line so i mean we have to speak to views of the electorate in england to go listen and to frankly my view is if they want then they should have what's equally clear as a base in p. have done very very well tonight and we don't want that except we do want and dependence so there's there's a real debate to be hard and i think we're not a strong position to make it do you do you think is going to be a case then pushing forward for sort of in direct to in the latter part of the next year. i would hope or perhaps expect the moves towards an independence referendum will take place before the end of this year with the end of the referendum taking place next year is doomed to fail there's no chance and he wants to preserve the union he's got a mandate to do that in the study says you got a mandate to pursue a referendum it's going to be all out war isn't it between s. and p. and west i don't think it could be a war but i'm uncertain could be
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a challenging situation but i think we need to be clear that the potus johnson has a mandate clearly equally they same p. has a mandate they've both got to be respected is it going to be a constitutional crisis because there will be boris johnson stickies put down saying look we in westminster make that choice he's not going to budge on that i think we need to be clear that it's actually the people of scotland that make that choice they've made that choice today 55 possibly m.p.'s are going to be elected as the decision entered asa law is very clear on this johnson's got to have a very very good reason if he's going to disrespect the result and ignore the voice of the so the s.n.p. success all about the scottish independence issue rather than bricks and bones were they so successful this time the both of those issues are equally important but i think we need to be absolutely clear that the people of scotland are paeans we don't want to be the you we've sent. to lection after the election. frankly up
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until now our voices been ignored that's going to have to change pull stay right there we've got you for about an hour and thank you for getting up early in the morning i don't know where stephen wolfram is but we'll it will join us eventually now we can go to our very own number cruncher shout it was dashed standing by to break down these results for shouting what's your magic screen telling you then. well the conservatives are on track for a monumental victory in fact boris johnson is set to secure a very comfortable majority in parliament indeed as you can see the conservative party are on 312 seats already but trailing very far behind then is the labor party with jeremy corbin a very dissolved evening then for jeremy corbyn as you can see just on the 193 but i want to paint a bit of a picture of the parliamentary arithmetic for you that's coming out this morning of course there are 650 seats that are up for grabs but the key magic number today is
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3 to 6 that's the one that both parties are trying to get to this line and indeed beyond it because that's the number that's half the number of seats in the commons plus one so that means a majority in parliament of course boris johnson is indeed set to do that so a very good evening for boris johnson indeed but it's also a very good evening for the s. and p. in scotland to the eveready on 44 seats and this sets again quite a few more significant gains for the s. and p. then however in direct contrast a terrible evening for the liberal democrats it's in fact the case that the s.n.p. managed to steal even the leader of the liberal democrat seat. in scotland she then have a seat her seat is now taken by the s.m. piece of very good evening then disastrous when we come down to the bricks at party looking on course for a total wipeout so what i'm trying to say is the key numbers today are all about
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seats but it's very interesting when we move on to the percentages of the vote what we're seeing again is a very bleak picture for the labor party tories on 43 labor on 3310 percent difference at this moment in time which is very different to this time last year in 202017 in the last general election where there was just 2 percent between them of course at this point many many question. to be honest is it jeremy koeppen position is it him himself is it bricks it is the fact that he didn't take a stance and he sat on the fence a very different vision then to boris johnson he was saying let's get it done that was indeed his mantra and it seems like the electorate today have gone towards boris johnson and his position on bricks it joe swinson then just on 11 percent of the vote percentage share again her position was all about revoking article 50 in fact she predicated the beginning of the election campaign saying that she was a credible candidate to be the prime minister clearly fantasy land as indeed she's
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lost her seat again the bricks party meanwhile their position throughout the campaign was to stand aside 8 and make way for the tories so again has made quite a bit of an impact but i also want to paint a wider picture if we look at the map of the united kingdom what i want to say here though just to point out is that the constituencies his $650.00 all of equal presentation one hexagon equals one p. it's means we can look at the trends that are coming out here particularly in the northern heartlands these are the seats that we're call the red bull seat significantly historically a slew of labor safe seats but what we're seeing this morning is they're going from red to blue red to blue and red to blue so that red wool is significantly collapsing for the labor party and it seems like that is what indeed is costing the labor party the general election however the right role in london the as we can see
