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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 16, 2019 12:30am-1:01am EST

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by their party the labor party which went into this election taking what was in effect a remain the issue we can analyze that in more detail and seemingly priority . than english. but this this begs the question glenn this begs the question is the labor party representative of late working people because it seems to me what's happening we'll talk about it in the 2nd half of the program is that the labor party the the perception many people of the labor party it is it is for affluent people for professional people from the southern part of the country i mean in a remarkable way the tories are taking the mantle of the middle class which is remarkable because that is not been the perception of the tories through time now and that's also because. all of the e.u. was often seen as serving the elites by being a bit of a globalist project if you want while. opening the borders or for wages
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for the demographic shifts are also often see in putting more pressure a downward pressure on the salaries of the working class so obviously this put also corbin in a difficult position because from his ideological perspective looking after the working man he had taken a position with more harsh and critical of their opinion so representing labor he obviously had to switch his position a bit. yeah i what i want to do but really kind of begs a question because you know i think that's one of the and i think gerry cordons a very good person don't get me wrong here but in the beach switches to dealing here i mean he he never really made it clear how he felt about brags that he had one leg and one k. open another campaign i mean it was it is very and i think that's part of part of the messaging problem that the labor had and of course the focus. of a person which the mainstream media vilified ok well i think. corporon just wasn't
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consistent you know so he laid off the vault of who supported it while being there was a substantial part of labor voters like that you know the last election and they didn't gain the new once you know because he wasn't consistent you know if mr corbett if you are against you know what it was doing to put the stimulus you should be against are the western story adventurous you know basically we need vengeance against what they're doing in syria against what they're doing in ukraine he failed to do it and it's interesting you know i think i know why so many people find that it's supported actually this is another referendum on the english and i thought that's why we're calling for this program breakthrough 2.0 and that and why that they have that feeling because a lot of europeans have a feeling that whatever they decide whatever they vote things will go on as they did you know the way they rejected their european constitution they had that has
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been treaty you know they basically try to put it to which point you reported can print asian of course with russia other politicians like that were installed in place and the reaction of the press you know bought in the united states and in britain the reaction of the globalist press they don't understand anything you know the guardian says boris johnson just threw out the most talented liberal members of his government who get rid of williamson who said that you know russian military ships the north sea for exercise there's an act of aggression against good riddance . just like not if this was a referendum on the european union i guess the best example of how lost labor was was on this official position on brics it which was they would 1st go back to the e.u. and then on the negotiate the best possible deal they could for another break and then. they were put to a referendum in which they would argue against
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a deal the past and instead the call for the sting of that you mean. i know they're going to get let out a job in here in london i just put it perfectly ok go is the perfect description you're ok wanting it both ways all the time ok go ahead jump in arcs exactly correct and this is where we have to look at what has been happening to the labor party over the period of its existence in the early 1980 s. 80 percent of people who voted labor were working class manual labor laborers working people today that percentage has fallen to 40 percent. even before this last election we're looking for an even more it has become a middle class liberal party. middle class liberal people like the e.u.
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working class people in britain don't what happened in this election is that cool good who's been trying to reach out again towards the working class labor base that was already eroding away found himself boxed in by a party whose leadership whose parliamentary representation and whose membership is overwhelmingly middle class and pro e.u. and crow remain so he was stuck with this impossible policy which glen deeds and has described very well which is of course in remain holders see it was intended to keep britain in the e.u. and of course working class voters saw right through that that make them very skeptical not just about cool but himself there has always been referred to as a weak leader and an indecisive and frankly no longer
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a straight on as leader which is how you mean proceed for but he also made them very skeptical about his entire left wing program you know him when it during this whole 3 year process here. have done multiple programs on it and i've always pointed out that both parties suffered through it but with the selection. it's the tories capitalized on the indecision of the labor party and now the civil war within the labor party goes on full blast as we speak. but you know i have nothing against middle class liberal people but the reaction of the globalist press you know the wall street journal why should britain stayed waiting for this going course if britain leaves the e.u. then there is the fear of sclerosis china. unprecedented economic and
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political challenges to the e.u. which is now maybe we can to departure which is the school are also has come from where i'm with they. first came from these wonderful. boris johnson throughout and 2nd what is the threat from china does china want to invade europe you know they're providing cheap goods you know they're providing cheap labor did rush it make any well russia grange to have good relations with europe russia has done everything possible we made all of these huge concessions in the end of the 8 years in the ninety's you know taken all the troops whatever you are sure and we didn't get anything for it and know that you're right that britain should stay because we are a threat ok 25 seconds. just going to say about this need to clean up this possible civil war in the liberal part of the labor party sorry i think that's very similar to what they need in the america but
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instead of doing cleanup there just look towards a rush i think what you can see here in labor now they're going to explain it all will score when you know it's a common is. britain and you know he's leading a cult instead of actually. you don't just introduce the 2nd half of the program because they're going to go i want to thank alexander curious for joining us we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news day with our.