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here not doing so badly clinging on somewhat as we can see in the capital that read well particularly because these all remain seats but throughout the morning we've seen some very very dramatic results indeed i've already explained joe swenson but of course nigel gault is the. deputy leader also the westminster speaker for the d.p. he's lost him. see we've also seen just in the last few the last few minutes kate marginal seats particularly in london one of which is kensington and it encouraged lost her seat she won it back in 27000 just by 20 seats and now has not step by step that is now a tory seat jeremy corbin there for him as i say a disastrous evening and what he's saying is that he's not going to be taking the labor party into the next general election so i think very dramatic results much more to come but i'll leave you to analyze it in the studio thank you very much indeed shadier full of that yes plenty more to come from the shadow no let's go to
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college green and. is there for a certain what's been the result in oxbridge so this election. well actually on college green and. for the latest is concerned the conservatives are now on $387.00 so they've officially now won the general election they've lost that threshold of $326.00 that would have been needed for majority they're expected to win a number more seats as those final results come in and as far as the prime minister boris johnson is concerned he says that that gives him a stronger mandate in order to get it done. as one nation conservative government has been given a powerful new mandate. to get done. not just to get pretty done but to unite this country and to take it forward and to
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focus on the priorities of the british people about will only n.h.s. and yes we will recruit 50000 more nurses and 6000 more g.p.'s and we will build 40 new hospitals. but it's been a good evening or good night for the conservatives it's been about well. for labor now in many seats the swing actually went not so much from labor it's directly to the conservatives but from labor to the party confirming that this was in many ways a bricks at election and that vote to being split managing to help the conservatives to come in and win a number of seats also in obvious seats the lib dems with very little chance of winning them those seats actually taking votes away from labor so perhaps if there was some technical voting on the side of the remain parties they might have avoided
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losing as many seats as it was the labor party on course for one of their. one of their worst performances in almost a century and the labor party leader john recording confirming that he won't be leading the party into any future election. has so polarized and decided to fight 'd this in this country it is overwritten so much of the normal political debate and i recognise that has contributed to the results he has received the saving all across this country ought to also make it clear that i will not lead the boxing in any future general election campaign i will discuss with. to ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that are possible to going forward and i will lead the party cheering that period to ensure that
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discussion takes place and we move on to. it's also been a disastrous evening for the liberal democrats with their leader joe swinson losing her seat they didn't make any real serious dent in terms of the number of seats one serving only really to pick up a few seats here and now of course gmo. not coming close to kensington but actually perhaps helping the tourists that see the evidence code one and as far as. supposed to be she says that she still holds out hope that the u.k. can remain a generous country. let me say no. for millions of people in our country. these results will bring dread and dismay and people are looking for hope. i still believe that we as
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a country can be warm and generous inclusive and open and that by working together with our nearest neighbors we can achieve so much more. and that indication of just how the dissolution has gone from the labor party perspective said true which was tony blair's old seat see there's a real safe seat that's going to the tories as is both of the veteran and the dennis skinner. is there any thank you very much in day for plenty of points that you made that point to what you make of them i think it's a marketable. i don't think the polls show that that's such a large majority of the conservatives surprising given the turnout and also given the comp in the protestant which i thought was quite awful. i think the polls also show that certainly towards election moved all labor were closing in on the
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conservatives. clearly that's not been the case again i think it's surprising that given the. labor than the benefit of. such a sneaking suspicion that if labor had her different leader they may have just walked us away to a war perhaps of cure starmer have been involved in up a little bit more maybe or even been the leader i think it's a disastrous election but what did you think of course johnson had a disastrous campaign ok we're going to dip out and leave our teeth selection team in westminster for now it's been a night of hubris and humiliation for a lot of big names in the election the last night you can continue watching the live coverage online go to r.t. dot com click live and then r.t. u.k. will catch up with him here next hour with more guests analysis and updates throughout the day. on to our other headline news then from moscow changes to anti how recent rules on you tube have outraged users and content creators on the video