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i had a spiritual experience. and i had the little girl that died in the fire sent there collins. a 5 year old son we're looking for a kid reaching. 54 years old and 21 years on good role model. for a crime i didn't commit. i only knew that he was innocent doesn't read the list that nobody does. now and the. trial was pretty much a farce. they are had him killed including for that well. nobody. because. not. all you want to. think through to me hasn't forgiven himself for something. i knew she
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was there and i knew exactly what i was doing. people life. and sometimes there's no explanation. during the great depression which old mr remember there was and most of my family were unemployed working class there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objectively isn't today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo duo engineer elections manufacture consent and. the prince holds according to know on. one set of rules for the rich office
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a set of rules for. that's what happens when you put her into the hands of a narrow sector of wilf which rule is dedicated to increasing power for itself just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. in the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of northern ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks to take the only population of belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes a mob was striking to put these attacks was a p.r. you see the police actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of whole streets in belfast at the
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time more than a 100 innocent civilians women. as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and integrates which the pollution was involved in some of those cases the killers would later be named into the now we're getting i think it went to the very very top i think it is for all the water where all the taste and you thought was going on and gave the go ahead. welcome back across the uk where all things considered i'm sure imagine we're discussing some real news. and now to london where we're joined by marcus papadopoulos he's the editor of
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politics 1st magazine markets thank you for joining us today. in the 1st part of the program we were talking about the outcome of the british general election for the u.k. and now i'd like to a kind of extrapolate outward to other parts of the world to the united states and to europe. you know when brags that in 2016 it was easy for a lot of people to say in the elites in all the smart people to look down on us that's just a one off ok then donald trump but watches no one off and then we have this election it's not a one off what trend if you had a broad brush would you say is. unfolding before us right now go ahead mark. well i should 1st of all say. germany call when i submit so you offer to leave your change for brits and former renationalise in their own ways to renationalise it and it's easy to ensure in that britain would no longer participate in american led
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wars of intervention however mr corbyn made a catastrophic shirt's he chick mistake by performing a huge on gross it because by having performed a u. turn on bret's it it meant that he lost the labor harlan's and without the late harlan's the midlands of england north of england no labor later peter can ever hope to win a general election so it's not so much the conservatives who want to selection it's labor who lost it that's out there with a fair characterization and that will come he say about that well the lesson to be learnt is respect the will of the public you do not do what mr coben did to pays the parliamentary labor party i'd labor m.p.'s who are blairites or brown once you listen to the public if we have
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a look at donald trump in 2016 here listen to their concerns are legitimate concerns of the working class in america the blue collar workers and in turn they voted for him and that was a very important factor in mr trump's victory but if we turn to gerry corbett even though mr corbyn is personally opposed to the european union he basically dislikes the european union he did not listen to the will of the british public and that is will the rules about catastrophic defeat and finally peter this is incredible mr corbett went after them. so it's at the expense of the labor. but it's not just political suicide yeah that's. on a scale that i ringback never saw in you. so the moral of the story is this
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listen to. the copy ok. and not don't listen to the elites here ok you know glenn again going into this general election if you look at the polls i mean this is what we do for a living ok we're we're political talking heads here so we have to look at the polls the polls were grossly wrong again now this is a bill to end bias we see it time and time again where this builtin bias from the elites they want to put their thumb on the scale i mean jeremy corbyn the way he was treated i think he will he had a very muddled presentation i think he heard himself i think you heard the party really bad but as a person i think he's of a wonderful person here but you could see that the media was putting its thumb on the scale against him though it doesn't always work out the same way the media hates trump and the more they hate him it seems the more he has popularity grows here the role of the elites here well i think the polling by the way i think it
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serves 2 purposes one is to measure of course what the people think but also intended to influence people so. learn to be a bit more skeptical at least over the last few years but i also think that what the what the commonality across the board is there people are more or less the pulse that are consistent as poor people want change they. break with the status quo and the for that reason that's kind of the term in the election in the us a small us britain and i think that what's unfortunate for corbin is that he has marcus pointed out correctly i think he did offer like real change and moreover has been very consistent spacing the same things that the 9 committees. so there was a lot of trust in him and i think you know the fact that he was able to go against elites and still the people like him i think that was you know that was what was his strength but this breaks a thing obviously you didn't get the got to him because he. turned on
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all of his key points so i. you know you know the how is it in this impending brags that because it boris johnson does have a majority he will get his plan through parliament what is the message from the european union because over this entire process as they did this ridiculous waltz with the rest of me where they got the better of her this is going to be very different now what is the message that the new need takes from the. european union or if you're sad i'm called the water jordan here they say. the are afraid that they're less regulated you would pull your thread through them saw that means they will insist that the u.k. broadly confirms the e.u.'s environmental labor and other standards to the trains that. didn't make sense is it going to be going to go to markets i mean is leave the european union but they say anyway ok i mean again these elites don't get the
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message ok because they're looking after it leaked interest and not the average voter how many more elections and referenda do we have to go through before they wake up and understand that go ahead marcus. well the european union is not showing any respect to the will of the british public when the ordinary british man and woman in. the european union and this is no surprise but one thing is just and. massive victory in this general election. will be to if you can. we will leave you again you know in. january when c 20 and you know political parties should learn some day and concern in you as shown to the british public yet. the liberal democrat party because the liberal democrat party when since the election not just
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not saying but they want a 2nd referendum but they were saying that in their manifesto they want to refer obstacles 59 a little more democratic exactly right i know i get all that i wanted to i want to change gears here want to change gears here we have of course the impeachment process is going forward in the united states against donald trump and guess who shows up in the in the oval office. for foreign ministers lopped off and a storm i can't preface that word storm but a storm in the media as a result here what's this all about well it's just incredible you know their american thinker an american publication and our friend paul robinson in his blog and russian added to it they were just you know surprised to say the least by the reaction from the so-called liberals let me just quote you know an apple ball our
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favorite apart from anything else presidents don't usually meet with 40 minutes that's why is this unusual or have been bestowed on this one well goal to the borg or russian and can see the pictures. you know. and john bolton and many others ok let me give you a so important and let me even though i imagine it may give a quote from the washington post quote tromso welcoming russia's top diplomat to the oval office is one of his most brazen moves yet absolute brazen well i think this is a broader spectrum this is very much an ongoing process which is intensified which is criminalizing diplomacy. again diplomacy is supposed to be defined here the art and the practice of negotiating within the gaging with foreign powers. including unpleasant people in all it's not just our allies it's also your other a serious about i think after that since specially after the cold war this idea that the shouldn't talk to other serious in other words you know you only meet with
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your friends this is taken more more strength and it's very much based on this idea of meeting with someone it's a reward which will be exploited demises yeah and this is of course this is very dangerous now for relations with russia because the kind of the common position everyone needs to fall into if they want to have any political legitimacy as you have to go as hard against russia as possible so that if it's against your interests we're going to go back when we go back to the markets in london one of the reasons why i want to talk about this because 1st of all the media just gets its hair on fire which is kind of fun to watch but i mean doesn't move the needle in the right direction here but you have the this resistance movement. that will not let up on trump when it comes to russia when it's the his administration that is impose more sanctions and what not in the obama ever did but it did juxtaposition is very important here people like mccrone in france that actually are saying it's about time to start moving forward with
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a western relationship with russia this is really just turned into a a logjam ok because the americans are so obsessed or i should say american elites are go ahead marcus. i couldn't care less how american nature. visits to america all the masses is that no matter how dire the relationship is in america and russia and it really dire it is essential for the world's. dialogue it's we know that washington's also even at the height of the cold war. and very regularly this is america that is something to be. approved it there must be dialogue state between russia and america but there's a problem there also it's very legitimate demands of the americans in america is we're not given any of them number one. so jewel has its presence on russia's
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western border number 2 that nato puts insert light in that it will not expand into ukraine moldova or georgia and firstly that the americans will dismantle their missile defense system or their missile shield in eastern europe they are the 3 core lawson demands and trouble and no one asked. if there is to be a successor next year we're not getting any of those demands so we are in now for an indefinite period. tension between america and watch i think it's fair to say we're rapidly running out of time gentlemen here but i think we'll end on this very pessimistic note as i think u.s. russia relations have been spoiled for at least a generation so i don't even think we have to look at incremental changes are gentlemen that's all the time we have here many many many thanks and i guess here in moscow and in london and thanks to our viewers for watching us here r.t. see you next time and remember it's.
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been a troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of northern ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks particularly catholic population in belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes and what was striking to put these attacks was a p.r. you see the police actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active protests. sts. 100 innocent civilians will. was involved in some of those cases. those would lead to be named.
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very. i think. you. give the go ahead. if.
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it's. so. thank. you. and a very warm welcome to you you're watching us until last. the world is driven by
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a dream shaped by one person those with. no dares thinks. we dare to ask. i had a spiritual experience. and i had the little girl that died in the fire sent their columns. to say what if there were a son or looking for a kid reaching them off 54 years old age but 21 years on good
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role model. for a crime i didn't commit. i only knew that he was innocent doesn't read the blueprints but nobody will listen. you know you are not a. trial was pretty much a farce. they are having gilded movement toward that goal. tell you nobody. stopped. coffee not people who look for a little. comfort to me hasn't forgiven themselves for something. i knew she was in there and i knew exactly what i was doing. people life. and sometimes there's no explanation.
1:00 am
the inspector from the global chemical weapons. report. says. the. new citizenship. protests.


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