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sharing platform with the hash tag you tube it over party trending on twitter they say the vague language of the policy is essentially an attempt at censorship in for a reason you tube became massive was you tube was having brief and drama the line between criticism and horace mint is now so blurred nobody knows where they stand veiled or implied threats very glowing which this highly subjective that allows them to effectively silence anything regardless of content predictable protecting a handful of spoiled public figures who didn't like to be teased is a great way to lose the crowd this policy has good intentions on the surface but it's too messy it will drastically increase both resentment and complaining across the board don't censor criticism. explicit threats of violence were already banned but now the policy also applies to veiled or implicit threat it also prohibits content with malicious insults based on race religion and ethnicity repeat
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offenders will be stripped of their ability to earn advertising revenue and may have their videos taken down or their channel terminated completely or some creators have already had content removed youtube says the decisions can be appealed we expect there will continue to be healthy debates over some of the decisions and we have an appeals process in place if creators believe we've made the wrong current leader you will continue to protect discussion on matters of public interest and artistic expression media commentator gina luden believes that the new rules are open to abuse. i think the fact that these so-called rules are so very loosely defined therein lies the problem because when you don't have well defined rules what you end up with is subjectivity and that's always been the problem with you tube entire groups of people have been deemed monetise i've had this happen on my own youtube channel where my videos have been taken down because something didn't meet their community standards and
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a lot of times i can't even tell what it is i didn't think anything was offensive it may be past the major network test in the united states but it doesn't pass the you tube test so it really makes you kind of wonder you either have free speech or you don't and if you have free speech then that should be exactly that free and it should be broadly applied and just because something offends me doesn't mean that you should not have the right to say it in fact perhaps it's more important that you do have the right to say it as long as perhaps or not inciting violence which i think is where we would all like to draw that line some believe that the reason behind this is politically motivated and the problem is that when you don't have well defined rules that make sense to everybody regardless of political party you're going to have people feeling like this was subjectively applied. militants have killed at least 71 soldiers in west africa in one of the deadliest attacks in the country's military in years and i still terror group says it was
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behind the attack that also left 12 others injured it took place ahead of a now postponed meeting between french president emmanuel mccrone and 5 west african leaders over security in the region all teams don't call to delves into the challenges paris faces. africa has become a hot bed of terrorist activity as deadly attacks claiming hundreds of lives have spread like wildfire. you know people have 2 swords of damocles over its head terrorism and kidnappings but also illegal immigrants since many are traveling through these regions
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following one of the deadliest attacks in niger or 70 people were killed by islamists the big players have even postponed a big summit to reconsider their efforts the president so front sunny's year agreed to postpone the summit on operation bachao nya on the joint chiefs a health force until early 2020 the 2 presidents expressed their determination to remain united against terrorist groups and to redefine together in the coming weeks the political and operational framework for ensuring the security of the sa held countries france spends millions of euros and sends thousands of soldiers to control the situation there but with the region's poor infrastructure damage control is difficult to say the least france needs help. in this context and in light of the decisions that france will take on the big engagement by its allies is obviously something that would be quite positive in this a healthy than france is involved in acting on behalf of everyone. there are other
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budgetary questions but at least as important in our eyes is the contribution of the europeans to operations to the management of crisis it wouldn't be right to spend the 2 percent without haven't actually done anything with the armed forces just at the moment when crisis requires ports and it's not the 1st time macron has been vocal over the issue the french president also criticized nato for bickering over defense spending instead of doing more to help the war on terror and sahil why does france care so much about saw hell as is almost always the case it's about africa's natural resources the border of mali and niger is lined with your rainy a mind so vitally important for french power stations of course it's also dangerous if islamic fundamentalists grow an influence there they would only need to travel through libya for a direct line to the european continent and with sahil being half the size of europe it's not easy to isolate terrorist cells as for paris well it shifts the blame to the african states which can't cope with these challenges alone it almost
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seems like afghanistan all over again deteriorating government control and growing influence from islamic radicals we are some parallels between france's difficulties fighting terrorism in this ohio and american difficulties fighting terrorism. but of police are very advantageous from the being. in both cases you have the. power trying to essentially stabilize. remotely and there are real questions. citizens of those countries whether it's worth it to continue investing from fully informed it really this problem stems from for assistance from get involved. not only. to combat. but for their own national interests i think out in the top.
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intervention in mali team are there may have been a false sense in that it how to handle. though i think that france will increasingly try to get other countries especially the united states in the u.k. are there a ton of terms and a more. formal trump has signed an executive order with the goal of combating anti-semitism on college campuses the order threatens to withhold federal funding to colleges and universities if they fail to take action against the problem so we will not permit and jewish bigotry on our college campuses and if they want to do that it's going to be extremely costly it'll be amazing how quickly they stop the move expands the $964.00 civil rights act to specifically prohibit discrimination against jews it already outlaws racial discrimination in programs that receive federal funds it targets the b.d.s. movement which boycotts goods from territories occupied by israel. the executive
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order sparked outrage from pro palestinian supporters who believe it aims to silence them movement code pink activist ariel gold sees it as an attack on free speech. this is a dangerous attack on our 1st amendment right to free speech and it's an attack on students it will serve silence dialogue 8 it's real and it will serve you well you didn't let it move it means that it's going to be much harder at school or advocates for tell us any rights to organize on campuses what happens is that a small kid now designated as not. one of the pieces that's not that's doing this. congress rightly has been unable. urge is right yes legislation was that. i really meant it especially on all it's. tuesday.
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night really has nothing to do with it's about. shutting down in a movie or a list you need rights it's what other. rights. germany slammed washington sanctions threat over the massive annoyed stream to natural gas pipeline with 4 minutes to hike a mass insisting the e.u. rejects all meddling european energy policy is decided in europe not in the u.s. we crucially reject external interference and sanctions with extra territorial effect north frame to is a gas pipeline running from russia to europe through the baltic sea it covers more than a 1000 kilometers i mean moscow doesn't have to transit gas to the e.u. through ukraine however washington is not a firm claiming it leaves europe to energy dependent on russia economist i can believe the you have to push back against america's attempts to dominate. the problem with the north is to blame is that germany would get it or europe could
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get to energy independence on blackmail from poland and the ukraine or other american is now i think this is the may grumble and so for un security measures the u. s. to push back against these sanctions and they have to make here their companies in europe have a little bit of safety when they do projects we will are absolutely within within the law the us 'd is just declaring sanctions on your business so it would be far too unsecured for europe to rely on an us energy supply so for us it's the only single benefit for them. to do what they are searching for and russia is here doing opening markets which are very favorable for both europe and russia
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of course doesn't want to see this north stream to is not the only stumbling block between germany and the united states right now one of europe's biggest telecom providers operating in germany has chosen chinese tech giant while way to build its 5 g. network in the country calling the company a strategic partner a branch of spain's telefonica set to launch the wireless network next year covering 30 cities in germany by 2022 it's one of the few e.u. countries opening its doors to while away along with spain and portugal washington strongly opposed to the reach of the tech giant claiming it poses a huge security risk huawei is. a company we may not do business with at all because it is the national security threat the united states has also been very clear with our security partners on the threat posed by the way the chinese government can rightfully demand access to data flowing through one way and see the systems. why would anyone grant such power to regime that has already grossly
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violated cyberspace probably without change while away without allowing wall way into our country will not change and that we can do business for not security things with huawei economists i came again thinks the e.u. is cornered and the united states only looking out for its own interests in slamming wall way well i don't think that europe is looking for its own interests because in the past as showing that they are not able to look out that their only interest in this case they are at the edge of where they are they are in the corner they can't do it any way so us is looking for their own benefit and i wish that europe would start to look for their own benefit but in this case it is just this embarrassment of totally broken down economics policy of economics which we can see now in euro it is over here. and the economy or politics of the committee to use it and nothing else and this in this case it shows again. that's
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all from the r.c. newsroom in moscow for this hour we've got more on the fallout from a dramatic election night in the u.k. our team in westminster back here in half an hour after which i'll have more of our headline news up next they are worlds apart on the work of doctors without borders helping the planet's most vulnerable people in arguably the toughest conditions. each simulating civilization will be able to run using a tiny fraction of its resources. hundreds of thousands millions of runs through all of human history almost all. beings with our kinds of experiences would then be simulated ones rather than known simulated ones and conditional and argued we should think we are probably one of the simulated ones.
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but all the while come to well the part of helping people in need this still been novelist's thing in their world but just like the resolve to make the world a better place it's increasingly being mad with suspicion fear and even violence is it still possible to draw the line between genuine humanitarian efforts and politically or geo politically expedient do gooding of to discuss that i'm now joined by frank turner a board member for doctors without borders frank it's good to talk to you thank you very much for a time thanks for going on as well.


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